THE CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER – SARASOTA, FLORIDA The Last Sunday after the Epiphany (Yr B RCL) 15 February 2015 2015 WELCOME VISITORS! VISITORS The Church of the Redeemer is delighted to have you with us today to share in our mission to know, love, worship and obey our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether this is your first, second, or third visit, please help us welcome you by wearing a visitor name tag found inside the parish brochure in the pew racks in front of you. We also invite you to join us for coffee and Christian fellowship after the services on the veranda (weather permitting) or inside Gillespie Hall. Look for the Welcome Table in Gillespie Hall. As you exit the front of the church, simply follow the pathway to your right, past our Rose Garden, and around to the veranda and Gillespie Hall. If you would like to receive more information about our services, ministries, and mission, or to be placed on our mailing list, please fill out the Visitor Card attached to the visitor name tag, and place it in the offering plate, or hand it to an usher, and be sure to come to the Welcome Table in Gillespie Hall. We hope you will choose to return to the Church of the Redeemer and invite you to call on us at any time (955.4263) or visit our website ( ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION Today . . . At the Rector's Class today, at 10:15 in Gillespie Hall, in preparation for Lent, our essential Bible story will be will meeting the devil in the wilderness with Jesus. Bridge to the Word small group adult Sunday School class meets after communion in Room 207 above Gillespie Hall. Please join us. All adults welcome. Redeemer’s Girl Scout Troop 440 is selling cookies on the veranda after the 9 AM mass today, and the next two Sundays. Check out the book shop table in Gillespie Hall where you'll find books recommended by your clergy for your winter reading. Fathers Robinson, Marsden, Wilson, and Bumsted have chosen three books each, and they will be available in stock or by special order. Don't miss this opportunity to read something from your clergies' bookshelves! Added to the clergies’ selections are their recommended Lenten books. Solemn Evensong is today, at 5:15 PM. The anthem will be G.F. Handel’s Laudate Pueri Dominum with Soprano Soloists Kira Gaillard and Lorraine Murphy, with chamber orchestra. The service will be Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in b minor by Herbert Howells. At this Evensong, Father Robinson will commission all Vergers, Sub Deacons, Chalice Bearers, Lectors, Intercessors, and Daily Office readers who serve at Redeemer. The nursery will be open for children ages 4 and under. A reception to honor those commissioned will follow in Gillespie Hall. There is also a private reception for patrons of the Great Music Series at Art To Walk On. Parish Office (941.955.4263) 222 South Palm Ave. Sarasota, FL 34236 email: [email protected] website: Sunday School meets weekly – 2 & 3 yr olds through 12th grade, 10:10AM. Need directions to your classroom? Ask an usher, or check the "Sunday commun nion School Map" in the narthex. Teachers and students receive commu first, and head right to class. This week . . . You are invited to take advantage of our complimentary valet parking, every Sunday on Palm Avenue at the covered entrance to Gillespie Hall from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Do you have old palms from Palm Sundays gone by? Please bring them to Redeemer and drop them off at the parish office so we can burn them to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. Inquirers’ classes will not meet this Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday. They will continue on Tuesday, 24 February, 6:30-8:00 PM, in Rooms 202-204. Shrove Tuesday is this Tuesday. Morning Prayer and the 10:00 AM mass will be held in the Halton Chapel in the Christian Education wing next to the preschool classroom. This is a traditional time for confessions. The schedule for confessions is 5:30-6:00 PM – Father Robinson (high altar) and Father Bumsted (chapel altar); 6:00-6:30 PM – Father Marsden (high altar) and Father Wilson (chapel altar). If you need the assistance of a priest in preparing for your confession, please call the parish office for an appointment. Lent begins this week on Ash Wednesday, 18 February. Rite One services will be at 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:10 PM; 6:00 PM will be a Rite Two service with child care. All four liturgies will be celebrations of the Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes. Remember, Ash