February 8, 2015 — Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Roman Catholic Community of Holy Cross St. Therese Church 6611 Ardleigh Street (Upsal & Ardleigh Streets) Philadelphia, PA 19119 Holy Cross Church St. Madeleine Sophie Church 140 East Mount Airy Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 PARISH OFFICE 6440 Greene Street (Greene & Upsal Streets) Philadelphia, PA 19119 Office Contact Information Internet Information Phone: 215-438-2921 Fax: 215-848-7953 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sms-hc.org Rev. William E. Grogan Pastor Rev. Rayford E. Emmons Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. David H. Benz Pastor Emeritus, St. Therese Deacon Richard C. Coyne, Retired Deacon Edward M. Purnell Mass Schedule St. Therese Church Saturday Vigil…………………………………..5:00 PM Weekdays: Wednesday & Thursday………..8:00 AM St. Madeleine Sophie Church Sunday………………………………………….9:00 AM Weekdays: Tuesday………………………….8:00 AM Holy Cross Church Sunday………………………………………...11:00 AM Weekdays: Friday…………………………….8:00 AM Holy Days………………………………………….TBA Holy Cross School 144 East Mount Airy Avenue Phone: 215-242-0414 Fax: 215-621-6805 Principal: Mr. Bryan Werner http://teacherweb.com/PA/HolyCrossParishSchool/Homepage Holy Cross Convent 148 East Mount Airy Avenue Phone: 215-247-0262 Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sacramental Information Baptism Fourth Sunday of every month at Holy Cross immediately following the 11:00 AM Mass. Pre-Jordan classes are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Madeleine Sophie Church. To register, call the rectory one week before the class. Confirmation Confirmation is celebrated every two years. Reconciliation Saturdays: 4:00 - 4:30 PM at St. Therese. Matrimony Arrangements for weddings must be made at least six months in advance of the desired wedding date. Either the bride or the groom must be a member of the parish. Communion Calls If you know a homebound Catholic in our parishes who would like to receive Holy Communion regularly, please call the rectory with their name and phone number. Anointing of the Sick If you are sick or are going to have serious surgery, please consider receiving the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Please call the rectory to set up a visit. New Parishioners Welcome to Holy Cross! All are invited to participate in the spiritual and social life of our Parish family. Those who live in the area are asked to please register at the Rectory. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 The LORD tells the number of the stars and calls them by name. — Psalm 147:4 BIBLE STUDY RECTORY OFFICE Come join us for Bible Study! The rectory office will be closed on Monday, February 16, 2015 for the Presidents’ Day Holiday. Tuesday afternoons 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in the SMS Rectory or Wednesday evenings 7:30 pm to 9 pm in St. Therese Marion Hall LOVE IS OUR MISSION: Saving our Youth from Violence Sponsored by Deacon Ed & Barbara Purnell On Sunday, February 15th, St. Raymond Church will host Our Mission is Love: Saving our Youth from Violence from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. This gathering, is in conjunction with a variety of representatives from the City of Philadelphia, will seek to address our growing concern with the disproportionate number of minorities involved with our criminal justice system. This event is a MUST for everyone in our community (bringing your children and grandchildren) as we educate ourselves and begin to plan our next steps in preventing the violence that is harming so many of our families. This “Town Hall” style meeting will allow for the opportunity to vent frustration, express concerns and begin getting answers! FOCUS REACH/PHILLY PRAYER BREAKFAST Join Archbishop Charles Chaput, Jeff Cavins, Sarah Christmyer and other Catholics from the Philadelphia Community for REACH/Philly, A New Evangelization Prayer Breakfast. Gather in prayer and fellowship, encounter Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, hear the words of inspiration speakers, and learn how you can live out the evangelical mission of the Church. Held at Drexelbrooke on Thursday, February 19, 2015 from 6:30-9:30 am by FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. For more information and to register, please visit www.focus.org/reach. (Register as a student for a $20 discount.) No cost; refreshments will be served. Call 215-549-3760 for more information. IN MEMORIAM Ruth Officer Please pray for all souls of the faithful departed. 