Oo G eri5 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Andrews University 1 INTRODUCTION Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Chapter I URIAH SMITH AND ARMAGEDDON Euphrates - Ottoman Empire Drying up of Euphrates - Ottoman Empire Decline URIAH SMITH, LOUIS WERE AND The Gathering of the Nations Three Evil Spirits ELLEN G. WHITE: VIEWS OF ARMAGEDDON Armageddon - Palestine • Summary II LOUIS F. WERE AND ARMAGEDDON Time of the Battle Participants in the Battle A Term Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the • 9 The Place Literal or Symbolic Requirements for the course The Meaning of Armageddon CHIS574 Development of Seventhday Adventist Theology The Nature of the Battle The Sign of God-The Mark of the Beast Summary III SPIRIT OF PROPHECY AND ARMAGEDDON 20 The Battle Names by Hector Jurado The Conflict in Heaven and Earth The Conflict and Its Causes (1945,W The Gathering In Armageddon Fall, 1978 Summary IV THE BEST INTERPRETATION Summary and Conclusion Approval IST fkOVENT SWAGE. CESIST4 3SMes White UbTary AtiOREWS UNNERSVIN HERITAGE ROOM James White Library ANDREWS UNIVERSITY Berrien Springs, MI 49104 Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research 29 The expositors of the second interpretation are mostly followers of Ellen G. White's teachings. This study has INTRODUCTION selected one of the expositors less know among Latin For many years, Revelation 12:12-16 has been a controvertial passage in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the tralian scholar who was an expositor of the prophecies of area of Biblical escathology. Seventh-day Adventist expos- Daniel and Revelation, he was a prolific writer about itors are divided in reference to two diferent interpreta Biblical eschatology. He wrote several times about "What - tions concerning the sixth plague and the terms employed. The first interpretation stresses that the terms of ,r k.7\ Rev. 12:12-16 should be interpreted literally. The second X' V,Y\ 4, 41. / / American Seventh-day Adventist. Louis F. Were, an Aus- is Armageddon. It will be helpful to know the thinking of scholars outside of North America. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to follow what interpretation stresses that the terms used in Rev. 16:12-16 the Spirit of Prophecy teaches about Armageddon. Being must be understood. symbolically. that .the Spirit of Prophecy is a light in understanding C1This study seeks to set forth what the Bible teaches correctly the Scripture, Ellen G. White in her writ/ings about the place . of armageddon, where the battle of that gives us the basis to know which of the two interpretations great day of God Almighty will be fought. By studying the is correct and which of them gives us a complete christo- two interpretations, this paper will attempt to draw a logical, ecclesiological fulfillment. conclusion as to whether the term Armageddon must be understood literally or symbolically. In order to understand how the expositors have arrived at their conclusions, it is necessary to see how they have The expositors of the first interpretation are followers interpreted the whole passage of Rev. 16:12-16, concerning of Uriah Smith's interpretation of Daniel and Revelation. of the period of the sixth plague. This paper presents The main ideas of Smith's conclusions are recorded in his first the views of Uriah Smith and his followers; secondly books: Thoughts on Daniel and Thloughta , on the Revelation the views of the second interpretation centered in Louis A Were's teachings; and thirdly, the Spirit of Prophecy's (1873). Later those works appeared in one book titled The Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation; this book has been teachings about Armageddon. Finally a summary and conclusion about the subject studied. revised several times during Smith's lifetime and later, and it still has a wide circulation. Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research with more or less destruction of its sujects. Therefore, we should have literal judgments upon CHAPTER I men as the result of this plague, as in the case of all the others." 2 URIAH SMITH AND ARMAGEDDON Around 1871, Uriah Smith changed his view of the king The way of kings of the east will be prepared by of the north from that of Rome to Turkey. The pioneers of the drying up or consuption of the Ottoman power, the Adventist message understood Rome as the king of north as the power holding possesion of the territory of Dan. 11. By 1883, Raymond F. Cottrel's book: The Return wJL to the PionSr View, charged U. Smith fiir bFrowing from watered by that river. "Is not that they (the non-Adventist sources the interpretation that Turkey stands of God Almighty?." 3 for king of the north. The battle will be fought at Jerusalem, according The view above led Smith to the conclusion that Rev. kings) may come up to the battle of the great day Smith's literal interpretation of Joel and Zephaniah. 16:12-21 concerning the sixth plague, and the battle of But he argued in his times that Palestine (Jerusalem Armageddon refers to: and the sacred sepulctes) was in the hands the The great river Euphrates represents the former Turks. "Europe supported Turkey in order to have Ottoman Empire and its modern succesor Turkey. In a balance of power between East and West. When this way U. Smith says that the Euphrates does not Europe will withdraw their support, and leaves refers to the literal river as a river, but it Turkey, the drying up of Euphrates has been fulfilled, retains its geographical significance, to the the symbolic river will clean (dried up), then extend of being a designation for the river in the Turkey will be no more, and the way will be all Mesopotamia Valley. For more than 1000 years this open for the nations to rush to the holy land." 4 area was administered by the Sarcen and the Turks, Then the prophecy moves to the gathering for the and more recently by the government of Iraq. To final battle in Armageddon. Smith, Isa. 817 and Rev. 9:14 concede the idea Who gather the nations to the great final battle? "that the Euphrates symbolizes the turkish power." 