Newton Primary School 4 Marvell Avenue, Spearwood Phone: 9418 4122 [email protected] OUR MISSION To provide a safe, caring, co operative and stimulating learning environment. T E RM 1 W EE K 2 1 2 TH F EB R U AR Y 2 0 1 5 REMINDERS Term 1 2015 Dear Parents & Carers Welcome to the 2015 school year. It has been wonderful to see our students smiling faces and to hear their chatter and laughter - it is a very big and quiet place without them! A special welcome to our 23 new families who have joined the Newton Community. I hope you take every opportunity to join in and be an active part of your children’s school life. The friends you make here, like your children, may develop into life long partnerships so I encourage you to get to know your children’s classmates and their families. 2015 School Structure and Staff Early Childhood Teaching Staff Ms Moloney & Ms Robertson Kindy Red/Blue Split Pre Primary Mrs Kriwopschin & Mrs Taylor Pre Primary Ms Down Kindy Green Mrs Bateman Yr 1 Rm 4 Junior Block Teaching Staff Mrs Zygadlo Yr 1 Rm 3 Ms McNeil Yr 2/3 Rm 2 Middle Block Teaching Staff Mr Riseborough & Mr Gilders Yr 2/3 Rm 7 Mrs Allen Yr 2/3 Rm 8 Mrs Sattell Yr 4 Rm 6 Senior Block Teaching Staff Ms Lansbury Yr 5/6 Rm 9 Mrs Stewart Yr 5/6 Rm 12 Specialist Teaching Staff ART Ms Gasper Tuesday/Thursday SCIENCE Mr Geagea Wednesday/Friday Physical Education Mr Riseborough Thursday/Friday MUSIC Mr Van Der Meer Tuesday & Mrs Watson Wednesday 17th 18th 19th 25th 26th 26th February & Parent/Teacher Evenings P&C AGM School Board Meet 4pm Assembly 123 Magic 2pm March 2nd 12th 25th 26th 26th Public Holiday (No school) Assembly Parent 1 on 1 Meetings Assembly P&C Meet 2nd Easter Parade 2pm Term 1 Concludes Good Friday (No school) 3rd April Term 2 2015 Begins Tuesday 21st May Sun safety Education Assistants Mrs Hillier, Mrs Pearson, Mrs Staskos, Mrs Erakovic and Mrs Johnstone Principal School Psychologist Registrar Gardener Cleaning Staff Administration/Other Mrs Humphreys Deputy Principal Mr Gilders Ms Hilbers Chaplain Tanya Trezona Mrs Chan School Officer Mrs Blom Mr Coombs Library Officers Mrs Starkey & Mrs Layton Mrs Rodrigues, Mrs Stojanovic & Mrs De Olival We welcome Ms Down back from maternity leave to Kindy Green. A special welcome to all of our new staff. Mr Gilders joins us as Deputy Principal for term one and possibly for the rest of the year. I am also delighted to announce that we were successful in our application for a school chaplain for 2 days a week and we welcome Mrs Tanya Trezona to our team. All of our roles are important. Each staff has a function and by completing our duties to the best of our ability we will do our part in meeting our school goals. I ask for your continued support of all our staff to ensure we give and get the best for all the students at Newton Primary. Student Behaviour 1, 2, 3 Magic Program This year we have adopted a whole school process for behaviour management which is positive, efficient, encourages the students to take responsibility for their behaviour and is consistent. The emphasis is on being positive and acknowledging appropriate behaviour. The system consists of aiming for 5 positives to each negative. The students are aware of the rules and appropriate behaviour. If they do not demonstrate this they are given 3 warnings and 5 minutes ‘time out’ (in the classroom). The process is repeated if necessary. If the student receives a second series of warnings they are sent to detention at recess or lunch time. Class teachers will explain how this simple but effective process works at the parent teacher meetings on the 17th and 18th of February and a parent information session will be run from 2-3pm on Thursday 26th February at the school. It is important to talk to your children about sun safety and teach them good sun safety habits. Here are some tips; *Slip on some sun-protective clothing – that covers as much skin as possible. *Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ or higher sunscreen. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun. *Slap on a hat – that protects your face, head, neck and ears. *Seek shade when possible. *Slide on some sunglasses – make sure they meet Australian Standards. Extra care should be taken between 10am and 3pm when UV levels reach their peak. For more information see the Cancer Council website: Instrumental Program This year the program will be presented by Fifi Winata for guitar, Leonie Stewart for flute and Nigel McIntyre for brass instruction. Camp Australia Before and After School Care Before and after school care is available each day on our school grounds. If you have any queries please contact Camp Australia direct on 1300 105 343 or email [email protected]. School Attendance It is your Responsibility…....Regular attendance at school is fundamental to your child’s learning. Consistent attendance and participation are essential for your child’s social and academic learning. As parents or legal guardians of an enrolled child, you are responsible under the School Education Act 1999 to ensure the attendance of your child at school every day. It is important to assist your child’s achievement and learning by making regular school attendance a priority in your child’s life. The