HOWON LEE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING RUTGERS UNIVERSITY 98 BRETT RD. A-244A, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08854 PHONE: 848-445-2213 | EMAIL: [email protected] | HOMEPAGE: RESEARCH INTERESTS § § § § § Digital 3D microfabrication techniques for soft functional materials Mechanics of soft materials and bio-inspired soft robotics Optofluidic synthesis and self-assembly of functional microparticles Reconfigurable metamaterials 3D tissue engineering and bio-printing EDUCATION Ph.D. M.S. B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea APPOINTMENTS 2014 – present 2011 – 2013 2006 – 2011 2004 –2006 Assistant Professor, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Postdoctoral Associate, MIT Graduate Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Graduate Research Assistant, Seoul National University HONORS / AWARDS § § § § § § § § Battelle/MIT Postdoctoral Associate Fellowship, 2012-2014 ($50,000/year for 2 years) NSF fellowship for Summer Institute Short Course on Materiomics, Cambridge, MA, May 2012 Best Poster Award, MRS Spring meeting, San Francisco, CA, Apr 2012 NSF Student Fellowship, CMMI Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, GA, Jan 2011 Schaller Fund Travel Award, UIUC, Apr 2010 Best Poster Award, ASME Micro/Nano Systems International Conference, Hong Kong, Jun 2008 The Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, UIUC, Spring 2007 Academic scholarships, Seoul National University: Spring 1997, Spring 1999, Fall 2002–Fall 2004 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS § § § § § American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Materials Research Society (MRS) American Physics Society (APS) Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Laser Institute of America (LIA) 1/3 2011 2006 2004 CURRICULUM VITAE HOWON LEE PUBLICATIONS JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS 1. X. Zheng, Howon Lee, T. Weisgraber, M. Shusteff, J. Deotte, E. Duoss, J. Kuntz, M. Biener, Q. Ge, J. Jackson, S. O. Kucheyev, N. X. Fang, and C. Spadaccini, Ultralight and Ultra-Stiff Mechanical Metamaterials, Science 344, 1373 (2014) [link] 2. Howon Lee, J. Zhang, H. Jiang, and N. X. Fang, Prescribed Pattern Transformation in Swelling Gel Tube by Elastic Instability, Physical Review Letters 108 (2012) 214304 [link] 3. Howon Lee and N. X. Fang, Micro 3D Printing using a Digital Projector and Its Application in the Study of Soft Materials Mechanics, Journal of Visualized Experiments (69), e4457, doi:10.3791/4457 (2012) [link] 4. X.R. Zheng, J. Deotte, M. Allonso, G. Farquar, T. Weisgraber, S. Gemberling, Howon Lee, N. Fang, and C.M. Spadaccini, Design and Optimization of an LED Projection Micro-Stereolithography ThreeDimensional Manufacturing System, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 125001 (2012) [link] 5. Howon Lee, C. Xia, and N. X. Fang, First Jump of Microgel; Actuation Speed Enhancement using Elastic Instability, Soft Matter 6 (2010) 4342-4345 [link] 6. C. Xia, Howon Lee, and N. X. Fang, Solvent Driven Micro Polymeric Device, J. Micromech. Microeng. 20 (2010) 085030 [link] MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION 1. Howon Lee and N. Fang, Biomimetic 3D Microactuators Driven by Polymer Swelling 2. Howon Lee, C. Xia, and N. X. Fang, Membrane-Pump Projection Micro-Stereolithography for MultiMaterial 3D Microfabrication 3. Howon Lee, J. Lu, J. Georgiadis, and N. X. Fang, Direct Measurement of Concentration-Dependent Diffusivity of Solvent in Hydrogels using Magnetic Resonance Imaging 4. J. Zhang, Howon Lee, Jiaxi Lu, John Georgiadis, N. X. Fang, and H. Jiang, Coupled Large Deformation and Case II Diffusion in Gels: A Viscoelastic Model and Experimental Characterizations PEER-REVIEWED CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Howon Lee, J. Zhang, J. Lu, J. Georgiadis, H. Jiang, and N. X. Fang, Coupled Non-Fickian Diffusion and Large Deformation of Hydrogel, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials 3 (2011) 25-28 [link] 2. Howon Lee, C. Xia, and N. X. Fang, Biomimetic Microactuator Powered by Polymer Swelling, ASME Conference Proceedings (2008) 765-769 [link] 3. J. H. Kim, Howon Lee, J. M. Lee, and D. H. Yoo, Vibration Analysis of Steering System for Shimmy Reduction, Proceedings of Korean Society of Automotive Engineering 2 (2005) 1108-1116 SELECTED INVITED SEMINARS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Special Seminar, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, May 2014 Special Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, Korea, Jul 2013 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Seminar, Rutgers University, Feb 2013 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago, Feb 2013 Mechanical Engineering Department Seminar, Clemson University, Jan 2013 Squishy Physics Seminar, Harvard University, Sep 2012 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Colloquium, Cornell University, May 2012 Micro/Nano Seminar, MIT, Apr 2011 Bio Interest Group Seminar, UIUC, Nov 2010 2/3 CURRICULUM VITAE HOWON LEE 10. Nano-Hour Seminar, UIUC, Sep 2010 TEACHING Classes § Spring 2014 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials (650:291) 3/3
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