Saint Ignatius Of Loyola Catholic Church 636 N. 43rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: 215- 386-5065 Fax: 215-386-2832 Website Email [email protected] Like us on Facebook @ Saint Ignatius West Philly - Follow us on Twitter @SIWestPhilly Our Mother of Sorrows Worship Site - 1030 North 48th Street Philadelphia, PA 19131 January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Office Hours: Parish Staff: Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Parochial Administrator (Closed 12-1 PM for lunch) Reverend Francis X. Kelly Mass Schedule Administrative Assistant Sunday Mass: 10:00 AM St. Ignatius Church Portia S. Conix Director of Religious Education and Youth Coordinator Daily Mass: St. Ignatius Nursing Home Monday - Friday: 9:30 AM Holy Day Masses: 9:30 AM St. Ignatius Nursing Home 7:00 PM St. Ignatius Church Sacrament of Reconciliation: Before Sunday Mass 9:15AM – 9:45 AM or by appointment Eucharistic Adoration: St. Ignatius Church –Thursday, 3:00PM - 7:00 PM OMS Rectory – Wednesday, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Jennifer Simmons Music/Choir Director A. Rita Bostic Business Manager Sister Stephanie Henry, SBS Parish Social Minister/Lunch Program Sister Nancy Roche, SSJ Located in OMS Rectory – 215-878-0875 St. Ignatius Food Outreach Program Ms. Sherry Reid, ASBS JANUUARY 25, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA January 25, 2015 Mass Intention for 10am Mass: Irvin Holloway & Deceased Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society Requested By: Janet Cosby Please Pray for our Sick: Marc Davis, Agnes Halmon, Humphrey W. Conix Jr., Sr. Nancy Roche, Harry Wright, Mary Elizabeth Parker, Cleveland Goss, Bryan Anderson, George Butler, Mabel Pryor, Peggy Kowalczyk, Beverly Fisher, Sandra Layton, Melissa Whitmire, Herbert Belt, Joe Steuer, Nicole and Sharon Oliver, Garland B. White, Patrick McKaig, Cynthia Leslie, James Butts, James Guess, Jean Morgan, Carolyn Holmes, Alvetta Webb, Monica Carvajel, Mary Ruffin, Frank Long, Joseph Innes Tchume, Richard Gerber, Nadunou Sali, Ricky Wood, John Entsuan, Lucille Rouse, Vernice Lane, Sylvia Gillings, Vernon Ruffin, Geraldine Fetcher, Norman Lee, Dorothy Artis, Jean Rutherford, Sondra Scott, Jacine Wright, Grace Jordan, Janice McCoy, Tracie Smith, Sister Peggy Keane, Peggy Law, Elizabeth Proctor, Robert Pouncey, Diannah Richardson, Liz Ford, Sr. Jeanne McGowan, Alice Way, Chris Carvalho, Dianne Montano, Christina Brown, Hazel Morris, Mae Phillips, Eric Stokes, Richard Dickerson, Nicholas Rocelli, Harvey Bellaspica, Edmond Pavrette, Margaret Jackson, Joseph Kane, Steven Dancy, Michael Arena, Maurice Oliver, Cassie Harris, Donna Maria Dyer, Betty Smith, Bernadette Hill, Bridgette Hill, Vinnessa Harrison, Marquita Oliver, Sr. Joan Hoggard,S.S.J., Joe Gillespie, Elaine Mapp, Jordan Munkanta, Carmella Bennett, Charles and Ruth Schretzenmaire, Sr Ruth Catherine Spain, William Smith, Lonnie McNeil, Patricia Davenport, Marie Jordan, Dennita Oliver-Moore, Ruth Grant, Valerie Woodland, Janice Durham, Stacey Finklea, James McDonough, Phyllis West, Gladys Catlett , the Residents of St. Ignatius Nursing Home and Residents of Centennial Village Please pray for the protection and safe return of our family and friends who serve in the Armed Forces. Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this for Jermaine A. Farmer, Kahlia Rainer, Devon Denson, DeHaven Pollard, III, Duane Wallace, Terrence Wallace, Christian Clark, Antoine Smith, Muriel Pollard, Sean M. Davis, Natasha Wiley and Tony Young in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen PARISH DEVOTIONS Sunday -Novena to Our Lady of Africa, Queen of Peace Wednesday – OMS Eucharistic Adoration After 10AM Mass at OMS Rectory Chapel 9:00AM to 12:00 PM OMS Rectory Chapel Sunday – Legion of Mary meets Thursday - Evening Adoration After 10AM Mass at SI Rectory 3PM to 7PM SI Church LITURGICAL MINSISTERS SCHEDULE January 25, 2015 10am Mass February 1, 2015 10am Mass Readers: Sr. Franceline