ANTHROPOSOPHY NYC 7pm – reg fees Eurythmy “O OUR MOTHER THE EARTH, O OUR FATHER THE SKY” Linda Larson As we enter 2015, this Eurythmy evening together will help strengthen our connection to our home, this Earth that gives us life, with the inspiration of the words above from “The Song of the Sky Loom.” Join us. Bring soft-soled shoes; no previous eurythmy experience necessary. Next date: 3/9. LINDA LARSON: Eurythmist, facilitates workshops, seminars, Eurythmy in the Workplace. Eurythmy trainings completed in Dornach, Switzerland, England and the USA; MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Therapeutic eurythmist at Rudolf Steiner School, NYC. POSTPONED from 2/11 7pm Monthly Lecture ANTHROPOSOPHY & YOGA 7:00pm – donations Social Art Group THE PERFORMANCE GROUP A creative training for a new type of social future, aiming not to create a slick production, but “an art performance of a pure and raw nature.” Newcomers may join at any time. Fees & Discounts Our basic fee is $20. Members of Anthroposophy NYC pay *$15 as do the discount group: seniors 65+, full-time students, and active Waldorf teachers. If you are both a member and in the discount group, the fee is **$10. Buy a group of frequency discount tickets (FDTs) and receive a further discount: 25% for 10 events, 15% for 5 events. FDTs do not expire. — Your best contribution is always allowed by prior arrangement; email your request to [email protected]. Sat-Sun-Mon 21-22-23 7:30pm – regular fees Performance - The Actors’ Ensemble WASHINGTON SQUARE – by Henry James Bethany Caputo, Chris Smith, Fern Sloan, and Ted Pugh The Actors’ Ensemble presents Washington Square, Henry James’ tragic story of a woman’s relationship with her father and a possible fortune hunter. Faithful to James’ original text, four actors narrate the story and play all of the characters in this 19th century masterpiece. In development since 2011, it comes to NYC after an initial run in Spencertown, NY. THE ACTORS’ ENSEMBLE: founded in 1985 in New York City by a group of professional actors (members of Anthroposophy NYC) inspired by acting techniques taught by Russian-born actor Michael Chekhov. TAE has created and performed theatre productions across the US and in Europe, developed a two year college level acting program through Sunbridge College, and in March 2015 will open a new acting school—the Michael Chekhov School, to be located at Solaris, 360 Warren Street, in Hudson, NY. 7:30pm – regular fees Evening lecture First time? Be our guest! Thanks to a generous donation, first time visitors to our lectures are welcome to come as our guests. So if you haven’t attended before, please come to a lecture, identify yourself as a first-time attendee, and enjoy the talk. If you’ve been before, invite a friend as a first time guest. And thank you to our thoughtful donor! Future Programs Fri Mar 06 7pm — donations MEMBERS’ EVENING NYB & Anthroposophical Society Members Wed Mar 18, 7:00pm Regular fees Evening Talk THE SOUL’S TWO PATHS TO THE THRESHOLD: Buddha and Zarathustra in Our Times Dr. James Dyson Mar 20/21, Fri 6-9pm/Sat 8:30am-5pm $175-$75 Steiner Books Spiritual Research Seminar – at NYU RUDOLF STEINER: His Years of Preparation Peter Selg, Rahel Kern, Christopher Bamford, and eurythmist Sea-Anna Vasilas Fri Mar, 27, 7pm; Sat 28, 10am-5pm special fees Presentation & Discussion, Saturday Workshop “WHEN TWO OR MORE ARE GATHERED” & THE KARMA OF RELATIONSHIPS Lynn Jericho PSYCHOSOPHY: A Psychology of Freedom Thu Apr 02, 7pm donations Seder Event and Last Supper Yehuda K. Tagar PASSOVER/HOLY THURSDAY This evening’s talk introduces “psychosophy,” the foundation of anthroposophic psychology & psychotherapy. In November 1910 in Berlin Rudolf Steiner introduced his only dedicated psychology course. Modern psychology was still in its infancy and he believed that psychosophy could play a major role in its development. He never gave a follow up psychosophy course as it was never requested, but he predicted that this would take place in the future. YEHUDA K TAGAR: an Australian, South Africa, British psychotherapist and trainer of psychotherapists, founder of Applied Psychosophy, Psychophonetics and Methodical Empathy, director of Psychophonetics Institute, president of Psychosophy Academy of Central Europe. Phoebe & Walter Alexander, Joyce Reilly April 3-5, Fri eve, Sat day, Sun afternoon special fees Workshop INNER/OUTER BIOGRAPHY & THE EASTER MYSTERIES Lisa Romero Wed May 13, 7pm regular fees Evening Lecture - topic tbd Thomas Meyer The St. Mark Group has studied many Steiner books over a hundred plus years but not, perhaps, the mystery dramas. Inspired by last summer’s Festival, the group has taken up the first play, The Portal of Initiation, reading and discussing it in a circle. A new book is a good time to join any group, and this a special chance to get to know these remarkable plays which explore and reveal the karmic connections and reincarnation paths of spiritually-seeking