LAY MINISTRIES CATHOLIC EDUCATION ST. GREGORY CATHEDRAL SCHOOL Principle Mrs. Kathy Harry 903-595-4109 BISHOP THOMAS K. GORMAN REGIONAL SCHOOL Principle Mr. Jim Franz 903-561-2424 HOLY HEARTS CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOLERS Ronna Egan 903-213-2232 [email protected] Adoration Altar Servers (Spanish) Altar Society Bible Study Boy Scouts Catholic Daughters Catholic MOM’s Christian Initiation (Spanish/Español) Cursillistas Kaylene Mongeau Brian Braquet Martha Araiza Merle Mabry Peggy Ryder Brian Nemec Andre Williams Rachell Rendall 903-894-7411 903-592-1617 903-705-3686 903-530-5044 903-596-0477 903-839-8183 903-571-6079 469-278-3272 Shawn Pickett Rosa Cortez Alberto Lemus Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Brian Braquet (Spanish) Mayra Leal Comite Hispano/Hispanic Comitee Higinio Bocanegra Jail Ministry Pete Mendolia Knights of Columbus Mario Ruiz 903-592-1617 903-526-4447 903-595-1651 903-592-1617 903-944-0687 903-570-6127 903-372-1021 903-952-2167 Cub Scouts Ethics & Integrity Parish Contact (Ladies Auxiliary) Maria Goretti Network Legion of Mary Ministry to the Sick Mission of Love Music De Colores Counseling San Gregorio Santa Cecilia Chapel Music Natural Family Planning Planificación Familiar Prison Ministry Readers (Spanish) Renovación Carismática T.O.O.L. Ushers (Spanish) Wellspring St. Vincent de Paul Adam Todd 972-998-1038 Lisa Bate Mona Gabriel Peggy Hammett Danny Elzner Tammy Michaelson Margaret Poepsel Brian Braquet Rosa Cortez Simone Key Gabriel Araiza Felicitas Ruiz Suzanne Liles Dan & Natalie Herrera Dan & Natalie Herrera Tom Cussen Brian Braquet Juana Rocha Ezequiel Alfaro Ted & Eileen Kosnik Dutch Schorr David Espinoza Fr. Gus Tharappel,MSFS Shawn Pickett 903-520-7622 936-675-0619 903-592-1617 903-894-6367 903-780-6898 903-939-0733 903-592-1617 903-526-4447 214-640-0651 903-780-6632 903-530-4921 903-530-1710 903-574-8872 903-574-8872 903-581-7256 903-592-1617 903-920-5991 903-597-7575 903-535-7864 903-530-9637 903-593-8765 903-839-1280 903-592-0027 ADVISORY COMMITTEES Pastoral Council Finance Council Eileen Kosnik Jim Mazzu 903-535-7864 903-592-1617 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 2nd - FEBRUARY 7th CATHEDRAL 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:30 M T W Th F S Martha Ann Lehnertz, Bruce and Mary Lauren Faulkner Gloria Cuellar, Pete and Delores Martinez Deacon William O’Sullivan, Daughters of Divine Hope Deacon Fidencio Ramos, Daughters of Divine Hope Sister Susan Seitz (SI), Vince and Jane Brach Saint Vincent de Paul Society CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL 12:05 M 12:05 T 12:05 W 12:05 Th 12:05 F Intention of Mary for her deceased Legionnaires Whitney Bernard, Benny and Darlene Davis Patty Lewis, Petosa Family Gaelle Bieleu and Henry Wantchami, Gaelle Bieleu Mary Lynn Tuttle, Amy Cole The parish bulletin is available on-line at SECOND COLLECTION: CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD In Jesus’ day, demonic possession was not uncommon. Mark presents Jesus as one who takes on the evil spirits, overturning their possession of this man. Jesus has declared war against the kingdom of Satan. Its hour of ascendancy is coming to an end. The unclean spirit recognizes Jesus as one with greater power, for it asks, “Have you come to destroy us?” Then it confesses Jesus as the “Holy One of God” (Mark 1:24). Jesus will battle the forces of evil to the death, his death. But what looks like defeat for Jesus will be changed to victory, because the power of God is at work in him. In the first reading from Deuteronomy, Moses is speaking to the people before they enter the Promised Land. The entire book is his farewell speech to them. He will not go with them. He consoles them, saying that God promises to raise up a prophet like Moses and will speak through him: “I . . . will put my words into his mouth” (Deuteronomy 18:18). Jesus is presented to us today as the prophet like Moses, who teaches with the authority of God and whose words are obeyed even by unclean spirits. There is no power on earth or beyond it greater than the power of God at work in him. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.