PUBLICATION OF THE BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBE F EBR U ARY 2015 Upcoming Committee Meetings... February 2015 3rd 4th Enrollment Committee Meeting Tribal Chamber @ 5:00pm TEPA Committee Meeting EMO-B Conference Rm. @ 2:00pm 6th Toiyabe Indian Health Board Meeting Lone Pine, CA 10th Parent Advisory Committee Meeting Education Center @ 12:00pm 10th 10th Gaming Commission Meeting PPC Conference Rm. @ 5:00pm BPDC Board Meeting BPDC Conference Rm. @ 6:00pm 10th Cultural Committee Meeting Cultural Center @ 6:00pm 11th Elders Committee Meeting Elders Building @ 3:30pm (Continued on page 4) Fire Safety Road Posts The Bishop Paiute Tribe will be installing four-by-four (4”x4”) wooden posts near Tribal Reservation roads which have side roads with more than three (3) homes on the side road. These posts will be installed near existing side road entrances and will have the home address number on the post. The posts will be approximately four-feet (4’) in height and will be painted preferably white with reflective paint for the numbers. The posts will have the address numbers pertaining to each home on the side road. SAMPLE PICTURE OF ADDRESS POST These posts will be used for fire and medical emergencies for each home on these side roads, as in certain circumstances when fire and medical emergency services were needed they have had trouble locating certain home-sites on these side roads. Please have your physical address numbers located on your home or near your home, as this will assist in an emergency situation in the future. Road Signs It has recently come to the attention of the Bishop Paiute Tribal Council (BPTC) that there have been road signs installed on a variety of roads through-out the Bishop Paiute Reservation. In order to have road signs installed there is a procedure to follow to install a legal road sign on the reservation. These road signs have confused emergency and medical agencies in certain circumstances. These road signs are not officially recorded on the Bureau of Indian Affairs Road Inventory System. If you have not had your road sign authorized by the Bishop Paiute Tribal Council please remove the road sign. Trash Can Bins The Bishop Paiute Tribal Council (BPTC) has had a variety of calls from concerned Tribal Members of Commercial Waste Disposal Trash Can Bins being left in the street through-out the Reservation for more than a twenty-four (24) hour period. There are concerns based on the placement/location of the trash can bins due to public health and safety, such as line of sight when pulling onto the main road, obstruction of mail delivery and overall individual responsibility of removing trash can bins within an adequate timeframe. Should you have your trash can bin in the road for pick up, please remove the trash can bin in a timely manner. this issue Head Start News P.2 Employee Introduction P.4 RAVE News P.6 Cultural Center News P.7 BIEC News P.8 Reflections of Nuumu P.10 BUESD News P.12 Enrollment News P.16 Boards & Committees Information P.18 Meetings and Events P.19 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Gerald Howard VICE-CHAIRMAN Kris Hohag SECRETARY/T REASURER Earleen Hess-Williams COUNCIL MEMBER Gertrude “Lynn” Brown COUNCIL MEMBER William “Bill” Turner TRIBAL OFFICE CONTACT: TRIBAL ADMINISTRATION TEL (760) 873-3584 FAX (760) 873-4143 Paiute Professional Center 50 Tu Su Lane Bishop, CA 93514 Here’s the link: 2 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 Bishop Indian Head Start 405 North Barlow Bishop CA. 93514 760-872-3911 THANK YOU BISHOP INDIAN HEAD START PARENTS, FAMILY, STAFF, AND COMMUNITY! On January 22nd 2015 our 2016 Shiny Blue Bird Vision School Bus 85 arrived! We want to take the time to thank everyone for their participation in this great achievement. This was a team effort by Parents, Staff, Tribal Council Leadership, and Community letters of support to the Office of Head Start expressing the Health and Safety needs of your BIHS program. We would also like to thank the Bishop Paiute staff who assisted in the research and clarity of the California Environmental Protection Agency Regulations on older diesel fueled school buses. Our Current Fleet consist of a 1995- 25 passenger Chevy School Bus (20 year old!) and a 1998- 35 passenger Blue Bird School Bus (17 years old!). We are proud to announce our New 2016- 42 passenger Blue Bird Vision School Bus (0 years old!) fully equipped and specialized for BIHS children! The Bishop Paiute Tribe was awarded an Emergency Head Start Funding grant from the Office of Head Start. The Tribe was also awarded an EPA Tribal Diesel Reduction Act (DERA) funding for the