Nearing Wealth Management Merrill Lynch Building Q 2301 South East Monterey Road Toll-free: 877.321.6708 Q Q Nearing Wealth Management Stuart, FL 34996 Fax: 772.905.3063 Commitment | Compassion | Communication Gordon R. Nearing , CFP®, CIMA® Shannon M. Murphy Senior Vice President–Wealth Management Wealth Management Advisor Portfolio Manager, PIA Program Registered Senior Client Associate Phone: 772.223.6712 [email protected] Phone: 772.223.6708 [email protected] Asset allocation, diversification and rebalancing do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. Rebalancing may trigger a tax event. Neither Merrill Lynch nor its financial advisors provide tax, accounting or legal advice. Clients should review any planned financial transactions or arrangements that may have tax, accounting or legal implications with their tax and legal professionals. Merrill Lynch offers a broad range of brokerage, investment advisory (including financial planning) and other services. There are important differences between brokerage and investment advisory services, including the type of advice and assistance provided, the fees charged, and the rights and obligations of the parties. It is important to understand the differences, particularly when determining a service or services to select. Some or all alternative investments may not be suitable for certain investors. Certain alternative investments carry significant risk and are not subject to the same regulatory oversight as mutual funds and other traditional investments. For these reasons, access to alternative investments may be limited to investors who are designated as sophisticated, high-net-worth investors. Probabilistic (Monte Carlo) modeling is a statistical modeling technique in which a set of future outcomes are forecasted based on the variability or randomness associated with historical occurrences. A probabilistic approach may be used to determine the likelihood that you may be able to achieve your stated goals and to identify a range of potential wealth outcomes that could be realized. It involves generating thousands of scenarios, each simulating the growth of assets over a specified period of time, taking into account a variety of factors, such as economic conditions, the allocation of assets, portfolio value, cash flow and market volatility. The analysis presented is not a guarantee, prediction or projection of any particular result and your actual results may vary materially. Rather, this analysis is directional in nature and can be used to help you evaluate how certain decisions or strategies may impact your ability to achieve your goals. For more information on Exchange-Traded Funds for programs, including allocations, performance, holdings, characteristics, fees and risks, please contact your financial advisor. For current prospectuses which contain more complete information about the exchange traded funds or those used in an Exchange Traded Fund Program, please contact your Financial Advisor. Before investing, consider the investment objectives and the risks of the funds. This and other information may be found in each fund’s prospectus. Please ask your Financial Advisor for the Exchange-Traded Fund Fee Schedule, Fact Sheet and the funds’ prospectuses. Please read all documents carefully before you invest. L-05-14 Merrill Lynch, Merrill Lynch Personal investment Advisory and the Bull Symbol are trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM and CFP® are certification marks owned by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc., and are awarded to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. Certified Investment Management Analyst® and CIMA® are registered certification marks of Investment Management Consultants Association, Inc. © 2014 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. MLWM-14-02312_brochure AR4NJ7TV 05/2014 Nearing Wealth Management Thank you for your interest in Nearing Wealth Management. For more than 30 years, I’ve =een Irovi?ing un?erstan?a=le an? insightful §nan>ial a?vi>e an? investment gui?an>e to in?ivi?uals an? families a>ross the >ountry. #a>h ?ay, I am reNar?e? =y NorDing Nith Merrill Lynch Building 2301 South East Monterey Road Phone: 772.223.6712 Q Q Stuart, FL 34996 Toll-free: 877.321.6708 E-mail: [email protected] Q IeoIle a=out Nhom I genuinely >are, helIing them ?eveloI Nealth management strategies Q ?esigne? to helI them turn their §nan>ial asIirations into reality. Fax: 