Annual Meeting 2015 - Filming Schedule - List of sessions to be filmed and livestreamed Translation ALL = English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese & Arabic SAMD = Open Forum - These sessions take place at Swiss Alpine High School in the Centre of Davos. They are open for a public audience. EBU -- For Televised sessions in Sanada where it is marked "No Feed", this session should only go to the broadcaster. All times listed are Central European Time Televised sessions - These sessions are co-produced with different media organizations. Date Start Time End Time Format Room Short Name Session Name Confirmed Speakers Record Type Open to Media No ID Number Webcast EBU Feed Cable Translatio Webcast embed code n 20.01.2015 18:00 18:10 Plenary Session Congress Hall welcome message Welcome Message by the Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab Official Yes 3 62531 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62531" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 20.01.2015 18:10 18:30 Plenary Session Congress Hall crystal awards The 21st Annual Crystal Awards Shigeru Ban, Andrea Bocelli, Angelique Kidjo, Hilde Schwab Official Yes 4 62533 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #crystalawards src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62533" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 20.01.2015 18:30 19:30 Concert Congress Hall special concert Special Concert Performance Andrea Bocelli Official Yes 5 62534 YES Feed 1 YES None <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62534" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 09:00 10:00 Arena Session Aspen 2 digital context The New Digital Context José María Álvarez-Pallete, John T. Chambers, Max Levchin, Liu Jiren, Pierre Nanterme, Robert F. Smith Official Sign-up required 13 60354 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futureweb src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60354" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 09:00 10:00 Televised Session Sanada fox business/growth context The New Growth Context Maria Bartiromo, John Rice, David M. Rubenstein, Axel A. Weber, Zhang Xin, Min Zhu Official Yes 15 60624 YES Delayed until NO 18:00 None <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60624" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 09:00 10:00 Interactive Session Aspen 1 energy context The New Energy Context Ulrich Spiesshofer, Diezani K. Alison-Madueke, Alex Official Molinaroli, Patrick Pouyanné, Ignacio Sánchez Galán, David G. Victor Sign-up required 14 60530 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futureinvest src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60530" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 09:45 10:00 BetaZone Congress Hall betazone/big history 101 How Did We Get Here? Big History 101 Al Gore, David Christian Official Yes 21 62048 YES Feed 1 Yes All <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62048" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 10:00 10:30 One-on-One Forum insight/wolf An Insight, An Idea with Martin Wolf Adam Posen, Martin Wolf Official Sign-up required 24 62869 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62869" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 10:00 10:30 BetaZone Congress Hall betazone/climate action Whats Next? A Climate for Action Kevin Wall, Al Gore, Pharrell Williams Official Yes 23 62941 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #climateaction src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62941" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Page 1 Hashtag 21.01.2015 10:30 11:00 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - Co-Chairs Press Annual Meeting 2015 - Co-Chairs Conference Press Conference Adrian Monck, Hari S. Bhartia, Winnie Byanyima, Katherine Press Yes Garrett-Cox, Roberto Egydio Setubal Conferen ce - 62791 YES Feed 3 NO None - 21.01.2015 10:30 11:30 Interactive Session Aspen 1 banking context The New Banking Context Brian T. Moynihan, André Esteves, Stuart T. Gulliver, Anshu Official Jain, Liu Mingkang, Stephanie Ruhle Sign-up required 33 61560 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61560" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 10:30 11:30 Televised Session Sanada al jazeera/infrastructure Closing the Infrastructure Gap Gordon Brown, Thierry Déau, Uwe Krüger, Peter Sands, Arundhati Bhattacharya, Donald Kaberuka, Ali Velshi Yes 31 62222 YES No Feed YES None <iframe id="webcast" #futureinvest src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62222" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 10:30 11:30 Forum Debate Aspen 2 debate/instability Forum Debate: The Price of Instability Nouriel Roubini, Natalia Ann Jaresko, Moisés Naím, Martin Official Senn, Paul Singer Sign-up required 35 62506 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62506" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 11:15 11:45 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - Press Conference Climate & Growth Better Growth, Better Climate: The Challenge for 2015 Dominic Kailash Nath Waughray, Felipe Calderón, Al Gore, Press Yes Jeremy Oppenheim, Paul Polman, Nicholas Stern Conferen ce - 63184 YES Feed 3 NO None - 21.01.2015 11:30 12:00 Plenary Session Congress Hall special session/renzi Transformational Leadership Philipp Rösler, Matteo Renzi, Klaus Schwab Official Yes 298 63630 YES Feed 1 YES Italian <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63630" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 12:00 13:00 Interactive Session Sanada wsj/global markets Volatility as the New Normal Thorold Barker, Arkady Dvorkovich, Guillermo Ortiz, Kenneth Rogoff, Anthony Scaramucci, Zhou Xiaochuan Official Yes 37 63154 YES No Feed YES None <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63154" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 12:30 14:00 Interactive Session SAMD open forum/1 Religion: A Pretext for Conflict? Tony Blair, Thabo Cecil Makgoba, Mina Oraibi, David Rosen, Hamza Yusuf Hanson Official Yes 284 62301 YES Feed 7 NO German <iframe id="webcast" #openforum src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62301" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 13:00 13:30 One-on-One Aspen 2 insight/bocelli An Insight, An Idea with Andrea Bocelli Andrea Bocelli, Monica Maggioni Official Sign-up required 46 62012 YES Feed 5 NO Italian <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62012" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 13:30 14:30 Interactive Session Aspen 2 end of blindness The End of Blindness Andrea Bocelli, David Cox, Susan Goldberg, Graziella Pellegrini, Joshua Sanes, Alfred Sommer Official Sign-up required 47 62199 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globalhealth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62199" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 14:00 14:30 Briefing Session Media Briefing Centre MB - Articifial Intelligence Issue Briefing: Artificial Intelligence Oliver Cann Press Yes Conferen ce - 63931 YES Feed 3 NO None - 21.01.2015 14:30 15:45 Interactive Session Aspen 1 energy geo-economics The Geo-Economics of Energy 53 60495 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futureinvest src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60495" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Official Arkady Dvorkovich, Abdalla Salem Badri, Fatih Birol, Official Claudio Descalzi, Khalid A. Falih, Dalia Grybauskaite, Daniel Yergin Page 2 Sign-up required #wef15 #climateaction - 21.01.2015 14:30 15:30 Televised Session Sanada caixin/china investment China’s Impact as a Global Investor Jin-Yong Cai, Rob Davies, Dong Mingzhu, Hu Shuli, Justin Lin, Francisco N. González Díaz, Official Yes 49 62176 YES Feed 2 YES Chinese <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62176" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 14:45 15:30 Interactive Session Forum health security Global Health Security Jeremy Farrar, Thomas R. Frieden, Peter Piot Official Sign-up required 60 61949 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globalhealth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61949" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 14:45 15:45 Forum Debate Aspen 2 debate/public leadership Forum Debate: Leadership in Crisis José Manuel Barroso, Mauricio Cardenas, Nik Gowing, Moisés Naím, Anne-Marie Slaughter Official Sign-up required 59 62144 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #newjobs src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62144" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 14:45 15:15 Briefing Session Media Briefing Centre MB - Risk Issue Briefing: Global Risks 2015 Oliver Cann, Axel P. Lehmann Press Yes Conferen ce - 63016 YES Feed 3 NO None - 21.01.2015 14:45 15:15 Briefing Session Media Briefing Centre MB - Risk Issue Briefing: Global Risks 2015 Oliver Cann, Axel P. Lehmann Press Yes Conferen ce - 63016 YES Feed 3 None None 21.01.2015 15:30 16:00 Plenary Session Congress Hall special session/poroshenko The Future of Ukraine Klaus Schwab, Petro Poroshenko, Philipp Rösler Official Yes 106 62873 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62873" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 16:00 16:30 Plenary Session Congress Hall special session/davutoglu Turkeys Vision for the G20 Ahmet Davutoglu, Klaus Schwab Official Yes 304 63631 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63631" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 16:15 17:15 Televised Session Sanada cnbc africa/growth Achieving Africa’s Growth Agenda Albert Kobina Essien, Paul Kagame, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Bronwyn Nielsen, Jacob G. Zuma Official Yes 70 62173 YES No Feed NO French <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62173" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 16:15 17:15 Forum Debate Aspen 1 debate/economic governance Forum Debate: Global Financial Stability Anat Admati, Andrea Enria, Pietro Carlo Padoan, Urs Rohner, Martin Wolf Official Sign-up required 71 62215 