1 Smith in his Thoughts on Revelation says: For Smith the drying up of the Euphrates refers to "Another event to be noticed under this plague is the "Consumption of the Turkish Empire, accompanied the using forth of the three unclean Spirits to Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research ck gather the nations to the great battle. We regard (Rev. 16:16) in terms of the geographical environment and the agency now already abroad in the world, and historical associations of the ancient city of Megiddo as known as Modern spiritualism, as the mean to be the literal place where the spirits will gather the nations employed in this work." 5 together to fight the battle of that great day of God These spirits have absolute authority over the race to gather them to battle against the King of Kings, therefore, Almighty. Summary: Smith said that the Euphrates river stands for they are now trying to win their way among the nations of Turkey and that the drying up of the Euphrates river is the the earth, and cause their teachings to be received as end of the Turkish Empire, thus, opening of the way to divine authority, and their words as law. Smith stated enter in . Palestine. That the three unclean spirits will that these spirits "work among three great religious gather the nations to the great battle of the Almighty. divisions of Mankind represented by the dragon, the beast, These spirits are represented by Spiritualism (1879 edition), and the false prophet, or Paganism, Catholicism and Protes- or Spiritism (1944 edition) which are working miracles tantism." 6 around the world to decieve the nation to gather to fight Uriah Smith in commenting on Rev. 16:15, says "that against God. These three spirits are working through three Christ has left his mediatorial position, before the plague great religious divisions of mankind which are Catholicism, begin to fall. That the spirits begin their work at the Protestantism and Paganism. They will gather the nations &lose of probation time." 7 together in the place called Armageddon, (1944 ed.), Smith, taking Albert Barnes Notes on the New Testament, stated the following interpretation of Armageddon: "The persons gathered are the minions of Satan, not saints; that it is the work of the spirits; that it is the work of the spirits, not of Christ; and that the place of assamblage is not in the new Jerusalem at the marriage supper of the lamb but at Armageddon (or Mount Megiddo), "at the battle of that great day of Cod Almighty." 8 The hills of Megiddo, overlooking the plain of Esdraelon, was the place where Barak and Deborah destroyed Sisera's army, and where Josiah was routed by the Egyptian Xing Pharaoh-Necho. Therefore Smith took Armageddon (Jerusalem, Palestine 1898 ed.). It is not a symbolic place, but the literal geographical place where Barak and Deborak destroyed Sisara's Army, also where Josiah was routed by the Egyptian king Pharaoh Necho. Armageddon is name that only appears in Rev. 16:16 as the prophet says it is a Hebrew name, which literally appears as Har (mountain)Mageddon (Megiddo) meaning the mountain of Megiddo. Therefore, Smith laid stress on the word "place" as the geographical localization. As other Bible commentators, Smith is saying that the gathering of the nations for the Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research Battle occurs during the sixth plague, but the battle is fought during the seventh plague. FOOTNOTES Thus, Smith represents the group which believe that Armageddon as a military war is to be fought in a literal place, in Palestine, around Jerusalem. The gathering for that war is going to take place during the sixth plague and to be fought during the seventh plague when the King of Kings will destroy them by the seventh plague (earthquake, thunder lightnings and great hail Out of heaven). Uriah Smith, Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation, p. 714. Ibid, p. 715 Smith, Daniel and Revelation, p. 692, 693 Smith, Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation, P• 715 Ibid, p. 716 Ibid, p. 717 Ibid, p. 717 Ibid, p. 718 Ibid, p. 718 Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research much better understood by a careful study as to who are the participants in this battle. CHAPTER II Participants in the Battle: In order to understand WERE AND ARMAGEDDON who are the participants of the battle of Armageddon, Were Were has emphatically said when Armageddon will be fought. He states that the battle of Armageddon has two settings the first-fold will occur before of the millenium, and he sees it as a battle of spiritual order. The second fold will occur after the milleniUm, and he give it a literal connotation. He, in his What is Armageddon?, says: says that "the Bible was written to expalin the plan of salvation centered in Jesus, the world's redeemer. And it is right here that error has come about. In the Old Testament the plan of redemption was set forth in the Jewish economy. Then God dwelt in the Temple of Jerusalem, and the king of Israel ruled over the Kingdom sitted on God's throne. In the New Testament (after Christ's death "As to when Armageddon is fought Rev. 16:14 says that it is the battle of that great day of God Almighty." it does not come until the door of mercy is shut and the day of wrath has come. The expression "That great day of God" referred to in the Bible when Christ no longer mediates between God and Man; that time when he ceases to be the high Priest in the heavently courts. The great time of trouble to which Dan. 12:1 directs our attention is there stated to come when Jesus has completed the work of salvation. Armageddon comes at end of that short period which elapses between Christ's rising and closing the door of mercy and his actual coming in the clouds of heaven."' reigned within the temple in their midst. When God rejected According to Were Armageddon come at the end of the national Israel, the church (spiritual Israel) stands in and the withdrawal of God's presence from the Temple at Jerusalem) the church is the dwelling place of God." 3 (1 Cor. 6:16; 2 Cor. 6:16; Ephes. 