replacement of the current BIHS Diesel Bus 84. Head Start Emergency Grant Award $108,750.00 (80% Federal $87,000 with Tribe’s 20% Financial Responsibility of $21,750). Tribal DERA Grant Award $114,099.50 (50% Federal $57,049.50 with Tribe’s 50% Financial Responsibility of $57,049.50). All California School Buses must comply with the California EPA/ California Air Resource Board (CARB) current emissions standards. Both grants were written in hopes we would be awarded for at least one grant, but we were awarded both. Office of Head Start allowed us the option to replace the gasoline Bus 83, which has 168,000 miles of history. The DERA grant could only replace diesel bus 84. However, if the Tribe accepted the DERA grant award, it must destroy the engine of Bus 84, which only has 68,000 miles. Therefore, the Tribal Council, Administration and BIHS staff chose the option to use the Office of Head Start grant to replace Bus 84 without having to destroy the engine. According to the California EPA/ California Air Resource Board (CARB) current emissions standards, by January 1, 2018, the diesel bus have to be decommissioned or not exceed 999 miles per year. Our goal is to continue to limit our use of Bus 84 to comply with Clean School Bus campaign. Clean School Bus USA brings together partners from business, education, transportation, and public health organizations to work toward these goals: •Encouraging policies and practices to eliminate unnecessary public school bus idling. •Upgrading ("retrofitting") buses that will remain in the fleet with better emission control technologies and/or fueling them with cleaner fuels. •Replacing the oldest buses in the fleet with new, less polluting buses. Clean School Bus is a national, innovative program designed to help communities reduce emissions from older diesel school buses. School districts, fleet owners and operators, bus drivers, parents and students all have a role in helping to reduce diesel emissions from school buses. School buses travel about four billion miles each year, and more than 25 million American students ride a school bus every day. These buses provide the safest transportation for getting children to and from school. While all new buses must meet EPA’s tighter emission standards, many older school buses continue to emit harmful diesel exhaust. Diesel exhaust has a negative impact on human health in general, and especially on children because they have a faster breathing rate than adults and their lungs are not yet fully developed. There are a variety of clean diesel strategies for making school buses a cleaner way for children to get to school. One of the easiest ways to reduce school bus emissions and save money is to reduce idling. Another effective method is to replace the oldest school buses in the fleet. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our New School Bus, please contact Susie Cisneros, BIHS Director or Gwen Turner, BIHS Lead Bus Driver at 760-872-3911 or email us at: [email protected] or [email protected] Head Start Key Objectives Enhance children’s growth and development Strengthen families as the primary nurturers of their children Provide children with educational, health and nutritional services Link children and families to needed community services Ensure well-managed programs that involve parents in decision-making 3 Upcoming Meetings (Con tinued fro m co ver) 12th Regular Tribal Council Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 5:30pm 17th Tribal Court Advisory Committee Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 9:00am 17th Tribal Court Tribal Chambers @ 11:00am 17th Enrollment Committee Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 5:30pm 18th Land Assignment Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 6:00pm 19th THPO Committee Meeting EMO B Conference Rm. @ 5:30pm 24th Gaming Commission Meeting PPC Conference Rm. @ 5:30pm 24th Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Cultural Center @ 6:00pm 26th Regular Tribal Council Meeting Tribal Chamber @ 5:30pm Tribal Offices will be Closed on: February 16th– Presidents Day. 4 The Bishop Paiute Tribe’s Assistant Tribal Administrator- Topah Spoonhunter. Manahuu, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Topah Spoonhunter and I was recently hired as the Assistant Tribal Administrator for the Bishop Paiute Tribe. I am the son of Alan and Linda Spoonhunter and I was born in Bishop and raised in Big Pine. I have four brothers and three sisters and many nieces and nephews. I am also the proud father of two wonderful children. My education includes a background in math, science and business. I attended Victor Valley