Chimes Newsletter March 2013 WEDNESDAY NIGHT WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY MARCH 6TH – APRIL 10TH: “Namesake - When God Rewrites Your Story” by Jessica LaGrone. Every name tells a story. Names in Scripture were often given to tell the story of a person’s identity, upbringing, or character. When God transforms lives, He often brings more than we bargained for: new identities, new journeys, even new names. Namesake is a six-week Bible study that explores the transformational power of God through the stories of biblical characters who met God and whose lives and names were changed forever. Jessica LaGrone is an acclaimed pastor, teacher, speaker, and writer whose engaging communication style endears her to her audiences. Currently she is Pastor of Worship at The Woodlands United Methodist Church in The Woodlands, Texas. The cost of the participants book is $10.00. Please contact Jill Clem at [email protected] or 276-3452 to register for the study. WOMEN’S MINISTRY MOVIE MATINEE- “JULIE & JULIA” Saturday, March 16th at 1pm Grace Parlor Movie synopsis: Based on two true stories; a frustrated temp secretary (Amy Adams) embarks on a year-long culinary quest to cook all 524 recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. She chronicles her trials and tribulations in a blog that catches on with the food crowd. The film also covers the years Julia Child (Meryl Streep) and her husband Paul (Stanley Tucci) spent in Paris during the 1940s and 1950s.The movie is rated PG 13. There will be snacks available (sweet, salty and healthy) for everyone to enjoy and time after the movie for light discussion and fellowship. 2013 WEEKEND WOMEN’S RETREAT “COZY MOUNTAIN LODGE” APRIL 5-7,2013 Please join us for this years Women’s Retreat at Lake Okoboji. This is a wonderful time for women to come together in a relaxed and spiritually filled weekend. The Cozy Mountain Lodge retreat will help women feel affirmed and encouraged to grow closer to Jesus. By diving into the beautiful story of Ruth and Naomi, women will learn lessons that apply to their daily life, leaving them excited to continue their journey with God and with each other. Cozy Mountain Lodge retreat consists of seven sessions that will include a time of Bible study, worship, music, fun and laughter. Women will also participate in a service project that will bring love and compassion to those in need. The cost of the retreat is $100 and includes lodging, meals and materials. Please contact Jill Clem, Director of Women’s Ministry, at 276-3452 or at [email protected] to register or for more information. Registrations will be accepted through March 24th. Scholarships are available on a first come basis for those who may need assistance with the cost of the retreat. Gift Certificates are also available. As we begin March we are right in the middle of the season of Lent. Lent and Easter are two seasons that come a some what different times each year. This year Easter comes early on the last Sunday in March. The reason for this is that Easter is based on the timing of the Passover and the Jewish calendar which is a lunar rather than a solar calender. So Lent and Easter move around the calendar each year. There is something significant in these two church seasons never starting and ending at quite the same time. Lent is a season of contemplation and repentance. Easter is the greatest season of joy and celebration. But like much of life our times of sorrow and our times of joy do not always fall at the same time. Other holy days, such as Christmas, which remain on the same day are always supposed to be time of celebration and we are supposed to ready our selves to that same time on the calender.But Easter joy is not as predictable. It can come early and late from year to year. For me this accurately describe the way sorrow, joy, repentance, and celebration really work in our lives. The world around us is less and less predictable. We are a society in the midst of constant change and we are all always trying to adjust to that change. The church also is working to adjust to the movement of the world around us so that we can continue to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with invitational joy. It may be that an Easter that is always on the move is the best symbol of a time where everything is always on the move. And while those changes and movements can be disturbing and challenging, Easter always reminds us that God is in the midst of it call bringing the Easter story into our lives. May God bless you during the seasons of Lent and