2:21,22 etc.). With this idea in mind, Were argued that in the days of ancient Israel the enemies of God gathered to destroy Israel, and in doing so they gathered to fight God, Who period of trouble, during which no salvation is aviable its place. Now the Old Testament prophetic forecasts of consequently the earth's military war connot be Armageddon. enemies attacking Israel apply to the church. He arrived Taking Ellen G. White's position, Were says that the at this idea from Ezek. 38,39, where it says that Israel second'-fold7of Armageddon takes place "after the millinnium was attacked by powerful enemies. He applied this to the when there will be a literal resurrection to life and powers a literal gathering of nations around the New Jerusalem to history of the church. )(4, AccordingA Were, John in Revelation 19:17,18;20:8, engage in a literal conflict against Christ and his church." 2 brings the scene despicted in Ezek. 38,39 into the imagery These two concepts, spiritual and literal, will be of the final conflict of Armageddon. Gog and Magog, being Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research the enemy of God and His people in Ezekiel are brought into the cities were literal cities, these seven places are used view as the enemy of Christ and His church. Now in Rev. in a world-wide, symbolic sense as the seven periods of 16:16, "partly taken from the scene of the destruction of the Christian church, from the days of the apostles to God's armies on the mountains of Israel, Christ refers us the close of probation. These names of the seven churches back to the picture presented in Ezekiel's vision for the were chosen because of the significance of their meanings, fuller picture of the destruction of the enemies of Israel- associated with the topographical and historical features the church. This destruction has a world- wide spectrums, of the cities. For Were, "Scripture and logic demand that the triumph of the church of Christ and the overthrow of its the same principles be recognized and followed when inter- enemies are represented by the destruction of vast armies preting "Place" and "Armageddon" of Rev. 16:16." 5 from the extreme North and South... the consummation of the Were says, if "Armageddon" refers to a specific great conflic... between the kingdoms of God and of Satan. locality, it would be the only prophetic name in Revelation Christ will be the leader of the church, God's people,and used in its literal sense. Satan will be the leader of the enemies of God and His people." 4 Place: literal or symbolic: To define what means This Australian author uses Henry's commentary and Ibson T. Beckwith- The Apocalypse of John to express the following the word place in Rev. 16:16, is definitely important in ideas: that Armageddon is the connection of two words Were's eyes. He wants to demonstrate that those who taught "mountain, mentioned in Ezek. 38,39 with the word "Meggido", that Armageddon will be a literal place, where a literal famed in Israel's history as the place where Jehovah's conclict of nations to be fought in the literal place enemies perished. There is no literal place called Meggido, has been taught as an unbiblical prophecy. He "Armageddon." Meggido is in John's mind, when he coins the argued that a number of places are mentioned in the book word when referring to slaughter of spiritual Israel's of Revelation only because of their symbolical importance. enemies on the antitypical mountain of Israel. 6 "Jerusalem and Babylon, both literal are not mentioned in reference to literal things, but to spiritual. The Meaning of Armageddon: According to Revelation 16:16, the word Armageddon comes from the Hebrew tongue. In his book The Certainty of the Third Angel's Message, Were used a principle of Uriah Smith's, in his Daniel and Were says that the word "place" is first used in Revelation Revelation, where Smith says "That the character rather in connection with the first of the seventh churches. than the name of the power is entended to be represented Although the seven churches were literal churches, and in a name of Hebrew tongue."7 Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research 13 14 Taking the Works of Dr. William Gesenius, Dr. Strong during the 1260 years of papal supremacy. It is evident and Ch. Wordsworth (scholar and Hebrew lenguists), Were says that in these facts the papacy has fulfilled the prophecy that Armageddon is a combination of two Hebrew words Ear- concerning the antichrist. (Rev. 12:6,17,14;13:5; Dan. 7: 2 5), which meaning is mountain and the word Meggido that comes which was predicted to make war over saints. from a Hebrew root Gadad which means to cut off, or slaughter; The Nature of the Battle: Were commenting on Rev. therefore the word Armageddon signifies a mountain of slaughter 16:13 said that the dragon, the beast and the false prophet like the valley of decision of the cutting off, described are the leaders in the coming Armageddon. This false trinity by Joel 3:14, and is figurative expression similar to that gather to form the great city (the great Babylon of Rev. in the same prophet, namely, the valley of Jehoshophat Joel 16:19). Babylori stands for the ecclesiastical realm of 3:2,12, or Judgement of God. The word Armageddon seems the great city, which reigned over the kings of the earth also designed to signify a defeat and slaughter, such as in Rev. 17:18. "God's message is come out of her (Babylon) that of the kings of Cannan at Meggido in the reign of my people." "Under the symbol of a city the prophet points Galilee, wrought by the miraculous Intervention God Almighty out a false system of worship. According to Isa. 14:4, discomforting the vast and terrible army of Sisara and his ancient Babylon was the city of which Lucifer was the confederates. invisible king. t'8 Were concludes by saying that the word Armageddon is In almost all of his books the Australian Expositor a symbolic word employed in Rev. 16:16 because of the meaning gave the following summary about Babylon: "Early in the attached to its name and because of the Old Testament Old Testament Babylon is related as the rebels who opposed history associated with Meggido. the Command of God (Gen. 10:10, Gen. 11:1-9). In the New In this sense Armageddon cannot be a literal place, Testament Babylon means confusion, a confused system of cannot be futuristic as an antichrist risen in Palestine worship which is not based upon true teaching found in to make war against the saints and also to affect the Jew's. God's Word. Rev. 17:5 refers to Babylon as idols false This futuristic theory has to do with taking literal every system of worship. thing referred to as Israel, but it has to do with a In the realm of religion. Were believed