College and I graduated with two degrees, one in Liberal Arts and another in Math and Science. My path then led to Haskell University where I concentrated on the managerial aspect of business and graduated with a degree in Business Administration. Although my education is definitely an asset for me I believe that my experience is just as valuable. Over the years I have worked for different tribes and tribal organizations and I have experience in ICWA, economic development, tribal TANF, education, suicide prevention and various youth programs. I have seen the challenges that tribes face firsthand but I have also seen the opportunity that they have to improve their communities and help their people. I have always considered myself a part of this community and I have always felt a responsibility to give back and help the people around me. I would like to thank the Bishop Paiute Tribe for this opportunity and I am looking forward to working for the tribe and the community. New Mailing and Physical Addresses This article is for the Tribal Members who now live on the new reservation roads. If you would like to request a new mailing or physical address please contact the Bishop Paiute Tribal Office and we will assist you in acquiring a new mailing or physical address. It would be very beneficial to acquire a new address due to an emergency response to your home-site. As of now the emergency agencies have your present address, which in some cases would be on your old access street. For instance if you had your mailing or physical address on 4000 North Barlow, that is where the emergency personnel would respond, and if you have your new address which would be near you access entrance this could prevent a disastrous situation, in the worst case scenario in the event of time of response. So, if you would request a new mailing or physical address please contact the Bishop Paiute Tribal Office. Public Safety Alert! On this past Saturday afternoon, a fire was started behind the old elders building on Diaz lane. Fortunately, the fire was contained to a small area and suppressed by the Bishop Volunteer Fire Department. This incident could have been much worst due to the dry conditions and the thick vegetation. If the wind had been stronger, the fire could have been catastrophic for home owners downwind of the fire. Events such as what happened this past Saturday put the lives of people in danger and cost the Tribe money by having the Bishop Volunteer Fire Department respond to fires on the reservation. Please be careful and if you see suspicious activity in an area that has an abundance of dry fuel, please notify tribal officials so that we can avoid dangerous and costly situations in the future. BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 Parents must attend one of the following Family Formation Workshops to be eligible for a sports voucher. Questions or concerns call Lidia 760.873.4414 or 760.937.2738. 5 Relief After Violent Encounters (RAVE)… February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Dating Abuse (or Relationship Abuse): A pattern of controlling behavior that someone uses against a girlfriend or a boyfriend. The core of dating abuse is Power and Control. Teen Dating Violence Statistics · One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner. · One quarter of high school girls have been victims of physical or sexual abuse. · Violent relationships in adolescence can have serious ramifications by putting the victims at higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior, attempted suicide, and further domestic violence. Show your support by wearing orange the national color represented for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month on February 27, 2015 RAVE has partnered with BIEC, OVCDC, as well as with the native liaisons, for a week of awarenessFebruary 23-27, 2015. Information’s available at BIEC, native school liaisons office, as well as the RAVE office. Encourage youth to participate in the effort to protect our tribal children. As well as attend our Stomp Out Dating Violence, Glow in the Dark event. February 27, 2015. RAVE 6 2490 B Diaz Lane. Bishop, CA 93514 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER 760-873-9018 February 2015 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER Febraury 2015 TOOWANO WINTER GATHERING: STORIES AND SONGS Feb 24, 2014 @ CULTURAL CENTER 5:30 PM Dinner/ 6PM Sharing An evening to listen and share our stories and songs Cultural Center Gift Shop “BUYING DAYS” Tues. – Feb 17th 6:30pm – 8:30pm @ Cultural Center th and Wed. – Feb 18 6:30pm – 8:30pm @ Cultural Center Owens Valley Paiute-Shoshone