Dates to Remember Newsletter TERM 1 WEEKS 6 February 2015 3, 4 & 5 February Week 3 Issue 1 Published Fortnightly ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ Tue 10th - VCE&VCAL Information Evening - Motivational Media Yr 9-12 Wed 11th - Swimming Sports February Week 4 16th, 17th & 18th VCAL B Camp PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Jeanette McNamara Thur 19th - Yr 12 OES Excursion Welcome to all students, parents, family and staff to the 2015 school year and our first newsletter. Fri 20th - Year 9 Bush Walk We have had a GREAT start to the year due to the preparation by staff across the college beforehand, an excellent professional development day on ‘Growth Mindset and Challenging Learning’, the care by staff to establish clear expectations in their first classes, the positive intent of students, and the effort made by parents and families to ensure students were in full school uniform, with the materials required for effective learning and to support student learning at home. February Week 5 23rd, 24th & 25th VCAL A Camp Fri 27th - Interschool swimming Important Dates For Semester 1 February 11- House Swimming Sports March 6 - School Photos March 9 - LABOUR DAY Holiday March 26-27 - Parent Teacher Interviews June 8 - QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY Holiday Next Newsletter February 20th Next Meeting: School Council February 17th Parents Club February 10th All Welcome We are very pleased with quality of the six new teachers who have been appointed. They are Mrs Harrison, who will be teaching year 7 Maths, Year 10 Science and VCAL Numeracy, Ms Legge will be teaching Indonesian in years 7 and 8, Ms Moloney will be teaching year 12 English, year 11 History, year 8 Humanities and year 7 English, Mr McCallum who will be teaching Year 11 English and VCAL Literacy, as well as year 7 Drama, Mrs Batt who will be taking year 9 Core, year 8 Maths and year 7 Science, Mrs Smith who will be teaching the making of the Modern World in year 10, year 7 Maths and year 8 science, Chi Xiaoxue (Rebecca), who is arriving soon, will be our Language Assistant, helping in our Mandarin classes this year and producing more Language resources for our school. Over the holidays Emily Herbstreit, our teacher and school counsellor married Mr Boyle last December and thus her name is from now on is Emily Boyle. Tim Wallace our Chaplain, also married last December. This year he will be working at our school on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It is very pleasing that the school has now reached a more stable staffing profile. This is the result of four years of careful and wise staffing employment decisions by the many school selection panels to which most current staff have contributed. Staff and students now have the conditions to make much more developmental learning progress during the year. If you have any queries or issues you would like Council to discuss, please email the school council president Hans Simon on [email protected] or speak to a parent representative on school council. Website: Newsletter email: Address: Phone: [email protected] Bill Cane Court, Maffra, 3860 0351 471 790 Email: [email protected] Attendance email: [email protected] Attendance SMS: 0419 345 857 ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 2 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT - Continued Growth Mindset and Challenging Learning Our whole staff professional development day last week on ‘Growth Mindset and Challenging Learning’ was very capably led by George Telford, a current principal, who led us in the theory and how it has been applied in his school, as well as showing us some useful resources to support our learning in 2015. The presentation, examples, and theory were exactly what our school needed to kick start our new Strategic Plan for the next four years. The concept of a Growth Mindset and challenging learning in the classroom builds perfectly on the very good ground work by the school during the previous Strategic Plan to establish School-wide Positive Behaviour Support for Engagement and Learning throughout the school; an expanded and effective Wellbeing team; a documented and accessible curriculum; effective computer and communications systems across the college; exceptional careers and pathways guidance and programs, including VCAL; a documented set of clear student management guidelines; improved classroom ownership and learning environment; the use of learning intentions and success criteria, questioning to promote thinking, use of evidence and differentiation to target learning at the students level, and helps to lead us to the promotion of ‘Activating students as owners of their own learning.’ An exciting year ahead 2015 is going to be an exciting year because we have a new leadership team for the school and a new school plan for improvement over the next four years. The leadership team consists of assistant principals Mrs Evans, Mr Hogan and Mrs Cunningham, Leading Teachers Mr Wallace, Ms Tricker and Ms McMillan and myself as the leader of the team. The years 7 and 8 sub-school leader is Mr Wallace and he will be leading the years 7 and 8 teacher team, and oversee the learning for years 7 and 8 students in classes and in activities outside class. Ms Tricker will lead the years 9 and 10 teacher team and oversee years 9 and 10 student learning, and Ms McMillan will lead the years 11 and 12 teacher team and oversee years 11 and 12 student learning. Any concerns that parents or guardians may have regarding staff, please email, ring