THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS FEBRUARY 2015 12 BATTLEFIELDS AGM, SCOUT HOUSE, 8 PM 13-15 SNOW MOOT 15-22 SCOUT-GUIDE WEEK 58TH HAMILTON AT STONEY CREEK SANTA PARADE . MARCH 2015 2 ANNUAL SCOUT BANQUET, MICHELANGELOS TICKETS ON SALE AT THE HELP DESK FEB 3-21 7 BIG RIGS 12 BEAVER / CUB BOWLING 20-22 OUTDOOR SKILLS WORKSHOP 27, 28, 29 LLAMA MOOT 28 & April 4 FIRST AID COURSE (TWO SESSIONS) APRIL 2015 4 FIRST AID COURSE continued 10-12 and 24-26 WB PT 2 CAMP WETASKIWIN 18 WOODBADGE PART 1, INTERACTIVE, NEMO 25 - May 3 GOOD TURN WEEK MAY 2015 2 CHOPPEREE 1-3 J4E 2015 CAMP WETASKIWIN, ST CATHARINES 15, 16, 17, 18 VICTORIA DAY CAMPOREE JUNE 2015 12 - 14 CUBOREE 13, 14 RIDE TO CONQUER CANCER JULY 2015 11 - 17 SJ15 SCOTIAJAMB CAMP NEDOOAE 11-18 PACIFIC JAMBOREE, BC - Scouts of all ages AUG 2015 16 - 22 CUBS INDAVA, CAMP IMPEESA OCT 2015 23 - 25 SCOUTS BASICS SCOUT CAMP 24 CUB FUN DAY SCOUT HOUSE BOOKINGS 1ST & 3RD TUESDAY: Optimist Club 2ND & LAST TUESDAY: Rovers 2ND THURSDAY: Battlefield Council, 6:30 PM 4TH THURSDAY: H-W Area Meeting, 7 PM DISPATCH DEADLINES Aug. 10 for the Sept 1 Dispatch—Issue 1 Sept 10 for Oct 1 Dispatch—Issue 2 Nov. 10 for the Dec. 1 Dispatch—Issue 3 Jan. 10 for the Feb. 1 Dispatch—Issue 4 March 10 for the April 1 Dispatch—Issue 5 June 1 for the June 15 Dispatch—Issue 6 Email [email protected] BEAVERS & CUBS - YOUR PHOTOS NEEDED, PLEASE! 2015 BANQUET THE THEME FOCUS FOR THE 2015 BANQUET WILL BE THE BEAVER AND CUB PROGRAMS. Each year at the Honours & Awards Banquet, a photo display is presented on the main screen during dinner. This year, our Banquet theme is to honour the Colonies and Packs in our Area. Your photos of our Beavers and Cubs in action, are needed for the creation of this visual presentation. To date, NONE have been submitted! EVERY Colony and Pack is asked to submit 5 or more of their best photos before Feb. 21st. Photographs may be dropped off at the Help Desk (youth names are not needed), or large size high resolution shots may be emailed to Linda Sargeant [email protected]. YOUR HELP IS APPRECIATED! Read about what is happening in Scouting. Visit the HW website. BATTLEFIELDS CALENDAR look under EVENTS CAMP BOOKINGS BATTLEFIELDS TRAINING RECOGNISE SOMEONE WHO HAS DONE AN OUTSTANDING JOB Battlefields Calendar – Information to be posted can be sent to Marianne Thiessen [email protected] Please send as much detail as possible; location, date and times, contact information, explanation of acronyms. THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 Page 2 SCOUTERS, TONY’S COMMISSIONER’S CORNER WILL BE BACK NEXT ISSUE. Yours in Scouting & Friendship, Tony Mizzi Hamilton-Wentworth Area Commissioner [email protected] BEING THANKFUL As we move into the winter/spring seasons, we can look back on the SUCCESSES that we had in the Fall and take the opportunity to THANK those who made it possible. The community parades, the Ti-cats game and Apple Day gave us great visibility in the community. We affirmed to Hamilton that Scouting is still here and will be for many years to come. As we continue to concentrate on RECRUITING new volunteers, it is also our duty to thank our current volunteers. Pressing the ‘THANKS’ button is one of the easiest ways in Scouting to say "thanks". Think of the great area camps we have had so far - Scout Basics and Cub Fun Day, remember who ran and helped out, then please, don't forget to say thanks. To our SUPPORT SCOUTERS who run the committees and sit on them, spend hours making sure the back end of scouting is running smoothly; to the volunteers who staff the HELP DESK, SCOUT STORE AND CAMP, we need to remember that most do this above and beyond their 1.5 weekly hours of Scouting, so when their help goes above and beyond, don't forget to say thanks. On behalf of the Hamilton-Wentworth area, I personally want to say thanks to all the Area Scouters that keep Scouting going - our program is nothing with out you. YiS, Kevin Bouchard Hamilton - Wentworth Area Deputy Commissioner [email protected] SPICES and the Canadian Path This fall, Scouts from across Canada were introduced to the Canadian Path, Scouts Canada’s revitalized program. It’s been a remarkable start to the Scouting