Volume 15, Issue 02 Church Street Journal FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ROCKAWAY, NJ February 2015 This year’s annual Ecumenical Lenten Lunches of Rockaway will begin on Friday, February 20 and go through March 27. Each Friday at noon in Fellowship Hall, we’ll begin with a lunch served by that week’s church hosts and followed at 12:30 by a brief Lenten worship service. This year’s theme is “Leads Me Into Life.” The weekly church hosts and the Scripture lessons for that week are: February 20 - First Presbyterian Church Mark 1:9-15 - The Baptism & Temptation of Jesus February 27 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Mark 8:31-38 - “Take Up Their Cross and Follow Me” March 6 - St. Simon the Apostle Roman Catholic Parish John 2:13-25 – Cleansing of the Temple March 13 – Teabo United Methodist Church John 3:14-21 - “For God so loved the world” March 20 – The United Methodist Church of the Rockaways John 12:20-33 – Jesus foretells his suffering March 27 – St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church Mark 11:1-10 - Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) April 3 – Good Friday: All Participating Churches **The Good Friday Service does not include lunch and will be held at 12 noon at the United Methodist Church of the Rockaways, 1 Hoagland Ave., Rockaway** God Sightings: Stories of Faith and Growth 2015 Lenten Devotional In 2014 our congregation began to recognize that our personal stories of faith combine to show us God’s story among us. When we share our faith stories, we see how we are connected, and how we can support each other through the challenges and the blessings of life. This year, our devotional is a sharing of these stories. The devotion will be available on Sunday, February 8th. The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 11. The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be Sunday, February 8, immediately following worship. The purpose of the meeting is to review the committee and other organizational annual reports, and to receive the report of the Nominating Committee and elect officers. All committees must submit reports to the office no later than January 25. Email: [email protected] Or drop them off during office hours—M-F, 9-1 Page 2 CHURCH STREET JOURNA L Mardi Gras Pancake Party! S UN DAY, FEBRUARY 22 $8.00 for adults $5.00 for children 12 and under Without reservations you will be charged: $10.00 for adults and $8.00 for children 12 and under at the door Want to help out? Contact Rev. Sue Trigger Come for an evening of food and fun festivities for the entire family! A Jr. High We’ll have tasty pancakes with delicious toppings and sides. Fundraiser There will be bingo with small prizes, and activities for kids. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 4-7 P.M. First Presbyterian Church 35 Church St. Rockaway, NJ 07866 No tickets will be sold in advance! We simply ask that you make a reservation and pay at the door. You can reserve your spot by calling Phone: 973-627-1059 E-mail: [email protected] VOLUME 15, ISSUE 02 the church office at 973-627-1059 or by signing up after worship in Fellowship Hall. Page 3 New Member’s Classes to Begin We love that you are participating in church activities and we’re wondering, have you been thinking about joining the church? Would you like to learn more about being Presbyterian and the ministries of our congregation? Sign up for: New Member’s Classes set to begin on March 8 at 9:15 a.m. The class will meet for three sessions with new members being welcomed into the congregation on Palm Sunday, March 29. To sign up contact the church office: 973-627-1059. For more information talk with Revs. Sue and Mitch or Diane Knipper. Do You Often Feel Overwhelmed by Life? Come to the Overcoming Anxiety and Depression Support Group The group is currently reading the book, “Sleeping with Bread: Holding What Gives You Life,” by Matthew, Sheila Fabricant, and Dennis Linn. The Linn’s are both counselors and Biblical scholars who combine these disciplines to help reader’s find faith and healing. This book focuses on the spiritual discipline of the examen as a means of dealing with depression. The group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Rev. Sue’s office. For more information contact Rev. Sue. Come Knit and Crochet with Us Thursday, February 26 6:30—8:00 p.m. If you can knit or crochet, or if you want to, We hope you will join us. We need more crafters. Page 4 CHURCH STREET JOURNA L Lillian Argueta Mary Anne Henselmann After a well-deserved break at Christmas, you Stephen Ministry