Malone, Donna Holland Readers: Donna Davis, Anthony Gibbs Commentator: Sandra Layton Commentator: Sandra Layton Extraordinary Ministers: Rhonda Denson-Corbin, Extraordinary Ministers: John Mackey, Debra Alexander, Denise Epps, Donna Holland Jennifer Simmons, Kathy McDonald, June Evans Children’s Ministry of the Word: Barbara Stanford-Allen Children’s Ministry of the Word: Ed Scott, Nellda Harris Gwen Davis Collections for the week of January 18, 2015: 1st Collection $951.00 Fuel & Utilities 68.00 Facilities & Grounds 43.00 Catholic Relief Fund 35.00 Christmas Gift 50.00 In Thanksgiving 30.00 Total $1,177.00 Thank You for Your Generosity P1 197 JANUUARY 25, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEKLY SCHEDULE MONDAY Beginner’s Line Dance Class; 6:00pm to 7:30pm, Mitchell Room Soup Kitchen; 11:30am to 12:30pm, OMS Rectory TUESDAY Bible Study; 12:30pm Rectory & 6:30pm Lower Church Soup Kitchen; 11:30am to 12:30pm OMS Rectory Food Pantry 10:00am to 12:00pm @ SI WEDNESDAY TLC Youth Group 4:00pm Lower Church Soup Kitchen; 11:30am to 12:30pm @ OMS Adoration @ OMS Chapel 9:00am to 12:00pm NA Meeting; 6:30pm Daly Hall THURSDAY TLC Jrs. Youth Group 4:00pm @ OMS Rectory Cub Scouts 5:30pm to 6:30pm Adoration @ SI 3:00pm to 7:00pm NA Meeting; 6:30pm Daly Hall FRIDAY NA Meeting; 6:30pm Daly Hall SATURDAY NAMI Meeting 10:00am to 12:00pm Lower Church (Every Third Saturday) ADULT BIBLE STUDY!! – Have you heard that “Bible stands for Basic Instructions before Leaving Earth? How well do you know your Bible? The hours of bible study will be Tuesday at 12:30pm in the rectory and again at 6:30pm in the Mitchell room. Please call Jennifer at 215-386-5065 to register. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMS RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults This is for any adult who would like to find out about the Catholic Church. Perhaps you have been baptized but need to complete the sacraments of initiation or you have never been baptized and would like to be. This is also for members of other faiths who would like to join the Catholic Church. Please see Jennifer Simmons to register at the rectory or for any questions. OUR LADY OF AFRICA QUEEN OF PEACE ASSOCIATION Please join us on the last Sunday of every month at 2pm to celebrate Mass as Ghanaian Catholics with prayer and song in celebration of our Ghanaian culture. Mass is celebrated by: Fr. Stephen Bilson-Ogoe. For more information please contact Thomasina Kweku-Kennedy at 215-704-6300, Daniel Bonsu at 215-888-1387 or email [email protected] . ST. IGNATIUS FOOD OUTREACH PROGRAM The Food Outreach Program at St. Ignatius is open on Tuesdays from 10am to 12pm. For those in need of emergency groceries please bring Photo I.D. and fill out an application. Please contact Ms. Sherry Reid if you have any questions. If you would like to make a food donation (non-perishables) they can be dropped off at the church after mass on Sundays or during business hours at the rectory. ~ Thank You and God Bless, Ms. Sherry. The NAMI group (National Alliance on Mental Illness) will be meeting every third Saturday at St. Ignatius from 10am to 12pm. If you would like more information please contact Rose Carvalho or call the rectory CONSOLATION COMMITTEE The Consolation Committee is looking for readers to help with funeral masses. You would have to be available to read chapters from old and new testament along with prayers of the faithful when neccesary. If you are interested please contact Joan Chisholm or call the rectory. If you are interested in joining the Consolation Committee to help with meetings with the family, again you may contact Joan Chisholm or call the rectory. FUNERAL PROCEDURES For anyone wishing to schedule a Funeral Mass at St. Ignatius or at Our Mother of Sorrows Worship Site they must first contact Portia Conix, the Administrative Assistant for scheduling. The Consolation Committee will then meet with the family along with Administrative Assistant to go over the procedures, pricing