Leisure VillageWest News 55 Plus: “It’s the time of your life to have the time of your life” Volume 22, Number 2 The Official Magazine of Leisure Village West Association **********ECRWSS********** POSTAL CUSTOMER February, 2015 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID Lakewood, NJ 08701 PERMIT NO. 211 EDDM Page 2 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Call Now For Your FREE CONSULTATION! February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 3 Inside This Month’s Leisure Village West News ..................................................................................Page Trustees’ Corner......................... 4-7 Manager’s Corner.......................... 9 Arts & Crafts Club..........................................66 Bocce Club............................................................53 Book Discussion...............................................63 Bowling........................................................... 49-51 Bridge Club (Duplicate)..............................64 CALENDAR................... 40-41 (Centerfold) Caritas Guild.........................................................21 Classified Ads.....................................................69 Computer Club.................................................. 60 Crossword.............................................................26 Crossword Solution.......................................57 Current Events Group..................................20 Dance Club............................................................73 Dates to Remember.......................................25 Association office Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-4p.m. 732-657-9595 Service/Emergency Calls 24 hour coverage 732-657-8878 LVW Maintenance 8 a.m-4 p.m. 732-657-8878 Accounting Office: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 732-657-5881 Leisure West News 732-657-0181 ..................................................................................Page Emergency Notification Comm.............10 Financial Info Club......................................... 60 First Aid Auxiliary..........................................23 Fishing Club.........................................................52 Garden Club..........................................................75 Genealogy...............................................................61 Helpful Hints........................................................25 Inquiring Photographers.............................. 11 Irish-American Club...................................... 77 KLVW-TV.................................................................12 Knights of Columbus......................................16 Line Dancing Club...........................................73 Manchester Library........................................18 Meeting Schedule...................................30-32 Helping Hands – 732-657-2842 VISTON – 732-657-1818 (Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-11 a.m.) Recreation Building hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. daily Office hours: Willow Hall 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 732-657-9109 Club Encore, daily, 8 a.m.- 1 p.m., 2 - 4 p.m. 732-657-7789 Nautilus Room Only, 7 a.m. ..................................................................................Page Nature Club..........................................................76 Notes from the Editor.....................................8 Notes from the Mayor.................................56 Ocean County Connection........................57 ORT.............................................................................. 17 Pet Club...................................................................65 Ping-Pong Club..................................................46 RECREATION Events..........................28-43 Residents’ Poetry............................................58 Tennis Club...........................................................47 Thank You..............................................................13 VISTON.....................................................................44 Welcome New Neighbors...........................12 Westernaires.......................................................63 West Village Players.....................................74 Greenhouse Hours October to April Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30-11:30 a.m. Gatehouses Gate #1 – 732-657-4334 (Route 70) 24 Hours-Visitors/Vendors Pre-Call 732-657-4335 Gate #2 – (Huntington Drive) 24 hours, Residents Only Gate #3 – 732-657-1658 (Route 37) Visitors, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Residents, 24 hours Leisure Village West News Volume 22, Number 2 February, 2015 This publication is owned and published by Leisure Village West Association 959 Buckingham Drive, Manchester, NJ 08759, Leisure Village West News Telephone Number 732-657-0181 Joe Schultz, Community Manager Editor, Ayme Friggle E-mail Address: [email protected] Volunteer staff: Assistant Editor: Mary Ann Earlman LVW Board of Trustees: Proofreading: Sandra Kaufman President Emily Beck, Rita Ellard, Harriet Sussman, Helen Epstein, Betty Maguire, Kay Marshall, Lorraine Wirths, Charles Frattini Vice President Sally Pollack, Judy Langreich, Marilyn Mone, Thomas Ryan Secretary Tony D’Amato, Phyllis Young, Marge King, and Sandy Pogers Russ Steenweg Treasurer Archives: Rose Brotzky Typist: Carolyn Thompson Charles Lupo Assistant Secretary Photography: Volunteer photographers Sal Tozzi Assistant Treasurer Production by Senior Publications Co. Mel Traum Trustee For Advertising Information call: 888-637-3200 Fax 800-336-6996 Leisure Village West News is published by the Leisure Village West Association. This publication is for the prime purpose of the enjoyment of the community. The deadline for submissions is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of each month for the following month’s publication. The LVW Board of Trustees and/or the Editor reserve the right to refuse any and all advertisements and editorial material not suitable or in the best interest of its readers. LVW also reserves the right to refuse any controversial or political material, maintaining an upbeat, light reading experience in accordance with the Board of Trustees. All copy is subject to editing. Leisure Village West News and advertisers are not responsible for typographical errors. All rights are reserved. Anyone wishing to reprint any part of this publication may do so with the written consent of the publisher. Page 4 TRUSTEES’ Leisure Village West News February, 2015 CORNER Leisure Village West Association Board of Trustees Meeting – Dec 17, 2014 The meeting commenced at approximately 7 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Items voted on: R. Steenweg moved to authorize the Association to contract with Marion Security for a one-year contract for a total cost of $163,514.97. The funds to meet this expense will be provided by account #7310-Gatehouse Security. C. Lupo seconded. Mr. Lupo, yes; Mr. Ryan, yes; Mr. Tozzi, yes; Mr. Traum, yes; Mr. Steenweg, yes; Ms. Kaufman, yes; Mr. Frattini, yes by proxy. Advisory Resident Services: Sara Zitelli read her report, a copy of which is attached to and made part of these minutes. Architectural: Tom Hardman read his report, a copy of which is attached to and made part of these minutes. Administration: Judy Langreich reported that there was no meeting for December and the next meeting is January 12 at 1 p.m. in the Association office. Finance: Beverly Craft read her report, a copy of which is attached to and made part of these minutes. Manager’s Report: J. Schultz reported that we are almost done with cleaning the leaves and will begin blowing off the roofs and gutters. There was an article in the Leisure Village West News for snow removal procedures and a question about parking on the driveway during snow removal. Residents are asked to keep the driveway clear and not park on the street during this time. Vehicles can be parked in 72-hour parking at the clubhouses. There will be an expense of $6,438.50 for electrical panel boxes to be voted on at the January 7 board meeting. Old Business (Items Pending) FHA CERTIFICATION: J. Schultz reported that the Association received its certification and this item will be removed from the agenda. Fran McGovern, Esq. M. Lamberti asked Mr. McGovern about Schedule C of the Bylaws and the rule that no owner shall be permitted to post any signs outside in the interior of the unit where it can be seen. Mr. McGovern said that the Supreme Court said that the political signs were permitted. The Association can regulate the size, time and placement of the signs. E. Baumeister said most residents do not oppose signs inside the house, and asked to clarify whether residents can place signs outside the house because she is concerned with protecting the architectural integrity of the village. Mr. McGovern stated that if our documents require a vote to change this rule, this vote should start now to go out to the unit owners. S. Zitelli said that some time ago residents wanted to put alarm company signs outside and the Board allowed them in the five foot area. A. D’Amato asked about political solicitation and whether he would be allowed Continued on page 5 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 5 Board of Trustees’ Workshop Meeting Minutes of December 17, 2014 Continued from page 4 to solicit to run for trustee. Mr. McGovern said that flyers would be permitted door to door, according to a recent court case. E. Silverstein asked if he was to run for trustee, could he send out 3000 post cards. M. Lamberti said previous trustee elections required candidates to sign a code of conduct that only allowed them to place flyers in the clubhouses. Mr. McGovern said that the Association cannot compel people to sign an agreement or ban solicitation. S. Kaufman reminded everyone that the next Board meeting is January 7 at 1 p.m. in Willow Hall and January 28 at 2 p.m. for the annual audit and 7 p.m. for the Board workshop in Willow Hall. Audience comments: C. Brignola and I. Dissis offered a proposal to form a group of residents to research the various needs, opportunities, requests and concerns to enhance the efficiency in running the village. A. D’Amato asked about the gym hours on the creeper and why it needs to be posted. He asked if the Resident to Resident services can be posted on creeper.com. J. Ercolino said he would like to see the maintenance fee increased fifty-cents to be built into the budget as a bonus to the workers. He also asked if the workers can have the same number placed on their vest as the vehicle they are working with. He also said that a supervisor told him that his lawn will turn brown at the first frost. So far he still has a green lawn and the Association should educate the workers about fertilizing and watering. L. Fisher said there is a hill on the front of her yard and there are tire marks from the person doing leaf cleaning and he also knocked over a walkway light. Ms. Kaufman reported that the Board received a letter from a resident suggesting that the walk lights be turned off during the late night and early morning hours and the Board was not in favor of this. E. Silverstein said he is 110% against increasing the maintenance fee. He also suggested checking everyone coming through the security gates by asking for their driver’s license and registration. Ms. Kaufman mentioned that there is a gratuity box located at the clubhouses for residents who wish to donate. This money is distributed among the workers excluding management. There being nothing further to discuss, the meeting ended at approximately 8:10 p.m. Board of Trustees’ Meeting – Jan 7, 2015 Present at the meeting were M. Traum, R. Steenweg, S. Tozzi, S. Kaufman, C. Frattini and Community Manager Joseph Schultz. Tom Ryan and Charles Lupo were absent from this meeting. The meeting commenced at approximately 1 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Appearances: Tony Fusco, Vice President of Marion Security attended the meeting to explain what his Security Company does for the community and mentioned that his goal is to make the service better for the village. He discussed the issues of visitors showing up at a unit without the guard calling the resident as well as the issue of both the resident gate and visitor gate opening up at the same time causing a potential accident. The training of the guards is ongoing and he has drafted an incident form that can be filled out either by a resident or the Association office giving complete details of an incident. He stated that the sooner he receives the incident report, the faster he can investigate the situation. Items discussed and voted on: S. Tozzi moved to approve the Minutes for the December 3 and December 17, 2014 meetings. C. Frattini seconded. All in favor. T. Ryan and C. Lupo absent. Motion carried. R. Steenweg moved to authorize the Association to Continued on page 6 Page 6 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Board of Trustees’ Workshop Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2015 Continued from page 5 memorialize the payment to George Corrente Electric for the replacement of electrical panels at 822, 824B Liverpool Circle; 16A and 23B Cambridge Circle; 23A Sterling Street and 456A Chesterfield Court for a total of $6,438.50. The funds to meet this expense will be provided by account #3295-Capital ReplacementExterior Restoration and Infrastructure. M. Traum seconded. All in favor. T. Ryan and C. Lupo absent from this meeting. Manager’s Report: J. Schultz reported that Marge Camposano, the Leisure Village West News Editor is no longer with us and the new editor is Ayme Friggle. Ms. Friggle’s email address is [email protected] and articles can be emailed electronically to speed up the process. The Master Deed will be distributed from all recreation halls and the Association office. Residents can come in and sign for the master deed when they pick it up. New Business: J. Schultz reported that the Board is considering allowing residents to purchase two transponders per unit at $50 per transponder for one year and can be renewed annually for $50. There is a proposal to install a ladies and men’s bathroom at the Encore pump house which will be discussed at the next meeting. A car is being donated to the Village, where a resident can call for a ride to recreation events during the evening hours. The vehicle will be insured under the Association’s Inland Marine insurance policy and volunteer residents will be used to drive the car. The vehicle will not be permitted to go outside the village. A donation of $1 each way would be expected. This will be discussed at the next Board meeting. Recreation: M. Lighthipe announced that Studio C will have its first show for 2015 on Thursday, January 5 at 1 p.m. in Willow Hall. The first Showtime for the year is a comedy cabaret and a cheesecake bar on January 24 at 8 p.m., the price is $15 per person. A Super bowl Party will be held on February 1 at Willow Hall and the cost is $12 per person. S. Tozzi announced the passing of Normand Rosenberg and the