IRISH EYES January 20-25 2015 Clancy Salutes: • Congratulations to the academic team who won first place at the Area Tournament on Saturday. The team will play in the state tournament on February 7th at Redlands Community College. Left to right are: Nicky Goff (Coach), Jack Slay, Nathan Blagg, Connor Bannon (Captain), Molly Ross, John Kalk, Hayden Bartlett, and Julia Anderson-Holt (Coach.) • A “Big Irish Thank You” is extended to our parents, students, guests, and friends who gave so generously to the Hoops 4 Hope Basketball Festival last weekend. Thousands of food, personal and non perishable items were collected and donated to Catholic Charities. Net proceeds from funds collected at the gate will also be given to Catholic Charities. Impressive effort by the four Catholic High Schools and many fans who attended the games! • Clancy wishes to thank all of our alums who have given so generously to the school’s Annual Support Campaign. Alumni contributions have more than doubled since this time last year. The “Battle of the Bishops” Alumni Challenge was won by Bishop McGuinness. BMCHS alumni giving was up by 2.54% while Bishop Kelley was up by 2.44%. This does not sound like a big jump, but in terms of alumni support, it is! Both schools benefit from these donations as we seek to provide the best Catholic and high school education possible for our students. • Hat’s off to our basketball teams as both the boys and girls won their two games during the festival. On Friday, the girls defeated Bishop Kelley 36-32 while the boys won their game over the Comets 52-39. Play resumed on Saturday with the girls defeating Cascia Hall 36-34 and the boys defeated the Commodores 56-35. The Hoops 4 Hope Festival will return to Cascia Hall next January. Date and time have yet to be set. • Clancy wishes to thank Cathy Martin, Vicci Shanbour and Melinda Farris for all their work organizing and running the hospitality room during the Hoops 4 Hope Festival. The food and fellowship were simply awesome! • Good Luck to the Irish Nationals cheer team who will compete January 24th & 25th in Dallas. Senior: Destiny Harman, Sophomores: Lizzie Harjo, Lauren Jeldy, Libby Knight, Mackenzie McCuan, Roni Schrantz, Morgan Schwarz, Katherine Sullivan, and Audrey Wheeler, Freshmen: Taylor Alexander, Elizabeth Beall, Ellen DeGiusti, Ashley Gawey, Emma Hughes, Kristen Jantz, Lyvia Lauderdale, Anna Medley, Anna Shaffer, Tara Thompson, and Sarah Yanchick. Go Irish!!!!! • Congratulations to both Girls and Boys Swim Teams for their performance at the Casady McGuinness Invitational. The girls placed 10th out of 17 teams, while the boys placed 10th our of 20 teams. Over 50% of the team members turned in best times. • Last week McGuinness played host for the “Go Make Disciples” workshop. This is a year long study regarding the state of Catholic education in our Archdiocese. Several McGuinness staff members are serving on sub committees for this study. Results of the study will be presented to Archbishop Coakley sometime next fall. A “Big Thanks” to all of those serving on committees and helping make a difference in Catholic education. • By now everyone should have received the school’s first Annual Report Magazine. You should receive my New Year’s letter and collage soon. I hope you will take time to read both, as they contain such good and important information about our school. Clancy wishes to thank Development Director Linda Mares and Public Relations Director Sandy Cunningham for all their work on these publications. • Happy Birthday to the following staff members who will celebrate birthdays this week: Sandy Nedbalek and Shawn Clark. Clancy Speaks: Each January the school Finance Committee spends many hours determining the financial needs for the school and setting a tuition rate for the upcoming school year. No stone is left unturned, as we look at staffing, classroom needs, facility insurance, extra curriculum programs and a host of other variables that affect our budget on a yearly basis. Tuition increases are held to a minimum, I believe, because of the tireless work done by the committee members. A 2.5% increase has been proposed and accepted by the advising council for the 2015-16 school year. Our tuition is roughly the same as Bishop Kelley and Mt. St. Mary and significantly lower than Cascia Hall. When compared to other private schools in the OKC metropolitan area, McGuinness