FLASH REPORT Q4 2014 based on estimated figures EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY INTRODUCTION Founded by the recovery of property values, which started early 2014, European Property Strategy NV (“the Fund”) yielded a 1.3% total return in the fourth quarter, bringing the total return YTD to 6.5%. During the fourth quarter the Fund made dividend distributions to its shareholders of 0.6% and received capital contributions amounting to EUR 10.5 million. The Fund made an additional investment in one target fund. RETURNS In 2014 the Fund recorded a net result of EUR 16.6 million, which resulted in a total return of 6.5%. This result consists of dividend distributions paid (2.4%) and capital growth of the Fund (4.1%). Seven out of eleven target funds distributed income during 2014. The Fund made dividend distributions during 2014 amounting to EUR 6.0 million (EUR 13.86 per share). Over the fourth quarter the distributable result amounts to EUR 2.3 million (EUR 4.68 per share), which will be distributed in February 2015. PORTFOLIO During fourth quarter the Fund increased its stake in CBRE European Industrial Fund with EUR 10.1 million and committed itself to an additional investment in CBRE Dutch Residential Fund of EUR 5.5 million which materialised in January 2015. The target funds yielded a positive fair value change of EUR 1.1 million, bringing the value of these investments to EUR 224.0 million. Currently, the Fund is preparing the acquisition of stakes in several target funds. The table below gives an overview of the target funds invested in. Fund CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE Value as at 31 Dec '14 Retail Property Fund France Belgium Nordic Property Fund Dutch Retail Fund UK Property Fund European Industrial Fund Dutch Residential Fund European Shopping Centre Fund Retail Property Fund Ibérica Property Fund Central Europe Property Fund Central and Eastern Europe European Office Fund € million 23.9 13.7 23.0 24.0 39.6 26.7 29.6 16.4 11.1 12.4 3.6 Share in Fund portfolio % 10.7 6.1 10.3 10.7 17.7 11.9 13.2 7.3 5.0 5.5 1.6 Stake in target fund % 3.7 5.4 2.3 3.5 11.7 2.8 9.0 2.7 2.5 5.0 5.4 Sector Region Retail Balanced Retail Balanced Logistics Residential Retail Retail Retail Retail Office Western Europe Nordics Western Europe United Kingdom Balanced Western Europe Balanced Southern Europe Central & Eastern Europe Central & Eastern Europe Balanced CAPITAL The Fund’s capital now stands at EUR 285.9 million. In the fourth quarter the Fund received EUR 10.5 million capital inflow from existing investors. At the end of the quarter the Fund attracted an EUR 8.0 million new capital commitment from an existing investor that will lead to an issue of shares in the first quarter of 2015. OUTLOOK Currently European economies are characterised by deflationary tendencies and a low interest environment. In this low interest environment European property forms an attractive investment alternative. This leads to increasing capital flows to property, which is expected to continue well into 2015, with positive effects on property yields and values. However, the impact of the real economy for the letting market is less favorable. Uncertainty surrounds the real economy, as confidence is tempered by disappointing growth figures. This uncertainty will make a recovery on letting markets in general more distant and will most likely off-set positive capital market developments. The current portfolio is well-positioned and the Manager will uphold its investment policy when selecting new target funds for investment. The main focus for the first half of 2015 will be diversification of EPS’ retail exposure. FACTS & FIGURES (As at 31 December 2014) Objective of the Fund The objective of the Fund is to offer its investors direct access to a well-diversified pan-European property portfolio through investments in a selection of target funds (non-listed funds primarily managed by CBRE Global Investors EMEA). The Fund’s investment portfolio is composed of specialised sector and regional funds which invest in real estate. These target funds are managed by dedicated local teams leveraging the local knowledge and networks to the target fund’s advantage. Size NAV: EUR 285.9 million NAV per share Share price: EUR 578.58 IFRS-EU: EUR 579.00 INREV NAV: EUR 579.40 Returns YTD Income return: 2.4% Capital growth: 4.1% Total return: 6.5% IRR since inception: 3.2% Number of shares Shares issued year-to-date: 77,599 Shares repurchased year-to-date: 0 Total number of shares: 494,051 Investor capital Inflow year-to-date: EUR 43.8 million Outflow year-to-date: EUR 0.0 million New commitments: EUR 8.0 million Investments Target funds: EUR 224.0 million Liquid assets: EUR 62.1 million Commitments: EUR 5.5 million Number of target funds: 11 Leverage: EPS level: 0.0% Including debt at target fund level: 34.2% This flash report has been prepared by the Manager based on the Accounting Principles EPS as described in the latest published annual report. This flash report is based upon the estimated figures of the underlying target funds. For the final figures we refer to the annual report which will be published at the end of April 2015. PUBLICATION DATE 22 January 2015 PORTFOLIO CHANGES In the fourth quarter the Fund made one additional investment and