January 2015 Volume 65 #5 2015 Calendar Year Message from the President This month I thought that many of you might find interesting an article recently published by National Public Radio entitled: “Learning a New Skill Works Best to Keep Your Brain Sharp”. The article begins with the statement: “Brain training is big business with computerized brain games touted as a way to help prevent memory loss. But new research shows you might be better off picking up a challenging new hobby”. The story goes on to explain that a study of people broken into three groups showed that the only group that was involved in learning a new skill had significant gains in memory improvement and retention. One of the authors of the study – cognitive psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman says that he believes that learning a new skill strengthens the connections between parts of your brain. What is most interesting for us as photographers is: “The greatest improvement was for people who learned digital photography and Photoshop.” Now that is an interesting revelation! It tells me that in addition to improving my photographic skills; I need to go deeper into Photoshop to not only keep my pictures sharp but also to keep my brain sharp. Besides, I love it all and for me it’s fun! Hope that it is for all of you as well, and the next time a spouse or significant other implies that you are spending too much time on Photoshop, refer them to this message. For those of you that would like to read the entire article you can find it here: http://www.npr.org/blogs/ health/2014/05/05/309006780/learninga-new-skill-works-best-to-keep-your-brain sharp?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_ medium=email&utm_content=20140511&utm_ campaign=mostemailed&utm_term=nprnews Haig r. Hachadoorian, President January 26th (see below) February*#9 and 23rd March *9th and 23rd April *13th and 27th May*4th (1st Monday), *18th (3rd Monday) End of Year Competition June Dinner TBD *Competitive evening #Mentor Evening - see page 7 Judge for February 9 is Dick Hunt- See p. 7 Special Guest Al Bello on January 26 - See below Al Bello Chief Sports Photographer at Getty Images Monday, January 26 Al Bello graduated with a Liberal Arts degree from the University of New York at Stony Brook in 1989. Since joining Getty Images, Al has become Chief Sports Photographer in North America. He is assigned to cover sporting events and people in sport worldwide. Some of Al’s favorite events include the Super Bowl, World Series, Stanley Cup games and Winter and Summer Olympics. Other multi-sport international events include the Pan Am, Asian, Goodwill and Commonwealth Games. His tennis favorites include the U.S. and French Open, as well continued on page 8 Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel January 2015 Page 1 Focus on . . . Eric Alliger Unlike many photographers I am somewhat new to being an enthusiast. Sure, like most people I snapped photos of friends, family and events. That was mostly to preserve memories. After I retired my wife and I started to travel and then the excitement of taking photos began. My old rangefinder broke and I bought an SLR which opened photography up for me. After our first post retirement trip I sent a photo to Newsday travel section and they printed it. I did the same thing a second time and again they put it in the travel section. That really fired up my enthusiasm. I WAS HOOKED!! I started to enjoy people and street photography and photographing animals and birds. I do not use a lot of post processing tools but started to experiment more, which has added to my enjoyment. Photography has become a major interest of mine. I enjoy being in the MGNCC where I have learned a lot about correct photo composition. I am also in a small local NY club where we go on a weekly photo shoot. Add to that my Florida camera club where I have been encouraged to explore new categories of photography each month. Top: Morning Stroll. Right: Bad Day, Snowy Owl. Below, l-r: Leaf Stop, Leading the Pack, Yellow Bird.Bottom, l-r: Red-bellied Woodpecker, Showing Off, Reflection Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel January 2015 Page 2 Notes from George What you are about to read, if you take the time, has little to do with photography per se, but does reflect, in a sense, on life as I know it now. The press, local and national as well as most all other forms of media, has been focusing on various aspects of social media; the good, the bad and indeed the ugly. One need only to look at all the articles that deal with bullying and other forms of harassment that have become almost shamefully standard in today’s schools. The use of various social media forms, some with attribution and others, many others, which allow the writer to hide behind a wall of sorts in almost cowardly fashion and make hugely critical comments yet do not have the decency nor personality to stand up and be counted, pervade our society in growing numbers with some new application daily. I shall always abhor those who hide behind some wall and refuse to be accounted for what they say. I shall always