NEWSLETTER ISSUE 3 - FEBRUARY 2015 Follow us on Twitter @LangleyAcademy Find out what was happening around the Academy for Sustainability Term from Page 11 Find out who was elected for the Slough Youth Parliament on Page 41 For more information, go to Page 6 Message from the Principal Dear Parents/Carers The Academy has been exceptionally busy with hundreds of events ranging from our amazing 6th Form Art Exhibition and the Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Celebration event to the Health and Social Care trip to Disneyland Paris. The quality of work presented at the Art exhibition was quite simply stunning, the students Caitlin Comerford, Sana Aslami, Andzela Montvilaite, Preeti Shetty, Ellie Chandler and Athena GilbertWilson, staff and parents should be extremely proud. 60 out of 62 students passed the Duke of Edinburgh award at a rate of 97% against a National average of 50%. Interestingly only 5% of young people aged 14 to 25 participate in this programme so our students are already ahead of many of their peers. Our next step is to get as many students engaged in the Silver award and then the Gold award, both awards have significant credibility with Universities and employers. The last 18 months has also been a sad time for the Academy with the passing of Ryan Pritchard, Rishi Kumar, George Quigg and Lizzie Rochford. All 4 students were unique with different talents and attributes that made a difference to all of our lives. Our assembly programme took one minute silence to reflect on their passing and how we should all make the most of what life has to offer us. All 4 children are sorely missed and we will ensure that we do what we can to make sure that they would feel proud of our achievements now and in the future. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the families. 4 March - INSET day In the previous newsletter, I mentioned that we have our next INSET day on 4 March 2015 to work on a new programme called Talk4Writing. This is a national programme that is used to develop the level of literacy with a focus on writing. This is a priority area for us at the Academy. Please make appropriate arrangements for the day. Parents Forum Update Recently, we have been considering various matters at the Parents Forum and in particular we discussed uniform, our latest report system and also our protocols for closing the Academy due to adverse weather conditions. We have discussed these issues with staff and Governors and have decided the following which will also be explained in a separate letter to you. Uniform Generally students look very smart but we have noticed an array of trousers, both in colour and style. We ask that parents support us by ensuring students wear grey Academy regulation trousers. We appreciate there may be a cost to this so we expect this to be finalised by the end of the summer term so that when students arrive in September they will be wearing the appropriate trousers. Students who do not wear these trousers will either be placed in ACE or sent home. The sooner you can address this issue the better. It is important that we do maintain the highest of standards as we know how this underpins the quality of education. I trust that you will support me in this matter. Adverse Weather As explained in a previous letter, having to close the Academy is always a very difficult decision. We try our very best to be open at all times. However, it is just not possible or safe when we have particularly poor weather, normally when it snows. Policy used to be that we would phone home and then send your child home having received permission from you to do so. We then asked you to allow us to send children home without informing you and many of you have supported this although we are still unsure on the accuracy of our information as we don’t know if parents have agreed through a nil return or because they didn’t see the e-mail or it never arrived because we have the incorrect details. We do not feel it is appropriate for us to have to take that responsibility so the new protocols and policy are as follows: 1. The Academy will send children home without gaining permission from parents. 2. The Academy will text and e-mail parents to inform them that the Academy is closing and that we are sending the children home. 3. We will leave a message on the answerphone and on the website as well as informing the local radio stations and the Local Authority. 4. We will encourage every child to text and phone their parents and borrow a friend’s phone if need be as soon as we have decided to close the Academy. 5. Given that bad weather is normally predicted, we encourage parents to ensure children have the appropriate clothing for walking to and from Academy, access to a phone if possible and a key to the house so that they can let themselves in. 6. The Academy will not look after students as the staff have to make their way home also and I need to ensure their safety. I hope you understand the rationale for these changes and that you will discuss the guidance with your child. Parental Attendance at Academy Events As you know the relationship between the Academy and home is critical to the progress a student makes both academically and socially. I have provided some data below which shows the percentage attendance of parents at our events. We also track attendance by individuals and text, e-mail reminders and in many cases phone home when there is an important event coming up. Please support your child and the Academy by attending every event that you are invited to, it really does make a difference. Event Year 7 Parents Tea Year 8 Parents Evening Year 8 Options Evening Year 9 success Evening Year 9 Academic Afternoon Year 10 Parents Evening Year 11 Parents Evening Year 11 Academic Afternoon Y12 Parents Evening Y13 Parents