St VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. David L. Arle ~ Pastor OFFICE: 13031 Palm Beach Blvd. Fort Myers, FL 33905 TELEPHONE: 239-693-0818 FAX: 239-693-8459 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: PARISH STAFF & EXT # Business Manager David Reigle Bookkeeper Letha Smith-Walsh Pastoral Assistant Mary Ellen Rossback Adoration Society Religious Education 303 302 300 327 306 Emergency Line Press 4 Mass Schedule Press 2 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Evening Vigil:4:00PM Sunday: 9:00AM, 11:00AM Daily: Tuesday through Friday 9:00AM RECONCILIATION: Saturday 3:00PM OUR LADY’S CUPBOARD PANTRY: In January food distribution changed, no unscheduled walk-ins to the pantry. Call the parish office ONLY on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday– 8 AM to Noon. Pickups will be scheduled on Thursday or Friday BAPTISMS: Preparation class is required. Call office for appointment. MARRIAGE: Please call office at least 6 months ahead of time. Page 2 St Vincent De Paul Catholic Community MASS INTENTIONS Sat 02/07 Sun 02/08 Sun 02/08 Mon Tues 02/09 02/10 Wed 02/11 Thurs 02/12 Fri 02/13 Sat 02/14 Sun 02/15 Sun 02/15 February 7th - 15th 4:00 PM Richard Lemoine (RIP) by People of the Parish 9:00 AM Edward Chodorowski (RIP) by Mary Ann Chodorowski 11:00 AM Margaret Boehm (RIP) by Roever Family 9:00 AM No Mass today 9:00 AM Christine Schwab (RIP) by Gisela Schwab 9:00 AM Ray Block (RIP) by Art & Bunny Bremme 9:00 AM Bernard O’Neill (RIP) by Nieces & Nephews 9:00 AM Lee & John Groetsch by Art & Bunny Bremme 4:00 PM Peter Gomez (RIP) (Maria Rodriguez Nephew) by People of the Parish 9:00 AM Berta & Bern Brader by the Choir 11:00 AM Michelle Centafont Waugh (RIP) by Her Parents February 8, 2015 DATES & TIMES TO REMEMBER Sun 02/08 Sun Tues Sun 02/08 02/10 02/15 Sun Mon 02/15 02/16 Martha & Mary’s Hospitality Room is open for coffee after 9 AM Mass Religious Education classes after 9 AM AA Meeting in Hospitality Room - 8 PM Martha & Mary’s Hospitality Room is open for coffee after the 9 AM Religious Education classes after 9 AM Office Closed for Presidents Day Our Lady’s Cupboard Parish Pantry We offer Food assistance only. For food assistance please call 239-693-0818 8 AM un l Noon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ONLY. Pick-ups are scheduled for Thursday and Friday that week. The schedule for pantry calls and pick ups are subject to the parish office hours. No Rent, U lity payments or other financial assistance are available. COLLECTIONS 02/01/15 OFFERTORY $8,976.27 DEBT REDUCTION $3,087.13 CHILDREN’S Prayers 1 Good Works 0 Here’s what’s needed at Our Lady’s Cupboard Pantry canned fruit macaroni & cheese bar soap/shampoo canned meats & tuna soup canned veggies pasta spaghetti sauce cereal dry beans powdered potatoes dry milk ready to eat meals grits peanut butter/jelly evaporated milk granola bars rice (white & brown) These items are needed at Our Lady’s Cupboard and our satellite at East United Way House. Please drop off in the back of the church when you come to mass on the weekends. Just a little hint: Take advantage of the BOGO’s (buy one get one free) specials to share with the pantry. Special Collections for on February 15th. Envelopes are available as you leave the church next weekend. Page 3 St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Community February 8, 2015 HEALING MINISTRY Francis announces trip to Sarajevo in June Joshua J. McElwee | Feb. 1, 2015 Pope Francis has announced that he will be making a previously unscheduled day-trip in June to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina that suffered a brutal siege during the Bosnian War of the 1990s. The pontiff revealed his plans for the trip Sunday during his weekly Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square, telling crowds gathered in off-and-on rain that he would be making the trip in the interest of inter-religious dialogue and peace. Sarajevo, which is located in the center of Bosnia and Herzegovina across the Adriatic Sea from Italy, has historically had diverse cultural roots, with populations of Catholic and Orthodox Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Francis asked those in the Square Sunday to pray for the trip so that it might "contribute to ... fraternity and peace, inter-religious dialogue, and friendship." The last pope to visit Sarajevo was Pope John Paul II in April 1997. Barring any unexpected trips between now and June, the visit to Sarajevo will be Francis' eighth outside Italy. It will be his second day-trip outside the country, following a visit last November to Strasbourg, France, to address the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. Francis has made Catholic-Orthodox