ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC PARISH BLOOMER, WISCONSIN Photo By: Harrison Photography OFFICE HOURS: WEEKEND MASSES St. Paul's Saturday - 4:00 P.M. Sunday - 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Daily Mass as scheduled in Bulletin St. John's Saturday - 8:00 P.M. Sunday - 9:30 A.M. EMERGENCY: CALL ANYTIME Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (Closed from 12:00-1:00 P.M.) PASTOR: Father John Potaczek DEACON: Rev. Mr. Richard Kostner PARISH SECRETARY: Denise Pake OFFICE: 568-3255 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER: Craig Zwiefelhofer SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Jacqueline Peterson 568-3233 LITURGY COORDINATOR: Barbara Kostner 568-3256 or 568-5978 GRADE SCHOOL RELIGIOLIS EDLICATION COORDINATOR: Kelly Barrick HIGH SCHOOL COORDINATOR: Diane Steinmetz PARISH COllNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Mark Schoonover FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Dean Ruff PARISH COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: (PCCW) Kathy Steinmetz 568-5049 BAPTISM - Preparation is required of all parents wishing to present their child for Baptism. MARRIAGE - Arrangements must be made eight months in advance. COMMUNION - Shut-ins are brought the Eucharist on 1st Fridays; or any time upon request. ANOINTING THE SICK - Any person with a prolonged illness or in case of any emergency, please contact the Rectory. RECONCILIATION: Thursday before First Friday at 7:30 P.M. and Saturday at 3:00 P.M. FEBRUARY 15, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday 7:30 a.m. – Communion Service Tuesday 7:30 a.m. – Clayton Olds 2:00 p.m. – Maplewood – Parish Families 2:30 p.m. – Hetzel Care Center – Elmer Zenner Wednesday - ASH WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. – School Mass – Frank Haag 6.30 p.m. – St. Paul’s – Francis Libersky 6:45 p.m. – St. John’s – John & Annabelle Sykora Thursday 7:30 a.m. – Shirley Dachel Friday 7:30 a.m. – Gene Fanetti SATURDAY 4:00 p.m. – St. Paul’s – Sharon Zenner 8:00 p.m. – St. John’s – Tom LaGesse Sr. & Mandi FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 8:00 a.m.– St. Paul’s – William Loiselle 9:30 a.m. -St. John’s – Hilman & Edna Gunderson 11:00 a.m. – St. Paul’s – Ralph Meinen SERVERS NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Josie Eder, Joseph Pake & Zachary Steinmetz Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Blake Ruff, Cael Iverson & Abby Iverson 11:00 a.m. – Mia Rubenzer, Jonathon Dachel & Michael Phillips READERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Mary Ann Bennesch & Matt Bowe Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Bill Hable & Carol Hilger 11:00 a.m. – Kathy Baier & Sarah Frank EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Marcella Klatt, Rita Kouba, Beverly Sobotta, Mary Bischel & Diane Steinmetz Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Chris Amato, Jean Amato, Judy Hable, Sandy Kressin & Traci Schoonover 11:00 a.m. – Mary Kerckhove, Judy Swoboda & Kevin Pietz USHERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 a.m. – Norman Baier, Chris Meinen, Ken Seibel & Brad Seibel Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Andrew Abrahamson, Rick Petska, Tom Seibel & Ken Woolever 11:00 a.m. – Merle Richter, Ryan Ratcliff, Bob Rubenzer & Patrick Zwiefelhofer SCRIP SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, February 21 - 4:00 p.m. – Jenny Olson Sunday, February 22 - 8:00 a.m. – Kelly Ruff - 11:00 a.m. – Richelle Seibel SANCTUARY CANDLES BURN THIS WEEK FOR: Cale Stoik; Thomas LaGesse Sr., Mandi LaGesse; Clarence & Olive Reischel; Roger Ager (Alaska); Al Meuli and a Special Intention. If you would like a candle for your intentions, please call the rectory office. This week's Lighthouse Catholic CD – The Soul of the Apostolate – Read by: Matthew Arnold The Soul of the Apostolate was the favorite book of Pope St. Pius X. Matthew Arnold presents excerpts from a timeless classic that shows how