VFW will hold a tribute to him in Willow Hall on January 22 at 2 p.m. Audience comments: 16. R. Moran was glad to see the weather on channel M. Ruggerio asked about the proposed bathrooms at the Encore pump house and if the residents will be informed about the cost and will the maintenance go up. She also had some concerns about the security of the village by offering the sale of transponders. W. Dylewski asked if there will be advertising on the donated car. He also mentioned that there are a number of residents in the village looking for jobs which is a sign of changing times and for people working, the night meetings are important. T. Ferrell asked about the emergency items that are listed in the Resident Handbook with respect to a call being placed to the security guard when an emergency arises at a unit. He also said that he attempted to watch a trustee meeting on lvwcreeper.com and he was only able to see the last board meeting posted. He asked about the status of the request put to the Board by residents for a Resident Advisory Committee. J. Langreich, who is the chair of the Administration Division, said that her division works at the pleasure of the Board, such as the Resident Handbook and their Trustee liaison is C. Lupo. T. Ferrell asked about the tailgating issue that takes place at the 37 gate and what the status was. He said he can solve the problem but has no place to go with his suggestion. M. Lamberti said she is not in favor of selling transponders and the more vehicles that enter the village can take away a certain amount of security. She also said it would be appreciated if the Board presents the program they are going to use for the donated car. Continued on page 7 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 7 Board of Trustees’ Workshop Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2015 Continued from page 6 She also asked about emergency calls to the guard and how they are handled. W. Dylewski asked about the Resident Advisory Committee that was proposed and said it would be ideas between residents who could submit the ideas to the Board. M. Ruggerio said she is not in favor of a Resident Advisory Committee because she feels it is a small group that wants their way and they will separate themselves and not stay connected. She feels that she can go to the microphone and is listened to. T. Ferrell said it has become a separation between the residents and the trustees because the Board is not operating by transparency. S. Kaufman announced that the next meetings are Wednesday, January 28 at 2 p.m. in Willow Hall for the audited financial statements and at 7 p.m. in Willow Hall for the Board workshop. There being nothing further to discuss, the meeting ended at approximately 2:55 p.m. Did You Miss the Board of Trustees Meeting? If you missed the Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday, you can view the meeting on KLVW-TV Channel 15 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday and at 10 a.m. on the Saturday following the meeting. Board of Trustees’ meetings can also be viewed at www.lvwcreeper.com After log-in, click “Board Meeting Video.” JACK OF ALL TRADES AND MASTER OF MOST Nojobtoobigortoosmall Over25yearsinbusiness Painting,Paperhanging,Carpentry, Repairs,Landscaping,etc. Eugene J Steinhilber LLC 732-349-5174 hICReg#13Vh05551400 spc-899c Bulletin Size Papers JACK OF ALL TRADES AND MASTER OF MOST Nojobtoobigortoosmall Over25yearsinbusiness Painting,Paperhanging,Carpentry, Repairs,Landscaping,etc. Eugene J Steinhilber LLC Page 8 Leisure Village West News Notes from the Editor February, 2015 by Marge Camposano and Ayme Friggle New Beginnings I would like to introduce our new Leisure Village West News Editor, Ms. Ayme Friggle. As for myself, it has been so much more than a pleasure working with the residents, staff and administration of Leisure Village West. We have a staff of proofreaders and volunteers who help with the Leisure Village West News each month who have become dear friends, making it harder to move to a new position. I will be working at town hall for the new mayor. It is not a change that I sought, but was a wonderful offer to work with someone that I have volunteered with for several years for a local non-profit charitable organization. I have truly enjoyed nearly nine years as Editor of the Leisure West News. I will miss you all! --- Marge Thank you Marge for the warm welcome! As your new Editor, I am dedicated to continuing the same level of professionalism Marge has brought to this publication for almost a decade. I am also excited to bring my personal experience and creativity to the future Leisure Village West News editions. I have over 25 years of experience in advertising, graphic design, writing, publishing, marketing and all aspects of the printing industry. I am eager to bring that experience to your monthly news and make it a more enjoyable read for all of you! Please keep an eye on this column to learn more when changes arise. Please note that submissions should now be sent to our new email at [email protected]. I encourage you all to try to submit your materials via email to help make the process more efficient for everyone. The submission deadline will remain unchanged as the First of each month. Many thanks to all of the kindness shown by all whom have welcomed me to your village! I look forward to meeting more residents and staff members and working with many of you. Sincerely, Ayme Friggle Leisure Village West News Guidelines for Submissions “Publicity Packets” with full details for submitting articles for this publication are available at the Leisure Village West News Office, 959 Buckingham Drive. Highlights: It is PREFERRED that articles be submitted via e-mail to [email protected]. Club articles can be attached as a word document or typed within the message part of the e-mail, or printed articles can be dropped off at the Association Office. Include your name, e-mail address, and club name on all material and in the cover letter of your e-mail. Articles must be limited to 350 words or fewer, typed, double-spaced, upper and lower case (NOT ALL CAPS); one article per club, per month. Articles should be clear and concise with a headline to catch the attention of your targeted audience. All submissions are subject to editing. Highlight the fun and interesting aspects of your club. When possible, we will allow additional space for a “special” club event. Material published is limited due to space restrictions. Photos: It is PREFERRED that digital photographs be submitted electronically to [email protected]. Attach photos to your e-mail in JPEG format and include your name, e-mail address, club name and captions (who, what, when, where) in your cover letter. Club publicity chairpersons may submit up to two photos with their monthly articles. If submitting original photos, please clip to an 8-1/2 x 11 inch page with captions and club name. In addition to the print version of our magazine, you may also access this publication on-line at www. lvwcreeper.com. The Leisure Village West News deadline is by or before the first of each month for the following month’s publication. Your suggestions are always welcome. This publication is intended as an upbeat, enjoyable reading experience. If you have any questions, call 732-657-0181. Our office is staffed part time and we will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you. February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Manager’s Corner Page 9 by Joe Schultz Please Excuse Our Appearance While We Remodel As I write this, I’m taking a leap of faith that the Board has already approved the remodeling of the front two bathrooms in Club Encore by the time you read this. If so, we should be starting the demolition by now. The design is similar to the bathrooms we did in Willow, but with a little Art Deco influence. You may also know and have been reassured that the refurbishing work should go much quicker than our last renovation, as there is practically no construction needed. If you’ll remember Willow needed more in the way of accessibility changes, whereas Encore does not. Another positive factor is that Club Encore has additional restrooms available, so we can work on both rooms at the same time, speeding workflow. Our original plans included the back two bathrooms to be remodeled upon the completion of the front two, but that may be delayed as we get closer to the spring and our busy season. I’m sure we’ll work that out as things progress. In any event, the front two rooms are the primary restrooms and are more important to the general use of the building. The back bathrooms, closest to the pool, have a little more work to be done to beautify and correct, after a retrofit that was done years ago to prevent those rooms from freezing up. If you get a chance to look at it in the coming months, you’ll notice what I’m referring to. On the outside walls, you’ll see that the plumbing comes down from the ceiling and is boxed out to somewhat conceal it. Unfortunately, that building was designed with the plumbing running through the attic which has caused much damage in the past, but seems to have been alleviated after some retrofits. Once we get in there, we’ll make that retrofit go away and embed the plumbing in a proper and concealed wall. I think you’ll be happy with the renovation and the new fresher look. We all look forward to the completion and the chance to make something special for you. Handymen vs. Professionals Hiring handymen to do work around the house can often save you money on certain projects without the need for professionals, but beware, handymen, in most cases, cannot add wiring, outlets and fixtures. This is true of electrical and plumbing and other similar trades. The addition of these items often requires a township permit and must be installed by a licensed professional. This is true for single family homes too, but is more important and necessary with a multi-dwelling home, like we have here in the Village. Doing this kind of work without a permit is unlawful and may have legal and financial risks associated with it as well. Please be aware of this when hiring someone to add electrical or plumbing work in and around your home. The Township has a useful website with an explanation of the type of work that can be done without a permit, for which the link is kind of long, but I made it available on lvwcreeper.com as well. http://www.manchestertwp.com/departments/ department-of-inspection/inspections-division/ permits/ Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Emergency Notification Committee (ENC) Planning for the Future By Anne Niebergall Once again the Emergency Notification Committee would like to thank all our Revere volunteers who helped make our October 2014 notification exercise a success. On January 6 the Emergency Notification Committee Coordinators met to discuss and offer feedback on each of their areas. All agreed that the system in place worked. Everyone also agreed that we should continue to reinforce our Mission Statement whereby the Emergency Notification Committee is activated by the Community Manager to facilitate communication within the Village should an emergency arise. During the meeting, all welcomed Mel Traum who will be the Emergency Notification Committee liaison with the Board of Trustees. Our next Coordinators meeting will be on Tuesday, April 7 at 1 p.m. in the A & B room in Willow Hall. Meantime between the months of January, February and March volunteers will be meeting to prepare for our third Revere General Meeting. This meeting will take place on Thursday, April 16 at 2 p.m. in the Willow Hall auditorium. Please note this will be a mandatory meeting for all Reveres and Reveres-AtLarge. More information on this will follow. Anyone interested in becoming a Revere or Revere-At-Large can leave their name and phone number in the ENC mailbox at Willow Hall and one of our volunteers will contact you. As always we welcome input from our fellow residents and your suggestions and ideas can also be submitted to the ENC mailbox at Willow Hall. OLSZAK AND OLSZAK Attorneys at Law Daniel D. olszak, Jr., Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney* Christopher D. olszak, Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney* ESTATE PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION TAX PLANNING MEDICAID PLANNING FREE DENTURE GUARDIANSHIPS AND/OR IMPLANT SMALL BUSINESS LEGAL ADVICE CONSULTATION I.R.S. ISSUES A family-owned elder law and estate planning firm that has assisted families since 1983 With Coupon NEW PATIENTS ONLY 50% OFF CLEANING, COMPLETE EXAM, FULL MOUTH X-RAYS FREE DENTURE AND/OR IMPLANT CONSULTATION Includes BW X-Rays, Oral Cancer Screen - Reg. Fee $250 Expires 3/31/15 With Coupon ECONOMY DENTURE SPECIAL 899 00 EACH $ or $100 OFF any other denture or partial. Lab. Reline Special $295 Each Expires 3/31/15 1000 ROUTE 70, LAKEWOOD LOCATED IN THE LEISURE SQUARE MALL L (732) 367-7775 • Home Appointments Available • al. * by the American Bar Association approved National Elder Law Foundation. ads-516 CELEBRATING 32 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE Dr.BarryPerlman,P.A. WHITING TOWN CENTER 108 LACEY ROAD • SUITE #28 SPC-583C AM, Page 10 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Inquiring Page 11 Photographers by Harriet Sussman and Helen Epstein Every year, LVW has a Senior Expo. What do you like most about this event? Janet Shambaugh - Thornbury Lane Jerry Mascuch - Winfield Court It is a good idea, but we cannot avail ourselves of some of the home improvement ideas offered since we don’t “own” the outside of our condos. Vendors should be screened to make sure they are more varied. Getting pens and leaving. Renee Menasse - Malvern Court Anne Mascuch - Winfield Court The free gifts. And I would like more healthrelated information and less home improvement. I enjoy the variety of information and the possibility of winning a prize. Page 12 Leisure Village West News KLVW Spotlight Broadcast Schedule February, 2015 Welcome New Neighbors by Roberta Klotz February 2 – Defibrillator Demonstration Guest: Charles Brandt Host: Lee Parker February 9 – TBA February 16 - Presidents’ Day – No broadcast February 23 - Emergency Notification Committee Guest: Anne Niebergall Host: Marge King KLVW-TV “Spotlight” Program is broadcast on Mondays at 1 and 6 p.m. Re-broadcasts are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 and 6 p.m. on Channel 15 and are now available for viewing at your conveinience on the KLVW-TV page on lvwcreeper.com Berardis, Eleanor Staten Island, NY Dale, LindaOakland, NJ DePasquale, Robert & Josette Las Vegas, NV Fengya, Robert & Agnes Woodbridge, NJ Helms, Michael & Alice Mahwah, NJ Kravitz, Barbara Toms River, NJ Lee , Robert & Carol Pocomoke City, MD McGowan, Margo New York, NY Millman, BethOakland, NJ Morgan, Connie Toms River, NJ Palma, Debra Kenvil, NJ Phillips, Robert & BarbaraUnion, NJ Riley, Mary Smithtown, NJ Rudnikoff, Robert & Wendy Parsippany, NJ Schoen-Jahngen, Barbara Newark, DE Smith, Edward Brick, NJ Stanisla, Wladyslawa Garfield, NJ Stolarz, Stanistaw Garfield, NJ Struening, Bonnie Howell, NJ Sturm, Chris & Maria