Wednesday is one of two fast days of the Church Year. Diabetes Revolution workshop will be held this Thursday, 19 February, 7-8 PM, in the third grade classroom. Mike Hickmott will cover simple steps to control diabetes through controlling diet, regaining health, and losing weight. Any interested person is invited to attend. For information, contact Ann Darling, 780.4241. St. Mary's will attend the Church of the Nativity Annual English Flower Festival and Tea this Saturday, 21 February. Meet at Nativity Parish Hall, 5900 Lockwood Ridge Rd. at 11:30 AM for Tea ($14) and then move into the church to see the flowers, and stay for music at 1 PM. Contact: Jill Stockton, 378.8098. Next week . . . First Communion Classes begin next Sunday for children K and up, Kindergarten classroom, 10:10 AM. For more information, contact Jacki Boedecker, 320.7550. Pub Theology is a great way for you to meet some awesome folks, enjoy a beverage, and talk about theology, spirituality, and other meaningful topics. Come join Father David and our young adults on Tuesday, 24 February, at 7:30 PM at Shakespeare’s Pub! Contact: [email protected] The recitalists for the Lenten Organ Recitals Series on Wednesdays, 12:10 – 12:40 PM, are as follows: 25 February 4 March 11 March Greg Chestnut Linda Petersen Julane Rodgers, Harpsichordist 18 March 25 March 1 April Cynthia Roberts-Greene Ann Stephenson-Moe & Daniel Mendelow, Trumpet Nancy Siebecker An outstanding concert will take place at Redeemer on Friday, 27 February, 7:30 PM with Charles Chocallo, Concert Pianist and A Night Of Opera and Arias. Charles Chocallo, a recent graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Music, will play Rachmaninoff and Chopin Etudes along with the QOL Opera Quartet. Our own Redeemer Tenor, Adam Bielamowicz, will be featured. Pick up a Great Music Concert Series brochure in the narthex or the parish office for more information. Future events . . . The men’s book group, “Books and Beyond,” will meet next on Monday evening, 2 March, to discuss the current reading selection, Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World, by Jack Weatherford. Come and find out why the common assumptions regarding the impact on civilization of the great conqueror are very nearly the opposite of the truth. The meeting will commence at 7:15 PM in Gillespie Hall with light refreshments and informal conversation and will conclude by 9:00 PM. All are welcome. For information, contact John Mathis, [email protected]. Lenten offerings . . . Dinner is available from 6 – 6:25 PM in Gillespie Hall for a $5.00 donation (family-$20) for the Wednesday evening adult Lenten classes which begin on 25 February. This simple meal in a fun atmosphere is prepared by Mary Hills and crew. Nursery also will be available, as well as programming for children grades K-5, and middle school youth. Note: childcare is for Wednesday classes only. “The Benedictine Life for Busy Parents,” a new class being led by Father Charleston, uses St. Benedict’s Rule to teach how moms and dads can lead more spiritual, God-centered lives in the midst of their busy days of work, children, and a million other things. The class will meet on Wednesdays, 25 February –18 March in the 1st and 3rd grade rooms, 6:30-7:30 PM. Pascal’s Pensées will be presented on Wednesdays, 25 February– 18 March, at 6:30 PM in Gillespie Hall. The Pensées (literally "thoughts") represented a defense of the Christian religion by Blaise Pascal, the renowned 17th century philosopher and mathematician. Pascal's religious conversion led him into a life of asceticism and the Pensées was in many ways his life's work. Mike Hartenstine will lead a 4-week discussion of this work. “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church: Rome, Constantinople, & Canterbury” will be offered by Dr. Stuart Prall on Thursdays, 26 February – 19 March, 10:30 AM-12:00 Noon or 6:308:00 PM in Gillespie Hall. The class will look at the Church as it involves the relationship between Rome, Constantinople, and Canterbury. Dr. Prall will discuss the Church and its development from the Apostles, through the early periods, the division of the Roman Empire, Charlemagne, the Ottoman period, to the modern contemporary period. We welcome the newest members of our parish family: Bob & Sarah Stern Tiffany Zampol † WEEK OF 15 FEBRUARY 2015 † Sundays, Nursery: infants & toddlers, during 9 & 11 AM, 1 PM masses Children’s Chapel and Sunday School K-12th during 9 AM mass Daily Morning Prayer – 8:30 AM (except Sunday) Daily Evening Prayer – 5:15 PM (except Saturday & Sunday) Sunday