or visit Mrs McNamara at school so that we can address the situation early. Any concerns parents or guardians regarding students, please email, ring or visit the respective year level coordinators at school so that we can address these situation before they escalate. Strengthening student learning in and out of the classroom is a partnership of parents, guardians, students, education support staff and teachers, which we will all be working on together. So, as you can see, the school leadership team, the teachers, the support staff and families are all helping STUDENT LEARNING, because at Maffra Secondary College: “High Levels of Student Learning is at the Centre of Everything we do.” Underpinning all of this we have 4 areas: Respect, Learning, Environment and Community that we consider very important. Respect – we value ourselves and we value others which means things like listening to others carefully without interrupting, following instructions, saying positive things to each other to build each other up and using 6 positives to one negative Learning – we persist and work hard, we use our initiative, we strive for excellence, we are creative, we are open to new ideas, with all classes we know what the learning intent for the lesson is and have success criteria to help identify learning progress; Environment – we respect our school surroundings and personal belongings –teachers are in charge of different classrooms and are making the room look inviting for learning; students should be ready to learn straight as soon as they walk into each classroom, look after the furniture and work at least until the bell at the end of the lesson; Community - we are trustworthy, we trust others, we co-operate, we’re honest, we put in an effort to help hers in the school and outside school Respect, Learning, Environment and Community – there are posters in each classroom as reminders to show these important areas in school and life. We then have regular awards and assemblies to recognize and acknowledge students who are demonstrating these values. The main idea in our new plan is that we will be helping each one of you to become responsible for your own learning. There will be a particular emphasis on improving writing, teacher feedback, questioning and positivity; and student effort in learning. I am very excited about all the learning we expect to see in 2015. Jeanette McNamara ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 3 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Cheryl Evans Throughout 2015 staff will be working towards developing their understanding of “What is a mindset” and how we can utilise this within our classrooms in order to motivate and challenge our students. Building on from a very rewarding professional learning day on the 28th February with George Telford (visiting Principal from the Latrobe Valley), staff will continue to research and develop different ways to challenge students with their learning. This will include looking closely at the brain and how it works. I would like to share an excerpt from an article by Carol Dweck – a Psychologist from Stanford University titled ‘You Can Grow your Intelligence’ Carol Dweck Winter 2008 as an example of the type of learning that occurred on our professional learning day. “Everyone knows that when you lift weights, your muscles get bigger and you get stronger. A person who can't lift 10 kilos when they start exercising can get strong enough to lift 50 kilos after working out for a long time. That's because the muscles become larger and stronger with exercise. And when you stop exercising, the muscles shrink and you get weaker. That's why people say "Use it or lose it!” But most people don't know that when they practice and learn new things, parts of their brain change and get larger a lot like muscles do when they exercise. Inside the cortex of the brain are billions of tiny nerve cells, called neurons. The nerve cells have branches connecting them to other cells in a complicated network. Communication between these brain cells is what allows us to think and solve problems. When you learn new things, these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger. The more that you challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow. Then, things that you once found very hard or even impossible to do — like speaking a foreign language or doing algebra — seem to become easy. The result is a stronger, smarter brain.” I look forward to sharing more information throughout the year. HOUSE SWIMMING SPORTS The annual House Swimming Sports will take place next Wednesday 11th February at the Maffra Swimming Pool commencing at 9.30am. All of our Year 7 students have been allocated a House to represent throughout their schooling at Maffra Secondary College. These are: MACALISTER THOMSON AVON FREESTONE RED YELLOW BLUE GREEN All students are expected to attend this day and are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the day. Points will be awarded for participation in various swimming and non-swimming events throughout the day. Both this day and the House Athletics day are great days to dress up in your House colours and to actively support your team. All students are expected to attend these days and are encourage to have a go. ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 4 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Continued YEAR LEVEL CO-ORDINATORS / SUB SCHOOL LEADERS / WELLBEING TEAM At all times it is important for parents to contact their child’s Year Level Coordinator if they have any concerns in regards to their child’s wellbeing. At Maffra Secondary College we promote “It’s NOT Okay to stay away”, for every day a child is away from school they miss out on valuable learning. With this in mind it is crucial that parents inform the school if their child is absent on 51471790 or via an email to our attendance officer Kath Shepheard – [email protected] Years 7 & 8 - Sub School Leader – Nathan Wallace [email protected] Year 7 – Felicity Scully – Middle Years Office – [email protected] Year 8 - Gayle Biddenback - Middle Years Office – [email protected] Years 9 & 10 - Sub School Leader – Lashay Tricker [email protected] Year 9 - Kate Hodge – Arts Office - [email protected] Year 10 – Sue Clancy – Arts Office – [email protected] Years 11 & 12 - Sub School Leader – Stephanie McMillan – [email protected] Year 11 – Carol Caffrey - Later Years Office – [email protected] Year 12 – Belinda Tricker - Later Years Office - [email protected] VET / VCAL Coordinator – Veronica Hudson - [email protected] Wellbeing Leader – Tricia Newgreen – [email protected] Student Welfare / Youth Counsellor – Emily Boyle – [email protected] School Nurse – Marieta Sears – [email protected] School Chaplain – Tim Wallace - [email protected] FIRST AID Kerry Liddell Hi and welcome to a new year at MSC. Here at the College we provide immediate first aid treatment for students in the case of accident or illness. However, we have limited resources and as such do not have the facilities to care for students for extended periods of time. If the ailment requires medical attention appropriate treatment should be sought from a health professional. With this in mind, it is extremely important that we have current contact details for parents and guardians. It is also very important that you provide the school with a number of emergency contacts in case you are unavailable or the school cannot reach you if your child becomes ill or is injured. Parents and carers who collect their child from school for any reason (other than an emergency) must sign the child out of the school in the register located at the Main Office. Important Changes: Secondary School Vaccine Program 2015 Three big changes to the vaccine program This year three major changes to the vaccine program will impact on parents of secondary school students: 1. The Wellington Shire Council’s immunisation service may contact you about the secondary school vaccine program. Schools have been authorised to provide parent contact details to local councils for this purpose. Contact the school by phone: 51471790 or email: [email protected] by 28 February 2015 if you do not want your contact details given to the Wellington Shire Immunisation Team. 2. In 2015 only, the vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough will be offered to all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. From 2016, this vaccine will be offered to Year 7 students only. This will provide earlier protection from these diseases. 3. The time-limited human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program for Year 9 boys was completed in December 2014. HPV vaccine will continue to be offered to all students (both male and female) in Year 7 from 2015. Look out for the vaccine consent form/s coming home from school with your child. You need to read, complete and return the form/s regardless of whether your child is being immunised at school. To learn more about the changes, the diseases, the vaccines, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination go to: ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 UNIFORM SHOP Page 5 Tracey Shelton NEW Maffra Secondary College Hats are available from the Uniform Shop. Four styles all $10: Bucket Hat, Truck Cap, Army and Cap. Uniform Shop is open Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime from 1.15-2pm NEW SMS FACILITY FOR ABSENCES Maffra Secondary College has a new facility for families to send a text message straight to the Attendance Officer advising of any student absences. The number is 0419345857 and is available 24/7. Please do not phone this number as it is for text messaging only. If you would like to speak to the Attendance Office, please phone the school on 5147 1790 during school hours. The school already has the ability to message through emergency information such as floods, days off and unexpected bus information. If you receive a message asking to explain an absence, press and hold for two seconds on the number displayed on the screen until ‘send message’ is displayed to send a return message. VOLLEYBALL Andrew McIntosh Maffra Secondary College Volleyball Program Maffra Secondary College has forged a fantastic reputation as a Volleyball school over the last 3 years. We have had a lot of success over recent years, having 2 teams win State School Sport championships, winning medals at National and State Schools cups and having representatives play Volleyball for Victoria and train in Australian squads. In 2014 we had over 60 students represent Maffra Secondary College is Volleyball competitions. Volleyball will be available for all students in 2015 who wish to play. Presently we have teams in year 11 girls, year 9 boys and girls and year 8 girls. These are the teams that represented Maffra Secondary College at the National Schools cup in 2014. New players are always welcome. See Mr McIntosh for details of training times. Year 7 students will be organised for training as soon as possible, so make sure you listen for announcements and follow the student bulletin sports information. For further