FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, February 2 Mal 3:1-4, Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 7:00 a.m. Candida Bannon 8:45 a.m. Denis Leblond TUESDAY, February 3 Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 7:00 a.m. Denis Leblond 8:45 a.m. Jeanne Gifford 5:30 p.m. Joan Zielinski St. Blaise WEDNESDAY, February 4 Heb 12:4-7,11-15; Mk 6:1-6 7:00 a.m. Charlotte Yavorski 8:45 a.m. Michael Laury 5:30 p.m. Patricia Topper EUCHARISTIC MINISTER SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 7-8 5:30 p.m. Mike Wittland, Nick Fiorillo 9:00 a.m. Jim Anthony, Mike Cilurso, Tim Schamberger, Andrea Freeman 10:30 a.m. Mary Anne Johnson, Bill Gerrity, Bob Donatelli, Kyle McLemore 12:15 p.m. Mark Kuna, Michael Fink THURSDAY, February 5 Heb 12:18-19,21-24; Mk 7-13 7:00 a.m. Robert McCullough 8:45 a. m. Michael Laury 5:30 p.m. Henry Focht FRIDAY, February 6 Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 7:00 a.m. Robert McCullough 8:45 am. Jeanne Gifford ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 7-8 5:30 p.m. Nick DeFulvio, Jessica Davis, Caroline Fahrney, Nikki Boyer 7:30 p.m. Grant Brobst, Sean Maehrer, Fyodor D'Souza, Sam Stringer 7:30 am. James Mont, Triston Margolis, Anthony Julian, Connor O'Neill 9:00 a.m. Rob and James Haag, Velika D'Souza, Braden Damitz 10:30 a.m. Joseph and Maria Traglia, Isabella Joyce, Brendan Boyle 12:15 p.m. Abbey and Danny Marx, Jeffrey Rander, Sean McCarthy School Liturgy SATURDAY, February 7 Heb 13:15-17,20-21; Mk 6:30-34 8:00 a.m. Bill and Dolores Herzog 5:30 p.m. Eddie Granitz 7:30 p.m. Denis Leblond SUNDAY, February 8 Jb 7:1-4,6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19,22-23; Mk 1:29-39 7:30 a.m. Mary Pastor 9:00 a.m. Bernard Stinner 10:30 a.m. William Wood 12:15 p.m. Richard Spugnardi 46TH PARISH RETREAT Will be held at Monocacy Manor, Bethlehem, beginning on Fri., Mar. 13 at 6 p.m. and ending on Sun., Mar. 15. You are welcome...please try to join us. For reservations contact Msgr. Murphy at the Rectory, 610-433-7413. "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1 LECTOR SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 7-8 5:30 p.m. Vic Joliat, Connie Barbarics 7:30 p.m. Veronica D'Souza, Dale Meisel 7:30 a.m. Roseanne Pastir, Chris Vaughan 9:00 a.m. Joe and Dottie Crago 10:30 a.m. Joan McCain, Sharon Mixa 12:15 p.m. Ed Olearczyk, Rick Orloski This schedule is posted as a courtesy. Please remember that the deadline for bulletin items is several days before it is actually being read. Some changes to the schedule may not have been available when the bulletin went to print. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Grades K-6: Sundays, 8:30-10:10 a.m. - Feb. 1, 8, 15 (no class), Feb. 22. Grades 7-8: Sundays, 8:30-10:10 a.m. - Feb. 8, 22. Grades 7-8: Mondays: 7:30-9:00 p.m. - Feb. 9 (class for Gr. 7 only,) Feb. 23. Confirmation Rehearsal for Grade 8 Candidates will take place on Mon., Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m. Confirmation for Grade 8 Candidates will take place , on Tues., Feb. 10, with Bishop John Barres officiating. ********** STM GALA LADIES NIGHT OUT "La Raccolta" THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 7:00 - 9:00 PM STM FAMILY CENTER Come, for a gathering of "Our Favorite Things." Bring one of your "Favorite Things" to support the Gala Auction. We'll supply food and beverage. Info call 908-644-9938 - Heather Hinshaw-Blews FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PRIME TIME NEWS We invite anyone over the age of 55 to join Prime Time. We meet the second Thursday of the month at 1:30 PM in the Family Center. Dues are $5 per year. No meeting in February. Thurs., Mar. 12 - First meeting in 2015 at 1:30 p.m. in the Family Center. Dues will be accepted at that time. TRIPS FOR 2015: Wed., Mar. 18 - Hollywood Casino Trip. Cost $22. $30 slot play, $5 food. Leaves STM 10:00 a.m. Tues. & Wed., Mar. 31 Apr. 1 - Atlantic City, Visit 3 casinos, free buffet, slot play, show. Cost $102 pp. dbl., $130 single. Bus leaves STM at 9:00 a.m. Wed., Apr. 15 - Mt. Airy. Cost $20, $20 slot play, $10 food. Bus leaves STM 10:30 a.m. Wed., May 