Knutsford Town Council Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA 01565 653929 [email protected] th 11 February 2015 To: The Members of Knutsford Town Council Environment and General Purposes Committee Dear Councillor, You are summoned to attend the meeting of Knutsford Town Council Environment and General Purposes th Committee to be held at 19:00 on Monday 16 February 2015 in the Lower Council Chamber of the Town Council Offices. Yours sincerely, Adam Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Agenda 1 To receive apologies for absence 2 To note declarations of members interests 3 Public Participation A period not exceeding 5 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments th 4 To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2015 (attached) 5 To elect a Deputy Chairman 6 To consider the Committee’s budget and spending to date (attached) 7 To consider matters the adoption of the Blue Plaque Scheme (attached) 8 To consider entering the 2015 Cheshire Community Pride Awards (attached) 9 To consider repairs to the Mayoral Chain (attached) 10 To consider prioritising issues raised following a town centre walk-about with CEC (attached) 11 To consider an update from Knutsford in Bloom 12 To consider working with CVSCE to arrange a “Meet the Funders” event (attached) 13 To consider matters related to the Committee’s 2020 Vision aims (attached) 14 To consider matters related to the introduction of the Town Ranger (attached) 15 To consider the introduction of a Town Council newsletter (attached) 16 Member questions to the Clerk 17 To consider the Town Maintenance report (attached) 18 To consider the Resolutions Log (attached) 19 To note the date of the next meeting (23/03/2015) Knutsford Town Council Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA 01565 653929 [email protected] Minutes of the th Environment and General Purposes Committee 5th January 2015 In the Lower Council Chamber of the Town Council Offices EGP14/089 Present Cllrs Dean, Forbes, Hutchence and Bancroft, In attendance: A Keppel-Garner (Town Clerk) and S Sherliker (Deputy Town Clerk, maternity cover) EGP14/090 To receive apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Davies and B Coan (health), Goodrich and P Coan (business). EGP14/091 To note declarations of members interests Cllr Hutchence declared a non-pecuniary interest in item EPG14/096 on the grounds of being known to the owner of the adjacent business. Cllr Forbes declared a non-pecuniary interest in item EPG14/096 on the grounds of being disabled. EGP14/092 Public Participation A resident recommended that the signage audit be referred to the Conservation Area working group for consideration. A representative from Knutsford Conservation and Heritage Group expressed the group’s support for a Blue Plaque scheme, suggested that bollards be looked at as part of the Neighbourhood Plan / King Street enhancement and restated their preference that any new welcome signage refer to Knutsford as “Historic”. EGP14/093 To elect a Deputy Chairman Members resolved to defer the appointment of a Deputy Chairman to the next meeting. EGP14/094 To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2014 Members resolved to approve the minutes which were duly signed by the Chairman EGP14/095 To consider the Committee’s budget and spending to date Members noted the budget and spending to date. EGP14/096 To consider the installation of Bollards on Cotton Shop Yard and Heritage Way Members resolved that officers contact the owner of Heritage Way requesting they develop a suitable solution to stop the disruption caused by parking at the entrance. Members further resolved to refer the matter at Cotton Shop Yard to CEC for a suitable resolution. EGP14/097 To consider advertising in the 2015 Royal May Day Programme Members resolved to place a half page advert in the 2015 Royal May Day Programme EGP14/098 To consider the refurbishment of further Benches within the Town Members resolved that the benches at the Rachel Bloor garden and in front of St Johns Church be refurbished with a total budget of £800. th EGP14/12 EGP14/099 To consider the signage audit referred by the Events Committee Members resolved to establish a working group comprising Cllrs Bancroft, Dean and one other with representatives of KCHG and the Heritage Centre to review the report and make recommendations to the committee. EGP14/100 To consider new ‘Welcome to Knutsford’ entrance signage 1 Members resolved to arrange the installation of two new “Welcome to Knutsford, Historic Market Town” signs on Chelford Road and Mereheath Lane with a total budget of £2,200. EGP14/101 To consider matters related to a Blue Plaque Scheme Members resolved that the Town Clerk develop a Blue Plaque scheme for consideration at the next meeting including initial suggestions for new blue plaques. EGP14/102 Member questions to the Clerk There were no member questions to the Clerk. EGP14/103 To consider the Town Maintenance report