— Reflection on Sunday Readings AUTHORITY FROM GOD According to Moses, the people decided they didn’t want to hear God’s voice directly any more. It was much too frightening. Why couldn’t God send human teachers, prophets, instead? God agreed, but with a warning. The people had better listen to those teachers, because they spoke in God’s name. That arrangement, though, had its own problems, for them and for us. How do I know this teacher is truly from God? And if the teacher is from God, are all parts of the teaching meant for me? We have the Church and scripture to help us with those questions, but still there are always a few loose ends. That is the powerful significance of the sentence in today’s Gospel: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.” The people knew that this Jesus was authentic—truly a teacher sent by God. They knew it by hearing him. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT STORE CELEBRANT SCHEDULE CATHEDRAL Saturday February 7th 5:30 PM – Bishop Strickland/Father Hank (Confirmation Mass) Sunday February 8th 6:30 AM – Father George 8:00 AM – Father Eugene 10:00 AM – Father Hank 12:00 Noon – Father Eugene 1:30 PM (Spanish) – Bishop Strickland/Father George (Confirmation Mass) CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Sunday February 8th 9:00 AM – Bishop Strickland 11:00 AM – Bishop Strickland 6:00 PM – Bishop Strickland (Subject to change) FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR AND AT THE AMBO OF THE CATHEDRAL Flowers at the altar and the ambo at the Cathedral are in loving memory of Ubong Joseph David, in honor of his birthday which was on January 2nd from Dr. & Mrs. Ukpong. SUPER BOWL PARTY Everyone is invited to a Super Bowl watching party on February 1, 2015 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 3509 WSW Loop 323 in Tyler. Admission is free and open to the public. Come an enjoy great food, snacks, drinks, games, and fellowship. A cash bar will be vaailable. Doors open at 3:00PM. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! 500 South Vine Street 903-747-3174 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! The Saint Vincent de Paul Center is in need of volunteers, most especially, MEN. If you are interested, please contact Shawn Pickett at the Cathedral Office at (903) 592-1617. Thank you! May God bless you for giving your time to actually serve God’s poor. Saint Vincent de Paul is in urgent need of Men’s shoes, socks and underwear. Clothing of all sizes are needed. SVdP Food Cost for the Poor-December 300 Number of Families Served 1,145 Number of People Served $6,483 Food Expenses Thank you for your donations that provide so much for the needy of our area. BEAUTIFUL ONE: A Retreat for Catholic Women will be held February 14-16, Valentine’s weekend at beautiful Sky Ranch. Registration is open online at or call 903-3433567. Fr. Michael Scherrey, a Companion of the Cross, will be teaching and preaching for the weekend. Space is limited. Register early! ABORTION RECOVERY Here is what others are saying about their abortion recovery experience: ”I eel f relieved to know that I am not the only soul suffering in such deep sorrow after my abortion” -“I was finally able to experience complete healing and freedom from bondage. I am now happy, joyous, and free. I praise God everyday for his beautiful promises of forgiveness and restoration.” ”He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”- Psalm 147:3 C.A.R.E. (Chr ist-centered Abortion Recovery of East Texas) is of fering a healing retreat weekend, March 20th-22nd at Wellspring Spirituality Center in Whitehouse, Tx. There will be a minimal fee charged to defer the cost of lodging, meals, and literature. If you or someone you know is in need of healing this is a great opportunity to bind up those wounds from the past!! Parish contact is: Angela Vrba 903360-5547 [email protected] ICY NEWS All students in the 9th-12th grades are encouraged to join us every Wednesday for a great night of faith and fellowship! We meet from 6:30 to 8:15 PM in Samperi Hall. CATHOLIC SCHOOL NEWS THE TYLER CATHOLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 131175, TYLER, TEXAS 75713 (903) 526-5988 * The Tyler Catholic School Foundation proudly announces the 24th Annual Milam Joseph Golf Tournament benefitting Catholic education. The tournament will be held Monday, April 13th at Willow Brook Golf Club. Sponsorships are available. Please contact Development Director Nickie Murchison at [email protected] * This year there will be a Tennis Tournament as well. For more information contact Tennis Chair Kara Camp at [email protected] * In loving memory of James Sedberry, son of Mary Sedberry, gifts