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62215" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 16:15 17:15 Forum Debate Aspen 1 debate/economic governance Forum Debate: Global Financial Stability Anat Admati, Andrea Enria, Pietro Carlo Padoan, Urs Rohner, Martin Wolf Official Sign-up required 71 62215 YES Feed 4 None None 21.01.2015 16:15 17:00 Interactive Session Forum end of antibiotics The End of Antibiotics Jean Carlet, Jeffrey M. Drazen, Venkatraman Ramakrishnan Official Sign-up required 72 62198 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globalhealth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62198" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 21.01.2015 16:15 17:15 Interactive Session Aspen 2 latin america context The Latin America Context Marcelo Neri, Mario I. Blejer, Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Isabel Cecilia Saint Malo de Alvarado, Roberto Egydio Setubal, Moisés Naím Official Sign-up required 74 62207 YES Feed 5 NO Spanish <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62207" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Page 3 #risks2015 21.01.2015 17:30 17:45 Plenary Session Congress Hall special address/sommaruga Welcoming Remarks and Special Address Klaus Schwab, Simonetta Sommaruga Official 21.01.2015 17:30 18:00 Briefing Session Media Briefing Centre MB - Itau / Goldfajn Issue Briefing: Economic Outlook Latin America Oliver Cann, Ilan Goldfajn 21.01.2015 17:45 18:15 Plenary Session Congress Hall special session/li The Global Impact of China’s Economic Transformation 21.01.2015 18:30 20:00 Interactive Session SAMD open forum/2 22.01.2015 09:00 10:00 Televised Session Sanada 22.01.2015 09:00 09:30 Briefing Session 22.01.2015 09:15 10:00 22.01.2015 09:15 22.01.2015 77 62538 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62538" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Press Yes Conferen ce - 63667 YES Feed 3 NO None - Li Keqiang, Klaus Schwab Official Yes 307 62352 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62352" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> The End of Democracy? Ali Tarhouni, Angel Gurría, John W. Hickenlooper, Vitaliy Klitschko, Wang Hui, Ngaire Woods Official Yes 78 62442 YES Feed 7 NO German <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62442" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> bloomberg/monetary policy Ending the Experiment Ana Patricia Botín, Gary D. Cohn, Ray Dalio, Francine Lacqua, Christine Lagarde, Lawrence H. Summers Official Yes 91 62140 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62140" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Media Briefing Centre MB - Inequality Issue Briefing: Income Inequality Christopher Pissarides, Oliver Cann Press Yes Conferen ce - 63188 YES Feed 3 NO None - One-on-One Aspen 2 insight/ren An Insight, An Idea with Ren Zhengfei Linda Yueh, Ren Zhengfei Official Sign-up required 97 62788 YES No Feed NO Chinese <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62788" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 10:15 Interactive Session Aspen 1 japan outlook The New Context for Japan Yasuchika Hasegawa, Yorihiko Kojima, James Harding, Adam Posen, Heizo Takenaka Official Sign-up required 98 62216 YES Feed 4 NO Japanese <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62216" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 10:15 10:45 One-on-One Aspen 2 insight/jaitley An Insight, An Idea with Arun Jaitley Andrew R. Sorkin, Arun Jaitley Official Sign-up required 301 63729 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63729" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 10:15 11:30 Plenary Session Congress Hall future europe Europe’s Twin Challenges: Growth and Stability Enda Kenny, Sigmar Gabriel, Laimdota Straujuma, Mark Rutte, Alexander Stubb Official Yes 104 62434 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62434" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 10:15 11:00 Interactive Session Forum rewriting human genes Rewriting Human Genes Jennifer Doudna, Craig Mello, Joe Palca Official Sign-up required 105 62197 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globalhealth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62197" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 10:30 11:00 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - UNICEF Press Conference Gordon Brown, Børge Brende, Angelique Kidjo, Georg Schmitt, Koos Timmermans Press Yes Conferen ce - 62879 YES Feed 3 NO None - UNICEF: The Case for Education and Equity Page 4 Yes #equalgrowth #gendergap #wef15 22.01.2015 10:30 11:30 Televised Session Sanada nhk/tech utopia A Brave New World? 