EUCHARIST– 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM; 1 PM (Spanish) Last Epiphany Rector’s Class, 10:15 AM, Gillespie Hall Gift Shoppe open after the 9 and 11 AM Masses Solemn Evensong, 5:15 PM Reception honoring those commissioned, Gillespie Hall Senior EYC youth (gr 9-12), 6:30 PM, Gillespie Hall Private reception for patrons of Great Music, Art to Walk On Monday EUCHARIST – 10:00 AM NA, 7:30 AM, Noon, & 7 PM, Sunday School Wing 11 AM Adult Choir rehearsal, 3-5 PM, Music Room Canterbury Choir, 5:30-6:45 PM, Music Room Tuesday Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda and Martyr 1977 EUCHARIST – 10:00 AM – Halton Chapel NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing Lectionary Bible Study, Noon, Room 205 Shrove Tuesday Confessions 5:30-6:00 Fr. Robinson (High Altar) Fr. Bumsted (Chapel Altar) 6:00-6:30 Fr. Marsden (High Altar) Fr. Wilson (Chapel Altar) Women’s NA, 7:00 PM, Sunday School Wing Ash Wednesday Thursday Friday IMPOSITION OF ASHES & EUCHARIST 7:00 & 10 AM; 12:10 & 6 PM Men’s Christian Leadership Concepts, 6-8 AM, Eva Pope Room NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing Gift Shoppe open 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Endowment Committee, 4:30 PM, Rooms 202-204 Junior EYC youth (gr 6-8), 6:00 PM, attend mass EUCHARIST – 10:00 AM Men’s “Stepping Up,” 7:00 AM, Gillespie Hall NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing Needlepoint Group, 10:00 AM, Eva Pope Room Finance Committee, 4:30 PM, Rooms 202-204 Diabetes Revolution, 7:00 PM, 3rd Grade Room 9 AM Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM, Music Room EUCHARIST with Anointing For Healing – 10 AM NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing Youth Bible Studies, 6:15 AM, Various Locations Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 7:15 AM Order of St. Luke, 9:00 AM, Eva Pope Room Saturday EUCHARIST with Baptism – 10:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group, 7:30 AM, Eva Pope Room Confessions, 11 AM, High Altar (Father Cheney) EUCHARIST with Anointing For Healing – 5:30 PM Sunday 1 Lent EUCHARIST– 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM; 1 PM (Spanish) Rector’s Class, 10:15 AM, Gillespie Hall First Communion Class, 10:15 AM, Kindergarten Room Gift Shoppe open after the 9 and 11 AM Masses Bridge to the Word, 10:15 AM, Room 207 Senior EYC youth (gr 9-12), 6:30 PM, Upper Room Your attention please . . . Last week was our last LOGOS. We offer special thanks to Laura Valek, Redeemer's 2014-15 LOGOS Chairman, who encouraged all of us to think about "What Kinds of Superheroes Will We Be for God?" LOGOS also celebrated our graduating 5th graders: Christina Brush James Carrion Wesley Freeman Ardin Wilson Alex Kempton Daniel Lef Amelia Menke Ricardo Testini Leffler Ansley Morris Jonathan Pette Annie Pol Ben Strom Pettey Pollard Luke Rozmus Redeemer EYC . . . Contact: [email protected] EYC IS MORE THAN A YOUTH GROUP! It’s a way to explore your faith as a student here at Redeemer. We’re having an incredible time building a piece of the Kingdom together here in SRQ! Invite your friends so they don’t miss out on things like Problems and Solutions and Thuriball! MISSION TRIP INFO IS OUT! Grab a flyer from Sunday School and start making plans to join Jr EYC in Atlanta or Sr EYC in the Dominican Republic! We have limited space so reserve your spot ASAP! SR EYC MEETS TONIGHT! Come meet us tonight at 6:30 PM until 8:00PM! Confession time: we probably spent too much time fine-tuning Left Shark Rescue last week. It’s a glorious game, though, and I think it’s almost perfect. We’ve still got palms to burn for Ash Wednesday, and I’d like to start our conversation about Buddhism! Come hang with us upstairs tonight in the Upper Room. † † † REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS † † † Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Mandalay, Myanmar, The Rt. Rev. David Nyi Nyi Naing Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Clement's, Tampa; St. Thomas's Chapel, Parrish; St. David's, Englewood; St. Dunstan's, Largo; St. Edmund's, Arcadia; St. Elizabeth's, Zephyrhills; St. Francis's, Tampa; DaySpring Conference Center, Parrish Missions: our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, Bishop Julio Holguin Those celebrating their birthdays today: Bob Gillett Those celebrating their wedding anniversaries today: Jack & Susie Reeder Repose of the soul for: Carol Moses Benigno, Leroy Anderson, Ruth Catherine Keller, Andy Rodgerson, Dorothy Nicholas ††† The Sanctuary Candle is given to the glory of God in loving memory of Ruth & Jack Marvel and Chris Marvel. COFFEE AND COMMUNITY continues to work through C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters! High Schoolers and recent grads, come join anytime. We’d love to have you and hear your thoughts! Let Fr. David know if you’d like a copy of the book! See you at 4:00 PM on Tuesday at Pastry Art on Main St! I publish the Banns of Marriage between Elizabeth Margaret Lindsay of Dallas, Texas and Nicholas Bobrinskoy Shepherd of Dallas, Texas . If any of you know just cause why they may not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, you are bidden to declare it. This is the second time of asking. NO JR EYC THIS WEEK! Rather, start your Lent right and come with your families to our Ash Wednesday mass at 6:00pm! The parish family extends its sympathy to Karen & Bob Hammond and their family in the death of Karen’s mother, Carol Moses Benigno, who departed this life on 10 February 2015; and to Terry Anderson in the death of his brother, Leroy Anderson, who departed this life on 8 February 2015. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, and may light perpetual shine upon them. FRIDAY MORNINGS ARE NOT FOR SLEEPING. They are for hanging out with the best people ever. At 6:15 AM on Fridays, we’re reading Scripture together and having the best breakfasts in town. We’ll get you out the door in time for school! Sounds crazy but it’s awesome. Talk to Fr. David ASAP if you haven’t made it out to see us yet! Other important dates for EYC: ☻2/27 Roller skating with St. Boniface youth ☻2/28 Beach Cleanup Students! Ever have a question about church stuff and then forgot to ask when you got to EYC? Ask away with #eycsupwith to our twitter@redeemereyc or Instagram redeemereyc! Attention Cursillistas . . . We are excited to announce that there will be 12 parishioners from our 1PM congregation attending the upcoming Cursillo Weekend #130 (in Spanish) on 15-17 May at DaySpring. We will notify you later about ways we can support the weekend, but right now we are in need of “Green Palanca” to help scholarship some of Redeemer’s Pilgrims. An individual scholarship is $100, but we will accept any amount. Make your check payable to Church of the Redeemer, memo: “Cursillo scholarship.” Put your check in the offering plate or mail to the parish office. DeColores! Needs . . . Church of the Redeemer’s Girl Scout Troop 440 is excited to be completing the third year as a troop and would love to continue representing the Girl Scouts of our parish. The troop leaders, Hosana and Shirley Fieber, are looking for an interested mother or woman in the parish whom they will train to take over the leader role, with their help. If you enjoy working with girls in grades of K-5, this may be just the place for you. Please contact Hosana Fieber at [email protected] or Shirley Fieber at [email protected]. The BMO Harris Bank parking garage is available for church parking on Sundays until 1:00 PM. The garage is locked at that time, and any cars left inside will be locked in. The nursery for infants and toddlers is available during the 9 and 11 AM masses every Sunday. Those persons who find it difficult to come to the altar to receive Holy Communion are asked to inform one of the ushers, who will then see that Communion is brought to your pew. If you have fami family members in the active active military please call the parish office to have them put on our prayer list. Listening devices for the hearinghearing-impaired may be obtained from an usher. The Hard of Hearing Assistance System operates on a frequency of 72.9 for those whose hearing aids have the capability to pick it up. For those who have a T-Coil receiver in their hearing aid, Redeemer has an Induction Loop system installed. Personal earbuds may be purchased in the parish office. A CD recording of today’s service may be ordered through the parish office, 955.4263. GlutenGluten-free communion wafers are available: Sundays, 7:30 AM Mass – high altar; 9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses – chapel altar. Indicate your need to the priest administering the host. Visit our bulletin board inside Gillespie Hall on the wall outside the kitchen for information about your parish family, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Contact Carolyn Peet, [email protected], or 955.4263 if you have something you think belongs on our bulletin board. Check out our our website,, to learn all the latest news and information you need to be connected to your parish. Look for the parish calendar for details on current events.
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