Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Rockville News continued from page 16 Cold Spring Record gage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: January 27, 2003 MORTGAGOR: Anthony Thelen, this wish with him. an unmarried man. Happy Birthday to Julianna Hansen, born on February 5th, 1992. Enjoy. Birthday wishes on February 6th to Stephen Mead. Born in 1996; missed you on the prolife march bus on the 22nd. Here’s wishing you the best. Also born on February 6th, Mary Conrad VanGrinsven Doering. One of the Conrad kids who grew up on Grand Lake. Blessings. Greetings to one of Rockville’s most nostalgic sons, John (Jackie) Hansen, born on February 7th, 1923. He lives on a piece of land which looks a lot like his hometown did when he was growing up here. Hope your 90’s are as fun as your past has been. Memories of a long time resident of Rockville, Annie Theist, (Mrs. Joe) born on February 7th, 1899. Her childhood was spent in Pearl Lake, but most of her life she lived right here on First Street West in Rockville. Here’s to all the good memories of this Mom, Grandma and Great grandma of lots of locals. A big thanks to all the rosaries she said in her long life, especially the last few years. Birthday wishes to Fr. Jerry Nordick, born on February 9th, 1957. Blessings for good health and thanks for good pastoring while you were here in Rockville. Did you laugh or cry while watching the Northeast part of the country get buried in snow last week? Tudie MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FiNANCiAL OBLiGATiON MORTGAGEE: Countrywide ON MORTGAGE:None “THE TiME ALLOWED BY LAW Home Loans of Minnesota, inc.. FOR REDEMPTiON BY THE THE MORTDATE AND PLACE OF MORTGAGOR, RECORDiNG: Recorded April 3, GAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESEN2003 Stearns County Recorder, Doc- TATiVES OR ASSiGNS, MAY BE REDuCED TO FiVE WEEKS iF A ument No. 1052276. JuDiCiAL ORDER iS ENTERED ASSiGNMENTS OF MORT- uNDER MiNNESOTA STATuTES, GAGE: Assigned to: Countrywide SECTiON 582.032, DETERMiNiNG, Home Loans, inc.. Dated February 7, AMONG OTHER THiNGS, THAT 2003 Recorded March 16, 2004, as THE MORTGAGED PREMiSES Document No. 1103719. And there- ARE iMPROVED WiTH A RESiafter assigned to: THE BANK OF DENTiAL DWELLiNG OF LESS NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE THAN FiVE uNiTS, ARE NOT BANK OF NEW YORK AS SuCCES- PROPERTY uSED iN AGRiCuLSOR TRuSTEE TO JPMORGAN TuRAL PRODuCTiON, AND ARE CHASE BANK, N.A. SuCCESSOR ABANDONED.” BY MERGER TO BANK ONE, AS Dated: January 5, 2015 TRuSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF CWABS MASTER TRuST, REThe Bank of New York Mellon VOLViNG HOME EQ. LOAN ASSET BACKED NOTES, SERiES f/k/a The Bank of New York, as 2003-B. Dated September 16, 2013 Trustee Recorded October 4, 2013, as DocuMortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee ment No. A1409149. TRANSACTiON AGENT: NONE TRANSACTiON AGENT'S MORTGAGE iDENTiFiCATiON NuMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORiGiNATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Countrywide Home Loans of Minnesota, inc. RESiDENTiAL MORTGAGE SERViCER: Bank of America, N.A. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 26731 County Road 161, Richmond, MN 56368 TAX PARCEL 10.06529.0010 i.D. #: LEGAL DESCRiPTiON OF PROPERTY: The East 300 feet of the South 200 feet of the North 1320 feet of the NE 1/4 of Section 34, Township 124 North, Range 31 West COuNTY iN WHiCH PROPERTY iS LOCATED: Stearns STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS ORiGiNAL PRiNCiPAL AMOuNT OF MORTGAGE: $20,000.00 AMOuNT DuE AND CLAiMED TO BE DuE AS OF DATE OF NOSEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TiCE, iNCLuDiNG TAXES, iF DISTRICT COURT ANY, PAiD BY MORTGAGEE: Case Type: Juvenile $19,508.81 Court File No.: 73-JV-14-11100 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceedSUMMONS AND NOTICE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL ing Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requireRIGHTS MATTER ments as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been inIn the Matter of the Welfare of stituted at law or otherwise to recovthe Child(ren) of: er the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; Jaqueline Garcia Alvarez Parent PuRSuANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the Brian Brottem, Khanh Nguyen and above described property will be sold unknown Father by the Sheriff of said county as folParent lows: __________________________________ NOTICE TO: Jaqueline Garcia Alvarez, Brian Brottem, Khanh Nguyen and Unknown Father, above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s). 1. A Termination of Parental Rights Petition has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Juvenile Court located at 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota alleging that parental rights of the above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s) of the child(ren) named in the petition should be permanently severed. 2. Notice is hereby given that the matter of said Termination of Parental Rights Petition will be called for hearing before the Juvenile Court located at 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota, on February 23, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon after as the Matter can be heard. 3. YOU ARE ORDERED to appear before the Juvenile Court at the scheduled time and date. 4. You have a right to be represented by counsel. 5. if you fail to appear at the hearing, the Court may still conduct the hearing and grant appropriate relief, including permanently severing the parental rights of the above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s) and taking permanent custody of the child/ren named in the Petition. WITNESS, the Honorable Frank J. Kundrat Judge of District Court BY: Timothy Robers / Carrie S. Court Administrator DATE AND TiME OF SALE: March 12, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Center, Room S136, St. Cloud, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TiME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: if the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on September 14, 2015 unless that date falls on THiS iS A COMMuNiCATiON FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. (Publish Jan. 20 - Feb. 24, 2015) __________________________________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS OF POISSANT BUCK SNORT CAMP, INC. The nonprofit corporation Poissant Buck Snort Camp, inc. is in the process of dissolving under Minn. Stat. ch. 317A. The corporation’s registered office is located at 1415 North 3rd Street, Sartell, MN 56377. The corporation filed its Notice of intent to Dissolve with the Secretary of State on 01/21/15. Any claims against the corporation must be presented, in writing, within 90 days of 01/28/2015 to its attorney: D. Sherwood McKinnis, Lindberg & McKinnis, P.A., 200 3rd Avenue NE, Suite 300, Cambridge, MN 55008. (Publish Jan. 27 - Feb. 17, 2015) __________________________________ MUNSON TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 17, 2015 All residents of Munson Township are hereby notified that the Munson Planning and Zoning Board will hold a Public Hearing to make a recommendation to the Town Board on February 17, 2015 at 7:30 PM. Location of the hearing being the Munson Town Hall, 23857 Co. Rd. 23, Richmond, MN. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a variance. Donald & Angela Guenther, 20867 Eastway Road, Richmond, Mn. Parcel #23.14602.0071 are requesting a public hearing for a variance for 33 feet from the center of the existing road instead of the required 63 feet and meets the 30 feet set back from the road right-of-way. They would like to remove old home and build a new home in a different location. Any resident wanting to be heard on this matter, should either attend the public hearing or write their concerns to Munson Township, P O Box 505, Richmond, MN 56368. This is a public meeting. MUNSON TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING February 17, 2015 All residents of Munson Township are hereby notified that the Munson Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing on February 17, 2015 at 8:05 PM. Location of the hearing being the Munson Town Hall, 23857 Co. Rd. 23, Richmond, MN. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a variance. Donald and Angela Guenther, • ABSTRACTS • TITLE INSURANCE • LAND DEVELOPMENT • • CONSTRUCTION DISBURSEMENTS • TAX DEFERRED 1031 EXCHANGES • Managing Closer Lynn Burg Zoning Administrator Munson Township (Publish Jan. 27 & Feb. 3, 2015) __________________________________ MUNSON TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 17, 2015 All residents of Munson Township are hereby notified that the Munson Township Board of Supervisors will hold an extended Public Hearing on February 17, 2015 at 8:10 p.m. for the meeting that was continued from January 20, 2015. Location of the hearing being the Munson Town Hall, 23857 Co. Rd. 23, Richmond, MN. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a variance. Donald and Angela Guenther, 20901 Eastway Road, Richmond MN. Parcel #23.14628.000 are requesting a public hearing for a variance for 55 feet from the center of the existing road instead of the required 63 feet and meets the 30 feet set back from the road right-of-way. They would like to a 26 x 6 addition on to the existing home. Any resident wanting to be heard on this matter, should either attend the public hearing or write their concerns to Munson Township, P O Box 505, Richmond, MN 56368. This is a public meeting. Lynn Burg Zoning Administrator Munson Township January 15, 2015 (Publish Jan. 27 & Feb. 3, 2015) __________________________________ TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 COLD SPRING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Mayor Robert R. Thelen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following members were found to be present: Mayor Bob Thelen and Council Members Fran Ramler, Jan Dingmann, and Dave Heinen. Others present: Jason Spoden, Jason Blum, Delroy Hageman, Christi Hoffman, Melissa Boucher, Frank Rajkowski, City of Rockville Summary Financial Report The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of Rockville to interested citizens. The complete financial statements may be examined at the City Hall, 229 Broadway Street East. Questions about this report should be directed to Rena Weber, Administrator/Clerk at 320-251-5836. Revenues and Expenditures for General Operations (Governmental Funds) Total 2014 REVENUES: Property Taxes Special Assessments Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Investment Income Other Total Revenues Per Capita Total 2013 Percent Increase (Decrease) 1,093,458 529,059 27,690 191,615 52,972 9,191 1,050,827 695,773 32,280 116,746 43,303 10,000 4.06% -23.96% -14.22% 64.13% 22.33% -8.09% 44,939 2,512 1,951,436 785 64,565 100 2,013,594 810 -30.40% 24.12% -3.09% -3.09% 324,985 145,574 282,889 32,141 3,271 327,695 203,692 205,966 41,593 10,000 -0.83% -28.53% 37.35% -22.72% -67.29% EXPENDITURES: Current: General Government Public Safety Public Works Culture and Recreation Economic Development Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Capital Outlay General Government Public Safety Public Works Culture and Recreation Economic Development Total Expenditures Per Capita 837,450 161,167 767,727 235,776 9.08% -31.64% 2,782 39,196 77,712 0 0 1,907,167 767 0 8,000 0 0 0 1,800,449 725 100.00% 389.95% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.93% 5.93% Total Long-term Indebtedness Per Capita 9,390,611 3,779 9,192,460 3,699 2.16% 2.16% General Fund and Special Revenue Funds Unreserved Fund Balance - December 31 Per Capita 1,208,123 486 1,931,594 777 -37.45% -37.45% (Publish February 3, 2015) ___________________________________________________________________ Dan Steil, Jeremy Mathiasen, Dan Kron, JoAnn Thelen, Todd Aaseth, Janet Aaseth, Fr. Matthew Luft O.S.B., Heidi Stalboerger, Mike Bell, Bill Thelen, Deb Ramler, Ella Boucher, Eric Boucher, Skyler Boucher, Sarah Boucher, Chris Boucher, Susan Watts, Julia Konop, Brenda Timm, Sunny Hesse, Craig Kritzeck, Shawn Thomes, Tom Ficker, Brigetta Klemek, Brad Matuska, Paul Hoeschen and Angie Mueller. OATH OF OFFICE CEREMONY A. Council Member Fran Ramler B. Council Member David Heinen C. Mayor Robert Thelen D. invocation, Father Mathew Luft E. Council Member Fran Ramler Address F. Council Member Dave Heinen Address G. Mayor Bob Thelen Address APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOTiON WAS MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY DiNGMANN, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA OF THE JANuARY 13, 2015 CiTY COuNCiL MEETiNG. MOTiON PASSED 4-0. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes – December 22, 2014 MOTiON WAS MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY HEiNEN, TO APPROVE THE MiNuTES OF THE DECEMBER 22, 2014 CiTY COuNCiL MEETiNG AS PRESENTED. MOTiON PASSED 4-0. B. Approval of Sale of 1999 Chevy Tahoe MOTiON WAS MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY HEiNEN, TO ACCEPT THE BiDS FOR THE SALE OF THE 1999 CHEVY TAHOE, A FORFEiTuRE VEHiCLE, AND AWARD THE SALE OF SAiD VEHiCLE TO THE HiGH BiDDER BARRY SCHRAMEL FOR $1,001. MOTiON PASSED 4-0. C. Approve One-Day Gambling License, Rocori Band Boosters MOTiON WAS MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY HEiNEN, TO Public Notices continued on page 18 OPEN HOUSE! OPEN HOUSE! OPEN HOUSE! Saturday, February 7th 1:30 – 3:00pm 11:00am – 1:00pm N IS T I EW L NG 102 Barry Loop • Richmond Maintenance free living at its best! Open floor plan w/ custom kitchen, stainless steel appliances, sliding doors to patio, and 2 bedrooms w/ large master suite. Cozy in-floor heat for those cold winter days. Association fee includes snow removal, lawn care, and underground sprinklers. $199,500 1501 2nd Street S • Cold Spring Impressive 3 bedroom rambler on corner lot. Main floor living at its finest with large kitchen/eating area, stainless