Evening Attendance 92.9% 92.7% 85.5% 75.8% 24.7% 83.7% 78.7% 15.5% 75% 40.43% Lunch cards Our recent audit showed that many students do not have their lunch cards with them which makes the process of administering food at break and lunch-time very difficult. I am writing to ask you to support us to ensure that your child gets a new card if it is lost and that you discuss this with them as a matter of urgency. The Academy cannot continue to support students who keep forgetting or losing their cards and we may have to refuse them food without the card and clearly we do not want to be put in a position where we have to do that. Finally, we have half-term coming up and I would like to ask this question: What book will your child be reading over half-term? Rhodri Bryant, Executive Principal Message from the Trustees The Spring term has started extremely well with everyone returning to the Academy refreshed and invigorated after the school holidays. The Langley Academy Primary The Trustees are working hard to progress the plans for The Langley Academy Primary which will be opening in The Langley Academy grounds in September this year, with 90 children in Reception. Enrolment for places has now closed and we have been delighted by the high level of interest in what will be an outstanding primary school offering its pupils an exciting and enriching, academically rigorous education and priority entry to The Langley Academy in 2021. The new building will provide a vibrant, engaging, well-resourced environment in which the children can love learning. Our planning permission application is progressing and we have been designing the new uniform which we will share with you as soon as we are able. It is very important to the Trustees that there will not be disruption to learning for The Langley Academy students during the construction phase of the Primary. Please be reassured that we will do everything we can to ensure that our educational provision continues at the high standards that you expect from us and the arrival of our new competition size 3G pitch, due to start construction very soon, will add to the outstanding provision for students. Governance at The Langley Academy Under the new Trust structure, and with the new remit for the Governing Body focusing on our students, their education and experience at the Academy, it has become evident to the Trust that we need to find new governors with relevant expertise. I am therefore delighted to inform you that we have recently appointed Charlie Jenkinson (Teacher at Eton College) and James Moss-Gibbons (Director of Studies at Lambrook Prep School) as new members of our Local Governing Body. Both of them have met with me, toured the Academy and have already been fully inducted to their new role as governors. I hope that you will agree with me that they will make an excellent addition to our Governing Body. You will also remember that we asked parents to consider applying for the post of parent governor at the Academy last term. We already have one parent governor, Catherine Ensby, who plays a very important role in steering the governors’ work but we still have one more vacancy for a parent governor. If you think you might be able to join our Board then please make contact with our Clerk, Maggi Howlett ([email protected]) as soon as possible and she will provide you with an application form. Links with local businesses Governors and trustees met with Academy staff recently to discuss improving our links with local and national businesses. We are developing ideas for forming partnerships with local businesses which will hopefully provide exciting opportunities for our students as we prepare them for the world of work, as well as furthering their education. If any of our parents and carers work for or have a business that they think might be able to offer any opportunities for our students then please contact me via [email protected]. We are developing lots of ideas of how partnering with us could help with your staff’s own professional development at the same time as offering our students new opportunities. I will look forward to hearing from you. Annabel Nicoll - Chair, The Langley Academy Trust Dates for your Diary FEBRUARY Friday 13 Monday 23 End of Spring Half-Term 1 Start of Spring Half-Term 2 13:20 08:20 Staff INSET – No students at Academy Year 11 Leavers Alumni/Certificate Evening Year 7 Parent/Carer Evening Parent Forum AIG Evening – 6th Form Interviews End of Spring Half-Term 2 16:30 – 17:30 16:30 – 19:00 18:00 – 19:00 16:30 – 19:00 12:00 Staff INSET – No students at Academy Start of Summer Half-Term 1 08:20 MARCH Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Thursday 12 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Friday 27 APRIL Monday 13 Tuesday 14 ***IMPORTANT NEWS*** From February 2015, The Langley Academy will be using the Eligibility Checking Service (ECS) provided by Slough Borough Council to administer Free School Meals. This will reduce the amount of information we are required to check and the time taken to process applications. The advantage of using the ECS is that data collection for each claimant will only need to occur once. If you are already on the FSM register at the Academy, please complete this form so your records are on the new system then we would never need to ask you for proof of eligibility again. For new claimants - If you are unsure about whether you’re entitled, please check your eligibility on the form as many parents are entitled and are not claiming. All enquiries are treated in the strictest of confidence. Children of parents who are in receipt of one of the following benefits may be eligible for Free School Meals: Income Support Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190 for financial year 2014-2015. Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit The FSM ECS checks data from DWP, HMRC and the Home Office. This means that you are unlikely to need to provide proof of your benefits to the Academy. You can now apply for Free School Meals in two ways:1. Simply fill in the Application Form and return/email to Ms Jagdev at the Academy: [email protected]. The form MUST have the following to be processed through the ECS: Surname of applicant Date of Birth (DOB) National Insurance Number (NI) or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number (NASS). 2. Alternatively, you can apply online on the SBC website using the following link: Once an application has been received, we would aim to process it within 48 hours. If you complete a paper form, the Academy will inform you whether or not you are entitled to free meals. If you complete the online application, you will receive an email or text from SBC letting you know your entitlement. Thank you for your co-operation. ARBIB HOUSE It has been another exciting term as students fully immersed themselves in the Sustainability project. Students were asked to design and create a house made out of recycled products from home. We also had Assemblies delivered by Arbib 5 and 6 this term that involved sportsmanship and social media. Arbib 5 interviewed staff around the Academy as well as demonstrating how students can show sportsmanship in everyday life whilst Arbib 6 held a ‘Jeremy Kyle’ style show related to over and misusing social media. Well done to all involved. Arbib 1 creating their house design Arbib 5 during their Assembly Arbib 6’s ‘Jeremy Kyle’ style Assembly The Arbib Carousel continued to this term with each group taking on a new project. Cara Burton’s group spent some time learning about the latest Museum exhibition and then passed on their knowledge to other House Tutor Groups. Cara Burton with her Tutor Group – Arbib 4 Hershveer Mahal with his Tutor Group – Arbib 1 Arbib students received their attendance, punctuality and ATL rewards this term and a huge amount of our students were recognised in assembly. It is always fantastic to see students being rewarded for going above and beyond what is expected of them. The campaign to vote in the Langley Academy’s first every Slough Youth Parliament member was in full swing this term. Joe Critcher (right) was voted in by the House at the end of last term and he went into every House assembly, with the other nominees, and spoke confidently and passionately. Well done Joe. Arbib House have been doing outstandingly well in House Competitions. We are currently in first place in House Rowing and House Sport. This is a superb achievement. One of the main reasons behind our great results is the passionate and dedicated House Sport Captains we have in our House. Thank you to all students that have represented the House so far this year and good luck as we look to do the double in sports competitions! From left to right: Callum Dennis, Ramadan Metalia, Robbie Ensby, Jawad Nakdali, Alisha Sharma, Aaron Wickens, Ela Metalia, Alexia Hansel, Asees Gill, Erin Simmonds, Stevie Swann, Mr Elliott, Abbi Griffin and Anjaleen Bassi It was also a time to celebrate with some of our Year 11 students as they received their GCSE English Language results. It’s times like these that students realise that their hard work and commitment really has paid off. I was very proud of our Arbib Year 11 cohort! Hershveer Mahal, Gavina Malhi, Samantha Luther, Jakhinder Matharu, Viren Chaggar, Zuzanna Kiciewicz Cara Burton, Robbie Ensby and Callum Booker I would personally like to thank Year 11 parents and carers for their attendance to the recent parent/carer evening. We were once again very well supported and this can have a huge impact on the attainment and success of our students. I ask that Arbib students continue to aim for the top in attendance, punctuality and attainment and I am sure we can keep up the outstanding efforts moving on into next term! Well done Arbib and keep up the good work. Mr Sullivan DARWIN HOUSE This term kicked-off with Gaia House leading the Vertical Tutor Programme, bringing Sustainability into the spotlight once again. The aim of the house project was to develop, design and build a sustainable Eco house. Darwin students rose to the challenge as plastic bottles and cardboard boxes were revamped into fine Eco homes. There was a competitive feeling in the air with all 6 Tutor Groups producing imaginative homes. It was difficult to pick a winning Darwin design, but Ms Blackmore’s group pulled it out of the bag again with a superb, sustainable dwelling. Well done Darwin 3! Slough Youth Parliament I was totally shocked when I was picked to represent Darwin House in the Slough Youth Parliament elections. The other candidates seemed really strong but I believed in what I was saying and I think that this helped me to be elected. Standing up in front of the whole Academy was a really daunting experience, but when I finished my speech, I felt amazing. I was up against representatives from all the other Houses, and I think that I communicated really well. I never thought that I was capable of doing this, but feel so proud of having tried. Even though I didn’t win the overall competition, I still feel passionately about improving things in Slough, I have gained a lot from this experience and would not hesitate to do something like this again. By Harleen Sandhu, Year 8 Duke of Edinburgh Award Leading youth Charity the DofE gives all young people aged 14-24 the chance to develop skills for life and work, fulfil their potential and have a brighter future. We recently celebrated DofE participation at the Awards Evening and would like to say a big well done to the following Darwin students who achieved their bronze DofE award; Paras Sharma, Courtney Edwards, Ololade Idowu, Samuel Adenmosun