to the foundation were received from Sister Carol George, Joyce George, Bernadine and Bob Daniell, John Paul II High School, Gailon and Constance Fletcher, Lynn, Bob and Robin Fisher, Joseph and Donna Tayntor, Bernadine and Bob Daniell, Rick and Bonnie Rayford, Ken and Billie Dutke, Paul and Cynthia Josephson, Lee Camp and Virginia Heitzman. * A gift to John Carney Softball Scholarship Fund from Karen Culpepper. * A gift to the Hawkins-Almaraz Scholarship was received from Joan Kamel in memory of Patricia Proctor. * In Honor of Sister Susan Seitz the cathedral parish has established a St. Gregory Cathedral School scholarship to honor her work, to be administered by the Tyler Catholic School Foundation. The foundation is pleased to administer the Sister Susan Seitz, OFS Scholarship. Gifts may be mailed to the Tyler Catholic School Foundation, P O Box 131175, Tyler, Texas 75713. * Gifts to the Jackman Family Academic & Fine Arts Endowment are matched by an established fund. * The Foundation thanks Mr. Michael Mahfood and Group M7 Designs, for their generous sponsorship of the First Annual Video Contest at Bishop Gorman. Students wrote and produced a video depicting the importance of a Catholic education. * The Tyler Catholic School Foundation wishes to thank all our generous donors for their contributions to Catholic education. Every gift you give, no matter how large or small, is an investment in the future of our children. For more information, please contact Nickie Murchison, development director, at 903-526-5988 (office) or cell (214-701-7415) or [email protected] ST. GREGORY Upcoming Events BISHOP T.K.GORMAN MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL TPSMEA ORCHESTRA Congratulations to the following students who earned places in the TPSMEA Orchestra. HS Viola: Johannah Carmona - 1st chair, Sean Goggans - 4th Chair; HS Violin: Flora Patteson, Violin 1 - 9th chair, Kevin Scott, Violin 2 - 6th chair, Iris Wang, Violin 2 - 9th chair; MS Cello: Ken Knight - 8th chair, Aiden Boyne - 11th Chair. ALL REGION BAND Congratulations to the following students who have achieved places in the All-Region and All-Area Jazz Band. Students earning patches in Jazz band include: Joshua Johnson - Alto Saxophone - All-Region and All-Area; Michael Pitonak - Tenor Saxophone – All Area. Students from Gorman to earn places in the All-Region Band include: Hailey Schmitt - Clarinet - All-Region, All-Area; Justin Rhines - Clarinet All-Region, All-Area; Joshua Johnson - Alto Saxophone - All-Region, All-Area; Kathy Joseph -Flute - All-Region, All-Area, All-State. Sponsorships available Please contact [email protected] or call the foundation office at 903-526-5988 2015-2016 PRE-REGISTRATION INFORMATION Pre-registration information for the 2015-2016 school year at Gorman has been mailed home to each family. The registration deadline is February 27, 2015. Families with concerns about paying the registration fees by February 27 are asked to contact the Principal. HIGH SCHOOL SADIE HAWKINS DANCE The Sadie Hawkins Dance will be Saturday, February 7th from 811PM in the Middle School Gym. The dance is being sponsored by the Bishop Gorman Dance Team. Tickets are $15 per person and will go on sale Monday, February 2, during high school lunches. Students bringing guests from other schools must have guest approval from Mrs. Lightsey by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 6. COLLEGE VISITS AT GORMAN THIS WEEK Tarleton State University – Tuesday, February 3, 2015. PARENT/GUARDIAN SURVEY The 2015 Parent/Guardian Surveys were mailed to all current Gorman families recently. Please take the time to complete and sign the survey and return it to the school by February 27, 2015. If you didn’t receive a survey, contact the school office at (903)561-2424 and request one be mailed to you. ATTENTION ALL MARRIED COUPLES! The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is sponsoring a “Married Couples Retreat” on March 21-22, Magnuson Hotel, DON’T FORGET TO BUY YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS! ONE Tyler, Texas. Lloyd and Jan Tate are the presenting couple. The Tates LUCKY TICKET WINS $2500 CASH! TICKETS ARE ON SALE have served the Catholic Church as a couple in numerous ministries IN THE ST. GREGORY OFFICE FOR $10 EACH OR 6 FOR $50 over the years with a particular emphasis on engaged preparation .2ND GRADE ANCIENT EGYPT FESTIVAL FEBR UARY 3 and marriage enrichment. They