trainees, Lillian Argueta and Mary Anne Henselmann, and the Stephen Leaders have returned to their training sessions with in-depth discussion, practices, prayer and reading. They’re about half-way through the preparation to serve our congregation in this caring ministry! Please continue to pray for them as they read and discuss new ideas, incorporate these ideas with what they have already learned, and transform this information into caregiving skills. February 18, 7 p.m. With the imposition of ashes VOLUME 15, ISSUE 02 Page 5 This year Christmas day was different for many of our volunteers. Christmas morning volunteers when to the Faith Kitchen in Dover and prepared and served 175 guests at the soup kitchen. The kitchen has our Community Breakfast cooks doing their magic. They prepared pork, turkey and beef options with the appropriate sides and salad. The reminder of our volunteers where the servers; seating and giving the guests a catering feel. Our team started at 8:00 am cooking and setting up. At around 11:00 am around 40 meals were packed and delivered to shut-ins. At around 11:15 am to 12:30 pm we served. After 12:30 pm came everyone’s favorite time “Keep Up”….. Taking liberty for talking to all that were there it was a great time to start our Christmas day giving the greatest gift to others “US”. Getting ready to prepare dishes Getting the tables ready Page 6 Having too much fun over the stove… Do they really know how to cook it? CHURCH STREET JOURNA L Waiting for the door to open…. Getting the utensils ready Scrip will be available after church every week. Scrip order will be going in on February 23rd. If you can’t make it to church or if you miss buying Scrip then, you can call Holly Lenhardt at 973-879-0486 or email her at [email protected]. VOLUME 15, ISSUE 02 Page 7 Come one—come all to the church on Saturday morning, February 28th for breakfast. The breakfast will include eggs, pancakes and coffee. It is free so please come out and enjoy. Tell your neighbors. Better yet bring them with you. Church Library Did you know that our Church Library is located in the Parlor which is outside of Fellowship Hall? Please feel free to browse and choose one of the books to borrow. We have all genres including historical, fiction, nonfiction and informational. Please remember to sign out your selection. Page 8 CHURCH STREET JOURNA L A Gift of Love “Joined in Remembrance Teddy Bear Program” During the month of February, the church school is asking the children and church members to make a special offering by donating a new Teddy Bear to this wonderful ministry. The Teddy Bear Program was created by one of our church members, Lori Donaldson. The bears are given to families who have experienced the loss of a newborn. The bears will be dedicated to God’s ministry of caring on February 15th. A Note of Thanks The Christian Education Committee would like to thank everyone who donated hats, gloves, mittens and scarves that hung on our mitten tree. These “ornaments” were distributed to children in our area during the month of December. VOLUME 15, ISSUE 02 Page 9 Sunday Morning, 9:15 a.m. Tuesday Morning Bible Study Monday Evening, 7PM, BK Room Tuesday 9:30am-11am – B K Room IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO MAKE A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION! We all make New Year’s resolutions to eat better, stop smoking or workout more. Do we ever think of working on our “spiritual muscles??” How about making a resolution to start attending Adult Bible Study!! All classes are held in the BK Room. Here’s when we meet: Sunday Morning 9:15-10:15-am—We use the Feasting on the Word curriculum. We study what the pastors preach each Sunday. Come and get all the “behind the scenes” info on each Sunday’s scripture lesson. Taught by Diane Knipper and Tom Winger Monday Night 7-8pm—For all you folks who like to sleep in on Sunday mornings, this is a repeat of Sunday’s lesson. Check out the Feasting on the Word curriculum at the church website www.fpcrockaway.org under Educational Opportunities. You can even download each week’s lesson! Taught by Diane Knipper and Rich Basile Tuesday Morning 9:30-11:30am—The topic of this study is chosen by class members (see more info on this study in the newsletter). Taught by Betty Shuman. So give one of these studies a try and see what you think. We think this will be one resolution you will want to keep! Need more info?? Contact Diane Knipper at 973-495-9312 or [email protected]. COME JOIN US! Page 10 We are reading and discussing of the book “Where God was Born” by Bruce