Mitochondria Mitochondria ER Targeting and Secretory Pathway ER Golgi Vesicles PM Secretion Lysosome Endoplasmic Reticulum Endoplasmic Reticulum • Two parts: Endoplasmic Reticulum • Rough ER Endoplasmic Reticulum • What happens in the ER? Targeting of Proteins to the ER What proteins pass through ER? ER residents Other components of the secretory pathway Secreted proteins Proteins going to the plasma membrane ER targeting is cotranslational Ribosomes free in cytosol Recruited to ER Cotranslational Translocation Targeting of Proteins to the ER PLAYERS In cytoplasm: Ribosome Peptide with signal sequence Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) In ER membrane: SRP Receptor Translocon Signal Peptidase BiP Oligosaccharide Transferase Cytoplasm OST BiP ER lumen Targeting of Proteins to the ER • How are proteins targeted to the ER? • N-terminal signal sequence: Signal sequence targets proteins to ER •In the cytosol: •Signal Recognition Particle (SRP): •Cytosolic ribonucleoprotein particle •Binds GTP •6 polypeptides bound to a 300 nucleotide RNA molecule •RNA acts as a scaffold •SRP stops translation of mRNA upon binding •Binds to ER signal sequence and large ribosome subunit •Directs complex to the ER membrane so it can bind the receptor Targeting of Proteins to the ER •On the ER membrane: •SRP receptor •Alpha and beta subunits; GTP bound in ER membrane •Binding of GTP strengthens the interaction between SRP and the SRP receptor •Translocon –Sec61α is a membrane protein with 10 membrane spanning α helicies –Gated and tightly regulated ER protein targeting • Steps 1 and 2 – ER signal sequence emerges from the ribosome – SRP binds, stops translation ER protein targeting • Step 3 – Complex is quickly targeted to the ER membrane and the SRP receptor • – – – – ER protein targeting Step 4 Ribosome-cargo transferred to translocon Channel opens Signal sequence and polypeptide go into channel Translation resumes ER protein targeting • Steps 5 and 6 – As the polypeptide elongates, it passes into lumen – Signal sequence is cleaved by signal peptidase and rapidly degrades ER protein targeting • Steps 7 and 8 – At the end of translation, ribosome is released – Protein is drawn into lumen – Translocon closes – Protein folds 16 Translation drives translocation in ER lumen Translation drives translocation Signal sequence cleaved Ribosome released BiP (chaperone) - keeps protein unfolded Oligosaccharide transferase adds sugar Microsomes • When cells are homogenized, ER forms microsomes • Contain ribosomes Microsome allows in vitro study of membrane-bound processes Label secretory protein Homogenize ER to make microsomes containing secretory protein OR make whole cell extracts without microsomes Treat with protease +/- detergent Run on gel to detect protein Results Cell-free protease detergent Microsomes - + - + - + - + - - + + - - + + Secretory proteins translated in the presence of an ER are protected from protease. This means they are produced inside the ER Protein Insertion into the ER • Membrane proteins for ER, Golgi and lysosomes are sythesized in the ER • Topogenic sequences direct membrane insertion Integral Membrane Classes • Differ by orientation and signal sequence Orientation of protein in membrane important for its function What would happen if the Na/K ATPase pump were misoriented in the cell? Two types of membrane signals Stop-Transfer Internal alpha-helical hydrophobic sequence of 22-25 amino acids Signal Anchor Internal alpha-helical hydrophobic sequence of 22-25 amino acids with a stretch of positively charged amino acids Insufficient to target to translocon on its to one side own; not a target of SRP recognized by SRP and recruited to Recognition of sequence causes translocon translational stop and transfer of hydrophobic stretch to membrane Signal anchor amino acids are placed into membrane, but translation continues Remaining translation continues in cytosol unless another signal sequence Location of translation is dictated by the is encountered orientation of the anchor (+++ amino acids) Integral Membrane Classes Type I--Have a cleavable ER signal sequence Type I • Type I proteins are targeted to the ER by SRP signal sequence mediated path – Signal sequence is cleaved in ER lumen – Stop Transfer Anchor Sequence – Sec61 – SRP and SRP receptor – N-term: – C-term: Type I proteins contain N-term signal sequences and internal stop-transfer Type II • Internal signal-anchor sequence (SA) – This stretch of amino acids tells the cell two things • SA sequence recruits SRP for targeting to the ER Internal Signal Anchor Sequences are targeted to the ER by SRP Type II • 5’ end is translated in the cytosol • Translation of signal anchor sequence allows SRP to bind • SRP receptor • SA to translocon • Translation finishes Type III • Two possible orientations for SA containing proteins: • The +++ charges will always be to the cytosolic side • In Type II, +++ on the N-terminal side of SA • In Type III, the +++ on the C-terminal side Internal Signal Anchor Sequences are targeted to the ER by SRP Type III • Steps are similar to Type