Counter Resolution: Less Rush - More Balance Matthew 6: 7-13 Richardson First United Methodist Church January 25, 2015 Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship. 8:45 *indicates the people standing Prelude Trumpet Voluntary in C Maurice Greene Ben Sloan, trumpet; Mary Lightfoot, organ Greeting Dr. Clayton Oliphint This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. *Hymn 139 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Time of Prayer Pastor Don Hood The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Offering Our Gifts to God (Remember the Extra Dollar) Offertory Music Come, We That Love the Lord David von Kampen The Journey Youth Choir; Caitlin Wells, director Come, we that love the Lord, and let our joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, and thus surround the throne. We’re marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We’re marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God. The hill of Zion yields a thousand sacred sweets Before we reach the heav’nly fields, or walk the golden streets. Then let our songs abound, and ev’ry tear be dry; We’re marching through Emmanuel’s ground to fairer worlds on high. Children’s Time Cheryl Bishop Scripture Matthew 6: 7-13 Rev. Scot Bontrager This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Sermon Counter Resolution: Less Rush - More Balance Dr. Oliphint Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn 390 Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive tune: st. anne (Stanzas 1, 2 & 4) Reception of New Members Sending Forth Postlude Dr. Oliphint St. Anne Healey Willan January 25, 2015 Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship. Prelude 9:45 11:00 *indicates the people standing Trumpet Voluntary in C Maurice Greene Ben Sloan, trumpet; Mary Lightfoot, organ Greeting Dr. Clayton Oliphint This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. *Hymn 139 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Call to Worship Rev. Joy Anderson Lord of Life, come into the rush of our lives and calm the chaos. Breathe into us your spirit, so that we might find holy rhythms for our lives as your disciples. Lord, help us to trust you with all the details of life, and find balance and rest in our journey with you. Guide us, holy One. Amen. Response 402 Lord, I Want to be a Christian (verse 4) Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart; Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart. In my heart, in my heart, Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart. Baptism (9:45) Dr. Oliphint and Rev. David Scroggin Prescott James Shiller son of Jennifer and Patrick Shiller Congregational Pledge With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that Prescott James, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal. Time of Prayer Special Music Dr. David Scroggin The Lord’s Prayer A.H. Malotte/arr. Carl Deis Chancel Choir; Michael Lightfoot, director Offering Our Gifts to God Offertory Music (Remember the Extra Dollar) Sing to the Lord a New Song Robert Lau Chancel Choir People and songs of every nation sing to the Lord a new song. Bring him a song of jubilation, sing to the Lord a new song . All God’s creatures, old men and children, voices raised in hymns of love. He crowns the humble with salvation. Sing to the Lord a new song. Mountains and hills and all creation sing to the Lord a new song. Join in a hymn of adoration. Sing to the Lord a new song. Praise his name, sing “Alleluia!” Praise him for his mighty deeds. This is our song of supplication: “Sing to the Lord a new song.” Praise him, shining stars, and praise him highest heavens. Oh, all kings and princes praise his holy name. Angels above make melody to him. Now lift your voice, lift up your heart, and sing, and sing! Come, Christians all, now raise your voices, sing to the Lord a new song. Praise and thanksgiving be your choices, sing to the Lord a new song. Sound the trumpet, play on the lute and harp; dance your dance, and shout for joy. Make music now as heaven rejoices, sing to the Lord a new song. Children’s Time Cheryl Bishop Scripture Matthew 6: 7-13 Rev. Joy Anderson This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Sermon Counter Resolution: Less Rush - More Balance Dr. Oliphint Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn 390 Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive tune: st. anne (Stanzas 1, 2 & 4) Reception of New Members Sending Forth Dr. Oliphint Postlude St. Anne Healey Willan There are two ways offered to become a member of this congregation: - Fill out the Journey With Us card found in the pew back and bring it forward to the pastor during the singing of the closing hymn - Meet Rev. Scroggin in Ogden Fellowship Hall at the close of the 9:45 or 11:00 worship hours Communion is available in Ogden Fellowship Hall East at 12 (noon) Rev. April Johnson Bristow, minister; assisted by a Stephen Minister The “Extra Dollar Concept” represents the way members of First United Methodist Church Richardson, who give to the church monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or by mail, may place “an extra dollar” in the offering plate each Sunday in order to participate in our worship through giving and serve as an example to our children, youth and guests of our love for our church. Flowers in the Sanctuary are in loving memory of Billy Self by Betty Self and family Flowers in the Shawver Welcome Center are in remembrance of Kathryn Troxell, on her birthday, by her friends Please welcome our new member who joined last week: Eileen Norman, Terry & Erin Millspaw, Sorie & Tigi Tejan, John Arthur & John Arthur, Jr., Patrick & Anna McMurphy, Rob & Laura Lawrence, Diane & Gary Burke, Tami Cohen, Thomas Dickerson, Stan & Carolyn Sterling, Christian & Elizabeth Moreno FUMCR Worship is available via live stream online Sunday - 9:45 am - The Clergy of First United Methodist