The Mission The Journal of St John’s Reaching Farther St. John’s Lutheran Church and School The Obaidi Family Update The Mayor Small Group Written by: Nancy Mayor February’s Mission Café donations will be given to the Obaidi Family. You may recall that this refugee family came to the Chicago area in December of 2013 through an organization called World Relief. The Mayor Thursday night Small Group has visited the family regularly since their arrival, and has provided assistance where needed. The family fled Iraq in an attempt to find a better life for their three beautiful daughters, Aeshah, Hajir, and Maria. The parents, Dhahir and Ibtisam, have been doing the best they can, however they are still struggling to make ends meet. Dhahir is currently washing dishes in a restaurant in the city, but the pay is minimal and the hours fluctuate, making it difficult to keep up with the bills. The family has worked hard to learn English and to adjust to their new life in the U.S. The girls are doing Week of February 1, 2015 well in school, and have made some new friends. It is our hope that they will thrive and find happiness in their new home here. Please consider a monetary gift, gas card, or gift card to assist this family. Thank you so much, The Mayor Small Group Sunday Morning and Weekly Adult Study Biblical | Challenging | Relevant Sunday Morning Adult Studies 9:25a Week Day Adult Studies—Various Days and Times The Gospel of St. Mark Early Risers Bible Class SUNDAY’S The Heritage Room Leader: Pastor Philip Bruening Thursday’s The Heritage Room—6:15a In the three year cycle we are in for the scripture readings, this year the focus is on the second Gospel. The symbol for the Gospel is the winged lion because the Gospel is a Gospel of action. The Greek word “εὐθὺς” (euthus) translated “immediately” or “just then” or “straightway” is used (42) times in the Gospel inviting us to be people of action for Jesus Christ. We will also be looking at the significance that geography plays in this Gospel and the impact that should have on us today as we are in ministry. Impacting Culture SUNDAY’S The Library (2nd Floor of School Building) Leaders: Andy and Sue Kunz We will discuss aspects of our culture and explore the ways in which we reach people in our surrounding community. This week our focus will be: From Personal Faith to Social Action. We will explore the tension between social justice and evangelism. We look at Jesus' expectations of His followers and ask some probing questions of ourselves and our churches. Join us at 9:25a in the Library! 2 St John’s Lutheran Church and School THE COFFEE POT IS ON! Come join the Early Risers Bible Class! We meet every Thursday morning beginning at 6:15a in the Heritage Room. This is a great opportunity to get into the Word before you start your busy day. All are welcome! Young Adult Bible Study Kirsten Smith [email protected] Beginning Sunday, February 15, 2015—2:30p-4p Leader: Kirsten Smith Hey Young Adults! We will start our Young Adult Bible Study on Sunday, February 15, 2015 from 2:30p—4p. On this day we will meet, get to know one another, and pick a Bible Study topic. I can’t wait to see you all there! 2015 Lenten Worship & Supper Schedule Ash Wednesday, February 18 10:45a—Worship w/Holy Communion and Distribution of Ashes 6p— Lenten Supper (Hosted by: Board of Elders) Annual Chili Dinner with all the trimmings! 7p—Worship w/Holy Communion and Distribution of Ashes Wednesday Midweek Lenten Worship Services February 25—March 25, 2015 10:45a and 7p Wednesday Midweek Lenten Suppers February 18—March 25, 2015—6p School Gymnasium Suggested Donation: $8—Adults; $4—Children (5-12yrs); $20— Family Wednesday, February 25, 2015 (Hosted by: St. John’s Choir Members) Baked Chicken Dinner with Vegetables, Potatoes, Salad and Dessert More Menu Items Coming Soon!! St. John’s Prayer Chain Caroline Craig [email protected] 708-372-7758 A Prayer Chain is a way for people to gain assistance in prayer for any problem. It is also a way for any person to act on God's command to love one another (John 13:34-35). Prayer is a way for us to reach out of ourselves, to put aside our loneliness and pain for the sake of another. Our mission is to partner with the Holy Spirit and each other through prayer to impact our church, our community and the world for Jesus Christ. I am looking to start a Prayer Chain. For those of us who are more comfortable with technology, prayers will be shared via email or texting; for those whom technology is too impersonal, a phone tree will be created. When a parishioner wishes to start a prayer request, she/he can contact Caroline Craig @ 708-372-7758 (texting is OK), or email [email protected]. Prayers from Daily Requests or given to Michelle LaVelle will also be included unless labeled confidential. Once you contact me, I will share some general information regarding prayer chains. Prayers do NOT need to be for Members of St. John’s only. Prayer requests will be as specific as the person requesting the prayer. Jesus teaches us that if we agree on anything and ask in faith it will be granted (Matthew 18:19). "I tell you, ask and you will receive..." (Luke 11:9, Matt. 7:7). If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Craig (708) 372-7758 or [email protected] Meet! Experience! Live ! 