prayer is the soul of every work for God, and is absolutely critical for apostolic success. This foundational work on the spiritual life will help you understand that the Lord first desires prayer, and then our works, and will help you to avoid serious spiritual mistakes. OUR PARISH FAMILY GIVING Week of February 8, 2015 Envelope Collection……$5,369.00 Loose Collection…………..250.00 Total Amount Collected This Week…………. $5,619.00 LETTERS FROM OZ – Author Chris Padgett uses his sense of humor and experience to connect with the many basic struggles and joys of everyday life. This collection of essays are comedic, spiritual and serious. He shares his love of Christ in his work, ministry and family. This book can be found in St. Paul’s library beneath the bell tower. MEN OF ST. PAUL’S AND ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISHES – THAT MAN IS YOU! This week we will look into one of the temptations of Satan – the Flesh. We will make an honest assessment of one of the greatest moral issues that modern man faces today – Pornography. We will see the explosion of pornography over the past 40 years and even examine the neurological realities that contribute to this addictive objectification. This session promises to be enlightening for all and may be the best session yet! Can't think of a better way to begin Lent! This Session Contains: Turn Away From Sin and be Faithful to the Gospel Your Time is Not Your Own Purity of Heart Starts with the Eyes The Working of a Man’s Brain The Chemistry of Addiction The Objectification of Fatherhood Steps to Purity Please Join Us! We will share a light breakfast and social time at 6:30am followed by the Paradisus Dei weekly video instruction and group discussion in St. Paul’s Parish Hall. Learn more at the Paradisus Dei link: We will be starting January 24th for 13 weeks. There is no charge to participate. To register to participate go to: or contact: Tim Guski (715)821-5295 or [email protected] ST. JUDE’S HEALING MASS On February 19th at St. Jude’s in New Auburn there will be a monthly healing Mass. It will begin with Adoration at 5:30 pm. followed by Mass. Please come all, be healed, be peaceful and be blessed. LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING! ST. PAUL’S PARISH/SCHOOL RAFFLE CALENDAR IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO GET YOUR CALENDAR! THERE IS A DRAWING DONE DAILY FOR FIVE MONTHS WITH PLENTY OF CHANCES TO WIN! EACH CALENDAR HAS A CHANCE TO WIN DAILY; IF YOU WIN THEY GO BACK IN FOR THE NEXT DRAWING. If you need a calendar please call the rectory at 715-568-3255. Thank you for your support! Last Week Raffle Calendar Winners: February 2 – Marilyn Rubenzer, February 3 – Ralph & Carol De Luga, February 4 – Brexden Steinmetz, February 5 – Vernon Siverling, February 6 – Dorinda Wynimko, February 7 – Alex Durch, February 8 – Ada Reischel DIOCESE OF LA CROSSE 50TH JUBILEE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: If you are or know of someone celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year, 2015, please call the rectory office with the names, address, and phone number at 715-568-3255 X10 or drop the information in the Sunday collection by March 15th. They will be invited to a 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration sponsored by the Diocese of La Crosse, held in Eau Claire. Thank you for your help. THE CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS’ Chippewa Valley District Youth Bowling will be held on Sunday, Feb. 22nd at 1 p.m. at the Ojibwa Bowling Lanes in Chippewa Falls. All Youth (0 -21) are invited. RSVP by Feb. 20 715723-9089. The photo & poster contest goes until March 31, entries are judged with prizes and forwarded to National contest. Send entries to Bonnie Schindler. St. Paul’s Catholic School News! 4K 2015-2016 Registration in Progress! Families interested in learning more about St. Paul’s four-year-old kindergarten program are welcome to call the office for a tour or to obtain materials. There is no tuition fee for those families attending 4K here as we partner with the public school. Please share this great news with your family & friends. Call the office for more details (715-568-3233)! 