Members noted the regular lack of feedback from Cheshire East Council in relation to maintenance requests. Members requested the Town Clerk write to Cllr Gardiner in his capacity as a Cheshire East Councillor providing a copy of the outstanding maintenance issues asking him to seek a response to each item. EGP14/104 To consider the Resolutions Log The Town Clerk reported that the advertising spaces on the Residents Pack had sold quickly and that the pack was due to be printed shortly. EGP14/105 To note the date of the next meeting (16/02/15) Members noted the date. 1 Cllr Hutchence voted against the resolution. EGP14/13 10/02/2015 Knutsford Town Council 15:24 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 09/02/2015 Month No : 11 Page No 1 Committee Report Actual Current Mth Actual Year To Date Current Variance Committed Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Funds Available % of Budget Environment & General Purpose 301 4190 Floriculture Horticultural purchases Floriculture :- Expenditure Net Expenditure over Income 310 0 3,804 2,723 -1,081 0 3,804 2,723 -1,081 0 3,804 2,723 -1,081 -1,081 139.7 % 0 -1,081 139.7 % Streetscene 4171 Equipment Repairs 0 0 750 750 171 77.2 % 4180 External contractors 0 28 500 472 472 5.6 % 4200 Street Furniture 0 1,204 3,000 1,796 1,796 40.1 % 0 1,232 4,250 3,018 2,439 42.6 % 0 125 0 125 0 125 0 125 0 1,107 4,250 3,143 Streetscene :- Expenditure 1999 Misc Income Streetscene :- Income Net Expenditure over Income 330 579 579 0.0 % Environment Projects 4090 Professional Fees 0 37 500 463 463 4180 External contractors 0 -200 7,400 7,600 7,600 -2.7 % 4205 Misc Purchases 0 143 150 7 7 95.5 % 4215 Archiving 0 852 500 -352 4216 2014 Projects 0 78 5,000 4,922 0 910 13,550 12,640 0 910 13,550 12,640 0 -46 0 46 0 -46 0 46 0 -46 0 46 Environment Projects :- Expenditure Net Expenditure over Income 335 4173 Equipment Purchase Net Expenditure over Income 0 1.6 % 12,640 6.7 % 46 0.0 % 0 46 Communications 4112 Print 0 4,822 600 -4,222 4300 Publicity 0 0 500 500 0 4,822 1,100 -3,722 0 1,050 0 1,050 0 1,050 0 1,050 0 3,772 1,100 -2,672 Communications :- Expenditure 1300 -352 170.4 % 4,922 Archiving Archiving :- Expenditure 340 7.4 % Sponsorship income Communications :- Income Net Expenditure over Income -4,222 803.6 % 500 0 0.0 % -3,722 438.3 % 0.0 % Continued on Page No 2 10/02/2015 Knutsford Town Council 15:24 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 09/02/2015 Month No : 11 Committee Report Actual Current Mth Actual Year To Date 0 189 1,250 1,061 General Purposes :- Expenditure 0 189 1,250 1,061 Net Expenditure over Income 0 189 1,250 1,061 Environment & General Purpose :- Expenditure 0 10,911 22,873 11,962 Income 0 1,175 0 1,175 0 9,736 22,873 13,137 345 4041 Page No 2 Current Variance Committed Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Funds Available % of Budget General Purposes Civic Regalia Net Expenditure over Income 1,061 15.1 % 0 1,061 15.1 % 579 11,383 50.2 % 0.0 % Report to: Environment Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 16th February 2015 7 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Blue Plaques Scheme Background The Town Clerk was tasked with developing a Blue Plaque Scheme for committee consideration. The proposed scheme is attached. It features the “scheme basics” featured in the previous committee report and recommends an Appraisal Panel consider any suggestions received, including researching the appropriateness, location, permissions and text. The appraisal panel would then make recommendations to the Environment Committee. Proposed New Plaques The previous report highlighted seven potential new plaques: • • • • • • • Edward Penny RA – Silk Mill Street Royal George Hotel – King Street Henry Royce – Legh Road Sessions House – Toft Road Old Town Hall – Princess Street Council Offices – Toft Road Gaskell Tower – King Street It is recommended that should members approve the scheme as proposed; that the appraisal panel be tasked with progressing the seven plaques and report back to the Environment Committee at its March meeting. Decisions Required 1) Does the committee wish to adopt the Blue Plaques Scheme? 2) Does the committee wish to task the Blue Plaque Appraisal Panel to investigate the first seven proposals? Knutsford Town Council Blue Plaques Scheme DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 2 Eligibility ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Location ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Appraisal Panel ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Ownership .................................................................................................................................................. 