feel they are the true definition of cowardice. But I have digressed enough about the negative phenomena of social media and will now move on to one of the most interesting and productive facets of the new technology: The Cell Phone Camera. The cell phone has incredibly expanded the availability of photography to an enormous level of use, often amateurish but often quite nicely and even professionally done. While my initial reaction was that iPhone camera work was a detriment to photography, I now think it has expanded the realm of use to such a degree that it has become a reasonable standard of use. Phones are now used in almost all facets of photography and unlimited locations. Cell phone cameras have become a way to expand a truly individual means of expression. To me photography has become an important part of our lives and whatever way one chooses to record, it is absolutely and truly personal and good. But remember, whatever way you choose to take a photo, take that photo. George V. Novello Vice-President, MGNCC Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel January 2015 If you are a new member, or haven’t yet provided us your birth month, please email info to: [email protected] so that we can celebrate your birthday by listing it in future issues of the Color Wheel. Thank you. Happy January Birthdays to: Carl Friedman, Anita Greenhut, Sy Reinhardt, Colomba Spigner Page 3 Clock Inle Lake Myanmar by Linda Abrams Marley by Jo Ann Richards Stairway Drama by Janet Susin a Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel January 2015 Page 4 A Nesting Heron Pair by Brian Butensky Get Me Out of Here by Eric Alliger Flow by Arlene Lancetta Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel January 2015 Page 5 Balloon Cappadocia by Leo Tujak Unisphere by Sy Reinhardt Crooked Roof by Linda Russo Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel Jnanuary 2015 Page 6 B & W DIGITAL SCORES Total Score # NAME COLOR DIGITAL SCORES Class Total Score # NAME 85.50 82.50 80.50 79.50 79.00 79.00 77.50 77.50 77.50 77.00 76.50 76.00 75.00 74.00 73.50 73.00 67.00 59.50 58.00 49.00 30.50 30.00 30.00 28.50 27.50 21.00 7.50 7.00 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 8 8 7 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 1 Altes, Jan Appel, Gerald Spigner, Colomba Russo, Linda Novello, George Ebenau, Robert Butensky, Brian Pollack, Sheldon Abrams, Linda Hachadoorian, Ronny Alliger, Eric Halpern, Monroe Lancetta, Arlene Glasser, Sandy Richards, Jo Ann Susin, Janet Hachadoorian, Haig R. Friedman, Carl Tracey, Rose Weissman, Julie Katcher, Marcie Pandelakis, George Halpern, Richard Dadi, Kitty Fenster, Fred Mankowitz, Naomi Greenhut, Anita Field, Barbara A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 86.50 85.50 82.50 82.00 81.50 81.00 81.00 80.00 80.00 79.00 77.00 76.50 75.50 73.50 73.50 30.00 29.00 7.00 82.00 80.50 80.00 77.50 77.00 76.50 74.50 74.50 74.00 74.00 73.50 61.50 59.50 58.00 53.00 30.50 30.00 29.00 25.00 Altes, Jan Bruno, John Appel, Gerald Russo, Linda Michelson, Allen Abrams, Linda Halpern, Monroe Novello, George Lancetta, Arlene Zuckerman, Irwin Rossi, Steve Pollack, Sheldon Hachadoorian, Haig R. Richards, Jo Ann Field, Barbara Pandelakis, George Halpern, Richard Levine, Harvey Alliger, Eric Butensky, Brian Spigner, Colomba Hachadoorian, Ronny Michelson, Roseann Ebenau, Robert Susin, Janet Glasser, Sandy Mankowitz, Naomi Tracey, Rose Tujak, Leo Franzoni, Peter Friedman, Carl Fenster, Fred Weissman, Julie Dadi, Kitty Katcher, Marcie Reinhardt, Sy Levin, David BLACK & WHITE PRINT SCORES Class Total Score # NAME A A A A A B B B B B 82.50 78.50 66.00 61.00 16.50 64.00 63.00 21.50 7.50 6.00 Sagerman, Ronald Lancetta, Arlene Appel, Gerald Leff, Murray Pandelakis, George Glasser, Sandy Friedman, Carl Reinhardt, Sy Steinberg, Dawn Kilcheski, Ed 10 10 8 8 2 8 8 3 1 1 Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel January 2015 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 4 4 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 7 4 4 4 3 COLOR PRINT SCORES Class A A A A A A A B B B B B Total Score # 81.50 80.50 76.00 67.00 61.00 56.50 17.00 65.00 64.50 57.00 43.50 21.50 10 10 10 8 8 7 2 8 8 8 6 3 NAME Sagerman, Ronald Lancetta, Arlene Levine, Harvey Appel, Gerald Leff, Murray Michelson, Allen Pandelakis, George Friedman, Carl Glasser, Sandy Reinhardt, Sy Steinberg, Dawn Kilcheski, Ed Page 7 PFLI Scores for Manhasset-Great Neck for January New!!! Mentor Program!!! Many members have asked for it. And now we have it. What, you ask? A mentor program. The program, run by Steve Friedman, is one in which members can learn how to use their own cameras if they want and almost anything else regarding photography. Those members who want mentoring will be set up with another member photographer to learn what they would like. This program will begin on February 9, 2015 starting at 6pm in the Community Room. If interested please make every effort to be there then. Thanks George Novello Vice-President, MGNCC Judge for February 9: Dick Hunt We thank Mike Direnzo for stepping in when the January judge became ill, and we thank Dick for stepping in to take Mike’s scheduled date. Dick is the current PFLI Competition and Honors Committee Chairman, and member of the Board of Directors.. He is a past president of the Wantagh Camera Club, has medals for photos awarded 25 - 27 points. Dick has 20 LV awards and 28 top 3 finbishes on the All Star List. Theses awards span all categories...Color Print, Black and White Print, Slides, Digital and Creative. He is the author of the book “The Keys to Great Photographs”, and a member of the Hall of Fame. Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel January 2015 BWA Murray Leff BWA Murray Leff BWA Ron Sagerman BWA Judy Appel The Opera Is Over From Another Time Searching Sort Nude Total 22 22 23 23 90 BWB Sandy Glasser CPA Murray Leff CPA Murray Leff CPA Harvey Levine CPA Gerald Appel Street Mime Total New Car Old Building Its Over There American Double Eagle Evening Portrait Total 22 22 21 21 24 25 91 CPB Sandy Glasser Galerie Milan Total 24 24 DPA Barbara Field DPA Gerald Appel DPA Linda Abrams DPA Jan Altes DPA John Bruno Talk T 21 Cuban Capital 22 Botswana Boabab glorious sunset 23 Shop Owner 25 GUS 26 Total 117 DPA II DPA II DPA II DPA II DPA II Arlene Lancetta LIZZY Monroe Halpern LADI George Novello Three Friends Haig r. Hachadoorian Alpha_Gibon Allen Michelson Off To The Nest Total 21 22 22 22 24 111 DPA III Steve Rossi Last Leaves Of Fall 22 DPA III Irwin Zuckerman Takeout 22 DPA III Linda Russo Devon Reflection 23 DPA III Jo ann Richards Woman-Eyes of-Connection24 Total 91 DPB Fred Fenster FISH 21 DPB Brian Butensky Immature BCNH 23 DPB Eric Alliger Yellow Bird 23 DPB Peter Franzoni Pink Flamingo 23 DPB Robert Ebenau House Flower 24 Total 114 DPB II DPB II DPB II DPB II DPB II Sandy Glasser COLORFUL CORAL Ronny Hachadoorian New York Colomba Spigner Duomo Carl Friedman Parrot Rosann Michels On takimg A Break Total DPB III DPB III DPB III DPB III Janet Susin Julie Weissman Rose Tracey Leo Tujak Crimson and Black water illusion REDWOODS Hermitage.jpg Total 20 21 21 21 23 106 21 21 21 22 85 Page 8 Al Bello - January 26 cont’d. sport by far is boxing. Al has been to countless world title fights and boxing gyms in the last 20 years. Al has won various awards from World Press Photo, National Press Photographers Association, Pictures of the Year International, China International Press Photographers Association, The New York Photographers Association, the Boxing Writers Association, the Football Hall of Fame, FINA, and the International Olympic Committee. Al has also taught and lectured at the Eddie Adams Workshop, the National Press Photographers Association, the Richard Clarkson Workshop, the World Press Photo Foundation, the Rochester Institute of Technology and programs for Getty Images. Al now lives in Merrick, NY. He enjoys spending time with his wife Debbie of 20 years, his two children, Nicole and Daniel, and his little beagle. Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel January 2015 Page 9 The Great Neck Camera Club Founded December 1951, Incorporated May 1965 Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Merged September 2011 2014-2015 Executive Board President Haig Hachadoorian Vice President George Novello Vice President Monroe Halpern Editorial Vice President Naomi Mankowitz Vice President of Library Affairs James Pelzer Treasurer Allen Michelson Recording Secretary Michael Zuller Member at large Gerald Appel Fellows Of The Great Neck Camera Club *Eric Kahn, APSA, APFLI *Herbert Goldschmidt Jim Pion, AMC, FMC *Joseph Boverman *Sidney Goldstein, FPSA, FPFLI Gerald Appel * Deceased Board of Directors George Novello Program Chair Rules Committee Chair George Novello Competition Chair Monroe Halpern Hospitality Chair Dawn Steinberg Membership Chair Rose Tracey PFLI Delegates Suzan Goldstein, Dale Goldstein Field Trip Coordinators Phyllis Goodfriend, Harvey Levine, James Pelzer Webmaster 1st Immediate Past President 2nd Immediate Past President 3rd Immediate Past President 4th Immediate Past President Janina Krach Monroe Halpern George Novello Judith Boverman John Siegel NEPTUNE PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHIC ..... SPECIALISTS On-Site Digital Processing Lab Prints and Enlargements from slides, negatives and digital media same day .. slide processing Discount prices - trade-ins welcome Large selection of new and used equipment Honorary Member Muriel Turk CAMERA COLLECTOR WANTS TO BUY QUALITY CAMERAS, ACCESSORIES, PHOTOGRAPHIC LITERATURE One or a collection DANIEL ZIRINSKY Member Great Neck Camera Club since 1962 International Center of Photography Life Member Photographic Society of America (516) 466-6111 Fax: (516) 466-2859 Email: [email protected] Collect calls accepted PHOTOSHOP Jan Altes LESSONS 718-224-0035 or 917-592-8259 Cameras - Camcorders - Professional Films - Framing Telescopes - Binoculars - Darkroom - Books 130 Seventh Street • Garden City, NY 11530 Tel: (516) 741-4484 • Toll Free (800) 955-1110 M-Th 8:30 - 5:45 p.m. • Fri 8:30 -7 • Sat 9:00 - 5:45 www.neptune.com Manhasset-Great Neck Camera Club Color Wheel November 2014 Page 10
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