Easter as we prepare our hearts again for the risen Christ in our lives! In Christ, Pastor Tim MARCH WORSHIP NOTES rd March 3, 2013 – 3 Sunday in Lent – Isaiah 55:1‐9 – An Everlasting Covenant March 10, 2013 – 4th Sunday in Lent – OGHS – Luke 15:1‐3, 11b‐32 The Elder Brother March 17, 2013 – 5th Sunday in Lent – John 12:1‐8 – Extravagant Love March 24, 2013 – Palm Sunday – Luke 18:28‐40 The Stone Would Shout! March 28, 2013 – Maundy Thursday – 1 Cor. 11:23‐26 The Cup of the New Covenant March 29, 2013 – Good Friday – Tenebrae Service March 31, 2013 – Easter Sunday – He is Risen! – John 20:1‐18 WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY WITH PASTOR TIM Wednesday’s at 6:30pm in the large conf. room “What’s the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian? This book study by Dr. Martin Thielen, Senior Pastor of Brentwood UMC in Brentwood, TN, discusses ten things which some Christians may believe but aren’t necessarily part of the Christian faith and then things which Chris‐ tians should believe. Thielen’s book is available in the church office for $11.00. EASTER FLOWERS If you would like to order an Easter flower to decorate the church for Easter in honor, in memory, or in celebration of someone special, please call the church office at 276‐3452 . Orders must be received by Sunday, March 17th. The cost of each flower is $12 and checks can be made out to Grace United Methodist Church. A variety of plants and colors will decorate our sanctuary and chapel for Easter worship. COMFY/COZY DAY!! Our March Children’s activity will be COMFY/COZY on Sunday, March 10th from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Preschoolers – 6th graders are encouraged to join us. Lunch will be provided. Feel free to dress in clothes that are comfortable and if you want to bring a favorite pillow or blanket please GAME DAY!!! Game Day was held on February 10th and was fun for those who joined us. After a great lunch we played board games and relay games. 20 SECONDS TO WIN IT was a big success. We give a big thank you to everyone who helped with this event. Mission Projects Thanks to all who helped to make our February Mission Project a success by bringing paper towels to share with others. March Mission Project will baby diapers. We will collect on the following Sundays in March 3,10,17,24 and 31. SPECIAL INVITATION If you know of child(ren) from Preschool thru High School please extend an invitation for them to join us on Sunday mornings 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. or Wednesday evenings 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. PSALM SUNDAY We are also inviting all children to join us in processing together with psalms into the Sanctuary Sunday, March 24th on Psalm Sunday!! The children’s sermon will be at the beginning of worship and then children will be dismissed to parents (grand). EASTER SUNDAY Children’s Sunday School will meet on Easter Sunday, March 31st at our usual time of 8:45 a.m. for gathering time and 9:00 a.m. for classes. st EASTER SUNRISE WORSHIP March 31 at 7:00 a.m. service put on by the middle and high school youth. BUT…Even if you won’t be in town for the holiday weekend, we have already started working on a video recording we will be using during part of the service, and we are pretty excited about it. I don’t want to give away too many details to the rest of the congregation, but we could definitely use the help of all the students in the creation of this project, so come to youth group as often as possible in the next month and a half as we work on it! COFFEE CHAT Please join us on Monday, March 11th at 1pm for “Coffee Chat”. Join us for a time of devotions, conversation and fellowship to refresh your soul and a cup of coffee, tea or lemonade to quench your thirst. This is an opportunity for women to connect, to encourage and inspire one an‐ other. For more information please contact Jill Clem, Director of Women’s Ministry at 276‐3452 or [email protected]. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY March 7th & 21st at 1pm & 7pm Prayer shawls are created and given to those in our church family and commu‐ nity who are in need of a little extra comfort,, strength & prayer or in cele‐ bration & joy. For more information, please contact Jill Clem, Director of Women’s Ministry at 276‐3452 or [email protected]. FAITH MEETS FICTION BOOK GROUP Do you like to read? Do you like to discuss books with others? Then please join the Faith Meets Fiction book group as they discuss their March book selection, “When We Were Strangers” by Pamela Schoenewaldt, on Monday, March 25th at 7pm in the Parlor. Overview: "If you leave Opi, you'll die with strangers," Irma Vitale's mother always warned. Even after her beloved mother's passing, 20‐year‐old Irma longs to stay in her Abruzzo mountain village, plying her needle. But too poor and plain to marry and subject to growing danger in her own home, she risks rough passage to America and workhouse servitude to achieve her dream of making dresses for gentlewomen. In the raw immigrant quarters and with the help of an entrepreneurial Irish serving girl, ribbon‐decked Polish ragman and austere Alsatian dressmaker, Irma begins to stitch together a new life…until her peace and self are shattered in the charred remains of the Great Chicago Fire. Enduring a painful recovery, Irma reaches deep within to find that she has even more to offer the world than her remarkable ability with a needle and thread. EASTER PRAYER VIGIL While Jesus was praying in Gethsemane, he returned to the disciples three times and found them asleep. He said to Peter, “Could you not keep watch for one hour?” (Mark 14:37). The main purpose of a prayer vigil is to wait with hope for the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus on Easter morning. We wait with anticipation by the tomb and remember the sacrifice that has been made on our behalf that assures us salvation in God’s grace. During this time when we remember Jesus’ death and resurrection, we will watch and pray. We also remember others in prayer and ask God to help us remain hopeful in times of trial in our own lives. The Prayer Vigil will take place following the Good Friday service, March 29th (approx. 8:00pm) until the start of the Easter Youth Sunrise worship service, March 31st at 7:00am. We are asking that each participant sign‐up for a 1 hour “prayer shift” to be in prayer either in their home or in the Grace Chapel. The Chapel will be open on Saturday, March 30th at 9:00am until 4:00pm. You are wel‐ come to stay as long as you like within these hours and enjoy the serene atmosphere for prayer, meditation, or just quiet reflection. If you would like to sign‐up for a 1 hour “prayer shift” please email the church office at [email protected] or by phone at 712‐276‐3452. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY WITH PASTOR HAROLD Join noted Pastor and author Max Lucado as he addresses issues of Hope, Hurt, Help, Haves/Have‐nots, Hereafter and Humanity at the Adult Class during Sunday school time, 8:45am, every Sunday – March 24th. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT SPALDING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Spalding Park Elementary is in need of vol‐ unteers to read to Kindergarten & 1st grade students. Those interested in volunteering should contact Pat Basye at: [email protected]. HY‐VEE “SCHOOL BUCKS” CASH BACK PROGRAM On behalf of Spalding Elementary School we would like to encourage the congregation to donate Hy‐ Vee receipts for the “School Bucks” cash back program. For every $100 dollars collected Hy‐Vee will donate $1 dollar to Spalding elementary school. The following are the criteria for accepting receipts: • Receipts must be from Sioux City, or South Sioux City Hy‐Vee stores. • Receipts must be dated between August 1, 2012 and May 1, 2013. • Includes groceries, prescriptions, floral, photo, and catering. (Does not include fuel, postage, or gift cards) Please place your receipts in the red box marked “Hy‐Vee Receipts” that is located in the parlor. Thank you for your support. SOCK & UNDERWEAR DRIVE FOR SPALDING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL On Palm Sunday, March 24, we will be col‐ lecting donations of new children's sized socks and underwear for students at Spalding School. Look for boxes located in the parlor to place your donations in. Thank you for your continued support. SPALDING LOVE OFFERING A free will offering was taken at the Soup and Song Luncheon on Sunday, February 17 for emergency needs for families at Spalding School. A total of $730 was given by generous individuals who attended the luncheon. On behalf of Music Min‐ istries and the Missions Committee, we want to thank you for your support of our neighborhood children. ENDOWMENT GRANTS AVAILABLE Thanks to the gifts of Grace Church members and friends over the years the Grace Endowment Fund currently has up to $4,000 available for disbursement from Grace Church ministries and mission in 2012. The stipulation for the use of this money is that it cannot be used for expenses normally occurring in the operating budget. Funds