NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID 601 North 8th Street Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 LENT / EASTER Manitowoc, Wisconsin PERMIT NO. 92 CELEBRATE THE MYSTERY OF THE CROSS RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED A Word from our Pastor Teacher: Millie, please give me a sentence star ng with “I.” Millie: I is… Teacher: No Millie, you must always say I “am.” Millie: Okay…I “am” the ninth le er of the alphabet, When Moses wanted to know God’s name, the response he eventually got was “I Am.” God, as the founda on and essence of all life, gave the name that was both descrip ve and explanatory. Jesus, as the human face of I Am, gives us an inside view of just who our God really is. Ash Wednesday, Febr ar 18 Holy Week/Triduum Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015 4:00 PM—Grand Site, 7:00 PM-Marshall and Waldo Sites Good Friday, April 3, 2015 12:00 PM—Waldo Site, 1:00 PM—Grand Site, 2:00 PM— Marshall Site Masses/Services 6:45 a.m. ~ Grand Site 8:45 a.m. ~ Marshall Site 9:00 a.m. ~ Waldo Site 12:10 p.m. ~ Grand Site Service of the Word & Ashes 1:50 p.m. ~ Roncalli High School 4:30 p.m. ~ Marshall Site 5:30 p.m. ~ Grand Site 6:30 p.m. ~ Waldo Site 6:30 p.m. ~ First Presbyterian—6:30 p.m. Ecumenical Service with Ashes Ecumenical Tenebrae Service—7:00 PM First Reformed UCC — 3613 Waldo Blvd. Easter Vigil, April 4, 2015 7:30 PM Grand & Waldo Site (No Vigil Mass at Marshall) Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 Marshall Site—8:00 AM & 10:00 AM—Rev. Rene Balbero Grand Site—8:30 AM & 10:30 AM—Rev. Bill Brunner Waldo Site—7:30 AM & 9:30 AM—Rev. Dave Beaudry Roncalli Auditorium—10:00 AM—Rev. Dan Felton (No Lifeteen Mass or Eucharistic Holy Hour Easter Sunday ) The forty days of Lent serves the same purpose for us as the forty years of Moses’ and the Jewish community’s wandering around the desert—to get to know our God. Our Lenten journey, however, has one dimension that the Sinai wanderers were not privileged to experience, namely, that Jesus walks with us (or we with him, depending upon one’s view). Nevertheless, our forty-day walk with Jesus serves only one real purpose—to be er understand and love the God who sent Jesus, the Christ, into our world. The fas ng and praying and giving that we embrace during Lent keeps us focused on our ul mate Lenten goal—to get closer to God. To that end, our Lenten flyer lists all kinds of opportuni es to help deepen and sustain that rela onship. Please peruse it at your leisure and come gather with us o en throughout the season. May you be blessed in your willingness to do just that! Worship Site Addresses Marshall: 1114 S. 21st St. Grand: 1416 Grand Ave. Waldo: 1121 N. 14th St. Parish Mission March 8, 9, 10 Speaker: F. DeKarlos Blackmon See inside for more informa on Calvary Cemetery Luminary Service Calvary Cemetery and Chapel Mausoleum will be sponsoring a Good Friday Luminary Service on April 3rd. Please stop by a er sunset to witness over 1000 candles burning throughout the cemetery and near the mausoleum buildings. If you would like to personalize a luminary for your family, please stop by the cemetery office at 2601 South 14th Street prior to Good Friday. Pick up your Rice Bowl at any site on Ash Wednesday and return to any site during Holy Week Reconcilia on Parish Wide Services March 3, 2015—6:30 PM Waldo Site March 5, 2015—1:30 PM Grand Site “The Light is ON for You” opportuni es Wednesday Evenings from 5:30—6:30 PM - Marshall Site February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25 Eucharis c Holy Hour 1st Sunday of Every Month with the excep on of Easter Sunday March 1—Marshall Site @ 4:00 PM April 12—Marshall Site @ 4:00 PM Sta ons of the Cross Tuesdays—Grand Site—2:00 PM February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24 Thursdays—Marshall Site—6:30 PM February 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26 Fridays—Waldo Site—2:00 PM February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27 Soup and Stations - His Sacrifice, Our Salvation St. Francis of Assisi – Grand Site March 22, 2015 4:00 – 5:15 pm (Sta ons of the Cross) 5:30 – 6:30 pm (Complimentary Soup/Chili Dinner) All are welcome, as the St. Francis and CEW community host an evening of reflec on, remembrance, and fellowship. The event will begin in the Grand Worship site as we follow the sacrifice of our Lord through His crucifixion and hear a brief personal reflec on, song, or prayer in rela on to each sta