2015-02-08 Final - The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul

Welcome to
The Parish Church
St Peter & St Paul
8th February 2015
2nd Sunday before Lent
Holy Communion – Rev James Spanner
Proverbs 8.1, 22-31 (p602) (Ros Frost); John 1.1-14
The Parish Eucharist + Junior Church
President – Rev Audrey Ross; Preacher – Rev Pat Brooks
Proverbs 8.1, 22-31 (p602) (Keith Henderson);
Colossians 1.15-20 (p197) (Pam Brooks); John 1.1-14
Hymns: NHWS 68, 182, 418, 43
Organist: James Spanner
Almighty God,
you have created the heavens and the earth
and made us in your own image:
teach us to discern your hand in all your works
and your likeness in all your children;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things,
now and for ever. Amen.
God our creator,
by your gift
the tree of life was set at the heart of the earthly paradise,
and the bread of life at the heart of your Church:
may we who have been nourished at your table on earth
be transformed by the glory of the Saviour’s cross
and enjoy the delights of eternity;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Reuben Mark Harsant & Claire Emily Frean
Benjamin Paul Burt & Rebecca Jane Smith
Evening Prayer – Rev Christine Keyte
Psalm 65 (p539); Genesis 2.4b-25 (p2);
Luke 8.22-35 (p65) (David Stickells)
2nd Reading
2nd Reading
This Week
Morning Prayer 08.15 Tues, Wed, Fri
Evening Prayer 16.00 Tue & Thu
9 February
09.00 Parish Prayer Time (Sue Lynn-Allen)
10 February
10.15 Home Group - Rossida
12.30 Noah’s Ark Parent and Toddler Group – Church Hall
15.00 – 17.00 Children and Family Worker meeting – Upper Room, Church Hall
18.30 Giving and Stewardship meeting – Upper Room, Church Hall
19.00 Youth Group meets (see notice)
11 February
09.00 Coffee Break in the Church Hall
10.15-10.45 RCP Assembly (CK)
11.00 Holy Communion – Rev Marjorie Warnes
Genesis 2.4b-9, 15-17; Psalm 104.11-12, 29-32; Mark 7.14-23
R: Send forth your spirit, O Lord:
and renew the face of earth!
19.30 WAFFLE – Church Hall
12 February
14.30 Home Group, Abbots, Claigmar Road – 1 Peter 3.8-22 ‘If I’m living right,
then why do I hurt so much?’
19.30 Home Group, 83 Broadmark Lane
19.30 Home Group, Rossida
13 February
10.00 Holy Communion at Rustington Convalescent Home (PB)
14.30 Home Group, Abbots, Claigmar Road – 1 Peter 3.8-22 ‘If I’m living right,
then why do I hurt so much?’
16.00 Holy Communion at Rustington Hall (AR)
19.00 Music/singing group practice
20.00 Choir practice
14 February
Cyril and Methodius, missionaries, 869 and 885
10.00 – 12.00 The Children’s Society’s Coffee Morning – Church Hall
15 February
Sunday next before Lent
08.00 Holy Communion
09.45 All Age Eucharist
11.30 Holy Communion
18.30 Evening Prayer
®... 2 Kings 2.1-12; 2 Corinthians 4.3-6; Mark 9.2-9
Go before* us, O Lord, in all our doings
with thy most gracious favour,
and further us with thy continual help,
that in all our works
begun, continued and ended in thee,
we may glorify thy holy name,
and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Post Communion Prayer for the Fourth Sunday before Lent
* In the Book of Common Prayer, ‘Prevent us, O Lord...’ – praevenire = come before, hinder (Latin)
Please pray for Tony Bohn, Jake Watkins, Alfie McNamara, Addie Diwell, Maggie LeighJones, Sheila Allen, Cynthia Pollard, patients & staff at Zachary Merton Hospital and at
other hospitals serving our area; those receiving Holy Communion at home; residents and
staff at residential care homes, especially this week all those in Rustington, Sylvia Mitchell at
Ashdown Lodge, Ruth and Ada Goldring at Fairlight Nursing Home and those at
Kensington Lodge, Darlington Court and Rustington Hall.