Year, with a great deal of enthusiasm expressed for the Four Elements of the Canadian Path: Youth-led, Plan-DoReview, Adventure and SPICES. The Canadian Path has been developed by youth and Volunteers to provide all Sections with terrific ideas and resources to help them make the most of their Scouting program. Our most recent addition to is a brand new video on the SPICES. The SPICES concept gives the Scouts Canada program a useful framework to ensure well-rounded program offerings. At each Section level, Scouters use the Canadian Path to support youth development and growth in each of the following areas: social, physical, intellectual, character, emotional and spiritual. We don’t plan Adventures around the SPICES, but we try to foster these attributes as they emerge. The SPICES objectives are the same for every Section, but our approach needs to be age-appropriate. To help get you started, we’ve created some great SPICES resources that you can find on the Canadian Path website ( We'll see you on the Path! LARGE WOODEN BEAVER PUZZLE NOW LOCATED AT SCOUT HOUSE IT CAN BE BOOKED THROUGH THE HELP DESK THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 3 HERE WE GROW FOR 2015 Each year, parents determine which programs they will place their children in, usually by season. The Winter/Spring session is upon us and now is the time to be on the parents mind to enrol their children in scouting! A great way to show case our program is by hosting an “OPEN HOUSE EVENT ” or a “BRING A FRIEND EVENT”. Essential to a successful Open House are two key elements, the group must possess: PRIDE IN THE DELIVERY OF THEIR PROGRAM and A DESIRE TO SEE MORE YOUTH BENEFIT FROM A SCOUTING PROGRAM It is worth remembering that, other than Scouts Canada, no program can provide the depth of education, adventure and lifeskill activities. Scouts Canada’s impact transcends the soccer fields, ice rinks and gymnasiums as it enhances both the individual and the community year round. With that understanding, it has to be the mission of all members to expand Scouting’s reach in their neighborhood. Please join us in these efforts and get the message out now. I am also offering sections/groups a prize for a draw at their events, if they use the materials in the Jumpstart to Growth resources that are available at: and Help your group run a successful Open House or Bring a Friend event! Catriona McCready Area Support Manager|Scouts Canada Cell:905.818.4227|BB PIN:321A977F [email protected] It starts with Scouts! Say thanks to an outstanding volunteer! GOOD TURN WEEK April 25th to May 3rd PATROL CORNER THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE (WITH THANKS TO DEREK ANDERSON FOR INSPIRATION) THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE RUNS FROM NORTHWESTERN CANADA ALONG THE CREST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS TO NEW MEXICO. Then, it follows the crest of Mexico's Sierra Madre Occidental. In South America, the Continental Divide lies along the Andes. Every continent except for Antarctica has a continental divide. When crossing the Continental Divide, some people have remarked on how little things seem to have changed from one side to the other. The animal and plant life is largely the same. The weather is also similar, but something fundamental has changed. WATER KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE. Precipitation falling on the west side of the Divide drains to the Pacific Ocean, while precipitation falling to the east of the Divide flows down to the Atlantic Ocean. I HAVE SEEN SOMETHING SIMILAR HAPPEN IN SCOUTS. We have all had Scouts that have been consistently disruptive to the Troop, yet over time there is a change which is barely perceptible at first glance. AS THEY LEARN LEADERSHIP AND TEAMWORK, THE SAME STIMULUS THAT USED TO TRIGGER DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR NOW FLOWS IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION. They are the same Scouts with the same personalities, but now the stimulus flows towards order rather than anarchy; towards cooperation rather than egocentric action. Make no mistake; we do make a difference in the lives of our future leaders. Yours in