3 INTRODUCTION Knutsford Town Council recognises the importance of commemorative blue plaques in helping visitors and residents identify with the history of the town and aims to promote the recognition and awareness of people, places and events which have been of lasting significance in the life of Knutsford or more widely. The Town Council encourages suggestions from members of the public for suitable plaques. A decision to install a blue plaque will be made by the Environment Committee following a recommendation of the appraisal panel. ELIGIBILITY The following eligibility criteria will guide the appraisal panel in their recommendations to the Environment Committee. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 In order to be eligible for a commemorative plaque an individual must have been deceased for a period of 20 years OR the centenary of their birth has passed. An individual must also: a. Have been an eminent member of their profession or calling OR made a significant contribution to human welfare or happiness b. Be re recognizable to the well informed passerby or deserve national recognition c. Have distinguished themselves by a significant public service, act of bravery or committed a notorious act For plaques commemorating buildings the building must be either locally or nationally known as of special significance and worth of lasting recognition. For plaques commemorating events, a period of 10 years must have elapsed since the occurrence of the event LOCATION When locating plaques, the following key principles should be adhered to. A recommendation to locate a plaque which does not meet the three principles must be accompanied by sufficient explanation as to the reason it is deemed acceptable by the appraisal panel. 2.1 2.2 2.3 Plaques should be visible from the public highway Plaques for individuals should only be placed on a residence or site – not a redeveloped site Plaques should be installed on buildings rather than gates or boundary walls 2 APPRAISAL PANEL 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 The appraisal panel shall be a working group of the town council comprising three members of the Environment Committee and one representative of each the Knutsford Conservation and Heritage Group and Knutsford Heritage Centre. The appraisal panel shall consider any suggestions received by members of the public for the installation of a new blue plaque and shall first appraise its suitability under the eligibility criteria The appraisal panel may consult any individual or body it deems necessary in order to appraise the suitability of a commemorative plaque The appraisal panel shall undertake any research necessary including; liaising with the owner of the building to which a plaque would be affixed, recommended locations for the plaque and drafting the text for the plaque The appraisal panel shall make a recommendation to the Environment Committee as to whether a plaque should be installed. OWNERSHIP 4.1 4.2 4.3 The Council shall retain ownership of all installed plaques The Council shall enter into an agreement with the owner of the location where a plaque is installed as to the maintenance of the plaque Should a plaque be removed from a building it will be returned to the Town Council 3 Report to: Environment Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 16th February 2015 8 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Cheshire Community Pride Awards 2015 Background The Town Council has been invited by Cheshire Community Action to enter the 59th Community Pride Competition. The competition costs £60 to enter and the community is judged in several categories. The Council entered Knutsford into the 2014 competition and came second in the Best Kept Market Town category (beaten by Sandbach). The Town Council’s website was “Highly Commended” in the best community website and the Knutsford Heritage Centre Garden was awarded a “Little Gem” award. 2015 Categories Entry to the competition covers the Community Pride competition, Best community website and best community newsletter. Knutsford would be the entry for Community Pride, the town council website for the community website and potentially the Knutsford Directory for best community newsletter. The Little Gem award is for any particularly area the judges feel deserves extra recognition. There are two additional categories covered by entry: Working with Young People: Recognising the positive contribution young people make to their local community whilst developing their own stills. Any club, team, group or individual which has worked to undertake a project that has contributed to community life specifically helping young people in their own personal development. Best Community Initiative: To an outstanding community-based initiative that benefits local residents. Developed and led by the people it serves, acting as an inspiration to others and offering real value to the whole community. Decisions Required: 1) Does the committee wish to enter the 2015 Cheshire Community Pride Competition? 