information contact Andrew McIntosh on 0447262621 or via email : [email protected] ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 SCIENCE Page 6 Kylie Lambert Science at Maffra Secondary College in 2015 will be full of great opportunities for our students, including a free trip to Melbourne to participate in an exciting talk and dinner by a Nobel Prize winning scientist, excursions for most all year levels, the second year of our Maffra Science Expo and a visit by a Marine Biologist and underwater videographer. This year we have a fantastic opportunity to send a bus load of students for FREE to the Graeme Clark Oration - a prestigious Science event where Nobel Prize winner and one of the world’s most influential scientists, Sir Paul Nurse will address up to 1500 secondary students, researchers and scientists. Sir Paul is the President of the Royal Society and Director of the Francis Crick Institute in London. His Oration, Controlling how cells reproduce, will discuss experiments his group have conducted on the cell cycle in particular cancerous cells, for which he won the Nobel Prize in 2001. Students will hear Sir Paul describe what influenced him to become a scientist, his research interests, what it is like to be a Nobel Laureate and his views on the value of science and scientists to society. Sponsored by veski, a Science innovations group, two students will be selected to participate in the Oration dinner along with a staff member from our College. The oration will be held on Tuesday 10th March and the format for the day is below: 9am – Depart Maffra SC 12:00pm-2:30pm - Activity at a Melbourne University (TBC) 3.30pm-4.30pm – students activity with the Orator 5.40pm-7.00pm – Graeme Clark Oration 7.15pm – Oration Dinner (students depart for Maffra) This opportunity is open to students in Years 10 - 12. This is a FREE event and is highly recommended to students with an interest in Science. If you are interested, come and put your name down on the list in the Science office or talk to Mrs Lambert. The list will close on Mon 16th Feb 2015. If parents want more information they can email or call Kylie Lambert [email protected] TERM 1 CORE SCIENCE Students will be studying a range of topics this term in core Science including: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Introduction to Science, safety in the laboratory, Bunsen burner license, Categorising living things and separation science. Chemical science including the states of matter: solids, liquids and gases, Chemical reactions and the structure of atoms. The Scientific Method Ecosystems studies, including an investigation of the Maffra Swamp; Chemical reactions, acids and bases, combustion. Physical science: forces, motion and Newton’s laws Genetics and evolution ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 7 SCIENCE - Continued YR 7 RAINBOW LAB – a study in accuracy and measurement Harvey Vickers and Zyrone Andrews Adam Elliot, Blake Roberts and Orlando Davidson working well as a team. Jenna Ross, Lily Watson and Laura Mayne MSC MUSICAL 2015 “The Nifty Fifties!” Celebrate the music and the costumes of the fab fifties. This show has bad guys, good guys, misunderstandings, great fun music to tap along to and the necessary romance! Auditions start the week……come and join in and have a time to remember. Rehearsals will be before school at 7.30 am and one night per week after school. There will be some Sunday rehearsals in term 2. Therefore commitment is necessary…….you must attend all rehearsals. The show will be on in the second week of June, so let’s get our roller skates on and get started. See Ms. Ray to show interest. The script is fun with lots of fabulous characters. See you at rehearsals!!!! ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 8 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION YR 7 YR 8 YR 9 Starting next week students in year 7, 8 and 9 will begin a compulsory swimming unit as part of their H&PE course. The College has a strong belief that each of our students should continued to be taught acceptable aquatic skills in a safe and friendly environment. Swimming skills, particularly among children are fundamental to every individual’s safety and overall motor skill development. We find that although students have participated in a numerous swimming programs and activities their skills still need to be developed to a competent standard. In the past few years there has been a rapid increase in drowning in young adults aged 15-24 year olds in Australia, with research suggests that there is a linked to a fall in the swimming and water safety skills of children in Australia over the past 10 years. In 2011-12 there was an increase of 25% in drowning in 15-24 year olds. 86% of these drowning deaths are males, with many drowning whilst swimming, boating or fishing with friends in the nation’s rivers, dams and at beaches, which highlights the need to develop survival skills in our students. To participate in the program at Maffra Secondary College students need to pay $36 at the main office prior to the commencement of the swimming program. Students that have a Wellington Seasons ticket will only need to pay $15 for the buses. SNOWY SCHOOL FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP Kristen Raine YR 9 A group of confident and excited Year 9 students have begun this school year with a difference. On Sunday 1 st March they were dropped off at the Snowy School Campus in Marlo by their slightly nervous and emotional parents. The students will spend the next 8 weeks on campus developing their leadership skills, teamwork skills, a Community Learning Project, new friendships and undergoing outdoor expeditions. We wish these students the very best on their adventure and look forward to hearing about their experiences when they return to Maffra SC at the beginning of Term 2. 