6 - LeCreccis, "Legends in Music" entertainment. One hour open bar, served meal, beer/ wine. Cost $78. Bus leaves STM 8:45 a.m. Tues., June 2 - Sight and Sound for "Joseph" / Shady Maple. Cost $86. Bus leaves STM at 10:00 a.m. Please note: Take photo ID on all casino trips and must be 21 years of age. On all our bus trips your check is your reservation and will be handled in that order. If you need to cancel, you are responsible for filling your reservation. We will try to assist you if we have a waiting list. Call Marie Ormanoski, 610-965-9960. STM BIBLICAL STUDIES Feb. 5: Faith Sharing Group following 8:45 a.m. Mass in the Church Library. Feb. 6: Men's Bible Study, 6:45 a.m., Disciple's Room. Feb. 8: Sunday Morning Bible Study, 8:30 a.m. in school conference room. For more info, please see the parish website. The Spring Small Groups Are Here! STM Faith Communities invites you to join a threemonth small group and experience your Catholic faith in a new and exciting way. For details or to register see the church's website or contact Jared Rabold at the Parish Center. Groups being offered are: The Catholic Man Cave; Arts & Faith Appreciation; Photography & Faith; Wednesday Women. Schedules in bulletin soon. CHI-RHO Network of Volunteers Feb. 5: Meeting in the Parish Center Marian Room at 6:30 p.m. Chi-Rho is a network of volunteers who help fellow parishioners who are in need. If you would like more information on this ministry or would like to join, please contact Jared Rabold at the Parish Center or by email atj [email protected] PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR STM PARISHIONERS AND FAMILY MEMBERS CURRENTLY SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES "We live in the land of the free because of the brave." STM GALA - APRIL 18, 2015 In celebration of the 45th year of St. Thomas More School, the 2015 Gala Committee is creating a special tribute to the generations of families that have helped make our wonderful school the treasure it is today. We need your assistance to make this happen! Please contact Megan Bower at [email protected] [email protected] or Lisa Seed at and submit photos of your family from 45 years ago to today! CELEBRATE KNUTE ROCKNE AND NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL HISTORY With Award-Winning Author Jim Lefebvre This event will include a question and answer session, and Jim will be available to autograph his current book, Coach for a Nation: The Life and Times of Knute Rockne, as well as others he has written. It will be held at the Columbian Home of Allentown, 1519 W. Greenleaf St., Allentown, PA, on February 4, at 7:00 PM. Free Admittance. For more info call Tom Gibbons, 610-395-2130. MORE BREAD NEWS VALENTINE'S DAY is fast approaching. Think about Flowers from PHOEBE FLORIST (accepting Generic certificates); Candy from JOSH EARLY CANDIES, $10 and $25 denominations available; Dinner Out at OUTBACK/BONEFISH/CARRABBA'S, APPLEBEE'S, RED LOBSTER/OLIVE GARDEN, RED ROBIN AND OTHERS, $25 denominations available; GRILLE 3501 (cards must be ordered with at least 3 days advance notice, "Generic" no longer accepted); YOUELL'S OYSTER HOUSE, accepting our "Generic" certificates (reservations highly recommended.) For a complete list of cards and participating vendors see parish website. WOMEN'S GUILD NEWS Mark your calendars! March 12 is the NEW DATE for Basket Bingo! Further info soon. Ques., contact Melissa Stahley at [email protected]. Watch this space for upcoming details on the Women's Guild Easter Ham Fundraiser! There is still time to send in your Women's Guild membership dues of $15. Ques., contact Corinne Shucavage at 610-966-7311. ..."Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." Deuteronomy 30:19 STM TRIPS Feb. 7, NYC Ballet "Hear the Dance America," and "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time." Sold Out! Lunch offered at Trattoria Del Arte, $35, 57th and 7th. Anyone going to ballet or theatre can join us for lunch! Bus leaves Trident at 9 a.m. Mar. 5 - Phila. Flower Show "Lights Action Bloom," Hollywood theme, $52. Sold Out! March 28 - Broadway shows, choose one: "The King and I" with Kelli O'Hara, $144; "An American in Paris, (old Gene Kelly Movie), $139; "On The Twentieth Century," Kristen Chenoweth, a classic "train" show, $147, "The Audience," with Helen Mirren as Queen Elizabeth (her 60 year reign), $162. May 16 - "Finding Neverland," about Peter Pan. $120. For all trips above, contact Lori at 610-674-4374 or 484951-0440, email [email protected], Checks should be made out to St. Thomas More Church and mailed to Lori O'Hara, 323 Tamarack Dr., Allentown, PA 18104. More info on St. Thomas More website under Open to all parishioners and their guests. ADULT FAITH FORMATION On Mon., Feb. 2, 7:00-7:45 p.m., please come to the Disciple's Room for The Christian Life: "Where is there room for the theological virtues in our busy schedules?" Dr. Brennan Pursell will lead the discussion of #1812-1845 in the Catechism. For the podcasts, go to the parish website, click on "Adult Formation," then select "Catechism Podcasts" from the dropdown menu. R.C.I.A. Join us as Fr. James reviews the second Sacrament of Healing: Anointing of the Sick. Learn how the church offers this beautiful sacrament to those facing death, serious surgery and/or chronic illness. Jesus' concern for our physical and spiritual health is clear since He sent the apostles to anoint the sick with oil and cure them (Mark 6:13). Ques., call Fr. James at 610-433-7413. HAVE A HEART NEWS VALENTINE'S DAY MASS on Thurs., Feb. 12, Noon in the Chapel. Lunch following in Disciple's Room. OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH at Carrabba's on Mar. 11 at 12:30. For details, call Nancy Hrabal, 610-395-5660. FOOD BANK COLLECTION St. Thomas More Boy Scout Troop 439 will be collecting food for the Second Harvest Food Bank every weekend beginning Feb. 7 through March 8. Boxes will be placed in the Church for your donations. Please help the Scouts in their worthwhile endeavor to feed the hungry. Thank you. ST. THOMAS MORE BANQUET FACILITY Let us help you customize your special event Wedding Receptions, Cocktail Parties, Corporate Events FOR INFO CALL Gwyn Baker 610-217-0840 or email ********** YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS SOUPER BOWL OF CARING COLLECTION This weekend after all Masses to benefit St. Vincent De Paul Fund. FEB. 13: ARC VALENTINE'S DANCE: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help set-up for the dance, hang out with those attending, and clean up. Times are 5:30-9:00 PM. Dinner will be provided. If you can't come for the whole night but want to help, please let me know what time you are able to attend. If you are able to volunteer please email [email protected] FEB. 22: YOUTH NIGHT - DISCIPLE'S ROOM, 6:30-8:00 PM. VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE Junior and Senior accounting students from DeSales Univ. will provide free tax preparation assistance to senior citizens and those with lower incomes from NOW through Fri., April 3. To schedule a VITA appointment call 610-282-1100x1868. A DeSales student will return your call and provide assistance accordingly. Bring all printed tax info and all documents pertaining to federal, state and local taxes with you to your appointment. This program is sponsored by the IRS and supervised by Dr. Christopher Cocozza, business division head at DeSales Univ. FIRST FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 6 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration and prayer on Fri., Feb. 6, in the Chapel beginning at 9:15 a.m., concluding with Benediction at 4:55 p.m. VOCATION HOLY HOUR - Please join our parish family in the Chapel from 4-5 p.m. as we pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This hour of prayer includes a scripture reading, homily, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Litany of Humility and of the Sacred Heart, vocation prayer, Rosary for Priests and Benediction. ARMATA BIANCA - CHILDREN'S ROSARY will take place in the Church at 3:15 p.m. to recite the Rosary and other favorite prayers. All ages welcome. Ques., call Lori Samer, 610-395-0097. THROATS WILL BE BLESSED AFTER ALL MASSES THIS WEEKEND IN HONOR OF ST. BLAISE.
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