Church Richardson Dr. Clayton Oliphint, Senior Pastor Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason, Executive Assoc. Pastor Rev. Joy Anderson, Outreach Ministries Rev. April Johnson Bristow, Caring Ministries Rev. Marilyn Dickson, Caring Ministries Rev. Fred Treviño, Senior Adults Rev. Scot Bontrager, Caring Ministries Rev. Rich Rindfuss, ACCESS Pastor & Discipleship Rev. David Scroggin, Inviting & Involving Ministries Dr. Rebecca Bruff, Intentional Faith Development Julie Klossner, ACCESS Associate & Group Life Rev. Faith Nyagato, Zimbabwe Ministry Pastor Don Hood, Caring Ministries Pastor Salim Dill, Asian Ministry First United Methodist Church - Richardson - 503 North Central Expressway Richardson, Texas 75080 972 235 8385 notes to newcomers Welcome! For questions, or if you would like to get to know more about FUMCR, please contact: Elizabeth Wilson Director of Inviting and Involving 972.996.0134 [email protected] Coffee & Conversation February 8 9:30am - 12:30pm Shawver Welcome Center Enjoy a cup of coffee & get to know FUMCR. Bring your questions! thinking about joining? February 8 11am Room 210 A class to explore membership at FUMCR. RSVP to [email protected] outreach ministry rev. joy anderson [email protected] NETWORK NEEDS: january upcoming opportunities communications Center [email protected] FUMCR shepherd information mtg TODAY 12noon Mays Hall Wednesday, January 28 7pm Room 203 Become a Shepherd and help FUMCR accomplish its mission in 2015! Attend one of the information meetings to find out how you can participate. Questions: [email protected] or 972-996-0134 altar flowers Purchase altar flowers in honor or memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special occasion. To reserve flowers on a specific date, contact Liz Angstadt at [email protected] or 972.996.0120. dallas sidekicks game January 31 7pm Allen Event Center Singles Fellowship Ministry will be attending Faith & Family Night at the Sidekicks game following dinner at Cowboy Chicken. learning communities Cooking oil, sugar, flour, seasonings, canned meat, pasta sauce Registration open for Spring 2015 classes Find a list of classes in the brochures located in the pew backs or online: additional network needs access saturday worship Gently used coats: all sizes, infants - adults can be taken directly to Network, 741 Sherman, Richardson, TX 75081. habitat walk-a-thon February 28 9am Walkers needed! Pick up pledge forms in the Shawver Welcome Center or church office. south africa mission trip mtg January 29 7pm Room 2A Informational meeting for those interested in participating in the mission trip, June 5-14. January 31 5pm Sanctuary On Super Bowl weekend, Access will move to Saturday night. Join us for an energy-filled worship service followed by a group outing to a local restaurant to benefit our partnership with Mark Twain Elementary School. senior adult ministry rev. fred treviño [email protected] games for seniors January 26 1-3:30pm Bartula Family Life Center Room 2C 1st and 4th Mondays. Bring your own games or use those provided. children’s ministry cheryl bishop [email protected] god and me February 1 - March 1 11am Room 230 For 2nd & 3rd graders, especially scouts, to explore their faith story and earn a badge. preschool/mdo 2015-16 Registation for current families and church members begins February 2. Information available in the preschool office on January 26. student ministry caring ministry tommy houghteling [email protected] rev. april johnson bristow [email protected] scholarship opportunities Help For Hurting Hearts March 8 Deadline For United Methodist graduating seniors and current college students. Applications available at Sundays starting TODAY Cost $20 2-4 pm Harvey Assembly Rm. 217 Support group for those experiencing grief. Register: joys & concerns: In the Hospital as of Tuesday, January 20: Paul Braziller, Evelyn Belvin, Carol Miner Those who have lost loved ones: Marvilou Walters on the death of her uncle Bill and Jennifer Sproull on the death of Bill’s brother; Ryan and Maggie on the death of their uncle Dan Mackey on the death of his wife, Jeanette Mackey Peggy Little on the death of her husband, Larry Little; Austin and Julianne on the death of their father Joyce Rutherford on the death of her son-in-law Those especially needing our prayers: (Names will be listed for three weeks.) John Shipman’s cousins, Steve and Pam Hackett’s friend, Jeanne Kilgard’s father, Susan Bynum’s cousin and Mary Esther Bynum’s niece, Logan Newell, Joy Barnes’ sister, Paul Braziller, J J Hibbs, Barbara Clary’s friend, Joan Huddleston’s friend, Mark Johnston, Ruth Fortney’s friend, Lindsay Garrett’s friend, Susan Wilson’s friend, Ann Lendvay’s grandchildren, Carol Marshall’s friend, Gary and Glenda Hanks’ niece, Donna Russell’s son-inlaw, Sherian Bernhard, Alexis Gatewood’s aunt, Glen Dodson, Joanna Gaudsmith’s brother, Larry and Murlyn Zeske’s friend, Nancy Cook, Elizabeth Reger’s friend, WynEl Dodson’s brother, Marty Nairab’s friend, Betty Shipman, Don Porth, Wendy Smith’s mother, Christine McKibben’s friend, Chris Kilgard, Jana Dodson’s aunt and uncle, Deborah Sawyer’s friend, Lonnie Haygood, Lesley “Annie” and Leslea Hurt, Josh Schilling, Jim Lawson’s mother, Tammie Haug’s aunt, Carol Miner, Barbara Pitcock’s friend, Ken Cheairs, Megan McDowell’s friend, Harolyn Ezell’s friend, Betty Stripling’s son-in-law, Felicia Norvell’s father, Millie Walker’s uncle & grandpa, Alys Richards’ friend, Mary Pinac, Mary Bylander’s daughter, Melissa Brumfield’s friends, Tom Lowery, Bobbie Hammer’s sister-in-law,Evelyn and Katie Belvin, Tammie DeVoe’s father & step-mother, Glenn Dennis, Jason Lemons’ father, Diana Colvin, Linda Kugler, Susan Thompson, Bert Duckett, Mary Jane White’s son, Dan Stowe A printed copy of the indefinite prayer list is available on the tables located by the exits of the sanctuary.
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