Cultural Center is restocking the gift shop. Seeking quality artwork, beadwork, silk screening, basketry, clothing, etc. Any artwork must pertain to native culture, environment, or history. VENDOR GUIDELINES •Native American from Owens Valley or neighboring areas •Own artwork (family member may assist in the selling process) •Minors need to be accompanied by an adult/guardian in order to sell their item(s) NOTE: At this time, we will only be buying from local Native American vendors and neighboring areas. NOTE: The Vendor Guidelines, Purchasing Process, and Consignment Process is a starting point; and maybe modified as the cultural center gift shop grows. (Efforts of the Bishop Paiute Cultural Advisory Committee; who will maintain final say on purchases) For purchasing and consignment process, please call the Cultural Center (760) 873 - 8844 7 CALIFORNIA INDIAN LEGAL SERVICES Celebrating Over 40 Years of Advocacy for the Rights of Native Americans and Indian Tribes Student and Parent Rights Come Learn about: -IEP’s -School Discipline -Discipline for Children with Special Needs. Where: Community Center, Bishop Paiute Tribe When: Thursday, February 12, 2015 Beginning at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be provided by Bishop Indian Education Center For More Information contact Jasmine Andreas, CILS Staff Attorney at (760)873-3581 8 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER "In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education." ~Brown v. Board of Education California Indian Legal Services 873 Main Street, Suite 120, Bishop CA 93514 Telephone: (760) 873-3581 Toll-free: (800) 736-3582 Fax: (760) 873-7461 February 2015 February 2015 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER Wed. February 25th, 2015 5:30 pm Community Center 405 North Barlow Lane Bishop, CA 95314 Dinner Provided For more information please call (760)873-5740 Join the Bishop Indian Education Center for an informational workshop on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This workshop will give you and your student the tools and education in completing the FAFSA and applying for the tribal and other scholarships. We encourage families with middle school and high school age students to attend. Bishop Indian Education Center (760)873-5740 or (760)873-8740 9 Isabel “Magill” Alvey 1931 Emma Willliams and Jr. Williams 1928 Emma Williams, Ellen Arbonies Mallory Emma “Mallory” Williams and 4 of her children. Ellen Mallory and Mr & Mrs. Perez 1927 10 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 Carlos Arbonies and Ellen Mallory Arbonies 1934 Daisy and Dick Mallory “1927” Left to right Top Row: Sam Harrison, Pauline “Huarte” Perdo, Isabel “Magill” Alvey , Evelyn Bevers, Cleve Casey Left to right Bottom Row: Warren Perez, Danny Romero, Arthur Magill 11 3.0 GPA or higher for the First semester of the 2014-15 school year. Anaya Brown- 3.1 Romello Chavez- 3.1 Jailyn Mashburn- 3.1 Campbell Spoonhunter- 3.1 Jonathon Torres- 3.0 Neveah Andreas- 3.0 Drew Dondero- 3.0 Kayden Rinehart- 4.0 Emilee Pennington- 3.3 Samantha Marinko- 3.8 Steven Paco- 3.9 Alleah Plys- 3.3 Dulcine Ostly-Vasquez- 3.8 Jaxmyn Dondero- 3.9 Lauren Allen- 3.2 Jeanine Lomaintewa- 3.6 Joshua Lozano 3.9 Shelbi Sapp- 3.2 James Doll- 3.5 Jacob Rosas- 3.8 Izayah Fimbres- 3.1 Robert McCartney- 3.7 Jordynn Hunter- 3.1 Jordan Lopez- 3.5 Clay Omohundro- 3.1 Anonda Marquez- 3.5 Manny Talavera- 3.0 Joseph Weaver- 3.4 Danielle Shoshone- 3.0 MaryJane Marquez- 3.0 Julisya Forehand- 3.0 Elizabeth Poncho- 3.7 Tristan Valle- 3.5 Austin Graves- 3.3 Noah Barcelo- 3.2 Jaydan Braithwaite- 3.1 Dejia Chavez- 3.3 12 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 Desmond Frank, Anthony Brown, Thomas Sills Desmond Frank and Anthony Brown In the month of November the students at BUHS participated in a contest sponsored by the Inyo County Office of Education called “Innovate! Inyo”. Students were required to develop a business plan and orally present the plan to the panel of judges. This contest was modeled after the popular television show – “Shark Tank.” Students vied for prize money with the largest amount awarded to BUHS senior Olivia Grah for her “Elevated Cuisine” idea which would be a food operation for backpackers visiting the local area. Students Desmond Frank and Anthony Brown were among the top 10 from BUHS with their idea of creating an App called Icebreakers. This App would provide funny jokes and smooth pick-up lines for the cool and awkward users. Thomas Sills was also in the top ten for his business plan and he walked away with a prize valued at $500.00 for his invention of “BALMS” which was a customizable lip balm. Fall Semester 2014 Selia Amisone- 3.67 Tiarney Andreas- 4.17 Sabrina Barlow- 3.67 Wallace Eddy Jr.