Springfield, NJ Tkaczuk, Myron & Deborah Belleville, NJ Walsh, Kathleen Wall Township, NJ Reminder: Willow Hall Parking Snow and Ice: When In Doubt, Don’t Go Out. Thirty minute parking spaces at Willow Hall are reserved for residents conducting limited transactions within the clubhouse. We ask that all residents comply with this regulation. February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 13 Attention Snowbirds! If you wish to receive your Leisure Village West News while you are away, please do the following: My family wishes to thank all of our friends for their condolences on the passing of my dear husband, Art. He was so special to all of us, and I know he will be missed by all. Lee Tauber Dear friends, Thank you for your sympathy during our time of loss. Your kind thoughts are of great comfort to us. Roberta Tauber Klotz and family Dear friends and neighbors, Many thanks for your well wishes, cards and phone calls during my illness. It’s nice to know that we live in such a caring community. Al Baron A very Special THANK YOU to all the members of the Westernaires and all my friends at LWV for all their cards, visits, prayers and calls during my surprise period of illness. It was all these expressions of love and kindness that helped me through it all. God Bless all of you. Marie Kearney We sincerely appreciate all the prayers and well wishes expressed by our wonderful friends in Leisure Village West. We truly believe it is because of you that Tommy is doing so well in his ongoing battle with cancer. Thank you, Thomas and Carol Ryan • Purchase 9” x 12” or 10” x 13” manila envelopes. • Address the envelopes with your name and out-of-town address. Please print clearly. • In the lower left corner, print the month of the issue you want sent; one for each month that you will be away, i.e., one envelope for December, another for January, February, etc. • Affix $2.24 in stamps on each envelope. • Bring your envelopes to the Leisure Village West News office in the Association building. The staff will do the mailing for you. *Please note: The Leisure Village West News is also available on-line @ www.lvwcreeper.com The deadline for the Leisure Village West News is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of EACH MONTH for the following month’s publication John’s TRI COUNTY PAINTING FATHER & SON Excellent Painting Year Round Benjamin Moore Paints – 2 Coats Fully Insured • Free Estimates Neat • Dependable “NEW” Number 732-262-7553 John Arendt ads-1523 Page 14 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 O’MALLEY, SURMAN & MICHELINI Attorneys at Law General Practice, Estate Planning, Probate, Real Estate, Personal Injury, Family Law, General Litigation 17 Beaverson Boulevard Brick, NJ 08723-0220 (732) 477-4200 Leisure Village West 3-B Buckingham Drive Manchester, NJ 08759 (732) 657-6499 Cedarcrest Professional Building 75 Lacey Road • Whiting, NJ 08759 (732) 350-7210 [email protected] Edwin J. O’Malley, Jr. Gregory A. Surman• Joseph Michelini* Jill L. Thiemann* Susan E. Dimaria • NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS * ALSO ADMITTED IN PENNSYLVANIA spc-1017 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Every Picture Tells A Story and we’d like to share yours! Submit a photo of your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, or a photo with special significance to you. Show them off! Submit an original photo to Ayme at the Leisure Village West News, 959 Buckingham Drive or e-mail to [email protected] in jpeg format and identify the “who, what, when and where” of the photo, along with your name, for our “Memorable Moments” column. Page 15 LVW HELPING HANDS Assist your neighbor? LVW Helping Hands organization would appreciate knowing if you have an unused wheelchair in good condition that could be kept at your home and be lent out when a resident needs it. If so, please call Helping Hands at 732-657-2842 so we can add it to our registry of items to be loaned. We do not have a central storage location, so we depend on residents to keep their loanable equipment at their homes. Thank you. WE’VE MOVED! Dr.ScottA.Amoss,DPM,CWS BoardCertifiedPodiatrist/Surgeon CertifiedWoundSpecialist spc-1083c Space is limited. We will print photos on an ongoing basis, as space allows. Please do not submit heirloom, one-of-a-kind photos. Although we will make every effort to return your photo, we cannot guarantee return. Please submit a quality COPY with your name on all material submitted. New Patients & Emergencies Welcome Same Day Appointments Available • Diabetic Foot Care • Heel Pain & Bone Spurs • Diabetic Shoes & Insoles • Foot & Ankle Injuries Community Medical Center - Attending Physician • Wound Care • Digital X-rays • Ingrown & Fungal Nails • Vascular Testing • Corns & Calluses • Laser Treatments Available • Bunions & Hammertoes • Skin Cancer Medicare& MostInsuranceAccepted 400LaceyRoad,Suite9B 732-350-0100 Call Now! NEW PATIENTOFFER Complimentary Foot & Ankle Examination* A $135 Value Expires 2/28/15 *Ad must be presented before services rendered. Treatment & X-ray, if necessary, are additional. Not applicable with insurance. Page 16 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Knights of Columbus By SK Neil Emmino GK Thanks to all of our Brother Knights for the wonderful things done this year to make it a grand year for our council. It can only be with your help and dedicated service to Knights of Columbus Council 9134 that we can go forward to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Be vigilant in staying true to who and what we are to our purpose and to our goals. Stay strong against an ever-changing world, knowing that we will make a difference in bringing back the foundation for which our forefathers fought so hard for, many years ago. Many of you have fought in wars which can only remind us of what we are facing now. We must set the example for our children and grandchildren by showing respect for others and using language that can heal and make things right. You are Knights of Columbus, the best of gentlemen. Let it be known that you are a knight and proud of it. Ask others to join us in our achievements and in our struggles. Now is the time to achieve a greater purpose in our lives such as helping the poor and the sick. Get rid of the “I” and start thinking of those who need us. Wear your pins, display who you are and be proud of it. We are the Knights of Columbus a Fraternity of Brothers! BE PROUD! Step up and make a difference. It’s your time to shine! Love you all and proud to know each and every one of you. Christmas: A Wonderful Time of Giving The Drive To Keep Kids Warm This Winter On December 8 the Knights of Columbus and guests celebrated Christmas by giving 120 winter coats to Alex George, head of Kevin's Kids Charity for less fortunate children of Manchester. Many thanks go out to Committee Chairman Stephen Cassidy and Co-Chairman Joe Catroppo who did a wonderful task of collecting and buying the coats. It was an awesome experience to be a part of this year’s coat drive. The response to my appeal for donations to this wonderful organization was fantastic. Coats and cash were donated not only by our members in the Knights of Columbus but also by many of the residents in our village. Thanks to all who donated. It should be a wonderful feeling for all those contributors knowing that 120 more children have great coats for the winter. I want to thank Mr. George for taking the time out of his busy schedule to come to our Council and receive the donations on behalf of all those elementary, middle school and high school kids. May God bless you all and I pray that 2015 is just wonderful for everyone. Volunteers Make A Difference 8 3 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 17 Village West ORT Planning Events You are cordially invited to the February 5 Winter Card Party at Club Encore. Four seat card tables and larger round table for 8-10 can accommodate a variety of games. Delicious refreshments will be served all afternoon. Table reservations are still available. Contact Jackie Porowski at 732-657-2650 or Renee Schertzer at 732-685-3279. The March 5 general meeting will be held at 1 p.m. at Club Encore. Please watch the creeper for more details. For the past several years ORT has sponsored a Community Seder on the second day of Passover. LVW residents from a various religious traditions have attended this community event. This year Passover and Easter overlap. If you are planning on joining the ORT Community Seder please contact Sandy Kaufman at 732-408-0306. Save the date for the Annual ORT Walk-for-ORT: Sunday, MAY 3. Contact Penny Peters at 732-408-9099 or Janice McDonnell at 732-408-9696 for ShopRite gift cards. They can be used for any item in any ShopRite. ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS 1-888-313-7188 1-732-489-9513 FREE ESTIMATES WE WILL BEAT ALL WRITTEN ESTIMATES! $50 Termite Inspection $65 Quarterly Pest Control + Quarterly Pest Control Termite Contracts ads-2704B $65 +tax +tax per year WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS ALL INSECTS COVERED GROUND BEETLES CENTIPEDES • MILLIPEDES EARWIGS • SPIDERS BEDBUGS • ANTS SILVERFISH • CRICKETS BEES • RATS • MICE **WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS NOT INCLUDED ** BusinessLic.#97622A Lic.#25801A www.rztermite.com N Page 18 Leisure Village West News The following are programs offered at the Manchester Library, 21 Colonial Drive (next to town hall). For registration/information, call 732-657-7600 or visit www.theoceancountylibrary.org. Computer classes are offered on various dates and times. Classes include, mouse, internet, Microsoft Word and Google. Appointments are available for E-Reader/Tablet/ iPad/Kindle assistance; borrowing library books with your electronic devices, as well as assistance with genealogy research. Tuesdays at 6 p.m., Mahjong Club. Fridays at noon, Chess Club. KNOLL WEST NEWS February 3 and 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mobile County Connection Van. Get information about programs and services available through the various departments of County Government. At 2 p.m., Writer’s Circle. February, 2015 February 3 at 10:15 a.m., Book Discussion, “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand February 5, 12, 19, and 26 at 10 a.m. Canasta Club. February 5 at 1 p.m., Book and Film Discussion, “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert February 7 at 2 p.m. Bill McLeod Rock’ n Roll Blues Duo. February 12 and 26, 2 p.m., Chicks with Sticks- A Knitting and Crocheting Group. Also Wednesdays at 6 p.m. February 13 and 27 at 1 p.m., Quilting Bee February 19 at 2 p.m., Book Chat February 23 at 2 p.m., Windows 8.1: Learn It and Love It February 24 at 2 p.m., Heart Disease Prevention w/ Healthy Cooking Demo February 28 at 2 p.m., Key Arts Productions presents Harlem Grooves Legends of the Harlem Renaissance. A live multimedia production featuring musical performances, live narration and integrated video. Feature Films are shown on Wednesdays at 12, 3 and 6 p.m. as follows: February 4, “When the Game Stands Tall” February 11, “Get On Up” –Story of James Brown February 18, Foreign Film “The Auction French” with English subtitles. February 25, “The Killing” The deadline for the Leisure Village West News is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of EACH MONTH for the following month’s publication February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 19 Notice to All Dog Owners 891Route37west,TomsRiver,NJ08755 All pets must be on leashes when outside the home and are not permitted in recreation areas, golf course or pool areas. Dog droppings must be picked up and placed in a suitable bag in the owners garbage receptacle. Please curb your dog and do not walk dogs on lawns. Dogs and cats running loose will be reported to Manchester Township Animal Control. Please register all pets at the Association Office. 732-349-1448 1-800-688-TEMP 732-657-8367 www.caretemp.com √ CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS central air conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces Heat pumps • Hot Water Heaters √ SAME DAY SERVICE / REPLACEMENTS tankless Water Heaters • attic Fans Oil/Gas/propane conversions √ FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED air cleaners • dryer Vents • Humidifiers √ SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES & tune-Ups • service plans MODELS √ FREE ESTIMATES ON REPLACEMENTS & NEW INSTALLATIONS FREE SERVICE CALL (with repair) Not valid on after hours or weekend services. Expires 2/28/2015 FINANCING AVAILABLE $150 OFF GAS BOILER/ FURNACE REPLACEMENT $250 OFF $100 OFF $150 OFF TANKLESS GAS HOT WATER SYSTEM OR $50 OFF GAS HOT WATER HEATER CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING REPLACEMENT GAS CONVERSION $250 OFF NEW INSTALL OF AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING SYSTEM COUPONSMUSTBEPRESENTwhENSIGNINGCONTRACTandmaynotbeusedforprior services/installations.Couponsdonotexpire,exceptservicecallcoupon. NJ HIC #13VH02253000 Michael J. Belanger, NJ Master Plumbing LIC# 9465 RT Brown, NJ Electrical LIC# 10584 ads-1101E 732-350-1000 732-350-1000 732-350-1000 480 Rte. 530 Whiting, NJ 08759 Page 20 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Current Events Group COME AND JOIN US! Do you enjoy discussing the world around you? Are you interested in events locally, state-wide, nationally and internationally? Do you enjoy sharing your ideas with other residents? Come to our Current Events Group. In past meetings we have discussed 'red-light cameras', the Keystone Pipeline, the New York City and Ferguson Grand Juries, Ebola problems, school testing and more. We are a small group, we sit around a table and bring up the current topics. You can add to the discussion or just sit and listen. No dues, no coffee... just great mingling of ideas. We meet the first and third Monday each month at 2 p.m. in the Ceramics Room of Club Encore. This month’s meetings will be on February 2 and 16. So put these dates on your calendar. Call Adele for any more information at 732-6572550. See you there. PROFESSIONAL TAX RETURNS Quality Service Affordable Fees EGISTERED TAX RETURN PREPARERS ROBERT F. NOWICKI, ASSOCIATES PuBLIC ACCouNTANT TOMS RIVER, N.J. 732-349-6469 BULLETIN [email protected] Notice to All LVW Residents & Pet Owners: All homeowners and tenants are required to register their dogs and cats. Please stop by the Association Office to register your pets. And Please…always pick up after your pets. Thank you! PROFESSIONAL TAX RETURNS Quality Service Affordable Fees IRS REGISTERED TAX RETURN PREPARERS ROBERT F. NOWICKI, ASSOCIATES PuBLIC ACCouNTANT TOMS RIVER, N.J. 732-349-6469 [email protected] Office Hours by Appointment “Providing AT-HOME Service to Ocean County for over 40 years...” ELECTRONIC TAX FILING ads-1572 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 21 The Angels Sing By Pat Kinane And sing they did for the Caritas Guild members’ Christmas luncheon. I am referring to the Manchester High School Choir led by Sara Thiffault. Sara brought two choirs, the first being a Concert Choir performing “Ding Dong, Merrily on High,” followed by “Be a Candle of