dialogue and inter-religious efforts a key part of his trips abroad, having several meetings with Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew during a trip to Turkey last November and taking part in inter-religious encounters in Sri Lanka last month. The pontiff recently wrapped up a week-long visit to that country and the Philippines in January. He has also confirmed a trip to Latin America, expected for the summer, when he will visit Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay. Francis is also due to visit the United States in September, where he has confirmed he will make stops in Washington, DC, New York, and Philadelphia. During Jesus' ministry "he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons." This is the case in today's Gospel. Jesus fulfills the vision of Psalm 147: "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Jesus knew, however, that he couldn't possibly heal all the illness in the world. No matter how many people he cured or how many hours he ministered, there always would be more suffering people like Job who craved his healing touch. His primary mission was not to rid the world of all suffering. His "purpose" was to preach the coming of the reign of God that heals, yes, but ultimately transcends and transforms earthly suffering. With Paul, Jesus could have said, "Woe to me if I do not preach" that good news. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. WE RECYCLE Aluminum cans - Bin is in the white fenced area behind the social hall. News Papers - Red/Green bin directly behind social hall Printer Ink Cartridges & Cell Phones: In cabinet in back of church, by the sound booth. ADVERTISING YOUR BUSINESS…..If you are interested in advertising on the back of our bulletin you can contact Kathy Brown of JS Paluch. Our advertisers help provide the bulletin for us. Page 4 St Vincent De Paul Catholic Community February 8, 2015 25th Anniversary of Masses in Polish the Diocese of Venice - This year the Diocese of Venice celebrates 25 years of the Mass being offered in Polish within its boundaries. His Eminence Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski, Prefect for the Congregation of Catholic Education in Rome, has accepted the invitation of Bishop Frank J. Dewane to preside at an Anniversary Mass at Epiphany Cathedral (350 Tampa Avenue West, Venice) on Sunday, February 8 at 1:00 pm. The Diocese of Venice is honored by the upcoming visit of His Eminence to mark this occasion. All Faithful of the Diocese of Venice, especially those of Polish ancestry, are invited to attend this Mass celebrated in Polish. The Mass will be followed by a reception in the Parish Center. Tickets for the reception can be purchased for $20.00 per person from the Parish Office at Epiphany Cathedral. For further info please call Jackie at 941-484-3505. Women's Conference - The 2015 Diocese of Venice Women's Conference will be held Saturday, February 14 at Bishop Verot High School in Fort Myers. Speakers this year include TV and radio personality Dr. Ray Guarendi and atheist-turned-Catholic, Jennifer Fulwiler; Registration is now open: go to womens Men's Conference - The 2015 Diocese of Venice Men's Conference will be held Saturday, March 7 at Bishop Verot High School in Fort Myers. Speakers this year include Tom Peterson, founder of Catholics Come Home, and Catholic apologist Trent Horn; Registration is now open: go to Follow the visit of Vatican Cardinal - During the visit of His Eminence Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski, Prefect for the Congregation of Catholic Education in Rome, there will be opportunities to follow various activities that will take place while His Eminence is in the Diocese of Venice. In addition to the 25th Anniversary of the Mass celebrated in Polish on Sunday, February 8 at Epiphany Cathedral, Cardinal Grocholewski will be visiting three schools and addressing the priests of the Diocese. Photos, video and stories will be posted to various social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter and of the Diocese of Venice website at Full coverage will also appear in the February 20 edition of the Florida Catholic. Mass to Celebrate Volunteers - In appreciation of the volunteers of the Diocese of Venice, Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites all volunteers to a Mass on Saturday, February 28 at 11:00 a.m. at Epiphany Cathedral Parish, 350 Tampa Avenue West, Venice. The Mass is an opportunity to extend gratitude and appreciation for those who generously give of their time and talent. All priests, deacons and the faithful are invited to participate in a celebration of the active stewardship of our laity. A lunch will follow the Mass in the Parish Center