22.01.2015 11:15 11:45 One-on-One Aspen 2 insight/shimon peres 22.01.2015 11:30 12:00 One-on-One Forum 22.01.2015 11:30 12:00 Press Conference 22.01.2015 11:30 12:00 22.01.2015 12:30 22.01.2015 Official Yes 107 60428 YES No Feed NO Japanese <iframe id="webcast" #futureweb src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60428" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> An Insight, An Idea with Shimon Peres Shimon Peres, Thomas L. Friedman Official Sign-up required 314 65070 YES Feed 5 No None <iframe id="webcast" tbc src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63999" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> insight/kidjo An Insight, An Idea with Angelique Kidjo Ali Velshi, Angelique Kidjo Official Sign-up required 96 62180 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #gendergap src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62180" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Media Briefing Centre AM15 - Press Conference on Microinsurance Micro-insurance for underserved developing countries Daniel Glaser, Oliver Cann Press Yes Conferen ce - 63191 YES Feed 3 NO None - Plenary Session Congress Hall special session/sisi Egypt in the World Philipp Rösler, Abdelfattah Said Hussein Alsisi, Klaus Schwab Official Yes 303 63642 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63642" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 14:00 Interactive Session SAMD open forum/3 Pandemics: Whose Problem? Valerie Amos, Kofi Annan, Stanley M. Bergman, Ertharin Cousin, Gerd Müller Official Yes 116 62443 YES Feed 7 NO German <iframe id="webcast" #globalhealth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62443" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 13:00 14:00 Televised Session Sanada srf/migration Escaping from Poverty Hikmet Ersek, Nicos Anastasiades, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, Official Simonetta Sommaruga, William Lacy Swing, Susanne F. Wille; Yes 120 62508 YES Feed 2 NO French, German <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62508" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 13:15 14:15 Interactive Session Aspen 2 eurasia transformation Regions in Transformation: Eurasia Ilham Aliyev, José Manuel Barroso, Suma Chakrabarti, Oleg Official V. Deripaska, Victor Halberstadt, Karim Massimov Sign-up required 119 62737 YES Feed 5 NO Russian <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62737" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 13:30 14:00 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - Press Conference World Wildlife Fund Jan Eliasson, Marco Lambertini, Johan Rockström, Georg Schmitt Press Yes Conferen ce - 63564 YES Feed 3 NO None - 22.01.2015 14:15 14:45 Plenary Session Congress Hall special session/merkel Global Responsibilities in a Digital Age Klaus Schwab, Angela Merkel Official Yes 125 62349 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #futureweb src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62349" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 14:45 15:45 Forum Debate Aspen 2 debate/geo-economics Forum Debate: Geo-Economic Competition Kirill Dmitriev, Li Daokui, Douglas L. Peterson, Lutfey Siddiqi Official Sign-up required 128 61559 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61559" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 14:45 16:00 Interactive Session shaping davos/work Omar K. Alghanim, Dominic Barton, Aliko Dangote, Nik Gowing, Fatima Muneer Official Sign-up required 133 61571 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #newjobs src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61571" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Aspen 1 Planetary Boundaries: Blueprint for Managing Systemic Global Risk Shaping Davos: Engaging Youth in Work Kenneth Roth, Rodney Brooks, Anthony Goldbloom, Hiroko Kuniya, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Stuart Russell Page 5 #risks2015 #risks2015 22.01.2015 14:45 14:50 Plenary Session Congress Hall davos moment/gavi Rising to a Global Challenge: The 15th Seth F. Berkley, Klaus Schwab Anniversary of Gavi Official Yes 127 62783 YES Feed 1 YES All 22.01.2015 14:45 15:45 Televised Session Sanada tv globo/brics The BRICS Agenda Official Yes 134 62145 YES No Feed NO Portugues <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade e, Russian src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62145" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 15:00 15:30 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - 15th GAVI - the Vaccine Alliance: 15th anniversary GAVI Press anniversary Conference Ban Ki-moon, Seth F. Berkley, Adrian Monck, Gerd Müller, Press Yes Christian Paradis Conferen ce - 62867 YES Feed 3 NO None - #wef15 22.01.2015 16:00 16:30 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre MB - Anti-corruption (PACI) Issue Briefing: Anti-Corruption Georg Schmitt, Elaine K. Dezenski, Angel Gurría, David T. Seaton, Cobus Swardt Press Yes Conferen ce - 62929 YES Feed 3 NO None - #globalcrime 22.01.2015 16:30 17:30 Televised Session Sanada f24/climate change Closing the Climate Deal Felipe Calderón, Laurent Fabius, Christiana Figueres, L. Markus Karlsson, Michel M. Liès, Feike Sijbesma Official Yes 143 62736 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #climateaction src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62736" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 16:45 17:45 Interactive Session Aspen 1 disease outbreaks Confronting the Challenge of