appliances, laundry room, walk-thru master with huge walkin closet, & vaulted ceilings. Plenty of potential to finish off basement. $179,900 NEW LISTINGS!!! (Publish Jan. 27 & Feb. 3, 2015) __________________________________ Professional Closing Services for Residential, Commercial, Agricultural and Lakeshore Properties Melanie Walz 20867 Eastway Road, Richmond, MN, Parcel #23.14602.0071 are requesting a public hearing for a variance for 33 feet from the center of the existing road instead of the required 63 feet and meets the 30 feet set back from the road right-of-way. They would like to remove old home and build a new home in a different location. Any resident wanting to be heard on this matter, should either attend the public hearing or write their concerns to Munson Township, P O Box 505, Richmond, MN 56368. This is a public meeting. Lynn Burg Zoning Administrator Munson Township “Your local experts in title services” NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTiCE iS HEREBY GiVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mort- uSSET, WEiNGARDEN AND LiEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 18 - 14-007763 FC Tri-County Abstract and Title Guaranty (Publish Jan. 20 - Feb. 3, 2015) __________________________________ THE RiGHT TO VERiFiCATiON OF THE DEBT AND iDENTiTY OF THE ORiGiNAL CREDiTOR WiTHiN THE TiME PROViDED BY LAW iS NOT AFFECTED BY THiS ACTiON. a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. Page 17 Proud Members of Cold Spring Chamber of Commerce, Richmond Civic & Commerce and J.J. Utecht Assistant Closer 208 Red River Ave. S. • Cold Spring, MN 56320 • (320) 685-4280 www.tricountyabstract.com 1-800-892-2399 • [email protected] Office also in: ST. CLOUD: 122 12th Ave. N. • St. Cloud, MN 56303 • (320) 253-2096 19498 Koetter Court • Richmond Custom built home in quiet neighborhood w/triple car garage. Master suite w/walk-in closet, 3/4 bath, MF laundry room. Huge family/rec room in LL walkout. Landscaped yard, mature trees for plenty of privacy & large lakeside deck. Home warranty included. $359,900 22936 Green Acres Drive • Richmond Secluded 1.58 acre lot with 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Year around living with deeded access to Rice Lake. Main floor laundry, master suite, central air, large covered porch with great lake views. Move-in ready. Room for outbuilding. Come join The Green Team this weekend at The Lake Home and Cabin Show, $129,000 February 6th – 8th, 2015 This is the 8th consecutive year that Rhonda and The Green Team has hosted a booth proudly presenting their Central MN lakeshore Listings! RHONDA GREEN, Realtor, The Green Team GRI, E-PRO, RRS, CRS www.rhondagreen.net Inc. Buyers Agent - Ana Krekelberg Listing Coordinator - Amy Hiltner Closing Coordinator - Nadene Tiberghien Cold Spring: 320-685-5925 • Cell 320-250-4648 • Paynesville: 320-243-4000 [email protected] Page 18 Cold Spring Record Public Notices continued from page 17 APPROVE FORM LG220 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPT PERMIT TO CONDUCT ONE DAY GAMBLING FOR ROCORI BAND BOOSTERS, INC. FOR A RAFFLE TO BE HELD APRIL 9, 2015 AT SIDE BAR AND GRILL; FURTHERMORE TO WAIVE THE 30 DAY WAITING PERIOD FOR SAID PERMIT. MOTION PASSED 4-0. D. Approve Off-Premises Liquor License for The Great Blue Heron MOTION WAS MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY HEINEN, TO APPROVE AN OFF-PREMISES ONSALE LIQUOR LICENSE TO THE GREAT BLUE HERON TO SERVE ALCOHOL AT A FUNDRAISER HOSTED BY BROOKLYNN’S BUDDIES, BEING HELD AT THE ST. BONIFACE PARISH CENTER ON SATURDAY, FEB. 7, 2015. CONTINGENT ON THEM PROVIDING LIQUOR LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR THEMSELVES COVERING THIS EVENT AT THIS LOCATION. MOTION PASSED 4-0. 2015 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS – RESOLUTION 2015-01 Mayor Thelen stated he would like to change the meeting dates of the Council from the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Wednesday, to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, and if a month has five Tuesdays then Council would hold a workshop on that fifth Tuesday. Councilor Ramler and Heinen were in favor of the proposed change, while Councilor Dingmann stated that she has another commitment on Tuesday nights. They agreed that since there is an open seat on the Council they would wait to make a permanent decision on changing the meetings until after that seat is filled. They agreed to move the second meeting in January, to January 27, 2015, and to have a workshop on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. The other appointments on the resolution were adopted as presented with Ramler being appointed as the Acting Mayor, and Dave Heinen as a Planning Commission Liaison. MOTION WAS MADE BY HEINEN, SECONDED BY RAMLER, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-01, A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS AND MEETING DATES FOR 2015. MOTION PASSED 4-0. LIBRARY LOCATION DISCUSSION Brenda Timm and Julia Konop, from the Friends of the Library or- W O O D W O R K E R ganization presented information to the Council requesting that the Council consider the former First National Bank building on Main Street as a viable option for a future site for the library. They stated that the first floor of the building would be sufficient for Great River Regional Library requirements. They would then use the lower level for programing space, meeting space, and storage. They stated that the City Council, GRRL Board and the Friends of the Library will need to work together to identify a space for an expanded library. Due to the Council being presented with this request at the meeting and not having time to look over the material prior to the meeting they tabled the discussion and directed the topic to be put on the next meeting agenda. ADOPTION OF 2015 FEE SCHEDULE – ORDINANCE NO. 335 Councilor Ramler stated that in the future he would like to discuss reducing the water and sewer connection fees to attract and create more new construction. He stated that contractors have asked him about these fees. Councilor Dingmann suggested surveying other cities on their connection fees. The Council agreed to put this topic on the agenda for their March 31, 2015 workshop agenda, and to encourage contractors, developers and realtors to attend the meeting to provide input on the matter. MOTION WAS MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY DINGMANN, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 335, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE OF COLD SPRING BY ADJUSTING VARIOUS RATES AND FEES. MOTION PASSED 4-0. ONE-DAY GAMBLING LICENSE, DUCKS UNLIMITED RICH-SPRING CHAPTER #119 MOTION MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY DINGMANN, TO APPROVE FORM LG220 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPT PERMIT TO CONDUCT ONE-DAY GAMBLING FOR DUCKS UNLIMITED RICHSPRING CHAPTER #119 FOR A RAFFLE TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 28, 2015 AT THE GREAT BLUE HERON; FURTHERMORE, TO WAIVE THE 30 DAY WAITING PEROD FOR SAID PERMIT. MOTION PASSED 4-0. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT, PAUL HOESCHEN A. Baseball Commission Presentation – Tom Ficker Tom Ficker from Cold Spring Area Baseball Inc. updated the Council on the improvement project at the Cold Spring Baseball Park. He stated that when moving the S Cabinets that say O ! 405 W West est Wind Wind C Court ourt Cold C old Spring Spring,, MN 56320 320-685-4313 WestwindWoodworkers.com W estwindW Woodworkers.com oodworke Wow! w! light tower it was learned that the transformer for it would need to be buried and therefore the cost for that portion of the project would increase by $2,247. He stated that CSAB Inc. has already paid $30,000 for moving the light tower and that they will pay the additional $2,247 to complete it once the City is invoiced for it. B. Cold Spring Area Youth Sports Association –Field of Dreams Project Brad Matuska from the Cold Spring Area Youth Sports Association was present to request a waiver of the sewer and water connection fees for a sprinkling system and future concession stand for Field C on the Rocori School property. He stated that there are 380 families involved in the baseball program and that when they host tournaments it brings many people to town who in turn patron many businesses, which benefits the City. Due to the information and request only being presented at the meeting, not ahead of time, the Council tabled this item and requested that it be put on the next agenda. C. Salt Purchase Hoeschen stated that they will likely purchase salt soon but he wasn’t sure the date, amount that would be purchased, or the cost. CITY ENGINEER REPORT A. 2nd Avenue Crossing Jeremy Mathiasen from Stantec explained that the City is waiting for finalization of the purchase of the railroad property for 2nd Avenue South. B. CSAH 2/Red River Avenue Mathiasen stated there was a downtown committee meeting on January 12, 2015 to discuss streetscape priorities. Hoeschen stated that it was well attended although there were a few business owners missing. He stated that bike lanes, tree, lighting and bollards were discussed and that the group plans to tally the results and present them in the future as recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council. Mathiasen also stated that there will be a public information meeting on the project with Stearns County on February 4, 2015. C. Safe Routes to School Grants Mathiasen stated that Hoeschen and Lintgen recently submitted a Safe Routes to School Grant. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT A. Canine Discussion Chief Boucher stated that Performance Kennels, where the last canine was purchased from, contacted the department with an especially good deal on a canine that would be trained in both narcotics and finding missing persons for a price of $9,500. He stated that things came together quickly and donations have been received by Herbert and Cathy Schulz/InFaith Community Foundation in the amount of $3,000, $4,000 from Coldspring, $300 from Patricia Fazio, $500 from an anonymous donor, and $1,700 donation from the Cold Spring Richmond Wakefield Police Foundation. He stated that he will post the position of canine handler within the department and there may be several officers interested in it. MOTION WAS MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY HEINEN, TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A CANINE FROM PERFORMANCE KENNEL AT A COST OF $9,500 USING THE FUNDS DONATED FOR THIS PURCHASE FROM LINE ITEM 29-40-41-6135. MO- CHIROPRACTIC • ACUPUNCTURE PEDIATRICS • PRENATAL CARE Our clinic is focused on gentle and effective chiropractic care for the entire family. We want everyone to enjoy a healthier future. Check us out - you’ll be glad you did. Kristin Hess D.C. 320-685-4360 • 216 Main Street • Cold Spring • www.hessfamilychiropractic.com Tuesday, February 3, 2015 TION PASSED 4-0. B. Purchase of Four Duty Handguns MOTION WAS MADE BY DINGMANN, SECONDED BY HEINEN, TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF FOUR SMITH AND WESSON 40 CALIBER M&P PISTOLS, FOUR HOLSTERS, AND FOUR MAGAZINE HOLDERS FROM STREICHERS AT A TOTAL COST OF $1,494.91, WITH THE FUNDS TO BE DRAWN FROM LINE ITEM 1140-41-6311, FURTHERMORE, THAT THE DEPARTMENT HANDGUNS WITH THE FOLLOWING SERIAL NUMBERS WILL BE TRADED IN ON THIS TRANSACTION: SAB2295, SAD0979, SAD0966, AND SAJ0029. MOTION PASSED 4-0. C. Prescription Drug Medication Drop Box Chief Boucher explained that Cold Spring is being considered as a possible location for a prescription drug medication drop box. He stated that if selected, the City would need to purchase a video camera system to provide surveillance on the drop box. The cost of the camera system would be approximately $875. The cost for the medication drop box and installation would be covered by a grant. LIST OF BILLS AND ADDITIONS MOTION WAS MADE BY RAMLER, SECONDED BY HEINEN, TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF THE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCORDING TO THE LIST TOTALING $1,018,919.52 AND SUPPLEMENTAL LIST TOTALING $21,945.76 PRESENTED BY CITY STAFF. MOTION PASSED 4-0. GENERAL COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS Mayor Thelen stated that the Council would need to decide how to fill the vacant seat on the Council. The Council discussed the methods available which would include a special election or making an appointment. Councilor Ramler stated his concern that the current members of the Council had to file for office and campaign to win an election and the open seat could just be filled by someone filling out an application. The remaining Council members were in favor of advertising for the open seat and making an appointment. Since there was not consensus, the Council directed Hetland to research the costs for a special election and agreed that each Council member would come back to the next meeting with their preferred method on how to proceed. They also indicated that if anyone is interested in filling the vacant seat that they should contact a current Council member. Mayor Thelen requested permission from the Council to have an open mic session at the start of each Council meeting and to put information on the website, both were agreed to be okay. ADJOURN MOTION WAS MADE BY ramler, SECONDED BY THELEN, TO ADJOURN AT 8:14 P.M., SEEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION PASSED 4-0. Bob Thelen, Mayor Paul Hetland, City Administrator (Publish February 3, 2015) __________________________________ CITY OF COLD SPRING NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL VACANCY Notice is hereby given that applications will be accepted for a vacancy on the Cold Spring City Council. The opening is for a term, which will expire December 31, 2016. There is no experience necessary to serve in this position just a positive attitude and an interest in making beneficial decisions for the improvement of the community. Applicants