3 Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Sherrie Smith [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 212 Kirsten Smith [email protected] Emily Jung [email protected] Sunday School Sunday Morning Youth Bible Study Sunday, February 1, 2015—9:25a School Classrooms Sunday, February 1—9:25a; Youth Room Leader: Emily Jung The Sunday School lesson for this week focuses on the story of “Jesus and the Little Children.” In our sin, we are like small children: helpless, dependent, and needy. Jesus came to bestow His love and eternal gifts upon us. Parents could discuss, “How did Jesus show His compassion to these little children? How does Jesus shower His compassion on us?” Come join us for a New Year’s Study and Discussion! We will also be talking about what topics we will be studying this new year! Can’t wait to see you all! Pastor Bruening will be giving the Children’s Message today! Confirmation Students Sherrie Smith [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 212 Confirmation Session TODAY, February 1, 2015—Noon (This is a date change) Heritage Room Confirmation is TODAY!! We will meet at 12p in the Heritage Room. The topic is “Prayer”. Come to hear the details of the Confirmation Retreat. First Communion Class February 15, 22 and March 1, 2015—9:30a—10:30a School Classroom 202 This class is open to any 7th or 8th Grader with a parent. Please let Sherrie Smith or the Church Office know if you will be attending these sessions. 4 St John’s Lutheran Church and School Youth Super Bowl Party! TONIGHT, February 1—5:30p Location: Kirsten’s House Join us TONIGHT as we cheer on the Patriots or the Seahawks. Kickoff starts at 5:30p. We will meet at Kirsten's house (Email for address). No worries there will be snacks. Bring friends! SAVE THE DATE! - LOCK-IN! Friday, February 13 to Saturday, February 14 Leader: Kirsten Smith [email protected] A Lock-In for Jr. and Sr. High Youth will be held on February 13-14. Join us for Bible Studies and games led by a Concordia Youth Ministry Team. The theme is "Killing with kindness". It will start at 7p in the School Gym on Friday, February 13 and end at 8a on Saturday, February 14. There will be a $5 fee for each child to help cost for food. Signup sheets are in the Youth file on the back wall in the Narthex. Turn them into the Youth Ministry mailbox in the Church Office or to Kirsten Smith. Can't wait to see you all there! Music Ministry Gerald Kuker [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 222 Festival Handbells It is time to make plans for the Festival Handbells to ring for Easter. For this season, we will rehearse on Thursdays from 6:30—7:30p. This ensemble is open to all High School age youth and adults. Reading music is a prerequisite and you must be available for all four rehearsals, March 5, 12, 19, and 26. We will not rehearse during the week of Spring Break which is also Holy Week, but will rehearse at a mutually agreed upon time the day before Easter Sunday, April 5th. Please contact Director, Jerry Kuker with your questions and to express your interest in participating. Jerry needs to know by February 15th who is participating. Calling All Singers! Our Senior Choir is starting another semester of singing praises to our Lord and Savior. If you have given any thought to joining in the music making and fellowship that goes along with it, be sure to join us this Wednesday at 7p in the Music Room, 2nd floor of the school. It's not too late. This Choir is open to all High School youth and adults, St. John's member or non-member. Don't wait for a personal invitation. Just show up for our rehearsal and join in the fun. We know you won't regret it. Talk with Director Jerry Kuker if you have any questions. Upcoming 2015 Events Annual Woman’s Retreat Rebecca Schiltz [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 210 Friday, February 6 and Saturday, February 7, 2015 Chicago Marriott Southwest at Burr Ridge 1200 Burr Ridge Parkway, Burr Ridge IL 60527 The 15th Annual Women’s Retreat is days away! Registration will close on February 2nd. It is not too late to register! There are registration forms in the Church Narthex or you may go to to register online! Please contact Rebecca Schiltz if you have any questions. Christmas Concert DVD’s/CD’s Gerald Kuker [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 222 We have 3 DVD’s and 5 CD’s remaining for purchase at $15.00 each. If you would like to purchase any of these, please see Jerry Kuker. Articles for The Mission are due Wednesday by Noon and can be submitted to Michelle La Velle, [email protected] or by calling the Church Office (708) 354-1690 x210 The Church Office reserves the right to edit submissions for length and/or writing style. Meet! Experience! Live ! 