2) What does the committee wish to enter under the best community newsletter, working with young people and best community initiative categories? Report to: Environment Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 16th February 2015 9 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Mayoral Chain Repair Background The blue enamel on the Mayoral chain fob has been damaged at some point in the past1 been damaged; potentially due to a weak clash on the chain which has since been fixed. The fob was sent for appraisal in January 2015. Repair It will cost £500 to repair the damaged blue section of the fob, or, if the repair is not possible, £650 to re-enamel the whole fob. Repairing the whole fob would also fix the minor wear on the shield and scroll. A repair would take a minimum of 5 weeks. The Mayor’s PA believes it would be best to be sent off in Mid-July. Financial Implications The committee has set a budget for 2015/16 for Civic Regalia, of £325. Decisions Required Does the committee wish to have the fob sent for repair in mid-July as outlined; and does it wish for the blue section to be repaired or the whole fob? 1 Not during the current, former or previous civic years. Report to: Environment Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 16th February 2015 10 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Town Centre Walkabout Background In January Cllr Bancroft (in her capacity as chairman of Knutsford in Bloom) accompanied CEC officers and representatives from the Knutsford Heritage Centre on a town centre walkabout to identify issues which CEC can tackle utilising a market town budget. The issues identified are overleaf. Decisions Required 1) Do members have any additional town centre enhancements which could be highlighted? 2) Does the committee approve the suggested priorities and wish to inform CEC of its recommended prioritisation? Priority Location Issue Council Offices Barriers require painting & planters in centre would be aesthetically pleasing Potentially remove railings adjoining Library gardens and insert seating area/ some clearance of plants and general cutting back required Railings to be painted / extra benches to be place in garden Remove church hill closed access only sign Library gates - to investigate evening closure De-sucker two Lime trees - leaves to blown/cleared Clean and paint “Nether Knutsford” sign to remove ground cover removal of chewing gum weeds and litter removal for whole town Deep clean church view tower gate / side of 60 King Street / drain to be unblocked , general weeding/cleaning removal of bird waste / extensive gum removal / top of shops repainted to match exterior of below floors/ white lights in trees all year Broken streetlight taped but unsightly and hazardous painting of building / potential painting New signage + new bins gentle wash and planters / historic signs outside of martins newsagents MEDIUM new sign and general tidy/clean up around skips and Old Sessions House Remove road closure sign and replace concrete planters with plastic MEDIUM Council Offices Library Garden Toft Road Library St Johns Church Toft Road Police Garden Princess Street Town Centre Tower Gate Silk Mill Street Minshull Street Ruskin Rooms Wallwood King Canute Mosaic Heritage Way King Edward Road LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM Report to: Environment Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 16th February 2015 12 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Meet the Funders Event Background In September 2014 the Community and Voluntary Services Cheshire East (CVSCE) organised a “Meet the Funder” event in Crewe. The event was to promote their funding proprieties and funding available with other organisations, such as CEC, Manchester Airport etc also present to promote their community funds. The Town Clerk expressed an interest to the organisers of holding a similar event in Knutsford to benefit Knutsford’s community organisations. CVSCE have now requested to work with the Town Council to deliver the event in April/May. CVSCE requests the Town Council cover the hiring of a suitable venue (the Curzon is likely to be best for the purpose) for around 4 hours one morning/afternoon. It would also provide an opportunity for the Town Council to promote its community grants scheme. 2020 Vision Links A meet the funder event would contribute towards 2020 Vision Aim 6 –“to encourage, support and promote volunteer organisations and charities within Knutsford” Financial Implications The cost of hiring the Curzon would be around £120 for the four hours, daytime. Decisions Required Does the committee wish to work with CVSCE to organise a “meet the funders” event? Report to: Environment Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 16th February 2015 13 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: 2020 Vison Update The Environment Committee is currently working on three of actions in its action plan for the aims assigned by Council. Target 3.1 3.2 3.3 Undertake/Commission a survey to detail the various venues available for community use including facilities offered, rental costs etc. This would also