2-003 MASS INTENTIONS MINISTRIES SCHEDULED FOR Saturday, Feb. 7: 5:00 PM — St. Therese Darrin Allen Saturday, February 14, 2015 5:00 PM St. Therese Sunday, Feb. 8: 9:00 AM — St. Madeleine People of Our Parish EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS L. Redding and R. Laws Sunday, Feb. 8: 11:00 AM — Holy Cross Francis J. & Mary Alice Mitchell LECTORS A. Preston and B. Purnell Tuesday, Feb. 10: 8:00 AM — St. Madeleine Sunday, February 15, 2015 9:00 AM St. Madeleine Sophie Wednesday, Feb. 11: 8:00 AM — St. Therese In Honor of St. Therese ALTAR SERVERS A. Pirmann and K. Truitt Thursday, Feb. 12: 8:00 AM — St. Therese Friday, Feb. 13: 8:00 AM — Holy Cross Francis J. & Mary Alice Mitchell EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS B. McLahan and M. Hartsfield Saturday, Feb. 14: 5:00 PM — St. Therese Thelma Lawrence READERS M. Williams and N. DuPass Sunday, Feb. 15: 9:00 AM — St. Madeleine John Garvey 11:00 AM Holy Cross Sunday, Feb. 15: 11:00 AM — Holy Cross Francis & Sarah Jenkins & Family ALTAR SERVERS E. Curtis and N. Tchato EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS M. Wood and R. Adger LECTORS A. Wells and P. Van Thuyne PLEASE KEEP IN MIND the following people who at this time need your prayers and support: PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY Sylvia Allen, Joyce Askins, Rose Aytch, Ralph Berarducci, Christine Boney, Jesse Cooke, Gloria Crittendon, Margie Durham, Julie Easley, JoAnn Evans, Pauline Feeney, Pauline Fonville, Joan Gain, John Hermann, Josephine Kocher, Arthur Leaphart, Jr., Richard F. Levistar, Janet Mark, Frank McIlhenny, Robert & Patricia McIntyre, Antonio Rodrigues, Arnold Scott, Frank Seriani, Bridget Sharpe, James Spurrier, Jo-Anne Williams and all of our homebound parishioners. Daniel Brophy, Christian M. Carle, Jacob Cox, James Florian Dwyer, Christopher Kineen, John McClure, James M. Ousley, Brian Schorn, Duane E. Thomas “Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.” 3-003 ANNUAL ARCHDIOCESAN MASS HONORING THE GIFTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES SUNDAY CONTRIBUTIONS February 1, 2015 Sunday Collection Maintenance & Repair Christmas Solemnity of Mary Catholic Relief Aging & Ill Priests $ 6,810.00 $ 260.00 $ 500.00 $ 5.00 $ 150.00 $ 145.00 The Annual Archdiocesan Mass Honoring the Gifts of Persons with Disabilities, The Deaf Community, Family, Friends and Caregivers is Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 10:30 am at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul at 18th & Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap, will be the principal celebrant and homilist. There will be a light reception immediately following the Mass. All are welcome. To RSVP go to www.archphila.org, email [email protected] or call the Office for Persons with Disabilities at 215-587-3530. 62 in attendance at the 5:00 PM Mass 97 in attendance at the 9:00 AM Mass 140 in attendance at the 11:00 AM Mass MOM Heart of the Home Spring Day of Renewal MOTHERS OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITES RETREAT March 21, 2015 9 am - 3:30 pm Sts. Simon and Jude Meehan Center, West Chester Monday, May 4, 2015 at Malvern Retreat House, Bishop Timothy Senior will direct a retreat for mothers who are raising children with disabilities and also those who have adult children with disabilities. There will be time to pray, reflect, and chat with other mothers. Calling all moms, grandmothers, step-mothers, and other women of nurturing nature. Do yourself a favor… Spend the day with us! Give yourself this one day out of 365 to slow down and replenish your spirit. Deepen your relationship with God and Mary, Our Mother by sharing the day with other women like yourselves! The day includes times of reflection with our amazing, inspirational morning and afternoon speakers, Kathy McCarthy and Sandi Tronoski. Visit our website to print a registration form and to read more about what this day has to offer. Questions? Call 610-269-6470 or visit http://www.mom-heartofthehome.org/events To register or for more information please contact Malvern Retreat House at 610-644-0400, malvernretreat.com, Sr. Kathleen Schipani at 215-587-3330, or [email protected] DEAF APOSTOLATE SPRING EVENTS On Friday evening, April 17, 2015 the Deaf Apostolate will host an ASL interpreters workshop on interpreting the Eucharistic Prayer. This workshop is for experienced interpreters. On Saturday, April 18th there will be a Retreat for Deaf Adults and Teens at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Both the workshop and retreat will be directed by Father Mike Depcik, OSFS, a deaf priest serving in the Diocese of Detroit. Parents of children who are deaf can also register for the summer or fall religious education program by contacting Sr. Kathleen Schipani. Email [email protected] or call 215-587-3913 for registration information. HOLY CROSS FOOD PANTRY With your generosity we are able to help those in need in our community. Please remember that donations are always needed and welcome. The Food Pantry is open on Tuesday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30. 4-003 WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES WANT TO HELP ? Want to help? HOST A FAMILY! Two million visitors from all over the world are expected to visit Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families and visit by Pope Francis on September 22-27, 2015. Local residents in the Philadelphia region and Tri-State area are being asked to sign up as host families for the event and welcome visitors into their homes during the celebrations. World Meeting of Families and Papal Visit To learn more, visit http://www.worldmeeting2015.org/get-involved/ host-a-family/ September22-27,2015 Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive HEALING MASS God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. St. Rita’s Church National Shrine of St. Rita 1166 S. Broad Street Philadelphia Sunday, February 15th, 2:00 PM Confessions 1-2 PM Blessing with St. Rita’s Oil, Novena Prayers & Relic Veneration. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. All are welcome! For more information call 215-546-8333 May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. LITTLE FLOWER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLFOR GIRLS OPEN HOUSE Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls will have an Open House on Sunday, February 22nd, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. We will have Mass in our Auditorium at 12:00 pm, followed by donuts and coffee. Meet our Administration, faculty, students and staff. Come see what makes LF so special! We will also be offering a Financial Aid Presentation at 1:45. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us! For more information, please visit our website at www.littleflowerhighschool.org or call 215-455-6900 x 162. 5-003 Black History Month Here’s a few things to think on…. MAN UP PHILLY A Men’s Spirituality Conference Bessie Smith (1894-1937) jazz and blues vocalist with a powerful, soulful voice earned her the title “EmpressoftheBlues.” (See insert) This year Man Up Philly will be hold its 7th annual Men’s Spirituality Conference in Philadelphia. We encourage all men to join us for an inspiring time of faith and sharing. Experience our area’s largest Men’s Spirituality Conference first-hand and join others who are ready to Man-Up, by living their true calling. Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961) editor, writer, educator, known for her role in Harlem Renaissance; literary editor of the Crisis; called by Langston Hughesa “mid-wife” of African American literature; irst African American woman in the United States elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Barbara Jordan (1936-1996) was a Congresswoman, educator and Constitutionalist, one of the greatest African American women of our time. MaconBollingAllen(1816-1894)was the irst black -American Justice of the Peace (1848) and the irst African American to pass the bar and practice law in the United States (1845). He is believed to be the irst black to ever hold a judiciary position in the Unites States, despite not being considered a citizen throughout most of his pursuit. Henry Louis Gates Jr. is an acclaimed historian, teacher, scholar, editor and public intellectual. His work on various PBS miniseries is eclipsed by his studies and distinguished intellectual achievements in the world of history and cultural studies. Gates was the irst African American to receive the Andrew W. Melon Foundation Fellowship (a private foundation with focus on 5 core areas :Higher education, museums and art conservation, performing arts, conservation and the environment, and information technology with software development.) Saturday, March 7, 2015 St. Joseph’s University Hagen Arena 2450 N. 54th Street Philadelphia, PA 19131 As Catholic men of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, we strive to make Jesus Christ present in our lives. Called together, we seek God’s grace to strengthen one another and grow in commitment to our Catholic faith. Equipped as witnesses of the Gospel, we serve our families and the Church. For more information or to request financial support, please visit www.manupphilly.com “SWINGING WITH THE RAT PACK” HONOR FLIGHT PHILADELPHIA Honor Flight Philadelphia proudly presents a benefit for World War II veterans: “Swinging with the Rat Pack” with a special guest appearance by Professor Nutty! Relive the glory days of Vegas with Sammie, Frank and Dean. Sunday, April 26, 2015 (Doors open at 2 PM; Show starts at 3:30 PM) MOUNT SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY Springfield Country Club 400 W. Sproul Road Springfield, PA 19064 The Mount, a catholic college preparatory school for girls, invites all interested 7th grade girls to register for the Pre-HSPT to be given on Saturday, March 28, 2015, 8:00 am to 11:30 am. The Pre-HSPT is a 7th grade edition of the actual Scholarship/Entrance Exam given to eighth grade applicants. Tickets are $50.00 per person in advance. Your ticket includes buffet lunch and show. Reservations preferred. Cash bar is available. Registration is available online only. You will receive registration confirmation via email. Register at: www.msjacad.org/practicetest For more information or to purchase tickets, call Deanne at 267-303-5977 6-003 JACOB F. RUTH FUNERAL DIRECTORS, INC. Pre-arrangements Available Family Owned and Operated~Est. 1851 ED HUGHES & SONS PLUMBING 215-247-9090 Heating • Air Conditioning Drain Cleaning Joseph C. Thomas, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, Jr., Funeral Dir. 215-425-4737 $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT 10% OFF FREE SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing LIFETIME WARRANTY ✔ Basement Remodeling ✔ Mold Remediation & Odor Removal ✔ Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup ✔ Crawl Space Water Proofing Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. 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