Lodge Leader Lake of The Ozarks Elks Lodge #2517 5161 Osage Beach Parkway Osage Beach, Missouri 65065 Lodge 573-348-3798 Fax 573-302-1042 Newsletter e-mail: [email protected] Volume 41, Issue No. 2, February 2015 LODGE OFFICERS Exalted Ruler Jerry Spurgeon Leading Knight Jerry Fox Loyal Knight Sharon Cass Lecturing Knight Al Mueller Secretary Nancy Sappington Treasure Sue Doornbosch Esquire Bill Perkins Tiler Glenda Birdsong Inner Guard Mike Williams Chaplain Carol Perkins Board of Directors: 5 Yr. Bruce Meeker 4 Yr. Jim Bex 3 Yr. Sam Sunley 2 Yr. John Calvert 1 Yr. Jim Richardson HOUSE COMMITTEE Fred Catcott, Chairman Denny Pennington, Secretary Ron Birdsong Jeniene Teichgraeber Ron Yarbrough Terry Wells Marvin Hagele House Committee Meetings: 1st Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Quote of the Month “No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn” LOUNGE HOURS Mon-Thurs 2:00 pm– 9:00 pm Fri-Sat 2:00 pm-10:00 pm Sun 1:00 pm—8:00 pm Happy Hour: Daily 4:00-6:00 pm (hours of operation subject to change) CHECK CALENDAR FOR GREAT MEALS, EVENTS AND MUSIC The Christmas dinner served 90 people. The bar tips gave the veterans over $100. New Years was great. A lot of good food. Music brought out a lot of dancers. The bar did over $1,300. Linda and Perry did a good job. Winter is here, the snow birds are gone. The Lodge has many activities to keep you entertained on cold days. Show me the money, shuffle board, trivia, washers, corn hole, bar poker, ping pong, queen of hearts, chili, soup, wings and appetizer cook offs. The super bowl party is always a good time. Nominations of officers for next year is Tuesday, Feb 3rd. The election will be Tuesday Feb 15th. We host the hospitality room at the March State Convention. Ron and Glenda Birdsong will be in charge of the food. Give them a hand. See you at the super bowl party. Jerry Spurgeon Exalted Ruler On December 6 we had a fantastic auction that raised approximately $6,700 that we then turned around and spent about $6,300 on gift cards and presents for families in the Lake area. We were able to provide Wal-Mart gift cards to 65 families and also bought presents for 150 children. You should be proud that we were able to provide some Christmas for families that are probably not as fortunate as most of us. Of course we can not accomplish this without the Elks coming forward to help with acquiring the auction items, putting the auction together, shopping for the presents, wrapping the presents and delivering/handing out the gift cards and presents. I can't put everyone's name here that volunteered because there were over 25 people assisting, but I do want to single out Ron and Ruth Ann Yarbrough who by themselves were responsible for probably 2/3 of the auction items. So, thanks to all for your help and especially Ron and Ruth Ann. We were able to make a small difference in our community, and for that we should be proud Elks. Jerry Fox Leading Knight God Bless & Protect our Service Men & Women wherever they Serve our Country around the World. We appreciate their Sacrifice & Service to America. Elks Lodge 2517 Lounge Courtesies Several items we would like to bring out: 1. This is an Elks Lodge where we should be respectful to others. No Bad Language. When it can be heard at the next table, it’s too loud. 2. If you move tables, please put them back where they were. This helps keep our club neat and tidy. 3. When you get ready to leave, please clean your table and return your drink glasses to the bar. As you know, we have no waitresses. You use the table, please clean it! 4. We have found the service to be very good and our help deserves a tip. A tip is very important to our hardworking Bartenders. 5. Don’t forget to sign up for the daily and weekly drawings, they are only $.50 and a $1 and could return a lot more to you. 6. Should you ever have a new idea or complaint about the Lounge and Bar, please see one of the House Committee members. Thank you, Your House Committee Hi All, Good day from the Lodge. What a great day in Paradise. If you close your eyes and take a breath deeply through your nose you can almost smell Spring…… What a great winter we have had with loads of activities, great food and well poured drinks. Well get ready, because it’s going to get even better. Let’s show those Snow Birds that they may have a little warm weather but we have the most fun. Rusty and crew have some delightful drinks sure to warm you up and Sandy has some delicious menu items for you to experience. In addition, there are a lot of novel activities planned to keep you entertained this month. Make sure you check the calendar and get your buns to the Lodge so you can join in on the fun. Once again we want to thank all of the volunteers that make our Lodge so great. Take care