include speaking with the venues to ascertain their capacity and current level of bookings. Speak with community organisations/individuals about their needs for community space to identify if there are facilities required that are not available within the Town Publish a directory (online) of community spaces available and booking information to help promote venues JAN 2015 JUN 2015 JUN 2015 It has taken longer than anticipated for the Deputy Town Clerk to visit the venues, partly due to a lack of response from some venues in completing the survey and arranging a viewing. As such it is anticipated that this action will be completed in March with a report due to committee at the March meeting. For 3.2, the Town Clerk recommends the Deputy Town Clerk utilise the directory prepared under 6.1 and writes to the organisations about their needs for community space; whilst at the same time the Council seeks residents’ views on community space needs through its website and online. For 3.3 the directory will be published on the new council website. Target 6.1 6.2 Compile a directory of voluntary organisations, charities and community groups within Knutsford Provide directory online and via print to residents FEB 2015 MAR 2015 The Mayor’s PA has updated a previous list which will be published on the new town council website in early March. The page will be promoted as it is anticipated that some groups will have been missed and that the directory will expand over the coming months. Target 9.1 9.2 Produce a Community Asset Register identifying all open spaces with details of who is responsible for the area Consider areas identified by 9.1 as to whether they could be better utilised as community assets through partnership working with the responsible body and community organisations DEC 2014 JUN 2015 The Town Clerk has circulated by e-mail a map with all spaces identified. This map will be published on the new council website. The Town Clerk has yet to identify the responsible parties for all areas of land; he will be speaking with the Great Places and Peaks and Plains to establish if they own any of the areas and otherwise be purchasing land registry documents to identify the ownerships. For 9.2, the Town Clerk recommends that when the map is published residents are invited to submit comments on the areas identified to ascertain if any of the areas could be better utilised or improved for the community. 11.1 Publicise details of footpaths and rights of way within Knutsford on the Council website Target MAR 2014 The Town Clerk has requested mapping data from Cheshire East Council, to integrate into the Council’s mapping software, which would allow it to create the maps for promoting the rights of way etc. It is hoped the data will be released soon; but if not the footpaths and rights of way will be manually entered into the system and feature on the new council website. Report to: Environment Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 16th February 2015 14 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Town Ranger Background The Town Ranger will be employed by the Council with a start date in April 2015. There are a number of items which require purchasing in order to prepare for the implementation of the service; which are detailed in annex A. Many of the items are relatively low value; the exceptions being the leaf blower (around £300) All PPE and uniform for the Town Ranger will be branded with the Town Council crest, “Knutsford Town Council” and “Town Ranger” where appropriate. Items which are size specific will not be purchased until the Town Ranger is appointed. The Town Clerk has looked into options for leasing a Van (Ford Transit) on a 3-4 year agreement. The cost would be around £250 per month including maintenance. The upfront costs of the lease would be around £1,500. The van would be branded with the Town Council corporate design and “Town Ranger”. Financial Implications Whilst there is not a designated budget in the current financial year, the costs outlined were incorporated into the budget projections when setting the Council’s 2015/16 budget (£3,000) Decisions Required Does the committee approve the Town Clerk procuring the items detailed in Annex A and vehicle livery in accordance with the Council’s procurement procedures and budget projections? Does the committee approve the Town Clerk arranging the lease of a Ford Transit van as outlined? ANNEX A PPE / Uniform Bomber Jacket (hi-vis) Waterproof Jacket (hi-vis) Cargo Trousers Polo-shirts Hi-Vis vest Knee Pads Gloves Safety Boots Tools Cleaning Equipment Paint Brushes Litter Picker Rubbish Hoop Shovel / Scoop Wire Brushes Sander Stiff Brush Buckets Drill Screwdrivers / Spanners Hammer Croppers / Secateurs Equipment Back-pack Leaf Blower Report to: Environment Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 16th February 2015 15 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Council Newsletter Background In September 2013 the committee