have prepared engaged couples for marriage for over 38 years and in 2002 they authored their own “In KINDERGARTEN FAIRY TALE FESTIVAL FEBR UARY 19 Home Marriage Preparation” Manual which is now used in dioceses PTO GALA, “PROPS FOR OUR KIDS” UARY 28FEBR around the country, including the diocese of Tyler, Texas. Together they preach married couple retreats and days of reflection centered COMMEMORATIVE DAYS THIS WEEK on the sacramentality of marriage and speak to parishes on a variety Monday The Presentation of the Lord of marriage enrichment topics. For more information please conTuesday Saints Blase and Anselm tact: Phil and Jeanie Hannaman, 903.262.8052 or Thursday Saint Agatha Friday Saint Paul Miki and Companions [email protected] UPCOMING CALENDAR DATE FAMILY CATECHESIS FAMILY CATECHESIS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We ARE truly blessed in the Cathedral Community and continue to grow. Last year we had 191 students registered in Family Catechesis, at last count we have 347 students registered and ATTENDING!! Thanks be to God!! For this reason I continue to ask for volunteers who are willing to share some of their time as an aide or an extra adult to help out our devoted group of catechists who come every Wednesday evening to help hand on the faith to all the children of the Cathedral. Your presence is invaluable to the success of our program. So please look into your heart and pray about it and ask yourself, “Is God calling me to do some small part to help with this ministry?” For more information, please call Peggy Hammett, Director of Faith Formation, at 903-592-1617 ext 19 or E-mail at [email protected] IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS If your child is attending Family Catechesis on Wednesday evenings here at the Cathedral, it is expected that a parent brings the child and stay for the Adult/Parent Component of the session. We do understand that sometimes this is not always possible. But or f safety reasons we are asking the following, if for some reason you are not attending with your child we ask that you bring your child into either the Cathedral center or the Gym and sign them in, letting us know that they are on campus and that you will not be here. Ms. Cookie Young will sign them in at the Cathedral Center and Ms. Veronica Lemus will sign them in at the Gym. Then we ask that you come back into the Cathedral Center or the Gym and pick your children up. We are having a problem with some parents dropping their children off and then the child goes out into the parking lot to get picked up. This is very dangerous. All children need to be checked in and checked out. Please cooperate with our policy for the safety of all of the children that come to us for Faith Formation. Thank you. ”SACRAMENTAL FORMATION” If your child is in year 2 of Sacramental Formation and you missed the Sacramental Orientations this past fall please contact Peggy at the Cathedral Office to go over what is required for your child to be ready to celebrate in October of 2015. All candidates who are in preparation to celebrate Confirmation and first Holy Communion next October are reminded that they should have started celebrating Reconciliation in 2014. Please let Peggy know when your child has celebrated for the first time. We will have our February, 2015 Confirmation Masses on the following weekends. February 7th and 14th at the Saturday - 5:30 Mass, February 8th and 15th at the Sunday -1:30 Mass. If you feel your child has completed all preparation required by the Cathedral and is ready to celebrate please contact Peggy Hammett at the Cathedral Office. ”SPECIAL NEEDS” All Special Needs classes are from 6:45-7:30 in Room 110 over at St. Gregory School. Please park on College Street to access the school classroom. The schedule and topics for classes in 2015 are as follows: February 11 - Lent March 18 - Reconciliation April 8 - Easter (Eucharist) May 13 - Living as a Disciple ALL ARE WELCOME DAUGHTERS OF DIVINE HOPE Part of the apostolate of the Daughters of Divine Hope is to offer a Mass once a month for the bishops and priests who have ordination anniversaries and birthdays, for the deacons who have ordination anniversaries and for the deceased clergy. The celebration of the Mass for February will be on Monday, February 9 th at 11:30 AM at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 423 S. Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX. This celebration is followed by lunch in the Cathedral Center. The Daughters of Divine Hope invite you to join with us in this celebration and luncheon and to pray with us for our bishops, priests, deacons, and seminarians.Priests honored in February: Rev. Thomas Edelen Rev. Patrick Daniel Fenton Rev. Cyril Apassa Rev. Paul R. Key Rev. Maria Susai J. Avula Rev. Matias Rodriguez Rev. Michael J. Barone Rev. Juan C. Perez Sardinas Rev. Jose T. Cortez Deacons Honored in February Deacon Jim Boland Deacon Abelino Cordero. We also pray for Deacon William O’Sullivan, Deacon Fidencio Ramos, and Deacon Keith Woods may they rest in peace. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Fact or Fiction: The Crusades and Inquisition The Cathedral will have an Adult Faith Formation opportunity that will distinguish what is fact and what is fiction with the Crusades and Inquisition. Learn why the Church called for the Crusades and the Inquisition and how things got out of hand. Dr . Allison Low will be teaching the class in the Cathedral Center from 7 to 8:30 PM on February 2nd and 9th. For more information contact Eric Dietel at 903-529-1617 ext. 30. All are invited. CHRISTIAN INITIATION All who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith are welcome to join us at any time. February 5 th : Tradition of Prayer February 12 th : Our Father February 19 th : Sin and Temptation Weekly sessions are available at 6:30-8 PM on Thursday. For more information, contact Eric Dietel at 903-592-1617 ext. 30. All are welcome to join us at any time! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AT THE CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Sunday 7 PM until Midnight Monday-Friday 4 AM until Midnight Saturday 5 AM until Noon Our Lord is Calling Holy Adorers for Holy Hours One Hour A Week Commit, Pray, Adore, Hope He Awaits! For more information on becoming a scheduled Adorer, Please contact Kaylene Mongeau, Coordinator Ph 903-894-7411 or email [email protected] ROSARY HOLY HOUR Held weekly on Tuesdays at 11 AM in the Adoration Chapel. at Saints Peter & Paul. Open to all. For more information, contact Susan Mills 903-780-2935, email [email protected] ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING The ladies of the parish are invited to join us for coffee and a program (following a brief meeting) on February 2nd ta10 AM in the Cathedral Center. Our guest speakers will be the Focus Missionaries who are serving with the St. John Paul Catholic Campus Ministry. Dain Finney and Meghan Mueller will share their calling to this ministry and their work with Catholic university students. FIRST FRIDAY MASS DEDICATED TO HONOR THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS. FEBRUARY6th, 2015, 6 PM A holy mass is celebrated every First Friday of the month in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as He promised to St. Mary Margaret of Alacoque in his apparitions, He will shed enormous graces to his devotes, most specially to those who practice this devotion of attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays of the month. Everyone who has the devotion to the Divine Mercy Chaplet is invited to honor the same loving and merciful Heart of Jesus attending this monthly mass dedicated to him. This Mass is celebrated Firs Fridays at 6 PM at the Cathedral. Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament and litanies of the Sacred Heart will take place after Mass. Confessions from 5 to 5:35 PM. Divine Mercy Chaplet will start at 5:35. WEST CENTRAL DEANERY QUARTERLY MEETING Holy Family Church in Lindale will be hosting theWest Central Deanery Quarterly Meeting Monda y, February 16, 2015 in their parish hall. The church is located at 16314 F.M. 849. Hospitality and registration will start at 9 AM. Carolyn Quenneville, Diocesan President of St Vincent de Paul will be speaking on the “Bridges out of Poverty” program. To make luncheon reservations call Marge at 903-882-0836. BLESSING OF CANDLES Monday, February 2nd is the blessing of candles. You may bring your candles to the daily Mass at 7:00 AM at the Cathedral or 12:05 PM at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul to have your candles blessed. BLESSING OF THE THROATS SENIOR LUNCH BUNCH Tuesday February 3rd is the feast day of Saint Blaise, Patron of throat illnesses. The “Blessing of the Throats” will be at the 7:00 AM daily Mass at the Cathedral or 12:05 daily Mass