COMMUNITY FINANCE NOW HIRING Consumer Financing Application Processor We are currently hiring to fill the position of processing customer credit applications and customer/account management. The following is a list of duties for this position: Processing customer credit applications. While prior experience is a plus we will train the right person Maintaining and servicing customer accounts Completing projects assigned by management Responsible for performing day-to-day office operations Superior customer service phone and people skills is a must Candidate must be ready for a high paced environment and still maintain a cheerful and positive demeanor. Candidate must be computer proficient. It is preferred that the candidate have prior office experience. However, this is not required as we are willing to train the right person. This job requires a high attention to detail and will be reviewed by management on a routine basis to ensure accuracy. Community Finance has been in operation since 2008 and is growing very rapidly. As such, this position is a huge opportunity for your personal career growth! We are located in Swanzey, NH. Compensation to start is $14/hr to $18/hr DOE. Also includes competitive benefits. Please email or fax us a cover letter and your resume. The cover letter should be one to two pages and describe why you believe you would be a good candidate for this position. Our fax number is (877) 630-9091, our email is [email protected]. Please, recycle this newspaper. Services K&J DEAN BUILDERS, INC. Turn-Key Pkgs. Log Homes Custom Framing Siding • Decks Garages • Kitchen & Bath • Renovations FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED ALL CALLS RETURNED PROMPTLY! 603-499-3561 or 603-252-9530 David Bourgoine Cordwood Logging Land Clearing Whole Tree Chipping Buying Standing Timber 924-9759 Adams ),& FV DJ / MC C Low Rates & Senior Citizen Discounts FREE QUOTES Residential & Commercial We Now Offer CI>G:"DB: A:6CDJI-:GK>8:H Locally Owned & Owner-Operated For Over 25 Years References Proudly Supplied 0#*#122# Low Price, Big Sound Lively, Fun Entertainer All Events 781-201-0769 email: [email protected] Wanted ALL U.S. COINS WANTED Gold Has Hit Record High Of $1925 CASH PAID for gold & silver jewelry, coins, sterling silver, pocket watches, fine antiques, books, anything unique. Greg Walsh, Auctioneer, Keene. NH Lic. 5049 For Rent WARM WEATHER IS YEAR ROUND in Aruba. The water is safe, and dining is fantastic. Walk out to the beach. 3-bedroom weeks available. Sleeps 8. $3500. Email: [email protected] B Read the MSN online: HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY Find us on Applications Are Now Being Accepted For Housing at (JWFBXBZTt4UPSJFT -PDBM&WFOUT CENTURY APARTMENTS Spacious 1 & 2 Bedrooms Incl. Heat & Hot Water Beautifully Maintained /JDF-PDBUJPOt1PPMPO1SFNJTFT Call (603) 352-9105 Emile J. Legere Mgmt. Co. Keene, New Hampshire WANTS TO PURCHASE Minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201 C KAWASAKI-- Z1-900(1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000(1976-1982), Z1R, KZ1000MK2(1979,80), W1-650, H1-500(1969-72), H2-750(1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI--GS400, GT380, HONDA--CB750K(1969-1976), CBX1000(1979,80) $$ CASH $$ 1-800-772-1142 1-310-721-0726 [email protected] LOCATION 7ALPOLE +EENE -ILFORD .EW,ONDON Hudson +EENE (OOKSETT (ILLSBORO #OLEBROOK (INSDALE 7INCHESTER .3WANZEY &/2-/2%).&/2-!4)/.0,%!3%72)4%/2#!,, scan me! EJL MANAGEMENT CO. s0/"OXs+EENE.( Place your vote online at BY 5 PM, FEBRUARY 10TH CASH FOR UNEXPIRED diabetic test strips! Free shipping, best prices & 24-hr. payment! Call 855440-4001 www.TestStripSearch. com N WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES PROPERTY !PPLEWOOD !UTUMN,EAF "EECHBROOK "ITTERSWEET Buttercup #LEVELAND (OLLYBERRY -APLELEAF -ONADNOCK 2OLLING(ILLS 3UNRISE 7ATERVIEW %LDERLYOROLDERHANDICAPPEDORDISABLED1UALIFYUNDERINCOME SETBY(5$!LLUNITSAREONEBEDROOMANDINCLUDEUTILITIES 603-903-3069 CASH PAID – Up to $25/box for unexpired, sealed diabetic test strips. 1-day payment. 