7 2015 Snowy School Students on arrival day: James Stothers, Preston Stephens, Ella Bailey, Indi Keith, Mollie Huts and Merrick Stanioch ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 YEARS 9 AND 10 SUB SCHOOL Page 9 Lashay Tricker Firstly, we would like to welcome our staff and students back to the school year, hopefully everyone has had an enjoyable break and is ready for a great year. This year the 9/10 sub-school will consist of Lashay Tricker as the Sub School leader, Katie Hodge who will continue as the Year 9 coordinator and Sue Clancy who is also continuing as the year 10 coordinator. Sue will be assisted by Fiona Ray for 1 day a week. During the year you will receive information from the 9/10 sub school in variety of ways, this can be through the school website (, by mail, notices given to students, student reports, as well as via some key events such as information evenings and parent/student/teacher interviews. Whilst much of our communication will be electronic, we believe that having a conversation is important in building between parents, students and teachers. Therefore, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s learning and wellbeing. YR 9 Year 9 Camp As part of the 2015 Year 9 course, students will be participating in a 3 day Year Level Camp at Tidal River, Wilson’s Promontory on the 11th – 13th of March. It complements many of the topics they are covering at school this term. The camp is a great opportunity for students to develop some independence and responsibility as they work in small groups to develop a food menu at school and then use this to buy, supply, prepare and cook their own food for the camp. The camp will be a fantastic chance for students to build a rapport with the students and staff and gain some valuable interpersonal and teamwork skills that they will use during the year. The cost of the camp is $80, this will need to be paid to the office by the 23rd of February. If you have any questions or queries concerning the camp please contact Kate Hodge or Lashay Tricker at the College. YR 10 Year 10 information night There will be an information night for all year 10 students on the 2nd of March at 6pm in the Library. At this information night we will discuss key dates, work experience, TAFE and a range of other activities and programs that may occur during the year. Darwin Camp Another payment of $350 is due on the 20th of February (Total paid will be $600), we understand that December, January and February often have many financial commitments, if payment is an issue we strongly encourage you to contact the school to discuss this. Future payments are due on the 20 th of April ($350) and the 20th of May ($250). It is vital that payments dates are meet as the school also has financial commitments to make with bookings etc. At present there is a waiting list, these students will be offered places if other students are unable to meet the payments. There will be a parent and student information evening on the 2nd of March at 6.30 in the school library. Kokoda Trip 2016 In 2016 the school will again be offering students the opportunity to walk the Kokoda track. There will be an information night on the 25th of February in the school library at 6.30 pm presented by No Roads expedition for interested students and parents. Having done the walk in 2013 it is a fantastic and rewarding opportunity, that also gives you a greater understanding of the determination of the Australian soldiers and the connection they had with the Fuzzy Wuzzy’s. ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 10 LATER YEARS Stephanie McMillan Welcome back to all our returning Yr 11 and 12 students. This year’s Year Level Coordinators are: Carol Caffrey – Yr11 Coordinator [email protected] Belinda Marshall – Yr 12 Coordinator [email protected] Stephanie McMillan – Later Years Leader [email protected] Year 12 Melbourne Discovery Camp 2015 has seen a very busy start to the year, with Year 12 students participating in the Melbourne Discovery camp this week (February 4th to 6th). Over the three day trip students participate in tours of the State Library and Parliament House where they see our government in action. Students will visit the Big Issue Magazine where they’ll participate in an education program about homelessness and are able to hear first hand accounts of people’s experience of being homeless. Students were also given the opportunity to visit three universities, RMIT, Melbourne and Monash Clayton. This is a valuable experience as students are able to ask questions, tour each campus and at Monash they can speak to students about their experiences at Uni. They also visit a VCE specialist resource centre where students can order a variety of study materials to assist them during this year. It’s not all about VCE and studying, with students exploring the Queen Victoria Night Market, the Eureka Sky Deck and competing in Laser Tag at Galactic Circus. We’re all looking forward to a great trip! Year 11 Deb Training Year 11 Deb training has commenced with great participation and energy from students and trainers alike. Any Deb parents who are interested in assisting with this event, please contact Carol Caffrey at [email protected] Motivational Media Presentation On Tuesday 10th Feb, Years 