During Lent, in addition to the groups organised by Churches Together in Rustington, we
are planning to run Pilgrim, a course which gives us an opportunity to explore the
Christian faith together, seeing how it can be lived out each day. More detailed
information about Pilgrim was included in an insert in the n/sheet, 1 Feb. Please speak to
Christine or Zachary if you might be interested in order that, i) we can order you a copy
of the course book (@£5.99), and ii) decide whether to offer both an afternoon group
(probably Wed) as well as one meeting in the evening (probably Thur). CK/ZA
Youth Group - Tuesday 10 February 18.30 - Climbing Activity
Meet at the Out of Bounds Centre, Rustington at 18.30.
Mervyn Wright
WAFFLE - Wednesday 11 February. All women (and friends) are warmly welcome
to Waffle on Wednesday at 7.30pm when local author Rita Godfrey will be with us to
speak about her new book "Recipes From An Unknown Kitchen," and to tell us about
the history of handwritten recipes across the centuries. Freshly baked Cakes and Biscuits
from recipes from the 1800's onwards will be served. £2.00 to include all refreshments.
Please do join us. More details are in the article in the February edition of Seasight.
Julie Churcher
Choir and Singing Group - on Friday 13th there will be a music/singing group
practice at 7pm and choir practice at 8pm.
Saturday February 14th. We look forward to seeing you at The Children’s
Society’s Coffee Morning from 10.00-12.00. Browse our many stalls, including
Books, Home Made Cakes, Plants, Good as New, or try your luck on the Tombola and
the Grand Raffle, then enjoy a coffee and chat with friends. Your gifts for our stalls will
be most welcome. Bring them along to the church hall between 3 & 4pm on Friday 13th
or Saturday morning. To arrange for collection ring Iris on 785012. Many Thanks.
The Children’s Society Committee.
The ash used for the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday is made from the burnt
palm crosses of the previous year. Please would you return your palm crosses to church
on the Sunday before Lent (15 February) so that the palm crosses can be burned on
Shrove Tuesday. ZA
Family Support Work – Log Basket Appeal - The Log Basket will be in Church
again on Sunday 15th February.
Julie Webb
TABLE TOP SALE Saturday 21 February 10-12 noon in the church hall. Do come
along and hopefully “bag a bargain”! If you would like to book a table contact Ann
Mathias 859191 to check availability. Many thanks.
CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL - Our Church is to be included in the Intercessions on
SATURDAY 28th FEBRUARY at the Holy Communion Service at 12noon and
Evensong at 5.30pm. At present it is expected that the 5.30pm service will be Sung
Evensong, but occasionally there is a change. I will check with the Cathedral Office
nearer the time and update the Pew Sheet accordingly. Please let me know if you would
like tea at the Cloisters at 4.30pm to which everyone is welcome.
Helen Hawkins (Cathedral Link) 859556
Whilst we await information as to the date of the Deanery Confirmation (probably June), 3
young people have so far indicated that they are interested in the possibility of being confirmed. If
there is anyone else – of school age, or adult – who is considering confirmation, please do have a
word with Christine, one of our Honorary Assistant Priests or myself as to what is entailed. ZA
Ready, Willing and Able. If you were unable to attend the recent event and would
like to complete a questionnaire with a view to helping with the day to day running and
activities of the church, forms are available on the unit by the north door. Please return
to the Church Office or to a Churchwarden.
“Thank you to everyone for your prayers and get well calls. The power of communal
prayer is very powerful and has helped both Maureen and I on the road to recovery”
Maureen Robson and Helen Gillmore.
The News Sheet this week is sponsored by Maureen Robson
‘Birthday memories of Robbie for 12th February,
a much loved husband and father – from Maureen and Simon’
Material for the News Sheet for Sunday 15th February 2015 should reach the church
office no later than 10am on Wednesday 11th February 2015
Vicar: The Revd Zachary Allen
Church Office (Mr Bob Bulley & Mrs Trish Holden)
Rustington Church Hall, 77 The Street, Rustington, BN16 3NL
Open: Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon.
email: [email protected]
Website: www.sspeterandpaul-rustington.org.uk
Tel: 01903 850509
Registered Charity Number 1133812