II – N-terminus is in the lumen – Due to the +++ charged amino acids on Cterminal side Internal Signal Anchor Sequences are targeted to the ER by SRP Type II Type III • laskdfalksd Transmembrane Sequences • Note the differences between the three types Multipass Proteins use a combination Multipass transmembrane proteins alternate between StopTransfer and Signal Anchor Sequences Odd: Even: Multipass proteinsType Iva and IVb • Type IVa Multipass proteins • Type IVb Movie Secretory Pathway ER Golgi Secretory Vesicles Production, processing, and sorting of material bound for cell membrane components or secretion Physical Apposition of Secretory Pathway Components Secretory vesicle Golgi ER-to-Golgi vesicles Rough ER Order of travel is critical for proper modifications Golgi Complex • Most proteins leave ER within minutes • Where do they go? • How do they get there? • Why? Vesicular Transport • Vesicles transport proteins to different target sites Vesicular Transport from the ER • With proper folding correct modifications, proteins leave the ER • Transport vesicles General Steps from ER to Golgi and back again Target Cargo accumulation G-protein binds to donor compartment Coat assembly and budding Vesicle Coat Coat release Target compartment fusion Vesicle components released Donor cargo General Steps from ER to Golgi and back again Players G-protein that recruits Coat: Sar1 or ARF GEF in donor compartment Coat proteins Sorting signal sequence in cytosolic portion of transmembrane cargo G-protein that targets vesicle to correct destination: Rab Rab effector in target compartment Snares in vesicle and target compartment to aid in docking and fusion General Steps from ER to Golgi and back again • Vesicle coat forms • Interacts with the cytosolic portion of membrane proteins • Coats provide curvature needed for budding • Small GTP-binding protein COPII transport Overview • 5 steps General Steps from ER to Golgi and back again • Step 1 • Sec12-GEF promotes GDP to GTP exchange in Sar1 • Causes conformation change • This drives polymerization of COPII General Steps from ER to Golgi and back again • Step 2 • Sar1-GTP serves as a binding site • Coats provide the curvature • Membrane cargo is recruited by a binding site in their cytoplasmic portions General Steps from ER to Golgi and back again Step 3 • Sar1 promotes GTP hydrolysis Step 4 • Release of coat proteins Sar1 GTP recruits coat to donor membrane Sar1 G-protein- GDP vs. GTP induces conformational change to reveal or hide a hydrophobic stretch of amino acids GDP = GTP = Sar1 GEF (ex Sec12) - donor membrane Rab GTP docks vesicle to target compartment Rab • Direct vesicles to target membranes • GTPase super family Rab GTP docks vesicle to target compartment • Step 1 • Rab binds effector protein complex SNARE interaction induces membrane fusion • SNAREs promote fusion • V-SNARE: VAMP (vesicle assoctiated membrane protein) SNARE mediate fusion • v-SNAREs are proteins in the vesicle (VAMP) • t-SNAREs are in the target location – t-SNAREs are syntaxin and SNAP-25 – Syntaxin – SNAP-25 – The four α-helices form a tight interaction SNARE interaction induces membrane fusion • v-SNARE interacts with tSNARE and SNAP25 in target membrane interact • SNARE interaction is very specific Release of SNARES •SNAREs must dissociate after fusion •Need help to break apart •Two Proteins aid in release: •NSF (NEM sensitive factor) • α-SNAP: soluble NSF attachment protein Release of SNARES • SNAREs are disassembled • SNARE interactions Differences between Anterograde and Retrograde Transport Anterograde Retrograde COPII mediated COPI mediated ER to Golgi Golgi to ER Golgi to plasma membrane Signal sequences of cargo Ex. KKXXX for ER-resident membrane proteins Signal sequences of cargo Ex. Asp-X-Glu for cargo membrane proteins in ER OR KDEL for ER-resident soluble proteins (requires KDEL receptor in Golgi membrane for cytoplasmic sorting signal) Retrograde transport • COPI mediates retrograde transport • Why is it necessary? ER signal sequence • KDEL sequence targets proteins to the ER at the C-terminus Retrograde transport • Step 1: Identify ER protein in Golgi • Step 2: KDEL sequence binds to KDEL receptor Retrograde transport • GTP binding protein is ARF – GTPase superfamily member Retrograde transport • Steps 3 and 4 – Similar to COPII mediated transport of vesicles Transport within the Golgi • Cisternal maturation • Golgi has three or four subcompartments Transport within the Golgi • Little to no COPII mediated transport • COPI mediated retrograde transport Transport out of the Golgi • Trans-Golgi Network (TGN) sends proteins to three different locations – Exocytosis – Secretory Vesicles – Lysosome Transport out of the Golgi (TGN) • Buds have a two layer coat • Outer layer - Clathrin • Inner layer of adapter protein (AP) compexes – Clathrin--triskelion conformation – AP target signal • Y-X-X-Φ Endocytosis • Receptor mediated endocytosis Endocytosis • Turnover of receptors is very high Studying the Secretory Pathway Cystic Fibrosis-CFTR Summary Movie
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