9, 10, 11 & 12 students attended a Motivational Media presentation titled ‘Jigsaw: Putting our life together one piece at a time’. This visual presentation focuses on the choices, challenges, decisions and overcoming difficulties that students may experience in their futures. Year 11&12 Parent/Guardian Information Evening Both the year 11 and 12 information evenings will be held on Tuesday 10th of February in the VCE Study Centre. The Yr. 11 meeting will start at 6pm, whilst the Yr.12 meeting will begin at 7:30pm. With the promotion to year 11&12, students experience an increase in the demands school places on them. Studies have shown that students are more successful at school when supported by their family. With this in mind, the evening is aimed at developing parents knowledge of the program students are about to embark on, the academic, careers and wellbeing support available for students at MSC, and tips for students to maintain a healthy balance during VCE and VCAL. It is also a chance for parents to meet the Later Years Team and discuss any questions they had about the year ahead. We strongly encourage all parents and students to attend the evening. CHANGES TO THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS TAX FILE NUMBER PROGRAM IN 2015 The Secondary School Tax File Number (TFN) Program will not continue beyond 31st December 2014. This means that School TFN forms will no longer be processed beyond this date. How students can apply for a TFN from 1st January 2015 Students can now apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. Applying online is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. For more information or to apply for a TFN, please go to: ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 11 VCAL Veronica Hudson Welcome back to the 50 VCAL students who have chosen to return to us this year. I have been involved in some of the planning with the VCAL staff and even though Term 1 is short, there is a high expectation that the variety of task will engage our students and motivate them to keep up to date with their submissions. Firstly though as part of their Personal Development (PD) program, the students are required to participate in a camp during Term 1. The camp will have a specific focus to foster organisational and interpersonal skills. The camp will be held at Karoonda Park at Gelantipy where students will participate in a combination of activities including rafting, abseiling, caving, flying fox and horse riding. Information and paperwork was sent home in December last year. Due to the large number of students in the VCAL certificate this year it was decided to split the camp in their form groups so : VCAL A will attend camp on Feb 16-18th and VCAL B on Feb 23-25th. If there are any queries, please email or ring me at school. SHOOTING PROGRAMME Mark Riggs New Guns For Shooting Programme. The Parents’ Club generously donated $1200 to the School’s Shooting Programme for the purchase of three brand new Shotguns. These were purchased last year, in time for the end of year shoot at Longford. Geoff Abrahall (Gadget) at H&S Firearms in Sale worked very hard to get a discount from the supplier and then further discounted the price for the school. Geoff also kindly offered to store the guns on the School’s behalf as the School does not have the licence or the facilities to store guns. The guns are Webley and Scott under and over shotguns which are an improvement on the two single barrel and one side by side, donated by Victoria Police after they were confiscated from people who breached the Firearms Act. All six guns will be lent to students at no extra charge. In the past we have had problems on competition days when we haven't had enough guns for all of our competitors, which we feel has affected our results negatively. The guns which have been purchased with the donation will allow our team members to concentrate totally on their shooting instead of worrying about whether there will be a gun available when they need it. Not all of our team members are able to supply their own gun as not all of them have licensed parents who are able to purchase and store them on their behalf. This has limited our squad in the past, but now we can embrace members who have a love of the sport and good skills, regardless of their parents’ license situation. Here's hoping we can show our thanks by having a successful year! Abby Tayler. 2013/14 Captain. ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 12 ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH Carl 2014 Energy Breakthrough Awards! The 2014 Energy Breakthrough event at Maryborough was a great success of all the students, parents and teachers who took part. We posted our best ever overall team results and came away feeling very proud of what we had achieved. Our three teams ‘Back Again’, ‘Matrix’ and ‘Notorious’ finished the event in 10th, 23rd and 34th place respectively. To celebrate our success, all the students and teachers who participated had the opportunity to vote for class awards for the 2014 team. The categories for the awards were: MVP - Selected by the Teaching staff at the event. This award is given to the student who they think was the most outstanding at the event for their commitment to the team, effort throughout the event, positive approach and team spirit. Captains Award - All Team Captains are asked to nominate their choice of who they think made the biggest contribution to their team throughout the event. The Worker - Awarded to the student who worked hardest during the event and