February 2015 VOL. #7 ISSUE #2 Inside this issue Pastor's Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 by Pastor Brad Music Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 by Sylvia Duncan Stewardship Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 by Steve Trummler SVLC Service Corps (insert) Calendar of Events (insert) Dates, Times & Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Up-Coming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Birthdays & Anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . 7 SVLC Phone Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Shepherd of the Valley Mission Statement: Grounded in the word of God and centered in Christ, SVLC is an accepting and caring community sharing God's love, grace and forgiveness with all. Shepherd's Staff is published eleven times each year. It is the voice of the congregation; your articles, letters, and comments are welcome at any time. Submissions to the newsletter must be signed when received, although names may be withheld from the newsletter upon request. Submissions are subject to editing for space and clarity. Please submit articles by email or directly to the office. The deadline for the March 2015 issue is Sunday February 15th. 20097-72 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1S7 Phone: 604-530-1311 Fax: 604-539-8711 email: [email protected] website: www.svlc.ca Pastor's Message Bradford Senften February 2015 is the beginning of the Lenten If the little crosses many wear are symbols of Wednesday, February 18th is Ash anything at all, more than pretty decoration, Wednesday and we begin that special time they must be the bold confession that Christ is before Easter as a time of penitence and Lord, our Lord, and that we will bear the cross worship. As we have in the past, we will begin as well as wear the cross. Season. the night before with a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Ash Wednesday service time is 7:30 pm. As we begin our Lenten journey to the cross, the intent and purpose in this sacred season is the same intent and purpose Jesus had when he prepared disciples for the cross – the cross Christ must endure as the Messiah, the Suffering Servant of the Lord. By preparing them for his cross, Jesus would prepare them for their own. They were to be his cross- You are invited to our Lenten Services: Ash Wednesday, February 18th Lent I 7:30 pm, February 26th marked people of mission, just as you and I are Lent II 7:30 pm, March 5th now Jesus' cross-marked men and women – a Lent III 7:30 pm, March 12th people separated for his service and upon Lent IV 7:30 pm, March 19th whom Christ exercises total claim. Lent V 7:30 pm, March 26th Our purpose is to sharpen our focus on the cross of Maundy Thursday 7:30 pm, April 2nd Christ and then tune our hearts to Jesus' Good Friday 11:00 am, April 3rd impelling invitation: “Follow me!” I invite all of us to save the dates and plan to participate in these opportunities for worship and reflection in the weeks preceding Easter. 2 From the Music Director Sylvia Duncan Christmas is but a distant memory, the season after Epiphany has started, and we are now setting our sights on our Lenten journey which begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th. As I prepare music for this season, I happened to read through the text again of the hymn, Bless Now, O God, the Journey. This hymn talks about the journey that we all take, through wherever life leads us, through 'noise and silence, through desert and mountains, and beside still waters', and the fact that Christ is with us on this journey, 'he doesn't wait for us in places but meets us all around'. The author of this text was Sylvia Dunstan, a Canadian United Church minister, who has written many of the texts in our hymnal. She was born in 1955 and died in 1993, four months after being diagnosed with cancer. We all have different journeys, leading us in different paths, but Christ goes with us on this journey, and his presence can be felt in those people who walk with us. When I reflect on this topic, I can't help but think about Scott Trapp and his short journey, and all the people who he inspired during his time here on earth. I also think about my uncle, who passed away last week at the age of 95, and his wife of over 60 years who passed away on the same day, not knowing that her husband had passed away just 15 hours earlier. Their journeys ended in love and togetherness forever. Please take the time to read the following hymn text. I hope you find it inspirational. Bless now, O God, the journey that all your people make, The path through noise and silence, the way of give and take. The trail is found in desert and winds the mountain round, then leads beside still waters, the road where faith is found. Bless sojourners and pilgrims who share this winding way; your hope burns through the terrors, your love sustains the day. We yearn for holy freedom while often we are bound; together we are seeking the road where faith is found. Divine eternal lover, you meet us on the road. We wait for lands of promise where milk and honey flow, but waiting not for places, you meet us all around. Our covenant is written on roads, as faith is found. Text: Sylvia G Dunstan copy written 1991 GIA Publications, Inc. Reprinted with permission, OneLicense.net #A-708708 Now I would like to thank all those musicians who have assisted in our worship services this past month, from Christmas to now. They are: Jesse Brook, Mena Chiarizia, Stephen Duncan, Jamie Enders, Marlis Enders, Malina Gamble, Jenn Jassmann, Scott MacKenzie, Mark Mathiasen, Diana Meister, Frank Morwood, Mary Grace Poppy, Veronica Schopp, Allan Thorpe, Patti Thorpe, and Nicole Wall. Thank you so much for your continued service. In peace, Sylvia 3 Stewardship Division Steve Trummler At that time we had the burden of a mortgage that the congregation carried for many years and was eventually paid for. Now we are Every month you receive the Shepherd’s