The hands-on ocean technology exhibition and training forum Ocean Business 2015 National Oceanography Centre, UK 14 – 16 April 2015 Training and demonstration workshops are FREE to attend Visit the Training and Demonstration Bureau on the show floor to reserve your place on any of the listed sessions. Training and demonstration workshops are FREE, but delegates must be on site at Ocean Business to reserve a place. Arrive early if you wish to attend morning workshops. TUESDAY 14 APRIL 2015 CLASSROOMS VESSELS 0900 Test Tank Dockside EvoLogics Simultaneous underwater positioning and telemetry using EvoLogics S2C USBL and modems 0930 RV Callista Kongsberg Maritime Underwater Mapping: GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry and side scan Bill Conway Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Students Centre Rm 121/05 Innomar Technologies Parametric sub-bottom profilers SES-2000 applications and new products LEVEL 1 Students Centre Rm 121/11 Teledyne Marine Systems and Sonars: User driven integrated solutions LEVEL 4 Ray Beverton Rm 044/11 RBR New products and features: small pressure and temperature logger, WiFi, cast detection & more TUESDAY 14 APRIL 2015 John Swallow Rm 054/06 Teledyne Marine Interconnect Solutions Client Specific Solutions for Demanding Applications Node Rm 064/03 Falmouth Scientific Bubble gun portable seismic sub-bottom system technical overview & in-air demonstration Node Rm 2 074 QPS QINSy / Fledermaus latest news. Catch up with what's changed, what's new & what's planned Access Grid Rm 124/14 CARIS What's new in CARIS' bathymetric processing and data management solutions? 1030 1100 1000 Ocean Modules Unique ROV-concept the V8 M500 and its powerful capabilities RTSYS PR-SDA14: Ultra-compact waterproof device including hydrophone recording, acoustic listening and in-situ noise propagation measurement. Chelsea Technologies Primary Productivity measurements using the FastOcean & Act2 for probing phytoplankton photosy Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Teledyne Blueview 2D multibeam imaging sonar & 3D mechanical scanning sonar product overview, applications & data review Wildlife Acoustics New Kaleidoscope marine bioacoustics analysis software and noise logger C-MAX The CM2 sidescan sonar system including portable winch & MaxView software Teledyne RDI Next-Generation 5-Beam Sentinel V ADCP with waves measurement capability Datawell Measuring the current with a Directional Waverider Fugro Resolution, Automation, Certainty. Fugro Seastriper, A New Development in Subsea Pipeline Inspection EIVA NaviSuite software including NaviPac version 4.0 1200 1230 Outland Technology Outland ROV 2000 Inspection class ROV 82lbs forward thrust auto-depth, auto-heading Oceanscience New Z-Boat 1800 autonomous survey boat with multibeam echosounder demonstration Geomatrix Earth Science Deploying a 24 channel Micro Eel Ultra High Resolution Streamer to then acquire data using Marine MGOS then process to a Brute Stack Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Kongsberg Maritime Underwater Mapping: Applications and Product Range EdgeTech EdgeTech 6205 next generation multi-phase bathymetry & side scan sonar system Sea-Bird Scientific Best practices in measuring dissolved oxygen using oxygen sensors Teledyne Marine Systems Commercial Survey Applications Veripos Axiom, an inertial aided GNSS service for dynamically positioned vessels General Oceanics 8050 PC02 System Overview Idronaut UV antifouling into the conductivity sensor Geosoft User Group Meeting: Geosoft update, data processing tips, discussion & networking Develogic Compact seafloor lander - a modular system with acoustic telemetry and flexible sensor packages Deep Ocean Engineering USV with classroom powerpoint - The I-1650 USV Xylem Data Buoys - A summary of Xylem Analytics Systems and Solutions Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Sonardyne International Essential new instruments and accessories for your 6G LBL toolbox Teledyne Marine Systems Ocean Observing Planet Ocean Wave and Data Buoys - The next generation Seebyte Latest SeeTrack V4 mission-planning, monitoring and post-mission analysis software Techworks Marine CoastEYE Blending satellite and insitu data for enhanced water quality monitoring Valeport Introducing the SWIFT SVP, a new sound velocity profiler for shallow water use QPS Hydrographic