and we hope to see you at the Lodge. Fred Catcott House Committee, Chairman CORNHOLE RESULTS Cost is $2 and we draw for partners. Next dates are Feb 10th and 24th; sign up at 5:45. BAR TRIVIA FREE!! Next dates are Feb 7th and 21st at 4pm. SHUFFLEBOARD RESULTS Dec 17 1st Place: Randy Clark/Ed McMillian 2nd Place: Eddie White/Don Cruzan Jan 7 1st Place: Sam Sunley/Gary Tarasoff 2nd Place: Terri LaMontagne/Bob Miller COME JOIN THE FUN! Sign up at 4:45 every Wednesday. Blind Draw. Play begins 5:00. Cost $2.00 per player. Prizes awarded to 1st and 2nd place teams. WASHERS RESULTS Week of 12/15 1st Place: Joe Gartner/Robin Briscoe 2nd Place: Mark Wallace/Paula Dameron 3rd Place: Don Cruzen/Terri LaMontagne Washer schedule: Feb 2 & 16 Mar 2 & 16 Jerry Seifert Coordinator - ELKS MEET ON THE FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 7:00 PM, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF JULY, AUGUST, AND DECEMBER WHEN THERE IS ONLY ONE MEETING ON THE FIRST TUESDAY. - BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOD) MEET THE FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 5:30 PM. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION **Attention: $20.00 Fee** Associate Member Cards are issued annually and must be renewed each year by submitting an application and proof (member card/photo copy) of paid dues from applicants home Lodge. 4/1/2015-3/31/2016 Lake of the Ozarks Elks 2517 5161 Osage Beach Pkwy Osage Beach, Mo. 65065 Telephone: 573-348-3798 FAX: 573-302-1042 I,________________________________________________________ Printed name Mailing address:____________________________________ Street, P.O. etc ____________________________________ City, State, Zip. __________________ _____________________ Telephone Cell number Hereby request an Associate Member card be issued for my personal use. I certify that I am a Member in Good Standing of the following Elks Lodge. ____________________________________________ ________________________ Applicant Elks home Lodge and Lodge Number Member Number ____________________________________________ ________________________ Applicant Signature Date APPROVED BY:_________________________ Date:____________ WIDOW(ER) I.D. CARD APPLICATION Lake of the Ozarks Elks 2517 5161 Osage Beach Pkwy Osage Beach, Mo. 65065 Telephone: 573-348-3798 FAX: 573-302-1042 **Attention Members** Widow(er) I.D. Cards are issued annually and must be renewed each year by submitting an application. 4/1/2015 to 3/31/2016 I, _______________________________________, Widow(er) Name Please print Address:__________________________________ Street. P.O., etc __________________________________ City, State, Zip __________________ _______________ Telephone Cell number Hereby request an I.D. card be issued for my personal use. I certify that my spouse (now deceased), was a member in Good Standing of Elks Lodge #2517 and I have not remarried. ___________________________________ __________________ Deceased Member Name (Member No.# if known) ___________________________________________ ______________________ Widow(er) Signature Date 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 James Hickam Roland Trautman Patricia Weber Ralph McDonald William Reger Dorothy Scrocco Harlan Wicker Jay Bull Elizabeth Branstetter Robert Medlock Raymond Oaks Miriam Borden Marge Loehr Sandy West Jackie Valent Robert Hance Carol Harper Betty Matteo Pamela Copeland Joyce Hayward Mary Lyon Diana Ryan Carolyn Matlock Nettie Hardin Randy Clark Carol Billington Anthony Floyd Jerry McChristian James Roberts William Shuler William Boyd William Brush Donald Hooss Lorraine Miller Deanna Murphy Paul Mathias Jim Hafer Brian Murry Donna Sims Kathy Dixon Donna Wallace John Dunker Bev Gebhardt David Ogg Dan Swan Richard Dean Nancy Hatcher Richard Miniea Peggy Palmer Scott Lay Daniel Schissler Gary Vaughn Fred Williams Ronald Lunsford Mike Ryan Sheila Hawkins Michael Petro 23 Bill Clifford Eddie White Mariene Sharp 25 Dennis Rokita 26 Clyde Bull Diane Gilmore Shelba Schmitt Linda Shuler 27 William Lake Ronald Mason Erby Young Ann Mauch 28 John Bultas Larry Ryan Valentine's Day Party will be held on Friday, Feb 13 in the lounge. We will begin with a delicious meal of Pork Medallions & Grilled Shrimp. The dessert will be a Valentine Surprise. Starting at 6:00, Steve and Dee will delight us with their music and a King and Queen will be crowned. In addition, one lucky winner will be awarded a door prize. Be sure to mark your calendars for the fun. 