February Newsletter Knowsley Lane Primary School Telephone: 0151 556 9999 [email protected] Dear Parents, Families and Friends, We have had a fantastic response to the Family Learning opportunities now available in school, so much so that the science workshops were oversubscribed! Several parents have also signed up for the English and Maths qualification sessions, and these will be beginning soon. Our new Personal Learning Goal focus is Morality. Please help to support your child at home by reminding them of this goal. New App We now have a school app for sharing information, news and contact details. This can be downloaded for free from Google Play or the App Store to be used on Apple and most android devices. It can also be used to contact school directly, report absence or book onto an after school club. Email System The system that we already use for texting families is now enabling us to send email to communicate school news, updates, reminders, events and other important information. This also ensures that email addresses remain private within our data management system. After School Clubs After half term our staff meeting day is changing and therefore some of the after school clubs will also change. Please use our app, texting service to book your child into a club, or pop into the office to speak to Mrs Webb or Mrs Robinson. See the second page of the newsletter to find the new club timetable. Please see the entrance area for information on holiday clubs and other activities available in the area, e.g. Knowsley BMX Club. Giving Children Roots and Wings It is important that we have the email address that you use most frequently, whether this is your work one or the one you use to access Facebook etc. A new data collection sheet will be sent home on Monday. Please complete it and return as soon as possible. Please be assured that this service is FREE to you as the recipient of the message. Part of the SS Simon and Jude Family When does the club take place? What is the club called? Monday NEW Who is running the club? Who can take part? What time? Choir Mr Lord & Mrs Whittle Unlimited All 3:20-4:15 Mini Movers Mrs Doubleday 15 Reception & Nursery 3:20-4:15 Tuesday Staff unavailable NEW Gardening Wednesday Mrs McHugh 15 Y1 - 6 3:20-4:15 Rebound Dance Miss Madine Full All 3:20-4:15 Sports Club Mrs Ferguson 20 Y4,5,6 3:20-4:15 Sports Club Mrs Ferguson 20 Y1,2,3 3:20-4:15 Craft Club Mrs Brady & Miss Moulsdale 15 KS2 3:20-4:15 Mrs Antwis & Mrs Brady 15 KS2 3:20-4:15 Mr Kelly & Miss Martin 20 Y5 & 6 3:20-4:15 Thursday Friday How many places are available? NEW Computing Football If you would like your child to take part in a club, please use the school app or text 07786201169 (School Texting Service) giving the name of the club, your child’s name and year group. E.g. for the art club on Monday you need to text Art 1 Joe Bloggs Year 1 Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Confirmation texts will be sent out later. Coming soon… Chess Club Please let us know if you have ideas for clubs, or would like to help. Breakfast Club Breakfast Club takes place each morning in our new hall. To ensure that we have safe staffing levels, please book a place for your child using the form below. I would like my child to attend Breakfast Club on the following days – tick as required. Name of Child: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Cost per day remains 50p – if you prefer that your child does not bring cash into school, we can invoice each week. Giving Children Roots and Wings Part of the SS Simon and Jude Family
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