that Armageddon historical interpretation of an ecclesiastical system is the conflict between good and evil that is pictured headed by the Pope (antichrist), who is against Christ's under a war scene. This war • is described in Rev. 12:13; true teaching and who has salin many millions of martyrs 16:19 as the battle over God's worship or the beast's Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research worship. In his book What is Armageddon? the author gave In the great conflict between right and wrong, Hence, to a commentary on Rev. 15:2 as follows: follow the lead of Satan is to serve under his flag. • "Those who stand loyalty by the will of God are said to have gotten the victory over the beast and over his mark." 9 Whereas, being loyal to God in the manner of His worship In this quotation, Were was saying the beast is the the banner of Christ. and commandments given by Him in His word is to fight under The preparation for this final conflict depends upon leader in earthly forces at Armageddon (Rev. 17:13,14:19:19). It is clear that the conflict is over the true worship of God. The beast seeks to compel the true church to receiving the seal or sign of God; and not receiving the mark, or sign of the beast. (Rev. 13:16,17:4:9-11). disobey the command of God; as the church refuses, the The mark of the beast and the seal of God: The sign false System of worship turns to those in governmental between God and Spiritual Israel is expresed in the third position to force God's people by the law of the land to angels message as a call from the Lord Jesus Christ to His disobey God. people to show their loyalty to Him by obedience to all In his book What is Armageddon? page 27, Were shows His commandments. The Sabbath is thesign of obedience. that this war has already begun in heaven when Satan The third angel message is based upon the spiritual inter- wanted to overthrow the law of God. In accomplishings pretations of the typical services of ancient Israel. The his purpose, Satan entered upon his rebellion against the Lord and His Sabbath were the central features of the Old Creator and he was cast out of heaven. He, Satan, goes Testament; they are also the central features in the New on the same warfare upon the earth. Were quoted the Spirit Testament. of Prophecy to support his vieWs-above as follows: "The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standings controversy concerning the law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering-a battle between the law of men and the pmcepts of Jehovah.. the agencies which will unite against truth and rigkqeousness in this contest are actively at work." 1u ',Israel's literal deliverance from 'the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage' (Ex. 20:2, etc.), was typical of the spiritual deliverance from Satan's kingdom of bondage. Sabbath-keeping was a sign of gratitude for the deliverance God had wrought. Deut. 5: 12-16. Spiritual Israel observe the Sabbath as a "sign" of deliverance and sanctification. Ex. 31:13. H10 In every one of his books concerning this suject, Were was trying to demonstrate that Sabbath is the Were says that the beast, the leader of Armageddon, commites crucial test of obedience to the spiritual by observing blasphemy, and leads the world to war against God. All the Sabbath. The faithful remant subordinate the demands false forms of worship are from Satan-God's great Adversary of the material world to those of the invisible and spiritual. Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research 18 17 Were in his book Christ Conouers made the following comment: in peace, in the presence of God for ever. Were is opposed to any idea that appoints Armageddon "In the book of Revelation a solemn warning is sounded against "the mark of the beast" (Rev. 13:17) which is Satan's counterfit of the seal of God (Rev. 7:2-4). Both the sign of God and the mak of the beast are spiritual mark or signs. One of the signs of loyalty to God, the other the sign of disloyalty to God. The Old Testament nor New Testament teaches the observance of the first day (Sunday) of the week in the church of Jesus Christ. Neither the apostles nor Jesus Christ himself ever taught or observed that day. ull as a literal place to fight a military war, motivated by socio-economic reasons, over literal Palestine. Summary: Were stated that any prophecy of.Revelation has to be undertood in a triple application of Israel. Israel as the Old nation of the Old Testament, as the spiritual Israel, the church in the New Testament, during the depensation of the Holy Gost, and finally the literal application of the eternal kingdom Armageddon is war that has begun in heaven with Lucifer against God and God's Law: that war has gone on through out history, which will reach its spiritual climax before the millenium, when the mark of the beast (Sunday) will be imposed instead of the sign of God (Sabbath); and that it will arrive at its final end after the millennium, when in a literal gathering, Satan and his followers attempting capture the Holy City, will be totally destroyed. It is called in the Bible the end of the Devil, the wicked and Sin. The leaders of this controvertial battle are Satan, the chief of evil, and Christ, the Prince of good and justice. Finally, Christ will destroy Satan and his followers, and sin. It will be the final victory over evil, since the saints will live Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research FOOTNOTE CHAPTER III Louis F. Were, What is Armageddon?, p. 11 THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY AND ARMAGEDDON Were, Christ Conquers or Why Christ Rose on Sunday- The Spirit of •Prophecy deals with the subject of The Vital Realation to the Great Battle of Armageddon, p. 124. Armageddon in the books Great Controvercy, Patriarch and Were, What is Armageddon?, p. 11 Prophet, Prophets and Kings, Early Writings, Testimonies Were, The kings of the North at Jerusalem, P- 95 Ibid, 96 For the Church and many other books. Uriah Smith, Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation, P. 471 has taught about Rev. 12:12-46, in particular concerning Were, What is Armageddon?, p. 26 the battle of Armageddon. The following study is a review of what E. G. White Ibid, p. 27. Ellen G. White in her series The Conflict of the Ages Ibid, p. 27 gives us insight into the war between Christ and Satan. Ibid, p. 27 She uses several names in referring to this battle. In Were, The Certainty of the Third Angel's Message, p. 72,73 her Early Writtings, page 146, state "there was war...." 1 In her Testimonies for the Church volume seven, she describes Were, Christ Conquers, p. 48 it as "the great conflict. .." 