BUNGENDORE PUBLIC SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2015, WEEK 2 TERM 1 2015 CLAIM THE DATE!! “Coming Events” School Photos 2015 Thursday 28th & Friday 29th of May Week 6, Term 2 THANK YOU to each and every one who volunteered their time to help out with the Country Muster Clean Up. It is very, very much appreciated. It's not the best job, but it's not that bad either! The School received $5,000 for your efforts WOW!. Many of you did more than one shift - THANK YOU! NO POKEMON CARDS AT SCHOOL Due to a number of upsets and lost cards, students have been asked not to bring Pokemon cards to school. We hope parents will support us in this request. MAKE EACH MINUTE COUNT A child who is late to school each day by as little as 10 minutes will miss more than 1 week of school each year. This accumulates to 7 weeks worth of learning missed by the time Year 6 is completed. Term 1 Thur 5 Feb Primary Assembly 5T hosting Thur 12 Feb Swimming Carnival Wed 25 Feb District Swimming Carnival Thur 26 Feb Whole School Assembly Y6 hosting Practice walk Cross Country route Thur 5 March Primary Assembly 4P hosting Cross Country Carnival Thur 19 March Primary Assembly 6D hosting Thur 2 April Whole School Assembly Y5 hosting Last day of Term 1 Term 2 Tues 21 April First Day for Students Mon 27 April Anzac Day Public Holiday Thur 30 April Primary Assembly 3L hosting Thur 14 May Primary Assembly 6K hosting Thur 21 May Whole School Assembly Y4 hosting Thur 28 May School Photos Primary Assembly 5F hosting Fri 29 May School Photos Thur 11 June Primary Assembly 3/4D hosting Thur 18 June District Athletics Carnival Thur 25 June Whole School Assembly Y3 hosting Fri 26 June Last day of Term 2 37 Gibraltar Street Bungendore NSW 2621 Phone 6238 1317 Fax 6238 1718 Website: bungendore-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] STAFF LIST 2015 Principal Mrs Narelle Lloyd K/6N Mrs Sue Nicholls Ass Principal Early Stg 1 KC Ms Bec Coates KE Ms Emily Craggs KH Mrs Emily Howarth Ass Principal Stg 1 K/1T Ms Nicole Terry YUMMY YUMMY!! Icy Poles and Watermelon Slices will be for sale at the Swimming Carnival. Icy Poles will be 50c to $1.00 Watermelon Slices will be 50c All proceeds go towards the Year 6 Gift to the school. 1M Mrs Sue Muller 1R Mrs Anne Read 1SH Mrs Chloe Sinnett/ Mrs Holly Hatcher Expression of Interest for High School 2016 2C Mrs Patrice Coffee 2H Mrs Lindy Hodder Forms will go home with Yr6 students next week and will need to be returned by Friday 20 2N Mrs Meredith Norris 3/4D Mrs Claire Davis We would like to say a big thank you to Bungendore Men’s Shed for building and 3L Mrs Jess Lam 3W Mr Mark Wyatt Assistant Principal Stg2 4M Mr Scott McLeod The shelving looks fantastic and has made a 4P Ms Robynne Prosser big difference for us in being able to store 5F Ms Kerry Forman 5T Mrs Tracey Leggett 6D Mrs Til Dabusti Assistant Principal Stg 3 6K Mr Kyle Brothers Librarian Learning Support installing new shelving in our Mrs Melisa Donaldson Mrs Amanda Bunnett Reading Recovery Ms Jacqueline Millard RFF Mrs Bronwyn Lange DSTA Mrs Justine Bellas Office Mrs Karen Pearce Mrs Kate Williams Mrs Maureen Towler Teachers Aides Mrs Kerry Gougen Mrs Libby Doyle Mrs Lindsay Snowdon Sports Store Shed. our sports gear safely and neatly. Thank you once again! UNIFORM SHOP NEWS: Welcome back to school everyone and a huge welcome to all the new families and students for 2015. The uniform shop will be open every Friday during Term one, from 2.45 to 3.45pm. Make sure you get organised for the Primary swimming carnival which should be coming up soon, we have House shirts in stock. If you cannot make Friday afternoons, orders can be placed and paid for at the front office. We accept CASH, CHEQUE AND DIRECT TRANSFER only as payments (into the P and C account), we do not have EFTPOS facilities at the uniform shop. We look forward to seeing you all at the uniform shop. COMMUNITY NEWS STEPUP2FITNESS - Free trial week! Offering group fitness, small group and personal training Specialising in all styles of health and fitness training New class program includes RIDE, Yoga, Boxercise, Kids Fitness and Cross Training Childminding three days a week E: [email protected] F: STEPUP2FITNESS M: 0421 572724 Health and Fitness Classes for Kids “Run Club” Tuesdays K-Year 2 – Learn to Run Time - 3:30 – 4:30 pm Year 3-12 – Improve Your Running Time - 4:30 – 5:30 pm Thursdays Year 3-6 – Improve Your Running Time - 3:30 – 4:30 pm Dates – 3rd February – 2nd April 2015 Venue - Elmslea Ponds – I will meet the BPS children at school and escort them to the sessions. HFC for Kids Run Club is a fun running club for children. Each session includes a warm up, interval training, a running challenge, fun games and stretching. It teaches children that being healthy and active can be fun! Cost - $10/class paid up in full at the start of term. Family discounts apply. For more information or to enrol contact Melonie Meggitt at MM Health & Fitness on 0409 072 448 or [email protected] Fitness Australia Exercise Professional # 016079
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