Scouting, John (Blade) Wilkinson, Deputy Area Commissioner Troop (Hamilton Wentworth), [email protected] THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 4 MOUNT NEMO SCOUT CAMP HELLO ALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a great holiday season and you’re ready to get back to Scouting for the rest of the year. In this issue of the Camp Connection, I would like to give you some camp updates and a couple of reminders. REMINDERS: I ask that everybody take a look at your camp bookings to ensure that you are aware of the dates that you have booked at Camp Nemo. This can be easily done by logging into the camp booking site Log in. Then the first page that appears will show all the bookings you have at Nemo. I suggest you let your Group Commissioner know your bookings. Keep in mind if you've moved from one section to another. Group Commissioners: I suggest you check in with your section volunteers to ensure they are aware of all the bookings they do have. As the deep cold of winter is upon us, double check that your youth are properly prepared. Do they have all the equipment necessary to handle the cold weather at camp? UPDATES: I'd like to bring to everyone's attention some of things that have happened over the last month or so at Camp Nemo. Everyone may not be aware of the work done or actually see it. Cam Napholc has been busy at camp, with our heating contractor, giving all the furnaces and stoves their yearly check-up. Cam cleaned any parts that were needed and also set the valves to operate correctly. Thank you, Cam, for doing this. Cam and his son Michael have also been busy at Confederation Lodge taking care of the urinals - not a job that anyone would really like. They have brought them to better operating condition including repacking the valves and clearing out the urinal drain lines so they will drain properly again. A HUGE thank you to Cam and Mike for taking on this job. Speaking of Confederation Lodge, I ask that anyone using Confederation Lodge during the winter months use the KYBOs during the day and as much as possible in the evening. The septic system at Confed is 47 years old and at this time of year, with the deep-freeze, the draining of the septic system is much slower. In a typical residential septic system, there's generally no problem with the septic system draining. In our situation at camp, we have a large influx of people during the weekend sometimes up to 40 people in Confederation Lodge, all using the bathrooms throughout the day and night. This puts a huge strain on the old system during this deep-freeze. The result of this can, at times, cause the drain to backup and this creates a big mess, not to mention unpleasant smell. The system will slowly drain once the campers have left at the end of the weekend. Thank you in advance for your understanding and doing your part to help out. Another project that has been looked after at camp was the ladders and top rails for all the wooden bunks in all the leaders rooms. A group of volunteers came out on the Tuesday during the Christmas break to help install the top rails and ladders. The turnout was great and enabled us to finish all the bunks in one day and in less time than anticipated. We will still need to varnish them in the late spring or summer. Big thanks to Kevin Bouchard, Doug French, Paul “Chewie” Goodman, Paul Phillips, Bruce Riddiough, Rod Ausher, Geoff Macquire and Tammy Mac Donald. Back in November I sent all Group Commissioners a list of projects that need to be done at camp. If you or your youth are interested in helping, just ask your Group Commissioner for the list or send me a message and I can send the list on to you. In closing I would like to thank Sandra Taylor for her great job as last year’s coordinator for Nemo’s “Camp Makeover” (formerly known as Camp Clean-Up). This year, Laura Kentie has taken on the coordinator role this year. I look forward to working with Laura and I know that you will all give her your support by pitching in on April 11 th 2015. See you out at Camp! Yours in Scouting and Friendship, Gino Sferrazza, Property Camp Manager Nemo / Ragged Falls HW Scout House Battlefields Council [email protected] 905-512-4558 It Starts