Catastrophic Outbreaks Alpha Condé, Seth F. Berkley, Margaret Chan, Tony O. Elumelu, Peter Piot, Paul Stoffels Official Sign-up required 148 60665 YES Feed 4 NO French <iframe id="webcast" #globalhealth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60665" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 16:45 17:45 Interactive Session Aspen 2 trust in technology In Tech We Trust Günther H. Oettinger, Marc R. Benioff, Tim Berners-Lee, Vittorio Colao, Nik Gowing, Marissa Mayer Official Sign-up required 151 62084 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futureweb src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62084" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 16:45 17:15 One-on-One Forum insight/mian An Insight, An Idea with Atif Mian Thomas L. Friedman, Atif Mian Official Sign-up required 149 62822 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futurefinance src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62822" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 17:30 18:00 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - Japan Olympics Announcement: World Economic Forum and Japan 2016 David Aikman, Hakubun Shimomura, Georg Schmitt Press Yes Conferen ce - 64116 YES Feed 3 NO None - 22.01.2015 17:45 18:15 One-on-One Forum insight/gawande An Insight, An Idea with Atul Gawande Atul Gawande Official Sign-up required 136 62871 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #gawande src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62871" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 17:45 18:45 Plenary Session Congress Hall digital economy The Future of the Digital Economy Satya Nadella, Sheryl Sandberg, Eric Schmidt, Klaus Schwab, Jim Hagemann Snabe Official Yes 152 62059 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #futureweb src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62059" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 22.01.2015 18:00 19:00 Televised Session Sanada al arabiya/syria iraq Iraq and Syria: The Strategic Context Masoud Barzani, Nasser Sami Judeh, Rima Maktabi, Ayad Allawi Official Yes 153 62354 YES No Feed NO Arabic <iframe id="webcast" #geopol src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62354" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Sílio Boccanera, Arun Jaitley, Carlos Ghosn, Justin Lin, Nhlanhla Musa Nene, Marcelo Neri, Alexey Ulyukaev Page 6 <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62783" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> #wef15 22.01.2015 18:30 20:00 Interactive Session SAMD open forum/4 Open Borders: Unavoidable or Unnecessary? Antonio Guterres, Peter Limbourg, Thomas Maizière, Simonetta Sommaruga, Arne Sorenson Official Yes 155 62444 YES Feed 7 NO German <iframe id="webcast" #openforum src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62444" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 09:00 10:00 Televised Session Sanada bbc/growth model The BBC World Debate: A Richer World, but for Whom? Winnie Byanyima, Mark J. Carney, Evan Davis, Klaus Official Kleinfeld, Christine Lagarde, Robert J. Shiller, Martin Sorrell Yes 166 60352 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60352" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 09:15 10:15 Forum Debate Aspen 2 debate/multipolar world Forum Debate: A Multipolar World? Al Saud, John Baird, Kishore Mahbubani, Joseph S. Nye, Ngaire Woods Official Sign-up required 175 60582 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60582" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 09:15 10:30 Interactive Session Aspen 1 russia outlook The Russia Outlook Andrey L. Kostin, Alexei Kudrin, Michael Rake, Igor Shuvalov, Gillian R. Tett, Wu Xinbo Official Sign-up required 176 62720 YES Feed 4 NO Russian <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62720" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 09:15 10:00 Interactive Session Forum brain/mindfulness The Human Brain: Deconstructing Mindfulness Richard J. Davidson, Thomas R. Insel, Joe Palca Official Sign-up required 174 61897 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #brainmindfuln src=" ess 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61897" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 10:30 11:30 Plenary Session Congress Hall climate and poverty Tackling Climate, Development and Growth Ban Ki-moon, Ollanta Moises Humala Tasso, Jakaya M. Official Kikwete, Jim Yong Kim, Christine Lagarde, Paul Polman, A. Michael Spence Yes 181 60420 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #climateaction src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60420" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 10:30 11:15 One-on-One Aspen 2 insight/ma An Insight, An Idea with Jack Ma Jack Ma, Charlie Rose Official Sign-up required 182 62866 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futureweb src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62866" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 11:00 11:30 One-on-One Forum insight/barra An Insight, An Idea with Mary Barra Becky