2 In Testimonies for the Church volume 5, she speaks "of the Coming crisis." 3This war between good and evil is described in the Spirit of Prophecy as the final conflict, it is to say the Great • Controversy between Christ and Satan, known as Armageddon. So we can see the expressions "war","great conflict", "the coming crisis", "final conflict" are used be E. G. White as equivalents of the word Armageddon. A war that began in heaven but will be decided on this earth: Ellen G. White states that the war began in heaven in the following words: Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research 21 22 "There was war in heaven. Angels engaged in the battle; Satan wished to conquer the son of God... But the good and true angels prevailed, and Satan, with his followers were driven from heaven." 4 The Spirit of Prophecy says that this war will be for ever decided and that all the inhabitants of this world will take part in it. From these two statements above we understand that the final of this war which began in heaven is "Armageddon." Ci• / , -.7 This "controversy between the two great powers of good and .. evil is soon to be ended, but tO the timeof it close there K-, . -will be continual and sharp contest." 6 -... The causes of the conflict have been appointed by E. G. White in her books Testimonies for the Church, and The Great Controversy. In these books we can read paragraphs like this. "The great conflict that Satan created in the heavenly courts is soon, very soon, to be for ever decided. Soon the inhabitants of the earth will have taken side, either for or against the fovernment of heaven. 65 .////// to vindicate the authority of His downtrodden law. Now the coptroversy is not alone with Satan, but with men."' The impeding conflict and its causes. Frequently E. • G. White states that the war between Christ and Satan originated in heaven and that one of the reasons was Satan's inconformity with the Law of God. In her book Selected Message 2, she says, "Satan has been persevering and untiring in his efforts to prosecute the work he began in heaven, to change the law of God."7 "The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standings controversy concerning the Law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering-a battle between the religion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition." E. G. White said that the war mentioned in Rev. 12:7,17, is the same as Rev. 16 and 19. She wrote in The Great Controversy how the causes for this war operate: "For the very begining of the great controversy (Rev. 12:7,17) in heaven, it has been Satan's purpose to everthrow the law of God. It was to accomplish this that he entered upon his rebellion against the Creator, and though he was cast out of heaven, he has continued the same warfare upon the earth. To deceive men, and thus lead them to transgress God's law, is the object which he has steadfastly pursued whether this be accomplished by casting aside the law altogether, or by rejecting one of its precepts, the results will be ultimately the same." 1 ° E. G. White presents the Sabbath question as "The issue in the great final conflict, in which all the world will In hers book Great Controversy she presents this conflict with the following words: "The Lord hath a controversy with the nations... for six thousand years the great controversy has been in progress; the Son of God and his heavenly messagers have been in conflict with the power of the evil one, to warn, enlighten, and save the children of Men. Now all have made their decision; the wicked have fully united with Satan in his warfare against God. The time has come for God act a part. She explains this truth by saying: "Men have honoured Satan's principles above the principles that rule in the heavens. They have accepted the spurious Sabbath, which Satan has exalted as the sign of his authority. But God has set His seal upon His royal requirement. Each Sabbath institution bears the name of its author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each. It is our work to lead the people ADVENTIST tleRITAGE CENTER James White Library ANDREWS UNIVCRsirv Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research 23 24 trough Spiritualism will exert its influence against those who choose to obey God rather than men. Communications from the spirits will declare that God has sent them to convince the rejectors of Sunday of their error.... Great will be the indignation excited against all who refuse to accept their testimony." 10 to understand this. We are to show them that it is of vital consequence whether they bear the mark of God's kingdom or the mark of the kingdom of rebellion for they acknowledge themselves subjects of the kingdom whose mark they bear." 1 In applying Dominical Law to the Battle of Armageddon E. G. White states the following declaration: The role of the dignataries of the church and the rullers of the nations in the last conflict is described "The substition of the law of men for the law of God, the exaltation, by merely human authority, of Sunday in place of the Bible Sabbath, is the last act in the drama. When this substitution becomes universal, God will reveal Himself. He will arise in majestic to shake terribly the earth..." 13 "The captain of our salvation Will strengthen His peolge for the conflict in which they must engage. 1114 in The Great Controversy, page 592, as follow: The Gathering to fight the war in the place of Armageddon: God's messenger says that, "The agencies which will "The dignataries of the church and state will unite to bribe, persuade, or compel all classes to honor the Sunday. Rulers and Legislators, in order to secure public favour, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance... In the soon coming conflict we shall see exemplified the prophet's word: The dragon was wrath with the woman and event to make war with the remmant of her seed, which keep the commandments 94 God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." 