!!!! VLDB2015 ! ! 41st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Kohala Coast, Hawaii ! ! ! ! ! ! Proceedings!of!the! VLDB!Endowment! ! Volume!8,!No.!6!–!February!2015! Proceedings!of!the!41st!International!Conference!on!! Very!Large!Data!Bases,!Kohala!Coast,!Hawaii! ! ! Program!Chairs!and!EditorsAinAChief:!! Chen!Li!and!Volker!Markl! !! Associate!Editors!–!Research!and!Innovative!Systems!Tracks:!! Kevin!Chang,!Shivnath!Babu,!Magdalena!Balazinska,!Felix!Naumann,!Stefan!Manegold,!Yi!Chen,!Fatma!Ozcan,! Jignesh!Patel! !! Associate!Editors!–!Experiments!and!Analysis!Track:!! Rainer!Gemulla! ! Proceedings!Chairs:!! Tyson!Condie,!Daisy!Zhe!Wang! ! ! ! ! ! PVLDB – Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Volume 8, No. 6, February 2015. The 41st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Kahola Coast, Hawaii. Copyright 2015 VLDB Endowment This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/. Obtain permission prior to any use beyond those covered by the license. Contact copyright holder by emailing [email protected]. Volume 8, Number 6, February 2015: VLDB 2015 Pages ii - ix and 642 - 701 ISSN 2150-8097 Additional copies only online at: portal.acm.org, arxiv.org/corr, and www.vldb.org PVLDB Vol. 8 No. 6 ii VLDB2015 – Kohala Coast, Hawaii TABLE OF CONTENTS Front Matter Copyright Notice .................................................................................................................. Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ VLDB 2015 Organization and Review Board ........................................................................... ii iii iv Letters Letter from an Associate Editor ......................................................................... Felix Naumann ix Research Papers Improving Main Memory Hash Joins on Intel Xeon Phi Processors: An Experimental Approach ... ............................... Saurabh Jha, Bingsheng He, Mian Lu, Xuntao Cheng, Huynh Phung Huynh 642 DREAM: Distributed RDF Engine with Adaptive Query Planner and Minimal Communication ........ 654 Mohammad Hammoud, Dania Abed Rabbou, Reza Nouri, Seyed-Mehdi-Reza Beheshti, Sherif Sakr Online Topic-Aware Influence Maximization ............................................................................ ................................. Shuo Chen, Ju Fan, Guoliang Li, Jianhua Feng, Kian-Iee Tan, Jinhui Tang 666 Walk, Not Wait: Faster Sampling Over Online Social Networks ................................................. ................. Azade Nazi, Zhuojie Zhou, Saravanan Thirumuruganathan, Nan Zhang, Gautam Das 678 Querying with Access Patterns and Integrity Constraints .......................................................... ................................................................ Michael Benedikt, Julien Leblay, Efthymia Tsamoura 690 PVLDB Vol. 8 No. 6 iii VLDB2015 – Kohala Coast, Hawaii VLDB 2015 ORGANIZATION AND REVIEW BOARD General Chairs PhD Workshop Chairs Michael J. Carey, University of California, Irvine Rachel Pottinger (UBC) Program Chairs and Editors-in-Chief of PVLDB 8 Proceedings Chairs Chen Li, University of California, Irvine Daisy Zhe Wang, University of Florida Volker Markl, TU Berlin Tyson Condie, University of California, Los Angeles Sponsorship Chairs Research and Innovative Systems Tracks Associate Editors Michael Franklin, University of California, Berkeley Kevin Chang, U Illinois Edward Change, HTC Shivnath Babu, Duke University Patrick Valduriez, INRIA Felix Naumann, Hasso Plattner Institute Local Organization Chair Stefan Manegold, CWI Amsterdam Lipyeow Lim, University of Hawaii Yi Chen, NJIT Fatma Ozcan, IBM Research Almaden Conference and Registration Chairs Jignesh Patel, University of Wisconsin, Madison Ke Chen, Zhejiang University Magdalena Balazinska, University of Washington Cuiping Li, Renmin University Experiments and Analysis Track Associate Editors Publicity and Web Management Chair Rada Chirkova, North Carolina State Rainer Gemulla, MPI Saarbrücken, Germany Treasury Chair Industrial, Applications and Experience Track Associate Editors Malu Castellanos, HP Labs Anhai Doan, University of Wisconsin, Madison Prasan Roy, Sclera VLDB Endowment Liaison Gregor Hackenbroich, SAP Paul Larson, Microsoft Research Demonstration Chair PVLDB Managing Editor Alfons Kemper, TU München Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Labs Tutorial Chairs PVLDB Information Director Tova Milo, Tel Aviv University Gerald Weber, University of Auckland Pierre Senellart, Telecom Paris Tech, France PVLDB Advisory Committee Philip Bernstein, Michael Böhlen, Peter Buneman, Susan Davidson, Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu, S. Sudarshan, Gerhard