The Newsletter of Dunbarton-Fairport United Church Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch Sunday February 15th, 2015 Everyone is invited to come and celebrate the start of the Season of Lent with our Pancake and Sausage Lunch following the church service. Cost is $5.00 per person or $15.00 per family. No need to sign up, just come down and enjoy an afternoon of good food and fellowship. The Christian Education Committee COUNTERS NEEDED The method used at Dunbarton-Fairport for the counting and deposit of the weekly offering is for a rotation of volunteers to be used. We like to have enough people in this rotation so a volunteer only has to count about every 3 months. Currently we don’t have enough volunteers to be able to spread it out this much. Do you have a spare Sunday afternoon once in a while? Could you look after this, taking it home, counting, recording and dropping the money at the bank later in the day? If you could help the rotation out, please contact Jim Little at 905-420-4391. We are not alone, we live in God’s world February 2015 Bring your life story to our faith story Issue 1 Messenger February 2015 The Affirming Vote on Sunday went through with 88%. It is important for both the 88% who voted in favor of the motion as well as the 12% who voted against to continue to listen to one another with great love and respect as we move forward. Dialogue is always key and so crucial as we live into our Mission Statement more and more each day. Presentation of Certificate and Celebration will take place on Sunday, March 22. Mark your Calendars! As a young person in the church going through the affirming processes gives me hope that we can change our little world for the better by accepting and welcoming all of God's children. I've grown up in a generation that accepts everyone! Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans-gender, and questioning. And with this, there is no doubt in my mind everyone should be accepted everywhere. Now being an affirming church makes me proud that I can say we are a safe space. This is what being and going through the affirming process has done for me. Emily Joe To be affirming makes us truly proud. It expresses the true meaning that we have chosen to love EVERYONE. Why it would be any other way is not a true Christian Sincerely, Herman& Joan Campbell To have the affirming vote passed through means a lot. It meant to me that our church will expand and show that our church community invites all to come and join us. This changes what we write on our mission statement but I also feel that now it changes how we feel and think about our community. I believe this also teaches us to open up to everyone and welcome them into our group. Michael Joe I felt privileged to be part of a movement that adopts all people, regardless of what is fashionable or understood at this time in history. When we strip away our fears and lack of understanding, and see we are all part of one God, as we profess, we will know it is our humanness, not our Godliness, that separates all of us. Thanks to all who see inclusion as the path to love. Mary Crover We are putting together a committee that will challenge us to live into our Mission Statement. This committee will report to Session and continue to challenge us to live with folks on the margins. Thank you to Joanne Blake who has already agreed to join this committee as well as Kelly Collins and Krista Sheppard who are hard at work around the accessibility issues. If you are interested in finding out more about this committee and joining, please contact Rev Jeff. Youth are welcomed and encouraged to join. May we allow the Spirit to continue to move us in ways of justice for all people. Rev. Jeff Page 2 Messenger February 2015 Newbie Corner We want to take a chance to welcome new people to our congregation by allowing them to introduce themselves. Introducing the McRobb family: I am from Cavendish, Newfoundland, a community with a population of just over 300. I was baptized and confirmed in our little United Church. My three older brothers and I participated in the reenactment of the Christmas story every December (this tradition is still carried on to this day, almost 50 years now). I moved to Nova Scotia in 1997 and lived there for a almost a year and then moved to "The Big Smoke" in 1998. At the time, I worked for Canada 3000 Airlines and moved each time for advancement. I started to date my husband, Blair, in 1999 and my fate was then determined to stay in Ontario. We went back to Cavendish in May of 2003 to get married in my little church. I returned again in 2005 and 2007 to have Jackson and Julia baptized in that church. From 2005 to present I have been a stay at home mom (if anyone is looking for an administrative assistant etc, I know someone who work will work really cheap right now...hahaha) One of the main reasons I have been home for so long is Julia was diagnosed with a moderate to severe hearing loss