11 unite against truth and righteousness in this contest are now actively at work."- 5 She is saying that this gathering for the final Conflict is already in progress, and "By the time of sixth plague the wicked are fully united with Satan in his warfare against God." 16 The battle of that great day of God Almighty is the final phase of the war, or controversy, of Satan 19:19;20:8;6- refer to the same war, struggle, conflict or controversy. She did not think it will be a military war, in Meggido, or Palestine, she clearly says: of the earth for the battle of the great day of God the "The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standing controversy concerning the law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering- a battle between the'teligion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition." 18 Almighty, to this expression of Rev. 16:14, the Spirit of In not one of the quotations above we can see E. G. against God and His law. Demoniac spirits are perfoming signs to meet the kings v Ellen G. White and the place of Armageddon (Meggido): It is evident that for E. G. White Rev. 16:14; Rev. 12:17; White interpreting Armageddon as a gathering of nations Prophecy comments: "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and the whole world, to gather them to the battle of the great day of God Almighty. The miracle working power manifested at Meggido, but of the whole world being deceived into joining up with Satan in his warfare against God. Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research "Which he will do in regard to the mark of the beast- and this gathering or unit with Satan brings about the out pouring of the wrath of God in the destruction of the world wide Armageddon. "19 refer to some sudden military battle by nations at Meggido, According to Isa. 60 and Zech. 8:2, there are two unite the world to join him in his last struggle against but refers to the culmination of the work of deception carried on through the years by Satan as he prepares to gatherings taking place in the world toddy: the gathering of God's people from Babylon and the gathering of the forces God. Summary: Ellen G. White called the battle between of the world to oppose God and His people. Ellen G. White Christ and Satan "The conflict of the ages". This conflict in her Provhets and. Kings page 375, and in her Acts of the began in heaven and it will be decided in this earth. The Apostles page 595 says: "The prophet heard the voice of causes of this conflict are Satan's inconformity with the God calling His church to her Appointed work." According law of God. Satan wants to be worshiped as God, thus he to her views The gathering to Jerusalem refers to our work has changed the four commandments, making Sabbath and Sunday of bringind souls to Christ in His church. According to the struggle of the final crisis. Sabbath stands for the the Spirit of Prophecy the gathering expressed in Isa. sign of God's creative power, and God's redemptive power. 11:11,12, refers to the work of the Third Angel's Message Therefore, those who keep the Sabbath holy carry the sign calling people to . join up with Israel on the side of God. of God as children of God. Otherwise, those who keep The gathering of the remnant of God from all parts of the Sunday, carry the mark of the beast and they are children earth. Ellen G. White did not hesitate in saying that of the prince of the evil. The Spirit of Prophecy takes this gathering means a spiritual gathering, a uniting in Gen. 3:15 to show the begining of this controversy in the the truth of God, which is done by the Third Angel's earth, and progressively shows how it is being developed Message, like it is expressed in Joel 3:2,11; Zech. 12:3,9, in Rev. 12:17;14:16:12,14,16:19;20. Finally, the Spirit Rev. 16:14,16;19:19, etc. of Prophecy does not appoint Armageddon as a particular "These prophecies of Great Spiritual awakening in a time of gross darkness, are today meeting fulfillment in the advancing lines of mission stations that are reaching out into the benighted regions of earth. The groups of missionaries in heathen lands haven been likened by the prophet to ensigns set up for the guidance 9f those who are looking for the light of truth."° place in Palestine to fight a military war. But clearly states that this is a conflict between truth and error, a battle between the religion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition. In this controversy, Satan with his spirits will gather the dignataries of the church and The conclusion is that the Spirit of Prophecy shows state, of the whole world, and will deceive them into joining that the gathering pictured in Rev. 16:13,14,16, does not Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research 27 up with Satan in his warfare against God. In the other hand, God is gathering and conforting his people to be ready for FOOTNOTE the last conflict. The conflict will end when Christ, in majesty and glory, and with His angels, will appear as 1. Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 146 King of Kings at His second comming. 2. White, Testimonies For the Church, volume 7, p. 141 White, Testimonies For the Church, vol.5,p. 449-454 White, Early Writings, p. 146 White, Testimonies for The Church, vol. 7,p. 141 White, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 470 White,Select Message, book two, p. 107 White, The Great Controversy, p. 656 Ibid, p.582 Ibid,p.582 White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6,p. 352 Ibid,352 White, Testimonies For the Church, vol. 7, : p. 141 White, Testimonies For the Church, Vol. 5,p. 137 White, The Great Controversy, p. 582 Ibid,656 Ibid,591-592 Ibid,592 Ibid 582 White, Prophets and Kings, p. 375 Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research Smith is saying that the battle of Armageddon begins as essentially a political conflict, and comes to a climax CHAPTER IV with the appearance of Christ and the armies of heaven. U. Smith's teachings, concerning Armageddon, the THE BEST INTERPRETATION There are two interpretations of Rev. 16:12-16, among military, Palestinian interpretation of the final conflict Seventh-day Adventist expositors. One follows the line of differs from the clear teaching of the Spirit of Prophecy Uriah Smith, which