Quick, Mary Barra Official Sign-up required 186 62911 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #drivingforward src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62911" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 11:00 12:15 Televised Session Sanada ndtv/india Indias Next Decade Mukesh D. Ambani, Hari S. Bhartia, Vikram Chandra, Arun Official Jaitley, Chanda Kochhar, Nouriel Roubini Yes 185 62151 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62151" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 11:00 11:30 Briefing Session Media Briefing Centre MB - Infrastructure Issue Briefing: Infrastructure Oliver Cann, Thomas Maier - 63617 YES Feed 3 NO None - 23.01.2015 12:30 14:00 Interactive Session SAMD open forum/5 Employment: Mind the Gap? Stefan Löfven, Andrew McAfee, Jonas Prising, Hélène Rey, Official Guy Ryder, Bernadette Ségol Yes 193 62441 YES Feed 7 NO German <iframe id="webcast" #newjobs src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62441" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 13:00 14:15 Televised Session Sanada cnbc/europe recovery Recharging Europe Geoff Cutmore, Luis Guindos Jurado, George Osborne, Wolfgang Schäuble, George Soros, Ignazio Visco Yes 196 61561 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61561" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Press Yes Conferen ce Page 7 Official #futureinvest 23.01.2015 13:30 14:00 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - Latin American Recommendations for Latin America: Alejandro Ramírez, Oliver Cann, John Levis, Diego Molano Press Yes Competitiveness Bridging the Gap in Skills and Vega Conferen Innovation ce - 62868 YES Feed 3 NO None - #globaltrade 23.01.2015 14:00 14:30 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - African Energy Africa Energy Leaders Group Group Oliver Cann, Daniel Kablan Duncan, Tony O. Elumelu, Donald Kaberuka Press Yes Conferen ce - 63020 YES Feed 3 NO None - #futurefinance 23.01.2015 14:15 14:45 Plenary Session Congress Hall special session/hollande Special Address Klaus Schwab, François Hollande Official Yes 311 62348 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62348" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 14:45 15:45 Televised Session Sanada cnn/growth markets Growing in Harder Times Ali Babacan, John Defterios, Maurice Lévy, Boqiang Lin, Emilio Lozoya, Patrice Motsepe, Igor Shuvalov Official Yes 199 62149 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62149" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 15:00 16:00 Interactive Session Aspen 2 arab world transformation Regions in Transformation: Arab World Ayad Allawi, Mahmoud Jibril, Amre Moussa, Aref A. Nayed, Official Ghassan Salamé Sign-up required 207 63046 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63046" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 15:00 16:15 Interactive Session Aspen 1 shaping davos/politics Shaping Davos: Rethinking Politics Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Mehdi Jomaa, Joseph S. Nye, Official Anne-Marie Slaughter Sign-up required 208 62781 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #geopol src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62781" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 15:00 15:45 Interactive Session Forum future electronics Beyond Moore’s Law Konstantin Novoselov, Joe Palca, Robert Schoelkopf Official Sign-up required 206 60432 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #mooreslaw src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60432" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 16:15 16:45 Interactive Session Sanada special session/asean The ASEAN Agenda Philipp Rösler, Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Pridiyathorn Devakula, Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak, Teymoor Nabili, Pham Binh Minh Official Yes 214 62787 YES No Feed NO Central Khmer <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62787" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 16:30 17:30 Interactive Session Aspen 2 open societies Securing Open Societies Abdallah bin Bayyah, Patrick Chappatte, Thomas de Maiziere, Kenneth Roth, Nik Gowing, Jeanne Bourgault, Oliver McTernan, Chris Seiple, Kjell Granhagen Official Sign-up required 306 63999 YES Feed 5 NO TBC <iframe id="webcast" src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63999" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 16:30 17:00 One-on-One Forum insight/ornish An Insight, An Idea with Dean Ornish Nancy Gibbs, Dean Ornish Official Sign-up required 218 63139 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globalhealth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63139" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 16:40 17:10 Plenary Session Congress Hall special session/kerry Special Address John F. Kerry, Klaus Schwab Official Yes 313 63635 YES Feed 1 NO All <iframe id="webcast" src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63635" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 16:45 17:45 Interactive Session