- 3.86 Erika Ellis- 3.50 Kerisa Isaac- 3.86 Xochitl Martinez- 3.50 George Menses- 4.00 Michael Molina- 3.71 Cecilia O’Dell- 3.57 Jaden Piper- 3.50 Justice Piper- 3.50 Cierra Rossi- 3.54 Tava Sam- 3.64 Topah Scherer- 3.57 Tamia Shoshone- 3.83 Thomas Sills- 4.50 Gracie Soto- 3.83 Zoey Walter- 3.83 Moran Braithwaite-West- 3.86 13 14 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 Paiute Palace Casino Upgrade Update Last year, the Bishop Paiute Development Corporation became the lead entity, working with Paiute Palace Casino staff, in expanding and upgrading the Paiute Palace Casino. The Tribal Government relies heavily on the revenues from the Paiute Palace Casino to support its operations and services to Tribal members. In fact, over 50% of the Tribe’s operating revenue comes from the casino. The costs for Tribal operations and services such as scholarships, burial assistance, Elder’s program, social services, education, etc. have steadily increased over the years while the revenues from the casino have flat-lined or even decreased. In order to meet the needs of our growing Tribe, we have to find ways to diversify and increase revenues at the casino. An upgrade and expansion will include the addition of a hotel to capture a new market of travelers & vacationers. A feasibility study for a casino expansion and hotel was conducted by KIas Robinson, QED and a separate hotel feasibility study was done by PKF Consulting. Both studies confirmed what we believed, is that the Tribe should move forward with casino expansion including the addition of a hotel of up to 100 rooms. The project estimated is not to exceed $30 million and is within the limits of the feasibility studies. Again, we are pleased to be working with Taylor Woodstone and RSP Architects, they have made commitments to attend community meetings with Tribal members to get their input on design concepts and to provide project status report updates, conduct job fairs, train and employ Tribal members, hire Tribally-owned businesses/contractors. RSP Architects has already met with staff at the Cultural Center and has done much research on the area to learn what is important and significant to us including the Petroglyphs, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, Water, etc. They will be meeting with Tribal Elders and hope to incorporate ideas that are important to our culture into the design, and to be sensitive as to what should be used and what should not be used. When the Bishop Paiute Development Corporation discussed the casino expansion and hotel project at their annual meeting in October 2014, we made a pledge to make the casino expansion/hotel project transparent -meaning that we will provide the Tribal community information throughout the project and will seek your input on how the project should look. This is something every Tribal member as a whole will own and be a part of. We want this casino and hotel to reflect who we are, how far we have come and what we are leaving for our people and next generation. We want it done correctly so that it will be profitable and bring increased revenue and jobs to the Tribe. There will be future meetings, newsletters, and we will use social media to let you know what is happening as more of the project is finalized. If you would like to share your thoughts and ideas with us, please contact us or attend the Bishop Paiute Development Corporation Board meetings which are held the second Tuesday of every month. BPDC Board of Directors Teri Red Owl, Chairperson Allen Summers, Vice-Chairman Diane Hart, Secretary/Treas. James “Jim” Hess. Board Member Mary Davis, Board Member Staff Dave Moose, Interim Director Rhonda Schultz, Customer Service Rep. Mark Napoles, Maintenance Board Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. in the BPDC Conference room Address 270 See Vee Lane, Box 1 Bishop, California 93514 Phone 760-872-4172 Fax 760-873-3982 Email [email protected] [email protected] Please visit our Website at Respectfully Bishop Paiute Development Corporation 15 Our Enrollment numbers are as follows: Total number of Bishop Tribal Members: 1,941 Adults: 1,393 and Children: 548 RENA BROWN ENROLLMENT OFFICER Manahuu Ee’nee wah and Happy Valentines! Share your heart with those you love or just that special person. February is also the month of some very important historical events for American Indians: Feb 2, 1887-A law is passed which will prohibit the use of Indian Language in schools, Feb. 11, 1978 –The “Long Walk” takes place to protest Indian treatment, Feb. 14, 1776-The