772.905.3063 0o?ay, managing Nealth Nithout Irofessional insight >an =e =oth >omIli>ate? an? time >onsuming. I truly =elieve you >an =ene§t from IersonaliQe? Nealth management that is based on your needs and priorities, and those of your family. Your overall strategy—and your investment portfolio—should be based on Nhat is important to your family’s §nan>ial future. My ability to serve people, along Nith my interest in investing and Nealth management, Nas engendered during my time at the 1niversity of Wennsylvania’s Wharton />hool of usiness, Nhere I maCored in #>onomi>s and Woliti>al />ien>e. I studied international §nan>e in graduate s>hool and earned tNo professional >redentials as I built my pra>ti>e. 0his >ombination of advan>ed edu>ation, eSperien>e and §nan>ial sDills, >ombined Nith my genuine >ompassion for people, enables me to provide multidimensional value and personaliQed servi>e. Many >lients have been Nith me for a number of years. .uite freJuently, I NorD Nith tNo or three generations of a family. That is gratifying to me, as one of my goals is to nurture >lient relationships for the long term, and to o¦er professional advi>e, guidan>e and servi>e that is valued by the families Nith Nhom I NorD. I Nel>ome the opportunity to serve you and assist you in ful§lling your family’s §nan>ial goals. — Gordon R. Nearing, CFP®, CIMA® SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT–WEALTH MANAGEMENT WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISOR PORTFOLIO MANAGER, PIA PROGRAM Merrill Lynch makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (MLPF&S) and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Banking products are provided by Bank of America, N.A. and affiliated banks, members FDIC and wholly owned subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Investment products offered through MLPF&S and insurance and annuity products offered through Merrill Lynch Life Agency Inc.: Are Not FDIC Insured Are Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value Are Not Deposits Are Not Insured by Any Federal Government Agency Are Not a Condition to Any Banking Service or Activity MLPF&S is a registered broker-dealer, member SIPC and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. Merrill Lynch Life Agency Inc. is a licensed insurance agency and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. 2 3 Core Areas: What I Do Q Q Cash flow analysis Investment strategy and As your Wealth Management Advisor, I respe>t that you looD to me for advi>e and guidan>e Alignment of spending, resources and goals risk-based allocation on matters that deeply a¦e>t you and your family, and I frame your longterm strategy Monte Carlo simulations/probabilistic modeling Wealth accumulation and preservation around your goals for both. Q Tax minimizaion strategies Wealth management Education funding Net worth and balance sheet analysis Indexing/cost-eØective strategies Projected return and expected risk analysis Setting priorities Q Q Access to trust and estate planning Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) Multiple asset class investing Intergenerational wealth transfers Oversight and disciplined rebalancing Documents and strategy analysis Revocable and irrevocable trusts Q Philanthropic donor services IRAs, Roth IRAs and conversions Extended capabilities Plan distribution strategies and “stretch IRAs” Annuities Alternative investments Q Credit and lending through Bank of America Securities-based lending Structured Ùnancing Relationships matter a great deal to me, and I Nant you to feel as if I >are about you as mu>h as your oNn family. The eStent to Nhi>h I develop a >lose NorDing relationship Nith you alloNs my team to apply our sDills, eSperien>e and Nisdom to your spe>i§> situation. Your financial life is multidimensional, and I base my NorD Nith you on the belief that your §nan>ial >ir>umstan>es are uniJue. I Nant to understand hoN you thinD about Nealth and the role it plays in your life today—and in the future. My team and I are guided by the prin>iples of commitment, compassion and communication. Retirement income strategies Pre- and post-retirement income analysis Concentrated stock position strategies Q Investment management Fee-based management services through Bank of America Q About Nearing Wealth Management: Who I Am Sudden wealth events/major life transitions Sale of business Inheritance “4EVAL@IFBKQPBKQORPQJBTFQEQEBFOäK>K@F>IIFSBP&CBBIQEBOB>OB