With Scouts! THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 5 THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 Page 6 The Battlefields Council planning calendar contains additional training opportunities. See your Commissioner for details. VOLUNTEER TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT WOODBADGE PART 1 INTERACTIVE SATURDAY APRIL 18TH 8 AM—8 PM, $15 CAMP NEMO - APPLE DAY LODGE OPEN TO LEADERS WHO HAVE WOODBADGE PART 1 PRE-REQUISITE: Leaders must already have their Woodbadge Part 1 Information will be shared and participants will learn from everyone, not only the support staff. Leaders can come on the Friday, if they wish, but must be self sufficient There will be no sleeping accommodation indoors This is the first workshop to help leaders who have their Part 1 but are looking for more practical help before taking their Woodbadge Part 2. There will be a campfire at the end of the day Bring a brown bag lunch - coffee, snacks, supper will be provided There will be no pre–registration forms Leaders must bring a copy of their registration forms with them (available from GC ) Fee can be paid on arrival Space is limited so please let us know you are coming by email [email protected] Dawn Scaum Deputy Area Commissioner, Volunteer Development [email protected] 905-385-1552 Gear-up for Scout-Guide Week Bring a Parent! SCOUT-GUIDE WEEK - FEBRUARY 15–22 — is an important part of our proud tradition and an opportunity to recognize the great work that our dedicated volunteers and Scouting youth do in communities across Canada. Given the special events, banquets and ceremonies that most Scout Groups hold during Scout-Guide Week, it's also a natural opportunity to encourage parents to get engaged in their child’s Scouting activities. During Scout-Guide Week 2015, let’s show Canadians that for tens of thousands of Canadian children and youth, Scouts is the start of something great. Hamilton Wentworth Area publishes the SCOUTER’S DISPATCH six times a year. Editor-in-Chief, Aline Chan; Managing Editor: Chris McCready, Proof Reader: Gino Sferrazza. Advertising subscriptions: Chris McCready. The Scouter’s Dispatch serves as a program resource for Scouters and other adults who work with young people. We welcome editorial contributions and submissions. You may email submissions to [email protected] Scout House is located at 375 James St. S., Hamilton, Ontario L8P 3B9; 1-888-SCOUTS-NOW (1-888-726-8876); Fax (905) 528-7919; Scout Shop (905) 528-4662; Help Desk (905) 528-5711 Advertising Policy: Advertisement of a product or service does not indicate endorsement by the publishers. Publishers do not assume any responsibility by warranty or otherwise with respect to products or services advertised. Unsubscribe: you can unsubscribe to the Dispatch by emailing the editor. THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 7 BATTLEFIELD COUNCIL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Company/Crew: Camp Dayhondaylaquah Apr. 24 - 26 and May 8 - 10. Contact Anne Piper Thorne [email protected] Battlefields Council Outdoor Skills, Camp Nemp Mar 20 - 22 Contact Nicolas DesRoches [email protected] By invitation: TD1 at Camp Nemo on Feb 6 - 8, 2015 WOODBADGE II Colony, Pack, Troop. Camp Wetaskiwan Apr. 10 - 12 and Apr 24 - 26 Contact Anne Piper Thorne [email protected] Contact Joan Barty at [email protected] or [email protected] Rob McLean, DCC Learning and Support, Battlefields Council FIRST AID COURSE ST ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH Cor. Upper Paradise & Mohawk Rd W. MARCH 28 & APRIL 4 (2 DAY COURSE - YOU MUST ATTEND BOTH) 9:30 AM - 5 PM / $75 BRING A BAGGED LUNCH Contact Chris McCready [email protected] 905 637 8432 3rd Llama Moot! March 27, 28, 29/ 2015 Camp Wetaskiwin, St. Catharines Llama Moot is a gathering of Venturers & Rovers, ages 14– 26, looking for a Rover Moot experience. The organizing committee consist of members of the League of Llamas, a collections of friends from multiple smaller Battlefields Council Venturer and Rover groups that enjoyed many moots together. Anthony van Troost [email protected] THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 8 THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 