a few months before her 3rd birthday. It was devastating! I realize there are so many worse things that can happen in your life but none the less there was a grieving period for that loss. She got a set of hearing aids just before her 3rd birthday and the many appointments began. On her 5th birthday Julia had an appointment with the audiologist' who informed us Julia may qualify for cochlear implants as her hearing had deteriorated. We went through 6 months of more testing and Julia was implanted in her left ear Sept 2012. Julia is doing quite well with her implant and she doesn't let her hearing loss hold her back. As a parent, I worry too much, What if nobody understands her? What if someone makes fun of her speech? What if, what if??? She is a confident, strong willed little girl and I hope and pray she ALWAYS stay that way (even though she challenges us with her strong will) She will be 8 in February and is still catching up with her speech and language however she won't let that slow her down. She is enrolled in a dance class and a bowling league. Jackson will be 10 in June and is a very sensitive, sweet young man. He is enrolled in piano, karate and bowling and really seems to enjoy it all. Page 3 Messenger February 2015 We have been going to PVUC for almost 3 years as another mom at our school recommended it. I always sat in the last row and left as soon as church was over unless there was cake. The minister from that church has retired and I was told it could take up to a year before they find a replacement. I thought maybe I should check out Dunbarton-Fairport. One day, I ran into Michelle Brown at Walmart (also a former PVUC member) and we chatted about checking out a service together. The one we choose to go to was the one with all the animals...I thought what have we got ourselves into here? lol I brought the kids on a Sunday a couple of weeks later and then we went on vacation in October. Since our return we have tried not to miss any Sundays. The kids and I both love going to church now! Before, we went to church just to go, I never really felt I was part of a church community. In the short time we have been attending Dunbarton-Fairport I feel so relaxed and at home, the people are so friendly, generous, warm and welcoming, and the kids seem to really enjoy Sunday School too. I love the things we do here especially the prayer shawls. So thoughtful and inspiring! It took me 2 plus years to transfer my membership from Newfoundland to PVUC and only a few months to transfer it here. Anyone wanting more information about a church, I always tell them about ours! I go to church now to listen for my lesson for the week and try to live by it. To give me something to think about and how to be a better person. I'm hoping that my kids will look at their church and have all the fond memories that I have of my church in Cavendish. Sonya McRobb CURLING FUNSPIEL! Souper Sundae The Church Curling Funspiel is planned again this year at a new venue and is booked for Saturday, February 7th. The venue is Tam Heather Curling Club at 730 Military Trail in Scarborough, which is located off Morningside Avenue South. Curling starts at 6:45 p.m. followed by a light dinner served shortly after 9 p.m. Spectators are welcome and will enjoy a private viewing room overlooking the ice. The cost for the event is $27 each for curling and dinner or $16 each for spectators. Sign up sheet on Sundays following the church service or please contact Carol Jamieson or Brenda McLaughlin. Page 4 On February 1st, we are holding another Souper Sundae with both soups and chili, bread, salads and for dessert – make your own Sundaes. Cost remains at $5 a person. Once again the UCW will be holding the next Souper Sundae this spring – expected to be on April 19th . Please watch for announcements. Messenger February 2015 UPCOMING UCW MEETINGS Sunday Unit – Church at the Pub st February – no meeting, March 1 after church Chair – Valerie Hendry – (905) 438-3117 Wednesday Unit – on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Fox Goes Free Pub in Pickering Wednesday, February 11th at 12.30 P.M. Chair – Marjorie Green – (905) 839-2934 or Mary Nesbitt – (905) 839-0222 Dates to watch for in 2015 Sunday, February 1st Souper Sundae after service Saturday, February 7th Curling at Tam Heather 6:45 pm; 9 pm dinner Sunday, February 15th Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch after service Wed, February 18th Ash Wednesday Service March 8th – March 29 Easter Egg sales Sunday, March 15th Maritime Potluck Dinner 7:00 pm 4:30 pm & Variety Show Sunday, March 20th Affirming Celebration Sunday, April 19th Souper Sundae Sunday, June 14thth Eskine Cemetery service Saturday, June 20th Summer Spectacular Garage Sale August 17th to 21st Vacation Bible School Ushers and Greeters are always needed for services. Please let Mary Nesbitt (905-839-0222) know if you can help. Ash Wednesday Service: February 18th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Page 