Staff and mortgage-free and can’t make see the Division of Stewardship article. In writing this I ends meet? consulted Webster's dictionary to look up the Where is the spirit, the generosity, the willingness to definition of “Stewardship” and the position and duties support our church in a time of need? There is a of a steward: one who is entrusted with the challenge here for all of us; stop spending the management of property, finances or other affairs, not money we have left in our Certificate of Deposit or his/her own. selling off the assets of our church! How does this apply to us as a I can assure you that your We have a wonderful church with many programs Division of Stewardship is responsible, capable, and for young and old, beautiful music, and two pastors willing to manage the Stewardship mandate under who are here to provide us with spiritual guidance Council’s guidance. and leadership. And, we have our friends here. This congregation, we ask? church - your church, my church - is a place of peace, Starting in late 2012, Shepherd of the Valley happiness, tranquillity, belonging, and the house of encountered for the first time a major financial the Lord. This is Gods law: shortfall. This situation continued through 2013 and 2014. During this time our church has remained a place of worship, music, and fellowship for young and old. Most of our congregational members didn’t even notice the crisis our church was passing through. In order to provide a church for you to worship in, to support the many ongoing programs, and to manage and continue operations (paying for programs, office expenses, salaries etc.) we had to dip into our nest egg. In the past, when we were a relatively small congregation in a small church, we gave the support that enabled us to purchase the land and build the church we worship in now. 4 We have to give before we get. We must plant the seeds before we reap the harvest. The more we sow, the more we reap. And in giving to others, we find ourselves blessed. God works to give us back more then we have sown. The giver’s harvest is always full. Dates, Times, & Notes SAVE THE DATE! The Annual Lutheran Women’s Retreat will take place June 5-7 and is open to Lenten Services Ash Wednesday, February 18th Lent I 7:30 pm, February 26th Lent II 7:30 pm, March 5th Lent III 7:30 pm, March 12th all women ages 18 and up. Lent IV 7:30 pm, March 19th This is your opportunity to Reflect, Lent V 7:30 pm, March 26th Refresh, and Renew at the LWR! REFLECT – on our retreat theme for 2015: Space for GOD REFRESH – at the beautiful grounds of the Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center, Sumas WA RENEW – your mind, body, and spirit!! This year's speaker will be Pastor LoriAnne Boutin-Crawford from First Lutheran Church Vancouver. More details/updates (including registration information) will be available soon. God Bless and we look forward to seeing you Flower Chart The Worship & Music Division has changed the policy of having flowers on the Altar during Lent. Starting this year, flowers of subdued colour may be placed at the Altar for Sunday services. Please sign your name on the flower chart that is posted on the SignUp Board in the Narthex. in June! 5 Mark Your Calendars Sunday School Intergenerational Event Sunday February 1st All Sunday School Angels and members of the congregation are invited to join us! 9:45 am in the Sanctuary Family Day Civic Holiday Monday February 9th Men's breakfast at Ricky's Saturday February 7th at 8:30 am February Meetings Divisions & Council 11 Feb Worship & Music - 10:30 am TBA Outreach Meeting - 10:30 am 15 Feb Stewardship Meeting - 9:45 am 15 Feb Parish Life Meeting - 10:00 am 16 Feb Properties Meeting - 7:30 pm 24 Feb Council Meeting - 7:30 pm Office Closed Tuesday Feb 10th New-Comers' Potluck & Valentine Cake Auction Sunday February 15th Following 11:00 service Fellowship Hall Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper February 17th 6:00 pm Fellowship Hall Seniors' Event 12:00 noon - Destination to be announced! Wed February 25th Watch for sign-up sheet in Hall 6 Next Newsletter Deadline Sunday February 15th Scrapbooking Friday February 20th 5-11 pm Sat February 21st 10 am - 10 pm First Lent Service 7:30 pm Thursday Feb 26 The Salvation Army Gateway of Hope is hosting the 2nd Annual Coldest Night of the Year Winter Walk on February 21. This 2.5 or 10 km walk around Gateway and into the city and township is to raise awareness of homelessness in the Langley area, and to raise money to fund the programs and services offered at the Gateway of Hope. February Alex Anderson Leanna Bartyuk Matthew Brack Matthew Bushell-Ranquist Anne Charlton Frank Chiarizia Cameron Chow Cassandra Chow Madison Chow Jessica Clow Stephen Duncan Marlis Enders Shannon Heavens Danica Herbert Kyle Herbert Caitlin Hood Pete Kennedy Karen Kosterman Leanne Long Genevieve MacKay Kirsti Mathiasen Brent Mitchler Connie Moore Jason Olsen Emily Peck Elmar Pohl Melissa Ratajczak Ratel Hayley Ross Walter Sandhoefner James Senften Stephen Stogryn Mitchell Styba Erik Teitz Andrea Tollefson Ralph van Eijnsbergen Taylor Vandekerkhove Amy & Chris Cronmiller Carole & Don Nimchuk Akpezi & Kingsley Okerri Heide & Elmar Pohl Eileen & Ray Stewart Angie & Steve Trummler 7 Contact Us Ralph Steele Church Information Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church 20097-72 Avenue, Langley, BC V2Y 1S7 Phone: 604-530-1311 Fax: 604-539-8711 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.svlc.ca Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. If you need access to the church when the office is closed, please first contact a Division Chair. Pastor Brad Senften 604-882-1240 [email protected] Pastor Kristen Steele 604-837-1416 [email protected] Music Director: Sylvia Duncan 604-533-5060 [email protected] Secretary: Eleanor Lawson 604-530-1311 [email protected] Council Chair: Frank Chiarizia 604-532-9876 [email protected] 8
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