and order of Mass. Any special requests can be discussed at the meeting. All music and musical requests will go through the Musical Director Rita Bostic after they have met with the Committee. We ask that all arrangements be finalized at least 72 hours prior to the day of the funeral. Any late notices must be approved by Fr. Kelly. For any questions please call the rectory at 215-386-5065. P2 197 SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA PARISH SCHOOL NEWS Our Mother of Sorrows/ St. Ignatius of Loyola School GRADES Pre-K to 8 Welcome Back and Happy New Years! Catholic Schools Week is here starting January 25th. We have several fun activities planned including Bring a Parent to Lunch day and our Annual Parent vs. Student Basketball Game on Friday Jan. 30th. Please come out and show your support for the school. Please remember to send your school “box top” coupons to school to help us out! PASTOR’S CORNER Thou Shall Not Kill Remember when things were so simple. We learned the commandments and we expected to follow them. No excuses, no exceptions. Then somewhere around age of 10 we started to think about the commandments and noticed that it was not so simple. God said we were not to kill but we had war and the death penalty. It was difficult to get our minds around this and we started to adjust. God must have allowed us to do this. God must not see war as killing. Scripture did not seem to help. It seemed that most of the Old Testament recounts wars and death. This made understanding the simple commandment more difficult. In the late 1960’s the understanding of the command not to kill seemed not to apply anymore. We were fed a study diet of death and destruction on the TV news each night. We watched beloved political leaders killed. We had riots in our streets and then the Supreme Court told us that abortion was a right that could not be controlled. We were told that the growth in the woman’s womb was just a growth that could be cut out if desired. What we never discuss is the effect of killing. We may have to choose to let someone die (as in war) but we must also count the cost of this decision. How our world is made less holy and blessed because a life was not allowed to live out its destiny. We are diminished by taking life. I know that the killing of convicted criminals seems like a good idea but really what does it get us. Would it not be better to allow the condemned to live with their crime and maybe seek redemption then for us to decide that their life is not worth living? Remember there is more rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner. . . I understand the reasoning behind abortion but have we considered the cost of all those souls who are not able to grow with us and reveal a different side of God’s life in this world. I think the commandment not to kill is a protection for us. It forces us to live with difference and find ways to be peaceful and loving. Just getting rid of that which is not wanted or desired does not allow Grace to intervene in our lives. Let us take some this and reflect on how we encourage life in all forms and seek ways to allow Grace to move us to love. God Bless you my brothers and sisters. ~ Fr. Frank OMS ALUMNI – All alumni are encouraged to use the OMS Alumni site,, to keep in touch with each other as well as school and parish events. Help other alumni stay connected by telling them about this site! RECYCLE AT OMS! Please don't forget to keep using the green paper recycling bin in the OMS school yard! Each time you use the bin, you give a donation to our schools! You can recycle paper, newspapers, catalogs, magazines, junk mail, folders, construction and poster paper, spiral notebook/theme books, office and school mail 24/7 here at the recycling bin in the OMS school yard. Tell neighbors and local businesses that they can bring their paper to our bin! Even recycle this bulletin! World Meeting of Families Prayer God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph P3 197 SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA PARISH VALENTINE’S CABARET SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2015 WEEKLY WORD: “O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth. In his presence are majesty and splendor, strength and honor in his holy place.” (Psalm 96:1,6) Ladies Crt # 280 will be hosting a Valentine’s Cabaret on Saturday February 14, 2015 from 8pm to 1am. Music by DJ Steve, tickets are$10 and $13 at the door. It will be B.Y.O.B. and B.Y.O.F. Set-ups will be sold along with 50/50 raffle tickets. Please see Kathleen Gambrel, Santa Conix or Lola DeCarlo- Coles to purchase tickets. REFLECT ON THE WORD, SUNDAY’S READINGS Today, Sunday – January 25, 2015 Jonah 3:1-5, 10 1st Reading 2nd Reading 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Gospel Mark 1:14-20 Next Sunday – February 1, 2015 1st Reading Deuteronomy 18:15-20 2nd Reading 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Gospel Mark 1:21-28 THANK YOU FOR YOUR MLK DAY OF SERVICE A gracious thank you to everyone who helped to move St. Ignatius Outreach to its new space, in the lower church. Mr.& Mrs. Bostic, Dave Dawkins, Darrell Lettsome, Jamal Rogers, Rachael Rogers, Sr. Stephanie Henry, Sr. Franceline Malone, Charlotte Bodie & Gayle Sloan (Sherry Reid’s Sisters). Thank you for all the work that you did to help move Outreach from point A to point B. God Bless You, Sherry Reid, ASBS. CAMPUS CORNER Minor Facility Repairs: DECEMBER –Work continues on the new Youth Group room. The doors of Our Mother of Sorrows have been painted. Thank you to Best Brush for all their work. A new oven for Our Mother of Sorrows Outreach has been installed as well as a new oven for St. Ignatius Lower Church. Thank you to James Ashley (Butch) for helping with extermination problems on both OMS and SI campuses. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Temple University – Office of Community Outreach and Hiring & Office of Community Relations Present: FREE Job Readiness Workshops – Spring 2015 ; MONTHLY TRAINING SESSIONS February 19, 2015- 4:00pm-5:30pm “Effective Resume Writing Tips” March 19, 2015- 4:00pm-5:30pm “Expert Job Search Tips & How to Apply for Jobs Online” April 16, 2015- 4:00pm-5:30pm “Successful Interviewing Tips: Making a Good Impression” (MOCK INTERVIEWS with Temple University Human Resources Managers!) May 28, 2015- 4:00pm-5:30pm Office Etiquette/Quality Customer Service: “How to Resolve Workplace Conflict & Harassment” All workshops are FREE and will be held at: Temple University Entertainment and Community Education Center 1509 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, 2nd Floor/Room #214 Philadelphia, PA 19121 Seating is LIMITED Call Today To Reserve Your Spot: Andrea Swan - Office of Community Relations:215-2047409 OR Michael Robinson - Office of Community Outreach & Hiring:215-204-0677 To view employment opportunities at Temple University, go to: THE YEAR FOR CONSECRATED LIFE 2015 Pope Francis had declared a Year of Consecrated Life, beginning November 30, 2014 and ending February 2, 2016. Pope Francis has encouraged those in consecrated life to “Wake up the world and be witnesses of a different way of doing things.” Throughout this year, all the faithful are encouraged to give thanks for the sacrifices and example of those in consecrated life and our youth are encourages to discern a calling to the consecrated life. Resources to assist parishes in observing the Year for Consecrated Life are available from the National Religious Vocation Conference at: UPCOMING MEETINGS Women’s Day Committee Meeting Sunday January 25th After Mass in the Lower Church Medicare Seminar – Sunday January 25th @ 11:30am P4 197 Price Funeral Home "Within the means of all families" 613 N. 43rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 Phone 215-222-6538 • Fax 215-222-2031 • 50 Years and Three Generations of Servicing the Community! Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. 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