5 Messenger February 2015 CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED! Christine Collins Please consider volunteering to be a Church School Teacher or Helper: Classes - Age 3 - Kindergarten; Grades 1-5; Grades 7-12 Sessions - February 22 - April 5 (7 weeks) - Lent and Easter April 12 - May 31 (8 weeks) - Regular Services We will be using the curriculum "Seasons of the Spirit" which is available on line. If you have any questions or would like to see a copy of the curriculum, please speak to Christine Collins. Easter Egg Sales Helen Cox Once again the UCW wiil be selling chocolate covered cream filled eggs starting March 8th, 2015. Price are 2 for $5 or $3 an egg (if buying an odd number). This year we expect there will be 7 flavours available – watch for announcements for the flavours we actually make. The sale will run 4 weeks or until we run out. The Crafty Ladies, and the Bazaar “Pins and Needles” table display case in McKay Hall is open year round for all your shopping needs. They are always looking for donations of new baby outfits in pink, white, and unisex colours. CHURCH LADIES WITH TYPEWRITERS Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow. -------------------------The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. -------------------------The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday. Page 6 Messenger February 2015 Maritime Potluck Supper and Variety Show Mark your calendars for Sunday March 15th starting at 4:30pm. Dig out your favorite recipes to share with us. Also we will have a chance to share the various talents…do you know how to dance, sing, play an instrument, juggle fire or knives? Then get ready to have some fun!!! TIMES FOR CHRISTMAS SERVICES Are you happy with the current times for Christmas? Does the 7 p.m. family service and 11 p.m. communion service serve your family in its desire to be part of our Christmas services? Well, on Feb 22nd we will do a straw poll, by show of hands, just before the service starts asking you the simple question. “Are you happy with the Christmas eve services being at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.?” Simple majority rule: if the majority wants us to look at new times, then the Worship Committee will do that. Feb 22nd will be the day to voice your opinion. We will welcome any letters before then or an email if you can’t be here that day to vote. Annual Reports for 2014 are now available in print and online. (http:// AnnualReport2014.pdf) FEBRUARY 2015 CALENDAR FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE February: Black History Month 4 February: World Cancer Day 6 February: International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation 14 February: Have a Heart Day for First Nations Children Vagabond Yoga Classes: join Stef Binder at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday in the upper auditorium. Just $10.00 a class! 15 February: National Flag of Canada Day 16 February: Family Day, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and PEI (Islander Day) 19 February: Chinese New Year 20 February: World Day of Social Justice All carpeted areas of the church will be cleaned on Friday, February 13, 2015 starting at 3:00 p.m. Help will be needed in the morning to assemble the chairs in the sanctuary, and raise everything possible off the carpets throughout the building. Can we count on you to assist? See you at 9:00 a.m. on the 13th. Page 7 Messenger February 2015 SUMMER SPECTACULAR GARAGE SALE JUNE 20TH – 8 P.M. TO 2 P.M. Helen Cox As in the past few years, the summer spectacular garage sale will be held on the lawn at the church. We are asking for donations of pre used items for this giant garage sale from the congregation. This includes good used clothing as well as the usual books, household and gardening items. Please do not bring items that should be thrown out. Appliances should be working, things should not be dirty and for most part functional. These can be left at the church the week before, but we prefer if possible, that you bring them Friday night or Saturday morning between 7 and 8. Once again we will be having a barbeque as well as drinks and a bake sale. There will be sign up sheets for donation of barbeque items, and for lots of help starting in late May. We also are looking for people who can take a carload of items to Goodwill or Value Village after the sale. If it rains, we will hold the sale inside using the 3 smaller rooms downstairs and baking and BBQ in the narthex (The BBQ itself is under the overhang outside). In previous years our help for set up and sales has been very low. We really need a lot of people to get out the tables in the morning, and get the items set up and ready to sell and we need a good number of sales people as well. Please make an effort to help or we can’t continue to hold this fundraiser. At the end, again we need a large crew to tidy up and remove items. As well the garage