Roman Catholic Church of Saint Aidan 505 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, New York 11596 516-746-6585 516-746-6055 (Fax) The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law Mission Statement Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 Let us thank the Lord for his mercy! We, the parish family of the Church of Saint Aidan, strengthened by the Eucharist and encouraged by the Word of God, welcome all, for we recognize that everyone is a child of God and no one should be excluded. Guided by the Holy Spirit through prayer, we strive as one to build the Body of Christ. We commit ourselves to nurturing life-long faith formation, fostering lay leadership, promoting social justice, engaging our youth in every aspect of parish life, and offering care and compassionate service to all. We invite everyone to walk with Jesus and experience His healing power and love. The Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. James M. McDonald, Pastor - ext. 9108 Rev. Kevin Dillon, Associate Pastor - ext. 9105 Rev. Michael Edathil, Associate Pastor - ext. 9106 Rev. Damian Halligan, SJ In Residence Deacon Salvatore B. Villani - ext. 9558 Deacon Francis J. Love - ext. 9557 Deacon Rudy Martin - ext. 9412 Mr. Drago Bubalo, DMA (cand). Music Director ext. 9130 E-mail address [email protected] St. Aidan School (Grades Nursery-3. ext. 9202, 9203) (Grades 4-8, ext. 9302, 9303) Ms. Eileen P. Oliver, Principal Ms. Jo-Anne Rowan, Assistant Principal Faith Formation and Spirituality - ext. 9404, 9405 Mr. James F. Corrigan, Director of Faith Formation ext. 9401 Mrs. Elaine Smith, Director of Special Needs ext. 9406 Parish Social Ministry - ext. 9408 Ms. Rosemarie Cavallaro, Director - ext. 9410 Youth Ministry Mr. Stephen Loewenthal, Coordinator - ext. 9403 [email protected] Pastoral Council - ext. 9592 Members: Toti Conforti, Cathy Frischmann, Brendan Hickey, Larry McGovern, Bonnie Parente, Erin Flynn, Mary Ellen Testa and Suellen Peterson Buildings & Grounds Department—ext. 9122 Liturgy of the Eucharist Saturday Morning 9:00 AM Saturday Evening 5:00 and 7:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, *10:30 AM, 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM *Liturgy of the Word for Children Daily: 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:30 & 5:30 PM Monday thru Friday Morning Prayer 8:40 AM Monday thru Saturday Baptism Baptism of Children: Each month on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 1:30 PM ceremony. Required: Parents’ class on the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning with the 12:00 Mass. For baptismal information, contact the Rectory office ext. 9101 Tuesday-Friday between the hours of 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. BAPTISM CLASS FOR NEW PARENTS The required Baptism class for new parents is held the second Sunday of each month beginning with the 12:00 Mass parents are asked to gather at St. Joseph’s statue to the right of the main altar. Penance/Reconciliation The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated every Saturday from 12:30-1:30 PM and 4:00-5:00 PM in our church or by appointment. Marriage Arrangements are to be made at the Rectory office at least 9 months in advance. Pre-Cana and FOCCUS registrations must be arranged through the parish. Anointing of the Sick & Communion of the Sick The anointing of the sick takes place after the 12:00 PM Mass on the 4th Sunday of each month. Anyone who is homebound may receive Holy Communion at home on a regular basis. Eucharistic ministers assist the priests in this ministry. Please call the rectory ext. 9101. Adoration First and third Fridays of the month 12:45-3:00 PM in the Church. 12:30-1:30 PM on Saturdays in the church. FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES AND SERVICES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2015 Weekday Gn 1: 1-19; Mk 6: 53-56 6:30 AM Patrick Goggins (14th Anniversary Rem.) 7:30 AM Daniel Strachan 9:00 AM Cecilia Callahan-Dannenberg (Birthday Rem.) 12:30 PM Dcd. Mbrs. of Keegan Family 5:30 PM Dr. Tom Catena TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2015 St. Scholastica, Virgin Gn 1: 20—2: 4a; Mk 7: 1-13 6:30 AM Stanley Kowalski (Birthday Rem.) 7:30 AM Frank Ferrante 9:00 AM Danny Steiniger 12:30 PM Dominic Ambrosio 5:30 PM Robert Kelly & Robert Coulon 6:30 PM Rel. Ed. 8th