Hope” and ending with a Hebrew piece. The next choir was the Honors Choir performing “Lift Thine Eyes,” followed by “Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel” and then joining with the Concert Choir and Caritas members in singing “Silent Night.” They received a well-deserved standing ovation. We were now ready to enjoy our lunch, provided once again by the Blue Fountain. It was hot and delicious. The wait staff was very efficient and courteous. I would like to thank set up volunteers Barbara Seele, Lucille Vergano, Jean Mazza, Bernice Kropkowski and Barbara Sainz, along with any elves I may have forgotten as well as those who helped to clean up. A thank you to Sheila Michaud for her usual artistic expertise on the place cards. At the end of the luncheon a fun game was played to see who would go home with the large gold pinecone centerpiece. Attention! There has been a change.Our card party has been changed to April 30 to afford us extra time to prepare. We will have two general meetings to sell tickets and get prizes organized. If you need letters to submit to area establishments for gifts or gift certificates you can call Rosemarie at 732-657-9340 or me at 732-323-3666. We just happen to have a few lying around. The card party will be on April 30 at 1 p.m. at Willow Hall. Flyers will be put on the tables at both clubhouses for your convenience. There is no meeting in February. The next meeting will require the wearing of green as it is on March 17. Happy Valentine’s Day! VFW Post 7904 QUILTING Kathi McCann All male and female veterans who served overseas in any conflict and want to join The Veterans of Foreign Wars, please call Ed Doherty at 732-657-8402. ads-1728 Qualityworkmanship FourteenDayServiceAvailable EdgetoEdgeQuilting 732-849-5892 ads-1728 Page 22 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Trips & Tours Travel & Cruise Center ! ! r a e Y h t 6 2 r u O g in t a Celebr BOOK YOUR 2015 SUMMER CRUISE SPECIALS NOW! Royal Caribbean “Liberty of the Seas” 9 Night Bermuda and Caribbean Cruise July 2, 2015 Starting from $1439.00 per person Celebrity Cruises “Celebrity Summit” 7 Night Bermuda Cruise June 7, 2015 Starting from $624.00 per person Royal Caribbean “Liberty of the Seas” 5 Night Bermuda Cruise June 27, 2015 Starting from $775.00 per person Ships Depart & Return from Bayonne (Cape Liberty) N.J. ALLRATESAREBASEDONINSIDECABINS,DOUBLEOCCUPANCY,TAXESANDGOVERNMENTFEESNOTINCLUDED. PLEASECALLFOROUTSIDE,BALCONYANDTRIPLEANDQUADOCCUPANCYRATES. PRICESSUBJECTTOCHANGEUNTILBOOKEDANDDEPOSITED. Voted Best of the Best Travel Agency 2007 Through 2013 by Readers of Asbury Park Press Business Hours Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm • Saturday & Evenings By Appointment CallTollFree:877-758-0235 ads-3696a 304UnionAve/Hwy71Brielle 732-223-5565 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 23 First Aid Auxiliary Donations to the Squad By Marie Weir We hit a high note prior to our December 10 meeting. Manchester First Aid Squad members, Capt. Joe Klimakowski and the husband and wife team of Bill and Sharon Ferraro (Bill is 1st Lt. and Sharon is 2nd Lt. of the squad) were presented a check for $6,000 from fundraising activities during the past year. This makes a total of $42,727 given to the squad during the past seven years after it was reinstated as a club when it was disbanded in June of 2007. Thank you to all who have supported us in the fundraising activities throughout the years. A donation was presented to the squad by Naomi Webb representing The Pine Tree Needlers (Quilters) from profits for the beautiful quilts they sell. Another donation from the Arts and Crafts Club was presented to the squad by Fran Arnold, from profits of sales from the beautiful handmade items. The squad is a volunteer organization and appreciates all those residents and clubs for their donations so that they can continue aiding people in times of emergencies. President Sue Ippolito asked for a volunteer to take over running our bus trips to Atlantic City starting in February or April. Carolyn Thompson will still take care of our trips to the Sands Casino twice per year; Spring and Fall. However, we will need someone to take over our more frequent Atlantic City trips. Carolyn will work with you as you learn the details. If interested, call Carolyn at 732-276-2764. On a musical note, we ended the year with John DeFalco at the piano. He entertained the audience with popular tunes, show tunes and holiday tunes, all without reading music. In some songs he was accompanied by his friend Joe Kappa on the tambourine, which added an extra touch. We do not meet in January or February so our first meeting in 2015 will be on Wednesday, March 11 at 1:30 p.m. in Willow Hall. Please join us. Pictured from left to right are Sharon Ferraro, Naomi Webb of the Pine Tree Needlers, Joe Klemakowski, Fran Arnold of the Arts and Craft Club and Bill Ferraro. President Sue Ippolito presents a check for $6,000 to members Joe Klimakowski and Bill and Sharon Ferraro. Entertainer John DeFalco at the piano at our December meeting. HALF BuLLETIN Page 24 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 REPAIRS DONE RIGHT! The Best Service, Parts, and WarrantyThat’s The Guardian Advantage Service•Repair•Sales•Installation Winter Special Get Your NEW Insulated Door Today Senior Discount (Excludes Sale Items) SERVICING ALL BRANDS OF GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS Broken Springs Replaced • Rollers & Cables Replaced Transmitters & Receivers ONLY $649 Insulated Installed regularly $849 SALEDOOR8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 NO SUBCONTRACTORS spc-882c Fast, Professional Service “Family Owned and Operated” 732-269-9667 • 609-693-8040 www.GuardianGarageDoors.com • FullyInsured Volunteers Make A Difference The deadline for the Leisure Village West News is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of EACH MONTH for the following month’s publication JACK OF ALL TRADES AND MASTER OF MOST Nojobtoobigortoosmall Over25yearsinbusiness Painting,Paperhanging,Carpentry, Repairs,Landscaping,etc. Eugene J Steinhilber LLC 732-349-5174 hICReg#13Vh05551400 Bulletin Size Papers spc-899c This is a paid advertisement February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Helpful Hints by Sheldon R. Mead “Green” cleaning products may not be any better for you or the environment than other cleaners. Avoid packaged products altogether. Almost all home cleaning can be done with white vinegar or baking soda. For example, clean windows with vinegar and crumpled newspapers, or make a paste of baking soda to remove counter stains. Add years to your life – eat fish three times a week. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish reduce inflammation, increase joint lubrication, decrease risk for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and arterial clots, improve immunity, improve memory and other cognitive functions. In recent studies, it has been found that taking 162 mg of aspirin daily reduces the risk for a heart attack by about 36 percent and the risk for colon, throat, and stomach cancers by about 45 percent. Serious side effects from aspirin are rare. Take one-half of a regular aspirin or two 81-mg (baby) aspirins daily (162-mg total), but check with your doctor first. Buy the cheapest tablets. These usually are unbuffered and dissolve more quickly in the stomach. Carpal tunnel syndrome may be inherited. Recent findings: Repetitive hand use may trigger carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) but there is strong evidence for an inherent genetic risk. (from a paper by David Ring, MD, presented at Harvard Medical School). Ocean Ride Transportation Local travel hint …Ocean Ride provides free door-to-door non emergency medical transportation for seniors – and free transport to out of county VA medical clinics for veterans. To register – seniors – call 877-9292082, press 1…vets call 732-929-2096 Page 25 February 2015 Dates to Remember Groundhog Day February 2 The groundhog leaves the burrow where it has been hibernating to discover whether cold winter weather will continue. If he sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter will ensue. Superbowl XLIX February 1 The famous football tournament is to be held at the University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Arizona This year’s teams competing are the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks Valentine’s Day February 14 Originally dedicated to the Patron Saint of romantic causes by the Catholic Church, the concept of celebrating true love became known as Valentine’s Day and is, today, celebrated by the sending of valentines, candy and flowers. Presidents’ Day February 16 Celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of the birthdays of President Abraham Lincoln on February 12 and our first president, George Washington, on February 22. No Brainer’s Day February 27 Celebrated on February 27 each year, this is the day to do simple, easy, obvious, logical tasks. If a project requires thinking, study or analysis, do it another day! Page 26 Leisure Village West News Crossword February, 2015 Solution on page 59 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 27 Page 28 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Recreation Mary Lighthipe, Director As winter lingers on, cold gray days are warmed with the celebration of Valentine’s Day. Sweethearts exchange flowers and chocolates, timeless expressions of love. All eyes are fixed on Punxsutawney Phil in the hope he will not see his shadow, and there will be an early spring. The Recreation Department has planned several activities to ward off the winter blues. Details are listed below. Please plan to join us! Our February Sunday dinner will take us to the Brick House on February 15. Enjoy a short ride, a delicious dinner and leave the driving to us. Tickets are on sale at Willow Hall. Our Friday Social will feature Vocalist/Entertainer Maggie Worsdale. Maggie has performed in various venues around the country. She brings to us her latest new show “The Music of the 1960s.” Come reminisce with us as we recollect this extraordinary decade on February 20 at 1:30 p.m. in Club Encore. Our monthly movie will be shown at Willow Hall on Saturday, February 21 at 2 p.m. The feature film this month will be “The Judge” starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Robert Duvall. A son has to prove his worth as a big city lawyer by saving his father from a murder conviction. Please plan to join us for our Winter Beach Party on Saturday, February 28 in Willow Hall. A very special evening is planned as we welcome the Jersey Shore’s six-piece band The Roustabouts. Forget the winter freeze and slip away to summer. Dress is totally casual and featured will be a special summer dessert in addition to snacks, coffee, tea and set-ups. As always, singles are welcome. Purchase your tickets early…..the first 100 tickets purchased will receive the band’s latest CD! Due to the popularity of our Fish and Chip Dinner we have scheduled this event during the winter months. Catered by Thistle’s of Kearney, dinner will include Fish & Chips or Fried Chicken, coleslaw, dessert, ice tea, coffee, tea and set-ups. Take-out orders will be available. A reservation coupon is included in this issue. Mark your calendar and plan to join us at Willow Hall on Friday, March 13, at 4 p.m. We are pleased to announce a trip to the Renault Winery and Resorts Casino on Sunday, March 15. Recognized as a state historic site, the Renault Winery is one of the oldest continuously operating wineries in the United States. We will enjoy a delightful family style meal with sample wine tasting. Also included will be a short guided tour of the winery. Next we are on to the Resorts Casino including admission to their new blockbuster show, “Hits of the 50s”, with Michael McGeehan. In addition, everyone will receive a $10 slot credit voucher. Additional information is detailed in our full-page ad. RECREATION NOTICES All Association Offices and Departments will be closed on Monday, February 16 in honor of Presidents Day. There will be regular bus service on this holiday. TOWNSHIP RECYCLING DATES: February 4 and 18 LVW NEWSPAPER RECYCLING: There will be no collection during February. Collection will resume in March, weather permitting. No cardboard Continued on page 29 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 29 Recreation Continued from page 28 please. For your convenience the storage container will be open for newspapers and other paper products at all times. We do not collect aluminum cans or other aluminum products. Please put these items out at the next municipal recycling collection day. Tax Assistance will be offered every Thursday during February and March from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Leisure Fair. Appointment times are required. Please detach and refer to the tax preparation form included in this issue. Clubs are reminded to submit club news to the office by the first of the month for the following month’s issue. Please remember to watch to Creeper Channel 15 and 12 as well as www.lvwcreeper.com for the latest Village information. BE SURE TO WATCH THE CREEPER FOR CANCELLATIONS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER Page 30 Leisure Village West News February Meeting Schedule February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News February Meeting Schedule (Continued) Page 31 Page 32 Leisure Village West News February Meeting Schedule (Continued) February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 33 Page 34 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 35 Page 36 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 37 Page 38 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 39 Page 40 Leisure Village West News Sunday 1 6 pm Recreation Superbowl Party (W) Monday 2 Tuesday Groundhog Day 15 1 pm Sunday Dinner, Brickhouse Restaurant 22 March 1 EVERY Sunday 11am-2pm Table Shuffleboard (LF) 2:30-4:30 pm Ping-Pong (LF) Presidents’ Day 11 7 pm Book Discussio 7 pm Pet Club (E) 17 18 1 pm Trustee Meeting 7 pm Bingo (W) 10 am Financial Club (E) 7 pm Line Dance (W) 23 March 2 Monday Monday Township Recycling D 1 pm Cooking Club (W) 7 pm Line Dance (W) 7 pm Model Railroad Club (W) 7 pm Nature Club (W) 7 pm Knights of Columbus (E) EVERY 4 1 pm Trustee Meetin 1:30 pm Genealogy ( 7 pm Bingo (W) 10 7 pm Knights of Columbus (E) All Offices Closed Bus Will Run 2 pm Current Events (E) 2 pm VFW Ladies Auxiliary (W) 7 pm Italian-American Club (E) Wedne 10 am Computer Club (E) 1:30 pm Arts Appreciation (W) 2 pm Farmer’s Club (LF) 7 pm Line Dance (W) 9 16 Februar 3 9:30 am Helping Hands (LF) 2 pm Current Events (E) 6:30 pm Bocce Club (E) February 1 - Deadline for March Leisure West News 8 February, 2015 9-11 am VISTON (W) 10 am Ladies Exercise (W) 10am & 1pm Ceramics (W) 11 am Zumba (W) 12 pm Bridge (LF) 1 pm Model Railroad (W) 1:30-3 pm Ballroom Dance-“Variety” (W) 7 pm 99Cards (LF) Township Recycling D 24 25 9:30 am Service Club (W) 7:30 pm VFW (W) March 3 EVERY Tuesday Tuesday March 4 Recurring 8-11 am (Monmouth Med. So.) Blood Draw Service (W) 9am-12 pm Ping-Pong (LF) 10:30 