Aspen 1 rebooting trade Rebooting Global Trade Frank Appel, Roberto Azevêdo, Michael Froman, Merit Janow, Mustapa Mohamed, Mark Weinberger Official Sign-up required 222 62177 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62177" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Page 8 23.01.2015 16:45 17:30 Televised Session Sanada cna/asean Creating the ASEAN Economic Community Tony Fernandes, Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak, Teymoor Nabili, Serge Pun, James T. Riady Official Yes 221 62157 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62157" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe 23.01.2015 17:45 18:15 One-on-One Forum insight/ An Insight, An Idea with Maria Bartiromo, William Adams Official Sign-up required 225 62003 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #iamwill src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62003" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 17:45 18:15 Briefing Session Media Briefing Centre MB - Brain Research Issue Briefing: Brain Research Oliver Cann Press Yes Conferen ce - 63933 YES Feed 3 NO None - 23.01.2015 17:45 18:30 Interactive Session Aspen 2 us outlook The Outlook for the United States Susan Glasser, John W. Hickenlooper, Andrew N. Liveris, Patrick McHenry, Penny Pritzker, Cecilia Rouse Official Sign-up required 224 62962 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futureinvest src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62962" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 18:00 19:00 Televised Session Sanada ap/geopolitical outlook The Geopolitical Outlook Federica Mogherini, Michael Oreskes, Pham Binh Minh, Kasper Rorsted, Yun Byung-Se, Javad Zarif Official Yes 226 62171 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #geopol src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62171" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 18:00 18:15 BetaZone Congress Hall sustainable development/1 Sustainable Development: Demystifying the Facts Hans Rosling Official Yes 227 61962 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #bigdata src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61962" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 18:15 18:45 Interactive Session Congress Hall sustainable development/2 Sustainable Development: A Vision for the Future Fareed Zakaria, William H. Gates, Melinda Gates Official Yes 228 63283 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #SDGs src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63283" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 18:30 20:00 Interactive Session SAMD open forum/6 Should Business Lead the Social Agenda? Feike Sijbesma, Paul Bulcke, Ashifi Gogo, Zia Khan, Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah Official Yes 229 62446 YES Feed 7 NO German <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62446" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 23.01.2015 18:45 19:15 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - Press Conference with Will.I.Am Press Conference: William Adams "Will.I.Am" Georg Schmitt, William Adams Press Yes Conferen ce - 63021 YES Feed 3 NO None - #iamwill 24.01.2015 09:00 09:30 Briefing Session Media Briefing Centre MB - Cybercrime Issue Briefing: Cybercrime Oliver Cann Press Yes Conferen ce - 63928 YES Feed 3 NO None - #futureweb 24.01.2015 09:15 10:15 Televised Session Sanada univision/global science Global Science Outlook Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, France A. Córdova, Brian Official Schmidt, Enrique Acevedo, Francis S. Collins, Mario Molina, Konstantin Novoselov Yes 248 62196 YES No Feed NO Spanish <iframe id="webcast" #scienceoutlook src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62196" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 09:15 10:15 Arena Session Aspen 2 cyberthreats Fighting Shadows Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Eugene Kaspersky, Jean-Paul Laborde, Bradford L. Smith, Jonathan Zittrain Sign-up required 245 62172 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futureweb src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62172" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Page 9 Official - 24.01.2015 09:15 10:15 Interactive Session Aspen 1 asia trust Rebuilding Trust in Asia Wu Xinbo, Kil Jeong-Woo, Kishore Mahbubani, Kevin Rudd, Official Akihiko Tanaka Sign-up required 244 61582 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61582" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 10:00 10:30 Concert Congress Hall performance/new global village Performance: The New Global Village Sarah Jones Official Yes 251 60490 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60490" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 10:30 11:00 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - European Research Council Keeping Europe on the map in an ever more competitive world Press Yes Conferen ce - 63008 YES Feed 3 NO None - 24.01.2015 11:00 11:30 One-on-One Forum insight/molina An Insight, An Idea with Mario Molina Al Gore, Mario Molina