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 28 Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hochkammer Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Spurgeon Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tarasoff Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bull Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaultney Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ebers Mr. and Mrs. John Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goedde Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Layton Mr. and Mrs. Roger Peters Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sommerkamp Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biddlestone Mr. and Mrs. Gene Oitker Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bond Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanak Mr. and Mrs. John Vanosdoll Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mason Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marose Mr. and Mrs. Bob Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Danny McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Jon Riley Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Riley Rentschler Mr. and Mrs. John Calvert Mr. and Mrs. Mike Calvert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Homco Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Timmerberg We are having our annual Appetizer Cook Off Sunday, Feb 8th at 3:00. We are having our annual Chili Cook Off on Sunday, Feb 22nd at 3:00. Please bring your best appetizer and chili on those dates. You will have a chance to win a cash prize. Our Christmas Dinner was awesome. We served 90 people, our biggest yet. A Great Big Thanks goes out to our turkey and ham cookers Randy and Helen Gross, Ron and Glenda Birdsong, Gregg and Tonya Masters, Lois Dunnagan, and Leon Moore. Another Big Thanks to our volunteer bartendars Jerry Spurgeon, Fred Catcott, Terry and Terri Wells, and Toni Davis. They donated all of their tips to the veterans, which was $102. Happy Valentines Day! Lois Dunnagan UPCOMING EVENTS Sep 26 Elks Annual Charity Buddy Bass Tournament "To Our Absent Members" An Elk is Never Forgotten. Never Forsaken……….." Member Elks who have passed on: Phyllis Davidson Entertainment for February Feb 13: Dee & Steve Ford (Valentines Day Dance) Feb 27: Chelsea Skrisan (Karaoke) Sun Mon 1 Super Bowl Party 4:00 (bring a snack) 2 8 9 Tue HC Mtg 9:30 Wed 3 Dress Mtg 7:00 Burgers BOD Mtg 5:30 Washers 6:45 Queen Hearts 5:30 pm 10 4 Soup Deli Style Hoagie Thurs 5 Burgers Queen Hearts 5:30 pm Cornhole 6 pm Bar Trivia 4 pm 12 13 Valentine 14 Day Party Pork Medallions w/5 Grilled Shrimp BAND 15 16 Washers 6:45 23 22 Chili Cook Off 3:00 18 Fish Sandwich Or Tuna Casual Mtg 7:00 Casserole Queen Hearts Shuffleboard 5:30 pm 4:45 pm 19 24 26 17 Burgers Burgers Show me the money 7 pm Shuffleboard 4:45 pm Queen Hearts 5:30 pm Cornhole 6 pm 25 Italian Sandwich or Meatball Sandwich 20 Show me the money 7 pm Show me the money 7 pm 5:30 till 7:00 pm, or until gone, Mon/Wed/Fri (will be open longer on prime rib nights) ___Monday ___Friday ___Tuesday ___Wednesday ___Saturday ___Sunday I am available: ___Daytime ___Thursday ___Evenings ___Anytime I am interested in (mark all that apply): ____Monday, Wednesday, Friday Kitchen Nights ____Hall Rental Events ____Weekend Special Events ____Any Lodge Special Event Name____________________________ Phone____________________________ 21 Guest Bartenders JR and Diane Richardson (4-6) Bar Trivia 4 pm 28 Fish or Shrimp KARAOKE KITCHEN HOURS The best time for me to volunteer is: Fish or Chicken Breast w/ mushroom cream sauce over pasta 27 Shuffleboard 4:45 pm VOLUNTEERS WANTED! I Am Very Interested In Being A Part Of My Lodge 7 Beef Stew Pizza Appetizer Cook Off 3:00 Sat 6 Show me the money 7 pm Shuffleboard 4:45 pm 11 Fri DRINK SPECIAL $1.00 HOT DAM SHOT KITCHEN WORK SCHEDULE February Week of 2/2 Week of 2/9 Week of 2/16 Week of 2/23 Jim Richardson Lois Dunnagan Bill Perkins Harriet McDonald March Week of 3/2 Week of 3/9 Week of 3/16 Week of 3/23 Week of 3/30 Sharon Cass Jeannie Teichgraeber Clark Grununger Terry Hackett Sam Sunley Thank you workers for all your help. What a great job you are doing to support our Lodge. Ron Birdsong/House Committee Elks Lodge 2517 Osage Beach, MO 65065 Take a chance! Or Several Chances!! On these two drawings Just $5.00 per chance Only 200 chances available for each drawing Drawing will be held when all Chances are sold Drawing #1 A New Henry Golden Boy .22 Magnum Rifle The Rifle that Brings Out the West in You! Drawing #2 A New Judge Public Defender, Polymer Frame, Stainless Cylinder Pictures represent a likeness of the Rifle & Piston and are not the exact weapons. FROM THE EDITOR Please email your newsletter articles to Karen Hackett at [email protected]. COME JOIN THE FUN!! SUPER BOWL PARTY Sunday, February 1st at the Lodge GAME TIME 5:30, PARTY STARTS AT 4:00 p.m. BRING A SNACK to SHAREII GIVEAWAYS AND DRAWINGS FOR ATTENDANCE PRIZES!!! LODGE WILL BE OPEN LATE FOR THE GAME!
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