is recorded in Thoughts on the Revelation that the Sabbath question (the sign of righteousness) is (1892 edition). Although thisbook has been revised several to be the issue, not Turkey, in the great final conflict times, the idea is the same as the original concerning Rev. in which all the world with act a part (6 T 352, GC 562,623, 16:12-16. The several revisions of the book consists in adding some paragraphs to visualize the book with the world's situation. These revised editions are called the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Since then, this book has had many words implemented, which cannot be found in the original book, and there are many changed words that Smith did not use in his first edition. These changes have been 656, 640; 6T 410 TM 465). On the other hand, there is the second view, or interpretation. The expositors of this view follow Ellen G. White's teachings concerning Rev. 16:12-16. Among the defenders of the second view are Louis F. Were, McGready Price and other Seven-day Adventist expositors. They have stated the following summary: That the Euphrates represents done in order to make the book more suitable with E. G. the people over whom mystical Babylon control; that the White's teachings. drying upo of its waters the witdrawal of their support Smith and his followers have stated that the great from Babylon. "The Kings of the east", represents Christ river Euphrates represents the Ottoman Empire; the drying and those accompanying Him, and Armageddon, the last battle up of its waters, represent the gradual consumption that of the great controversy between Christ and Satan, will be empire. "The kings of the east" stand for the nations of fought out on the battlefield of this earth. The expositors the orient; and Armageddon is the literal valley of Meggido of the second view have concluded that the withdrawal of in Northern Palestine. TheY have arrived ar the following conclusions that the Ottoman Empire is seen as preparing the way for oriental nations to join battle with those of the west in the valley of Meggido. human support from mystical Babylon is seen as the removal of the last barrier to her ultimate defeat and punishment. According to the second view the climax of the battle of Armageddon begins when the united religious and political Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research power of the earth open their final attack on God's remnant from their enemy's invasions. This type has found its people. Furthermore, these expositors agree with the Spirit antitype in the New Testament, Rev. 12:17; Rev. 13-19 ! of Prophecy, that the conflict between Christ and Satan Taking the Historical setting and the context, mystical began in the heaven; passed to the earth and that Gen. 3:15, Babylon is to persecute and to war against Christ, but Dan. 7:25, Dan. 11, Rev. 12:17;13-19, are the progressive it will be defeated in the day of the "great battle of steps or stages of the development of this war between good the Almighty". It is to say that this prophecy has nothing and evil, arriving at its climax in Armageddon, the day of to do with Turkey or literal Palestine. Another Biblical Hemeneutical principle says that every final judgment. The gathering for this climax begins in the period of the sixth plague and ends in the period of kingdom prophecy has a Christological and Ecclesiological the seventh plague. fulfillment centered in the two comings of Christ. The The fundamental difference between the two views consists in whether the three terms "Euphrates," "Kings of the east and "Armageddon," retain a measure of literal, geographical c7) war is a war between Christ and Satan. Most of the Bible commentators agree that Rev. 12:17 was fulfilled practically cYiduring the first coming of Jesus Christ. Rome was the significance; otherwise, the second view takes the Bible as instrument of persecute and execute our Lord-Christ. Finally, a whole and puts the Old Testament and New Testament together, the persecution and execution was going on against Christ's specially Gen. 3:15, Dan. 7:25, Rev. 12:12 and Rev. 13-19, church, as examplifield in Paul, Peter, and the first Christian stating that these terms are to be interpreted altogether believers. Thus, the battle, or war, is the religious figuratively, because their inmediate and historical contexts character where Christ and His church is involved. It is force a symbolic interpretation. not political, socio-economic, or military war. Which of these two interpretations are correct? To The New Testament shows that the Jews' refusal of answer this question, it is necessary to look for the Christ was the end of Jewish nation as the choosen people principles of Biblical Hermeneutic in order to know that to accomplish God's purpose to give salvation to all the the Bible, as an organic whole, in Christ, is its own world. Act. 2 bears witness of how God is fulfilling His interpreter: that the Unity between the Old Testament and purpose through the Spiritual Israel, the remanant of the New Testament is the typological order. Babylon was God's people, His church, believer's, without the Jewish the type, the ancient .enemy of God's people, Babylon nation's participation. Through the church, the gospel fought against God. Yahweh always defended his people Is preached to all Jews and Gentiles in order that they Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research 33 C. MERVYN MAXWELL 204 KIMEIER LANE can become spiritual Israelites, believers in Christ. BERRIEN SPRINGS. MI. 49103 Jerusalem was no longuer the center of attraction for the world, because God was not dwelling any more in their temple, (Mt. 23:37-39). It is not necessary to go to Jerusalem to visit a holy place (Mat. 18:20). In Christ every nation, place, and person can be blessed. Thus, there is no reason to take literal Palestine or Jerusalem as the battlefield of Armageddon. The second interpretation is much more close to these principles above and to the Spirit of Prophecy teachings. The Spirit of Prophecy gives us the following advise as the final point of this study: 'There is not one in one hundred who understands for himself the Bible truth on this subject that is so nocessary to our present and eternal welfare.' R.B. Sept. 3, 1889. "We need to study the pouring out of the