requested must be used for a program or programs directly related to Grace Church. Anyone or group interested in applying for these funds should send a letter of request to the Church Office addressed to the Endowment Committee: Please include the following in the request: 1. Purpose of the project 2. The requested amount 3. How will the total amount of the project be funded 4. Time when the project is to be completed The request must be received by May 31, 2013. Please contact any member of the Endowment committee if you have questions—James Abshier, Chairperson PERSONAL CARE CUPBOARD Due to the need of non‐food items, the members of 1st United Methodist Church have created a Personal Care Cupboard which stocks these items. The Cupboard is open on Wednesdays from 5‐6pm and Thursdays from 2‐3pm at 1st UMC, 1915 Nebraska St., Sioux City IA. The item for January is: BABY DIAPERS. Items may be placed in the red mission wheelbar‐ row located next to the fireplace in the Grace UMC Parlor. Thank you for your donations to The Personal Care Cupboard. GRACE SUNDAY WORSHIP BROADCAST ON RADIO STATION KSCJ CHANNEL 1360 If you are unable to join us for worship on Sun‐ day mornings or if you know of someone who is unable to attend, please listen to KSCJ channel 1360 to hear a live radio broadcast of the 10am Sunday worship service each Sunday. You can also go to to listen to it live on the web. If you would like to help sponsor a Sun‐ day broadcast, please contact the church office at 276‐3452 or send in your donation and we will put your name on the list. Each broadcast costs $125 to air. Your donations are greatly ap‐ preciated. CARING THROUGH GRACE To keep us aware of your needs while in the hospital, please state “Grace United Methodist” as your religious preference during admittance. If there is someone in need of prayer or if someone should be removed from the prayer list, please contact Jill Clem at 2763452 or [email protected]. Please pray for: *Paul Calhoun *George Mueller *Bud Dawson *Joi Perry *Marge Davis *Judith Piper *Artis Ferguson *Jackie Poznanski *Judith Franks *Tom Prout *Hope Guhin *John Rodeen *Gwen Haberer *Darline Ross *Pat Haddad *Joy Sharp *Arlo Herbold *Betty Smith *Bob & Janice Huisenga*Ruth Stephany *Joni Jacobsen *Doug & Carol Swanson *Betty Jensen *Nancy Thirstrup *Donna Kinzie *Esther Top *Louise Koch *Kurt Turner *Ray Krager *Bob Williams *Mert & Bev MIldenstein *Sherman Wolleson MARCH MEETINGS SPRC—Monday, March 4th at 6:30pm Women’s Ministry— Monday, March 4th at 7pm Trustees—Tuesday, March 12th at 6:30pm Missions—Thursday, March 14th at 6:30pm Finance—Thursday, March 14th at 7pm Children’s Ministry— Monday, March 18th at 6:30pm Church Council—Tuesday, March 19th at 7pm. Outreach—Thursday, March 21st at 7pm Worship—Tuesday, March 26th at 7pm HEARTFELT GREETINGS Heartfelt Greetings takes used greeting cards and recycles them into new. Recycled cards can be found on sale in the church office or on Sunday mornings in the Parlor. Cards are sold for 50 cents each. The group meets on Thursday mornings at 9am. CHIMES NEWSLETTER Information for the March Chimes Newsletter is due by March 22nd. The newsletter will be assembled on Thursday, March 28th at 9am. All are welcome to help with the assembling, “the more the merrier”. PURLS OF FAITH KNITTING LECTIONARY March 3, 2013 Isaiah 55:1‐9 Psalm 63:1‐8 1 Corinthians 10:1‐13 Luke 13:1‐9 March 10, 2013 Joshua 5:9‐12 Psalm 32 2 Corinthians 5:16‐21 Luke 15:1‐3, 11b‐32 March 17, 2013 Please join the Purls Isaiah 43:16‐21 Psalm 126 of Faith Knitting group Philippians 3:4b‐14 on Wednesdays at 9am in the John 12:1‐8 Parlor and at 6:30pm in the Li‐ brary. For more information please contact Glendy Nichols at 212‐9410. The group is open to beginners thru experts. If you would like to donate yarn for the yarn ministry, please drop it off in the church office. March 24, 2013 Palm/Passion Sunday Liturgy of the Palms Luke 19:28‐40 Psalm 118:1‐2, 19‐29 Liturgy of the Passion Isaiah 50:4‐9a Psalm 31:9‐16 Philippians 2:5‐11 GOLDSTEIN LECTURE Luke 22:14–23:56 (or Luke 23:1‐49) @ MORNINGSIDE COLLEGE March 31, 2013 Easter Sunday Dr. Amy‐Jill Levine will be Acts 10:34‐43 lecturing on “Jesus, Judaism and Psalm 118:1‐2, 14‐24 Jewish‐Christian Relations” on 1 Corinthians 15:19‐26 Thursday, March 21, 2013 at John 20:1‐18 (or Luke 24:1‐12) 7:30pm in the Yockey Room, Olsen Student Center on the Campus of TNT BIBLE Morningside College. Dr. Amy‐Jill STUDY Levine is professor of New Testa‐ “Think n’ Talk” ment and Jewish studies, E. Rhodes Join this group on and Leona B. Carpenter professor of Wednesday mornings at New Testament studies, and profes‐ 10:00am in the library. For sor of Jewish studies at Vanderbilt more information you may con‐ University Divinity School and Col‐ tact the church office or Russ lege of Arts and Sciences. The lec‐ ture is free and open to the public. Follmann at 276‐1660. OFFICEVOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The church office is in need of 6‐8 more volunteers to answer the phones in the afternoons and greet visitors from 1pm‐4pm. Volunteers are asked to work 1 or 2 afternoons a month. If you would like to volunteer, please con‐ tact Jane Schwarz at 605‐422‐1344. Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated!! WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT 01/27/13 Budget Offering Church School Human Development Campership $6,618.12 $3.69 $70.00 $20.00 02/03/13 Budget Offering Church School Human Development Campership Missions Connectional Giving Human Relations $8,462.00 $1.80 $391.00 $20.00 $10.00 $50.00 $117.00 02/10/13 Budget Offering Church School Human Development $7,222.50 $5.00 $82.00 02/17/13 Budget Offering Church School Connectional Giving $5,570.00 $7.00 $100.00 02/24/13 Budget Offering $3,429.00 Church School $1.52 Human Development $20.00 Campership $20.00 Spalding School Mission $50.00 VISUAL COORDINATORS NEEDED We are in need of 2 people to volun‐ teer to take over the visuals at Grace. Gail Haight and Kathie Guggenmos will help train those who volunteer. For more infor‐ mation, please contact the church office at 276‐ 3452. WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 5:30pm Saturday Worship Service 1/26/13—26 02/02/13—26 02/09/13—31 02/16/13—29 02/23/13—22 10:00am Sunday Worship Service 01/27/13—165 02/03/13—180 02/10/13—227 02/17/13—208 02/24/13—197 Ash Wednesday Worship—130 JANUARY 2013 FINANCE REPORT Income Expense Connectional Giving January 2013 30,494 26,287 3,000 Total Ahead/(Behind) 1,207 CONNECTIONAL GIVING Annual Connectional Giving Paid through January 2013 76,380 3,000 Unpaid for 2012 73,380 WITH HEARTFELT THANKS *Thank you to Pastor Tim, Pastor Harold, Gary Fridley and our church family for reaching out to us during Mike's recent heart attack and hospitalization. Your cards, prayers, calls and visits during this time were greatly encouraging and supportive in the midst of an uncertain and unknown outcome. We praise God for his mercy; hearing all the prayers that were made on behalf of our family. He truly is a God of miracles! Today, Mike is restored without any diagnosed side af‐ fects. His doctor's told him they gave him very little hope when he was admit‐ ted! Your intercessory prayers were heard and answered. To God be the Glory! ‐ The family of Mike Cadwell *Thank you to all of our church family for the cards, the emails, and the prayers during this past month of recuperation from a heart attack. A second procedure will be done on March 5th. And, I must say, one discovers that the cards that we sign on Sundays mornings surely is important to the one on the receiving end! - Wes Ratcliff *Our thanks for your thoughts and prayers, cards and for pastor visits and for the prayer shawl which helps Paul keep warm and reminds us of your care.—Paul & Katherine Calhoun *On behalf of the staff and board of directors of the Food Bank of Siouxland, I would like to thank you for the $1,237.25 donation. This will help us work to achieve our mission to feed the hungry and needy in our community.—Linda Scheid, Executive Director Food Bank of Siouxland *Thank you for all your prayers and visits to me while I was in the hospital—Joi Perry Senior Pastor: Tim Bonney Women’s Ministry Director: Jill Clem Administrative Secretary: Jill Clem Assistant Pastor: Rev. Harold Werley Financial Secretary: Pat Harm Children’s Ministry Director: Jan Jacobson Youth Ministry Director: Amanda Gerodias Custodian: Dennis Biederman Organist/Pianist: Jeremy Owens Music Director: Dr. Sean Burton Nursery Coordinator: Lesli Lien Special points of interest: • Church email— [email protected] • Church Website— • Church Fax # - 712-266-1827 • T.V. Broadcast—Cable-One, Channel 10 Tuesdays at 11:30am • Church Phone # - 712-276-3452 WORSHIP SERVICES Informal Worship—Saturday evenings—5:30pm Church School for all ages—Sundays—8:45am Inclusive Worship—Sunday mornings—10:00am Ministry Time—Sunday mornings—11:00am Nursery Available—Sunday mornings—8:30am-12:15pm • Church Address—1735 Morningside Ave., Sioux City IA 51106 • Live Radio Broadcast—KSCJ 1360 Sundays at 10am
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