St. Henry Catholic Church 346 N.W. First Street, Gresham, Oregon 97030 503-665-9129 / Fax: 503-665-8238 February 8, 2015 Mass Schedule Sunday Masses: 8:30am & 11:00am Monday: 8:00am Communion Service Tuesday— Saturday Mass: 8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pm Saturday: Sacrament of Reconciliation: 3:00—4:30 pm Our Mission St. Henry Catholic Church is a community of Christian believers striving to build God’s kingdom on earth for all people. We accept the mission from Jesus Christ to love God above all else and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Staff Pastor………………………………Fr. Charles Zach Deacon………………………………....Lou De Sitter Business Manager………………………Joan Myers Faith Formation………………….Jeanne Chambers Liturgy / Sacraments…………………..….Sara Wise Music…………………………….......Barbara Adams RCIA / Adult Ed……………………..Connie Ostlund Care Ministry……………………….…….Mari Spring Youth Ministry………………………...Dave Crepeau Admin. Assist…………………….…...Terri Heitzman Maintenance………………………………....Tim Fast Administrative Council Development……………………..….…..Marje Ferek Vicky Leliefeld Finance ………………………………...…Rod Moritz Kathy Thompson John Foley Build/Grounds…………………………….Tom Barrie Shane Tercek Pastoral Council Chair…………………………………….Glenn Zmuda Vice Chair/Admin Rep…………….....Charlie Marino Secretary………………………...….Stella Armstrong Formation……………………………….....Larry Rose Evangelization………………………..….Paul Palmer Marcy Marlow Liturgical……………………………….…..Doug Klein Organization…………………………….….Art Abbott Calendar 2/8—2/15 February 8 Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am Nursery 8:15am (RM 4) Paris Slideshow Presentation 9:30am (KC Hall) Library 9:30am—10:50am (LIB) Chaplet of Divine Mercy 9:30am & 10:30am (ADCP) Elem. Faith Form. & Sacramental Prep 9:45am (P/C) Coffee & Donuts 9:45am (GYM) by Sacramental Prep St. Anne Spanish Mass 1:30pm (CH) Scrap Booking 1:00pm (FSR) Adult Basket Ball 4:00pm (GYM) Calendar Continued… February 15 Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am Masses Nursery 8:15am (RM 4) Library 9:30am—10:50am (LIB) Chaplet of Divine Mercy 9:30am & 10:30am (ADCP) Elem. Faith Form. & Sacramental Prep 9:45am (P/C) Coffee & Donuts 9:45am (GYM) by Elem. Faith Form St. Anne Spanish Mass 1:30pm (CH) Adult Basket Ball 4:00pm (GYM) Mass Intentions 2/8—2/14 S February 9 Monday Comm. Service 8:00am February 10 Tuesday Mass 8:00am Pointers 8:45am (DIN) Al-Anon 10:00am (RM 6) SVDP Pantry 10:00am (SVDPP) Day Shelter 1:30pm (GYM) 1 Baptism Prep 5:30pm (P/C) NAMI Family to Family 6:30pm (RM 6) Nar-Anon 7:00pm (RM 7) Choir 7:00pm (CH) Adult Ed 7:00pm (FSR) February 11 Wednesday Mass 8:00am Adult Ed 9:00am (FSR) OA 10:30am (Rm 7) Pinochle 12:30pm (FSR) Pastoral Council 6:00pm (OMT) St. Anne Music Practice 6:30pm (CH) Evangelization Sponsored Movie Night 7:00pm (KC Hall) Youth Ministry 7:00pm (PC) February 12 Thursday Mass 8:00am Evangelization Sponsored Movie 9:15am (KC Hall) MOM’s Group 10:00am (RM 8) NAMI Multnomah 6:30pm (RM 7) Folk Group 7:00pm (CH) RCIA 7:00pm (FSR) February 13 Friday Library Open 10:00am (LIB) Quilters 12:30pm (FSR) Red Cross 2:00pm (GYM) Mass 8:00am February 14 Saturday Mass 8:00am Vigil Mass 5:00pm Pantry Session 10:00am (SVDPP) Confession 3:00pm (CH) Valentine Dance 7:00pm (GYM) For the Parish Family Edward Horner (Fr. Charles Zach) (Gayle & Bill Kalinowski) M Communion Service T +Margaret Wyss -David DeLima (Dick Wyss) (Family) W +Harold Nack (Julie Nack) T +Lorene Broschart +Roger Vonderharr +Mary Pat Thompson (Pat & Kathy Bigelow) (Vivian Vonderharr) (Connie Clausing) F +Mary Lou Baresh +Robert W. Loomis Jr. (Alphonse Baresh) (Linda Loomis) S +Paul Perletti (Susanna Perletti) +Leona Mescher (Rita Sullivan) +Deceased Knights of Columbus (K of C) Prayer List “What you ask in my name, I will do” John 14:13 Karen Buerkel, Larry Comella, Penny Comella, Virginia Danell, Margaret D’Eath, Judy DeCourcy, Lyn DeSimone, Claudia Edwards, David Ford, Chris Headland, Sindi Jackson, Kelley Family, Elsie Logeman, Synthia Meyers, Kurt Minich, Don Nelson, Kay Nelson Pauline Olbrich, Judith