and Dilip Hundal. The Stronger Together Project - Waddeston Manor On 16 January, 15 TLA students, including Darwin’s very own Rochelle Markman Scadding and Andreia Cunha (pictured below), hosted a canapé reception at a Waddeston Manor as part of a Museum Learning Project. Well done girls, the evening was a huge success. Finally, we would like to wish Ms Stacey all the best as she is leaving us temporarily, to have a baby. Darwin 5 will miss you and look forward to your return. It is the turn of Darwin House to drive the Vertical Tutor Programme next half term. Combining with the Science department and including Science Week, the theme will be The Human Body. An array of events have been organised to engage and inspire you! Mr Jeyaratnam GAIA HOUSE Term 3 has seen Gaia House lead the Academy in the Vertical Tutor Programme (VTP) and again develop everyone’s awareness and understanding of Sustainability. During Sustainability term we have been working hard to understand the environment and our impact on it while placing a real focus on Climate Change. The VTP has covered subjects such as sustainable energy, the impact fossil fuels are having on the arctic and how technology has developed in order to help to reduce the damage that climate changes are having on our environment. As a House we feel these are pressing issues and we all need to be aware. Working together we can make a better future for the next generation. The focus for the term has been Climate Change where the topics have varied from Weather and Climate, Air and Oceans, Energy and Technology. The Academy was set the challenge of developing and producing an ECO House with a sustainable energy theme that each House Tutor Group had to choose and incorporate into their design. Every student was expected to contribute to the process of the build; the research behind it, development of the design template, chosen theme to use, recyclable materials collected and the finishing touches made to each ECO House. Some of the final designs and builds created by the students during House Tutor Time are shown below: Updates from the Gaia House Captains Baghel Sandhu, Gaia House Captain – Sustainability Focus: Sustainability is the maintenance of natural resources and the natural environment. During House Tutor time we have been looking over a variety of different presentations linked to Sustainability. We have been exploring the different ways in which the Academy aims to be sustainable and be more economically friendly. Students have been working together to identify the various actions carried out within the Academy. Students have been designing models of a Sustainable ECO House. All Year Groups have been working in collaboration in order to produce this. A winner will be selected per House which will compete against all other Houses. Sustainability Week saw Leah Lewis Year 11 Grace 4 and Munashe Ganje Year 11 JMU (pictured below) present the ECO Council Assembly to each House. Both students did an amazing job and helped to raise the profile of both Sustainability and how our actions are contributing to Climate Change. Students discovered how the Academy carries out various procedures to be more sustainable; the 3 main methods include solar panels, a biomass woodchip burner and rain water collection to flush the toilets. Solar panels are located on the roof and in the car park on top of the street lamps. The woodchip burner (right) is located behind the Academy in which wood chips are burnt to provide energy and to heat the Academy instead of burning fossil fuels. The Academy has a rainwater collection system in which rainwater is collected, gathered and filtered on the roof of the building and used to flush toilets, helping save the amount of water that we use. Sustainability is a key issue as we must maintain and protect natural resources in order to help maintain a well-balanced and ecological planet earth. By being more sustainable we reduce emissions released in to the air which impact our atmosphere, resulting in the global temperature continuing to rise. This can prove to have huge consequences impacting us and our environment. Krishan Sharda, Gaia House Captain – VTP ECO House Project House Tutors across the Academy have engaged in the ECO House Projects. With each project comes competition between each of the Houses (especially from the Heads of House). As Mr Spilsbury mentioned earlier, the project was to build a Sustainable ECO House that has been influenced and linked by the Focus of our House. Each Tutor Group was set the task and challenge to build their house only using sustainable products that have been recycled and then we had to build our houses after a series of weekly design updates through the Vertical Tutor Programme (VTP). Every House Tutor Group has worked hard to design and develop the best ECO House that is unique in its own individual way. We look forward to seeing what is produced and who wins the overall title of ‘The Best ECO House Design’ in the Academy #Gaia. Kazia Edwards, Gaia House Captain – Up and coming Exams Year 11 has been a rollercoaster ride along with the last 5 years and as it comes to the finish line and as we prepare for the last leg of the race, it’s important to look back on your journey. We have many things to look forward to like the Year 11 Prom, our Year Book and the Year 11 Final Assembly. Celebrating the many years with this group of young people has been an experience and we have enjoyed it very much; some of the things wouldn’t be possible without the help of the staff around the Academy. We have exam after exam and course work due in but as a collective group we will get through it. We thank each and every one of you for the parts you have played in our years at the Academy as most of us wish to return and do it all again in the 6th