Spanish arrive in what is now Needles, CA area, Feb. 21, 1911Quanah Parker dies at the age of 64 “Resting here til day breaks and darkness disappears is Quanah Parker the last chief of the Comanche”, Feb. 27, 1973-The Siege of Wounded Knee begins and lasting until May 8, 1973. However, according to the Hopi, February “Powamuya” is known as the month of Purification and Renewal. MINOR TRUST FUND REQUEST FOR DISTRIBUTION For those of you who are getting ready to request your Minor Trust Funds; please note, the Enrollment Office requires a completed Request for Distribution from Minor’s Trust Account form; a copy of your Social Security Card, a copy of your most recent California Driver’s License or I.D., if you don’t have an ID or Driver’s License, we will accept a copy of your Tribal ID or High School ASB Card. Also you will need a copy of your original GED or H.S. Diploma. If you don’t qualify at age 18 with a Diploma or GED you will need to wait until age 21 to request distribution from your Minor Trust Account. For your convenience the Request for Distribution from Minor Trust Account form is available on the Bishop Tribal website at If you have any questions on Requesting Distribution of Minor Trust Funds, please give us a call and we can help your through the process. FISHING LICENSE AND EAGLE FEATHERS The Eastern Sierra Fishing Season opens April 25, 2015! Don’t forget your license. The 2015 Free Low Income Native American Sport Fishing License Application is in and available at the Tribal Office. Part of the application is Verification of Tribal Membership which is a copy of your Tribal Resolution. Also we have on hand the Application for Eagle parts and Feathers available for tribal members, this application also call for Verification of Tribal Membership. Please note: the Enrollment Department is happy to process your requests for copies of Tribal Resolutions within a timely manner; however we are unable to process requests within minutes or hours. Please request copies of your Tribal Resolution or any other vital statistic document, at least two days in advance, on the Tribal Verification Request form which is available at the front receptionist desk. Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated. TRIBAL ID CARDS Tribal I.D. Cards can be requested on the “Enrollment Card Request Form” any day of the week Monday thru Friday; also please check with us so that we can take your photo while you are in the office. Enrollment staff will process all requests on Wednesday’s and you can pick up your Tribal I.D. card at the receptionist window late Wednesday or any day thereafter. Only New and Expired cards are free of charge. As a reminder to all tribal members and as stated on the Enrollment Card Request Form: “(3.) The first Enrollment Card issued is free of charge. However, if a replacement is needed within (2) years of the first issuance of the date of this request, then a service fee of $10 shall apply.” The $10.00 replacement card fee can be paid to the Fiscal Office. Please bring your receipt back to the Enrollment Department as proof of payment to be issued a new card. TEMPORARY TRIBAL ENROLLMENT As a means of assisting individuals who might need verification of Tribal Membership for Medical, Educational and Housing purposes, the Bishop Paiute Tribe is able to offer a Temporary Tribal Enrollment Certificate during the Moratorium on Enrollment. The process is the same as the Application process and the burden of proof is upon the applicant to provide proof of decendency from a Base Roll individual. Birth Certificates, Social Security Card and Verification of Non-Enrollment from all other relative tribes is still a requirement. Upon approval the applicant is issued a Certificate of Temporary Tribal Enrollment for a period of one (1) year only. Once Enrollment opens applicants should immediately apply for permanent Tribal Membership. ENROLLMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Enrollment Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 and Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 5:00pm in the Tribal Council Chambers. We are still looking for new committee members especially with Enrollment scheduled to open on April 13, 2015; it would be great to have a full committee to help review applications. If you are interested in serving on the Enrollment Committee please contact Valerie Spoonhunter here at the Tribal Office. 