must reside within City limits and be at least 21 years of age. City Council members are paid modestly for meetings, which are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. In addition to their regular meetings, a workshop is held in the months where there is a fifth Tuesday. Applications will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 13, 2015. The City Council will conduct interviews and make an appointment on March 10, 2015. Applications are available at City Hall, 27 Red River Avenue South or at www.coldspring.govoffice.com. (Publish February 3 & 10, 2015) __________________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Stearns County Planning Commission, in and for the County of Stearns, will conduct a public hearing to consider a conditional use permit application submitted by HaileManas Family Trust, New York, NY, according to the requirements of Sections 4.8 and 7.6 of Stearns County Land Use and Zoning Ordinance #439 to do a standard plat within the Conservation Design Overlay District. The property under consideration lies southerly of Kreigle Lake Road, northerly of Kalla Lake, and is part of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4, Section 5 and part of the NE1/4 and Government Lot 2, Section 8, Collegeville Township (124/30). Notice is further given that the above hearing will be held on Thursday, February 19, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Stearns County Service Center West, Room 121B & C/D, 3301 County Road 138, Waite Park, Minnesota. A copy of the proposed request is on file in the Stearns County Environmental Services Office, County Administration Center, Room 343, 705 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota and can be viewed during regular business hours. This request/information can also be viewed approximately one week prior to the meeting at co.stearns.mn.us by clicking on Board and Committee meetings. Action taken on this application will be available shortly after the meeting at the same web site location. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearing or submit written testimony prior to the hearing date, either in support of or in opposition to the proposed request. Written testimony should be submitted to the Stearns County Environmental Services Department, Administration Center, Room 343, 705 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303. Brian Junkermeier, Chair Stearns County Planning Commission Barrier Free Status: This meeting will be accessible to the handicapped. Attempts will be made to accommodate any other individual need for special services. Please call (320) 656-3613 early so arrangements can be made. (Publish February 3, 2015) __________________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 13D.04 and Minnesota Rules 8420.0905, that the Stearns County Wetland Appeals Panel, in and for the County of Stearns, will have a meeting on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, in the Board Room, County Administration Center, 705 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, MN, beginning at 8:45 a.m. Purpose of the meeting is to consider a “Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Dismissal” between Stearns County, the US Fish & Wildlife Services, and Raymond Township. The above agreement is for the appeal of a Wetland Conservation Act decision for an after-the-fact wetland replacement plan application submitted by Raymond Township. The appeal to BWSR was submitted by Scott Glup, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, according to Minnesota Rules 8420.0255, 8420.0330, 8420.0500, 8420.0520 and 8420.0522. Raymond Township and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service have approved and signed the settlement agreement. The property under consideration is part of the SW1/4 of the NE1/4, Section 7, Raymond Township (125/35). The property lies east of 490th Avenue and Public Waters Basin #73-598W and south of 370th Street. The “Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Dismissal” and related information are on file with the Environmental Services Department, Room 343, County Administration Center, 705 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, MN. Barrier Free Status: This meeting will be accessible to the handi- Treating You Right! Great service, Personable and There when you need him. Cold Spring Agency, Inc. 3UHVLGHQWV¶'D\KDVEHFRPHDJUHDWWLPHWRVDYH money on everything from furniture to cars. We can help you finance those deals with great rates on a consumer loan. Stop in and see Jennifer for all your consumer lending needs. -HQQLIHU/LQGHOO /RDQ2IILFHU 320-685-8655 0HPEHU)',& 10/6 Jamie Thomes Agent Stop in and have Jamie Quote your auto and/or Homeowners Insurance. (Publish February 3, 2015) __________________________________ NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Date: January 28, 2015 YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 1. Default has occurred in the conditions of that certain Mortgage dated November 13, 2009 executed by Jeffrey G. Heinen, a single adult, of 20635 – 83rd Avenue, Kimball, MN 55353, as Mortgagor, to Plaza Park Bank, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, as Mortgagee, of P.O. Box 337, Waite Park, MN 56387, and filed for record on November 19, 2009, as Document No. 1303382, in the office of the County Recorder of Stearns County, Minnesota; which Mortgage was subsequently modified on June 28, 2012, and filed for record on July 5, 2012, as Document No. A1373302, in the office of the County Recorder of Stearns County. 2. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was: $90,000.00. 3. No action or proceeding at law is now pending to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof. 4. The holder of the Mortgage has complied with all conditions precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by the Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, and all notice and other requirements of applicable statutes. 5. At the date of this notice, the amount due on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage is: $98,560.86. 6. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, on the land described as follows: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 123, RANGE 29, STEARNS COUNTY, MINNESOTA, LESS AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 615.00 FEET THEREOF. TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF OVER INGRESS AND EGRESS AND ACROSS THE NORTH 33.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST Q U A R T E R BEING IN SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 123, RANGE 29, STEARNS COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Street Address: 20635 – 83rd Avenue, Kimball, MN 55353 Tax I.D. No.: 20-12199-0700 and will be sold by the Sheriff of Stearns County, Minnesota at public auction on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. at Office of the Stearns County Sheriff, 807 Courthouse Square, Room S100, St. Cloud, MN 56303. 