always helped out whenever needed. The Rider - The student who was the best rider during the event. Enough said. Best Crash - Awarded for the best crash over the course of the event. (*this was the first award of the’ Mitch Hawkins Crash Trophy’) The Goofy - Awarded to the goofiest kid / the silliest act over the course of the event. The Tough Nut - Awarded to the most courageous student at the event; the toughest kid who overcame the biggest obstacles; the ‘never say die award’. This years awards went to: James Ronalds. James was awarded ‘The Worker’ award. His work and leadership in the Pits was outstanding. James also received the ‘Captains Award’ for his team; ‘Back Again’. Addi Flett. Addi received the award for ‘The Rider’ of the event. Proving just how fit and fast he is in the process. Maddie Schleifer and Coen O’Connor scored equal votes from their team mates to share the ‘Tough Nut’ award this year. Both gave their all throughout the event and each of them in their own way, demonstrated that they are both tough, determined individuals who were willing to do their utmost to help their team succeed. ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 13 ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH continued Shaymus Jones received the ‘Captains Award’ for his hard work and positive team spirit in team ‘Notorious’. Joe Caldow was unanimously voted for to receive ‘The Goofy’ award from his classmates. Throughout the weekend, Joe kept everyone laughing at his various antics, but probably got the award for dropping his phone into the dirty dish water. For all his efforts and his great attitude, Jordan Rodda was given the ‘Captains Award ‘ for team Matrix. Jordan had a great event and was always helping out wherever he could. Mitch Hawkins was this years winner of the Best Crash award. Mitch got the award for his huge rollover below our team camp at the bottom of the down hill S’s. The crash resulted in the buckling of the rear rim to such a degree that it had to be replaced and the wheel fully re-spoked on the eave of the race. This rim, which Mitch can be seen wearing, will now become a perpetual trophy for the best crash in future events; The’ Mitch Hawkins Crash Trophy’. Future winners will have their photo taken wearing it and the photo’s displayed in the HPV shed at the College. Tanika Smith was voted by the teachers who attended the event as this year’s MVP - Most Valuable Person. Tanika had an outstanding event and in the role of Team Captain of team Matrix, leading from the front throughout. It didn’t matter if it was unloading the truck, building the Pit area or encouraging her team mates at 3am, Tanika did it all with a smile on her face and a huge dose of enthusiasm and fun. Tanika is currently undertaking a year as an exchange student in Finland during 2015 and we wish her all the best in this new adventure. Well done to everyone who won an award this year and a huge thank you to all the students, staff and parents who went to Maryborough in 2014 for making this our most successful event to date. ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 14 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Former Maffra Secondary College Student - THOMAS CROSBIE Tom received Heyfield Young Citizen of the Year for his contribution in repairing and renewing old computers back into working order and then distributing them to families, who may otherwise not be able to afford a computer. He made no money form this project. Tom has been given old and non-functional computers to many people throughout the community, as well as from Maffra Secondary College, to help his cause. Most of this had been done by ‘Word of Mouth’. Tom then uses a website called “Gippy Rivers” to advertise the refreshed computers and then determines who they should be distributed to. Last year, Tom was given a grant through the “Propeller Project” to assist him and he used all of the money to fix up the computers. Tom was also the key person to start the “Buy, Swap and Sell” website. (Thank you to the Heyfield News for some of these details). A great example of initiative and leadership shown by one of our students, in his contribution to our Community and to Sustainability. Former Maffra Secondary College Student - RYAN WHEELER Young Quiet Achiever Ryan Wheeler has been involved with Maffra Fire Brigade since he was at secondary school and has been recognised for his determination and dedication. As an active brigade member, Ryan holds the rank of Second Lieutenant and is involved with training programs as well as continuing to develop his own skills. Ryan is also involved in the Maffra Municipal Band. Congratulations to both Thomas and Ryan. COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIAN STUDENT EXCHANGE ORGANISATIONS Student exchange programs in Australia are regulated by Departments of Education and relevant qualification authorities in all states and territories. All CASEO members are registered and approved to carry out student exchange programs. Student exchange programs provide Australian students, typically aged 15-18 years, with the opportunity to live and study overseas for up to one year. Overseas students come to Australia on similar programs. Students live with a host family and attend school. They become immersed in the local community and live like a local. The benefits that flow from the experience are significant and include: Greater awareness and tolerance of other cultures Significantly improved language skills Increased independence and maturity CASEO members take