Severs, Ronald Underwood ******* Out of respect for an individuals privacy, it is our policy to print only the names of those who give their permission to have their names published. Please Pray for Please pray for Mary Pat Thompson of our parish who has recently died. May Mary Pat and all the faithfully departed rest in peace. Please support those who support our bulletin. From the back of the bulletin: James C. Niedermeyer ~ Lawyer ~ Pastor’s Message ~ 5th Sunday 2015 – Dear God, I have heard about The Seven Deadly Sins? What are they and why are they called “deadly?” Signed, Mort Ally Concerned Dear Mort, I gave the Ten Commandments to Moses nearly 3300 years ago. You know them well, I am sure. They were given to Moses and My children (you too!) as a sign of my Covenant. Observe my decrees and you will live forever in My love. Breaking of these commandments separates you from My love. Breaking the commandments are also called “mortal” sins since they kill the life of My sanctifying grace. “Deadly” sins are particular bad habits that lead you to commit a mortal sin. That’s why they are called “deadly.” There are seven deadly sins: pride, envy, lust, anger, gluttony, greed, sloth (laziness). Pride is the key to all other sins, because after you believe that you’re more important than you actually are, you rationalize your behavior and make excuses for lying, cheating, stealing, insulting, ignoring, and such. You become like a god in your own mind. Even the disciples took a while to learn about pride. That happened in the gospel today when James and John asked to sit at My Son’s right hand when He came into the Kingdom. Jesus told them and the disciples: “If you wish to be the first in the kingdom, you must be the servant of all.” No, there is no place for pride! So how do you defeat the Seven Deadly Sins? By practicing the “Conquering Virtues”: humility vs. pride, kindness vs. envy, chastity vs. lust, patience vs. anger, fasting vs. gluttony, generosity vs. avarice, diligence vs. sloth. I give you the strength through my sanctifying grace to practice these virtues! Virtues keep you from the deadly sins. If you avoid the deadly sins, you will not break My commandments and enter into mortal sin. Then you will remain in My Love. Pretty straightforward, right? Thanks for the great question, Mort. Signed, Loving and Caring God P.S. Kindness is difficult to give away, because it keeps coming back. There will be no Pastor’s Talk’s February 8. Please join us for a special presentation on the “Churches in Paris” in the KC Hall at 9:40am instead. K of C Valentine Dance Wednesday Night @ the Movies Get out the polish, shine up those dancing shoes and get ready to boogie the night away. Come join other parishioners for this fun filled night, February 14. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased after each Mass in the vestibule for only $15 each. Light appetizers served. Beer and wine available. Winter Season: Presented by...Evangelization All are invited on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. February 11, 2015: The Conversion Story of an Atheist and How Truth Led Her to The Catholic Church, on DVD. Taking place in the K.C. Hall at 7:00pm, doors open at 6:30pm Also showing Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 9:15am Building the Domestic Church As part of our preparation for the 8th World Meeting of Families to be held from September 22-27, 2015 in Philadelphia, the Knights of Columbus are implementing a monthly family sharing program started in 2015. “A Family Fully Alive” February’s Suggestion… Prepare a family slide or photo show. Include pictures of parents wedding, birth of each child, sacramental celebrations, friends, and service projects. Readings February 15, 2015 1st Reading: Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Gospel: Mark 1:40-45 Vacation Bible School is already making plans… and we are looking for some help collecting plastic 1 gallon plastic milk or water jugs, (empty and washed). Can you believe we’re building an igloo?! Please bring them to