Processing Evolved 1800 1330 1430 VideoRay Professional series ROV systems including multibeam sonar and autonomous capabilities Tritech International Learn about their latest products including the Gemini suite of imaging sonars and the latest positioning sensors L-3 Klein Associates Side scan sonar for search and recovery applications Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Biosonics Marine Habitat Mapping Made Easy: bathymetry, substrate classification, and seagrass J+S Miniaturised, low-profile array which provides superior directional sensing capabilities Oceanscience New Oceanscience underway CTD autonomous profiler Indepth International Indepth and Imenco's new smart subsea cameras, lighting systems and ROV's Contros CO2, CH4, O2 and Total Alkalinity (TA) measurements in water Turner Designs Multi-parameter optical package ideal for vehicle integrations HYPACK HYPACK 2015 Overview 1630 1700 1200 1300 1500 1530 1030 1130 1330 1400 0900 1500 1600 Saab Seaeye ROV demonstration Benthos Networked Systems and BlueView 2D multibeam imaging sonar – ROV product overview, applications, operation and data review Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Applied Acoustic Engineering Overseas agents update Vemco Combination VR2W receiver, built-in acoustic release and V16-like transmitter enabling remote communication Sea-Bird Scientific The expanding capabilities of Navis biogeochemical profiling floats 4DNav Demonstrate and provide basic training on Connect metrology software SBG Systems How MEMS inertial navigation systems provide accurate measurements and smart integration Ocean Sonics Use icListen Smart hydrophone as an array for detection, classification and localisation Wish Software HydroGIS: Creating SSDM and PODS data deliverables 1630 1730 The hands-on ocean technology exhibition and training forum Ocean Business 2015 National Oceanography Centre, UK 14 – 16 April 2015 WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL 2015 CLASSROOMS VESSELS 0900 Test Tank 0900 Dockside Ocean Modules Unique ROV-concept the V8 M500 and its powerful capabilities RV Callista Chelsea Technologies Group Algae and CDOM Monitoring with the CTG Lux range of Fluorometers Bill Conway L-3 Klein Associates Side scan sonar for search and recovery applications Training and demonstration workshops are FREE to attend Visit the Training and Demonstration Bureau on the show floor to reserve your place on any of the listed sessions. LEVEL 1 LEVEL 4 Students Centre Rm 121/05 Students Centre Rm 121/11 Ray Beverton Rm 044/11 BioSonics New product updates for authorised sales agencies Proteus FZC See how bathymetry and habitat data can be derived from satellite imagery JFE Advantech An expendable microstructure profiler (XMP) for full ocean turbulence measurement WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL 2015 John Swallow Rm 054/06 Oceanserver Underwater GPS: A new simple approach to precision positioning for AUVs, ROVs and divers Node Rm 064/03 nke Instrumentation NOSS In situ density sensor: technological presentation Node Rm 2 074 QPS Hydrographic processing evolved Access Grid Rm 124/14 Wish Software VisualGIS: VisualSoft digital video with ESRI ArcGIS in the browser 1000 1030 1000 Subsea Asset Location Technologies Demonstration of underwater acoustic bar-coding Planet Ocean Introduction to the Deep Trekker mini ROV Sea-Bird Scientific Best practices for deployment of profiling packages with UVA sensors Xylem Data Buoys - A summary of Xylem Analytics Systems and Solutions Teledyne Marine Systems Environmental Monitoring for Oil and Gas Kraken Sonar Synthetic Aperture Sonar - advanced sonar technology for ultra-high resolution seabed imaging Sea-Bird Scientific Application driven real-time data moorings using inductive modem communications ASV ASV's proprietary software ASView+, safe and reliable control system for autonomous surface vehicles Techworks Marine Real-Time monitoring and management portal for integrated monitoring networks RIEGL Laser scanner systems for topo-hydrographic surveying GeoSoft Geophysics for UXO, hazards and utilities – overview & best practices 1130 1200 Teledyne BlueView BV5000 Demo Seatronics TBC Geomatrix Earth Science Deploying a 24 channel Micro Eel Ultra High Resolution Streamer, acquire data using Marine MGOS, process to a Brute Stack Kongsberg Maritime Underwater Mapping: side scan sonar surveys develogic Compact seafloor lander - a modular system with acoustic telemetry and flexible sensor packages CodaOctopus 3D Real Time Sonar - latest developments Aquatec Group TBC Topcon Coastal mapping using fixed wing UAVs Ashtead Technology Overview of the latest subsea equipment, services and training Prevco Subsea Subsea housing design and demonstration of portable vacuum leak test kit CARIS What's new in CARIS' bathymetric processing and data management solutions? Saab Seaeye ROV Demonstration VideoRay Professional series ROV systems including multibeam sonar and autonomous capabilities Kongsberg Maritime Underwater Mapping: GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry and side scan Rockland Scientific VMP-250 microstructure turbulence profiler hands-on demonstration Teledyne BlueView 2D multibeam imaging sonar and 3D mechanical scanning sonar product overview, applications, operation and data review Innomar Technologies Parametric sub-bottom profilers SES-2000 applications and new products Nautilus Marine Services Handling Vitrovex glass deep-sea buoyancy and instrument housings, including purging HYPACK HYSWEEP® data processing for AUV applications Datawell Measuring the current with a Directional Waverider Star-Oddi Demonstation of data loggers with sensors as temperature, depth, CTD OceanWise Environmental data sharing and publishing - design, build, installation & testing of tidal monitoring systems 1730 1330 1430 Deep Ocean Engineering ROV demo with classroom powerpoint presentation Triggerfish T5N ROV Oceanscience New Z-Boat 1800 autonomous survey boat with multibeam echosounder demonstration C-MAX The CM2 sidescan sonar system including portable winch & MaxView software L-3 Klein Associates Side scan sonar for search and recovery applications Kongsberg Maritime Subsea Inertial Navigation: Applications and Projects EvoLogics Using underwater acoustic modems for monitoring telemetry including image transmission and multi-sensor data Sea-Bird Scientific Optical sensor calibrations, inter-comparisons and stability Bowtech Products Latest developments in underwater vision technology Chelsea Technologies Water quality monitors for ballast water treatment, exhaust gas cleaning systems CLS SpillTrack: A web-based integrated data solution for offshore operations EIVA NaviSuite software including NaviPac version 4.0 1600 1630 1200 1300 1430 1500 1030 1130 1300 1330 0900 1500 1600 Outland Technology Outland ROV 2000 inspection class ROV 82lbs forward thrust auto-depth, auto-heading RBR Demonstration of RBR's inductive mooring line modem, and WiFi enabled loggers with cast detection Nortek UK Using a 5-beam signature 1000/500 for turbulence measurements Hemisphere GNSS Discussing the latest developments and technology for precision GNSS positioning AML Oceanographic AML product training for agents and distributors Teledyne Marine Interconnect Solutions Client Specific Solutions for Demanding Applications Teledyne Odom TBC Sonardyne International Optimising your acoustic positioning with INS and DVL QPS QINSy/Fledermaus latest news. Catch up with what's changed, what's new and what's planned 1630 1730 Any persons undertaking or taking part in any activity at this event do so at their own risk. The event organisers and venue will not be held responsible for any injury or damage sustained during any activity/demonstration at the event. The hands-on ocean technology exhibition and training forum Ocean Business 2015 National Oceanography Centre, UK 14 – 16 April 2015 THURSDAY 16 APRIL 2015 CLASSROOMS VESSELS 0900 0900 Test Tank Dockside VideoRay Professional series ROV systems including multibeam sonar and autonomous capabilities Benthos Networked Systems and BlueView 2D multibeam imaging sonar – ROV product overview, applications, operation and data review RV Callista Kongsberg Maritime Underwater Mapping: GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry and side scan Bill Conway Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Students Centre Rm 121/05 Kongsberg Maritime and Hydroid: Discover the lastest advancements in the world of AUVs Training and demonstration workshops are FREE to attend Visit the Training and Demonstration Bureau on the show floor to reserve your place on any of the listed sessions. LEVEL 1 Students Centre Rm 121/11 Teledyne RDI The Teledyne Doppler Velocity