am QiGong (W) 2-4 pm Ping-Pong (LF) 6 pm Duplicate Bridge (LF) 7 pm Card Games (E) EVERY Wedn 9-11 am VISTON (W) 9:30 am Low Impact 9:30 am Stained Gla 10 am Yoga (LF) 10am & 1 pm Ceram 11:30am-12:30pm Fr (LF) 1 pm Chess (E) 1 pm Quilters (E) 7 pm Band Rehearsa 7 pm Briscola (LF) February, 2015 ry 2015 esday ng (W) (E) Leisure Village West News Thursday 5 Page 41 Friday Saturday 6 7 13 14 Valentine’s Day 9:30 am Westernaires (W) Day 12 on (W) 2:30 pm Writer’s Group (E) K of C A/C Bus g (W) 9:30 am Westernaires (W) 2 pm Irish-American Club (W) 7:30 pm RV Camping & Social Club (W) 1:30 pm Friday Social (E) 9:30 am Westernaires (W) 19 20 26 27 7 pm Dance Club Dance (W) 21 2 pm Movie (W) “The Judge” Day 2:30 pm Writers Group (E) 4 March 5 Activities nesday ) t Exercise (E) ass (E) mics (W) ree Style Dance al (E) EVERY Thursday 9am AARP Tax Assistance (LF) 10 am Art Class (W) 10 am Computer Lessons (E) 1 & 6 pm KLVW-TV (W) 10am-12 pm Table Shuffleboard (LF) 2pm-4pm Ping-Pong (LF) 6 pm Bridge (LF) 6 pm Duplicate Bridge (LF) 28 9:30 am Westernaires (W) 1:00 pm Yiddish Club (E) March 6 EVERY Friday 9am-11am VISTON (W) 9-12 Ping-Pong (LF) 9 am Low Impact Exercise (E) 9:30 am TV Crew (W) 10 am Art Group (E) 10 am Model Railroad Club(W) 2-4 pm Ping-Pong (LF) 6:30 pm Rummy-Q (LF) 7 pm Recreation Dance (W) Key: E - Club Encore W - Willow Hall LF - Leisure Fair OV - Out of Village EVERY Saturday 10 am Yoga (LF) 2-4 pm Ping-Pong (LF) 7-9 pm Table Shuffleboard (LF) Page 42 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 43 LV WEST NEWS Page 44 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 The VISTON office is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. Volunteers are always needed to drive neighbors to medical appointments or to Willow Hall on Tuesday mornings for blood work. Call VISTON if you can help, or if you need help, at 732-657-1818. r e riv D e e sN ! d de Can you spare an hour to help a neighbor? February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 45 Page 46 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Ping-Pong Club A Club Where Everyone Knows Your Name Kudos to the Holiday Social By Marie Lamberti A highlight of the Ping Pong Club is the holiday social which is held in December. At this time we come together to wish one another Happy Hanukkah and a Blessed Christmas. Leisure Fair, beautifully decorated is the perfect room to celebrate the event. Chairperson for the social was Ann Rauscher, who is to be complimented for her endeavor to please all. Ann was assisted by Jan Pattison and Stella Myers. The tables were adorned with festive centerpieces designed by Anna Kim. One person at each table happily took home a centerpiece. Thank you Anna. Members were asked to bring in finger foods, such as appetizers, cheese and crackers, cookies, etc. Many did so, and there were some surprises such as shrimp and Swedish meatballs. With the generosity of the members, as always, we had more than ample food to share. Coffee and tea were provided, as well as Marie Lamberti’s special holiday punch. President Howie Topchik welcomed all. He then said a short program prepared by Marie would take place. Two poems entitled “Let’s Be Happy” and “Joyous Hanukkah” were read by Howie. A Hanukkah song was sung by Lou Fischer. A poem entitled “Remembering at Christmas” was read by Peggy Hathaway. A reading entitled “That Night” read by Marie was followed by “Silent Night” sung by Norma Mehl. In conclusion, “Twas the Night before Christmas” was read by John Russo. Members warmly applauded the readers and singers. After additional greetings, the members slowly left the room after having a wonderful time. Our first Ping Pong Tournament of the year, “Winter Doubles” will be played this month. Sign up in the Ping Pong room. See you at the tables. Top Row:Howard Topchik, Lou Fischer, John Russo, Marie Lamberti and Peggy Hathaway Lower person: Norma Mehl Left to Right: Ann Rauscher (Holiday Social chairperson) Anna Kim (Centerpiece designers) Marie Lamberti (Holiday punch maker) Photos by Walton Hathaway February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 47 Tennis and Social Club by Connie Wilson How time flies when you are having fun and it’s hard to believe that another wonderful year has already passed! On behalf of the Tennis and Social Club, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to everyone for a Healthy and Happy New Year! We have another fabulous fun-filled calendar of events to look forward to in 2015, starting with our “Swing into Spring” Dance at our April 9 meeting! Come one, come all and join the new and exciting Tennis and Social Club for only $5 per person annual dues, which also covers the cost of the spring dance! Don’t miss out on the fun and be sure to stay tuned for more exciting news regarding the details of the up- and -coming special events in 2015! You can read about us on the Creeper, search the website at lvwcreeper.com, and/or keep up with the article in the Leisure Village West News monthly bulletin. You will be delighted at next season’s line up! We are looking for women players as well as new members; you don’t have to play tennis to join, you can just socialize! It’s a great way to meet fun people! We will continue to organize our Round Robin dates for 2015 as our “Under the Lights” Wednesday’s at 6:30 p.m. Stay tuned for future news and details! We would like to thank all of our repeat members for their loyalty and support and look forward to welcoming our up-and-coming new members! We appreciate your support! Some of the LVW Tennis and Social Club ladies had a winter luncheon on January 8 in a tea room in Toms River. The ladies who attended were: Roberta Klotz, Loretta Nagy, Ann Rauscher, Janet Shambaugh, Gloria Cohn, Ann Therway, and Carol Ann Kern. Page 48 Leisure Village West News “Committed to Integrity and Legendary Customer Service” DONNA P. WEYGANT GARY WEYGANT, MPH, SRES, ASP, CRS Realtor Associates Your Leisure Village West Resident Neighbors 3A Buckingham Drive North Manchester, NJ 08759 732-323-9007 147 Route 70 Toms River, NJ 08755 732-942-9950 Donna 908-910-9336 cell Gary 908-910-9921 cell AD 3899 Leisure Village West Pinecone “Committed to Integrity and Legendary Customer Service” DONNA P. WEYGANT GARY WEYGANT, MPH, SRES, ASP, CRS Realtor Associates 1 Kensington Circle Toms River, NJ 08755 732-349-4464 147 Route 70 Toms River, NJ 08755 732-942-9950 February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 49 Rebels Bowling League by Mary Ann Earlman TRADITIONAL FUNERALS Affordably Priced Entombments, Burial and Memorial Services • No Cost Consultation Individual achievements at the end of November, 2014 • Pre-arrangements Trusts and Insurance Options • Assistance with VA Benefits / Medicaid HighAllGame • Serving Faiths – Men High Game – Women Kathy Dowd 215 Dolores Kaminski 190 Diane Simon 187 Pat Kinane 187 Ann Sarno 184 Ted Edmondson DeGRAFF CREMATION Jack McGuire • Dignified Services at a Low Cost Nick Rosatelli • Arrangements in Your Home Gene Parot • Memorial Services • Cremation Urns Peter Bushauer 268 225 215 207 200 732-657-7868 119 Union Avenue ~ Lakehurst, N.J. High Series – Men www.degrafffuneralhome.com Ted Edmondson 706 Jack McGuire 621 Gene Parot 558 Nick Rosatelli 554 Peter Bushauer 526 High Series – Women Marie Wilcox 514 Kathy Dowd 502 Mary Ann Earlman 467 Dolores Kaminski 467 Pat Kinane 465 #23/ #03 High Average – Women Pat Kinane 138.78 Kathy Dowd 138.69 Dolores Kaminski 135.80 Emily Beck 134.62 Ann Greco 133.24 High Average – Men Ted Edmondson Jack McGuire Gene Parot Nick Rosatelli Joseph Farrar 196.13 171.21 161.67 160.27 148.97 These and team standings are posted in both clubhouses each week. #19/#01 Volunteers Make A Difference LOCATED HERE IN LEISURE VILLAGE WEST JUST INSIDE GATE #1 OFF OF RT. 70 • 3 E BUCKINGHAM DRIVE ASHOKK.SINHAMD TRADITIONAL FUNERALS Affordably Priced Entombments, Burial and Memorial Services • No Cost Consultation • Pre-arrangements Trusts and Insurance Options • Assistance with VA Benefits / Medicaid • Serving All Faiths BoardCertifiedInternalMedicine 25 Years Medical Practice Experience IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENTS Call 732-657-2422 For Appointment DeGRAFF CREMATION spc-1136b Affiliatedwith CommunityMedicalCenterand kimballMedicalCenter • Dignified Services at a Low Cost • Arrangements in Your Home • Memorial Services • Cremation Urns 732-657-7868 119 Union Avenue ~ Lakehurst, N.J. www.degrafffuneralhome.com ads-496B Over100,000WindowsInstal Page 50 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Lifetime Warrant Men’s Tuesday Bowling League• FREEESTIMATE •FREELOw-E• by Sid Klotz Senior Citizen Discounts! After 18 weeks ending December 30, 2014, here are the standings: Team Standings DR. LESLIE S. AUFSEESER Place Team (#) Won Lost Avg DR. LES spc-226h PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OF THE FOOT Place Team (#) Won 1/8 tabloid 1. Browns (17) 080 046 690 10. Ravens (16) BOARD CERTIFIED 2. Seahawks (4) 074 052 745 11. Chiefs (18) AmericanBoardofPodiatricSurgery Monmouth Center – Southern12. Campus Redskins (9) 3. Dolphins (5)Affiliated with 071 055Medical 683 4. Bears (1) 070 056 690 13. Jets (7) •IngrownToenails 5. Steelers •DiabeticFootCare (3) 070 056 694•VenousUlcers 14. Titans (14) •Foot&AnkleInjuries •EmergencyFootcare •DiabeticUlcers 6. Cowboys (11) 067 059 684 15. Giants (10) •warts&Bunions •NonhealingUlcersof •Problematicwounds 7. Saints (8) 067 059 606 16. Colts (13) •hammertoes theFoot,Ankle&Leg •PainlessInjections New patients & 8. 49ERs (12) 066 060 713 17. Eagles (6) •hospital&OfficeSurgery •JointReplacementTherapy emergencies •heelSpurs 9. Packers (15) 065 061 660 18. The Bills (2) •LaserSurgery •SportsMedicine Welcome There haven’t been any 300’s yet, but Allen Kinsley has a 290: 063 063 062 059 058 055 052 051 041 Lost Avg PODIATRIC PHYSI 063 776 063 620 064 661 BO 067 644 Americ 068 655 Affiliated 071 676 with Monm 074 810 075 620 085 645 1700 Madison ave 56 aHigh schoolhouse rd. Individual Averages Mike Ercolano Lakewood plaza,(Ravens) Lakewood220.61; Allen Kinsley (Ravens) Whiting217.06; Lou Lindia (Colts) 209.60 732-367-5151 732-657-5533 Individual Season High Scores New Minimally Tenex Series Procedure for HCP Heel Game Pain Scratch GameInvasiveScratch HCP Series spc-280 Allen Kinsley 290 Allen Kinsley 777 Bob Lawson 305 Bob Lacqua •DiabeticFootCa 835 tabloid Lou Lindia 279 1/8 Mike Ercolano 776 Tony Gentilella 302 Allen Kinsley•Foot&AnkleInju 777 Raymond Nasto 279 W Polakowski 770 Bob Lacqua 302 Mike Ercolano 776 •warts&Bunions •hammertoes Team Season High Scores •heelSpurs Scratch Game Scratch Series HCP Game HCP Series Colts 909 Colts 2604 Colts 909 Colts •LaserSurgery 2604 Ravens 892 Ravens 2546 Dolphins 906 Browns 2589 •IngrownToenails Seahawks 892 Seahawks 2527 Ravens 892 Packers 2562 •EmergencyFootc Seahawks 892 1/8 bulletin 1/8 bulletin DR. LESLIE S. AUFSEESER Energy Wise WINDOWS, LLC 1700 Madison PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OF THE FOOT Since 1984 BOARD CERTIFIED AmericanBoardofPodiatricSurgery Affiliated with Monmouth Medical Center – Southern Campus New patients & emergencies Welcome •DiabeticFootCare •IngrownToenails •VenousUlcers •Foot&AnkleInjuries •EmergencyFootcare •DiabeticUlcers •warts&Bunions •NonhealingUlcersof theFoot,Ankle&Leg •Problematicwounds •hammertoes •heelSpurs •hospital&OfficeSurgery •JointReplacementTherapy •LaserSurgery •SportsMedicine 1700 Madison ave Lakewood plaza, Lakewood 732-367-5151 New Minimally Invasive Tenex Procedure for Heel Pain Patio Doors, Prime Doors Lic#13Vh03068400 Lakewood plaza, L 732-367-5 Ideal Window Over100,000WindowsInstalled •PainlessInjections 56 a schoolhouse rd. Whiting 732-657-5533 732-349-9595 Better Business Bureau® New Minimally Lifetime Warranty •FREEESTIMATES• •FREELOw-E• spc-280 spc-226h Senior Citizen Discounts! Inv 1/4 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 51 Thursday Mixed Bowling by Sid Klotz Here are the standings as of December 31, 2014: Place Team (#) Won Lost Avg Place 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. STONE (11) PELLEGRINELLI (6) JOHNSON (9) WILKES (10) BUCCI (2) O’CONNOR (4) KUNKEL (16) MERMELSTEIN (14) 063 062 059 059 057 054 053.5 053 042 043 046 046 048 051 051.5 052 506 486 554 561 567 540 566 530 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Team (#) MCGINLEY (12) HORN (1) STILLWELL (15) MILLIGAN (8) RAFFERTY (5) BUONOMO (7) MONTAIGNE (13) CIMINO (3) Won 052 052 051 049 048 046.5 046 035 Lost 053 053 054 056 057 058.5 059 070 Avg 580 554 552 566 544 489 561 567 Individual High Averages Men Women 191.95 Rudy Bucci 162.56 Lil DeLello 187.87 Barry Johnson 154.62 Barbara Wilkes 186.87 Fred Stone 139.09 Sandy Montaigne 182.40 Bob Horn 137.98 Fran Cimino Men Scratch Game 266 Fred Stone 248 Trevor Williams 247 Art Cimino 238 Barry Johnson 236 Rudy Bucci Season High Scores Women Scratch Game Men Scratch Series Women Scratch Series 233 Sandy Montaigne 658 Fred Stone 597 Barbara Wilkes 214 Barbara Wilke 657 Barry Johnson 532 Lil DeLello 205 Lil DeLello 627 Phil Mocciola 508 Sandy Montaigne 205 Karen Rafferty 625 Rudy Bucci 488 Mickey Comeforo 201 Fran Cimino 618 Trevor Williams 479 Fran Cimino ROUTES 70 & 571 MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP We offer Homeowners, Auto, Life, and Business Insurance. We can also insure your recreational vehicles (Boats, Motorcycles, Golf Carts etc.) As your personal agency, it is our mission to help you develop the right plans to meet your insurance needs. We are the agency that you will want to send your friends and families to. Our goal is to exceed all our customers’ expectations. CALL TODAY AND LET US HELP YOU SAVE! 732-534-9916 Scan to visit our website Anthony & Deirdre Catalano 2275 W. County Line Rd., Jackson, NJ 08527 Call Today: 732-534-9916 Email: [email protected] ads-3845 A1661-sda COLBYE COMMONS Support Your Local Merchants •welshFarms •Donovan’sBar/Restaurant •$7Mr.Cuts •CharlesEdwards-A. Salon •OfficeSuites* *SavonaRealty *PrudentialInsurance •New-TekNails •Caballero&SonsPizzeria •TheVapeSpot •FarmersInsurance We’reRightOutsideYourGate s Page 52 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Fishing Club News By Jim Larsen Fluke fishing regulations – the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is striving to make sure you remain thoroughly confused. Their latest document, Amendment XXXVI, contains the current background on the fishery and options for its management. Among the alternatives is a potential return to conservation equivalency under which New Jersey managed the stock for 2014. Among the more interesting options are proposals to make Delaware Bay a region in itself and a plan to split New Jersey WHITING FOOT CARE DR. B. MEYERBERG -PodiatristGentle Care In A Warm Atmosphere Serving The Community for 15 Years 75 Lacey Road - Suite 3 Whiting, N.J. 08759 HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE 732-849-1115 Laser Treatments for Fungal Toe Nails Ingrown Toenails Diabetic Foot Care Corns Callouses Wound Care Vascular & Nerve Testing spc-395B Burning Feet Heel Pain Foot Pain Fungal Nails Provider of Diabetic Shoes and Insoles Radiograph Examination 1/4 bulletin