Diary for week commencing 25 January 2015 Please pray for this week’s activities Monday 2.00 - 4.00pm 7.30 pm Tuesday 1.45 pm 6.30 pm 7.45 pm 8.00 pm Wednesday 10.00 am 10.30 am 10.30 am 7.15 pm 7.45 pm Thursday 12 noon 7.00 pm 7.45 pm Friday 12.00 noon 6.30 pm Saturday All day Beacon Drop-in – Prayer for blessing & healing Monday Circle – 50th Anniversary Celebrations NOTICES FOR SUNDAY 25 JANUARY 2015 Parents & Toddlers Guides Life Group 1 – see Barbara for details of venue Life Group 2 – see Lee or Becci for details of venue 10.30 am 10.30 am 7.15 pm Prayer Meeting Community Coffee Morning Wirral Foodbank Youth Life Group – see Alison or Mark Gibbons for details of venue Life Group 3 Community Lunch Thursday Life Group – Montrose Court Men’s Life Group – see Clive or Mark for details of venue Friday Drop-In ‘Food & Friends’ & Wirral Foodbank Kidz Klub A warm welcome is extended to anyone joining us for worship for the first time at St. Luke’s. If you would like someone to visit you, please inform the Minister or one of the Church Stewards. We trust that you will experience the presence of Jesus and that He will bless you. Tea and Coffee are served in the Community Room after morning worship every Sunday and we invite everyone to join us. AN INDUCTION LOOP IS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF HEARING AID USERS. TO USE PLEASE SWITCH YOUR HEARING AID TO ‘T’. ROTAS 25 January 2015 1 February 2015 Welcome Team: (Door) Betty Twaddle & Sophie Hodson (Roving) Margaret & John Green Crèche Averil Wilkes & Noel Mandap Sally & Sheila Tea/Coffee Viv Beech Saturday Club Flowers Sheila Fowler For her daughter Anna’s birthday Clare van Miert In memory of Nicholas van Miert Reader Viv Beech David Wilkes Property Steward Roger Murch John Elliott Stewards Sunday 1 February 2015 Holy Communion - Reverend Ruth Jeffries Crèche & TransformUs Youthie ST. LUKE’S METHODIST CHURCH, HOYLAKE Minister: Reverend Ruth Jeffries : 0151 677 1736 E-mail: [email protected] Senior Steward: Averil Wilkes : 0151 632 5395 Church Office: 0151 632 6524 or e-mail [email protected] Room Bookings: Phil Critchley : 07523 066566 or email [email protected] Website: www.stlukeshoylake.com Nora & Mason Porter Betty Twaddle & Sophie Hodson Averil Wilkes, David Paul & Matt Gibbons Catriona & Sally Leadership Team “Away Day” 10.30 am 10.30 am 7.15 pm Reverend George Palmer Monday Circle 50th Anniversary Celebration Crèche & TransformUs Youthie If you have any items to be included in the Notices, please forward them to Phil Critchley by 8.00 pm on Wednesday evening. E-mail is the preferred method of contact – [email protected]. Notices can also be viewed on the church website – www.stlukeshoylake.com – throughout the week. STARTING TODAY - YouthiExtra YouthiExtra is a new group starting today and will be held once a month during morning worship. The aim is to offer young people in Years 6+ a way to engage with church and discuss topics with others their age. The young people will leave church the same time as TransformUs to study the same theme as the main congregation. For further information, please speak to Matt Teale. CHURCH COUNCIL The next meeting of the Church Council is on Monday 2nd February, commencing at 7.00pm for prayer, before the business meeting starts at 7.30pm. If you have any items for AOB, please let a member of the Leadership Team have them by Sunday 1st February. REQUEST FOR PRAYERS Your Leadership Team will be spending the greater part of next Saturday (31st January) on an “Away Day”, discussing the future of St. Luke’s. To assist with these discussions, we would like to ask all members of the church family to pray for everyone attending the “Away Day”, and that God will guide the conversations and be at the centre of our deliberations. Also, it may be that someone has a ‘Word’ for the church, so please share this with Ruth or a member of the Leadership Team. CHURCH LIFE ANALYSIS As a church family, as much as in other areas of our lives, we always strive to be the best that we can. As you'll see above, your Leadership Team will be meeting at the end of this month and as a part of our discussions, we want to have a really good assessment of all the activities we undertake at St. Luke’s, and if there are things we need to improve. Pairs from the Leadership Team will