Department of Education’s Student Attendance Policy requires parents/guardians to provide an acceptable explanation to the school principal for any absence of their children. Principals must authorise all absences and the school strongly discourage students taking holidays during school term. The Act defines health, religious and cultural observances as reasonable cause for a school absence and the absence would be recorded as ‘authorised’ by the principal. As the parent/guardian you must obtain the principal’s approval for planned absence. Assembly Dates The assembly dates for the term are listed on the term planner on the back of this newsletter to allow parents to have as much warning as is possible. Parent/Teacher Meetings These meetings will be held in Week 3. I encourage parents to attend to see what the teachers have planned for the year and to gain general information. Kindergarten/Pre Primary Classes Year 1 Classes Year 2/3 Classes Year 4 & 5/6 Classes Tuesday 17th Feb 5.30pm. Wednesday 18th Feb 5pm. Tuesday 17th Feb 5pm. Wednesday 18th Feb 5.15pm. Linda Humphreys Principal Introducing Newton Primary School’s School Chaplain Hi everyone, my name is Tanya Trezona, and I am excited to begin working at Newton PS. I will be working on Thursdays and Fridays and I will be based in the Teacher’s preparation room in the Performing Arts block. I have been a school Chaplain for 4 years now and really enjoy my work. I am based at Bibra Lake Primary School on Mondays and Wednesdays. This will be my first year working in two schools – so it will be an interesting year for me J. A little bit about me… I am married with 3 teenage children and one very loved DOG. I am a qualified teacher. I grew up in Perth but spent many years moving around with my husband’s work. I consider myself to be very practical and down to earth and enjoy talking over a good cup of coffee! I am really looking forward to getting to know the students and staff here at Newton – and I hope to get to know many parents as well. If you want to say hello – feel free to drop in and introduce yourself one morning as you drop your kids off to school. Tanya J I am the Community Health Nurse who visits your school. We work to promote healthy development and wellbeing so students may reach their full potential. A major part of my work is focused on early intervention and the School Entry Health Assessment program and to provide free information, assessment, health counselling and referral. If you have any concerns about your child please contact me on 9339 1362 or on 0417 112 576 Natalie Bashford - Health Nurse Brad Williams from Behaviour Tonics invites all parents to come along to Newton on Thursday February 26th from 2-3pm to listen to him giving an overview on 1-2-3 Magic Behaviour Management that will be used in classrooms at Newton in 2015. 2015 Prefects Jarrad E Kai S Lilly R Jordan K Monet M Petra C Thursday 12th February 2015 Room KP Year PP Room PP Year PP Room 3 Year 1 Room 4 Year 1 Room 2 Year 2/3 Room 7 Year 2/3 Room 8 Year 2/3 Room 6 Year 4 Room 9 Year 5/6 Room 12 Year 5/6 Music Liam P Arriya B Rory S Honey S Keeley H Zane T Seth B Sarah C Chris D Sarah L Alyssa A Zane N Elaya L Xander T Sabrina S Josie C Taya P Bryce G Grace H Quaide M Quaide M 2015 Faction Captains Quarry Girl Captain Sophie E Vice Captain Sharon M Boy Captain Eli B Vice Captain Corey C Banksia Girl Captain Sarah C Vice Captain Monet M Boy Captain Sammy G Vice Captain Angel AD Poseidon Melissa Parke presented new flags to Newton Primary School. The value for the next 4 weeks is; RESPECT When we respect someone we show kindness, care and consideration. When we respect our property we take care of it. Self respect is when we take care of ourselves by eating healthy food, drinking water and exercising. The teachers and Peer Mediators will be looking for students who show respect toward others, themselves and their property in the classroom and the playground. Thank you Chloe S won a $250 prize for the School Backpack Colouring competition at Phoenix Shopping Centre on the holidays. Big brother Zane taking his sister Taheela & cousin Jesse to their first day of Kindy at Newton Primary! Girl Captain Jordan K Vice Captain Tiffany H Boy Captain Ben S Vice Captain James R 2015 Peer Mediators Krystle A Annaliese C Emily K Laurren H Joshua S Chris D Latifa A Joshua W Mark A Jordana S Shyanne W Grace H Samantha M Morgyn B Corey C Sammy G Jacob M Christopher T Jaxon D Dylan M Maddi B Important Information For 2015 $60 per student Contributions for 2015 - Payment Options; This money directly impacts on the student’s learning program and the associated resources. The school office is open from 8am to 3pm Monday to Friday to take this payment. If you wish to pay by direct deposit with your bank the details are as follows; Newton Primary School Bank ANZ, BSB 016 454, A/C No 3408 44234 REFERENCE Please put in the students first and second name. PARKING Please do not use the staff car park to drop off/pick up children or for parking. Parking along Marvell Avenue needs to be done with care, as visibility is very limited. Parking directly in front of the school is for short term use only and parents are encouraged to use the kiss and