Form. Jaya Ralhan, Gaia House Captain – House Rowing House rowing is an opportunity for the students in each House to compete against each other. It allows them to strive to get more involved within their House and feel part of something. Our recent House Rowing Competition took place last week in the atrium during House Tutor Time and it was a great atmosphere to be involved in. Students cheered each other on and supported one another; the healthy competition encouraged students to show and achieve their potential. There was also a competition between students within the individual Houses who were split up in gender and year groups; this helped the students and the Houses as a whole to strive to achieve that little bit further. House Rowing gives people who wouldn't usually consider rowing as a hobby or something they would ever normally try, an opportunity to have a taste of what rowing offers. Interview by Emily Llewellyn – Gaia House Captain Paris Kondal (Year 10) and Kaia Kondal (Year 8) are two new students who have recently moved from Houston, Texas where they have been living for the past 2 years with their parents due to the family moving there on business. They attended an International School before returning to the UK. I interviewed both girls to find out more about their experiences; How does the schooling differ between the UK and Texas in reference to timings of the day, lessons and the general curriculum? The schooling is fairly similar with almost the same curriculum and we still had to wear uniform. As it was an International school there were loads of students from different countries and cultures, especially Scotland. Each lesson lasted 55 minutes. We started school at 08:25 and finished at 15:25 so again it was similar to what we have at the Academy. In what ways were your experiences different in Texas on a wider scale? The main difference is that everything is bigger in Texas than to here. There is a clear difference between the size of shops and houses between Texas and here in the UK. Obviously the accent made it evident we were in Texas but at the school we attended there were so many different accents it didn’t matter. Do you prefer the UK or Texas in terms of the schooling but also the overall lifestyle? We both preferred Texas. In Texas we were both so comfortable and it felt more like home, but we are both settling in and it will just take some getting used to. Slough Youth Parliament The past few weeks saw the campaign trails start for the 6 candidates running for the role of the Academy’s representative for the Slough Youth Parliament. Gaia House’s representative was Junead Khan in Gaia 3 DRO (below). All 6 students presented in each House Assembly in Week 4 with all six candidates doing an amazing job. Voting took place last week around the Academy and we had a huge turnout in the number of students who voted. Gaia House had to combine the vote with our House Rowing day but House Tutors and the students were brilliant and everyone in the House managed to register their vote. Ellie Smith (below right) in Gaia 1 GGR can be seen posting her voting slip. At the half way point in the academic year I am pleased to say that everyone connected with Gaia House has made a valuable contribution to what we are trying to achieve. Overall, Term 3 has again been a busy but successful term for students. We have already celebrated a great deal of success within the House and success isn’t just handed to you without having to work extremely hard to achieve it. Gaia House and the students linked to it raise its profile every day and our reputation is continually growing around The Academy. Enjoy the half term break and I look forward to seeing everyone in term 4. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for all the latest news in and surrounding Gaia House @GaiaHouseTLA Mr Spilsbury GLOBE HOUSE House Sport The House sport has been Basketball and Globe has been hugely competitive across all years. The students have rallied together fantastically to represent the best house in the Academy. Pictured are the students within Globe who have helped gain valuable points towards winning the House sports competition. Globe 3 Every Friday after school at 4:30, I go to a club called Tae-Kwon-Do. I have been doing this for the past 6 years and am still continuing at present. I really enjoy it because it is both fun and keeps me fit! I have worked hard and achieved many belts since starting TaeKwon-Do and I will be going for my black belt soon. At the moment, I am on a red belt black tag which is the one before the black belt. I am really excited but nervous to go for my black belt. I would encourage others to try something fun like Tae-Kwon-Do because you have the opportunity to meet and make new friends, stay active and learn something great. By Jessica Woodford, Year 7 17 Globe 4 For the Eco house project, Globe 4 created an underground house designed to look like the home of Bilbo Baggins in the book “The Hobbit”. Its roof is on a slant in order to collect rain water and is of a rough green colour to represent the grass of the hill. It is inset into a hill to keep in warmth during winter and keep cool in the summer. The mud (the black colour surrounding it) is a cushion base for the house. It contains a chimney (centre of house) which pokes through the grass roof and it has a red carpet which is designed to absorb heat. The tutor group has worked together to produce a model of a sustainable living environment and if given more time, we would add sustainable furniture to give the model a more realistic effect. Globe 5 Globe 5 students wanted to base their sustainable house upon the idea of Frodo Baggin's house in 'Lord of the Rings'. They felt it would be sustainable to cover a house in earth and grass to use the warmth of the