WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS CONFERENCE? This conference is suitable for professionals who work in an education or therapy role with primary school children who have Down syndrome. This includes teachers, classroom assistants, educational psychologists and speech and language therapists. The conference will run from 9.30 Thursday until lunchtime on Friday. Teachers with experience of teaching a number of children with Down syndrome, educational psychologists or speech and language therapists with extensive experience of working with children with Down syndrome may wish to attend an additional session on Friday afternoon to become accredited RLI trainers. Reading and Language Intervention for Primary school children with Down syndrome An International conference for professionals. Citylink Business Park, Old Naas Road, Dublin 12. T: 01 426 6500 / 1890 374 374 E: [email protected] Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd May 2014. www.downsyndrome.ie Ashling Hotel, Parkgate St., Dublin 8. Follow us on Facebook SPEAKERPROFILES EducationConference Conference Convenor – SPEAKERPROFILES SPEAKERPROFILES For Parents of Children inSt.,Pre-School PATRICIAGRIFFIN For Parents Children Pre-School Ashling of Hotel, Parkgatein Dublin 8. Conference Convenor ––from NationalEducationOfficer, National and Mainstream Primary School Education Convenor Delegate Conference Rate Primary available directly Hotel. Resource Team, and Mainstream School Education Thursday 22nd May 2014 & Friday 23rd May 2014 PATRICIA GRIFFIN PATRICIA GRIFFINIreland Down Syndrome National Education Officer, National Resource Team, Education Officer, Resourceeach Team, E175 perNational person. This includes lunchNational & refreshments day. PatriciaSyndrome Griffin is an experienced Primary teacher who Down Ireland Down Syndrome Ireland most recently worked as a Deis Rural Co-ordinator – DATES DATES AND AND VENUES VENUES Patricia Griffin is experienced Primary teacher who Patricia Griffin is an anwith experienced Primary teacher who liaising for parents schools and external agencies. most recently worked as a Deis Rural Co-ordinator • TheArdilaunHotel,TaylorsHill,Galway. most recently worked as a Deis Rural Co-ordinator Patricia is married to Kevin and has been an active –– • TheArdilaunHotel,TaylorsHill,Galway. liaising with schools and agencies. memberfor the Kerry branch of Down Syndrome Ireland Saturday,January19th2013 liaising forofparents parents with schools and external external agencies. Saturday,January19th2013 IMPLEMENTING RLI: an evidence-based reading and language programme Patricia is married to Kevin and has been an active (DSI) since 1993, when her son Cathal (youngest ofPlease 8 children) was born. Sheforwill note: The same conference Patricia is married to Kevin and has been an active Please note: The same conference will • NewparkHotel,Kilkenny. children with Down syndrome aged 5-12 years in primary schools. • NewparkHotel,Kilkenny. be in venues. Please member of the Kerry branch Syndrome (DSI) since 1993, has served committee in Down Kerry, as secretaryIreland and chairperson. Patricia be hosted hosted in both both venues. Please book book member of on thethe Kerry branch of of Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI) since 1993, one conference venue only. Saturday,February23rd2013 one conference venue only. Saturday,February23rd2013 when her son Cathal (youngest of 8 children) was born. She has served on worked forson over 20 years as a counsellor with was Accord. Patriciahas was appointed when her Cathal (youngest of 8 children) born. Training for educators. Friday 23rd May She 2014. served on education officer to DSI’s National Resource Team in 2011; following afor year of the committee in Kerry, as secretary and chairperson. Patricia worked the committee Kerry, as secretary and chairperson. worked for Thursday 22nd Mayin 2014. 9.30–11.00 Patricia The Language Strand – the education consultancy work with the organisation. Patricia is based between over 20 years as a counsellor with Accord. Patricia was appointed education sentence over 20 years as a counsellor with Accord. Patricia wasvocabulary appointedand education KerryPROGRAMME and the nationalTea/Coffee. office in Dublin. 9.30am Registration. activities, theoftopic book, officer to PROGRAMME officer to DSI’s DSI’s National National Resource Resource Team Team in in 2011; 2011; following following aa year year of education education choosing words and themes. Tel:083 4000226 or 066 9768274 Email:[email protected] consultancy work with the organisation. Patricia is based between Kerry consultancy work with the organisation. Patricia is based between Kerry and and 10.00-11.15 The design, principles and 09.30 – 10.00 Registration the national office in Dublin. 09.30 – 10.00 Registration evaluation RLI. 11.00–11.30 Tea/Coffee Break the national office inofDublin. NICOLAHART 10.00 – 11.20 or 066 Communication / Expectations Tel: 083 4000226 9768274 Email: [email protected] 10.00 – 11.20 orBreak. Communication / Expectations Tel: 083 4000226 066 9768274 Email: [email protected] 11.15–11.45 Tea/Coffee 11.30-1.00 Getting started – planning at SpeechandLanguageTherapyConsultant,National school and involving parents. 