class or to the parish office. Stewardship Baptism Prep Classes Offertory Giving ~ February 2015 Actual: Budget: Month to Date $ 14,547.02 $ 14,805.00 Year To Date $ 518,955.12 $ 505,485.00 Difference: $ -257.98 $ 13,470.12 “Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed…He told them, ‘Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.’” – Mark 1:35, 38 In today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example of stewardship. Jesus gives His time to do all that God wishes - healing the sick and preaching. Yet, Jesus also makes time to be alone in prayer. It is through prayer, spending time with God, that we find the strength to do what God wishes us to do. Be sure to find time every day to be with God. Attention Widows, Widowers and Singles: Hope all of you can come for lunch at Gustav’s in Clackamas on Wednesday, February 11. (Notice it’s the second Wednesday because Ash Wednesday is the third Wednesday). The bus ($3) will be at the east parking lot at 12:15pm for departure. To reserve a seat on the bus and reservations can be made at Gustav’s please call Ilene at 503-6672500 by Monday, February 9. NAMI NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) has moved their family support meetings recently to the Parish Center, Rm 7 across from the Church. This group is an ongoing drop in support group for family members and loved ones of those with mental illness. We meet on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month from 6:30pm—8:00pm (use east entrance). If you have any questions please contact Nancy Nichols 503-665-5481. Next sessions will be February 10, 2015 & February 17, 2015. Classes will take place at 5:30pm in the parish center. Please call the office to register. ~ Sara Wise Day of Recollection Care Ministry… Catholic Charities Ministry to the Elderly Committee is sponsoring a Lenten Day of Prayer and Reflection for all those who minister to the sick and elderly in any capacity, any interested person or those who would like a day for themselves. It will take place Friday, February 27, 2015 from 9:30am to 2:30pm at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Portland. Rev. Jon Buffington will be the presider. Registration forms can be found in the back of the church. Any questions call Mari Spring at 503-665-9129 Library Book Sale Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For donating the books… For advertising the books… For sorting the books… For carting the books… For setting up the books… For selling the books… For buying the books… For packing up the books… We made $876.00 to buy new books and media for our library. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Anne Jochim ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Library Book Club Thursday Feb 26 7:00PM Church Library Book to be discussed: The Residue Years by Mitchell S. Jackson Friday Feb 27 10:00AM Church Library Book to be discussed: Books about Pope St. John XXIII Friday March 27 10:00 AM Church Library Book to be discussed: Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden Knights Korner Interested in becoming a Knight? Any practicing Catholic male, 18 years of age or older, is invited to join the Knights of Columbus. Call Randy Paden 503-708-3859. Please check out the Knights of Columbus web site at Newly Baptized Catholic Scouting Congratulations! The newest members of our St. Henry family to be baptized on January 17 are Xavier James Nunez, son of Alphonso & Ruby (Carranza) Nunez and Christian William Baker, son of Richard & Patricia Baker. We give you our prayerful support! Three young men from St. Henry were recognized at a special Mass at the Cathedral in Portland on January 25 . These young men worked hard with their adult leaders to integrate the Catholic faith into their Scouting Program. We congratulate… Conner Pancheri who earned his “Light of Christ” emblem. To Jeremy Peterson who earned his “Ad Altare Dei” emblem and to Alexander Turner who earned his “Ad Altare Dei” emblem. A job well done! Justice & Peace Feb 8, 2015 will be the first