5 St. John’s School Lynn Kahl, Principal [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 218 Praise God for Volunteers How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you? I Thessalonians 3: 9 St. John’s is very blessed. Besides having wonderful teachers who give their time and energy far beyond any requirement, we are blessed with exceptional volunteers. Many parents volunteer to help with their children’s classrooms by helping with Accelerated Reader tests, grading Rocket Math, running the PTO with all its events, or being Room Parents, but we have so many more volunteers. The school no longer has a paid librarian. Instead the library is completely staffed by parents and congregation members. Led by Mrs. Willig, the staff includes Debbie Cloutier and Natercia Medrano whose children attend the school. Congregation members include Chris Kirchenberg, Nancy Mayor, Marie Fukar, and Jim and Barb Paulsen. These members’ children all attended St. John’s many years ago. Besides working with children, these volunteers have completely redesigned the library including purchasing new carpets and implementing new library software. What a blessing. The Athletic program has also been blessed by volunteers. Patrick Mannes, husband of our Kindergarten teacher, has 6 St John’s Lutheran Church and School helped his wife and Ms. Pece, the coach, with the Varsity Girls’ Basketball team. The Varsity Boys’ Basketball team has also been coached by parents. The unusual thing about that is that the two dads that are coaching, Al Stradal and Jeremy Daugherty, have no children old enough to play basketball yet. Their children are in Preschool, Kindergarten, and 2nd Grade. What a blessing. At the St. John’s Invitational Tournament, it was amazing to see all the parent volunteers including many whose children were too young to be involved in athletics. They did not wait until their children were involved in sports, but volunteered to help now. This spirit of unity to further the mission and vision of our school and church is a wonderful blessing. I thank not only all these adult volunteers, but God for moving them to His service. More School News! Meemic Grant Received St. John’s Students, Grades First through Third received a $500.00 grant from the Meemic Foundation to cover the program fees for a field trip to Robert Crown Center for Health Education in Hinsdale. A representative from the Meemic Foundation presented the check at a recent faculty meeting. Thanks Meemic! February’s Mission Cafe donations will go towards the Obaidi Family. You may recall that this refugee family came to the Chicago area in December of 2013 through an organization called World Relief. 2015 Coffee Hour Hosts Rebecca Schiltz [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 210 Rebecca Schiltz [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 210 Coffee Hour hosts are needed for the Mission Cafe. Hosting is a great opportunity to meet people, catch up with old friends and spend an hour giving time to St. John's. Your help is greatly appreciated by many. PTO [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 253 Market Day Amy Strombom [email protected] 708-863-4194 Our next Market Day pick up will be Saturday, February 14 at 10:45a. Thank you for your continued support of this program. Meet! Experience! Live ! 7 Offerings of the People This Week At St. John’s Preacher: Reverend W. Philip Bruening Organist: Gerald Kuker Choirs: Senior Choir—8a; Junior Choir, Jubilee Handbell Choir and Echoes of Praise—10:45a Flautist: Christina Lass-Moore—8a Children’s Message: Pastor Bruening Altar Guild: Sharon Broz Altar Flowers: The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God at the Altar in thanksgiving for many blessings received, and in memory of Tommy D’Amico’s 27th birthday on February 4th, given by Tom and Sherry D’Amico and family. February 1—February 8, 2015 Sunday 8:00a Worship w/Holy Communion 9:25a Adult Bible Study—The Gospel of Mark 9:25a Adult Bible Study—Impacting Culture 9:25a Sunday School 9:25a Sunday Morning Youth Bible Study 10:45a Worship w/Holy Communion 12:00p Monthly Confirmation Session 5:30p YOUTH SUPER BOWL PARTY (Offsite) Monday 3:30p SJLS Variety Show Auditions 7:00p Board of Worship Meeting Tuesday 7:25a Jubilee Handbell Rehearsal 3:30p SJLS Variety Show Auditions 7:30p Basketball Group Coffee Hour Host: Jim and Barb Paulsen Serving at 8:00a Acolytes: Sydney Jones and Carly Lundeen Elder: George Birmingham Communion Assistants: Mark Behnke, Dick Herman and Tom Wykert Ushers: *Pat Mallahan, John Babirak, Otto Osterland, Jerry Safranek and Art Schroeder Wednesday Serving at 10:45a Acolytes: Carolyn Euwema and Madeline Wilkins Elder: Herb Marohn Communion Assistants: Randy Gunn, Pete Johnson and Bruce Smith Ushers: Chuck Enokian, Jim Moriarity, Wally Pidde and Denise Setzke Thursday 6:15a Early Risers Bible Class 7:15p Volleyball Practice Friday ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT (Offsite) 7:30a School Band Rehearsal 7:00p Recovery Group Meeting Worship Attendance: Last Week Sunday [01/25] = 248 ST. JOHN’S SCHOOL WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY OPEN HOUSE (During Regular School Hours—8:15a) 7:25a Joy Handbell Rehearsal 7:40p Children’s Prayer Ministry 8:20a School Chapel Service 9:50a ECH Chapel Service 7:00p Senior Choir Rehearsal Saturday Sunday ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT (Offsite) 8:00a Worship Service 9:25a Adult Bible Study—The Gospel of Mark 9:25a Adult Bible Study—Impacting Culture 9:25a Sunday School 9:25a Sunday Morning Youth Bible Study 10:45a Worship Service 6:00p Youth Group “The Mission” is the weekly journal of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School. Our mission is to engage the people we live, work with and meet along our way in such a way that they, Meet Jesus, Experience the support of a church, and Live as disciples! St John’s Lutheran Church and School | 505 S Park Road, La Grange IL | 708-354-1690 | Facebook: sjlagrange
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