Hemswell Cliff Primary School, Capper Avenue, Hemswell Cliff, DN21 5XS Tel: 01427 668383, [email protected] www.hemswellcliff.lincs.sch.uk Newsletter January 2015 Would you like to receive your Newsletter by e-mail? If so please e-mail the office at enquiries@hemswellcliff .lincs.sch.uk to let us know. • • • • • • PLEASE REMEMBER! All absence must be reported to the school office by 9.00 am. Lunch menus by 9.15 am Thursday morning for the following week. Honours Assembly: 9:10am on Friday each week. The School Car Park is for School Staff & Childrens Centre Staff only. Please do not park on the chevroned area outside school as this is reserved for buses. P.E. please ensure that P E kits are brought into school every Monday and are left in school for the week for P E lessons. Value of the Month Honesty Dear Parents/Carers Welcome back after the Christmas break – I hope you and your families had a wonderful time. May I take this opportunity to wish you (a belated!) Happy New Year on behalf of all of the staff. Many thanks for your support of all our Christmas activities – your positive comments about the Class 1 and 2 Nativity performance were very much valued. The children had a fantastic time at the Pantomime last week – they were a delight to take out and their enjoyment was clear for all staff to see! Attendance Whole school 96.71% Class 1 95.95%, Class 2 97.03%, Class 3 97.29% & Class 4 96.58% Attendance letters for terms 1 & 2 will be sent out shortly. Please also be mindful that punctuality is as important as attendance. The school is open from 8.50am. PE kit Please ensure all children have their PE kits in school at all times. PE is an important part of the curriculum and the children need the correct kit so that they can achieve their best. We have no spare kit in school, so children who don’t bring kit will have to take part in lessons in their outdoor clothes which is not ideal. Please bring it in every Monday morning and leave in school until Friday. Homework Please ensure your children do their homework tasks each week – especially reading. Remember every time they are listened to reading at home they earn a ticket to go in the end of term draw to win a book to the value of £5.00 Poppy Appeal Many thanks for your generosity during November’s poppy appeal. We raised a magnificent £134.87 for the Royal British legion. Our poppies will stay on display until the end of this school year. School Closure during bad weather How will I know if the school is closed? • We will text you as soon as practicable. • It will be on the local authority school closure website : http://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk • It will be on Lincs FM 102.2 and Radio Lincolnshire Please make sure the office have an up to date mobile number. If you have any queries, suggestions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you Mrs Waplington CHAT ‘N’ CHILL COFFEE MORNING Every Thursday in the school hall. Come and meet other parents and carers. bbb bbb bbb All welcome. Dates for your diary - cut out and keep list! Friday 13th February End of term Friday 13th February Monday 23rd February Deadline for payments for London Trip (YR5&6) 8.50am School re-opens Wednesday 25th March YR5&6 Trip to London Thursday 26th March YR5&6 Return from London Organisation Telephone Contact name Thursday 26th March Last Day of Term Hemswell Cliff Primary School Children’s Centre Hemswell Cliff Preschool School Nurse Parish Council Residents Committee Welton and Hemswell Neighbourhood Policing Team Trent Cliff Group of Parishes 01427 668383 Mrs Jenkin Monday 13th April 8.50am School re-opens 01427 668245 01427 668088 Stacie Souhal Claire Brightman 01427 810801 01482 443857 01427 668028 07825 100397 School Nurse Team Mr Tom Clay (clerk) Tasha Doulton PCSO McFaul 01427 629105 Mark Briscoe (priest in charge) West Lindsey District Council Community Safety Line 01427 676676 Tim Fenton After School Clubs Monday – Cross Stitch – KS2 only – 3:15 – 4:15 Tuesday – Mulitsports – Class 2,3&4 – 3:15 – 4:15 Wednesday – Gymnastics – 3:15 – 4:15 (£9 this term) Thursday – Indoor Games – Y2-6 – 3:15 – 4:00 Thursday – Badminton – Y4-6 3:15 – 4:15 Friday – Sporting Fundamentals – whole school – 3:15 – 4:30 If you would like information regarding any of the clubs or would like to check availability, please contact the school office. JU – JUTSU Martial Arts Class Thursday 6-7pm (5yrs upwards) Adults 7-8pm Hemswell Cliff School Sharon & Dave welcome you to join them. Feel free to come along & have a chat for more information.01427 667884 Legal Advice Surgery Alternate Tuesdays 9am – 11am @ Hemswell Children’s Centre For an appointment contact Laura Taylor on 07880 242100 or 01427 616816 Sills & Betteridge Solicitors Universal Infant Free School Meals If your child is in reception year, or years 1 or 2, they now qualify for a free cooked meal every day. This is a new government incentive and it would be great if as many children as possible take advantage of this, especially as the colder weather will soon be with us. For more information please speak to Mrs Jenkin in the school office. Headlice Please ensure that you check your childs hair regularly for signs of headlice. If you find headlice or eggs please treat in accordance with the letters that we send out (copies available upon request). It is possible to obtain a prescription for treatment if you take your child to the doctors & there are live headlice. We have also been told that a pharmacy can issue headlice treatments under the ‘Minor Ailments Scheme’ (there is a form they have for you to complete). If we do see headlice, we may call you to give you the opportunity to get the appropriate treatment so you can treat that evening. Combing through hair carefully that has conditioner on it is a good thing to do, as the conditioner makes the hair slippery so more difficult for the lice to hold on & can be done daily between treatments! We do have some repellent spray for sale in the school office for £1.
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