Youth Grades 6, 7, 8, 9 Friday February 6th 2015 7pm-10pm @ Delta United Church (Corner of Maple Ave and Ottawa St.) Tickets $10 Sponsored by 31st Hamilton Scout Troop [email protected] SNOW MOOT 2015 FEBRUARY 13 - 15, 2015 CALLING ALL ROVERS AND LEADERS HICOP NOW IN ITS 7TH YEAR! OPEN EVERY SATURDAY FOR DROPIN VISITS 10AM – 5 PM Scouters Marty, John, Linda, Elaine, Debbie and Nancy Page 9 THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 10 Indava 2015 Cub Camp Sunday, August 16 - Saturday, August 22, 2015 This is a week long camp that Brant Area hosts every three years. A Cub might only have one chance in a life time to attend this camp!! PLACE: Camp Impeesa, Drumbo, ON THEME: A-HOY MATES….OUR PIRATE SHIP IS A SAILIN’ COST: $350.00 per Youth / $175.00 per Leader REGISTRATION PACKAGES: available on web-site Includes Camp Fees, in Camp Programs, Out trips to Major Attractions, busing, In-Camp Cuboree, all meals, t-shirt, hat, camp crest (plus a week of incredible memories!) CREST: There will be a crest design contest. The winner of the crest contest will receive a free week at Camp. See contest submission outline on the web-site and submit your entry. OUT TRIPS: Ever wondered what it looks like at the base of Niagara Falls? Ever watch an elephant get a bath? Ever see a ship’s elevator? Ever wonder what it would be like to lay on a bed of nails? Indava: Brant Area: Indava Registration Contact: Kim Clarke [email protected] 519-753-1138 The Pacific Jamboree, hosted by BC-Yukon Councils, is held every four years and participation is open to all youth of Scout age who are registered members of Scouts Canada, L’Association des Scouts du Canada and Scout Units from National Scout Organizations who are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Offer of Service (OOS) is open to Venturer Scouts, Rover Scouts and Volunteers including former members who wish to participate. We look forward to seeing you for July 11-18, 2015! Visit the website for registration information THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 In 2014 Scouting in HamiltonWentworth received a donation in memory of the following loved ones who have gone home and are being fondly remembered. Victor Aubin Barbara O’Connor George Bailey Pauline Paynter Beverly Bluhm Aaron Urquhart Marion Brazier Fred Whiskin Linda Cameron Andrew Whitwell John Madill Lincoln Wilson Volume 28 Issue 4 Page 11 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT? LOOK NO FURTHER! BECOME A TENT VOLUNTEER! Come pitch a tent on June 12th and/or 13th (and come back on the 14th to take it down!) When someone you know goes home and a donation to the charity of your choice is suggested, please remember Hamilton Scouting. All donations go to support Mount Nemo Scout Camp unless otherwise directed by the family. A letter of acknowledgement is sent to the family (please include an address and their relationship to the person). As well as a tax receipt and thank you letter to the donor. Tom Evanoff Tent Volunteers set up and take down the sleeping tents that create the overnight accommodations for each Participant on the Ride to Conquer Cancer. E-mail Scouter Theresa at [email protected] to register yourself and others. We are looking for Scouts, Venturers, Rovers, and Scouters! SJ’15 - JULY 11-17TH, 2015 CAMP NEDOOAE LOCATED IN ELDERBANK, NS. APPROXIMATELY 45 MINUTES FROM HALIFAX. CHECK THE DISPATCH FOR OTHER EVENTS. Big Rigs March 7 J 4 E M ay 1 - 3 C h o p p e r e e : M ay 2 CUBOREE: June 12 - 14 VICTORIA DAY CAMP May 15 -1 8 CUB FUN DAY: Oct. 24, 10 AM - 3 PM, $7 COST: The registration fee for Participant’s prior to January 31st, 2015 is $550 per person. After that date, the fee is $600. A deposit of $125 per participant is due upon registration and the final payment is due May 15, 2015. Scotia Jamboree is about THE ADVENTURE OF BEING A SCOUT. You will be challenged, you will try new things, and you will have memories you will cherish for a lifetime. It will be the best scouting experience you will ever have! November 30, 2014 Andrew Rupert WHITWELL Father of Gilwellian / Scouter Ken Whitwell Andy will be remembered as a proud Veteran of the Canadian Military and long