on. The sta ons and reflec ons are a moving and thought provoking opportunity to acknowledge Christ’s sacrifice, and meditate on their lessons and gi s as we journey through the Lenten season. Subjects: God’s Lenten Message for You . . . What is It? February 19th Facilitator: Duane Simmons Prayer, Fas ng and Almsgiving February 26th Presenter: Father Dave Pleier Reflec ons on an African Mission Trip March 5th Presenter: Deacon Rich Bahnaman Authen c Prayer March 12th Presenter: Deacon Mark LeGreve Following the Footsteps to Calvary March 19th Presenter: Sco Reel Experiencing Christ in Adora on March 26th Facilitator: Duane Simmons All are Invited and Welcome! Page 2 Thursdays (select dates –see below) 6:00-7:00 pm LifeTeen House—1122 N. 14th St. ** Child Care Provided using the Extended Care facilities in the basement of the School Building. Supervised play areas for toddlers and younger children, and study / rec area for older children and tweens. We hope you are enjoying the book we shared with you as our parish’s Christmas gi to you this year. The parish will be offering Thursday evening Book Discussions at the LifeTeen house star ng in Lent. ALL are welcome to a end ANY of the sessions! We will gather as a large group, then break into smaller discussion groups that will meet throughout the LifeTeen House. Dates include: February 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26 If at all possible, we ask you to RSVP to help us gauge expected a endance but WALK INS are always welcome!! Invite a friend! Please contact Dianne Vadney at 652-7834 or [email protected] for more informa on. A er the Sta ons of the Cross, all are welcome to gather in the Grand Social hall for a complimentary dinner of soup and chili prepared by the CEW community. If you are new to our parish or a long me member, this is a great opportunity to meet fellow parishioners and celebrate our faith. If you are interested in helping with this event or dona ng soup, bread, or a drink for our meal please call or text Mark and Lisa Knipp @ 629-8521 Held on Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:15 pm Lifeteen House Chapel - 1122 N. 14th St. (enter by the Life Teen sign) Lenten Book Discussions About DeKarlos Lent, a me of wai ng and contempla on, is an ideal me to reflect on ma ers of "substance" in your life and the world. Enjoy a light Lenten meal of soup and bread followed by a presenta on/reflec on with "substance" led by parish staff. Thursdays of Lent, February 19 through March 26, Grand site. Noon-12:45 PM Alms, Prayers, Fas ng Divine Mercy Sunday How about including the Adora on Chapel in your “prayer” plans for Lent? How about one hour a week for six weeks? The Blessed Sacrament is exposed from 5 AM Monday through Midnight on Thursday. Schedule yourself. Find the discipline to keep your schedule and sacrifice. Jesus will bless your effort. Call Clara Svatek for more information @ 682-1787 or [email protected] The Feast Day of Divine Mercy falls on the Sunday a er Easter (April 12, 2015). At St. Francis of Assisi we begin preparing for the feast day by star ng the Divine Mercy Novena on Good Friday. (Novena Brochures will be available at the entrances of each church). Then on Divine Mercy Sunday we hold a Devo onal Hour in the Marshall Site from 3:00- 4:00 p.m. The hour includes the Chaplet Chanted, Benedic on, prayers, and devo ons. The Adoration Chapel is located at the Waldo Worship Site Page 3 F(redron) DeKarlos Blackmon is the Sixteenth Supreme Knight, Chief Execu ve Officer, and Chairman of the Board of the Knights of Peter Claver, Incorporated. He has been ac vely involved in pastoral ministry, outreach, promo ng civic improvement, and developing youth. In addi on to his current ac vi es DeKarlos has and is: · A ended St. Joseph Seminary College, St. Benedict, LA · Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees in MBA and Public Management and a M.A. in Pastoral Ministry · Served in US Army Chaplains’ Corps with dis nc on · Invited twice to the White House for the Annual Easter Prayer Breakfast · Ecumenical collabora on on issues such as environment, immigra on, fatherhood, families and human trafficking · Married to Kanobia A. Russell–Blackmon · Currently a member of the Birmingham Diocesan School Board · Member of the Speakers Corps of Loyola Press · Consultant to USCCB for Cultural Diversity for African American Affairs For a full bio of DeKarlos Blackmon please visit:
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