Weikum Panel Chair Joseph M. Hellerstein, University of California, Berkeley PVLDB Vol. 8 No. 6 iv VLDB2015 – Kohala Coast, Hawaii Peter Fischer, Universität Freiburg Research Track Review Board Avrilia Floratou, IBM Daniel Abadi, Yale University Avigdor Gal, Technion Alberto Abello, UPC Barcelona Minos Garofalakis, Technical U of Crete Ashraf Aboulnaga, Qatar Computing Research Wolfgang Gatterbauer, Carnegie Mellon U Institute Tingjian Ge, University of Massachusetts Lowell Foto Afrati, NTU Athens Floris Geerts, University of Antwerp Sihem Amer Yahia, CNRS LIG Lukasz Golab, University of Waterloo Aijun An, York University Torsten Grust, Universität Tübingen Arvind Arasu, Microsoft Research Jarek Gryz, York University Walid Aref, Purdue University Dimitrios Gunopulos, University of Athens Paolo Atzeni, Roma Tre University Hakan Hacigumus, NEC Labs Denilson Barbosa, University of Alberta Wook Shin Han, POSTECH Srikanta Bedathur, IBM Research Seif Haridi, KTH Stockholm Philip Bernstein, Microsoft Research Oktie Hassanzadeh, IBM Research Michael Böhlen, University of Zürich Bingsheng He, Nanyang Technological University Jeffrey Heer, University of Washington Peter Boncz, CWI Amsterdam Angela Bonifati, Lille 1 U and INRIA Herodotos Herodotou, Microsoft Research Philippe Bonnet, IT U of Copenhagen Katja Hose, Aalborg University Nico Bruno, Google Vagelis Hristidis, University of California, Riverside Alex Buchmann, TU Darmstadt Jeong-Hyon Hwang, State University of New York at Mike Cafarella, University of Michigan Albany K. Selcuk Candan, Arizona State University Stratos Idreos, Harvard University Malu Castellanos, HP Labs Yannis Ioannidis, University Of Athens Kaushik Chakrabarti, Microsoft Research Zachary Ives, University of Pennsylvania Lei Chen, Hong Kong U of Science and Technology Christopher Jermaine, Rice University Fei Chiang, McMaster University Ruoming Jin, Kent State University Byron Choi, Hong Kong Baptist University Alekh Jindal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Philippe Cudre Mauroux, Fribourg University Ryan Johnson, University of Toronto Mahashweta Das, HP Labs Eser Kandogan, IBM Research Almaden Sudipto Das, Microsoft Research Gjergji Kasneci, Hasso Plattner Institute Amol Desphande, University of Maryland Asterios Katsifodimos, TU Berlin Stefan Dessloch, TU Kaiserslautern Yannis Katsis, University of California, San Diego Jens Dittrich, Saarland University Daniel Keim, Universität Konstanz Alin Dobra, University of Florida Bettina Kemme, McGill University Xin Luna Dong, Google Eamonn Keogh, University of California, Riverside Jennie Duggan, MIT Martin Kersten, CWI Amsterdam Wenfei Fan, University of Edinburgh Daniel Kifer, Penn State University Alan Fekete, University of Sydney Australia Hideaki Kimura, Hewlett Packard George Kollios, Boston University PVLDB Vol. 8 No. 6 v VLDB2015 – Kohala Coast, Hawaii Donald Kossman, ETH Zurich Hannes Mühleisen, CWI Amsterdam Nick Koudas, University of Toronto Arnab Nandi, Ohio State University Georgia Koutrika, HP Labs Vivek Narasayya, Microsoft Research Tim Kraska, Brown University Jeffrey Naughton, University of Wisconsin Madison Harumi Kuno, HP Labs Rimma Nehme, Microsoft Laks Lakshmanan, University of British Columbia Thomas Neumann, TU Munich Paul Larson, Microsoft Research Raymond Ng, University of British Columbia Hongrae Lee, Google Christopher Olston, Google Wolfgang Lehner, TU Dresden Dan Olteanu, Oxford University & LogicBlox Alberto Lerner, New York University Beng Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore Ulf Leser, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin M. Tamer Özsu, University of Waterloo Justin Levandoski, Microsoft Research Themis Palpanas, Paris Descartes University Feifei Li, University of Utah Ippokratis Pandis, IBM Research Almaden Guoliang Li, Tsinghua University Dimitris Papadias, Hong Kong U of Science and Jianzhong Li, Harbin Institute of Technology Technology Yunyao Li, IBM Research Almaden Paolo Papotti, Qatar Computing Research Institute Erietta Liarou, EPF Lausanne Andy Pavlo, Carnegie Mellon University Xuemin Lin, University of New South Wales Torben Bach Pedersen, Aalborg University Ziyang Liu, NEC Labs America Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University Eric Lo, Polytecnic University of Hong Kong Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College London Guy Lohman, IBM Research Almaden Evaggelia Pitoura, University of Ioannina Jiaheng Lu, Renmin University of China Alkis Polyzotis, Google and University of California, Qiong Luo, Hong Kong University of Science and Santa Cruz Technology Fabio Porto, LNCC Brazil Jayant