in two with the Northern part included with New York and Connecticut, while the southern half would join Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, the dividing line being somewhere around Little Egg Harbor. Black Sea Bass – much to our disbelief, according to the Mid Atlantic Fisheries Association, the problem is not the lack of, but instead the overabundance of. Last year when it seemed we were catching less, the regional figures were up. Massachusetts fishermen benefited greatly when the Black Sea Bass moved into the cod fishery in the Gulf of Maine where the number of cod has fallen significantly. One official said it this way, “Black Sea Bass fishing was tremendous this year. It was tough to keep them off the hook when fluking. I’m wondering where all those bass were when we went out but I’m also thinking that this might be the season to go get them fish, so I hope to join all you guys from the club for a good season.” In December, my wife and I went on a trip to Europe where we toured five countries. Fishing became a subject when we asked about Christmas dinner. In all countries we visited, Christmas dinner is served on Christmas Eve and the dish of choice is Carp, that lowly bony fish, that many of us would pass up. It must be fresh, so the father buys the carp live, putting it in the bathtub for about four days. The recipe is too long for this article, but if you are really interested, I posted it on the Fishing Club website. Check it out and you might think twice about throwing that carp back next time you hook one. February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 53 by Ellen Jenkin Though we are in the deep freeze of winter, plans for the Bocce and Social Club of Leisure Village West are continually being planned. Membership dues for 2015 are being collected at each meeting. New members are always welcome to join and become active participants in our club. As in the past, our general meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The audience is entertained for an hour with a variety of performers who sing, play instruments and attempt their hand at humor. There are always refreshments at the end of the business meeting. Everyone is looking forward to the Bocce season commencing. Our Installation and Holiday party was held on December 1 at the Ramada Inn in Toms River. More than ninety guests enjoyed a full course dinner and danced to the music of Wild Rose. Holiday decorations enhanced the ballroom, illuminating the reflection of the holiday lights. The new officers for 2015 were installed by Marianne Loffredo. They are as follows: President Bill Bouford; first Vice President Lou Gelormino; second Vice President Ellen Jenkin; Secretary Karen McGinley and Treasurer George Tomas. Bill Bouford thanked everyone for attending this special event. Marianne Loffredo swearing in the new Bocce officers: Bill Bouford, Lou Gelormino, Ellen Jenkin, Karen McGinley and George Thomas. The deadline for the Leisure Village West News is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of EACH MONTH for the following month’s publication Page 54 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Hacklebarney State Park February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 55 Page 56 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Happy New Year, Manchester By Mayor Kenneth T. Palmer Best wishes to all residents of Manchester for a happy, healthy and safe 2015. It’s time for New Year’s resolutions and plans for the coming year, as well as for reflecting on the past year. I had the opportunity to meet many Manchester residents during the past year and I thank you for that opportunity. I look forward to working with Manchester residents to continue to make Manchester the best it can be. We will have the chance to meet and talk again at meetings now being scheduled in each of the communities in Manchester. (A meeting at Leisure Village West is tentatively planned for March 4.) We are working on updating our township website, increasing its functionality and making it more informative and user-friendly. We will be investigating grant opportunities and exploring possibilities to increase smart commercial ratables to help keep our taxes down. I will focus efforts on keeping taxes affordable, safety on our roads, services for our senior citizens and opportunities for our youngest residents. When we all work together, there’s no limit to what we can achieve. Be sure to mark your calendar for Manchester’s 150th anniversary celebration on June 27. Plans are currently underway to make it a day to remember. I wish all police officers in America a safe return to their homes and families every day after their tours. I thank all of our volunteer emergency service personnel for their willingness to respond to fire and first aid emergencies, day and night, in all kinds of weather. I welcome home members of our military and extend profound gratitude for their service. And I look forward to working with the residents of Manchester in the years ahead. God Bless America. February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 57 Ocean County Connection selection of printed material to inform the public about programs and services available. The County Connection van will be at the Manchester branch of the Ocean County Library on February 3 and 17 beginning at 9 a.m. For more information, call 732288-7777 or visit [email protected]. Need To Sell Your Car? Best Prices Paid For Any Car, Truck or Van. Period. Call 732-995-0509 ad-118 The Ocean County government satellite office located at the Ocean County Mall (in the J.C.Penney wing) is open during regular mall hours, including evenings, weekends and holidays to better serve the people of the county. It is handicapped accessible and served by public transportation. Among the services available at the County Connection storefront are: Consumer affairs, senior services, Social Security information, job search, surrogate services, veterans services, county maps, tickets for OCC shows, newcomer guides, safety info, recycle old cell phones, notary services, health screenings, Ocean County College (OCC) programs, Ocean County Library services, passport applications, park & recreation programs, first time home-buyers program, government directories, and public transportation schedules. The MOBILE County Connection van provides many of the same services and is stocked with a LEISURE KNOLL, LVW ads-555 Crossword Solution Just Minutes from Leisure Village West in Manchester Plaza Page 58 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Poetry & Prose The Mystery of Love My mother would ask “Why does one need sex education?” Since she had eleven children without explanation. With a twinkle in my eyes, I said, “Thank Heaven,” Since I was number ten of eleven. No one ever told me about the birds and the bees, But that would soon be no mystery for me. For life would lead me to different places Where I would meet people of other races. When the Army took me into its fold, What I learned about the “Mystery of Love” can’t be told. But a GI roommate was sent my way, And he made sure I would not go astray. Seeing the Folies Bergere made me say, Going to the cinema is not the way. For Paris you see, with its sensuality, Had been created for men like me, happily. When I said to my mother, “I want to take a wife,” She quickly said: “Son, it’s your life!” Then I pondered, “Do fools rush in where wise men fail to go?” I quickly said, “It must be so!” When the pastor asked, “Do you take this woman as your wife?” In a heartbeat I said, “Yes, for all my life.” And I’m sure my mother always knew, That this would be the path for me to pursue. I forgot to reserve a room for our wedding night, And that was the beginning of my next plight. When we finally found a place to stay, I broke the key in the lock, some way. Our daughter is not a magician, But a wonderful obstetrician. She delivers many babies every day, And she can attest, love is surely here to stay. You can’t live with them, You can’t live without them. One may ask, “Why is it so?” That is the mystery… WE WILL NEVER KNOW! But, I begin to interpret the meaning of the Mystery of Love, It had to come from up above. It’s only when one makes another number ONE, The you will hit that HOME RUN. By Joseph Simon February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 59 We Publish This Newspaper h e T S e h n c a i o e r R M o a T rket? g n i y r T Senior Publishing Company We Publish The Official Community Newspapers For 97 NJ Adult Communities • Priced To Fit Your Budget • Multiple Month Discounts • 6 Month Pre-Payment Special One Phone Call Puts You In Touch With Over 84,000 Senior Community Readers. 100% Coverage InOver 95 Communities! If Your Business Caters To NJ’s Senior Citizens You Need To Contact Senior Publishing Call Or Email For More Information Toll Free (888) 637-3200 [email protected] www.SeniorPublishing.net Page 60 Leisure Village West News Computer Club Financial Information Club By Arthur Weiner The next meeting of the Computer Club is Tuesday, February 3 at 10 a.m. in the Club Encore auditorium. Please note that this is the first Tuesday of the month instead of the usual second to fit our speaker’s schedule. The topic is Cyber Security. Our speaker is the ‘go to person’ for cyber security at Ocean County College and is associated with the FBI. Coffee will be served at 9:30 a.m., so come a little early to reminisce with family, friends and neighbors Our experts will be available during this time at the “Help Desk” located in the back of the auditorium to answer any questions and listen to suggestions. We encourage both. Why not bring a friend to this meeting which is always an exciting learning experience. The Computer Club Board will meet the second Tuesday on February 10 at 10 a.m. in Club Encore. Visitors are always welcome and you will have an opportunity to meet our board members and officers. Give any board member a call to let them know you will be joining us and see how we do things in the Computer Club. There are workshops on Thursdays that begin at 10 a.m. in Club Encore. Any changes or cancellations will be shown on the creeper (as well as on lvwcreeper.com), so please watch for them. Workshops are free to members. Non- members can attend one courtesy workshop to see how it could benefit them. See the February meeting schedule for workshop information. Joining the Computer Club is easy! Cost is only $25 for a lifetime membership and $35 for a couple. Keep checking the LVW Creeper and the on-line www.lvwcreeper.com for updates. Bring a friend to our meeting. They’ll thank you! See you on February 3. Patronize Our Advertisers February, 2015 By Walter Dylewski Think about the following statement for a moment: “Nobody, not your broker, not your banker, not your financial planner, not your lawyer, not your insurance agent, not your neighbor, not your brother-in-law, nobody cares more about your money than you do!” The important word here is “cares.” When poor financial decisions cost you money, you’re the one who suffers, not the others listed above. The goal of this club is to help you take charge of your financial future. Each month we have a professional give a presentation on a variety of financial topics. We also ask them to join our free flowing discussion of current events in financial markets, interest rates, oil prices, etc. On Tuesday, February 17 at 10 a.m. at Encore auditorium, we will have representatives from Ocean First Bank Wealth Management. The topic will be “The Health of Your Wealth” covering three areas of concern. Protecting your assets from elder abuse, paying your bills if you become incapacitated and the orderly transfer of your estate to your spouse and other family members where there are family issues such as divorce, second marriage and/or protecting assets for grandchildren. Join us the third Tuesday of the month for a wide variety of financial topics presented by professionals. Make 2015 the year you take charge of your financial future. Learn to earn! The deadline for the Leisure Village West News is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of EACH MONTH for the following month’s publication February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 61 24 HR SERVICE • PRIVATE DUTY • LIVE-IN • HOUR EXCELLENT CARE NURSE’S Genealogy HappeningsREGISTRY “Free Nursing Evaluation” RN’S • LPN’S • CERTIFIED AIDES Believe it or not, family history research is the second-largest and among the fastest growing hobbies in the United States. Congress has even designated October as Family History Month. I have spoken to people (and even have a couple of relatives) who began this hobby before the internet. Imagine finding and then writing to repositories requesting copies of vital records; imagine writing g and Health Coach - Vicky Farrell letters to people you think MIGHT be related to you ainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist or could be a connection to someone who IS related 2) 610-6486 and then waiting interminably for answers. Today we firstpersonaltrainer.vpweb.com get instant answers on the internet, instant messaging, personaltrainer.vpweb.com etc. And, there is the explosion of social media such as off your first multi sessionInstagram, purchase.LinkedIn and others – Facebook, Twitter, ng, smalland group, group training. whileand I consider myself somewhat technologically I don’t even know what some of those are or programsavvy, include an increase in balance, how they work! I only got a smartphone a few years ular endurance, controlling weight, managing eases, improving cognitive ago andmood, just promoting started texting last year. Genealogy internet sites are some of the most popular on the web. t the Personal Training Program Features While family history research can become an expensive undertaking, lots of information is available for free. Searching Ancestry.com is available if you visit a library; familysearch.org is a Mormon internet site which is continually digitizing records from all over the world. Many of the images on familysearch. COMPANIONS DOMESTIC org are free; some require a visit• to a local SERVICES Family History Center to viewInsurance them onClaims theirProcessed computer All Personnel Thoroughly Screened system and even others are available on “partner” BONDED, INSURED, NJ STATEThere LICENSED sites (pretty much “code” for Ancestry.com). are so many more! There are seminars, conferences Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties and organizations with Phone: guest speakers most are 732-928-3805 professional genealogists. areN.J. generally PO These Box 921events Jackson, 08527 ads-4605 fee based, but some are free. Many clubs or societies welcome guests at their meetings. Television shows such as “Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates” and “Who Do You Think You Are?” give clues about how or where information is available. Of course they have armies of genealogists working behind the scenes to make it look easy. Wouldn’t it be nice to just hop on a plane to go to the source in some foreign country? But, it’s a hobby you can even do in your pajamas at 3 a.m. Anyway, I’m