ground to maintain heat in the house. They also added solar panels to heat water and generate electricity in the house and added loft insulation to keep heat in. Deimante Montvilate lead the project with the help of Mubarika Javed, Zoe Jenkins and Liliana Mole. 18 I’ve been doing trampolining at a proper club for over a year now. I started by teaching myself how to do tricks on my own trampoline in my garden at home. I am into free running and parkour so practicing on a trampoline helped me practice that too. Now at the club that I go to I learn new and more complicated moves such as a black flip 180, a cody, a lazy back, a cat twist; look them up on YouTube to see what they look like! I have also been asked to do a competition for the Academy now which is really exciting. I love trampolining because it keeps me fit and healthy and is an opportunity to learn more things in life and new skills whilst having fun. By Nathan Meacock, Year 10 Globe 6 On Monday 26 January it had been a year since we lost George. For those who didn’t have the chance to meet George, he was a proud member of Globe 6. He was someone who always had a smile on his face. I remember how much fun we had in House Tutor Time as he sat next to me. Every day he would come in and ask me if I was ok or how I was doing. He would talk to everyone in our House Tutor Group; he was the person who could make anyone laugh. He was our little joker. George made such a large impact in our lives and he had only been at the Academy for 4 months. He was known by everyone. I know these words are not enough to describe such a unique person. I speak for all of us when I say he will be remembered forever, his memories will be carried with us through our lives and he will always have a place in our heart. By Tanushree Bose, Year 11 Ms Pereira GRACE HOUSE This term has been an exciting one. Twelve students from Grace House put themselves forward to be the member of the Slough Youth Parliament. Grace House students voted and Leah Lewis, in Year 11 was elected as the Grace House representative. Since then, Leah and the candidates from the other five Houses have had a hard campaign. The voting took place on Friday 30 January and we have been eagerly awaiting the result. Last week it was announced that the two Langley Academy members of the Slough Youth Parliament are Leah Lewis and Ramsha Syeda. Well done to you both. You have each led an amazing campaign. Your speeches have been confident and quite inspirational. 19 Year 11 Parents Evening was extremely well attended and it was a pleasure catching up with parents and discussing predicted grades and future plans of our students. We start to look forward to the Year 11 photographs and the start of leaving celebrations in general. The Year 8 Options evening has taken place and it is a crucial time for Year 8 students, with important decisions to be made. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance in your decisionmaking. The new date for the Options Forms to be in is Wednesday 25 February. Have a wonderful mid-term break! Ms Decosemo HENLEY HOUSE Liliana Carri (below) won the Henley vote and was up against the candidates from the other Houses in a vote to see who would represent the students of Academy in the Slough Youth Parliament. Regardless of the final result, the whole of Henley House is extremely proud of Liliana. Many of Henley’s Year 10 and 11 students are being mentored by Langley Academy 6th Formers. This is an excellent chance to benefit from the experience of others and it is pleasing to see that the students are embracing the opportunity. 20 The Duke of Edinburg Bronze Award was achieved by several members of Henley House, including Catherine St Ledger, Stanley Butler, Nazneen Aslam and Manraj Tack. This is no small achievement and we are very pleased for each of them. In other news, Caitlin Witheridge finished an impressive 6th in a recent trampolining competition. Also well done to Henley 5 and Danielle Deadman in particular, who organised and presented their Tutor Group assembly even though their tutor couldn’t be there with them. This month, Henley’s newsletter information was compiled by Megan Kelly and Caitlin Witheridge of Year 7. Mr Goodchild 6th Form The 6th Form at Langley Academy continues to be a very vibrant and proactive community; as such there are a number of exciting events which you should be aware of in the near future. Friday 13 March 2015, Careers Education Individual Advice and Guidance Day Year 12s will have the opportunity to explore the world of work in this fully interactive and exciting new venture. They will spend the day exploring options for when they leave the Academy after year 13, exploring both University and Apprenticeship options and what is needed to ensure success. The day will provide links to careers and the labour market, explaining the first steps towards successful personal statements, the value of Work Experience and volunteering to CV and Personal Statements. In addition to getting used to the UCAS, Universities admissions system and student finance, plus more everyday skills such as managing money bank accounts. A full day is planned and the student will also get the opportunity to face a real life interview where they will be tested on their knowledge and skills. Please note: Year 13s will be given a ‘study day’ that day, where they will be expected to work off-site. 16 March 2015, PPE This will be another golden opportunity to prepare for exams in real life exam conditions. Some exams are even being held under a formal setting with real invigilators and strict timings. We think that it is important that practice exams are held in the correct conditions, to try to counteract the ‘surprise’ effect of real AS and A-level examinations. I would encourage students to use this half term break to prepare themselves fully for these exams, as the saying goes “If not now, when?”