11.20 –– 11.40 Coffee Break 11.20 The 11.40 Break 11.45-1.00 Reading Resource Strand Coffee – the book Team, reading components,Apps. book 1.00–2.00 Lunch 11.40 –– 13.00 11.40 grading 13.00and JENNYGANNON, Apps. Downrunning Syndrome Ireland JENNYGANNON, taking RegionalEducationConsultant records. Training trainers (only for people who 13.00 13.00 –– 14.00 14.00 RegionalEducationConsultant Lunch Nicola Lunch is Resource an experienced and Language Therapist, wish Speech to be accredited RLI trainers) National Team, Down Syndrome Ireland National Resource Team, Down Syndrome Ireland who has been working for DownReviewing syndromethe Ireland since 1.00–2.00 Lunch 14.00 –– 15.00 Parallel (choose 2.00-3.15 14.00 15.00 Parallel Session Session (choose one one option) option) key principles, Jenny aaLiteracy qualified secondary primary school 2010. is She works part time forand the national resource Jenny is1. qualified secondary and primary school aims and objectives of RLI. 1. Literacy 2.00–3.30 Teaching sight words and teacher. She qualified from Mater Dei in 1999, and team, and part time as a senior speech and language 2. Behaviour teacher. qualified from Mater Dei in 1999, and 2. She Behaviour letters, sounds, phonology 3.15-3.45 Tea/Coffee Break. from Hibernia in 2005. She has therapist in theCollege Kildare branch. from Hibernia College in 2005. one She option) has also also completed completed components. 15.00 –– 16.00 Parallel Session (choose 15.00 16.00 Parallel Session (choose one option) Masters Degree in Diversity in Education at St Patrick’s Nicola has a particularaainterest in the impact of language disorders on Masters Degree in Diversity in Education St the Patrick’s Supporting at schools, 1. Numicon 1. Drumcondra, Numicon 3.45-4.45 3.30–4.00 Tea/Coffee Break. College, Dublin. Jenny has been teaching education of children College, who have Down syndrome, and in the potential for using maintaining momentum and Drumcondra, Dublin. Jenny has been teaching 2. Resources 2. Resources fidelity, addressing common for 13 years. She is currently teaching 4th class in a mainstream primary school. modern technology to increase independence and self advocacy. for–5.30 13 years. She isassessments currently teaching 4th class in a mainstream primary school. 4.00 Baseline for theForum issues. in schools and 16.00 from 17.00 Open Her brother, Michael has Down Jenny has 16.00 –– 17.00 Open Forum Originally Wales, Nicola hassyndrome. lived in 4.45-5.00 county since 1994. Her brother, Michael has Down syndrome. JennyKildare has worked worked in schools and– reading strand. The RLI trainer network community groups with children who have Down Syndrome. ongoing support from DSE community groups with children who have Down Syndrome. Finish Tel: Tel: 086 086 809 809 4424. 4424. Available Available for for telephone telephone calls calls Tuesday Tuesday evening. evening. FEE FEE Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] There will be practical exercises included and questions encouraged throughout. www.downsyndrome.ie I would €50 encourage schools/teachers to purchase therefreshments. RLI Handbook, read it and watch DVDs per person. This includes lunch and €50 per person. This includes lunch and refreshments. before coming to the training. This will enable them to get much more value from the training. http://store.dseenterprises.org/products/reading-language-intervention-down-syndrometeachers-handbook Professor Sue Buckley OBE Name ............................................................................................................................... Address ____________________________________________________________________ Name Name _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Address:............................................................................................................................ Address Address ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Dietary requirements_________________________________________________________ ......................................................................................................................................... ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Please tick Venue and session you wish to attend: Special dietary Tel:.................................................................................................................................... Special dietary requirements requirements __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ LIMERICK–29thMarch2014. MARYHENRY, Director of Science and Research, Down Syndrome Education International MARYHENRY, RegionalEducationConsultant Director of Science and Research, Down Syndrome Education USA Emeritus RegionalEducationConsultant Professor of Developmental Disability, of Portsmouth, National Resource Team, DownUniversity Syndrome Ireland UK National Resource Team, Down Syndrome Ireland Mary Henry qualified primary school She Sue Buckley is is a a expert in education and development Mary Henry is aleading qualified primary school teacher. teacher. She is is for young people with Down syndrome. Sue began research examining aa principal working in County Sligo. She qualified from principal working in County Sligo. She qualified from early reading instruction for children with Down syndrome in 1980 St. Mary’s College, Strawberry Hill, in St. Mary’s University University College, Strawberry Hill, London London in Her and founded Down Syndrome Education International in 1986. 