seriously the duty of care toward their exchange students and provide local and national level support both in Australia and overseas throughout the program. Email: [email protected] or phone: 0407 708 401 Student Exchange AU and NZ: World Education Program Australia Ltd: Au Institute of International Understanding: Southern Cross Cultural Exchange: AFS Intercultural Programs Australia: ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 15 COMMUNITY NEWS MAFFRA VOLLEYBALL ASSOCIATION PO BOX 704 MAFFRA 3860 [email protected] Maffra Volleyball season is about to recommence. We have 2 competitions running and new players are always welcome. Below are the times for each competition. This season finishes at the end of term 1. We aim to cater for all ability levels. We have both males and females playing in all teams, with our youngest player under 10 and our oldest over 50. Monday training MSC Gym 3.30pm till 4.30pm Commencing Monday 9th Junior Competition MSC Gym 4.40pm till 6pm Commencing Monday 9th Wednesday Social Competition MSC Gym 6.50pm till 9pm Commencing Wednesday 11th Please contact Andrew McIntosh on 0447262621 or on SALE WOMENS BASKETBALL Want to get fit? Want to have fun? Want to meet new friends? WE NEED YOU! Wednesday morning games, all ages and abilities, fun and friendly. For further information call Sarah on: 0478227521 ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ CANTEEN Tracey Green Can you assist in the canteen? Our canteen operates at recess and lunchtime. We offer a healthy selection of food in accordance with the Victorian Canteen Association. If you can volunteer your time, just one day a month, we would be most grateful. Our canteen cannot operate efficiently without the assistance of our canteen volunteers. If you able to help out please phone the School on 51 471 790 and ask for Tracey in the Canteen. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to assist on your rostered day can you please find a replacement or swap for that day. Alternatively please give Tracey at least a days notice to find a replacement. Thank you for your assistance , Tracey The Canteen is open between 8-15am and 9am for lunch orders and student purchases before school. MAFFRA SECONDARY COLLEGE CANTEEN ROSTER - TERM 1 MONDAY 9TH TUESDAY 10TH WEDNESDAY 11TH THURSDAY 12TH FRIDAY 13TH SANDRA DEKKERS – 0418457143 MICHELLE DELANY – 0450055521 RHONDA HUNT RENE DEVISSER – 0429796372 VICKI NIKOLAJEW – 51411430 CHRISTINE PENNY – 0458482152 FRANK DORBER – 51411236 SHARON BASS – 0427483004 EMMA WILLIAMSON – 0407361295 TRACEY RYAN – 51455341 KATRINA EINSIEDEL – 51454439 KATRINA GRAVENER KERRY PEEL MERRYN STEVENSON DI SUNDERMAN MONDAY 16TH TUESDAY 17TH WEDNESDAY 18TH THURSDAY 19TH FRIDAY 20TH MAREE LANG – 51411241 KELLIE LEAR – 0423235701 DANIELLE CORIDAS – 0438048101 MELISSA FULTON – 51471797 JODIE UNDERWOOD – 51482822 CATH MCDONALD – 51451795 KYLIE BENNETT – 51472933 JUSTINE LOWERY – 51451613 SUE BROWN – 51480519 KIM MARCHESI – 51483121 LINDA CAM – 51472088 HELPER NEEDED MICHELE BOOKER – 0407387365 KERRY FLETT – 0428508886 FIONA PFEIL – 0418490572 MONDAY 23RD TUESDAY 24TH WEDNESDAY 25TH THURSDAY 26TH FRIDAY 27TH KATE NANCAROW – 0402131754 RHONDA HUNT VIVIENNE JOHNSTONE – 51411354 BELINDA BOWTELL – 51456099 MICHELLE DELANY – 0450055521 LORRAINE HETHERTON – 51483021 NICKY MAXFIELD – 041454893 FIONA GARDINER – 0429989334 MAREE LANG – 51411241 LORRAINE HETHETON – 51483021 LORRAINE HETHERTON – 51483021 CATH MCDONALD – 51451795 HELPER NEEDED MARCH MONDAY 2nd TUESDAY 3RD WEDNESDAY 4TH THURSDAY 5TH FRIDAY 6TH HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED Volunteers are required to be at the canteen between 10am until 2:15pm. One volunteer per shift will be required to assist with the counting of the day’s takings so they are required to stay until 2.30pm. If you are new to the canteen please read the protocols and the duties that are required in the canteen. If you are unsure of anything please ask. If you are unable to do your rostered day, please arrange for another person to cover that shift. If you are not able to find anybody please call the canteen on 51471790 before 9am on the day and let me know. Thank you for your time helping in the canteen, without the volunteers the canteen would not be able to operate. Tracey ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ Calendar of Events ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ WEEK 3, 4, & 5 -TERM 1 2015 February Tues 10th Week 3 MOTIVATIONAL MEDIA YEAR 9-12 Year 9-12 students going to the Maffra Memorial Hall YEAR 11 VCE & VCAL INFORMATION EVENING 6pm in the Senior School Study Area Wed 11th HOUSE SWIMMING SPORTS Maffra Pool - Walking from MSC 9am returning at 3pm February Mon 16th to Wed 18th Week 4 VCAL B - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CAMP Karoonda Park, Gelantipy Leaving MSC at 7am - Returning Wednesday 6pm Thur 19th YEAR 12 OUTDOOR AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES INDIGENOUS INVESTIGATION Stratford, Bairnsdale and Metung - Cost $25 Fri 20th YEAR 9 SURF AND TURF BUSH WALK Mt Howitt and Guys Hut - Cost $25 February Mon 23rd to Wed 25th Fri 27th Week 5 VCAL A - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CAMP Karoonda Park, Gelantipy Leaving MSC at 7am - Returning Wednesday 6pm INTERSCHOOL SWIMMING SPORTS Aqua Energy Complex, Sale ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’ 6 February 2015 Page 18 ‘HIGH LEVELS OF STUDENT LEARNING IS CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING WE DO’
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