Introduction by Chair Linda Crichton Head of Resource Management Agenda 10.00-10.10 Housekeeping/Introduction by Chair Linda Crichton (WRAP) 10.10-10.25 Importance of MRF Regulations to Government and endorsement Andy Rees (Welsh Government) 10.25-10.45 Key requirements of the Regulations Sarah Bonwick (Welsh Government) 10.45-11.15 Coffee 11.15-11.40 Overview of Sampling Guidance Mike Jefferson (Verde) 11.40-12.00 Overview of the web portal to deliver transparency of MRF testing results Steve Waite (WRAP) 12.00-12.20 Role of Regulator 12.20-12.35 Q&A Nadia De Longhi (Natural Resources Wales) Linda Crichton (WRAP) 12.35-12.40 Close Linda Crichton (WRAP) 12.40 Lunch WRAP MRF Seminar 11 March 2014 Cardiff City Stadium. Materials Recovery Facility Regulation Dr Andy Rees Head of Waste Strategy Waste & Resource Efficiency Division, Department for Natural Resources and Food Welsh Government Introduction This is a new Regulation, applying to Material Recovery Facilities which will provide a framework for improving the transparency of data on the sampling process/quality of recyclable material sent to Material Recovery Facilities and the quality of the material outputs of those facilities. Why are these Regulations important? • Ground-breaking - first set of regulations in place to improve transparency and information about quality of recyclable material sent to and outputs of material produced by Material Recycling Facilities • The Regulations will provide transparency of information on quality available to the wider industry • Will help the recyclate market operate better and deliver high quality recycling • Information provided on quality of recyclate by MRFs may be able to be used to help demonstrate compliance with separate collection requirements of revised Waste Framework Directive (as long as quantity and quality are equivalent to kerbside sort). Where did it all begin? The Environmental Services Association started the ball rolling with heir own (voluntary) accreditation scheme (Code of Practice); Then there were extensive discussions with industry on: • Considering ways to try and help stimulate the market conditions necessary to improve • Promote the quality of material produced by MRFs • Growing the recycling materials market. All parts of the recyclate chain have taken a keen interest in this area and regulation development – as have Ministers and several DEFRA and Welsh Government Departments. Consultation Joint consultation responses published on 1 February 2013. Total of 88 responses; • • • • • Local Authorities Waste Management Co Reprocessors/Manufacturers Other prof/rep/trade bodies Other (consultancies, interest groups, campaign bodies 42 11 23 4 8 Key issues arising from the consultation • Preference for Environment Agency / Natural Resources Wales carrying out inspections and compliance checks, over having a third (independent) party audit doing so; • Most respondents wanted sampling regime strengthening from initial proposals; • Calls to drop proposal for requirement to sample residual waste streams, predominantly on health and safety grounds; • Looking for a balance between robust sampling regime and operational/economic pragmatism. Welsh Regulations laid before Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales on 11 February 2014 They have been through various HoC scrutiny committees. Became applicable on 5 March 2014 MRF element (Schedule 9A) applies from 1 October 2014 Inspections Inspections will be carried out by • England • Wales Conclusion Regulations are substantial and positive step: • Provide transparency for all on the quality of incoming feedstock – from each supplier (enables contamination to be tackled at source) • Provides accurate reporting of contamination rates in material outputs and levels of non-target and non-recyclable material (rejects) – to ensure that the true level of recycling is accurately reported (Question 100). • Will allow comparisons with the quality of materials obtained by separate collection • Will allow local authorities and waste management companies to demonstrate whether or not comingling is capable of delivering high quality recycling. Thank you for listening Any queries / comments to: [email protected] Key Requirements of the Regulations Sarah Bonwick Waste Strategy Advisor (Municipal) Waste & Resource Efficiency Division, Department for Natural Resources and Food Welsh Government Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Key requirements of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 New Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Schedule 9A Materials Facilities There are 2 parts to Schedule 9A; Part 1 - Introductory provisions, conditions and functions 1. Assessment and notification 2. Interpretation 3. Specification of conditions and environmental permits Part 2 - Measurement and reporting requirements for materials facilities 1. Input material 2. Output material 3. Records 4. Reports to the regulator Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Part 1 Part 1 paragraph 1 - Assessment and notification • Operators are required to carry out an assessment and are required to notify the Regulator of the amount of mixed waste they expect to receive at their facility during the period of 12 months immediately preceding the start of a reporting period • The anticipated amount of mixed waste material that will be received by that facility during the relevant year. Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Part 1 continued Part 1 paragraph 2 - Interpretation Defines what is meant by: • Material particles • Material facility • Mixed waste materials • Household waste • Target materials • Non-recyclable • Non-target material • Reporting period • Specified output material • Materials facilities • Reference to the meaning of recycled and recycling Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Part 1 continued Part 1 paragraph 3 - Specification of conditions and environmental permits • Any environmental permit relating to a Materials Facility that is in force at the time, or that is granted after that time is subject to the condition that the operator of that facility must comply with paragraphs 1 & 2 of Part 1. • Where an Operator has given notification, any environmental permit either in force, or granted after that time, is subject to the condition that the operator must comply with Part 2 of this Schedule for so long as that notification has not been withdrawn Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Part 2 Part 2 Paragraph 1 – Input material • Sets out the samples facilities must take and measure • Sets out that samples must be taken from material received from each supplier Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Part 2 continued Part 2 Paragraph 1 – Output material Operators must: • Measure the total weight of material leaving the facility in each reporting period. • Measure the total weight in tonnes of all mixed waste material that leaves the facility in each reporting period to and is transferred to another materials facility for the purpose of separating that material into specified output material. Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Part 2 continued Part 2 Paragraph 3 – Records • The Operator must record the information required under this Schedule which includes • Details of samples taken for inputs and outputs and where material is sent to • Records must be retained by the operator (min 4 years) and be produced for inspection by the Regulator Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Part 2 continued Part 2 Paragraph 4 – Reports to the Regulator • Facilities must report the measurements taken of materials received by the facility, the total number, the weight and the average composition levels of all the samples taken for each supplier and by reference to the target materials (glass, metal, paper and plastic). • The facility must also provide information in respect of output materials that leave the facility during a reporting period. • Reports must be provided to the Regulator in electronic format. Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Part 2 Sampling Guidance is being drafted to support Schedule 9A which will be made available by WRAP. Schedule 9A Materials Facilities Thank you for listening Sarah Bonwick Waste Strategy Advisor (Municipal) Waste & Resource Efficiency Division, Department for Natural Resources and Food Welsh Government Overview of sampling guidance Mike Jefferson Director, Verde Recycling Solutions Background •Guidance to support the Regulations. •Will be available on the WRAP website in April. •Development supported by a steering committee with representation from Government, regulators, the waste industry and reprocessors. •Separate Defra guidance is also being prepared. •Prepared by LRS Consultancy with Verde Recycling Solutions, Waste Intelligence and International Safety Services. Introduction •Non statutory (but with input from regulators). •A practical guide explaining the requirements of the Regulations. •Gives best practise guidance. •Will help ensure a high quality consistent approach to sampling. •Facilities (MF) can adapt sampling techniques to fit individual circumstances. •Highlights the potential operational and commercial benefits of sampling. Do you operate a MF? A regulated facility or part of a regulated facility that receives mixed waste material in order to separate it into specified output material for the purpose of selling it, or transferring it to other facilities or persons to enable that material to be recycled by those facilities or persons. The Regulations apply to MFs that receive 1,000 tonnes or more of mixed waste material for sorting in four consecutive reporting periods (each reporting period is three months) What is Mixed Waste Material? Waste that: (a) originates (i) from households, or (ii) from other sources but is similar to household waste in terms of its nature or composition; and (b) consists in the largest proportion of two or more of the following kinds of target materials mixed together: (i) glass; (ii) metal; (iii) paper; (iv) plastic. What does this mean in practice? •Mixtures of materials from non household sources containing plastic