at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul. The Senior Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, February 11th, for the 12:05 Mass at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul. Afterwards we will have lunch at Juls, 7212 Old Jacksonville Highway. All seniors are invited and encouraged to attend. For further information call 903-581-1169. CONFIRMATION Confirmations in English will be on Saturday, February 7th and Saturday February 14th at the 5:30 PM Saturday Mass. Confirmations in Spanish will be on Sunday February 8th and Sunday February 15th at the 1:30 PM Sunday Spanish Mass. CHILDREN’S BULLETINS Children’s bulletins can now be found in the information center. CATHEDRAL PARISH DOMINICAN REPUBLIC MISSION TRIP FEBRUARY 2015 The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception will send a missionary team to the Dominican Republic this February. We seek to serve our brothers and sisters there in conjunction with Mission Joven, a well-established volunteer organization promoting the Catholic faith through works of charity. Last May, 17 people from Tyler traveled to the Dominican Republic and built 10 homes, provided medical care for almost 1000 people and worked in 3 schools teaching bible stories. We seek your support in several ways: 1) Contribute to build a home or to purchase medicines or other needed supplies. 2) Volunteer to participate in our mission experience. 3) Support our fundraising efforts through our bake sale on January 18, 2015 and our Mardi Gras lunch on February 17, 2015. 4) Pray for a spirit-filled mission experience for our team and those we serve. Our specific needs at present are Construction Costs for 5-6 homes ($1700 each), Medicines & Vitamins ($2000), Catechesis Supplies ($500), and Construction Tools ($200-$800). The more funds that we raise and the more volunteer labor that we provide, the more people we may serve in construction and catechesis and medical care. Donations are tax-deductible and should be written as follows—CIC Dominican Republic Mission and sent to CIC Dominican Republic Mission, 423 S. Broadway, Tyler TX 75702. For further information, contact Kelly at [email protected] or 903-570-1800. May God continue to bless you and your family. Mariluz & Tony Carvajal Kelly & Danny Jackman YOUR GIFTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US CATHEDRAL FINANCES: YOUR GIFTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US CATHEDRAL FINANCES: Donations for the weekend of January 24 th - January 25 th Donations for the weekend of January 17 th - January 18 th 1st Collection....................................................$25,627.79 2nd Collection (Altar Society)...................................$3,454.01 Loose Cash........................................................ $1,613.00 1st Collection....................................................$29,988.60 2nd Collection (Church in Latin America)......................$2,714.01 Loose Cash........................................................ $1,099.00 THOSE WHO ARE NOT ABLE TO WORSHIP WITH US Visit, Send a Card, or Offer a Prayer for Those Unable to Attend Mass If others in our parish are unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Communion, or if you are interested in joining the ministry that delivers communion to the homebound, please call the Church Office and arrangements will be made. Connie Alejo Jose Alvarez Berniece Anderson Charles Anderson Verna Baxter C. J. Benedict Errol Broussard Heather Brown Aquila & Charlotte Calhoun Louise Campbell Justin Carrington Catharine Chrietzberg Mignonne Cleneay Rose Coleman Billie Cospan Ines De la Cruz Mary “Liesa” Dirks Jean Dones Dolores Dorr Karen Doyle Casimira Drake Jack Duke John Ellis Oberli Flores Carol Forsberg Hamlin Fox Maria Gilmore Holey Hallmark Virginia Harrie Christina Hartshorn Tim Hatfield Joan Heck Rodolfo Hernandez Mary Hingtgen Esther Hogenmiller Bill Hunter Margaret Johnson Priscilla Kelsey Josh Kiser Ronald Kryzinski Marie Matteucci Anna Mayfield Trae Mayfield Kathryn Milam John McCart` Pauline Moiseve Faye Monzingo Dolores Moore Otis Moore Carolyn Turman Mullins Teresa Natera Susan Palmer Sanjuana Perez Connie Radford Larry Renihart Maria Renteria Debra Shepherd Catherine Starkey Mary Thompson Elias Adrian Quintanilla MarelyVey Samantha Viramontes Caroline Weisinger Margaret Wood Guadalupe Zavala
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