800371-1136 C KEENE, NH ')0#(! Your Hometown Movers 27 Services I am paying more than ever. WANTED: • Silver Dollars • Silver • Coins • Buffalo NO JOB 2 ODD Nickels • Indian Head Pennies Trash Out or Buy Out Service • Sets Of Coins • Proof & Mint Residential or Commercial Estates Sets • Paper Money • Sterling Foreclosures, Houses, • Gold Coins & Jewelry • AlBasements & Garages most Anything. I Will Travel. Recycling & Trash Removal Coin shop coming soon! Cheaper Than Dumpster & Bagster Gold & silver bullion for sale. Demolition, Brush Removal Call Brian At 603-477-2902 Moving & Storage or 603-543-1712 Free Estimates - Don’t Stress, We’ll Do It For Less. 603-876-9999 Say You Saw it in The Monadnock Shopper News, January 28 – February 3, 2015 CALL A MEMBER OF THE CONTOOCOOK VALLEY CAUTION BOARD OF REALTORS READERS ARE CAUTIONED that we occasionally run ads that require an initial investment or money in advance. We urge our readers to “do their homework” before responding to any ad. Check out the advertiser thoroughly and verify their claims to your total satisfaction. Only then should you proceed at your own risk. We try to screen ads that require you to send money before receiving a product or service. But these efforts are no substitute for your own investigation, and we don’t endorse or guarantee any claims made in any of the ads we publish. If you want more information about claims made in ads on subjects such as work at home opportunities, travel or vacation specials, purchasing land or vehicles from government surplus or below wholesale, loans or other credit opportunities (including credit repair), or weight loss and other health products and services, we urge you to contact the Better Business Bureau, Inc., 25 Hall St., Suite 102, Concord, NH 03301; (603) 224-1991; or; or the Office of Attorney General, Consumer Protection and Antitrust Bureau, 33 Capitol Street, Concord, NH 03301 (603-271-3641). &,!-!) 5&2%0#21.-2 Spacious open concept 1-BR home w/tasteful renovations plus separate studio with 3/4 BA, heat & electricity. Both have large screen porches overlooking Moose Brook. Be inspired by the gentle sounds of water the year round. MLS#4399931 .0'4!7 -3,"1 Spend Spring, Summer and Fall in this cozy 3-BR seasonal cottage with deeded beach rights to Lake Contoocook. Fully furnished and well cared for. Many recent upgrades including the kitchen. Detached garage with workshop. Foot path to the golf course. Rindge. MLS#4252209 HfmIg 25 Turnpike Road, Jaffrey, NH 03452 Finding Senior Housing can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. 41 Main St. Jaffrey, NH R E A L T O R S 532-8742 QQQ"?MJL?M0?;F#MN;N?=IG "HfmIg PHONE: 603-532-8765 HfmIg FAX: (603) 532-4519 Email:[email protected] – Joan Lunden HfmIg HfmIg (800) 217-3942 (JWFBXBZTt4UPSJFTt-PDBM&WFOUT A Place for Mom is the nation’s largest senior living referral information service. We do not own, operate, endorse or recommend any senior living community. We are paid by partner communities, so our services are completely free to families. Read the MSN online: HfmIg What my clients are saying... “No other agent would put as much into our hunt as you did for&/2!,,9/52.%%$3). this house.” Ed & Susanne. 2%!,%34!4% Bruce M. Murphy Lumber Company Maintenance & Diesel Mechanic Full Time Class A CDL Driver Full time maintenance and diesel equipment mechanic wanted with at least 3 years experience including work on forklifts and loaders. Competitive benefits. Hourly wage commensurate with experience. Welding experience a must. Valid drivers license. Drug screen. Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar field preferred. Log loader experience preferred but not required. Must meet age requirements and have a clean MVR. Competitive benefits package includes: i>Ì ÊÃÕÀ>ViÊUÊiÌ>ÊÃÕÀ>Vi viÊÃÕÀ>ViÊUÊ- ÀÌÊ/iÀÊÃ>LÌÞ 401(k) Applications available at: 1103 Vernon Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 or email resume to: [email protected] Find us on HfmIg HfmIg “You can trust A Place for Mom to help you.” Associate Broker/Sales Director (603) 209-2594 *3TARTTHE.EW9EAR/FFBY #HOOSINGTHE2IGHT!GENT Robin Smith Real Estate Agent * ** * 84 Closed Homes * Over $15 Million in Sales * Experienced & Enthusiastic ,É8Ê/"7 ÊEÊ "1 /,9ÊUÊ££ÇÊ7-/Ê-/°ÊUÊ CELL 603.313.9902 UÊ" Ê603.357.4100 X118ÊU ," J,-/,/",° "
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