2001. She has completed modules in inclusive education research and has contributions to modules the lives of young people with Down 2001. She completed in inclusive education syndrome been widely recognised with St. has Patrick’s College, Dublin. through She didnumerous the Post awards. PROFESSIONALS 9.30 – 13.00 PARENTS 14.00 – 17.50 Please tick Email:................................................................................................................................ Please tick the the conference conference you you wish wish to to attend: attend: Galway, Kilkenny, WEXFORD-27thSEPTMEBER2014. Galway, 19th 19th January January Kilkenny, 23rd 23rd February February Confirmation of your booking will be sent to your email address. PROFESSIONALS 9.30 – 13.00 PARENTS 14.00 – 17.50 Email: Email: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Special_____________________________________________________________________ dietary requirements (not preferences)................................................................... Email: Tel: Tel: _________________________________ _________________________________ Child’s Child’s Date Date of of Birth Birth _____ _____ || _____ _____ || _____ _____ Tel: __________________________________ Child’s Date of Birth ____ | ____ | ____ ......................................................................................................................................... Confirmationofyourbookingwillbesenttoyouremailaddress. Confirmationofyourbookingwillbesenttoyouremailaddress. Confirmation of your booking will be sent to your email address. Education Conference with St. Patrick’s College, Dublin. She did the Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education in Dublin qualifying in has Sue has travelled widely to speak at conferences training events and she is She in high Graduate Diploma in Special Education in and Dublin qualifying in 2010. 2010. She hasdemand astaught a speaker. Sheclass has also published widelyshe for is families, practitioners and Special researchers and played every level. At present working closely with Education taught every class level. At present she is working closely with Special Education a leading role in stimulating growth in research into the education and development of children as Learning Support/Resource teacher. as aaDown Learning Support/Resource teacher. with syndrome worldwide. For Parents of Children in Pre-School and Name Amount E................................ Amount @ Name on Card ____________________________ Amount @ _____________________ _____________________ Nameon onCard................................................................ Card ____________________________ Mainstream Primary Please debit my Visa Mastercard Visa Debit Debit Laser Please Visa Mastercard Education Visa Laser Please debit debit my my Visa Mastercard Visa Debit Laser Tel: 071 9166. for Monday 9am –– 3pm. Sue’s contribution to the scientific of Down syndrome Tel:unique 071 918 918 9166. Available Available for calls callsunderstanding Monday to to Friday Friday 9am 3pm.and to improving early intervention and education for children with Down syndrome has been widely recognised Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] CREDIT / debit card payment CREDIT CREDIT // DEBIT DEBIT CARD CARD PAYMENT PAYMENT by families, Down syndrome organisations and colleagues. http://www.dseinternational.org/en-gb/about-us/people/sue-buckley/ MAY MAY GANNON GANNON BSc (Hons) Counselling and MA Down Syndrome Ireland has at of of BSc (Hons) Counselling and Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy, MA (Hons) (Hons) Down Syndrome Ireland has been been at the the forefront forefront of the the development development of Reading and Language Intervention for Children with Dramatherapy mainstream education for children with Down syndrome since 1985. Dramatherapy mainstream education for children with Down syndrome since 1985. Down SyndromeDirector (RLI) of Director of National National Resource Resource Team Team Card Card Number Number Card Number Down Syndrome Syndrome Ireland Ireland employs employs an an Education Education Officer Officer and and two two part-time part-time Down May is the Director of Down Syndrome Ireland’s National Education Consultants. They are all qualified teachers with many years of MayThey is theare Director ofteach Down Syndrome Ireland’s National Education Consultants. all qualified teachers with years of to children This is an evidence-based programme designed to reading andmany language skills Resource Team and provides therapy and education for experience and can provide parents with information on general education with experience Down syndrome. incorporates best practice intherapy structured delivered in and canRLI provide parents information on general education Resource Team with and provides and activities education for fast-paced daily teaching sessions. It was evaluated in a randomised controlled trial in the UK parents, family members who have Down syndrome, issues such such as: as: issues parents, family members who have Down syndrome, and found to improve can ratesbest of progress compared tothrough ordinary teaching. » transition various and members. May » how how parents parents cansiblings best manage manage transitionfamily through various stages