seventh vial. The powers of evil will not yield up the conflict without a struggle, but providence has a part to act in the battle of Armageddon. When the earth is lighted with the glory of the gospel of Revelation eighteen, the religious elements, good and evil, will awake out of slumber and the armies of the living God will take the.field." E. G. White, M.S. 175, 1899. Dec. 13, 1978 Dear Rector: You have worked hard on this paper and you have made some interesting comparisons. But I would like to ask if you have really been fair to Ellen G. White and to Uriah Smith. Do any of your numerous quotations from Ellen White really settle the question about the battle of Armageddon? Personally, I do not think • so--for I do not think she was either burdened or inspired to settle it. If you had read more widely (out of fairness) in the writings of those who have taught the localized Armageddon, you would know that they believed in the great controversy theme just as much as Ellen White did--and just about the same as Louis Were! They knew all about the war in heaven, and also about the controversy over Sabbath and Sunday, and they had much to say about the final scene around the New Jerusalem at the close of the millennium. What is more, they all had a great deal to say about the literal and glorious second coming of Christ. In fact, Uriah Smith, W.R. French, and the others taught almost the very same thing that Louis Were teaches, point by point—that's right!--except for the fact that Smith, French, and others added the localization of a military engagement in northern Palestine. I have no burden for the localized Armageddon. It is my personal belief, however, that there will be fighting going on all around the world after the close of probation--and that this global confrontation will more likely than not include battles within the areas controlled by the Arabs and the Jews. After all, if human beings fight while they are still being restrained to some degree by the Four Angels, how will they fight when the Angels release the four winds? Think about that for armment! I am not sure that itis fair to say that Were's view is christocentric and Smith's view is anthropocentric, merely. After all, as I just pointed out, Smith's Armageddon is a prelude to the very Second Coming of Christ which Were calls Armageddon! (It is interesting to observe, incidentally, that Smith wrote a good-sized book with the title, Looking Unto Jesus. Did Were write a book under any such title?) Smith talks about the Second Coming as "Second Coming," and precedes it with a battle he calls "Armageddon." Were calls the Second Coming "Armageddon" and does not precede it with a battle. Other than that, it is really hard to find any substantive difference. As I said before, both men have the great controversy, both have Sabbath-Sunday as a final issue, both have good versus evil. Both have Babylon falling, and both have evil spirits gathering the world to final conflict. There is another difference. Were has much to say about the Catholic Church in the last days, Smith has much to say about the Ottoman (or Islamic) Empire. In this respect, both men interpret biblical symbols differently, to be sure, but both are dealing with the union of religion-and-state. And inasmuch as Rome and Turk are human, both are "anthropocentric"to this degree. You may not agree with me, but I hope I have stirred your thinking. It has been a pleasure to have you in class. C.M.M. Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research Were, Louis F., Armageddon and the Advent, James White BIBLIOGRAPHY Library, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, Heritage Room. Newfeld, Don F., Seventh Day Adventist Encyclopedia, Review and Herald, Washington, D.C., 1966, Nichol, Francis D., Seventh Day Adventist Bible Commentary Vol. 7, Review and Herald, Washington D.C., 1966 White, Ellen G., Early Writtings, Review and Heral Publishing Association, Washington, D.C., 1963. , Smith, Uriah, Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation, Review and Herald Publishing Co., Battle Creek, Michigan, 1892. , Daniel and Revelation, Review and Herald, Battle Creeck, Michigan, 1901. , Daniel of Revelation, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, C a lifornia, 1919. , Daniel and the Revelation, Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tennesse, 1944. , Thoughts, Critical and Practical, on the • Book of Revelation, Were, Louis F., What is Armageddon?, Modern Printing C., Adelaide South Australia, 1942. , Christ Gonouers or Why Christ robe on ' Sunday, the Vital Relation to the Great Battle of Armageddon., Modern Printing Co., LTD, South Australia, 1944. , The King of the North at Jerusalem, A.F. Blackman Printer, Melbourne, Victoria Australia, w/o date. , Testimonies For the Church, Vol. 5, 6 ,71 Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, 1948. , Testimonies to Minister, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California 1962. , Select Message, book 2, Review and Heral Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, 1950. , The Great Controversy, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, 1950. , Prophets and Kings, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, 1958. Pariarchs and Prophets, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, 1958. , Act, of the Apostles, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, 1958. , The Certainty of the Three Angel's Message, 48 White Road, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia , The Woman and the Resurrected Beast, 48 White Road, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia Reprinted 1975. , Armageddon the Battle of That Great Day of God Almighty, Modern Printing Co. LTD., South Australia, 1944. , Mts. E. G. White, Uriah Smith, and The King of the North, James White Library, Andrews University, Berrien Spring, Michigan, Heritage Room 1978. , The Spirit of Prophecy and Armageddon, How God Purifies the Soul, James White Library, Andrws University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, Heritage Room,1978. Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research The Andrews University Center for Adventist Research is happy to make this item available for your private scholarly use. 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