pretty much addicted to this hobby. I can get very frustrated but get the best feeling of satisfaction when I make a “find” or find a new living relative! I even get excited when I make a connection with people who COULD be relatives. If you think this might be a hobby for you, come to a meeting. New members are always welcome. Dues are $5 (July>June) LEISURE TIMES Volunteers Make A Difference EXCELLENT CARE NURSE’S REGISTRY FULL TIME * PART TIME SERVICES SKILLED NURSING/RN’S * LPN’S HOME HEALTH AIDES You First Personal Training and Health Coach - Vicky Farrell NASM certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist (732) 610-6486 HOURLY * LIVE-INS * COMPANIONS Email: [email protected] Website: youfirstpersonaltrainer.vpweb.com Free Consultation plus 10% off your first multi session purchase. We offer one on one training, small group, and group training. Benefits of a personal training program include an increase in balance, coordination, strength, cardiovascular endurance, controlling weight, managing or reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mood, promoting cognitive well-being and boosting energy. Checkout my website to see what the Personal Training Program Features ads-4605 COMPETITIVE RATES All Personnel Thoroughly Screened FULLY INSURED, BONDED NEW JERSEY STATE LICENSED 24 HOUR SERVICE - 7 DAYS A WEEK Monmouth & Ocean County - 732-928-3805 Page 62 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Westernaires Page 63 Book Discussion Club By Kathy Hubany and Barbara Corrigan By Lorraine Wirths A Happy and Healthy 2015 to all. After all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, our board has been busy getting the music ready for our Spring Concert. It is our hope that many of you, in the village, have made a decision to come and join us. Our first meeting will be on Friday, February 6 at 9:30 a.m. in Willow Hall. A light breakfast will be served and the smell of fresh coffee will fill the room. Our new music for the Spring Concert will be revealed – a most exciting time for all the Westernaires. Don’t miss out on this fun morning. At this time we ask all of our current members to return their holiday concert music and to please erase all the pencil markings. Fundraising events are in the planning stages and promise to be a fun time for all who attend. We ask that you watch the Creeper or go on line to our website to get all the information. Since these will be in the winter months of February and March, it will be a great time to get out and mingle with friends and neighbors. The Westernaires also appreciate your support by attending these fundraisers. This also helps us to continue to perform these Wonderful Concerts. Come on out and join our group on Friday, February 6 at 9:30 a.m. at Willow Hall and “Sing A Joyful Song – Sing it Out and Sing It Strong!” Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 11. We will be discussing “Room” by Emma Donohue. Five year old Jack and his Ma live, eat and play in one room – an 11x11 foot space that is their prison – captives of the terrifying man Jack calls “Old Nick” who he only sees from his vantage point in a wardrobe. His mother was abducted at the age of 19 and has been repeatedly raped, Jack having been born two years later. Jack’s mother is frequently depressed and desperate to escape. However, she has protected Jack from the realities of their situation. Jack’s days are spent using the things they have and listening to the songs and stories his Ma remembers and the five picture books she’s had to read to him over and over. One of the book’s central ideas is that when you know no better, you always think that the world you live in is normal and it will still represent home to you. When the insular world suddenly expands beyond the confines of their four walls, the consequences are shattering and extraordinary. We will surely have much to discuss about this sometimes disturbing but imaginative book. As always, we welcome newcomers. Patronize Our Advertisers The deadline for the Leisure Village West News is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of EACH MONTH for the following month’s publication Page 64 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Kitchen Refacing or Reminder: New Kitchen? Drain and remove hoses YouknowusasthebestkitchenCabinet from outside faucets and Refacersinthearea... Now,Classic Kitchensalsocarries store. Assure good shut-off newkitchensdesignedforyourcommunity! to prevent freezing. Bridge Club – Duplicate Come visit our showroom today! • Family Owned and Operated • • Quality Work with that Personal Touch! • HOLIDAY QUILTING HEIGHTS By Sid Klotz QUILTING Kathi McCann Qualityworkmanship FourteenDayServiceAvailable 3315EdgetoEdgeQuilting Route 37 East, Toms River ads-1728 732-831-1999 spc-595 Countertops Our Specialty! Kathi McCann Masterpoint leaders through December 2014: 732-849-5892 Serving Holiday Heights WE HANDLE IT ALL! Qualityworkmanship For December, 2014 FourteenDayServiceAvailabl 1.Jackie McGinnis 2.49 EdgetoEdgeQuilting 2.Lillian Finch 2.25 3.Petey Goldson 4.Alice Werner 5.Selina Bixon 6.Hank Goldson 7.Marvin Strauss 8.Betsy Strauss 9.Bill Beuka 10.Dennis Wilcox Kitchen Refacing or New Kitchen? ads-1728 2.02 2.00 2.00 1.74 1.45 1.45 1.27 1.03 732-849-589 YouknowusasthebestkitchenCabinet Refacersinthearea... Now,Classic Kitchensalsocarries newkitchensdesignedforyourcommunity! Come visit our showroom today! LV West News • Family Owned and Operated • • Quality Work with that Personal Touch! • Complete Year of 2014 spc-595 Countertops Our Specialty! 3315 Route 37 East, Toms River WE HANDLE IT ALL! Although the Club is sanctioned by the ACBL, you do not have to join ACBL to belong to the LVW Club. Anyone interested in joining, with questions about the Duplicate Bridge Club, contact Sid Klotz at (732) 408-7451; Barbara Schpok at (732) 657-2174; or, Madalyn Crackel at (732) 323-3215. 732-831-1999 Serving Leisure Village West Sid Klotz 27.99 Barbara Schpok 24.12 Lillian Finch 24.05 Jackie McGinnis 23.53 Ann Cottone 21.51 Bernie Hoffman 19.92 Bill Beuka 19.69 Petey Goldson 19.46 Hank Goldson 16.79 Pat Enger 16.50 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 65 Pet Club By Linda Sue Fischer This month we are planning a Special Pet Club meeting on Wednesday, February 11 at 7 p.m. in the Club Encore Auditorium. This meeting is to start planning for our next big fundraiser, “Paws for Spring.” Everyone is encouraged to bring lots of enthusiasm and their creative suggestions to make this years’ fundraiser a fun and profitable one. “Paws for Spring” is scheduled for our May 2015 meeting. There is a lot to do be done and we know our members will once again volunteer their time and energy in order for everyone to enjoy our event. If everyone volunteers just 2 or 3 hours of their time before, during, or after the event, it is sure to run smoothly. Jeanne Terciaccanco of Ultimate Dog Training, stopped by at our January 2015 meeting with some helpful hints on training your dog and answered questions. Hope everyone enjoyed the meeting and learned a little something to help with their dog training! Maybe a little help for those darn cats too! Be sure to join us in the Club Encore Auditorium for a fun-filled exciting meeting. We are continuing to collect dry cat food and kitty litter for the Pet Food Pantry in Jackson. A big thank you to all those who continue to contribute to this good cause. Remember, people still need help after the holidays. Dues for 2015 are due - $5 Keep your eyes open for our spring event: “PAWS FOR SPRING” We look forward to seeing you there! Dispose of Flags Properly! Please see the receptionists at Willow Hall and Club Encore to dispose of worn American Flags properly. They will collect the flags for proper disposal. Thank you, VFW Post 7904 We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If there are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can contact your Better Business Bureau or the Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs. Page 66 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Arts & Crafts by Phyllis Clemente If you read our Bulletin from cover to cover, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the column, Welcome New Neighbors, which acknowledges our new residents. Those columns have become longer and longer as the months go by. As such, I’m assuming we have some ladies who either knit, crochet, or do some other craft. With that in mind, I’m sending some old patterns which may very likely interest them and maybe they’ll consider our Club. If you like to knit or crochet, or do any type of crafts, consider joining our group. You do not have to join the Arts & Crafts Club or come to any of our meetings. You can do your charity volunteer work in the comfort of your own home. But, if you enjoy the company of other crafters, you are cordially invited to attend our meetings, which are the first and third Thursdays of the month from 1 – 3 p.m. in Leisure Fair. The first Thursday of the month is our business meeting followed by a social hour with refreshments. The second Thursday is our workshop when we work, chat and share ideas and patterns. Beret 1 Skein – 4 oz. pack, No. 4 and No. 8 needles. With size 4 needles, cast on 108 sts. Work even in garter st for 10 rows (5 ridges). With size 8 needles, continue to work in garter st until piece measures. 7 ¼ inches. Next Row K3 tog, across row; 36 sts. Row 2 Knit Row 3 Same as row 1; 12 sts K1 row; break yarn, leaving end long enough to draw through remaining 12 sts tightly. Fasten securely. Finishing: sew seam. Pretty Scarf Using 101/2 needles, cast on 21 sts with a worsted yarn. Row 1: K1 (YO, P2 tog, 9x) K2. Row 2: Knit across. Isn’t that easy? Block lightly and enjoy! Teddy Bear Sweater Back and Front: Use size 7 or 8 needle with some leftover yarn. Cast on 28 stitches; rib for 4 rows. Work stockinette stitch until piece measures 5 inches. Bind off. Sleeves: Cast on 27 stitches; rib for 4 rows; work stockinette stitch until piece measures 2 inches. Bind off. Assembly: Sew shoulder seams for ½ inch. Center sleeve at shoulder seam and sew sleeve top to the side edges of front and back. Sew side and sleeve seams. To gather the neck, thread 2 strands of yarn on a needle. Start at center front and lace through the top row of knitting. Leave loose ends but knot both ends of the yarn. The yarn will be tied into a bow after the Teddy Bear puts on his sweater. Shrug for a Nursing Home Patient (or you) Starting at Cuff, with number 3 needles, cast on 50 sts of worsted. Knit 1, Purl 1 for 5 inches. On the next row, knit increasing 1 stitch in each stitch. Now, work garter stitch with No. 10 needles until piece measures 45 inches from start. Knit 2 stitches together across the next row. With No. 3 needles, knit 1 purl 1 in ribbing for 5 inches. Bind off in ribbing. To finish, sew cuffs and sleeves for 12 inches from each end. HAPPY CRAFTING February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 67 Straight Horizons This is the time of year when many of us travel to warmer places. This gives us the opportunity to shoot some landscapes and seascapes of the places we visit. It is very important to make certain you hold your camera level on this type of shot so the horizon is straight and level. Having a tilted horizon line is especially important when shooting sunrises and sunsets. If the horizon is tilted (even slightly) it will make the image seem unnatural and give it an unbalanced feel. It is also important to keep your camera level when shooting indoors. Horizontal lines, such as a fireplace mantel, molding, or door frames, that are not level will make your images less appealing. When photographing, take your time and make certain your composition is good and level. That’s it for this month. As always you can email me with any questions at [email protected]. If you’d like to see more of my images you can visit my site at www.KirmsPhotography.com . Remember to keep shooting and trying to improve your images, but most importantly, have fun with your camera. Straighthorizon Crookedhorizon Page 68 Leisure Village West News Ocean’s Harbor House Seeks Support Harbor House offers housing to youths when they have nowhere else to go. For info on how to help, call 732-929-0096. Special thanks to LVW clubs who have donated and delivered cookies and desserts after their club meetings to Harbor House. February, 2015 Dispose of Unwanted Medications Properly Manchester Police Dept. has a prescription drop-off box at Police Headquarters at 1 Colonial Drive. For info, call 732-657-6111. Literacy Volunteers Need Your Help Help tutor adults in basic literacy skills. For info, call Literacy Volunteers of Ocean County at 732-864-9646. Leisure Village West News – Classified Ads Classified advertisements appear in the Leisure Village West News monthly magazine only. This magazine reaches 2,692 homes each month. Classified ads are accepted under the categories of Services, Real Estate Rentals & Sales, Merchandise for Sale and Merchandise Wanted. Cost is $15 for up to 15 words (published one time) or $40 for 15 words (published three months) (and 75 cents for each additional word.) Deadline for Classified Ads is the first of each month for the following month’s publication. All submissions must be in writing (no phone calls). Your telephone number counts as one word. Payment by check to LVWA, is payable at the LVW Recreation Office at Willow Hall, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. No refunds. No photos. Or Mail to: LVW Recreation Office, Willow Hall, 1 Buckingham Drive, Manchester, NJ 08759 Category:_____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (Paid thru___) For our file: Name_ ______________________ Address_ ________________________ Phone_____________ Email__________________ Please check your ad for accuracy when it runs the first time to be sure it is correct. No Refunds. February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Classified Ads Page 69 Deadline: First of each month for the following month’s publication. MINH Private Home Care Now at GOLDEN SPA NAILS White female. in Hudson Plaza 732-657-1900. Mornings and evenings. 10% off any service. $15 an hour. 2/15 Help for all needs. Call 908-600-7827. Health Coach for Hire! Are you looking for a Health Professional who will listen and focus only on you? SERVER Gain control of your health, Enjoy your gathering. Experienced, Friendly, lo se weight, boost self-confidence! American Woman. Contact Paula Escudero I will set-up, serve, clean-up. 917-748-9782 References within LVW. www.enjoynaturessecret.com Donna 732-678-6642 2/15 A Helpful Hand Caring, experienced and dependable Shopping, bill-paying, meal preparation. Call Barbara 732-323-9058 Village Handyman For all your handyman needs. General Handyman services of all types Call Bob at 732-966-2301. 3/15 2/15 Driver Serving LVW for 18 years. Experienced, Reliable, Courteous. All area airports, NYC, other destinations. Call Ernie 732-323-9058 3/15 Caregiver Looking for a job. Live in or out. Honest, reliable. 