in Venice. Further information will be forthcoming. His Holiness, Pope Francis Apostolic Palace 00120 Vatican City READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: Gn 1:20 -- 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc30; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30 Friday: Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11; 1 Cor 10:31 -- 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 [The LORD] tells the number of the stars and calls them by name. -- Psalm 147:4 Page 5 St Vincent De Paul Catholic Community February 8, 2015 FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR...My Dear Sisters and Brothers and Visitors: What’s the ole song? “There’s a change a commin…” Well, yes, we are making a change pertaining to our Eucharistic Ministers at mass. We have very dedicated and vital ministers who assist at all the masses and I couldn’t adequately serve the community at mass without their ministry. We have used white robes for our ministers for many years. Like everything else in the world those robes are getting pretty worn out, broken zippers, little tears and holes, broken clasps. The most inexpensive robe to replace them with comes in at $99.00 and quite frankly they aren’t that well made. The better quality ones run about $150.00 each. So, given that robes are just a custom here and aren’t really necessary we poled our Eucharistic Ministers with the question, do you prefer robes or would a well-made name tags denoting you as a Eucharist Minister suffice? Our ministers dress well and look good for Sunday mass so we’re not trying to hide cut -offs and flip flops under a robe. Of all our ministers only three said they would prefer robes, so we are going to have a proper name tag designed and will eventually dispense with the robes. That works out to about $12.00 per magnetic tag (they don’t put pin holes in peoples good clothes) as opposed to over $100.00 a robe. We all know the old saying, the clothes don’t make the man or woman, it is the spirit, the faith, the respect of the Holy Eucharist that calls these individuals to minister to all of us and share Christ in communion. I know that change upsets people and some in the congregation will disagree with this change. We still have some folks who refuse to receive the Eucharist from a minister rather than a priest. Church communities are made up of all kinds of people with all kinds of experiences and all kinds of needs. Even our Holy Father Francis upset some folks by not donning all the outside trappings of the pope. I found him a much better representative of Christ recently without his cap, wrapped in the same cheap yellow plastic rain poncho surrounded by the faithful in the same cheap yellow ponchos, getting soaked in the rain and laughing with the gathering of humanity that surrounded him in the Philippines. The most important thing is that we share the Eucharist together and not how we are dressed. Love, Fr. David Dear Parishioners, We can’t thank you enough for all the shoes we collected for the homeless and needy. The picture of 76 year old Carolyn Constable in Sunday’s News Press says it all. Carolyn came hoping to get shoes. We remember serving her and how happy she was to be able to replace the sneakers she received last year. Other highlights include a gentleman looking through women’s shoes “for his friend in the woods.” Then there’s the other gentleman who, when asked if he’d like another pair of shoes replied, “No, one pair is enough. There are plenty of others who need shoes.” Another young man needed shoes for his two children. At the end of the day when we only had one pair of men’s shoes left, an elderly man’s day was made with a perfect fit of brown loafers. His joyful statement, “I can’t believe I have a pair of leather shoes,” made our day! None of this could have been accomplished without your generous contributions. If you didn’t have the chance to participate this year, no worries. If the need still exists, we hope to be back next year! Bernadette and Vinnie Frost Lent Begins….Ash Wednesday February 18th Masses will be at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM with the ashes distributed during the mass. Ash Wednesday is a day of abstinence and fast. The Knights of Columbus will be cooking a simple Lenten supper on these Fridays and will be serving in the social hall from 5:30 to 6:30 PM so you have time to participate in the Stations of the Cross. Stations will begin at 7:00 PM. In addition to the regular times for the Sacrament of Reconciliation there will be extra times for confession each week. More details will follow in the weeks ahead. PRESIDENT’S DAY MONDAY - FEBRUARY 16TH
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