bottles, glass bottles and jars, cardboard, drinks cans, etc. •Typical non household sources would be pubs, restaurants, universities and offices. •Additional advice on what might be considered ‘similar to household’ in the Defra guidance – size of plastic containers and trays, types of cardboard, etc. •Streams such as household WEEE, textiles, residual and organics not covered by the Regulations. Examples of specified output materials (output grades) •HDPE bottles •PET bottles •Natural HDPE bottles •Coloured HDPE bottles •Clear PET •Coloured PET •PTT •Domestic films •Mixed bottles •Clear (flint) glass •Brown (amber) glass •Green glass •Mixed glass •OCC •ONP •Mixed paper •Aluminium UBCs •Steel food and drinks cans MF sets their own output grades MF (subject to input volumes) •Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) sorting household dry recyclables. •Commercial waste treatment operations and transfer stations where materials similar to household wastes are sorted into specified output material Not likely to be a MF •Waste transfer stations acting only as bulking points (so with no sorting activities). •Waste transfer stations that sort C&I wastes.* •Household Waste Recycling Centres (Civic Amenity Sites). •C&I MRF’s * •MRFs treating only residual waste (‘Dirty’ MRFs). •Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plants including those used at autoclave facilities unless mixed waste material is accepted for any MRF operations that form part of the process. •Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) production facilities. •WEEE management facilities. •MRF’s separating materials from construction and demolition waste. * Unless the commercial waste meets the definition of Mixed Waste Material.. Sampling weights and frequencies Material Sample size /kg Mixed waste material (in) 60 Paper (out) 50 Glass (out) 10 Metals (out) 10 Plastic (out) 20 Frequency of sampling calculated on a rolling basis Material Frequency until 01.10.16 Frequency after 01.10.16 Mixed waste material (in) Every 160t delivered Every 125t delivered Paper (out) Every 80t produced Every 60t produced Glass (out) Every 50t produced Every 50t produced Metals (out) Every 20t produced Every 20t produced Plastic (out) Every 20t produced Every 15t produced Sampling weights and frequencies To 1st October 2016 Example MF input scenario (# samples pa) Supplier 1 Supplier 2 Supplier 3 Supplier 4 Supplier 5 1,000 3 1 1 - MF size (tpa) 10,000 45,000 31 93 18 62 12 62 31 31 100,000 312 93 93 62 62 MF size (tpa) (summary) Sample t/pa Sample #/wk Sample kgs/wk 1,000 0.3 0.1 6 10,000 3.7 1.2 71 45,000 16.7 5.4 321 100,000 37.3 12.0 717 To 1st October 2016 Example MF output scenario To 1st October 2016 Example schedule that might be developed Action Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Sample Supplier 1 comingled input Sample Supplier 2 comingled input Sample Supplier 3 comingled input Sample Supplier 4 comingled input Sample Supplier 5 comingled input Action Sample Card output Sample Glass output Sample Steel output Sample Aluminium output Sample Mixed Plastics output Sample News & Pams output Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Taking samples •For incoming mixed waste material: By supplier. Sample sizes may fall to 55kg so long as the average over the reporting period is 60kg. •For output material: Sampling by grade, e.g. for paper outputs this might be by OCC, newspapers and magazines, mixed paper, etc. No ability to go below the required sample weight. •Not required where material arrives pre-sorted. •Not required for the residual fraction. •Samples should be taken in one go. Supplier •For material collected pursuant to arrangements made by a waste collection authority under section 45(1)(a)or(b) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 that authority is the supplier; •Where the batch is transferred from another MF then they are the supplier; •If non of above then the supplier is the person who collected the material or if not known the person responsible for delivering it. Step by step guidance on taking samples •Scheduling of sampling. Based on Regulations and predicted deliveries. Taking representative samples (different days, shifts, times, etc). •Isolating the sample. •Take samples for: Loose input and output material. Incoming bagged material. Baled material. • Labelling, storage & transport. • Sampling from bulking points. Guidance also provided for •Separating a suitable weight of material. •Randomising the sample. •Taking a representative sample. •Taking a sample using techniques such as slice of pie, direct tipping or points of compass techniques. •Taking samples from loose bulked material or from conveyors. Sampling good practise •Having a training programme in place. •Having a sufficient number of trained staff. •Modify the day and time when samples are taken to ensure results are representative. •Automate sample taking where possible. •Ensure samples are corrected labelled and stored. •Containers marked with appropriate fill levels. •Undertake spot checks on sampling results. Sampling bad practise •Avoid taking