Log – fundamentals of operation and installation.. LEVEL 4 THURSDAY 16 APRIL 2015 Ray Beverton Rm 044/11 Teledyne RESON TBC John Swallow Rm 054/06 Rockland Scientific Step-by-step processing & analysis of microstructure turbulence data collected during VMP-250 instrument demon Node Rm 064/03 Datawell Measuring the current with a Directional Waverider Node Rm 2 074 Access Grid Rm 124/14 QPS QINSy/Fledermaus latest news. Catch up with what's changed, what's new and what's planned EIVA NaviSuite software including NaviPac version 4.0 1000 1030 1000 AML Oceanographic Data•Xchange: Wi-Fi data transfer & embedded GPS positioning for X•S Tritech International Learn about their latest products including the Gemini suite of imaging sonars and positioning sensors Geomatrix Earth Science Deploying a 24 channel Micro Eel Ultra High Resolution Streamer to then acquire data using Marine MGOS then process to a Brute Stack Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Nortek Using a Signature55 long range current profiler and its capabilities R2Sonic Wideband multibeam echosounder systems Ocean Science New underway CTD autonomous profiler DECO Geophysical Processing of HR/URH seismic data in RadExPro: conventional processing, advanced denoising, de-ghosting, de-multiple Sea-Bird Scientific Ocean pH technologies - Now and in the future SBG Systems How MEMS inertial navigation systems provide accurate measurements and smart integration Wish Software AutoChart: Alignment sheet generation comes to ArcGIS, AutoCAD and Microstation 1130 1200 Saab Seaeye ROV Demonstration Chelsea Technologies Group Pollution monitoring from sewage to oil in water using the CTG Lux range of fluorometers Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Sonardyne International Recover your subsea data; a demonstration of acoustic and optical modems Geocap Software demonstration of multibeam, water column, ground model and datalink to ArcGIS AXYS Technologies Introduction to the APS cloud based platform to integrate & visualise collections of data across space, time & parameter 4D Nav Will demonstrate and provide basic training on the Connect metrology software developed in partnership with Sonardyne Helzel Messtechnik Ocean Radar WERA - Active operational live data Teledyne TSS Fibre optic gyrocompass solutions for AHRS and INS applications HYPACK HYSWEEP® water column integration 1600 1200 1300 Subsea Asset Location Technologies Demonstration of underwater acoustic bar-coding Seatronics TBC C-MAX Ltd The CM2 sidescan sonar system including portable winch & MaxView software Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications Biosonics 3D Target tracking for marine life, debris and related applications Knudsen Engineering Knudsen pinger shallow water sub-bottom profiler overview Sequoia Scientific Measuring particle size in the ocean 4H Jena FerryBoxes, underwater nodes, environmental containers with new mobile application Dutch Ocean Group Innovative monitoring and surveying technologies for submarine power cables Teledyne Marine Systems Networked Solutions EOMAP Satellite derived services: bathymetry, seafloor, water quality, obstruction detection, etc. 1430 1500 1030 1130 1300 1330 0900 1330 1430 Ocean Modules Unique ROV-concept the V8 M500 and its powerful capabilities RTSYS Live Monitor software: real-time passive acoustics signal analysis and displaying software, compatible with the full range of RTsys underwater listening systems Kongsberg Maritime Latest developments in subsea positioning technology for survey & subsea construction applications develogic Acoustic and seismic signal recording systems - solutions for marine mammal population assessment, construction noise monitoring and tsunami early warning systems L-3 ELAC Nautik Automatic Object Detector (AOD) for SeaBeam Medium Depth MBES Sea-Bird Scientific Thetis moored profiling system capabilities & features Netmc Marine Introduction to Digital Video Integration to Pipeline data Bluefin Robotics TBC Teledyne Marine Systems Security and Infrastructure QPS Hydrographic processing evolved 1500 1600 Any persons undertaking or taking part in any activity at this event do so at their own risk. The event organisers and venue will not be held responsible for any injury or damage sustained during any activity/demonstration at the event.
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