Grade Spirit Night WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 Our Lady of Lourdes Gn 2: 4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7: 14-23 6:30 AM Lv. & Dcd. Mbrs. of Choi Family 7:30 AM Lyla Stern 9:00 AM D’Ambrosio Family 12:30 PM Msgr. Robert Kirwin 5:30 PM Honora Dutkowsky (3rd Anniversary Rem.) 6:30 PM Rel. Ed. 8th Grade Spirit Night THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2015 Weekday Gn 2: 18-25; Mk 7: 24-30 6:30 AM Helen Gilligan 7:30 AM William Winter (Birthday Rem.) 9:00 AM Angelo De Vito 12:30 PM Kenneth Brovetto 5:30 PM Michael Matinale FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Weekday Gn 3: 1-8; Mk 7: 31-37 6:30 AM Kevin Galway (1st Anniversary Rem.) 7:30 AM Robert James Lovdahl & Daniel Steiniger 9:00 AM Felice Borgia (Birthday Rem.) 12:30 PM Maddalena Mucciarone (5th Anniversary Rem.) 5:30 PM William Leogrande (2nd Anniversary Rem.) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 Sts. Cyril, Monk and Methodius, Bishop Gn 3: 9-24; Mk 8: 1-10 9:00 AM George V. Piltz (Birthday Rem.) 12:30-1:30 PM Confession & Eucharistic Adoration 5:00 PM Kevin Galway Ints. of Renee Conlan & Family Paul Adams (1st Anniversary Rem.) Robert Kelly 7:30 PM Alda Montoni MASSES AND SERVICES FOR THE WEEK (continued) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lv 13: 1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor 10: 31—11: 1; Mk 1: 40-45 7:30 AM Parishioners of St. Aidan 9:00 AM Doris Giackette 10:30 AM Leroy Smith (Anniversary Rem.) 12:00 PM Richard Brassel Peter & Cathy Dunne Rosa D’Ermo Paul Nardella 5:00 PM Jakob Supritz UNITED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY Join us for an evening of prayer on Friday, February 27th at 7:30 PM in St. Aidan’s School Cafeteria, 510 Willis Avenue, Williston Park. Our evening will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass. Family consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Music by Ria Music Ministry. Refreshments and fellowship to follow. For information please call Tecky at (516) 655-9755. BREAD & WINE MEMORIAL VINCENT LA SALA Birthday Remembrance Requested by Your Loving Family Forever in Our Hearts PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK & DECEASED SICK: Christine Schifaudo, Christine Lucivero, Cecilia Han, Geraldo Peixoto, Kimberly Holmes, Father Brian Dalton, Stacy Test, Owen Hogan, Roseanne Mushorn, John Moore, Rita Amendola, Diana Coscia, Carol White, Joseph Fitzgerald, Virginia Fallon, Joan Fleck, Scott Smith, John Gibbons, Thomas Healy DECEASED: Noel Ryan, Arnaldo Coutinho, Robert Tobia and for all those who have died serving our country. February 8, 2015 WHEN THEY DISAGREE We all know that many Catholics today have opinions and points of view that vary a great deal from the teaching of the Catholic Church. Simply put, they pick and choose what teachings suit them and reject others which are inconvenient or require sacrifice. Thus there are those who have no qualms about missing Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation and those who dispute or pay no attention to the moral teachings of the Church. Other prime examples would be Catholics who have no problem with marrying outside the Church and Catholic politicians and others who promote abortion legislation. In such people there is a real disconnect between the teaching of the Church and their own lives. Just read the New Testament and you find that St. Paul had problems with people who did not accept the Gospel. It should not be surprising then that in the history of the Church all sorts of people believed some things and paid scant or little attention to others. Many today see themselves as the ultimate arbiter in religious matters. Priests are servants of Christ and ministers of the Gospel. Joined to the Holy Father and the Bishops they are called to proclaim the truths of faith with clarity, enthusiasm and an overwhelming charity. They must exercise pastoral prudence and sensitivity in dealing with people and realize that all who do not accept Church teaching may have their own strongly held personal feelings. It is not easy to convince them and certainly nothing is gained by badgering or unpleasantness. Experienced priests have come to the conclusion that they are called upon to preach and teach, but they cannot guarantee that their hearers will receive and interiorize