is substantially lower. Speaking for our teachers and staff, please know how much we appreciate the sacrifices made by all of our families when choosing Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School for your students’ education. We believe our diploma opens doors and provides the type of education that is second to none for any high school student in our state! Incoming Freshmen Registration Enrollment night is determined by the first initial of your last name: A – G Monday, February 23, 2015 6:00 - 8:00 pm H –N Tuesday, February 24, 2015 6:00 - 8:00 pm O – Z Monday, March 2, 2015 6:00 - 8:00 pm For more information, please contact Ms. Laura O’Hara at 842-6638, extension 225 or [email protected] ATTENTION ALL FAMILIES WHO PARTICIPATE IN THE WORK GRANT FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM Work Grant Financial Aid applications for next year (2015-16) are now available in the Business Office. You must reapply each year. The submission deadline is March 15, 2015. Failure to complete the application process by March 15 2015 jeopardizes your participation in the program. at BMCHS! Bulletin #21! ! What’s ! Happening ! January - 25 25th January 19th -20 January Monday 19th: * No School / Martin Luther King Jr. Day * 9th Basketball @ Enid 6:00 & 7:15 PM Tuesday 20th: * 7-2 Regular Schedule / Auction Prep in Commons 8:30 - 10:00 AM * Basketball vs Enid 3:30 - 7:30 PM * Wrestling Triangular @ Capitol Hill 5:00 - 7:00 PM * 7-3 Late Start Schedule Wednesday 21st: Thursday 22nd: * 7-4 Regular Schedule / Academic Council 3:00 PM * BMCHS Junior High Science Fair 3:00 - 9:00 PM * Auction Prep in Downstair Conference 7:00 - 9:00 PM * Basketball @ Deer Creek Tournament TBA * 9th Basketball @ Harrah Tournament TBA Friday 23rd: * 7-5 Regular Schedule * Basketball @ Deer Creek Tournament TBA * 9th Basketball @ Harrah Tournament TBA * Wrestling @ Piedmont Tournament TBA Saturday 24th: * Basketball @ Deer Creek Tournament TBA * 9th Basketball @ Harrah Tournament TBA * Wrestling @ Piedmont Tournament TBA Sunday 25th: Birthdays Sandy Nedbalek January 23rd BMCHS would like to that our students Shawn celebrate Clark January accomplishments 25th are involved in. If your child has received any awards or accomplishments that you consider newsworthy, please email to [email protected] and we will share the news with the BMCHS community. Dates to Remember January 26-30 January 29 February 2 February 3 February 6 February 7 February 10 February 12-15 February 13 February 16 February 23,24 February 26 March 2 March 8 March 10 March 16-20 Catholic Schools Week Boys KAIROS retreat Junior Homecoming Week Junior College Night 7:00 Auditorium BMCHS Auction - “Clancy Goes Country” National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum Homecoming Dance, All grades TBA Homecoming Basketball game, Irish vs Choctaw Spring Musical “Anything Goes” End of 1st six weeks Archdiocesan Inservice - NO SCHOOL Freshman Registration for 2015-16 school year Girls KAIROS retreat Freshman Registration for 2015-16 school year Bingo Night sponsored by Alumni Association 5:30 pm All School Mass Spring Break - NO SCHOOL Thank You to our Annual Support Campaign Donors Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Aaron, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Aaron Mr. and Mrs. Jason Abbott Reverend Raymond K. Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Ancel Airington Mrs. Jill Airington Grooms and Mr. David B. Grooms Mr. Robert D. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Tim Altendorf Dr. and Mrs. John W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Andrews Ms. Catherine S. Aslin Mr. & Mrs. Gary Baer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bane Mrs. Anna Kendrick Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carl Ms. Margo Bassett Dr. and Mrs. Justin L. Beasley Mr. and Mrs. Troy Becker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Behring Ms. Joan Bell Ms. Glenya Berdan Mrs. Laura J. Bilodeau Reverend Stephen J. Bird Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Bisson Ms. Courtney M. Bisson Ms. Madeline R. Bisson Ms. Nicole M. Black Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Boeckman Mrs. Jolie L. Boke Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Borders Mrs. Elizabeth Borders Mr. James C. Borders Mrs. Julie Cejda Bowers Dr. Ed Huycke and Mrs. Betty Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Bill Braum Mr. and Mrs. Randy Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Broussard Mrs. Mary P. Broussard Mr. and Dr. L.Z. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Brown Mr. William C. Brown Reverend Brian Buettner Mr. and Mrs. Hai S. Bui Mr. and Mrs. Rick Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burke Mrs. Leisa Burton Mr. Chris G. Busby, CPA Mr. Jim Butcher Mr. Bob Butcher Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Buzzell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cagigal Mr. and Mrs. Bob Calonkey Mr. Chris S. Candelaria Mr. and Mrs. Owen Canfield, III Mrs. Amy E. Canning Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Carey Mr. and Mrs. John Carl Mr. John D. Carl, Sr. Dr. Nancy E. Carpenter, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Royal Carson Mrs. Christine Hieger Carter Mrs. Delrene Carter Dr. and Mrs. Francis Cassidy Jr. Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma Mrs. Mary Kathleen S. Chabot Dr. Jennifer K. Chambers Mr. Parker J. Charles Mr. and Mrs. James Chastain Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Chastain Mr. Barry Cheatham Mrs. Diana Tinker Chervinko Mr. and Mrs. Don Ciupak Mrs. Georgia Clark Mr. and Mrs. Chip Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jason G. Clark Mr. Tony Claro Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Coats Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Coats, Esquire Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cody, PhD Ms. Madeline P. Coffey Mr. Nicholas M. Coffey Roylin Cole Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. William I. Collins Ms. Laura Commander Mr. and Mrs. J. Clyde Conger, Jr. Mr. Morgan P. Connelly Dr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Conway Ms. Ann Cook Dr. and Mrs. Chris Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Corbett Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cory Ms. Jeanne Cotter Mrs. Mary E. Cowden Representative Kevin C. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Berney H. Crane Mrs. Danielle N. Cronic Mr. David Crownover Mr. and Mrs. Kim Cunningham Mr. Travis Cunningham Mr. Tyler A. Cunningham Dr. Heather and Mr. Matt Damon Mr. and Mrs. James Daschbach Capt. Brad W. Davey Mr. & Mrs. Turner Davis Mrs. Barbara G. DeCastro Mrs. Mary Frances Fulton Mrs. Janet W. Funkhouser Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gallivan Mr. Gary M. Gamino Ms. Kimberly Gann Dr. Dianne and Mr. Louis Gasbarra Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Gauthier Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gavula Ms. Laura E. Gavula Mrs. Melanie Gee Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goldsworthy Mrs. Lindsay E. Goodson Ms. Pat S. Graff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greenlee Mr. & Mrs. John Greiner Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Grim Mr. and Mrs. Lanc A. Gross Mr. Todd B. Gungoll Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Haag Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Haefele Mrs. Aimee J. Hanneman Mrs. Natalia J. Hansen Mrs. Stephanie L. Hardberger Ms. Tyler K. Harl Mr. and Mrs. Chris Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Dan Heinen Mr. and Mrs. Larry Herzel Ms. Madeleine M. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hobbs Mr. George A. Hoch Mr. and Mrs. William Hoch Ms. Sally A. Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. William Hoehn Mr. and Mrs. Clay Holmboe Mr. and Mrs. John Hovorka Mr. Andrew J. Hudacko Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hudacko Mrs. Teresa R. Huelskoetter Mr. Eric A. Hughes The Honorable and Mrs. Tim DeGiusti Ms. Kelley Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Joe Determan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Tom Determan Ms. Hannah L. Huneryager Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Dodge Mr. and Mrs. K. Dean Imel, Jr. Mrs. Julie Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Randy Istre Mr. William J. Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ives Mrs. Patricia L. Drews Ms. Jennifer M. James Mr. and Mrs. Otto Duecker, III Mr. Scott D. James Ms. Christina N. Duthie Mr. Edward A. Jessup Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dykstra Dr. Chris E. Codding and Dr. and Mrs. Bentley Edmonds Mr. John P. Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jay Johnston Mr. John H. Edwards, III Mr. Ryan Jones Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ellegard Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kanaly Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Dr. Donald Kastens Mr. and Mrs. Chris Engel Mr. and Mrs. William Kastens Ms. Kathleen A. Feighny Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Fent Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kendall Mrs. Gayle M. Ferguson Mrs. Jeanne M. Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Ferguson Mr. Joseph P. Kendrick Ms. Cindy Fiebig Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. James J. Fiedler Mr. and Ms. Nathan Pritchett Mr. Adam A. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerrihard Captain Richard Flanagan, USN(Ret.) Mrs. Dolores A. Khodr Ms. Elizabeth A. Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kiefer Mrs. Betty K. Fletcher Ms. Nichole Killebrew Mrs. Michaela S. Fogarty Mr. & Mrs. Jim Klepper Ms. Elizabeth C. Frost Mr. John Knight Mrs. Kim Walker Kolda Mr. Carter T. Labarthe Ms. Patricia Labarthe Mr. Thomas P. Labarthe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lankford Mr. and Mrs. Mickey W. Law Mr. and Mrs. Harlo LeBard Lester Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lewallen Mr. John M. Lieber Ms. Alexa J. Lienhard Mrs. Evelyn Lienhard Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lienhard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lippert Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Logiodice Ms. Laura A. Love Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Love Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Lukeman Dr. and Mrs. George Lyons Mrs. Joan Maguire Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Maguire Mr. Mathew T. Makel Mr. and Mrs. Dick Maloy Mr. James W. Maney, III Mr. Rick C. Manning Mr. D. A. Marino Ms. Birgit Massion Mr. Ryan J. Maxwell Mr. Tom McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McEndree Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGannon Dr. and Mrs. James McGuire Ms. Heather M. McKee Mr. Harold J. McMann, Jr. Ms. Julie A. Meltzner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Meyer Ms. Katie Miller Mrs. Sharon O’Neil Miller Mr. Trevor Daniel and Mrs. Patricia A. Milligan-Daniel Mr. & Mrs. John Minielly Mrs. Ashley Boothe Minnich Ms. Kathryn A. Miskovsky Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Mondalek Mr. Dale R. Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Brent W. Moody Mr. Robert J. Morgan Mr. Joseph P. Morrissey Mrs. Kristine Hobbs Morton Mr. Zachary D. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Mosle, III Mr. John E. Mullins Mrs. Rita Mullins Dr. and Mrs. George Naifeh Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nave Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nedbalek Mrs. Laura Aaron Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Chris Neuberger Mr. Matthew G. Newhouse Mr. Patrick A. Nolen Mr. Mike Norwood Mr. and Mrs. Mark O. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Joe O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Tim O’Donnell Mrs. Elizabeth A. Ogle Mr. John E. Oglesby Oklahoma City Community Fndn Dr. and Mrs. J. Craig Osgood, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Shaughnessy Ms. Jennifer M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Ron Overberg, M.D. Mr. Joseph P. Smith Dr. Jeffrey P. Pardee Mr. Michael D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Brendan B. Parker Ms. Valerie R. Smith Ms. Jacklyn Patterson Dr. and Mrs. William K. Smith, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Patterson Dr. and Mrs. William K. Smith, Jr. Mr. Ralph W. Penn, III Mrs. Laura G. Snavely Mr. and Mrs. Mark Perrault Mr. Steve Snider Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perri Mr. Steven J. Solcher Dr. Laura L. Mackie and Mr. Skylar S. Speaks Mr. John Perry J. Timothy Sprehe, PhD Ms. Jennifer K. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spring Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Phillips Reverend Rick Stansberry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pickett Ms. Michele R. Steefel Mr. Michael Pojezny and Mr. and Mrs. Dax Strickland Mrs. Michaela Fogarty Pojezny Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strunk Mr. Michael J. Porcelli Mr. Joseph H. Stuever Mr. John W. Porter Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sukman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Provost Dr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Marcelo Puiggari Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton Ms. Amanda A. Putnam Ms. Jennifer K. Tannehill Mr. Chris Putnam Mr. Darren M. Tawwater Ms. Lucy Putnam Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Taylor Mr. Luke A. Raczkowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Randt Ms. Nadine Thiebaut Ms. Carey S. Rapp Mr. John Thistleton, III Mr. Robert J. Rapp, Sr. Mr. Ben Thomas Ms. Stephanie R. Reel Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Thompson Mr. Arthur A. Remling, II Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thorpe Ms. Shirley Remondino Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tonseth Mr. David Reynolds Dr. Beverly Talbert and Mr. and Mrs. K. Earl Reynolds Mr. Victor Trautmann Mr. Henry Rheinberger Mrs. Angela Treinen Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rice Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tribbey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rice Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trimble Mr. and Mrs. Brad Richardson Ms. Addison A. Triska Mr. Robert E. Richey Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Trotter Mr. Eric Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Tubb Mr. & Mrs. Phil Roberts Mr. Patrick M. Turpen Mr. and Mrs. Mike Roberts, Sr. Miss Sarah A. Turpen Ms. Stephanie N. Ronck Mr. Sean M. Turpen Mrs. Ann Rheinberger Rood Mr. and Mrs. Reece Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Chas Rooks Mr. Mike F. Vogle Mr. and Mrs. Paul Root Mr. and Ms. Brett Vogler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan Ms. Marie VonFeldt Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sadler Mr. Richard H. VonFeldt Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sage Mr. and Mrs. David Kiestelstein Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Salyer Mr. Huy K. Vu Mr. and Mrs. Gary Savely Fred Wallace, D.O. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Savely Mr. Jack C. Wallace, III Mr. Matthew Savely Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ward Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scheller Ms. Patricia Warnick Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schmidt Mrs. Mary R. Wells Ms. Elizabeth M. Schrantz Mr. and Mrs. Matt F. Wenthold Mr. Ricky Schrantz Mr. and Mrs. Larry Westmoreland Ms. Kathryn Schrantz Mr. David A. Wiist Ms. Emalene Schwarz Ms. Sandra Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Keith Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Scoles Mr. and Mrs. Bolie Williams Dr. Margo Seck Mr. and Mrs. Stan Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Senner Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Wilson Mr. Tim Shadid Ms. Amy M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shaw Mr. and Mrs. H. Harbour Winn, III Ms. Susan Shields Ms. Cindy Winter Mr. Nathan Shirley and Mrs. Gena M. Wright Ms. Diana Escuela-Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Yankel Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sine Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yokell Mr. Jim Skelton Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Young Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Mr. John Highkin and Mrs. Cynthia L. Zimmerman Bishop McGuinness January 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Winter Break 2 Winter Break 7 8 9 Chicken and Waffle Gelatin Cornbread Side salad Fruit Milk Egg Roll Rice Noodles Vegetables Apple crisp Fruit MIlk Quesadilla Beans Corn Rice Fruit Milk Lasagna Roll Veggies Breadstick Fruit Milk 12 13 14 15 16 Chicken Fried Steak Mashed Pot/Gravy Peas Roll Fruit Milk Sloppy Joe Vegetable Gelatin Fruit Milk Macaroni & Cheese Vegetables Peach Crisp Fruit Milk Enchilada Cass Corn Rice Fruit Milk Spaghetti w/meat sauce Green beans Breadstick Fruit Milk 19 20 21 22 23 Martin Luther Baked Potato Chili Topping Broccoli Gelatin Cornbread Fruit Milk Philly Cheese Sand Scallop Potatoes Veggies Spicy Peaches Fruit Milk Nachos Rice Beans Veggie Fruit Milk Manager Special Green beans Breadstick Fruit Milk 26 27 28 29 30 Chicken Nuggets Mashed Pot/gravy Carrots Roll Fruit Milk Oriental Rice Veggies Gelatin Fruit Milk Frito Chili Pie Vegetable Spicy Peaches Fruit Milk Doritos Locos Taco Salad Beans Corn Fruit Milk Hot Sandwich Line ______Daily_____ Cheeseburger Hamburger Breaded Chicken Patty Grilled Chicken Rotating Hot Sandwich __________________ M-Grill Cheese T– Corndog W– Chicken Fajita T– Chicken Fried Steak F-Bacon Cheeseburger Kiosk—Every Week __________________ M– Planet Sub $2.75 T- Ckn Strip $2.00 W– Chick-Fil-A $2.75 T- Ckn Poppers$2.00 F– Pizza Hut $2.00 5 6 Chicken Nuggets Mashed Pot/gravy Carrots Roll Fruit Milk King Day No School DID YOU KNOW??? Notes and Announcements Milk can help rebuild muscle after your workout!!!! Lunch Meal $2.90 Ala Carte Items are an additional charge BREAKFAST SERVED DAILY!!! 