5K 2015-2016 Open House! St. Paul’s five-year old kindergarten Open House is scheduled for March 13th (12:30-2:30 pm). Parents and children will meet with the 5K teacher and share in classroom activities. Parents will also have an opportunity to become better acquainted with other parents and our school. (No afternoon classes for the current 5K students with more details to come home soon!) 1st to 8th Grade 2015-2016 Registration! Materials will be sent home February 27th. Please feel free to the office (715-568-3233) if you have any questions! Upcoming Events for All Parishioners: Ash Wednesday All School Mass – Feb. 18 (8:00 am) All School Stations of the Cross – Feb. 20 (1:45 pm), Feb. 25 (8:15 am) Catholic Schools Rock – Feb. 28 Carnival (5:00-6:30) & Dance (6:30-9:00) Great Family Entertainment & Mr. Larson’s Band! WHAT’S ON THE PASTORS MIND Ash Wednesday is almost here. I have received an email from an organization and it said to have a great Lent. What makes a great Lent? It is a time to focus on prayer, sacrifice and service. For some that is not so great or not something they have time for in their busy life. So what would make your Lent great? What would you have to give up or take on so that your Lent is a great one? So take a few days and consider that. What would move us closer to Christ? Does giving up candy do that for us? What is truly sacrificial for us that would help to change our hearts and not just our diets! Yes there are many ideas on the Internet and many good books to read that can help, yet in the end we have to do something. That Lenten activity must stretch us if our hearts are going to become bigger and this Lent to become great. Take these few days before Lent and ponder what will make this Lent great for you. THANK YOU: The dinner dance committee would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone that contributed to the SOLD OUT success of the 26th annual dinner dance. Thank you to those who gave monetary donations, donated to our prize tables, or donated to fill our classroom baskets. Thank you to all who bought raffle tickets for the Vegas Get Away/cash raffle. And a huge thank you to those who were able to attend the event! We would also like to thank our live auctioneer, Don Rihn, and all the bidders and buyers. We could not be successful without ALL of you! SOJOURNER HOUSE NEWS: St. Paul's will be serving a meal at the Sojourner House on Sunday, March 1. To help with the food for this meal, please check the bulletin board in back of church to see what items are needed. Sign your name to indicate what you are willing to donate. Nonperishable food items may be placed in the Sojourner House tub in back of church. Money donations are also needed and may be placed in the regular church collection. Please put money in an envelope labeled Sojourner House. Thank you! If you have any questions please call Karen LaGesse(568-2981), Lana Durch(568-3228), Sandy Loew(568-2092), Candace Wolf(2886926), Ann Bowe(568-2209) or Diane Kuba(568-2388). FOCUS YOUR HEART AND EYSE ON JESUS Here we are facing Lent, one of the major seasons of the Church year. With a Lenten heart let’s radiate outward toward our family, our home, community and world. Let’s slow down and savor the wondrous signs and mysteries of Lent. (The Latin adverb lente means ”slowly.)” Lent is an opportunity to let God renew and transform us, and thus bring us closer to each other. Feel free to take a booklet called “Led by Christ –Action Begins in the Heart.” Located on the front table by the piano. Each booklet contains a quote from the day’s reading, a brief reflection and a simple question to contemplate on. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS ROCK St. Paul’s Catholic Church and School will be hosting a carnival and dance on Sat. February 28th. There will be games, face painting, cake walk and tons for the whole family. The carnival will start after the 4:00 p.m. Mass, with the dance scheduled from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. The band “The Mama Said,” featuring St. Paul’s own music teacher, Mr. John Larson, will be preforming. “The Mama said” preform a mix of familiar classic rock and pop favorites. There will be food and concessions available all evening. The theme for the evening is Mardi Gras. You are all invited to come enjoy a wonderful evening of great music and fun! = PEOPLES Bloomer Floral ~rafeG30nk r!yA Ofc-omer 9:> &G;ft ~ ~ ----=::=====- "to~R~C ~iNC'f-, Kevin & Rita Lenfant I Steady & Strong Since 19121 715- 568-1100 w'Nw.! 1316 Main Street, Bloomer 2111 W ZO •• Avenue· Bloomer, WI 54724 Phone: 715-568-2182· Fax: 715-568-2189 180(J.314-FORD·Website: Bloornerf' Phone (715) 568-5600 · e "For Every Season & Reason" 1401 Main street - Bloomer, WI I - 4 Large Capacity Wash Machines -12 Large Dryers -12 Top Load Machines, Also Change Machine & Soap Dispensers! OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 92515TH AVE BLOOMER, WI 54724 rSSouthworth Il 810 Martin Road Phone: (715) 568-2180 .. .~." '.~ . ~ ,.:' ~~ FULL Service Bank Member of FDIC . SECURITY BANK New Auburn 715-237-2658 Sand Creek 715-658-1415 Ridgeland 715-949-2265 Dallas 715-837-1129 scnnver . Thompson Funeral Home & Cremation Services Buy one Blizzard get one for $1.00 1806 17th Ave., Bloomer Family owned and operated by Matt Thompson (with this Ad) Hwy. 40 - Across From School 568-2310 (715) 568-1320 Bloomer Auto Supply Inc. 1Iu'tt/1A4 Glen & Mary Geissler 173~ Martin Road ~ , NAPA~ , .frWiC ct Phone: (715) 568-2511 Toycen Motors *BUICK *GMC Genuine Chevrolet "Expert Advice With Over 90 Combined Years Of Service" Bloomer Hardware LLC Screen & Window Repair Key Cutting Rug Doctor Rental Hunting & Fishing Licences Do it Best Quality Paint Skaw Pre-Cast Co. New Auburn Dr. Jergen K. Lang (715) 237-2556 Blue Diamond Family Dental, S.c. Thomas Rufledt, D.D.S. Gregory Mihm, D.D.S. David Irwin, D.D.S. Christopher Goettl, D.D.S. 1502 Main Street Bloomer, WI Phone (715) 568-2363 (888) 869-2362 Serving you since 1979 WOODLUND ~l!7 eYf! 4( HOME; CENTER~;";;;"~ 601 Main Street, Bloomer, WI 54724 Open Daily Phone (715) 568-1514 wOL'{lIumJ' Swoboda Implement, Ine rtf1!1zl WlhCadaf;.)[{ Quality Septic Tanks Sand & Gravel- Trucking Since 1973 715-967-2277 Sat SlID f: Jeep R •••_ •• • FAT BOYS PIZZA REALTOR (715) 829-3376 DIRECT (715) 723-6080 FA-X 'r---- -. [email protected] BBIM'IBt._l'Om ~ FAMILY '9 600 Bay Street 0>' COD BLESS YOU & YOUR Falls,WI54724 1516 larson Street Bloomer, WI Phone: (715) 568-5250 Cau 715-658-1285 Bloomer 8am4pm lOam-2pm - ~ Chuck's Homemade RetQiI Meat Sausages SQles Custom Butchering 18186 State Hwy 1Z4 Bloomer. WI 715-Z88-6833 Day's Tire 568-5381 Total Car Care Day's Auto Body 568-5337 Funeral Home ~E:ST.1935 2058 19th Ave. Help make a - difference in our parish. Join the Knights of Columbus Call 568-3255 919 Main Street Bloomer, WI (715) 568-2140 or (715) 568-1155 RICHELLE J. SEIBEL Hours: M-F 7am-6pm Olson (}~ ~~~-.y/ ~ Lang Veterinary Services ~ Proudly serving WI's Family Farms 1406 Main Street (715) 568-4821 --=-- (715) 568-2900 Towing, Estimating, Loaner cars 1418 Main Street And Don't Forget To Leave Room For The Pie Day's Power Sports 568-4755 Arctic Cat ATV, Snowmoblie & Service ... BISCHEL'S SEPTIC SERVICE (715)288-6601 or 1-888-345-8848 SERVING BLOOMER. NEW AUBURN AND SURROUNDING AREAS Remember St. Paul's in your Will OUf Legal Title is: St. Paul's Catholic Church 1222 Main Street Bloomer, WI 54724 Hurt's Body Shop • • • • DuPont Refinishing Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates ~ Loaner Cars Available . ~ Phone: (715) 568-5011 1011 9th Ave. - Bloomer Serving the area since 1962 SHADICK'S FOODS 1502 16th Avenue (715) 568M30 7:00 am. - 9:00p.m. SHADICK'S C -STORES 18928 ST HWY 40 (715) 568-1461 5:00 am. - \0:00 p.m. Locall Owned-
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