QEOBBJ>FKOB>PLKPLRQPQ>KAFKDTB>IQEJ>K>DBJBKQBUMBOFBK@B PBOSF@B>KA@>OB” — Gordon R. Nearing, CFP®, CIMA® SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT–WEALTH MANAGEMENT WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISOR PORTFOLIO MANAGER, PIA PROGRAM Divorce Investment Products are offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated. Banking Products are offered by Bank of America, N.A. 4 5 Method and Process: Strategy Approach and Process: Investment Strategy "eveloping a sound Nealth management strategy is a pro>ess. It is dynami> and ongoing. Your investments are the me>hanism to implement your Nealth management strategy. I s a pra>ti>al matter, your Nealth management strategy should address these Juestions am dis>iplined in my approa>h to investing and folloN prin>iples to help you stru>ture What are you trying to a>>omplish What are your >urrent resour>es that Ne >an use to your portfolio and re>ommend investments for you. help meet your obCe>tives A Starting Point: Important First Questions /tep one is to understand your >urrent >ir>umstan>es, your >on>erns and dreams, 0MB@Fä@>IIV I strive to maximizeQEBMOL?>?FIFQVLCJBBQFKDVLROILKD QBOJäK>K@F>IL?GB@QFSBPTFQEQEBIB>PQ>JLRKQLCOFPHLOSLI>QFIFQV >KAFK >@LPQBÕ@FBKQC>PEFLK and hoN you de§ne su>>ess. y forming a genuine relationship Nith you, I >an apply a Nellde§ned, holisti> approa>h to >reating a >ustomiQed Nealth management strategy. Risk tolerance is about balan>ing the ambitions you have for your portfolio versus the risD you are Nilling to taDe to pursue them. It’s a negotiation betNeen your goals, liJuidity Q &oN mu>h in>ome do you need, noN and in retirement, for the lifestyle you desire Q What assets do you oNn noN and Nhy do you oNn them needs, time horiQon, >urrent and eSpe>ted life situations, and your §nan>ial resour>es. s you assess Nhether a parti>ular allo>ation is too risDy or not risDy enough for you, taDing into >onsideration the liDelihood of moving toNard your goals Nithin a given time frame, I Q re you >on>erned about hoN long your investment assets Nill last >an assist you in re>on>iling the risDreturn tradeo¦. Q What are your liabilities "o you fa>e any investmentrelated taS issues Asset allocation—apportioning your investment assets a>ross >lasses sto>Ds, bonds and Q "o you anti>ipate any maCor eSpenditures &ave you >onsidered future health >are >osts or maCor life events Q If you oNn a business, do you have a su>>ession plan Q "o you need to >onsider strategies for transferring Nealth to the neSt generation >ash—is a >riti>al driver of portfolio performan>e. Your spe>i§> allo>ation depends on su>h fa>tors as risD toleran>e, return obCe>tives, >ash ¨oN needs, taS situation and time horiQon. While I may o>>asionally re>ommend ta>ti>al allo>ation shi«s based on marDet >ir>umstan>es, I stringently adhere to our agreedupon revieN >y>le typi>ally annually or as your situation may Narrant to eSamine any >hanges in the marDet and your life to determine if rebalan>ing is needed. It is a >ru>ial >omponent of my servi>e, and helps to Deep your allo>ation and risD aligned Nith your strategy and obCe>tives. 6 Critical Next Steps Diversification is a risD management te>hniJue that helps avoid overeSposure to one asset In order to get a >omplete pi>ture of your goals and priorities and a more indepth >lasses and to diversify Nithin the >lasses, as Nell. The aim is to o¦set doNnside risD and understanding of your >ir>umstan>es, it is important to have detailed >onversations Nith marDet volatility. "iversi§>ation may also help you to taDe advantage of opportunities your family members. In order to a>hieve this, I Nill in undervalued asset >lasses, and potentially >an help smooth out the return pattern of Q XevieN in>ome, taS information and eSisting Nealth transfer plans Q "is>uss >ash ¨oN and spending patterns Q "o a thorough revieN of your investment assets and your liabilities Q %ather and analyQe other pertinent §nan>ial information >lass or industry se>tor. I strive to help you allo>ate your investments a>ross multiple asset your portfolio. 