. Thursday 19 March 2015, Year 11 AIG Evening This is a really important date in the diary for Year 11 students wishing to progress to the 6th Form at The Langley Academy. Year 11s will be given further information nearer the time, but it is important that all parents/carers and Year 11 students are present to meet with staff and discuss their 6th form applications. Please at this stage note the date and ensure you are available for this very important evening. 21 Many thanks for everyone’s hard work throughout this half term and I look forward to the next as we move swiftly towards final examinations and coursework submission dates. Message from the Head Boy The Student Heads have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to build a solid foundation for the development of the 6th Form infrastructure. Having taken lead of the Academy Council and the newly formed 6th Form Committee, they have been working closely with Mr O’Neill, Mr Endacott and Mr Bryant to improve teaching and learning through student feedback. The voice of the students is vitally important to the success of the Academy and many points brought up are passed directly on to the leadership at the Academy during Directorate meetings with the Student Heads. Some of these include the feedback on homework from the lower school and the introduction of 6th Form Planners and Subject Ambassadors which will be implemented soon. Future plans include a greater 6th Form presence in charitable events run by the Academy and new ideas for the Year 13 prom to be held later in the year. Please feel free to approach any of the Student Heads with ideas, problems or questions; they will be happy to help. Christen Montgomery (Head Boy), Manpreet Kainth (Head Girl), Sahil Ahmad (Deputy Head Boy) & Wendy Wanjiru (Deputy Head Girl) Mr Endacott – Head of 6th Form 22 Maths This term the Maths faculty have been in full swing of supporting students reflect and plan for their exams after the Pre-Public Exams that took place at the end of December. After school revision sessions have continued Monday through Thursday supporting students of all levels. The Saturday revision sessions for the Year 11 high attainers has now concluded after eight sessions. The students who attended were extremely hard working and have shown a true benefit from the sessions. We are now moving forward to revision sessions during the half term. Select students from Year 8 have been offered a three day support session. The next focus group of the Year 11s have also been offered a five day Maths focus week in the half term. Parental consent slips are due to Mr Katsholo now. To support our 6th Form students, C1 sessions will be running on Monday and Tuesday, S1 on Wednesday, and M1 on Thursday and Friday. Year 10 statistic students will also have revision sessions running on Monday and Tuesday. Stronger Together Project Emily Butzen, second in charge of Mathematics and Ashley Mall, second in charge of DT have been working with Year 10 students Danielle Deadman, Autumn Slade, Amber Watty, Aaron Barolia, Keaton Sangha, Sasha Scattergood, Andreia Cunha and Rochelle Markman-Scadding and Year 11 students Gavina Malhi, Natasha Bowler, and Anesu Katsholo to link Mathematics and Food through The Stronger Together Project sponsored by The Arts Council. We have linked with Waddesdon Manor. Sarah Dewberry, the Education and Learning Manager from Waddesdon Manor said, “The ‘Stronger Together’ project has been a tremendous success and Waddesdon have been absolutely delighted to work with Langley Academy and their students. The project has enables Waddesdon to be viewed in a different- not just ‘the posh house on the hill’ but a living, breathing commercial enterprise. I hope this is just the beginning of a long and successful partnership.” The students not only had a great opportunity to combine Maths and Food, but also to cook in Waddesdon’s kitchen and serve the food to family and staff from both Waddesdon Manor and The Langley Academy. Mr Mall said, "Working with some amazing students in combination with The Stronger Together Project was an absolute pleasure. It gave them the opportunity to broaden their horizons, see the Subjects of Food and Maths in a more professional light, allowing them to flourish and showcase their talents." 23 Amber Watty and Danielle Deadman - " I would recommend any student to grab this opportunity with both hands as we as a group bonded and produced foods we didn’t at first believe we could. It enabled us to gain first-hand experience in a real life working environment which was extremely exciting, rewarding and most importantly fun. From our personal opinion, completing the project in conjunction with our coursework was a real benefit as we were able to implement what we had experienced, and relate it to our briefs which demonstrated progress to a high level." 