standing employee of American Can Company and a retired Binbrook farmer. He was a proud 25 year member of the Binbrook Volunteer Fire Dept. and served on the Binbrook School Board and Township Council. Andy was also one of the charter members and signatories on the first 1 st Binbrook Charter, in 1958. He was a big supporter of Scouting in the rural and mountain areas of Hamilton-Wentworth. THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 12 THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 Page 13 HELP DESK 905-528-5711 375 James St. S. Hamilton ON L8P 3B9 IF THE HELP DESK IS CLOSED You may leave mail in the slot in the door. You may send email to [email protected] You may leave voicemail at 905-528-5711. You may contact your commissioner directly. You may phone Scouts Canada, London 519-432-2928 NORMAL HOURS OF OPERATION Tuesday & Wednesday 10 AM—4 PM Thursday 1 PM—7 PM Friday 1 PM—4 PM Saturday 10 AM—1 PM Sunday & Monday Closed MARCH BREAK Closed Friday March 13 at 4 PM re-opening Tuesday March 24 at 10 AM. EASTER HOURS Closed Thursday, April 2 at 7 PM, Re-opening Tuesday, April 7 at 10 AM. HOURS OF OPERATION Thursday & Friday 3 PM - 9 PM Saturday 10 AM—4 PM Closed April 3 - 4 for Easter OPEN MARCH BREAK [email protected] 905.528.4662 The SCOUT SHOP carries a full line of camping and outdoors supplies and equipment - brand names, at prices you will not likely beat anywhere else, both on in-stock, and special order items. Any residual profit supports Scouting directly. Scout House is the home of the "HELP DESK". The Help Desk is a service provided by experienced Scouting Volunteers. The purpose of the Help Desk is to answer and to help find answers to questions about Scouting. BOOKING EQUIPMENT AT THE HELP DESK? Speak with a Help Desk Volunteer who will en- Your advertisement will reach hundreds of Scouting adults in the region. Email us to discuss options—you can put in a business-card sized ad for $50 for 6 issues, you can also have your ad enlarged at a slightly higher fee. The possibilities are endless. We will also design your ad for you at no extra charge. Your ads help with the expenses associated with the publication of the Scouting Dispatch. ADS MUST BE PAID BY AUGUST 15 TO START WITH THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE SCOUTING YEAR. THOSE NOT PAID BY THEN WILL BE REMOVED BY THE FIRST ISSUE. Advertisements for ‘items for sale’ can be inserted at $10 per issue. PENNY PINCHERS CLUB A big left hand shake thank you to the following 2014 Penny Pinchers for their coin banks for Camp Nemo: Tom & Peggy Evanoff Bill & Chris McCready Kevin O’Halloran Remember, when your bank is full or even if it is only partly full, drop it off at the Help Desk with your name and address and don’t forget to pick up another empty one. If you don’t have one, why not give it a try and see how it works. We will count it, roll it and send you an income tax receipt, it isn’t any easier than that. Remember all the money raised goes to Mount Nemo Scout Camp and remember a nickel is but 5 pennies, dimes are but 10 pennies. This is a much smaller list than normal, let’s see how much bigger we can make the list of donors next year. Please join in for Camp Nemo. YIS, Tom Evanoff 905-523-4619 [email protected] HELP - WANTED AREA EVENT CRESTS I am always trying to add to or complete my displays of area events. If you have any of the following crests that you can spare, please contact me. Also if you need crests, something along this line yourself or other things like Scoutrees, Area Camps or Apple Day that you are missing, contact me I might have it to spare. I have bags of them, so please ask. Tom Evanoff 905-523-4619 [email protected] Area Events I am in NEED of: VICTORIA DAY WEEKEND: 1965, 1967, 2010, 2011 KLONDIKE: 1980, 81, 1983, 84, 1987, 88, 89, 1991, 1993, 2006, 2012, 2014 CUB FUN DAY: 1981, 2004, 2013, 2014 CHOPPEREE: 1980, 1982, 1990, 2013, 2014 THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 14 RUN WITH THE BIG RIGS! MARCH 7TH, 2015 $7 admission, includes lunch, beverage, crest & prizes Double Trouble - and the 16th Annual running of the Scout Truck Rigs! Takes place at Hamilton or Welland - Dual locations running, supporting