Madhavan, Google Li Qian, Facebook Ioana Manolescu, INRIA Jorge Arnulfo Quiane Ruiz, Qatar Computing Research Patrick Marcel, University of Tours Institute Marta Mattoso, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Tilmann Rabl, University of Toronto Alexandra Meliou, University of Massachusetts Erhard Rahm, Universität Leipzig Amherst Krithi Ramamritham, IIT Bombay Sergey Melnik, Google Ravi Ramamurthy, Microsoft Research Weiyi Meng, Binghamton University Vijayshankar Raman, IBM Research Almaden Sebastian Michel, Saarland University Mirek Riedewald, Northeastern University Iris Miliaraki, Yahoo Labs Barcelona Tore Risch, Uppsala Universitet Renee Miller, University of Toronto Kenneth Ross, Columbia University Zhou Minqi, East China Normal University Elke Rundensteiner, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Prasenjit Mitra, Penn State University US Bernhard Mitschang, Universität Stuttgart Barna Saha, AT&T Labs Research Mohamed Mokbel, Northeastern University Kenneth Salem, University of Waterloo Barzan Mozafari, University of Michigan Simonas Saltenis, Aalborg University PVLDB Vol. 8 No. 6 vi VLDB2015 – Kohala Coast, Hawaii Kai Uwe Sattler, TU Ilmenau Rares Vernica, HP Labs Eric Sedlar, Oracle Labs Gottfried Vossen, WWU Münster Bernhard Seeger, Philipps Universität Marburg Florian Waas, Datometry Inc. Kyuseok Shim, Seoul National University Daisy Zhe Wang, University of Florida Jerome Simeon, IBM Research Watson Haixun Wang, Google Alkis Simitsis, HP Labs Wei Wang, University of New South Wales Michael Stonebraker, Massachusetts Institute of Gerhard Weikum, Max Planck Institut für Informatik Technology Till Westmann, Oracle Labs Julia Stoyanovich, Drexel University Steven Whang, Google Nan Tang, Qatar Computing Research Institute Kyu Young Whang, KAIST Yufei Tao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Raymond Chi Wing Wong, Hong Kong University of Sandeep Tata, Google Science and Technology Nesime Tatbul, Intel Labs and MIT Xiaokui Xiao, Nanyang Technological University Arash Termehchy, Oregon State University Xifeng Yan, University of California, Santa Barbara Evimaria Terzi, Boston University Jun Yang, Duke University Jens Teubner, TU Dortmund Xiaochun Yang, Northeastern University China Martin Theobald, University of Antwerp Cong Yu, Google Research Andreas Thor, University of Leipzig Ge Yu, Northeastern University China Yuanyuan Tian, IBM Research Almaden Jeffrey Xu Yu, Chinese University of Hong Kong Anthony Tung, National University of Singapore Xiaofang Zhou, The University of Queensland Vasilis Vassalos, Athens University Esteban Zimanyi, UL Brussels Yannis Vassiliou, NTU Athens Marcin Zukowski, Snowflake Computing Yannis Velegrakis, University of Trento PVLDB Vol. 8 No. 6 vii VLDB2015 – Kohala Coast, Hawaii LETTER FROM AN ASSOCIATE EDITOR On behalf of the PVLDB editor I am delighted to present to you the sixth issue of the Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Volume 8. PVLDB publishes papers accepted through a journal-style reviewing process from papers submitted on a yearround monthly submission schedule. All PVLDB papers published in this volume will be presented at the VLDB 2015 Conference, to be held in Kohala Coast, Hawaii, August 31 - September 4, 2015. This issue comprises only five papers – it is the shortest issue yet for this year’s volume, probably due to a coinciding SIGMOD 2015 deadline. Two of the papers of this issue cover core database problems, namely query optimization and processing for relational databases. Another describes a query processing engine for RDF data. Finally, two papers are concerned with data from and about social networks. This paper selection is a good sample of the wide VLDB spectrum, showing that the community is embracing modern data and modern hardware while not losing their links to the traditional RDBMS roots. Remarkably, the authors of the five papers work on four different continents (Asia, Australia, Europe and North America), proving the wide reach of database research and its community. Many thanks to the authors for their hard work in writing (and sometimes revising) these excellent papers! Finally, I would like to thank the reviewers for their hard work – receiving a monthly batch of papers for an entire year is certainly quite a job. But this task is also rewarding: We have the opportunity to help authors of weaker papers by giving good feedback and we can enjoy reading the strong papers while looking forward to the presentations in the summer. Felix Naumann (PVLDB Associate Editor) PVLDB Vol. 8 No. 6 ix VLDB2015 – Kohala Coast, Hawaii
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