the message. What the bishops and priests must do has been very effectively outlined by St. Paul: “Before God and before Christ Jesus who is to be judge of the living and of the dead, I charge you in the name of his appearing and of his kingdom: proclaim the message and, welcome or unwelcome, insist on it. Refute falsehood, correct error, give encouragement—but do all with patience and with care to instruct.” ( 2 Tim 4: 1-2) Better than that, you cannot do. Religion is not a matter of forcing people to believe this or that. Human beings have been given the gift of free will by God. Thus they can either accept or reject the Gospel and/or the teachings of the Church. That freedom, however, does not absolve the Church and her bishops and priests from insisting on the Gospel. God will not judge the bishops and priests on whether they were successful in getting people to accept sound doctrine; but they will be judged on whether or not they tried. I keep trying. In Jesus and Mary, Monsignor James M. McDonald PARISH LENTEN MISSION The parish Lenten Mission will be held March 8th-11th. The mission will be given by Father Damian Halligan and the Jesuit Collaborative. More details will follow shortly. Like St. Paul in the second reading, the good steward can say, “I do all that I do for the sake of the gospel in the hope of having a share in its blessings.” STEWARDSHIP 02/02/14 $28,126 02/01/15 $25,114 (-10.7%) Thank you for your kind and generous support of our parish. ASH WEDNESDAY SIGN-UP The sign-up sheet for Ash Wednesday will be in the sacristy. We need plenty of help for communion and ashes, so if you are available that day, it would be appreciated. MINEOLA SCHOOL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION Personal requests for transportation for the Mineola School District must be made by parents of students attending a private school, for the school year 2015-16. The deadline for filing this application is April 1, 2015. For more information contact your private school or the Mineola Transportation Department at (516) 237-2080. A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE 2014 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL. WE REACHED OUR GOAL ($174,330). BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY OUR PARISH WILL RECEIVE A RETURN OF $8,216. We are off to a brand new Catholic Ministries Campaign for 2015. If you have not given in past please consider donating to this year’s campaign. Your donation will be helping to feed the hungry, provide clothes and emergency support to the needy, strengthen parishes throughout our Diocese, help form our future priests and deacons and provide funding for Catholic Charities’ outstanding programs and services. You are also helping to ensure that our ministries bring Christ’s light to hundreds of thousands of people in hospitals, colleges and even our jails. 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Serving God By Serving Others CHURCH OF ST. AIDAN 2015 GOAL: $175,000 PLEDGED: $ 11,705 # OF GIFTS: 61 A STUDY PROGRAM FOR LENT 2015 On February 19, 2015 we will start a Bible study course for adults and mature teen faith formation, presented in six sessions. This new program will answer the questions, “What is the New Evangelization?”, “Why is it worthwhile?” and “How does one do it?” Today, we need a new passion for the mission of offering friendship with Jesus Christ to others. We need new expressions and methods to reach out to an increasingly secular culture, especially in the West. Secularism tries to push God out of the public square and deny his existence. We are called to spread Christ’s love universally. The New Evangelization Formation Program is a wonderful way of learning to do “little things with great love” and to give testimony to Christ by our everyday lives. We will start February 19th-mornings at 10:00 AM and evenings at 7:30 PM in the Convent. Please register by calling Toti Conforti at (516) 385-8963 or email: [email protected]. Please note: the first meeting on Thursday, February 19th at 10:00 AM will be held in Msgr. Kirwin Hall. PEANUT BUTTER GANG Join us on Saturday, February 14th at 8:15 AM in the East Campus cafeteria to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the hungry and homeless on Long Island. Children under the age of 9 cannot be accommodated and those