samples just from the top or bottom of a pile. •Do not include exceptional items that would ordinarily be removed prior to processing. •Avoid use of built in scales on mobile plant. •Do not test more than one sample at once to minimise cross contamination risks. •Do not ‘adjust’ a sample in an attempt to make it representative. Testing of samples •Samples are split into two size fractions (using a 12mm x 12mm screen for glass and 45mm x 45mm screen for other materials). •Larger fraction sorted into target material, non target material and non recyclable material. •Smaller fraction (material particles) allocated as per the larger fraction. •For incoming mixed waste material the target material needs to be split into a minimum of metal, plastic, glass and paper. •Supporting evidence should be kept as to how wastes have been categorised (reprocessors specifications). •Covered step by step in the guidance. Target materials •For incoming mixed waste material this includes all items that are requested for collection in that fraction. •Includes integral parts of targeted materials (bottle caps, neck rings, etc) unless specifically excluded in specifications. •Includes the following items unless they are classed as a contaminant in the reprocessor’s specification: Aluminium foils and aerosols in UBCs. PET trays in PET bottles (of the correct colour). Wet paper unless it is degraded to the point where it is not fit for recycling. •Contaminants can be of the same material type (coloured glass in clear glass, OCC in newspapers and magazines, etc). •Care is needed with respect to what is allowed up to a certain percentage and contaminants with a tolerance. Testing (other) •Where different reprocessors are supplied with the same output grade (each with their own specification) then a common sense approach is proposed to defining target materials. •Cardboard and cartons that include cardboard as a composite material should be included in the paper category. Testing good practise Testing bad practise •Ensure ergonomics of the testing area are optimised (H&S and sorting speed / accuracy). •Ensure those testing are fully trained. •Provide sufficient containers. •Do not overfill containers. •Containers should be clean and dry. •Not clearing /cleaning containers and the work area between testing different samples. •Not isolating testing from other on site activities (H&S and cross contamination risks). •Forcing or persuading material through the sorting mesh. •Weighing samples outside and / or near moving vehicles (H&S and weighing error risks). Typical equipment •Platform scales •Bench scales •Calibration weights •Shovels / brooms •Containers (sample / sorting) •Screens •Sorting table •PPE •Long handled wire cutters •Pickers / sharps bin •Sampling sheets •Loading shovel •Automated bin lifts •Mini sort conveyors Sampling statistics •Reporting of average target material content and standard deviation for each supplier (waste in) and output grades required. •The standard deviation provides a measure of how much variation there is from the average for the target material content across the sampling results •Objective: high average target material content with low standard deviation. •Overview of other statistical analysis that could be carried out using the data. •Commentary on interpretation of statistics. Sampling statistics Health and Safety •Layout and structure of the sampling area. •Vehicle movements & operating procedures. •Pedestrian access to sampling areas. •Safe systems of work. •Sampling from bales and from conveyors. •Manual handling. •Hygiene risks and handling hazardous waste. •PPE. Other areas included in the guidance •Staff training (including H&S). •Enforcement of the Regulations. •Reporting templates. •Questions and answers. •Flowcharts. Procedure for sample testing Prepare sampling area and equipment Weigh the sample Sort the sample Clear Up Tip sample onto sort screen Clean and dry the sample area Check sample area/boxes are free from crosscontaminants Prepare sample sheets for recording Return target materials to incoming bay* Weigh the entire sample Record the sample weight Empty any liquids from containers into a bucket, record weight as a nonrecyclable fraction Other fractions into residue bay Break clumped materials into component parts Recycleable non-target Sort sample materials from screen into correct sort box Non-recyclable non-target Calibrate the scales with weights Weigh each of the sorted fractions and record weight on sample sheet Target materials Clean and store equipment Plastic grades Weigh materials that fell through the screen and record them as particles Metals grades Check weight of all sorted fractions + particles is equal to the total sample weight (+/- 5%) Paper grades Glass grades *ensure that these materials are not re-sampled After two years of the regulations being in force Paper grades Weighbridge data MRF Supplier Each 125t material Take sample Sampling Each 60t MRF Glass grades Sampling Each 50t Plastic grades Test sample Record/ report sample Sampling Each 15t Metal grades Sampling each 20t Take sample Test sample