drive option. Parking for the disabled is located at the canteen end of the school, off Newton Road and also in front of the main administration building. PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON HOME VERGES AROUND THE SCHOOL - the council do regular checks and will fine offenders. NEWTON SCHOOL RULES We stay inside the school’s boundaries. We follow the school dress code. We go to the undercover area (junior) or the Performing Arts alcove (upper) for lunch and recess periods if we have no hat. We only go into buildings when a teacher is present. We behave in a responsible, respectful way towards ourselves, others and the environment. We only use sporting or fixed playground equipment at recess and lunchtime. We WALK on all hard surfaces and only run on the grass. STUDENTS ARRIVING AT SCHOOL Students are supervised from 8.30am. They are to go straight to class where their teacher will expect them to get ready for the day. Students arriving just before the 8.30 bell report to the grassed area outside the Principal’s office. After school supervision will be provided from 3-3.10pm. Head Lice - This is a busy time of the year for head lice so please remember to check your children’s hair every week. Keep your child at home until your child has been treated and all ‘live’ lice are gone! NEWTON SCHOOL ROUTINES Eat in the designated areas and remain seated whilst eating. Students move off to the bin or the canteen after they are dismissed. Use equipment safely. Be quiet and considerate of others when working and moving around the school buildings. Reminder!! Don’t forget all mobile phones, ipods, etc must be signed in at the office each morning. The Emergency Department at Fremantle Hospital is now permanently closed. Fiona Stanley Emergency Department, Robin Warren Drive in Murdoch is now your closest emergency hospital. CITY OF COCKBURN NOTICES - For information on all of our City’s services go to Cockburn Youth Centre 25 Wentworth Parade, Success for 10-24 year olds. Programs for youth every day including cooking, music, sport, drama. Go to or phone 9411 3888 Community Concerts PINKED Sat Feb 14th 6-10pm Atwell Reserve & Eskimo Joe Sat 14th March 4-10pm Manning Park MOVED AWAY FROM FAMILY & FRIENDS???? Join ‘Women of the world’ every Thursday at Yangebup Family Centre - Free Creche phone Sian on 94113859 Coogee Beach Festival Sunday 12th April 9am-2pm Free fun and activities for the whole family. Murdoch University Prep Classes for age 10 and above. Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Please phone Jennifer Searcy on 93864783 or 0407982349 for details. ST JEROME’S CATHOLIC CHURCH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME Religious Education classes for children in Years 3 to 6, to prepare them to receive the Sacraments, will commence on Tuesday 10 February 2015 at 4pm to 5pm. Parents who wish to register their children please contact the Parish Spearwood Dalmatinac Netball Club Registration Day Tues 17th Feb 2015 4.30-7.30pm call 0407 044 855 for queries. Fremantle Hockey Club for winter kids sports, go to or email [email protected] T20 Cricket Action Milo Blast Centre Beeliar Reserve Tuesdays 5-6.15pm for more info call 0433 273 097 Phoenix Knights Football Club Player Registration for 2015 Sunday 8th Feb & Sun 15th Feb 9-11.30am Len Packham Reserve Clubrooms. For more info call 0413 236 205 Buggles Spearwood still have vacancies for all ages. Call 9418 2777 for more information. Triathlon WA has lots of fun filled events this season - for more information call 94439778 Tennis Coaching with POP Tennis at Melville Tennis Centre go to Kerry Gough Gotta Dance School - for all enquiries please call 9434 4691 Office on Tel: 9418 1229 or Email: [email protected]. Parish open Tues,Wed&Thurs, 9-2:30pm. NEWTON PRIMARY SCHOOL TERM 1 CALENDAR WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI 1 2/2 Students Commence 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 2 9/2 10/2 11/2 12/2 Assembly 13/2 3 16/2 17/2 18/2 Parent/Teacher Evening Yr 2,3,K&P Parent/Teacher Evening Yr 1,4,5&6 19/2 P&C AGM 6.45pm 4 23/2 24/2 20/2 Senior Summer Sports Carnival 25/2 26/2 Assembly School Board Camp Quality Item Meet 4pm 27/2 123 Magic 2pm 5 2/3 Public Holiday 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 6 9/3 10/3 11/3 12/3 Assembly Rm 9 & 12 13/3 7 16/3 17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 8 23/3 24/3 25/3 Parent Interviews 26/3 Assembly Rm 6 27/3 9 30/3 31/3 1/4 3/4 2/4 Easter Parade Public Holiday Good Friday 2PM Newton Primary School P & C 2015 CANTEEN - We run our school canteen 4 days a week with just a handful of volunteers! We need more help or we will not be able to operate for this many days in 2015!! Please contact: Shelley on 0438901624 or Jackie on 0417 966 323 School Banking - A big welcome and thank you to Sian Mercer, our new Banking Coordinator ! School banking is processed every Tuesday morning in the under cover area at 8.30am. UNIFORM SHOP - Next Open Date Tuesday 24th February WE WOULD LOVE THE UNIFORMS YOUR CHILD HAS GROWN OUT OF FOR OUR 2ND HAND RACK!!! FIRST MEETING OF THE YEAR IS THURSDAY 19TH FEBUARY 6.45PM - ALL WELCOME!!
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