under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Adults must have taken the Virtus Training. You have to pre-register at our e-mail address: [email protected]. Unfortunately, due to logistics, if you do not pre-register, you cannot participate. This month we ask each volunteer to bring a jar of peanut butter, and at least 2 loaves of BREAD. Thank you. Remember what Jesus told us, “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40). GIRL SCOUT COOKIES Girl Scouts from troop #1047 will be selling Girl Scout cookies outside of church this Sunday, February 8th from 8:00 AM-1:00 PM. Please take home a box of cookies for your family and support the girls in their fundraising efforts. CATHOLICS FOR FREEDOM OF RELIGION Jesus said, “ I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 “The Gospel of Life is at the heart of Jesus’ message … it is to be preached with dauntless fidelity as ‘good news’ to the people of every age and every culture.” (The Gospel of Life, Pope John Paul II, March 25, 1995) March for Life 2015, Washington, DC: Estimates of 1/2 million people participated in the annual “March for Life”. Parade marshal from Virginia, Conor Shiel, told reporters, “This absolutely cannot be considered a ‘Catholic event’. So far, I’ve met Buddhists, Orthodox, Eastern Rite Catholics, Baptists and Mormons … the cause of life transcends any religion.” Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston said, “We must work tirelessly to change the unjust laws but we must work even harder to change hearts, to build a civilization of love.” ( 1/22/15; 1/23/15) In the News: Responding to criticism about the “March for Life” by self-described Catholic politicians, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said, “There is no debate in the Catholic Church about life beginning at conception and no room for Catholics to ‘dissent’ on the principle.” ( 1/26/15) The administration will continue its legal battle against The Little Sisters of the Poor to force them to comply with the HHS mandate that compels religious groups to pay for birth control and abortion inducing drugs in their health insurance policies. These nuns, dedicated to serving the neediest elderly in society, must either violate their deeply held religious convictions or pay crippling fines to the IRS. (, 9/9/14;, 1/15/15) “Whatever is opposed to life itself, … are infamies indeed.” (The Gospel of Life, Pope John Paul II, 3/25/95) Upcoming events: Next CFFR meeting March 18th. (No meeting in February) INCOME TAX DONATION LETTER If you need an income tax statement for your 2014 Stewardship donations to the parish, please call the Rectory office at (516) 746-6585 x9101 or send in or drop the tear-off into the collection basket and a statement will be sent out in the mail. Name_____________________ Telephone #__________________________ (as it appears on your envelopes) Address______________________________________________________ Envelope Number # (if you know it-not necessary) CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS COURT ST. AIDAN #1577 FATHER TULLEY AND JOAN P. FOY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS All children of St. Aidan Parish, whether they attend public or private school, are eligible to apply for the Father Tully Memorial Scholarship and the Joan P. Foy Memorial Scholarship. Applicants must meet the following requirements: 1) Student has taken the High School Placement Test in October or November 2014. 2) Student has been accepted and plans to attend a Catholic High School in September of 2015. 3) Families must be registered parishioners of St. Aidan Parish. Students who attend St. Aidan School will receive an application from their principal or homeroom teacher. All other interested students please contact the Court Education Chairperson at (516) 747-1579 for an application and further information. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 15, 2015 TO QUALIFY. ST. AIDAN ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Members of the Rosary Society will be selling tickets after all Masses this weekend for the Day of Recollection and the St. Patricks’s Dance in the vestibule of the church. Below is a description of the two events. SAVE THE DATES: St. Aidan Rosary Altar Society will be hosting a Day of Recollection on Thursday, February 19th between 9:00 AM—2:00 PM in St. Aidan’s Convent. The cost of $15 will include coffee, tea and lunch. The Jesuit Collaborative (Father Damian Halligan and Pat McDonough) will help us begin our Lenten journey. Seating is limited so hold your place and sign up at the February 2nd meeting. St. Aidan Rosary Altar Society will be hosting its Annual ST. PATRICK’S DAY DANCE on Saturday, March 7th. Think about getting a table together! Ask relatives, friends and neighbors to come and Wear the Green! THE CATHOLIC DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAS The monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10th at 7:30 PM in Monsignor Kirwin Hall. We will be having a “Baby Shower” for Providence House, a home for moms and their babies run by the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Any of the following items would be greatly appreciated: diapers, wipes, bottles, bibs, pacifiers, blankets, new clothing from three months to two years. Contact Erin Flynn at [email protected] with any questions. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS COURT ST. AIDAN NO.1577 2015 NATIONAL EDUCATION CONTEST Themes: Choose only one: “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF” OR “BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR” Prizes: First place: $50 Second place: $30 Third place: $20 POETRY: No more than 8 lines—ESSAY: No more than 500 words Division 1: Grades 4-5 Division 2: Grades 6-7-8 Deadline: February 13, 2015 IMPORTANT: Please list your name, address, telephone number, school and grade on BACK of your work. Please deliver entries to Contest Chairperson: Erin Flynn 9 Astor Place Williston Park, NY 11596-1705 BEREAVEMENT GROUP SPRING 2015 COPING WITH GRIEF: A DIFFICULT BUT IMPORTANT JOURNEY When a loved one dies, a period of grief usually follows. It is almost impossible for humans to experience loss without feeling some kind of grief. Grief can be painful, confusing and overwhelming. To share with others who are experiencing what you are experiencing can be supportive and healing. A Bereavement Group for people whose loved one has died (parent, spouse, sibling, or friend) will be held in the Peter & Paul Room of the Finamore Parish Center by trained Bereavement Facilitators will meeting: Tuesdays, 9:45 AM, March 24th, 31st , April 7th , 14th, 21st & 28th Thursday, 7:30 PM, March 26th, April 9th, 16th, 23rd , 30th & May 7th (no meeting on Holy Thursday, April 2nd) Please call the Parish Social Ministry Office at (516) 746-6585 x9408 to register. “The only feelings that do not heal are the ones you hide.” Henri Nouwen St. Aidan Rosary Altar Society’s Annual St. Patrick’s Dance Saturday, March 7, 2015 Msgr. Kirwin Hall (Willis Avenue, Williston Park) 8:00 PM-12:00 AM Music by: Alex Basile-Irish Mist Band Chairlady: Mary McCrain (516) 747-1585 Cost: $35.00 per person (includes soda, beer, wine, sandwiches, salads, chips, set-ups, cookies, coffee) Reservations required. No tickets at the door. Please call Ginny Casey (516) 742-0408. Cut off date is March 4, 2015 ——————————————————— Name_______________________________ Phone #_______________ # of People___________ Sit With______________________________ Amount Enclosed $__________ Return to: Ginny Casey, 113 Fordham Street, Williston Park, NY 11596 Join us for an evening of friendship! THE KNIGHT’S CORNER (Providing information from the Knights of Columbus) “The Knights of Columbus have been a partner with the Special Olympics from the very beginning in 1968, and we are pleased that we could help these young people share in the excitement of the big day here in Phoenix” said Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, “Special Olympics does great work for so many people, and that work and events like this serve as a powerful reminder of the dignity and value of every human being.” ST. PATRICK PARADE - The annual St. Patrick Parade will be conducted on Sunday, March 1st. The official reviewing stand for the parade will be located on Jericho Turnpike between Minneola Blvd. and Willis Avenue. Corpus Christi Council of the Knights of Columbus (186 Jericho Turnpike) will be open during and after the parade providing food and beverages at reasonable prices. Admission is free. All are welcome to join the festivities. ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER-DANCE - Corpus Christi Council will hold its annual St. Patrick’s Dinner-Dance on Saturday, March 14th from 7:30 PM-12:30 AM at the Council Hall, 186 Jericho Turnpike Mineola honoring Bill & Diane Cassidy as Irish Couple of the Year. Cost of $60 per person includes open bar, shepherd’s pie, corned beef and cabbage dinner, dessert and coffee. Music provided by The Switch. For reservations call Jim at (516) 3262443. HALL RENTAL – Corpus Christi Council is available for parties BIG and SMALL. For information on hall rental call Tom at (516) 746-8643. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: Are you aware that the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires ANYONE IN ANY MINISTRY TO BE VIRTUS TRAINED AND HAVE A BACKGROUND CHECK? A ministry includes Catechists, CYO Coaches, Ushers, Liturgical Ministers, and all parish organization members. Check the Virus Training Schedule and Register Online for a class being offered by several parishes at 1st COMMUNION PARENTS MEETING – A meeting of parents of children scheduled to receive 1st Communion this spring will be held at 7:30 PM in Msgr. Kirwin Hall on Monday, February 23rd. This meeting will cover the same material that was covered at the meeting held on Tuesday, February 3rd. Parents are asked to insure that they have attended one of the parent meetings. ATTENTION 5TH GRADE PARENTS & STUDENTS - All 5th grade students are invited to join in the celebration of a Class Mass on Sunday, February 8th at 10:30 AM. Following Mass the 5th grade students and their families are invited to a reception in Kirwin Hall. ATTENTION 8TH GRADE PARENTS & STUDENTS - Spirit Night Service will be conducted Tuesday and Wednesday, February 10th & 11th from 7:00-8:30 PM in St. Aidan Church. This is part of the Confirmation preparation program; each 8th grade student and a parent are asked to attend one of the sessions. (Students enrolled in the Religious Education Program will attend the session on the night that they regularly attend class.) This Spirit Night Service will be conducted by Deacon Thomas Connolly from St. Raymond of Penafort Parish in East Rockaway. WINTER RECESS - There will be NO Religious Education classes from February 16th-19th. The Religious Education Office will be closed on Monday, February 16th in observation of the President’s Day holiday. The office will be open February 17th-20th from 11:00 AM-4:00 PM. TEACHER NEEDED – We are in need of a catechist to teach a student with special needs. If you are interested in this position, please contact our Director of Special Needs, Mrs. Elaine Smith at (516) 746-6585 x9406. OFFICE HOURS – The Religious Education Office is open Monday – Friday from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Additionally, the office is open Monday & Tuesday evening from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. FEBRUARY February 8th – Meeting February 22nd – Meeting MARCH March 1st – Meeting March 8th – Meeting March 15th – Meeting March 29th – Meeting MAY May 3 – Meeting May 17th- Meeting May 31st – Meeting rd APRIL April 12th – Meeting April 19th – Meeting JUNE June 7th – Meeting To be determined events: Volunteer Work, Movie Nights, Bowling Nights, White Water Rafting and other trips. February 8th March 8th March 15th April 2nd April 19th May 2nd May 3rd June 9th JCDA Sunday, 10:30 AM Mass-Meeting 11:45 AM-12:45 PM St. Francis Room in Finamore Parish Center Meeting 1:00-2:00 PM Convent 10:30 AM Mass Mother/Daughter Brunch-Lucky Duck-12:00-4:00 PM Holy Thursday Egg Coloring 2:00-4:00 PM Birthright/Mommas House Collection 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Meeting 12:15-1:15 PM St. Francis Room Pick-up plants-Flynn House (9 Astor Place, Williston Park) 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Bake Sale 9:00 AM-12:30 PM Convent-12:30-1:30 PM Elections JCDA Board Installation and new membership Mass 7:00 PM Reception immediately after Mass. PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY As Pope Benedict XVI said in his Encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, “Everything has its origin in God's love, everything is shaped by it, everything is directed towards it. Love is God's greatest gift to humanity; it is his promise and our hope.” FOOD PANTRY: Our next monthly food drive will take place this weekend, February 7th /8th. If you wish to donate nonperishable food and personal hygiene items please bring them to the back of Church or across the street to the Parish Social Ministry Office. We also have a refrigerator for eggs, dairy products, sliced bread and a freezer for ground beef, chicken cutlets and frozen pizzas. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY – Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 9:45 AM in the Peter and Paul Room of the Finamore Center to knit or crochet prayer shawls or lap blankets for our sick and homebound parishioners. New members are always welcome. You need not know how to knit or crochet. We have talented parishioners who can teach you. The next meeting will take place on Monday, February 9th . If you have some wool to donate to this ministry, please bring it to the Parish Social Ministry Office. Please call our office if you would like to receive a blessed prayer shawl or if you know of someone who would like one. If you have any questions, please call Parish Social Ministry (516) 746-6585 x9410. “The only feelings that do not heal are the ones you hide.” Henri Nouwen PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Social Ministry Office is open MondayFriday, 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM. Please use the Finamore Parish Center entrance (across from the church on Willis Avenue). PROMISE TO PROTECT-PLEDGE TO HEAL If you have been abused or victimized by someone representing the Catholic Church please believe in the possibility for hope and help and healing. We encourage you to come forward and speak out. Every arch/diocese/eparchy in the United States now has a victim assistance coordinator who is available to obtain support for your needs, to help you make a formal complaint of abuse to the arch/diocese/eparchy, and to arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, if you desire. The victim assistance coordinator for your arch/diocese/eparchy is Mary McMahon, LCSW, Director at (516) 594-9036. DIOCESE OF ROCKVILLE CENTRE, Vocations Office-Third Fridays-Adoration & Dodgeball February 20th, March 20th, April 17th and May 15th. Each month, young people (13+) throughout the diocese will gather at St. Ignatius in Hicksville for prayer and fellowship. Following a period of Eucharistic adoration, there is a youth social with free food, sports and entertainment. May 15th will be at a location to be announced at a later date. PRO Retreat will be held November 14th-16th. Please join us for a PRO weekend retreat at the Seminary in Huntington. The PRO Retreat is a high school retreat for young men that are interested in growing in their faith. For information please call (516) 678-5800 x214 or email [email protected]. RAINBOWS FOR ALL GOD’S CHILDREN-Rainbows is a support group for children and young adolescents who have suffered a significant loss through death, divorce, separation or any other painful transition. Six sessions will begin on Sunday, February 22nd from 10:00 to 11:15 AM. A Parent’s Group is offered at the same time. For more information, please contact Notre Dame Social Ministry at (516) 326-3403. AN EVENING OF CELTIC MUSIC– A Benefit for St. Anthony’s High School Celtic Friars Pipe Band featuring: Celtic Friar Pipe Band, Empire Pipe Band, The Bob Morris Irish Band, Inishfree School of Irish Dance, Irish Sing-along on February 28th 7:00 PM, St. Anthony’s HS Auditorium. $20 in advance and $25 at the door. To reserve tickets mail your request to: Denise Creighton, Alumni Office, St. Anthony’s HS, 275 Wolf Hill Road, South Huntington, NY 11747. BUS TRIP TO RESORTS CASINO IN ATLANTIC CITYAMERICAN LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY-There will be a bus trip to Resorts Casino in Atlantic City on Monday, February 16th. A bus will take you from the parking lot of the Williston Park American Legion Post 144, 730 Willis Avenue, Williston Park at 9:00 AM to Resorts Casino. You need to be at the parking lot by 8:30 AM. The cost is $35.00 with a return of $25.00 in slot credits. Upcoming trips for 2015 are scheduled the third Monday of each month. The next trip will be on February 16th. ANNUAL DIOCESAN MEN’S VOCATIONS RETREAT– A retreat will be held with Bishop William Murphy “Veni, sequere me.” Come follow me. Ages: High School and up. February 13th-15th Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington. For information please call (516) 678-5800 x214 or go to [email protected].
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