considered the production of a Council newsletter. The previous proposal had a cost of £3,356 to design, print and deliver an A4 newsletter to all homes within Knutsford on a quarterly basis. Members requested the Town Clerk investigate a cost-neutral newsletter. Anticipated Benefits The key anticipated benefit of introducing a regular hard-copy delivered newsletter is one of increased communication between the Council and residents. A newsletter would publicise forthcoming meetings, details of council and community events, articles on Council projects and its general operations and provide contact information for members, officers and CEC. The second key benefit would be to encourage engagement with the Council from the public. This could particularly help with the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan. The Council currently utilises the Knutsford Guardian, online media and its website as the primary communication methods. It also uses noticeboards at the Council Offices, town centre and market. The Market Hall is promoted approx. quarterly with a leaflet drop the reverse of which also promotes a Council event1. It is noteworthy that visitors to the market highlighted having received a flyer and that some entrants to the Talent Factor contest found out about the event through seeing the flyer. Options The most cost-effective solution would be for a fully out-sourced design, print and delivery of the newsletter. This minimises the time requirement of officers who would only need to prepare the editorial. In order to make the newsletter as low-cost as possible it is necessary to introduce a small number of business advertisements which in turn requires a bigger newsletter. An 8 page A4 newsletter could feature a single banner advert on the cover and six quarter page adverts. This would give 4.5 A4 pages of editorial content and the rear cover could be utilised for promoting the market. Annex A contains a production schedule. 1 First drop was September 2014 co-promoting Knutsford’s got the Talent Factor, second was November 2014 co-promoting the Christmas Events; next is scheduled for May. Utilising the rear cover to advertise the market would allow £750 of the cost to be covered by the Operations Committee (subject to their agreement) to replace the single flyer distribution. The council also currently prints the Annual Report in the Knutsford Directory at a cost of £550. Through publishing the report as part of its newsletter this budget could be utilised also. There are two alternative options for disseminating Council news: 1) Continue with current methods (website/social media/noticeboards). 2) Design / Print in house and stock in areas such as Library/Council Offices/Market Whilst both are lower cost options, option 1 does not increase the Council’s reach. Option 2 has some potential to reach additional residents but only where they are already engaging with Council/local services so there remains potential to miss portions of the population. Financial Implications per edition per year 150 690 600 2,760 840 3,360 100 759 316 400 3,036 1,264 1,165 325 4,660 1,300 Income Banner advert Page adverts Total Income Expenditure Design Print Distribution Total Expenditure Net Expenditure The annual Net Expenditure is offset by £1,300 (market hall promo and printing of annual report) making an effective net expenditure of nil. Decisions Required Members should consider if they wish to introduce a quarterly newsletter starting June 2015 and if so request the agreement of the Operations Committee to utilise a portion of the Market Promotion budget for the Newsletter. ANNEX A: PRODUCTION SCHEDULE The below is based on content that would have featured in 2014 March 2014 • • • • Precept 2014/15 – what the Council spends your money on Knutsford Town Awards Nominations Open Town Council Annual Report Council sets out its 2020 Vision June 2014 • • • Market transfers to Town Council Cllr Forbes elected Mayor of Knutsford Outreach CAB opens at Council Offices September 2014 • • • • • Town Awards Winners Neighbourhood Plan for Knutsford? Christmas Events in Knutsford Knutsford’s got the Talent Factor Vacancy for Nether Ward December 2014 • • • • Millennium Bursary open for Nominations Community Space Survey Christmas Lights feedback wanted Meet Cllr Christopher Gray Town Maintenance Report Reported # Issue Apr-14 021 Damaged fencing Apr-14 023 Dirty Road signs Standard of road and pavement Apr-14 024 cleaning. Apr-14 025 Road Sweeping Apr-14 026 Litter May-14 028 Damaged sign and column Jun-14 035 Pavement Mounting Church View Passageway Oct-14 038 (adjacent to Belle Epoque) requires cleaning Drainage/Flooding issue outside Oct-14 040 Aldi Oct-14 041 Repeatedly Damaged Railings Nov-14 042 Damaged bollard Nov-14 045 1 Mobberley Road Jan-15 Feb-15 51 52 Missing Bollard Streetname plate broken Feb-15 53 non-illuminated & dirty bollards Feb-15 54 RTA damaged post - Trip hazard Feb-15 55 Unauthorised A-board ("podiatry") Reported By Location Cllr Bancroft Northwich Rd entry to Knutsford CEC Refered to Tabley PC Cllr Bancroft Entry to Knutsford CEC Refered to Cllr Gardiner Cllr Bancroft King St CEC Refered to Cllr Gardiner Cllr Bancroft Cllr Bancroft Env. Com Env. Com Various Various Regent St Princess St CEC CEC CEC CEC Refered to Cllr Gardiner Refered to Cllr Gardiner Replacement being undertaken by owners Refered to Cllr Gardiner Member of Public Church View Passageway CEC Refered to Cllr Gardiner Cllr Bancroft Brook Street CEC Refered to Cllr Gardiner Cllr Bancroft Cllr Bancroft Hollow Lane/Brook St King St outside Boutique d'or CEC CEC Refered to Cllr Gardiner Refered to Cllr Gardiner Cllr P Coan Ornate Plasterwork in poor condition. CEC outside of Abbeyfields, Bexton Road CEC Member of Public Member of Public Member of the Public Member of the Public Member of the Public Beggarman's Lane at the junction with Bexton Lane A5053 Northwich Road, traffic islands (2 no.of 4) Outside no 1 King Street (White Orchid florist) Outside of railings by Canute Roundabout Action Comments The property is locally listed as Post Office, Chelford Rd, WA16 8ED. English Heritage website advises no direct legal obligation on owner of heritage asset to carry out repairs however local government may enforce. As such CEC conservation officer contacted regarding the issue. Email to Andy Wilson,Highways 22/1/15;response 27/1/15 - to be replaced. CEC Sign cannot be repaired; will be replaced. CEC Reported to Andy Wilson, CE Highways 2/2/15. Forwarded to Kate Henshall. CEC Reported to Andy Wilson, CE Highways 6/2/15. CEC Reported to Timothy Beckett, community warden 6/2/15 Resolved Resolutions Log Date 18/12/2012 30/06/2014 Minute EGP12/063 EGP14/022 Subject Blue Plaque Scheme Speed Indicating Devices Action Required Assigned Outstanding Members resolved to investigate a scheme [Blue Plaques] in two years time. Committee N Members resolved that the Town Clerk look into the costs to the Council of SIDs and Deputy Town Y contact CEC to ascertain the mechanism by which Bexton Rd could be designated a Clerk School Zone. 30/06/2014 EGP14/026 Parking Issues Members resolved that the Town Clerk carry out investigations to see if the owner of Deputy Town N Cotton Shop Yard can be ascertained and write to the owner of Heritage Way to ask Clerk them to prevent vehicles parking on the mosaic. 01/09/2014 EGP14/039 2020 Vision 01/09/2014 EGP14/039 2020 Vision 01/09/2014 EGP14/048 01/09/2014 EGP14/049 Welcome to Knutsford Residents pack SIDs Members resolved that the Deputy Town Clerk be tasked with undertaking the survey of community venues Members resolved that the Mayor's PA compile a directory of voluntary organisations Members resolved to introduce the residents’ pack, to be primarily distributed via the Estate Agents, funded by 8 advertisements at £150 as recommended. 13/10/2014 EGP14/062 Highways 05/01/2015 EGP14/096 Parking at Members further resolved to refer the matter at Cotton Shop Yard to CEC for a Cotton Shop suitable resolution Yard CEC N 05/01/2015 EGP14/096 Parking on Mosaic TC Y 05/01/2015 EGP14/099 WG N 05/01/2015 EGP14/100 Signage Audit Members resolved to establish a working group to review the report and make recommendations to the committee. Welcome Members resolved to arrange the installation of two new “Welcome to Knutsford, Signs Historic Market Town” signs on Chelford Road and Mereheath Lane TC Y Deputy Town Y Clerk Mayor's PA Y Officers Members resolved that the Town Clerk organise the use of the CEC intelligent SID to Town Clerk be sited at Manchester Road, Northwich Road, Toft Road, Mobberley Road and Mereheath Lane across a 10 day period. Members resolved to defer the discussion of budgeting for highways improvements, Town Clerk pending further information on the costs and data on the number of accidents caused by speeding. Members resolved that officers contact the owner of Heritage Way requesting they develop a suitable solution to stop the disruption caused by parking at the entrance Notes Ongoing. Formal request required following decision as to location of SIDs. Highways LAP investigating School Zone as per report. Letter sent to Tatton Estates concerning Heritage Way; they have indicated they are looking into matters. Investigations with the Land Registry have shown that Cotton Shop Yard is unregistered meaning finding Ongoing Ongoing Y In progress; due to be launched in March. Y Planned w/c 16th Feb Y Information requested re costs from David Thomason at CEC, chased again 15/12. Data re speeding requested from Knutsford NPU. CEC has said "Cotton Shop Yard is private we cannot erect a bollard stopping vehicles accessing if required. Erecting a bollard is also an additional maintenance issue and an obstruction to the highway especially on King Street." Town Clerk attempting to make contact with owner. No registered owner; thought to be owned by Whitbreads In progress
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