be contacting the leadership of each church group or activity to arrange a conversation to ascertain what's going well and what help, if any, the group requires. There is some element of time pressure here, so apologies for that. Please be assured, this is not about checking up on any group. It IS about supporting the wonderful work already happening here at St Luke's and seeking how we might best work together to grow God's Kingdom in Hoylake. PRAYERS FOR REVIVAL AND KINGDOM GROWTH The Wirral Methodist Circuit Evangelism Team is arranging a monthly opportunity for people to come together to pray for Revival and Kingdom Growth. Moreton Methodist Church is the venue for the next get-together on Saturday 28th February, but why wait until then? Please pray, whenever you can, that God’s will may be achieved here on the Wirral, and that we can find new strength and enthusiasm in our quest to make disciples of all people and to share His love with a needy world. THANKS FROM THINGWALL METHODIST CHURCH The members of Thingwall Methodist Church would like to thank all those who attended our Thanksgiving Service last Sunday and have shown their support over the past few weeks. It has been a great comfort to us. Please continue to pray for us all as we each seek a new spiritual home. Glenice Sudworth, Thingwall Methodist Church. WORLD LEPROSY DAY Today is World Leprosy Day. Please take just a few minutes to find out more about the work of The Leprosy Mission in the Community Room this morning. Millions of people living in poverty are at risk of developing irreversible disabilities, completely unnecessarily, because of undiagnosed leprosy going untreated. One easy way of giving your support is by bringing in used postage stamps. The Leprosy Mission’s Christmas cards are wonderful too and, if you are thinking ahead, you may wish to take advantage of the “Sale” offer in the Leprosy Mission catalogue. When people are suffering from leprosy, it is wrong for us to look away and ignore their needs. REMARKABLE LIVES TOUR COMES TO ST. LUKE’S This is an early notification that on the evening of Sunday 1st March, we have arranged to host 'Remarkable' - an inspirational event with powerful missionary stories from our Christian heritage, and worship to refresh and draw you to the throne of God. International speakers Mark and Joanna Williamson lead presentations on the lives on William Wilberforce and Amy Carmichael – two ordinary people who allowed God to use them, and consequently led remarkable lives of deep holiness and inspirational mission. Their powerful stories and experiences have much to teach us on what it means to live a life for God. The event also includes worship led by Devon Brown and Simon Cooper, who combine congregational worship with new songs to inspire. Timings and ticket details will be announced in due course. SPRING HARVEST, WORLD VISION & YOUTH FOR CHRIST – ALL OR NOTHING TOUR Worship leader Pete James and Gavin Calver, the National Director of Youth for Christ, are bringing together an evening to connect our lives to God’s mission. The All Or Nothing Tour will be a night of inspirational teaching and worship, raising awareness for justice and the poor. Pete and Gavin will be bringing the tour to St. Helens on Friday 13th February. Tickets are £5 and can be booked by phoning 01825 748870 or go to www.springharvest.org/allornothing. PRAYER TREE At the last meeting of the Learning and Caring team, it was suggested we should invite friends who are not already on the Prayer Tree to think about coming on, so that when a prayer request is made, there will be more people to offer prayer support. If you would like to join us, please get in touch with Clive or Chrissie or Mary. (See phone numbers below). Prayers Please note that if anyone would like a prayer on the Prayer Tree for themselves or someone else that they know, please phone either: Chrissie or Clive on 632 6252, or Mary on 625 1777. To you, O Lord, O Father of Lights, we lift up our hearts. Here alone with you, O God, far from the busy ways of the world, teach us your way. Let us open your holy book and grant us therein both to know your will and to find the path to heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. John Wesley (1703 – 1791)
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