7. The time allowed by law for redemption of Mortgagor or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months after the date of sale. 8. The date on or before which the Mortgagor must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. § 580.30 or the property redeemed under Minn. Stat. § 580.23 is September 19, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. 9. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINN. STAT. § 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Auto ~ Home ~ Term Life Cold Spring Agency, Inc. Conveniently located in the STATE BANK OF COLD SPRING 401 Main Street • Cold Spring • capped. Attempts will be made to accommodate any other individual need for special services. Please call (320) 656-3613 or 1-800-450-0852 early so arrangements can be made. 320-685-8655 Mortgagee or Assignee of Mortgage: By /s/ Andrew Steil Andrew J. Steil #387048 Attorneys for Mortgagee or Assignee of Mortgagee: Public Notices continued on page 19 Classifieds Real Estate PLAT BOOKS WITH 911 ADDRESSES LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR STEARNS, WRIGHT & MEEKER COUNTIES REG. $40 - NOW $25 + TAX AT COLD SPRING RECORD HIGHWAY 23 WEST COLD SPRING 320-685-8621 ______________________________________________s3tfp For Rent Now accepting applications for Pine West 1 & 2 townhomes located in Cold Spring. For more information call Cindy at 320-685-9803 or SMR at 800-450-7723. Equal Housing Opportunity. ____________________________________________n20tfc OFFICE FOR RENT – COLD SPRING - Building with 3 offices, 3 conference rooms and a garage; individual offices with shared conference rooms, rent negotiable, reception services can be available. Call Paul at 240-9423. _____________________________________________m3tfc FOR RENT – 2 and 3 bedroom trailer home for rent in Eden Terrace Mobile home park, Eden Valley, MN. Water, sewer and garbage are included in the lot rent. NO PETS ALLOWED. First month rent is FREE if all conditions are met. Mobile homes available for purchase also. If interested please call 320-453-7322. __________________________________________ja27-f3c SELF-STORAGE RENTAL 24 Hour Access • Reasonable Rates 4 Sizes Available Security Surveillance Cameras 685-8556 East Highway 23 • Cold Spring, MN Office/Retail space for rent in the Schurman building in downtown Cold Spring. Call 320-492-1330. Granite Ledge Townhomes in Cold Spring 3 Bedroom Townhomes $760 per month Heat Included Income limits apply Call Mary or Don at 320-685-8650 John Clark Co-op Senior Housing (55+) 241 Broadway St. West Rockville, MN 2 Bedroom available immediately! 320-251-0165 www.johnclarkcoophousing.com SENIOR AND/OR HANDI-CAPPED BUILDING: Now accepting applications for a fully accessible apartment at Springhaven in Cold Spring. Running winter specials For more information, contact Cindy at 320-685-9803 or Security Management and Realty at 507-345-1290. Equal Housing Opportunity. www.smrrental.com Classifieds Work! COMPUTER REPAIR LEITHER COMPUTERS LLC Marvin Leither • Richmond, MN 320-281-9373 Repair, cleaning, upgrade, virus removal, wireless home network security and more! Miscellaneous Pat’s Quality Cleaners has openings for weekly and bi-weekly appointments for house cleaning. Bonded & Insured Call 320-333-7741 Little Sister’s Antiques 318 1st St. S. • Cold Spring (Located at the corner of Red River Ave & 1st St. S.) Open Every FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10am – 5pm and SUNDAY ~ 10am – 4pm or by chance Want to plan a private shopping date as a group? Call Lisa to make an appointment 320.241.5065 Boomerville Cheap entertainment that’s good for you! Walk our 75 foot indoor loop while listening to great music (walk & roll). We also have a wide variety of fun games. Only $3 per hour, free coffee & water. Mon. – Fri. 8am – 5pm. We also host special parties. Boomerville is located in Jacobs Prairie between Cold Spring and St. Joseph. 320-293-4058 (Classified Ad deadline is Thursdays at 4 pm) WOODWORKER WANTED – Tired of being just a number at a large company? Small manufacturer of architectural doors is seeking an experienced woodworker for full or part time day position. Duties include machine operation, door assembly and light maintenance. Competitive pay and benefits, and great working environment. Paynesville location. Send resume to: P.O. Box 116, Paynesville, MN 56362 or fax to: 320-243-4981. __________________________________________ja27-f3c HELP WANTED – Large Dairy and Custom Animal Waste company looking for a full time person to join our business team. Beneficial to have dairy background; knowledge with Feed Supervisor, DHIA and Dairy Comp but not required. This individual that we are looking for must be able to work as a team and independently. Some of the office duties will be data entry, filing, billings, spreadsheets, DOT reporting, working with farm reports and general office duties. Fulltime employee benefits include Medical/Dental Insurance, vacation time, and IRA. If interested please contact Kris or Arnie at 320-453-7322. Office is located in the Richmond/Eden Valley area. ________________________________________ja27-f10c HIRING HR & PAYROLL / CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST FULL-TIME – The City of Paynesville is currently accepting applications for a full-time HR & Payroll / Customer Service Specialist. Minimum job requirements include a Bachelor’s degree or four years of accounting experience including public contact or equivalent. Key job characteristics include knowledge of payroll and tax filing; accuracy with number/calculations; customer service skills; knowledge of zoning and building permits, spreadsheets, and database skills; ability to keyboard at least 40 wpm; ability to multi-task and prioritize work; strong detail skills; accurate filing skills; ability to work effectively with others; and good grammar skills. Starting wage is $13.94 per hour, Grade 4/Step 1, 40 hours per week, plus benefits. Applications can be picked up at City Hall, 221 Washburne Ave. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or they are available on the City’s website at www.paynesvillemn.com. All applications must be received by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on February 6, 2015. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. __________________________________________ja27-f3c HELP WANTED – Murphy Granite of Richmond, MN is looking for a full time shop laborer to apply and weed stencil for monumental manufacturing. Please send resumes to [email protected] or call HELP WANTED – Casey’s 320-597-3070. General Store in Richmond is looking ____________________________________________f3-10c for overnight staff. Full-time and WAKEFIELD TOWNSHIP Conpart-time positions available in all struction Management Search – departments. Starting wage $9.50 an Wakefield Township is currently hour. Apply within at Casey’s searching for interested persons or General Store Richmond or apply onfirms that are willing and qualified line at Caseys.com. to provide construction management __________________________________________ja20-f3c for the construction of its Town Hall. The building is approximately 3,000 square feet, and is to be constructed in 2015. The project is funded by USDA’s Rural Development, so the Construction Manager must follow all requirements of that funding. In order to be included in the search process, a party must obtain a copy of the Township’s Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and follow the The Department of Culinary instructions therein for submission. Services at the College of Saint Any party wishing to be considered Benedict invites applications for must submit their statement of qualthe full-time (75%) position or ifications no later than 12:00 noon on two part-time positions of Baker. February 16, 2015. For more information, or for a copy of the RFQ This position prepares and bakes please call (320) 761-3925. the bakery products for the dinWakefield Township is an Equal ing center, catering and the retail Opportunity Provider and Employer outlets. _________________________________________________f3c Help Wanted CULINARY SERVICES BAKER Typical work hours will be during the academic year, 3-5 days a week, 4:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and every other weekend from 3:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Summer hours are limited. For more information and to apply online, visit http://employment.csbsju.edu Women, individuals of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The College of Saint Benedict is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. COTTAGE COURT Exceptional Senior Rentals NOW AVAILABLE • • • • 1 Level Living Private Entry AC Affordable CALL MARY . . . 685-3888 Transportation BUYING JUNK CARS, trucks and late model repairables. Top dollar paid. Call 866-482-0972. ______________________________________________s9tfc Public Notices continued from page 18 GRAY, PLANT, MOOTY, MOOTY & BENNETT, P.A. 1010 West St. Germain Suite 500 St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 252-4414 (Publish Feb. 3 - Mar. 10, 2015) __________________________________ NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Date: January 27, 2015 YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 1. Default has occurred in the conditions of that certain Mortgage dated May 20, 2010, executed by Scott W. Whitters and Stephanie J. Whitters, husband and wife, of 3012 – 14th Street North, St. Cloud, MN 56303, as Mortgagors, to Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity, a Minnesota non-profit organization, of 3335 West St Germain Street, Suite 108, St. Cloud, MN 56304, as Mortgagee, and filed for record on May 24, 2010, as Document No. 1316271, in the Office of the County Recorder of Stearns County, Minnesota. 2. The Mortgage has been assigned as follows: n/a 3. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was: $173,977.40. 4. No action or proceeding at law is now pending to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof. 5. The holder of the Mortgage has complied with all conditions precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by the Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, and all notice and other requirements of applicable statutes. 6. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage is: $151,413.65. 7. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, on the land described as follows: Lot Seven (7), Block One (1), Madison Park Second Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Stearns County, Minnesota. Street Address: 3012 – 14th Street North St. Cloud, MN 56303 Tax I.D. No.: 82.48298.0000 and will be sold by the County Sheriff of Stearns County, Minnesota, at public auction on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. in the lobby of the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office located at 807 Courthouse Square, Room S100, St. Cloud, MN 56303. 8. The time allowed by law for redemption of Mortgagors or Mortgagors’ personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months after the date of sale. 9. The date on or before which the Mortgagors must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. § 580.30 or the property redeemed under Minn. Stat. § 580.23 is September 25, 2015, at 11:59 p.m. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. 10. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGORS, THE MORTGAGORS’ PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINN. STAT. § 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mortgagee Mortgage: or Assignee of By /s/ Robert J. Walter Robert J. Walter (#114248) Attorneys for Mortgagee or Assignee of Mortgagee: GRAY, PLANT, MOOTY, MOOTY & BENNETT, P.A. 1010 West St. Germain Suite 500 St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 252-4414 (Publish Feb. 3 - Mar. 10, 2015) __________________________________ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Independent School District No. 750 Cold Spring, Minnesota January 12, 2015 The Regular meeting of the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 750 was called to order at 6:35 P.M. in the Board Room at the Rocori District Office. Board members present: Mike Austreng, Richard Bohannon, Lisa Demuth, Kara Habben, Nadine Schnettler, Lynn Schurman, and Student Representatives Anne Howard and Lisa Volkers. Board members absent: Alyssa Job. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Members Richard Bohannon, Lisa Demuth, and Kara Habben were sworn into office by Chair Schnettler. A motion was made by Schurman, seconded by Austreng, to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Schurman, seconded by Habben, to elect Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Page 19, Cold Spring Record Schnettler as Board Chair, Schurman as Vice Chair, Demuth as Clerk, and Austreng as Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously. A discussion centered on the committee assignments. The Board Chair made Committee assignments as follows: BOARD COMMITTEE Negotiations/Personnel Committee/ Schurman*/Schnettler/Austreng Meet and Confer Schurman*/Demuth Policy Review Demuth*/Bohannon School Assignment Appeals/ Transportation Austreng*/Demuth/Schnettler Facilities/Grounds Austreng/Demuth*/Habben “Rocori Proud” All Board Members Finance Committee Austreng (Treasurer) */Demuth/ Schnettler Keep ROCORI Proud Committee Habben*/Schnettler (on hold) BOARD REPRESENTATIVE Benton-Stearns Ed District Schnettler SEE Schurman/Habben(alternate) MSHSL Schnettler Booster Club Liaison Schnettler 5th Monday Schurman Community Ed Advisory Council Demuth Media-Reevaluation of Resources/Internet Access Austreng Stearns County Family Collaborative Bohannon Technology Committee Demuth/Bohannon* Response to Intervention Bohannon*/Habben(alternate) Staff Development Committee Schurman*/Habben(alternate) Curriculum Demuth Teaching and Learning Schurman Catastrophic Leave Schurman MSBA Legislative Liaison Schurman Community Finance Austreng (Rotation of Board Members) ECFE Advisory Council Habben Senior Center Board Schnettler (alternate / Austreng* Safe Routes to School Bohannon Student Senate Student Senate Assignment The Board recognized that Schnettler also serves in an elected position at Resource Training & Solutions. The Board discussed its meeting procedures and format and decided to keep things the same. A discussion on whether there is a need to have an in-service, training, or work session experience conducted by the Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA) and consensus was to have a work session with the Administrative Team in February. A motion was made by Schurman, seconded by Demuth, to approve the following Organizational Consent Agenda items: - Designate Board Chair as spokesperson for public information. - Authorization of the Signature Plates to reflect the officer positions. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Schnettler called for comments and requests from visitors and there were none. Student Senate Representatives Howard and Volkers shared their report on the Student Senate Activities. A motion was made by Austreng, seconded by Demuth, to approve the following Consent Agenda items: - Approval of the minutes from the regular meeting of December 15, 2014. - Approve the employment of Amy Olson as a Special Education Paraprofessional in the Early Childhood program, Serena Robak as a Paraprofessional in the EL program at the Secondary School, and Scott Knudson as a Lunch Clerk at Cold Spring Elementary. - Accept letters of resignation from Ashley Edwards, Curriculum Office Assistant and Judy MartinezSones, Assistant Principal at the Secondary Schools. - Accept the donation of a Thermal Dynamics Plasma Cutter from Jay Netter of Netter’s Welding and Fabrication for the value of $1,100.00. - Approve the grant request through the Minnesota State High School League for the planned back to school activities training programs. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Demuth, seconded by Austreng, to approve the following resolution to contract with a board member for the calendar year 2015: RESOLUTION TO CONTRACT WITH A BOARD MEMBER WHEREAS, Lynn Schurman has a personal financial interest in, or will personally benefit financially from the sale or furnishing of said commodities or services and is also a member of the School Board, and WHEREAS, said Board Member has filed an affidavit with the School District pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.89 stating that the contract price for said commodities or services is reasonable value thereof and is as low as or lower than the price at which the commodities or services could be obtained elsewhere, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 750, Minnesota, the claims of Cold Spring Bakery, Incorporated pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.88, Subd. 5 and 471.89 is hereby authorized to be paid for the calendar year 2015. See attached Affidavit of Lynn Schurman. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 750 that the contract price is as low as or lower than the price at which the commodities or services could be obtained elsewhere. Voting in favor: Bohannon, Austreng, Demuth, Habben, and Schnettler; Schurman abstained, and the following voted against the same: None, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. A motion was made by Habben, seconded by Demuth, to approve the following resolution to contract with a board member for the calendar year 2015: RESOLUTION TO CONTRACT WITH A BOARD MEMBER WHEREAS Mike Austreng has a personal financial interest in, or will personally benefit financially from the sale or furnishing of said commodities or services and is also a member of the School Board, and WHEREAS, said Board Member has filed an affidavit with the School District pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.89 stating that the contract price for said commodities or services is reasonable value thereof and is as low as or lower than the price at which the commodities or services could be obtained elsewhere, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 750, Minnesota, the claims of Cold Spring Record pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.88, Subd. 5 and 471.89 is hereby authorized to be paid for the calendar year 2015. See attached Affidavit of Mike Austreng. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 750 that the contract price is as low as or lower than the price at which the commodities or services could be obtained elsewhere. Voting in favor: Bohannon, Demuth, Habben, Schnettler and Schurman; Austreng abstained, and the following voted against the same: None, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. A motion was made by Schurman, seconded by Austreng to approve the proposal from TeamWorks, International for their services to assist in updating the district Strategic Roadmap. Motion carried unanimously. Member Austreng introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PRE-LABOR DAY START BE IT RESOLVED by the ROCORI School Board, Independent School District No. 750, State of Minnesota, as follows: WHEREAS: 1. The ROCORI School Board is responsible for the educational program, including the 2. learning year, for the students in the school district; and, 3. The administration of the ROCORI School District, at the direction of the board of education, will make concerted efforts to explain, gather, and discuss the concept of a preLabor Day, September 1, 2015, start with the community at large; and, 4. The educational leaders of the ROCORI Public Schools believe that this start date better meets the educational needs of the students than a start date after Labor Day; and, 5. A start date prior to Labor Day will allow the ROCORI District to achieve better student academic outcomes; and, 6. The educational leaders of the ROCORI Public Schools believe an earlier school start date takes into consideration the many diverse needs of the community of the ROCORI School District; and, 7. Activity programs are considered an essential part of the educational program within the ROCORI School District and the 2015-2016 schedule supported by the Minnesota State High School League includes provisions for earlier than normal initial practice and event scheduling because of other conflicts in the calendar at the state level; and, 8. This start date, established by the educational leaders of the ROCORI Public Schools and approved by the ROCORI School Board, is best suited to meet the needs of ROCORI schools, students and communities. BE IT RESOLVED, that the ROCORI School District request state legislators to implement legislation waiving state mandates prohibiting or stalling in the process of designing a learning year meeting local needs. Furthermore, the ROCORI School Board instructs district leadership to work with legislators, associated advocacy organizations, and Public Notices continued on page 20
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