Record/ report sample Acknowledgements • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities Defra Environment Agency Environmental Services Association Kent Resource Partnership Local Government Association Natural Resources Wales Northern Ireland Environment Agency Resource Association Resource Futures Scottish Environmental Protection Agency SITA UK Veolia Environmental Services Viridor Welsh Government MF Reporting Portal on Quality Steve Waite MRF Sector Specialist Presentation • • • • • • • • • Introduction What has to be reported in the MF Regulations ? Why do we need the portal ? WRAP Reporting Portal Potential options for inputs Potential options for outputs Advantages and Challenges Timescale Presentation will only give a general overview as the detail has yet to developed What Has To Be Reported 1 ? General Tonnage Data INPUT Input OUTPUT MF to MF Transfer Paper Glass Metals Plastics Residual and Other (Tonnes) (Tonnes) Destinations (Tonnes)(Tonnes) (Tonnes) (Tonnes) (Tonnes) Destinations Local Authority 1 6505 Local Authority 2 3132 Local Authority 3 1320 WM Company 1 1089 TOTAL (Tonnes) 12,046 20 list 26 list 46 Full List 5832 2802 1176 990 1100 Full List What Has To Be Reported 2 ? INPUT DATA Supplier Samples Total Average Composition Average Average Average non Taken Sample By Target Material (%) target non-target recyclable (number) Weight (kg) Paper Glass Metal Plastic Material % SD SE Material (%) Material (%) Local Authority 1 49 2940 63 17.3 4.1 7.7 92.1 2.9 0.41 6.9 1 Local Authority 2 23 1380 57.6 8.1 5.3 18.7 89.7 1.6 0.33 6.4 3.9 Local Authority 3 10 600 50.1 14.9 3.3 28.1 96.4 2.3 0.4 3.2 WM Company 1 8 480 49.2 15.7 4.5 20.4 89.8 5.2 4.5 5.7 TOTAL/WEIGHTED AVERAGE (By sample) 90 5400 5.8% 2.4% 58.90% 14.50% 4.40% 13.9% 91.8% What Has To Be Reported 3 ? OUTPUT DATA M ate rial (unique to each MRF) Sam ple s Total Tak e n Sam ple Ave rage Targe t M ate rial % (num be r) We ight (k g) SD SE Ave rage Ave rage non non-targe t re cyclable M ate rial (%) M ate rial (%) 2.6 5.3 OCC 16 800 92.1 4.7 New s & pams 40 2000 94.4 0.6 0.1 3.8 1.8 Mixed paper 42 2100 83.9 0.8 0.1 7.5 8.6 98 4900 89.5 5.2 5.3 38 380 82.7 10.6 6.7 38 380 82.7 10.6 6.7 6 60 99.4 5.1 0.2 0.4 16 160 92.6 2.7 1.8 5.6 22 220 94.5 1.4 4.1 11 220 94.6 2.2 2.8 2.6 53 1060 92.8 0.7 1.3 5.9 Mixed rigid plastic 7 140 93.8 4.5 1.9 4.3 Mixed plastic 8 160 85.4 5.1 2.8 11.8 6.8 PAPER Mixed coloured container glass Mixed coloured aggregate glass 2.2 0.4 Green glass Clear glass Brow n glass GLASS Aluminium Steel M ETALS HDPE bottles Natural only HDPE bottles Coloured HDPE bottles PET bottles Clear PET Coloured PET bottles Polypropylene Mixed bottles 0.1 Pots, tubs, trays Household Film PLASTICS TOTAL/WEIGHTED AVERAGE (By s am ple ) 3 60 87.3 6.2 6.5 82 1640 92.2 1.9 5.9 240 7140 89.8% 4.6% 5.6% Standard Error and Confidence • If standard deviation and number of samples are provided • Standard error = SD/√n • At a stated confidence level (95% has a z=1.96) • Then mean range = mean +/- (1.96 x standard error) Why Do We Need The Portal ? • Need to be able to understand the quality of materials being delivered into and despatched from MFs. • Regulator public registers may not provide sufficient detail. • Maximise ease of access by stakeholders. • To be able to easily locate particular suppliers or MFs an electronic portal with search facilities. Schematic Draft Layout of WRAP Portal Regulator (EA) MFs Electronically Provide Quarterly Data Data Validated Opportunity for other Regulators WRAP PORTAL Registered Stakeholders Access Portal Potential Options For Inputs STEP1. User selects by year, current quarter (1, 2, 3 or 4) or cumulative period current year MF INPUT BY WEIGHT STEP 2. Select from either individual MF or WMC and supplier to trigger result totals BY SAMPLES TAKEN SUPPLIERS to MF (tonnes) MF to MF Total Total (select - either) Average Number of Sample Paper, Glass, Metal, Plastic Target % (tonnes) Destinations Samples Weight (kg) Av Composition % Composition SD at 95% confidence Average Average Non-Target % Non-Recyclable % SE av+(1.96*SE) av-(1.96*SE) Composition Composition Select By Individual MF Selected Individual MF (by pull dow n menu) None or Select Waste Management Company MFs Select WMC (by pull dow n menu) None and/or Select Supplier Selected single LA supplier (by pull dow n menu) Select all local authority suppliers to the MF Select single WMC supplier (by pull dow n menu) Selected all w aste management company suppliers TOTAL 12046 46 List Single MRF Only 90 5400 58.90% Paper Selected 94.50% 3.2 0.3 95.1% 93.9% 3.20% 2.30% Potential Options For Outputs STEP1. User selects by year, current quarter (1, 2, 3 or 4) or cumulative period current year MF OUTPUT BY WEIGHT STEP 2. Select from either individual MF or WMC then select material & material grade to trigger results totals BY SAMPLES TAKEN Target Material Output (tonnes) Residual and Other Outputs % (tonnes) % Destinations 1100 9.1% List Total Total Average Number of Sample Target % Samples Weight (kg) Composition at 95% confidence Average Average Non-Target % Non-Recyclable % SD SE