committed itself for an additional investment in another target fund. Most of the target funds invested in yielded positive total returns during the fourth quarter. The highest return was achieved by CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica with 10.6%, this was however partially off-set by strong devaluation in CBRE Nordic Property Fund. Currently, the Fund is preparing several investments to efficiently allocate the new capital inflow with the aim to be fully invested at the end of the first quarter of 2015. CBRE European Industrial Fund (“EIF”) The Fund made a EUR 10.1 million additional investment in EIF through a subscription for new participations. This is the fifth investment in this target fund, bringing the total investment in this fund to EUR 39.6 million. Through its high dividend yields, the EIF investment further enhances the Funds’ dividend return. CBRE Dutch Residential Fund (“DRES”) The Fund committed itself to a EUR 5.5 million additional investment in DRES through a secondary transaction with a small liquidity discount. This is the fourth investment in DRES and will bring the total investment in this fund to EUR 32.3 million. The investment contributes to diversifying the Funds’ sector exposure. These acquisitions are in line with the Investment Plan 2014-2015. FUND MANAGEMENT The Manager and issuing entity of the Fund is RFM Regulated Fund Management BV (“RFM”). The Manager is part of CBRE Global Investors EMEA, which has EUR 26 billion in assets under management. CBRE Global Investors EMEA offers a broad range of property funds, Multi-Manager solutions as well as separate-account management. RFM acts as direct Manager of the Fund. RFM was founded in 2004 and RFM has since then gained significant experience and built a track record in managing property investment. REGULATORY LICENSE The Fund is supervised via the CBRE Global Investors EMEA AIFM BV, the “AIFM”, which obtained a license within the meaning of Article 2:65 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). The Fund is therefore subject to supervision of the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and the Dutch Central Bank (DNB). WEBSITE MANAGER www.regulatedfundmanagement.nl/eps PORTFOLIO MANAGER Tjeerd Jansen T: +31 20 202 2217 [email protected] PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW The sector and geographic allocation of the investments at the end of the fourth quarter: Sector allocation PERCENTAGE 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 Retail 58 57 Logistics 21 17 Residential 13 16 Office 7 9 Other 1 1 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 Western Europe 49 55 Southern Europe 12 11 Central and Eastern Europe 12 11 United Kingdom 11 9 Nordics 10 8 6 6 Country allocation PERCENTAGE Germany and Austria FINANCIAL MANAGER Michel Santpoort T: +31 20 202 2278 [email protected] Leverage The look-through leverage including cash and debt at target fund level remained stable at 34.2% (as at 30 September 2014: 34.3%). Within the target funds the loan-to-value levels remained stable. The Manager is focussed at maintaining the total leverage well below 50%. Occupancy The occupancy rate for the consolidated portfolio increased marginally to 93.4% (as at 30 September 2014: 93.2%). CBRE European Industrial Fund and CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica show increased occupancy figures. All other target funds remained stable. GOVERNANCE On the proposal of the Manager the Advisory Board approved in the fourth quarter: The extension of the lifetime of CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica with 5 years; The investment in CBRE European Industrial Fund; Amendments to the Fund Management and Delegation Agreement. IMPORTANT INFORMATION This report has been produced by the Manager and has been prepared solely for information purposes and is intended for the use and the assistance of existing investors in European Property Strategy only. Acceptance and/or use of any of the information contained in this report indicate the recipient’s agreement not to disclose any of the information contained herein. This report does not constitute any form of representation or warranty on the part of CBRE Global Investors, an investment advice, or a recommendation, or an offer or solicitation, and is not the basis for any contract to purchase or sell any security, property or other instrument, or for CBRE Global Investors to enter or arrange any type of transaction. This report should not be regarded as a substitute for the exercise by the recipient of its, his or her own judgement. The figures in this report have not been audited by an external auditor. This report does not purport to be a complete description of the markets, developments or securities referred to in this report. The value of an investment can go down as well as up. Past performance is not a guide or guarantee to future performance. CBRE Global Investors and its affiliates accept no liability whatsoever for any direct, consequential or indirect loss of any kind arising out of the use of this report or any part of its contents. For the full documentation of the Fund we refer to the Prospectus. The most recent Prospectus is available on the website of the Manager.
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