individuals up to the 20th century. The group meets Wednesdays at 5:30pm; just come! Dyson: A favorite visitor, Dr. James Dyson, visits again on March 18th, at 7pm. James is an anthroposophic physician whose special interests include child development, mental health, and psychosynthesis psychology. He was a co-founder of Park Attwood Clinic where he worked for 25 years. His topic for this evening lecture will be “The Soul’s Two Paths to the Threshold: Buddha and Zarathustra in Our Times.” Rudolf Steiner’s research connects two great leaders of humanity, Buddha and Zarathustra, to two paths, one leading the soul outward into the elements, the other inward, transforming the three soul forces of thought, feeling, and will. In our times, Steiner points to the need to integrate them so that the principle of initiation becomes the principle of civilization. SteinerBooks: The annual research seminar returns to NYC with “Rudolf Steiner’s Years of Preparation (1861– 1900). March 20–21, 2015, at the Kimmel Center of New York University. Dr. Peter Selg will give three lectures on outer and inner aspects of Steiner’s life and circumstances up to his fortieth year; Rahel Kern, author of a recent biography of Marie Steiner, will speak on “Marie Steiner-von Sivers’ Karmic Path”; Christopher Bamford will speak on “Rudolf Steiner’s Life as a Path to Understanding Anthroposophy”; Sea-Anna Vasilas will lead periods of eurythmy. Jericho: Longtime ASNYC member and frequent presenter Lynn Jericho, now living in Chapel Hill, NC, returns March 27-28. The Friday evening talk is “When Two or More Are Gathered: The Mystery of Conversation and Spiritual Beings.” How do two or more human beings engage in conversations that invite the attention and participation of spiritual beings, primarily angels, archangels, archai? How do we experience their presence? Once developed, how can this capacity be applied to other supersensible beings: the dead, the unborn, nature spirits, and the counter forces? The Saturday workshop is “The Karma of Relationships: Lover...Friend...Stranger... Enemy...” Every single relationship has a karmic purpose! The karma of a relationship is not the dramatic story, but the difference it made, how it shaped your soul... More special events in April & May are listed inside... Centerpoint Gallery CREATIVE FORCES Lani Kennefick Lani Kennefick was born in Boston, MA, received a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1983 and an MFA from the New York Academy of Art in 2011. She lives in Brooklyn. Online: and STUDY GROUPS Weekly and monthly groups, donations welcomed Meditation Group - Tuesdays 5:30-6:45pm For those with meditation experience, particularly as taught by Georg Kühlewind. Reading from Becoming Aware of the Logos and The Light of the “I”, both by Kühlewind. Contact: Fred Dennehy / 212-242-8945. Barfield Group - Tuesdays 7:15-9:00pm Reading Steiner, Owen Barfield, and Georg Kühlewind; currently Rudolf Steiner’s Staying Connected. Contact: Walter Alexander / 212-242-8945. St. Mark Group - Wednesdays 5:30pm The oldest anthroposophical group in the USA, reading and discussing works by Rudolf Steiner; currently The Portal of Initiation. New members are welcome, just come! Contact: Albert Spekman / 212-242-8945. Spi-Sci Group - Wednesdays 7:00pm* Reading The Festivals & Their Meaning by Rudolf Steiner. New members are welcome, just come! 212-242-8945. *Note: does not meet on the evenings of David Anderson’s monthly lectures. Reading to the Dead - First Mondays, 7pm Reading Rudolf Steiner’s Life Beyond Death. If you wish to attend, contact Dorothy Emmerson at 646-468-7721. Speakers Group - Third Sundays, 2:30pm Next dates: Feb 15, Mar 15, Apr 26, May 17, June 14 . Presentations by group members on works of Rudolf Steiner. Reading Goethe’s World View by Rudolf Steiner. Contact: Albert Spekman / 212-242-8945. School for Spiritual Science Fri 6:30pm, Sat 10:00am February 6-7 March 13-14 April 17-18 May 15-16 June 19-20 ANTHROPOSOPHY NYC Portal: FEB 2015 the New York Branch of the Anthroposophical Society in America 138 West 15th Street, NY, NY 10011 [email protected] (212) 242-8945 RUDOLF STEINER BOOKSTORE Titles by Rudolf Steiner & others, on subject areas below and more. Gift certificates available. Hours: Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed 1-5pm, Thur 10am-5pm, Fri-Sat 10am-8pm. REGULAR ACTIVITIES & SUBJECTS WORKSHOPS TALKS CLASSES STUDY GROUPS FESTIVALS EVENTS EXHIBITS visual arts eurythmy music drama & poetry Waldorf education self-development spirituality esoteric research evolution of consciousness health & therapies Biodynamic farming social action economics UPCOMING EVENTS & OFFERINGS MONTHLY EURYTHMY 2/9 PERFORMANCE GROUP 2/19 ACTORS’ ENSEMBLE 2/21-23 PSYCHOSOPHY - YEHUDA TAGAR 2/24 CURRENT ART EXHIBIT: Lani Kennefick MEMBERS’ EVENING 3/6 JAMES DYSON 3/18 STEINERBOOKS AT NYU 3/20-21 LYNN JERICHO 3/27-28
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