sale, BBQ and bake sale, the UCW is planning to hold a ‘home party’ event outside with the sale. At this, various vendors who normally come to homes to sell commercial goods, have a table where they can sell these items. Please note that items left in the narthex prior to Friday, June 19 without prior consent from the church office will be considered dumping and will be disposed of immediately. Collections in the Narthex Food to support St. Paul’s-on-the-Hill Community Food Bank. The box has a list of suggestions. Simcoe Street United Church Back Door Mission: Especially needed at this time—peanut butter; storebought bags/containers of cookies; good condition shoes/running shoes; windbreakers/sweatshirts; socks Clean Clothing (Men’s Gloves, Men’s Socks, Winter Coats, Boots, Running Shoes, Sweaters, Ladies Gloves and socks). See the box for a complete list. The United Church Women continue to collect used postage stamps, soup labels, pop tabs, eye glasses (please note, they do not collect eyeglass cases and they are discarded), clean milk bags, and hygiene products (travel size). We are also supporting 7th Pickering Scouts by collecting bread and milk tags. Page 8 Solutions on page 11 Messenger February 2015 Page 9 Messenger February 2015 Care and Solidarity with the Muslim Community 14 January 2015 The Moderator of the United Church, The Right Rev. Gary Paterson, has written to the Église Protestante Unie de France, the Canadian Council of Imams, and the National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee of Canada to express the church’s sorrow and outrage at the tragic events in France, and our hope that Muslims and Christians can work together toward justice and peace in a world torn by such violence. [Ref:] Page 10 Messenger February 2015 FOOTCARE CLINIC For Seniors & Diabetics By an Advanced Footcare trained nurse at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Call Carol in the Church Office at 905-839-7271 to book your appointment. Cost: $24.00 (cash or cheque) Crossword Solutions: (1) Follow (2) Boat (3) Twelve (4) Nets (5) Left (6) Heal (7) Learn (8) Disciple (9) James (10) Simon Page 11 Messenger February 2015 Are you an Adherent and have thought about becoming a full member of the United Church? Do you need to transfer your membership from one congregation to become part of ours? Contact the office for more details on how to do this. P.A.R. is the Pre-Authorized Remittance programme, which allows for an automated monthly transfer of funds from your designated financial institution to Dunbarton-Fairport United Church. Information and enrollment forms are available on the table in the narthex. A completed form, along with your voided cheque, must be returned to the P.A.R. Coordinator, Brenda McLaughlin at 905-420-6521, [email protected]. For more information, please contact Brenda! Visits to the sick in hospitals and home bound. If you know of folks in our congregation who are in need of a visit please contact the office. Rev. Jeff depends on your help. He does love to visit. Baptisms: If you are interested in having your children baptized, please contact the church office to speak to Rev Jeff or see him after services. Also anyone who is an adherent and interested in joining the church officially, Rev Jeff would love to chat about this with you. Rev Jeff and Dunbarton-Fairport United church are on social media spreading the love? Check us out. Like us on Facebook, . Follow us on Twitter Rev. Jeff @revjeffdoucette Dunbarton-Fairport on twitter @DFUnited Messenger is published ten times a year (monthly except for the summer issue) usually on the last Sunday of the month. Contributions - whether written or pictures — are welcomed. Thank-you to this month’s contributors: Herman & Joan Campbell, Christine Collins, Helen Cox, Mary Crover, Rev. Jeff Doucette, Carol Jamieson, Emily Joe, Michael Joe, Sonya McRobb and Carol Taylor. If you have access to the Internet, you can reduce distribution costs by signing up for convenient electronic delivery. Your newsletter will never be late and you are helping the church reduce its postage and paper cost. Each member of the family can even get their own copy! Contact the church office or the newsletter editor to have your email address added to the distribution list. Deadline for the March Newsletter will be Wednesday, February 25th, 2015. Please send contributions to editor, Lynn Ikeda, at [email protected]. Contributions are always welcome!!! Cover Photo Credit: Brent Brook-Allred, used with permission. Dunbarton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1V 1G8 905.839.7271 Minister: Rev. Jeff Doucette [email protected] Director of Music: Dawn Duncliffe [email protected] Office Manager: Carol Taylor [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Lynn Ikeda Church Fax: 905.839.7288 Website: dfunited Newsletter E-mail: [email protected] Rev. Jeff’s blog: Page 12
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