stages siblings and extended extended family members. May is is the the founder founder RLI provides individualised reading and language instruction designed to meet the particular » how parents can help cultivate inclusion in school setting and director of the nationwide Parent Link support service. May lectures » how parents can help cultivate inclusion in school setting and director of the nationwide Parent Link support service. May lectures learning needs of students withand Down syndrome. Itskills is based on interventions that have been » strategies to develop improve social and provides information for trainee mid-wives and trainee neo-natal nurses » strategies to develop and improve social skills and provides information for trainee mid-wives and trainee neo-natal nurses shown to be beneficial for other children experiencing language and reading difficulties, and » pre-empting or managing behavioural issues and is consulted by schools and universities nationwide on areas of personal » pre-empting or managing behavioural issues incorporates the principles of best practice for all children. and is consulted by schools and universities nationwide on areas of personal » arranging arrangingsexuality consultation with schoolmanagement. staffs (( telephone telephone email //with visitsparents ) development, and behaviour She » school staffs //works email visits development, andbywith behaviour management. works with parents The training will sexuality beconsultation delivered Professor Sue Buckley andShe will take place in) Dublin from » meeting with teachers / SNAs in larger groups ( Education Centres ) and» professionals toteachers deliver a range of issues: information for meeting /information SNAs in larger groups Education Centres Thursday morningwith until Friday lunchtime. It isonaimed at (people working in an) education or CCV (Security No) CCV CCV (Security (SecurityNo) No) and professionals to deliver information on a range of issues: information for therapy settingemotional with primary school children who stress, have Down syndrome. parents parents on on emotional well well being, being, handling handling stress, behaviour behaviour issues issues in in children, children, parent plus programmes, preparing for puberty and sexuality. There will be an additional session on Friday afternoon for experienced professionals (Teachers, parent plus programmes, preparing for puberty and sexuality. Psychologists, Speech Language Therapists) who wish to become accredited RLI trainers. Tel: 1890 629 629 and or 0879607939 Tel: 1890 629 629 or 0879607939 Email: [email protected] Email:information [email protected] Further can be found here: www.downsyndrome.ie www.downsyndrome.ie http://www.dseinternational.org/en-gb/resources/teaching/rli/ (last (last 33 boxes boxes for forLaser Laseronly) only) (last 3 boxes for Laser only) Expiry Date Expiry ExpiryDate Date Signature Signature __________________________________ __________________________________ Date Date _______ _______ || _______ _______ || _______ _______ Signature....................................................................... Date......................................... Designed Designedby byTOTEM TOTEM 5.30 BOOKING INFORMATION BOOKING INFORMATION BOOKINGINFORMATION Name _____________________________________________________________________ BOOKINGINFORMATION MAIN SPEAKER BiOGRAPHy SPEAKERPROFILES SPEAKERPROFILES Please includeyour your feewith with your Please Please include include your fee fee with your your booking booking form.Cheques Cheques / postal orders/ booking form. / orders/ form. Cheques / postal orders/ drafts booking form. Cheques / postal postalbank orders/ bank drafts should be made payable bank drafts should be made payable to should be made payable to Down Syndrome bank drafts should be made payable to to Down Ireland. DownSyndrome SyndromeIreland. Ireland. Down Syndrome Ireland. Places are strictly limited and will will be be Places strictly limited Placesare areon strictly limitedand and will Places are strictly limited and will bebebasis. allocated a first-come, first-come, first-served allocated on a first-served basis. allocated on first-served basis. allocated onafor afirst-come, first-come, first-served Closing date conference bookings: Closing date for conference bookings: basis. Closing date for conference bookings: 21stMarch2014forLimerickConference. January8th2013forGalwayConference January8th2013forGalwayConference 12thSept2014forWexfordConference. Booking forms must be returned by February8th2013forKilkennyConference February8th2013forKilkennyConference If you require additional booking forms If you require additional 12th 2014 please see www.downsyndrome.ie or If you May require additional booking booking forms forms please www.downsyndrome.ie phone see 014266500 please see www.downsyndrome.ie or or phone phone 01 01 4266500 4266500 PLEASE FORWARDPAYMENT PAYMENT PLEASE PLEASE FORWARD FORWARD PAYMENT & BOOKING FORMS BY &BOOKINGFORMSBY &BOOKINGFORMSBY POST ONLYTO TO POST POST ONLY ONLY TO Annette O’Neill, Annette O’Neill, Annette O’Neill, Ireland, DownSyndrome Syndrome Down Ireland, Down Syndrome Ireland, Citylink BusinessPark, Park, Citylink Business Citylink Business Park, Old Naas Rd., Dublin 12. Old Old Naas Naas Rd., Rd., Dublin Dublin 12. 12.
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