16 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 First Aid and CPR Training February 27, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bishop Tribal Chambers 50 Tu Su Lane Bishop, CA. Cost : $50.00 per person (Limited Number of Scholarships may be available for Bishop Tribal Members) Deadline: February 23, 2015 If interested, please contact Susie West at the TERO Office at (760) 873-7893. FLAGGING TRAINING February 28, 2015 Bishop Tribal Chambers 50 Tu Su Lane 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Cost: $85.00 per person Limited number of scholarships may be available for Tribal Members If you are interested contact Susie West at the Bishop TERO Office: (760) 873-7893. 17 Bishop Paiute Tribe Postings… Public Service & Meeting Information BOARD & COMMITTEE VACANCIES · NEW—Constitution Committee: 13 members needed Meetings To Be Determined Court Advisory Committee: Two(2) members needed Meets once a month every third Tuesday proceeding Tribal Court Cultural Advisory Committee: Two (2) member needed Meets monthly intermittently Land Assignment Committee: One (1) members Needed Meets once a month every third Wednesday Enrollment Committee Member: One (1) member needed Meets twice a month every first Tuesday and every third Tuesday *Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Member: One (1) member needed Meets once a month every first Tuesday and as needed REQUIREMENTS TO APPLY: *MUST BE A TRIBAL MEMBER *MUST BE INTERESTED IN SERVING THE TRIBAL COMMUNITY *SUBMIT A LETTER OF INTEREST TO THE TRIBAL OFFICE (*MUST HAVE A CHILD ATTENDING BUESD) TANF Advisory Committee Member– One (1) Member Needed 18 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER February 2015 February 2015 SUN MON 1 2 BYTC Mtg. @ 2:00pm -Wunut Novie 8 BYTC Mtg. @ 2:00pm -Wunut Novie Family Formation Workshop—Little League & Softball @5:15pm-7:15 pm Community Center 9 Family Formation Workshop—Little League & Softball @5:15pm-7:15 pm Community Center Valentines Bingo @2:00pm -Barlow Lane 15 BYTC Mtg. @ 2:00pm -Wunut Novie Bishop Indian Sports Club Annual Basketball Tournament 22 BYTC Mtg. @ 2:00pm -Wunut Novie 16 Tribal Offices Closed -President’s Day- TUE 3 Enrollment Committee Meeting @ 5:00 pm -Tribal Chambers- WED THU FRI SAT 4 5 6 7 TEPA Committee Meeting @ 3:30 pm -EMO B Conference RoomFamily Formation Workshop—Little League & Softball @5:15pm-7:15 pm Community Center 10 PAC Meeting @ 12 pm -Education CenterGaming Commission Meeting @ 5:30 pm -PPC Conference Rm.- Family Formation Workshop—Little League & Softball @5:15pm-7:15 pm Community Center BPDC Board Meeting @ 6 pm -Tribal Chambers -1st Quarter Distribution- 17 Tribal Court Advisory Committee @ 9am -Tribal Chambers- 23 12 OVBT Meeting @ 3pm Big Pine, Calif. Cultural Advisory Committee Mtg. @ 6 pm -Cultural CenterCultural Center Buying Days 6:30 pm– 8:30 pm 24 Commodity Distribution 7am-Noon -Education CenterGaming Commission Meeting @ 5:30 pm –PPC Conference Rm. Cultural Advisory Committee Mtg. @ 6 pm -Cultural CenterToowano Winter Gathering, Stories and Songs @ 5:30 pm Cultural Center 25 BIEC Workshop– FAFSA & Scholarship Night @ 5:30 pm Community Center 14 Valentines Day Bishop Indian Sports Club Annual Basketball Tournament BIEC Workshop– Student and Parent Rights @ 5:30 pm Community Center 19 NO SCHOOL AT BUESD Land Assignment Meeting @ 6 pm -Tribal Chambers- 13 Regular Tribal Council Meeting @ 5:30pm -Tribal Chambers- 18 TRIBAL COURT @ 11am -Tribal Chambers- Little League & Softball Registration Pizza Factory @ 3pm-6pm Cultural Center Docent Training Cultural Center 11 Elders Committee @ 3:30 pm -Elders Building- Enrollment Committee Meeting @ 5:00 pm -Tribal Chambers- Bishop Indian Head Start Closed Toiyabe Indian Health Board Meeting Lone Pine, CA 20 21 Education Center8th Grade Trip TERO TrainingCustomer Service Tribal Chambers 9:00am– 5:00 pm Bishop Indian Head Start Closed THPO Committee Meeting @ 5:30 pm -EMO-B Conference Rm.- 26 Regular Tribal Council Meeting @ 5:30pm -Tribal Chambers- 27 RAVE– Glow in the Dark Dance @7:00pm-11:00pm Barlow Lane Gym TERO– CPR Training 10:00-2:00pm Tribal Chambers 28 TERO– Flagging Training 8:00am-1:00pm Tribal Chambers MARCH 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS… March 8th …….. Daylight Saving Time Begins March 30th …… First Day of Spring Break APRIL 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS… April 5th …… Easter Sunday April 25th ….. Fishing Opening Day *Meetings and Events are subject to cancellation and change.* 19 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBE PST. STD. MAIL U.S. POSTAGE. PAID BISHOP, CA PERMIT NO. 36 Paiute Professional Building 50 Tu Su Lane Bishop, CA 93514 760.873.3584 ph 760.873.4143 fax Return Service Requested PUBLICATION OF THE BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBE 20
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