Feiler. This story of the journey by the author to Israel, Iraq and Iran, the land where the 3 major Abrahamic faiths began is part geographical, part autobiographical, part theological. Traveling into the midst of political unrest he discovers the roots of all 3 religions and it helps him understand his faith and deepen his relationship with God. This group meets every week from 9:3011:15 in the B King room, to learn together, pray together and laugh together. We begin each session with a sharing of joys and concerns where we develop a network of disciples who care for one another. This book was published in 2005 and you may find it in used book stores. For information contact Betty Shuman through the church office. Church School News Sunday School, 9:15 a.m. FOR KIDS, PRESCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL TO We have been excited to see that our average attendance has continued to be 35 children or more each Sunday. We have been discovering more about God’s word through our lessons from the “Feasting on the Word” curriculum. During the month of January, the children learned about being children of God; being the light of Jesus by praying and helping others. They learned about Jesus’s baptism, understanding that God is always with them and learning ways that they can be disciples of Jesus by following his teachings. If you are interested or would like more information about this, please contact Donna Van Duyne (973-625-3912). CHURCH STREET JOURNA L In February the Senior Highs hosted the National Souper Sunday which benefitted the Rockaway Food Closet on 2/1. We are leaving for the Retreat to Mont Lawn in Bushkill Falls PA on the 13th and return on the 15th. While there we will enjoy the snowy outdoors, a warm fireplace and some comfort food. We will have a bake sale fundraiser on 2/8 with Valentines themed goodies. Thank you for your continued support of the Senior Highs! WORSHIP HOUR CHILDCARE The Christian Education Committee would like to announce a change to Worship Hour Childcare. Beginning in January, the ages for children to go downstairs after children’s time will be PreK to grade 3. Children from grade 4 and up will stay in church with their parents. All children are always welcome to stay in church for the entire service. The Christian Education and Worship Committees would like to thank all those who have agreed to help with Worship Hour Childcare. The following is the schedule for January and February. If you cannot do your scheduled Sunday please try to switch with someone or contact Donna Van Duyne. (973-625-3912) February 1 – February 8 – Karen Wales February 15 – Lanie Ballard February 22 – March 1 – Linda Kirby March 8 – Barbara Trappe March 15 – Pat Warren March 22- Nancy Martinez March 29 - Krajcsovics VOLUME 15, ISSUE 02 Page 11 February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Worship & Sunday School February 1,8,15,22 Sunday School and Bible Study—9:15am February 1,8,15,22 Worship 10:30 Worship & Potluck 1,8,15—5pm No 5pm Worship on 2/22 Page 12 CHURCH STREET JOURNA L Schedule of Events Committees and Groups—meeting dates and times SUNDAY: 2/1—1st Sunday Food Collection 2/1- National Souper Bowl Sunday 2/1,15 Jr High Youth 6:30 FH 2/8— Annual Congregational Meeting following worship 2/8—Sr High Valentine’s Day Bake Sale 2/22 C-3 Meeting 11:30am 2/22—Mardi Gras Pancake Party 4-7PM 2/22—SR High Meeting—7PM MONDAY: 2/9 Finance Meeting 7pm BK 2/23—Sara Circle 7:30pm TUESDAY: 2/3,10,17,24—Bible Study 9:30am 2/3— CE Meeting—BK Room 7pm 2/3,10,17,24 SM:NB 7:30 Parlor 2/3,10,17,24 SM: NB2 7pm BK 2/3,10,17,24 SM 6pm-10pm Lounge WEDNESDAY: 2/4– 7pm Worship 2/11,25—12noon Lunch Bunch too—BK Room 2/11,25— Overcoming Depression/Anxiety Group 7pm 2/11—7pm Outreach 2/18—Ash Wednesday Service 7PM 2/18—7pm Session THURSDAY: 2/5,12,19,26—Genesis Bells 6:15pm, Church St Ringers 7pm, Adult Choir 8pm—Choir Loft 2/12 TEKS—at Basile’s 7pm 2/26- Woven in Love 6:30pm BK Friday: 2/13-15– Sr High Retreat SATURDAY:11/1 2/7—Men’s Breakfast 8-10am 2/28 –Community Breakfast 8-11am If the above information is incorrect or if an activity is missing from the calendar, please update the calendar in the office by notifying the office manager via phone (973-627-1059) or email ([email protected]). VOLUME 15, ISSUE 02 Page 13 Please keep the food closet in mind and also let your friends and neighbors know. Food can be dropped off Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the church office and, of course, any Sunday - especially the 1st Sunday of each month. Items needed most: cereal, tuna, peanut