7 Approach and Process: Investment Selection Meet My Team Investment Universe Gordon R. Nearing, CFP®, CIMA® I predominantly use indeSbased eS>hangetraded funds #TFs to help you implement your investment strategy be>ause, over time, a maCority of a>tively managed mutual funds and S E N I O R V I C E P R E S I D E N T – W E A LT H M A N A G E M E N T W E A LT H M A N A G E M E N T A D V I S O R PORTFOLIO MANAGER, PIA PROGRAM separately managed a>>ounts /Ms do not >onsistently outperform the indeS ben>hmarDs I assist aÜuent individuals and families with all aspects of wealth against Nhi>h they are measured. Furthermore, there is little predi>tability as to Nhi>h management, including individualized strategies designed to build, funds or thirdparty managers may outperform their indi>es in the future. preserve and transfer their personal wealth. The most crucial These ideas reinfor>e my fundamental belief that asset allo>ation is the most important determinant in your investment performan>e, Nhi>h, over time, plays a signi§>ant role in helping you maDe progress toNard your longterm goals. My eSperien>e is that asset allo>ation is the driver and hoN your investment >apital is spread a>ross asset >lasses outNeighs the individual investment vehi>le. component of my service is gaining a deep understanding of my clients. I joined Merrill Lynch in 2009 with over 30 years of experience in the Ùnancial services industry, aÝer having earned my Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science from The University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While working in banking, I went on to I may re>ommend using mutual funds, alternative investments or thirdparty managers to earn an MBA in International Finance from Georgia State University >omplement #TFs in a portfolio if >ir>umstan>es Narrant. Most o«en, this happens Nhen in Atlanta, Georgia. suitable indeS #TFs are not available in spe>i§> asset >ategories or industry groups. I am a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM certiÙcant, a designation Communication awarded by the CertiÙed Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc., and hold the CertiÙed Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®) I typi>ally >ommuni>ate Nith >lients at least on>e a month—more o«en if >ir>umstan>es designation, awarded by the Investment Management Consultants Narrant. I also usually have a more indepth >onversation semiannually to dis>uss any Association, Inc. As a Portfolio Manager within the Merrill Lynch >hanges in your personal >ir>umstan>es or goals, risD toleran>e, time horiQon, liJuidity Personal Investment Advisory® (PIA) Program, I can manage needs, and to revieN your portfolio allo>ations. customized investment strategies and implement proprietary model portfolios, as well as provide traditional advice and guidance. Research Information is indispensable to the Nealth management pro>ess. I use that information to improve my DnoNledge and perspe>tive on Norld events, global e>onomi>s and >apital marDets, in general, and integrated strategies for my >lients, in parti>ular. The information and DnoNledge help me to impart eSperien>e and Nisdom to your overall Nealth management strategy. I am married to my wife, Barrett, and I have two wonderful children—Justin and Kristen—and take my family-centered focus into both my client service and community involvement. I sat on the endowment board of the (ibiscus Children’s Center, a nonproÙt organization that works to build better lives for neglected and abused children. In addition, I have been an active and prominent Ùnancial sponsor of the Council on Aging and Celebrities Fore Kids, Inc., a charity that oØers Ùnancial assistance to children with cancer and their families. 8 9 Shannon M. Murphy R E G I S T E R E D S E N I O R C L I E N T A S S O CI AT E Shannon joined Merrill Lynch in 2009, and has 13 years of Ùnancial services industry experience. We have worked together for the past 10 years. With focus and dedication, she responds to client requests and handles the team’s day-to-day administrative operations and oÛce logistics. An eÛcient problem solver, she is the Ùrst point of contact for clients, handling new account processing and executing trades while providing a high level of attentive service. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Education from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. How We Can Work Together s you thinD about Nhat’s important to you and your family, >onsider the folloNing Juestions How do I develop a Nealth strategy that addresses my goals and hopes for the future What resour>es do I need to help me live the life I envision Which sDills in a §nan>ial advisor are most important to me Nearing Wealth Management can help you formulate the answers. 10 11
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