14 years experience. References provided. Tamara 732-575-5055 4/15 Driver Assistance Airports, NY, etc. Experienced in GPS navigation. Excellent driving record. Also available, out-of-state pick-up and drop-off. John Salerno and Associate James Milton 732-213-0166. 2/15 Need a Handyman? One honest and reliable God-fearing man, with Integrity. No job too big. Call Lester at 732-664-5013. You won’t be dissapointed! 2/15 Caregivers I help you find the right live-in assistant or other support options to fit your independent needs, while living in your own home. No Fees! Call Merrill 908-432-9345 cell Cleaning Services by Patty. Reasonable and Reliable. Let your house sparkle! 732-408-6648. 2/15 3/15 4/15 4/15 Driver Call Bert All Airports, All Boros in NYC. Cruise terminals, doctors, shopping. Excellent driving record. Please call for appointments. Also available, out-of-state pick-up and drop-off. Cell 732-674-9833 or Home 732-408-1123 3/15 Senior Care Services StellaCare Home Services. Cooking, cleaning, errands, doctor visits, grocery, shopping, bathing, medication reminder, companionship Call 347-225-4799. 4/15 This posting is provided as an accommodation to our residents. It shall not be relied upon as any form of endorsement or approval of the service or provider listed. Please be guided accordingly. Page 70 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Directory ATTIC STAIRS Energy Wise WINDOWS (732) 341-8063 732-350-0303 FREE ESTIMATES Vinyl Windows, Patio Doors SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 30 year AnniversaryService SALE Major Appliance State Lic.#13VH03068400 / Insured Factory Authorized Refrigerators • Freezers • Ranges WHITING PAPERS: Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers CVS • ECHOES 732-892-8508 All work fully guaranteed Insured A Plus Handyman Service We Do It All!! Tiles • Crown Moulding • Bathrooms • Kitchens Floors • Painting • Sheetrock • Custom Bars • etc. Free Estimates, Fully Insured and Great Local References Call Walter - office 609-698-0105 • Cell 732-580-0217 License # 13VH03221700 B & R LOCKSMITH BONDED MASTER LOCKSMITH 3112 WINDSOR AVE. TOMS RIVER, N.J. 08753 732-616-6033 Energy Wise WINDOWS A Private Car Service FREE ESTIMATES Vinyl Windows, Patio Doors SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT BrandNewCar-weDrivewithCare,Anywhere! Reliable • Dependable • Reasonable Bulletin 732-349-9595 30 year Anniversary SALE State Lic.#13VH03068400 / Insured DoortoDoor SeniorDiscount Stan Levine: 732.822.0344 • 732-657-2967 PQ PAINTING SERVICE ALL PAPERS Family OTHER Owned/Operated Since 1967 Curry Electrical Contracting Factory Authorized “Electrical Service You Can Trust” Angie’s List Super Service Award Winner 732-267-4061 Major Appliance Service NJ License #13VH06752800 Int./Ext. Painting & More • Wallpapering or Removal Powerwashing • Spackling & Taping • Handyman Work Fully Insured • Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates Refrigerators • Freezers • Ranges Call us 7 days a week Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers 732-500-3063 • 609-356-2444 www.pqpaintingservice.com 732-892-8508 Seniors for Seniors Insured All work fully guaranteed Please consider adopting a small 6 lb. male Pomeranian, loves to be held andTabloid great on a leash. Please Call 908-433-5875 Whiting Flower Shoppe 550 route 530, ste. 11 crestwood shopping center, Whiting 732-941-4513 Local, Family Run and Operated • Open 7 Days www.whitingnjflorist.com Not Just Flowers – Gifts Galore NJ LIC # 17767 *Free Estimates* Nice Guy Car Service 24 Hour Service CALL JoHN for Reasonable Rates Cell: (732) 779-8366 Home: (732) 364-5350 - Highly Recommended NYC, Atlantic City, Philadelphia Airports, Cruise Ships, Hospitals, Doctors Fully Insured, Lic. #13VH02503300 25 Years Experience, Neat & Dependable WJA Custom Painting Call Bill for free estimate H-732-323-0744 C-732-567-5093 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 71 Directory HANDYMAN DAVE HOME IMPROVEMENTS, LLC Fully Licensed & Insured estate sales • estate clean Outs • painting • siding sheetrock • Wallpaper • decks • Building Landscaping • Handicapped remodeling “ONE CALL DOES IT ALL” 732-941-4101 CHRIS-TINA’S SALON Everyday Quantum Perm Special $29.50 Wash & Wear perm or Body Wave Includes Hair Cut with Coupon New customers only. Exp. 2/28/15 564 Lakehurst Rd. Toms River (732) 341-5454 Open Mon. Sat. We Sell & Service Wigs & Hairpieces THE EXPERT TOUCH LLC ALL HOME REPAIRS AND REMODELING SHEETROCK, SPACKLE, PAINTING, WALLPAPER REMOVAL, DECKS, ROOF REPAIRS, ALL BATH & KITCHEN REPAIRS, NEW KITCHENS, BATHROOMS & GRANITE TOPS, CERAMIC TILE, MOLDING, DOORS, BASEMENT, credit cards Window replacement accepted DON GEMMA #732-832-1211 FAX 732-593-6929 Licensed & Insured Free Estimates Call Today Lic. #13VH06197100 COMPUTER PC SERVICES Call: Tom 73 MAC 2 503.9866 AudioVideo www.CompuTomNJ.com Professional Interior Painting Over 30 Years Experience CG PAINTING I also live in the village 732-986-6809 - “Chuck” 10% discount with this ad OIL • AIR CONDITIONING •GAS ITAK Heating & Cooling “ Home Comfort Specialist” Custom Residential Applications Arthur Giroux Ocean (732)892-4957 Sales Engineer www.itakhvac.com Monmouth (732)938-9311 HOME CARE SERVICES Licensed,bondedandinsuredagency. CertifiedhomehealthAides knowsomeonewhoneedshelp? GiveusaCallTODAYat732-730-2273for yourFREECONSULTATION. Visitwww.CareStreetNJ.com GARAGE DOOR Hometowne Plumbing GUARDIAN SERVICE No Job Too Small 732-269-9667 Lic.9452 FORMER MARINE Repairs ~ Sales ~ Installation Repairs Done Right! Galaxy Construction cabinets, tops, wood/laminate flooring,tile, doors, molding, painting, wallpaper removal Free Estimates, Fully Insured 10% Senior Discount 732-600-4322 Nick or Mark Bulletin 732-270-3232 10% OFF FREEESTIMATES John Pettit & Son Decorator INTERIOR*EXTERIORPAINTING PAPERhANGING*POwERwASh 732-350-2050 Insured Page 72 Leisure Village West News “Music” February, 2015 Directory Piano Lessons for Beginners at Your Home Call: Gene at 732-575-5167 The Golden Age of Magic The Amazing Arni and Ingrid COMFORT COMPANION walkingDogs,houseCleaning, Errands,FoodShopping, Please Call Jodi (Cell) 908-392-1817 Meds DirectRx Inc FREEprescriptiondeliverytomyhome FREEOvertheCounterProducts Entertainment for your Club, Party or Event Visit www.MagicArnold.com SNOwBIRDSgetfreedeliveryanywhere 732-872-1821 Call 800-689-3275 WE BUY CAMERAS Savesmemoney-PersonalCallService Tax Returns Professionally Prepared 30 Years Experience LeisureVillageWest Licensed to Practice before the IRS 732-657-4225 (Will come to your home) Call Bill @ 732-323-0744 This Space Available ——— Call 888-637-3200 This Space Available ——— Call 888-637-3200 This Space Available ——— Call 888-637-3200 This Space Available ——— Call 888-637-3200 This Space Available ——— Call 888-637-3200 This Space Available ——— Call 888-637-3200 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 73 Dance Club News by Jon Telfer The West Village Dance Club first dance of the New Year will be on Saturday, February 14. “Wild Rose” with Grace and Guy Ludlow as our DJ for the evening. Tickets are $7 for members and $8 for non-members. Please place your checks in the Willow Hall dance club box. For more information please call Nick Raspa at 732-657-9045. Everyone is welcome. Please join your friends and neighbors for a lively and exciting evening at the first dance of the New Year. The executive board wishes our members, friends and patrons a healthy and happy new year. See you at the dance! Line Dancing Club Our line dancing Christmas party on December 16 at Club Encore was a fun time for all. We ate and danced with our two great teachers, Rosemarie and Linda (pictured). Thank you both for all you do! Photo by MaryAnn McCauley Page 74 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 West Village Players “All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.” Sean O’Casey By Judith Carelli Stout The Irish know how to put our lives in prospective, but the Players Club members are seldom unrehearsed and are always ready to "put on a show!” The past year was filled with terrific monthly programs and great attendance at all of our meetings. Even though our December meeting was smack dab in the middle of Hanukkah and two days before Christmas, we were fortunate to have an outstanding crowd. If you haven't joined us yet, mark Tuesday, March 24 at 7 p.m. on your calendar and join us at Willow Hall to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Wear that green sweater, shirt, or tie because everyone is Irish at a St. Patrick's Day celebration! Congratulations to our newly installed board and a very heartfelt thank you to Jon Telfer who presided over the installation ceremony at our December meeting. We also want to thank the hospitality committee who did an outstanding job this past year. Just a hint of what's coming up this spring: you'll have to warm up your "pipes" to go somewhere over the rainbow. Hmmm....So snuggle up and stay out of the cold during January and February. We'll see you in March. Here's one last blessing from the Irish: "As you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction." February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 75 Garden Club by Kay Jacobsen December 17 was our Holly Jolly Holiday Party at Leisure Fair and believe me it was Jolly. Our President Yvonne Huacuja gave a very heartwarming welcome and spoke about how she was so impressed by all the wonderful people in the Garden Club and how we all came together to celebrate this special season with friendship and love for one another, not only family but all our friends. That, of course, is the real meaning of the holidays we celebrate this time of year. We then enjoyed the delicious dishes prepared by our talented members. After having our fill we were entertained by pianist Tony D’ Amato and Agnes Raimondi singing Christmas and Hanukkah songs and many old favorites. Penny Bosco passed out sheets showing the 12 days of Christmas (Garden Club Style), each day representing a different flower. It was hilarious pronouncing the correct flower names. Everyone was a good sport and we did our best and struggled through. Next on the agenda was our crazy, ugly sweater contest. Wow, did these gals get into the spirit of things! Penny Bosco informed us of the annual Flower and Garden Show held at the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison, NJ, February 12 - 15. Yvonne suggested if anyone is interested in forming a car pool we could possibly get together and go up to Edison to enjoy the show. Flyers are available for a trip to the Philadelphia Ugly Sweater Contest Winners: Roseanne Walters, Barbara Lazaro and Joanne Sheehan. Flower Show on March 2. We will join The Crestwood Village Garden Club and the cost is $59. Notify Joan Reed our Treasurer if interested and she will contact Stefanie Rotsaert of their garden club. No meetings in February. The next meeting is Tuesday, March 24. We are looking forward to many interesting and special treats in 2015. We wish you a Healthy and Happy New Year and a caring and peaceful 2015. Yvonne Huacuja and Joyce Patire at the Holly Jolly Holiday Party. The gang’s all here! Page 76 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 Nature Club A what? Wolfdog farm! Right in nearby in Jackson! By Peggy Hathaway A wolfdog animal shelter called Howling Woods Farm is located in Jackson. What sets the farm apart from most other humane wolfdog organizations is their adoption service. Owner Mike Hodanish was bothered knowing that shelters rarely allow adoptions of wolfdogs into homes, often preferring euthanasia. Howling Woods Farm, located on 10 acres, is an animal shelter that rescues and places domestic bred wolves, wolfdog hybrids and northern breeds. Hodanish adds an educational element for the public. He and his volunteers are happy to answer questions and dispel misconceptions about these animals. You can often see staffers at public events. The farm is not generally open to the public. However they will open their facility by appointment. The Internet lists what public events HWF will be attending. This is usually the best way to meet the wolfdogs. Of course, for most of us at LVW, the easiest way for us to learn about wolfdogs is to attend LVWs Nature Club’s Monday, February 23 meeting in Willow Hall starting at 7 p.m. At least one of the wolfdogs will be at that meeting. All residents are welcome to attend. The deadline for the Leisure Village West News is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of EACH MONTH for the following month’s publication February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Page 77 The Irish American Club by Lee Parker February is here and we have our weather prediction from whichever groundhog you happen to believe. Much like the Irish, they don't always seem to agree about everything. One thing we are in agreement about is that it is getting closer and closer to our annual St. Patrick's Day bash. This year, here in Leisure Village West, we will be having our celebration on Thursday, March 19 at 1 p.m. at Willow Hall. Our usual monthly general meeting is on the third Thursday of the month and so that is the day we will be celebrating. Those village residents who have attended our Patty's Day celebrations in the past can attest to the good time that was had by all. Once again we will be having musical entertainment by Dee Best who has proven that she knows the complete American songbook as well as the complete Irish songbook. Our traditional Irish dinner menu is still being finalized but you can be sure that corned beef and cabbage will be front and center and that nobody will go home hungry. Information regarding ticket purchases can be obtained from any of the club officers or specifically from Walter Gately at 732-657-2822 or Lee Parker at 732-323-0109. This is historically a sell out event so get your tickets early. At our February 19 general meeting we will be welcoming back Kathleen Maloney. Kathy writes for The Asbury Park Press and also for the Irish Echo regarding matters and affairs which deal with our shared Irish heritage. It is her ability to co-mingle that knowledge of our shared heritage with our American heritage which makes her such a welcomed guest. Please keep in mind our new starting time for our general meetings. All general meetings will begin at 1 p.m. in Willow Hall. Also, last but not least, let us all remember to bring an item for our donation to the Food Bank at St. John's Church. These donations are given anonymously to persons in need. Non-perishable items large or small are all welcome and appreciated. The winners of our Christmas Sweater Contest at the Christmas party. Page 78 Leisure Village West News February, 2015 February, 2015 Leisure Village West News Selling or buying a home, work with a winner! Call me for a Free Comparative Market Analysis. Alfred “Al” Carnegie LVW Resident LEISuRE VILLAGE WEST oFFICE 3 BuCKINGHAM DRIVE MANCHESTER, NJ 08759 ads-3735B off: 732-323-9007 Cell: 732-407-1544 Res: 732-657-2247 E-mail: [email protected] New Jersey Association of Realtors Circle of Excellence 2005, 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013 Page 79 Page 80 Leisure Village West News February, 2015
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