butter, soup, macaroni and cheese, canned meats and meals, crackers, canned fruit, coffee, tea, cold drink mixes and vegetables. If you need to drop off food when the office isn't open or have any questions, please leave a message for me at 973-627-1059. Thank you for your continued support! Linda Kirby When February comes I hope to find, My mailbox filled with valentines. It is a time for everyone To join in all the holiday fun. What a special time of year, Remembering loved ones, oh so dear. preschoolexpress.com January came and went and we would like to thank the Lion's Club for providing a free eye exam to all our students. We also were able to conduct a wonderful parent workshop on Kindergarten Readiness. Thank you to Doreen Scheetz and Nicole Parzero from the Rockaway Township School District for volunteering their time to conduct the program. February is dental health month! The students would also like to thank Flanders Pediatric Dentistry and one of our very own parents, Mrs. Spillane, for visiting the school and helping promote good oral hygiene. It is that time of year again and PCCNS priority registration for the 2014-2015 school year will be on February 3rd and 4th and open enrollment will begin on February 5 th. Please help spread the word about our preschool! For further information, please visit our website at www.rockaway-pccns.com or contact Maria Halkias at 973-586-3665 for more information about our exciting new programs and registration for the new school year! Church members receive a 10% discount. Maria Halkias Lent and Easter season coming soon already, my goodness! Make note, coming up in early April on Palm Sunday we will have a guest musician, trumpeter Joe Romano, another colleague of mine from West Orange. We work together at Edison Middle School. He is very, very good. You won't want to miss this one. He used to play in the Army Band and has recorded with Mariah Carey. We are very pleased to have Joe Martinoni and John Pope back in the adult choir. Three cheers for the guys!! I would also like to extend an invitation to any singers that would like to join our choir for the Lent and Easter season, please see me! Yours in Christ, Page 14 CHURCH STREET JOURNA L Woven in Love Knit and Crochet Ministry SARA CIRCLE BEGINNERS AND Sara Circle meets on the 4th Monday of the Month at 7:30pm. We meet in the home of a circle member and enjoy refreshments, fellowship and outreach. For more information, please contact Nancy Kolbusch at 973-366-0873. VETERANS Woven in Love has new members joining all the time! NEXT MEETING February 26th, 6:30 PM THE BK ROOM We will continue to provide the Church Street Journal either on the church website or in the Narthex. Only a few copies of the newsletter will be mailed to those individuals who either don’t have email or can’t make it to church. Everybody who has access to the internet has access to the newsletter. For those of you who have email, the church office will send you notification when the new issue is available on the website. For those of you without access to the internet, check your bulletin or listen for the announcement in church during opening time that the newest issue is available in the narthex. If you have any questions, comments, complaints, please do not hesitate to contact Wendy at [email protected] or by leaving a message at the church office at 973-627-1059 or in person. The First Presbyterian Church—Rockaway Co-Pastors: The Revs. Mitchell & Susan Trigger Ministers: All the People Music Director: Bonnie Pomeroy Office Manager: Christine Zelinsky Cemetery Sexton: Robert Nichols Newsletter Editor: Bette Ann Lindsay Clerk of Session: Carl Kline Phone: 973-627-1059 Fax: 973-983-0090 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.fpcrockaway.org Newsletter deadline: 15th of each month Send e-mail submissions to: [email protected] (Please put “Newsletter” in the Subject Line) PCCNS—973-586-3665 Maria Halkias, Director VOLUME 15, ISSUE 02 Page 15 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 35 Church St. Rockaway, NJ 07866-3027 WHAT’S INSIDE: GOD SIGHTINGS, ANNUAL CONGREGATION MEETING, MARDI GRAS PANCAKE PARTY 2&3 NEW MEMBERS CLASS, OVERCOMING ANXIETY & DEPRESSION, WOVEN IN LOVE, STEPHEN MINISTRY, ASH WEDNEDSAY SERVICE 4&5 OUTREACH, SCRIP 6&7 COMMUNITY BREAKFAST, CHURCH LIBRARY, TEDDY BEAR PROGRAM 8&9 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, SR HIGH, WORSHIP CHILDCARE 10 & 11 CALENDAR, COMMITTEES & GROUP MEETINGS 12 & 13 FOOD CLOSET, PNNC, MUSIC NOTES, SARA CIRCLE, WOVEN IN LOVE 14 & 15
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