7:20-8:50am "In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” The annual auction is in less than three weeks. YEE HAW! Sweet Shop: We need donors to contribute baked goods for the auction. Contact Carol Lee: [email protected] or 405-642-5984. Underwriting Sponsors: ($10k, $5k, $3k, $1k, $500) Tickets: $100 per person Purchases can be made online or by responding to your auction invitation Purchase Deadline: This FRIDAY, January 23rd For more info. contact Linda Mares ([email protected]) or 405-858-4739 Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School presents … ® THE ADMISSION GAME An Interactive Presentation of the College Admission Process Tuesday - February 3, 2015 - 7:00 PM BMCHS Auditorium College Night for Juniors & Parents Featuring Peter Van Buskirk Author, Motivational Speaker and Former Dean of Admission Featured:The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Family Circle,and“Oprah and Friends” with Jean Chatzky Learn what will happen to your application behind closed doors! Become a member of an admission committee Review four candidates’ credentials Debate their strengths and weaknesses Vote to determine who gets in To downlode this form, please visit the following link: Date: SUNDAY, March 8, 2015 At 5:30 BMCHS Commons Area Those that register on 3/8/15 Dinner Starts: 5:30 Bingo packs will be $10.00 Bingo Starts: 6:00 Name: _______________________________ ***PRE REGISTER*** by 3/6/15 Bingo Packs: $7.00 for 10 games Raffle Tickets: $1.00 a ticket or $5.00 for 6 tickets Sponsored by: BMCHS Alumni Association Questions ?? Contact: Carly Tribbey: 405-761-0997 [email protected] Address: _____________________________ City, Zip: _____________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: _______________________________ # of Packs: __________________________ Total Amount Enclosed $______________ Make Checks payable to BMCHS 801 NW 50th, OKC, OK 73118 Attention: Family Bingo Night ACT Prep Workshop Bishop McGuinness will provide ACT Prep for students who have taken or are planning to take the ACT this spring or summer. The first after-school workshop of 2015 will take place the week of January 26-January 29, from 3:00-5:00 pm. This workshop is for any student who has not taken the ACT or is interested in basic preparation and strategies for successful test-taking. A second workshop will take place February 2-5, from 3:00-5:00 pm. This workshop will be for students who have taken the ACT previously and are interested in boosting their scores through concentrated instruction and practice. Please see Mrs. Lyons in Room 23 or Dr. Worthington with any questions and information on signing up. Cost is $100. Students may register for January and February ACT Prep Workshops by visiting the following links: January ACT Prep -- January 26-29 February ACT Prep -- February 2-5 SCORE HIGH ON THE FEBRUARY ACT SIGN UP NOW FOR THE FOUR-DAY, NINE HOUR STUDY SESSION FOR THE FEBRUARY 7 ACT. The class will cover the four main sections of the ACT with tips and strategies for each section. My class is not affiliated with the ACT testing company. You must enroll for the ACT test at: BY JAN. 9 DATES AND TIMES OF CLASSES: FEBRUARY 2-5 4:30-6:45 PM INSTRUCTOR: STEVE BOWLWARE LOCATION: EDMOND MEMORIAL COST: $80 (THIS INCLUDES ALL MATERIALS) No payment is needed until the first class. TO ENROLL AND GET DIRECTIONS, E-MAIL: [email protected] ACT Math Prep Class February Jan 28 & 29; 5 to 8 PM $50 (includes materials) Martha Wissler & Lorna Williams Edmond Memorial High School Freshman Academy, Room 321 To register, contact: [email protected] Bring your calculator and payment (in cash, please) to first session. Minimum of 15 students
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