Official Sign-up required 259 62872 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #climateaction src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62872" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 11:00 12:00 Interactive Session Aspen 2 health/nutrition Let Food Be Thy Medicine David B. Agus, Mariette DiChristina, Simin Nikbin Meydani, Official Dean Ornish, Joan Roca Sign-up required 257 60669 YES Feed 5 NO Spanish <iframe id="webcast" #foodsecurity src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60669" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 11:00 12:15 Interactive Session Aspen 1 shaping davos/conflict Shaping Davos: Conflict Resolution resolution Helen E. Clark, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, Moisés Naím, Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno Official Sign-up required 260 62782 YES Feed 4 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #geopol src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62782" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 11:00 12:00 Televised Session Sanada yahoo news/gender and development Ending Poverty through Parity Paul Polman, Katie Couric, Melinda Gates, Paul Kagame, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Erna Solberg Official Yes 291 60532 YES Feed 2 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #gendergap src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=60532" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 12:00 12:45 Interactive Session Forum brain/disease The Human Brain: Deconstructing Mental Illness Amit Etkin, Joe Palca, Tony Wyss-Coray Official Sign-up required 264 61895 YES Feed 6 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #globalhealth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=61895" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 12:15 13:00 Interactive Session Aspen 2 future military The Future of the Military Ray Johnson, Espen Barth Eide, Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno Official Sign-up required 299 63213 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futuredefence src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63213" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 13:15 14:00 Interactive Session Aspen 2 future intelligence The Future of Intelligence Agencies John Sawers, Jean-Marie Guéhenno Official Sign-up required 300 63231 YES Feed 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #futuredefence src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63231" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 14:00 15:15 Plenary Session Congress Hall global economic outlook The Global Economic Outlook Mark J. Carney, Benoît Coeuré, Laurence Fink, Haruhiko Kuroda, Joaquim Levy, Min Zhu Official Yes 268 62205 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #globaltrade src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62205" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 15:00 15:30 Press Conference Media Briefing Centre AM15 - WTO Press Conference Joint press briefing with Minister Johann N. Schneider-Ammann and WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo Georg Schmitt, Roberto Azevêdo, Johann N. SchneiderAmmann Press Yes Conferen ce - 62794 YES Feed 3 NO None - Oliver Cann, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Carlos Moedas, Christopher Pissarides Page 10 #erc #globaltrade 24.01.2015 15:30 16:30 Interactive Session Aspen 2 davos insights/society Davos Insights on Society and Security David E. Bloom, Ahmad Iravani, Willy Munyoki Mutunga, Salil Shetty, Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon Official Sign-up required 276 63063 YES FEED 5 NO None <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=63063" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 15:30 16:30 Televised Session Sanada bbc/diversity The Diversity Dividend Inga Beale, Beth A. Brooke-Marciniak, Guy Ryder, AnneMarie Slaughter, Linda Yueh Official Yes 271 62191 YES No Feed NO None <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62191" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 15:45 16:15 Briefing Session Media Briefing Centre MB - Future of the Military and Intelligence Issue Briefing: Military and Intelligence Oliver Cann Press Yes Conferen ce - 63241 YES Feed 3 NO None - 24.01.2015 16:45 17:45 Plenary Session Congress Hall cnbc/global agenda The Global Agenda 2015 Winnie Byanyima, Geoff Cutmore, Katherine Garrett-Cox, Jim Yong Kim, Roberto Egydio Setubal Official Yes 279 62150 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #equalgrowth src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62150" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 24.01.2015 17:45 18:00 Plenary Session Congress Hall closing Closing Performance: A Symphony for Klaus Schwab, Tod Machover Our Times Official Yes 280 62798 YES Feed 1 YES All <iframe id="webcast" #wef15 src=" 5?p=1&pi=1&a=62798" width="100%" height="693" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Page 11 #futuredefence
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