av+(1.96*SE) av-(1.96*SE) Composition Composition Select By Individual MF Selected Individual MF (by pull dow n menu) None or Select Waste Management Company MFs Select WMC (by pull dow n menu) None and Select Material Stream All Target Output Material Paper (by pull dow n menu) Mixed Glass (by pull dow n menu) Metals (by pull dow n menu) Plastics (by pull dow n menu) None or Select Individual Grade Select Material Grades from pulldow n None TOTAL 10800 90.9% Single MRF Only 240 7140 89.8% 3.4 0.2 90.2% 89.4% 4.6% 5.6% Potential Further Searches • Information by Nation • Information by Region • Information by type of local authority • Information by size of MF Advantages • Straight forward way to access information. • Will allow a degree of comparison between local authorities and MFs. • Will allow MF to be considered against material received and despatched. • Will be able to get results by quarter Challenges • Acceptance by Industry • Results being used in context • Dealing with the different interpretations of material grades • Differentiating between a waste management company supplier and waste management company operator. Timescale • The first reporting period is October 1st to December 31st. • MFs have one month beyond 31st December to provide their results. • Portal to be tested for end of 2014 and ready to receive the first set of validated data from 1st February 2015. Thank You [email protected] Materials Facilities Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Amendment Regulations 2014 The Role of the Regulator Nadia De Longhi Strategy Manager (Waste) Contents Regulatory framework Who’s outside? Notifications Sampling and Reporting returns to the regulator Inspection by the regulator Charges What happens if you don’t comply? Timeline Regulatory Framework Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 Schedule 9A Materials Facilities into force October 2014 • Introduces requirements directly into qualifying permits effectively as Conditions for operators to: decide if they qualify notify the regulator if they do sample, assess and report on quality We have estimated that there will be approximately 30 qualifying sites in Wales. Who’s out? Waste transfer or bulking activities not involving sorting Sorting just one stream Incoming waste is unlike household Incoming waste does not contain target materials Household Waste Recycling Centres (civic amenity sites) Only treating residual waste (‘dirty’ MRFs) Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) (without any MRF operations) Refuse Derived Fuel plant without a sorting facility. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is excluded. Separating only construction and demolition waste Activities authorised by Exemptions [] Notifications At the start of each quarter, operators must assess whether they are likely to accept more than 1,000 tonnes of mixed recyclable waste within the coming year If so, they must notify the regulator; Only notify once, not every quarter; Notification remains active until the operator withdraws it; Operator can withdraw notification e.g. if a future assessment indicates they no longer qualify; If you are unsure whether you qualify, refer to guidance and contact us for advice. Sampling and Reporting returns From 1 October 2014, materials facilities (MF) must: carry out sampling of waste inputs and outputs and analyse composition; record the information and have available to the regulator on request; report information electronically every 3 months to the regulator. We will advise you of the format for the reported data return in due course. Reported data will be published and placed on a Public Register. Inspection by Natural Resources Wales Awareness visits; Desktop audits of reported data; Announced inspections: Inspecting management systems and checking bales against reported data; Unannounced inspections: Focus on areas of potential weakness; Inspection and audit findings will be reported on Compliance Assessment Reports (CAR). Charges Arrangements for charging are being developed for consultation in March / April 2014; Charges to cover the regulatory effort required What happens if you don’t comply? The following will be treated as breaches of your permit: Failure to notify Failure to measure inputs and outputs from the facility Failure to measure at the required frequency and weights Failure to record Failure to report Our general approach to enforcement and sanctions will apply Concluding messages We are involved to provide confidence in the data; MF Regulation is a discrete additional piece of work; We want to work with business to deliver the aims. Timeline March 2014 Consultation on charges starts April 2014 We write to operators we believe qualify Operators can notify us and start preparations July Charging arrangements in place We can formally start advisory visits October First 3 month reporting period starts Operators start sampling (for Oct-Dec period) Jan 2015 First reported data due from operators by 31 Jan. TBA First quarter results published Thank you for listening Q&A
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