International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. It is also the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita. As a child, age seven, St Josephine was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once she was freed, she dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was canonized by Pope St John Paul II in 2000. Let us all make efforts to fight modern forms of slavery and remember to pray for those who are in captivity. CD Release Concert Nichlas & Joelle Schaal, along with Resurrection Catholic Parish Music Ministry will be hosting a free concert based on the music of their new CD, The Call: To Know, Love, and Share. It will be a wonderful evening of music and prayer, with a special focus on the season of Lent. The concert will be held at Resurrection Catholic Church, 21060 SW Stafford Rd. Tualatin on March 7 @ 7pm. Contact Nichlas or Joelle Schaal for more information at [email protected] or visit Vicariate Scholarship Program Applications will be available at this time and must be turned in to the family’s parish by March 13, 2015. This program is open to all families with NEW students who are applying to St. Therese Catholic School for Kindergarten through 8th Grade The Vicariate Scholarship Program is part of St. Therese Catholic School’s strategic plan in an effort to promote active recruitment and increase enrollment of children in the grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. It is offered to registered families within our Vicariate parishes of St. Anne, St. Henry, St. Joseph the Worker, St. Michael’s Sandy, St. Peter and St. Rita. St. Therese School offers financial assistance to those families who wish to give their children an education at a Catholic elementary school in the local area. Scholarship awards are based upon financial need of the applicant and any specific guidelines set forth by individual Vicariate parishes. Applications are now available in St. Henry parish office. Valentine Salad Luncheon Reservations for the 35th Annual Valentine Luncheon at the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist Villa in Bridal Veil are underway. The Valentine Salad Luncheon is February 14, 2015 with two seating's, 11am or 1pm. Reservations are required. Call 503-760-8220 between 9am and 4pm. Limited to 130 per seating, free will donation benefits the Sisters works and projects. Sister Kathleen Ann Cieslak, F.S.E. Year of Consecrated Life Pope Francis has announced a Year of Consecrated Life which began on November 30, 2014, the First Sunday of Advent, and will conclude with the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple on February 2, 2016. In the spirit of joy and gratitude for our call to Consecrated Life, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist are participating in a national Open House event with other religious orders. Our Open House event will be on Sunday, February 15, 2015, at our convent in Bridal Veil, Oregon, from 2 – 4:30 pm. A DVD will be shown during the Open House which will familiarize those who see it with our charism and mission in the Church. ~Sister Marcia Grief Education/Support This is a support group for people grieving a loss due to a death. Whether it has been months or years since your loss, this group can provide a supportive environment to help you develop coping skills. Monday afternoons in Gresham, Feb 23-Mar 23, 2:00pm—3:30pm Trinity Lutheran Church, Gresham Please call to register: Emilie 503-668-5545 [email protected] Family of the Month ~ Larry & Michelle Rose –submitted by Marlowe Jayme This month, Council 3179 is proud to present an exemplary family, Brother Larry and Michelle Rose. Both Larry and Michelle were born in California. Michelle was raised Catholic and attended St. Catherine’s and St. Bernadine's Catholic Schools. Larry converted to Catholicism while he was in high school. He graduated from San Diego State University with post-graduate studies at the University of Oregon. Larry and Michelle met in Carlsbad, California and got married there and have just celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary. They moved to Oregon in 1978. The Rose’s family now consists of 2 fantastic children, David and Lorissa and 6 wonderful grandchildren, Aurora, Parker, Natalia, Chase, Aidric and Calista. The Rose family joined St. Henry in the early 80’s when Fr. McMahon was pastor. They taught CCD classes to 8th graders and Larry also served as a Eucharistic Minister. Currently, Larry is a member of the Pastoral Council, serves as a Eucharistic Minister and is a member and officer of the Knights of Columbus in both the 3rd and 4th Degree Councils. Brother Larry helps with the Knights of Columbus monthly breakfast and is Honor Corp Commander in the 4th Degree Council. Both Larry and Michelle sing in the 11:00 Mass Choir as well as participate in Dinner for Eight. They chaired last year’s successful Church Picnic with the help of many wonderful parishioners. Family is very important to the Rose’s and their extended family includes Mike and Shirley Sanzone, longtime St Henry parishioners and Michelle’s six brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, great grandchildren, uncles, aunts and cousins. Most holidays, birthdays and anniversaries are celebrated together with this large group of four generations, one way or the other. At Christmas in particular, the family gathers at Mike and Shirley’s home for a Christmas Pageant with all the children enacting the story of Bethlehem, complete with costumes. There are camping trips, outings to the coast or the mountain together as well as attending church, school and sports activities for the younger ones. When there is health or other concerns, the family pulls together to support one another. This year, Brother Larry is the chair for St. Henry’s Building the Domestic Church program, “The Family Fully Alive”. In the words of St John Paul II, “The family has the mission to guard, reveal and communicate love”. Through this program, our families can realize more fully their mission to be an authentic domestic church through daily prayer, catechesis and Scripture readings. Brother Larry asks each Knight, parishioner and their families to actively participate and join in the Knights monthly Movie Night, monthly Family Activity project and charitable or volunteer community activities they can do together as a family. In this way we can help make our council, parish and community a better place. Let’s pray to God to help us lead the lives He intended and continually ask for His guidance. We can all follow the words of Pope Francis, in line with the Knights, to do more by living our principles of charity, unity and fraternity with “the creativity of love” for those in need. It is an honor for Council 3179 to have Larry and Michelle Rose as Family of the Month for February. Pinochle Would you like to learn the game of Pinochle or improve your game? St. Henry Pinochler’s are putting together a session (or two) to teach those who want to learn and/or share some secrets on how to improve your game. Call the parish office and let us know who you are. Join us for fun and friendship. Save $$ on Prescriptions! Takes a minute to enroll! Call 1-800-913-4146 or go to Oregon Prescription Drug Program Lenten Soup Mmmmm...Delicious. That’s what parishioners are saying about the St. Henry Soup project. Taste our new lusciously creamy Potato Soup, along with your favorite Tasty Tortilla and Savory Vegetable with Pasta on Sunday Feb. 22nd after the Masses. Your purchases help support Heifer International and our Religious Education program. Soups are available every Sunday during Lent or pick yours at the parish office. These make great meals to share for the homebound or needy. Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible REALTOR who puts her clients first DELPLATO CHIROPRACTIC Glenn Zmuda John J. O’Hara Real Estate Broker,GRI LESLEE DIRK, Broker, CRS, GRI, SRES Preferred Inc. REALTORS® 10121 SE Sunnyside Rd #150 Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone (503) 659-1550 Expires 6-30-15 ® Attorney at Law “Serving parishioners since 1971” Bring flyer into Gresham location for 10% OFF Entire Order Cell (503) 504-4515 [email protected] 2975 NE Hogan Gresham Wills Trusts Estates Injuries Domestic Law ERA Freeman & Associates, Realtors 1685 E. Powell • Gresham (503) 255-8795 (503) 318-0927 Cell (503) 665-4619 Home (503) 665-3144 Office [email protected] 850 NE 122nd Ave. Gresham Memorial Chapel Family Owned Funeral Home John Gerbish Parishioner 257 SE Roberts, Gresham Pat Swift, Agent 135 NW 1st Street Gresham, OR 97030-7215 Bus: 503-665-3111 Se habla español® State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company - Bloomington, Illinois 25500 S.E. Stark Street, Suite 201B Gresham • Auto & Work Injuries • No Referral Needed • Family Practice Tel.: (503) 667-9491 Parishioner We help women & children in crises 503-665-1026 “True religion is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress.” James 1:27 Please mail donations to - P.O. Box 305, Troutdale, OR 97060 DANNA BROTHERS’ ELMER’S Mall 205: 9660 S.E. Stark 503-256-0333 Gresham: 1590 N.E. Burnside 503-665-5144 Parkrose: 10001 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 503-256-2150 Tigard: 14055 S.W. Pacific Hwy. • 503-620-6440 SPACE AGE FUEL Tim Anderson Making a Difficult Time Easier 503-736-0102 503-255-1516 1304 E. Powell Blvd. Gresham Gas, Diesel & Heating Oil 503-212-3900 In Christ’s Love, Everyone is Someone Cottages Apartments Nursing & Rehab 503-667-1965 1280 NE Kane Dr. Gresham, OR 97030 503-255-1516 Tim Anderson 11059 S.E. Division Portland 503-255-1516 © 2014 Allstate Insurance Co. © 2014 Allstate Insurance Co. PHILLIP C. GILBERT Attorney at Law 1 xd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page Personal Injury Attorney Admitted in Oregon & Washington 503-465-9600 103 SE 223rd Ave, Ste. A Gresham, OR 97030 Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device [email protected] Life Insurance, Long Term 2.972 Care Income Protection, Retirement Plans IRA, Roth IRA, 401K Rollover Please Contact: In Gresham Town Fair 503-907-3008 Mon-Sat. 10:am - 8:00pm Sunday 12:00pm - 6:00pm 2050 E. Powell Blvd Gresham 503.665.3154 RON WARD Financial Advisor • Parishioner 503-465-9390 Oregon Trail Center (503) 666-3725 Celebrating our 44th Anniversary 840 NE Cleveland, Gresham 24HR. Emergency Service CCB#71762 115114 115114 [email protected] 11059 S.E. Division Portland [email protected] Tax Advantaged Bonds • CDs IRAs Annuities NW Creations & Collectibles Unique Creations by Local Artists Long Term Care x 2.457 Young Tran, MBA, FIC, FICF Phone: 503-875-8715 Covered by most Insurances~ Medicare Approved 1.800.795.2070 / Hospice is a philosophy of care that stresses comfort, as opposed to curative or disease-modifying care. Medicare patients have the right to choose their hospice. It’s your benefit, your choice. The Medicare hospice benefit was structured to support the patient’s ability to remain at home until his or her death. We honor the patient and family wishes. Every day is a gift. Serving East Multnomah and North Clackamas counties. 503-668-5545 Attention: New Year Special Call Now! Push * * * Talk Help is on the way! Freedom med Alert No Contract * Free Equipment * Easy Installation Waterproof Necklace * USA Made & Monitored Maintain Your Independence & Peace-of-Mind SPECIAL $19.95* PEr MonTH + frEE SHIPPIng CALL ToLL frEE 1-877-489-8269 *fIrST 3 MonTHS onLy CatholicMatch Oregon Francis Xavier’s restaurant and Lounge 1933 NE 181st St. 503-666-1957 Serving Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Open 7 am - 9pm daily Breakfast served all day P.O. Box 81026 Seattle, WA 98108-1026 Call Tom Ott 503-650-6347 11059 S.E. Division Portland Buzz, Annette, Craig, and David Gilbert - Parishioners Tim Anderson [email protected] •Arrangements in your home or ours. •Cost conscious package prices. •Pre need planning for cemetery & services. Making Sense of Investing ©CPI - 193 - 503-618-8176 Each office independently owned and operated ELIZABETH DELPLATO, D.C.
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