more troops on the same day! Snack bar, drinks available throughout the day. Scout classes, support many unorthodox & creative classes... it's not just about the standard box. One Kilo Max! Prizes for creative work as well. ULTIMATE CLASSES - for Venturers, Rovers, and Adults... (keep 'yer hands off the Scouts trucks, make yer own!!) ... max weight here, hits 3 kilos, and motors allowed... ;-) It's all in good fun, come on out and make a day of it with other Scouts from the Council and nearby areas! (sorry, no Beaver Buggies or KubKars allowed, this is SERIOUS Scout racing) Email [email protected] to register! Visit for all the details, rules, etc. 2015 J4E PATROL CAMP IS ON AGAIN! 1st weekend in May, is the date, of the annual James Elliot Memorial Patrol Competition Camp, aka the J4E. Patrols arrived self-contained and are sent off to their sites. Old friends meet up again, and the noises of a good old-fashioned Scout camp will be heard everywhere! Challenges to the patrols will be made, and they will rise to it! Plus… the Iron Chef will be back with a twist, and may result in some very pleased Venturer stomachs (no stomach pumps needed, I swear!). Groups who brought one patrol last year, will bring two this year. That’s what its all about. We’re on the right Path, together. In the end last year... the 8th Niagara Wolverine patrol proved themselves most worthy, and carried the honour (and the trophy) forward - can you take it from them? Want to see a few more snippets? Google “scouts j4e” and you will get the site, plus the YouTube video. Have a patrol? Have a desire to see them succeed and grow? Join us – 1st weekend of May. (May 1-3, 2015) Put it on your calendar now. Have a patrol challenge? Bring it on! Companies and Crews are encouraged to do the same. It’s the way the old man intended it, and it works - oddly enough. THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 15 THE MOMENT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR IS HERE! The 2016 Western Canada Moot will take place at Camp Impeesa in Alberta August 19 to 28, 2016 LOCATION Camp Impessa near Pincher Creek Alberta The venue has access to kilometres of wilderness hiking trails, archery, obstacle course, tomahawk range, lake-wide zip line and much more. STONEY CREEK SANTA CLAUS PARADE photos by Dave Wands, 58th Hamilton Chris ‘Spanky’ Kivell • DAC Crew H-W [email protected] 289-407-7813 23rd World Scout Jamboree Kirara-hama, Japan Date: July 28 – August 8, 2015 Join us in Hong Kong and Japan for the 23rd World Scout Jamboree Location: Kirara-hama, (23WSJ) in 2015. Yamaguchi City, Journey into tomorrow for the experience of a lifetime, which will Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan include a fantastic Pre-Jamboree stop in Hong Kong, beginning on July 24, 2015. From there, we will head to Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan on July 28, 2015 for 11 days of incredible programming and a unique Scouting cultural exchange that can only be experienced at a World Jamboree. Your 23WSJ experience won’t be complete, however, without experiencing the Home Hospitality program being offered. See more at: The Canadian Contingent is comprised of Scouts from l’Association des Scouts du Canada as well as Scouts Canada, and will contain Jamboree participants, members of the International Service Team, as well as organizers of the Canadian Contingent. Get in early by signing up for our mailing list. THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 CURLING BONSPIEL 2015 As always, a good time was had by all. Photos by Doug French Volume 28 Issue 4 16 THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 17 THE SCOUTER’S DISPATCH February 2015 Volume 28 Issue 4 Do you need upgrading, repairing or non-pressure computer sales? Are you looking for someone who listens & understands your needs? We help clients like you from Burlington to Hamilton to Haldimand-Norfolk to Niagara Falls. Do you need someone to come to see you? Contact us for all your computer needs. The “Little Guy” Computer Consultants 905-869-2205 Email Larry at [email protected] [email protected] Please support our advertisers 18
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