24 Science As part of studying physiology in AS Biology students carried out investigations with Horse Blood (ethically sourced). They were looking how salt can change the shape of red blood cells by osmosis and changing water potential. Not only was it exciting for students to be able to watch the cells changing before their eyes it helped students develop their practical and microscopy skills. Humanities Geography As part of Gaia Houses Sustainability Week plans, the Geography department (Mr Ryan, Mr Royle, Ms Bains and Mr Wright) took a small number of Year 8 students to Kew Gardens to partake in a plants and people of the rainforest activity. A fun and enjoyable day was had by all. 25 CAPA The CAPA Faculty would like to welcome you to an exciting new year. 2015 kicks off full of excitement with students visiting the CAPA stand at the Year 8 options evening, 6th form Portrait exhibition and more drama theatre trips and workshops. As well as participating in fun extracurricular activities it is at this time that our exam students are busy completing their coursework and exam preparation. Can we please remind you that the faculty offers regular after school clubs and rehearsals to ensure our students achieve their full potential. Art We’re all going to the Zoo…. At the start of the Christmas Holidays Mr Samouel and Mr Rider took a group of Year 12 and 13 students to London Zoo. Here the students were able to practice their observational drawing skills, creating sketches of the exotic and wild animals kept here. The main focus of their sketches was looking at the surface texture and pattern of the animals’ skin, fur, scales and feathers. The students thoroughly enjoyed the visit and felt it was a great experience creating artwork on sight outside the classroom. Art History at Eton A group of 6th Form Art students are currently attending an Art History and Appreciation course at Eton College. The course is for eight weeks and is designed to spark students’ curiosity, stretch and support them in developing core skills and enhance their confidence in other subjects across the curriculum and beyond the classroom. These brave students will be studying art through the ages and give a presentation to the rest on the students from many of the other schools in Slough. AS Art Exhibition – Not just a pretty face! “If you were to draw yourself, how would you want to present your image?” On the Evening of Thursday 29 January, The Langley Academy held a private view of their current exhibition entitled “Not Just A Pretty Face”. The exhibition, a collection of Year 12 AS Art students work based on self-portraiture featured a wide variety of concepts and media. Students supported their work with collections of materials or objects with a personal meaning to themselves. 26 Students worked with the Museum Learning team to develop a museum display case on the theme of a self-portrait. They considered how they might tell the story of themselves via selecting and displaying objects. They also wrote labels to explain both their artworks and their displays, thinking about how they might best convey in words what they value and how they see themselves. The event was well attended by peers, teachers and some local museums including Slough Museum and The River and Rowing Museum in Henley. Students will now complete their portfolios and submit these final pieces for marking to go towards their AS Art qualification. Sana Aslami commented, “I have really enjoyed the project and working with the Museum Learning team to create my own museum display and exhibition. I feel proud to show my art work to guests and for them to learn and understand more about me”. Drama On Wednesday 4 February Year 12 and 13 Drama students went to see a performance of Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ by celebrated physical theatre company Frantic Assembly. This performance brought Shakespeare’s classic into the modern era, setting the scene in a northern English pub with the tensions and dangers of the ‘hooligan’ culture. All students and staff agreed this was an outstanding performance and has inspired the upcoming performance work of Year 12 for their exam coming up in March. Keep an eye out for their performances which will be pushing the boundaries of modern, classical and physical theatre. ‘In following him I follow but myself. I am not what I am. This is a mating ground. There’s tension around the pool table, cues in hand. A world of broken glass and beatings in the car park. It’s a dog eat dog world. And it’s about to kick off… A tut adaption of Shakespeare’s classic text fused with Frantic’s trademark hard-hitting choreography, this electrifying story of paranoia, jealousy, sex and murder takes a scalpel to 21 st century Britain, exposing prejudice, danger and fear. Othello’s passionate affair with Desdomona leaves him open to jealousy and attack – with devastating consequences. Here, violence is a way of life and reputation is everything…’ 27 Design Technology It’s been another busy half term in DT. Key Stage 3 rotations have just come to an end, many Year 9s are finishing projects ready to start new ones next term. Year 11s are finally realising the urgency and picking up the pace and effort as GCSE deadlines loom and there is some fantastic work nearing completion..... We are looking forward to seeing the finished pieces next half term! The fine aromas wafting from S001 have been attracting much attention, savoury and sweet dishes alike inspiring TLA teachers to have a 'bake off' style competition next term! We welcomed Ms Worth, who settled in instantly into the DT team. Mr Mall and some amazing young chefs prepared what was by all accounts an incredible canapé reception at Waddesdon Manor, our lucky directorate enjoyed a sneak taster preview as the talented students served them up a treat after a meeting one evening. Year 8 Options Evening was well attended and despite a little uncertainty as to what the courses might look like after proposed changes, we are happy to announce that Year 8s can choose from Catering, Food Technology, Product Design and Textiles Design for another year. Scan the QR code on this page for a bit more information and examples of work from the different DT options on offer. A small snapshot of some of the wonderful work from this term.... In keeping with the terms focus of Sustainability the Year 7 and 8 homework projects have been coming in, and we definitely have some very creative and talented students. Here are just a few examples of 'new from old' and 'reduce reuse recycle campaign' homework projects submitted this week. 28 @DT_TLA Follow us on Twitter where you will find some more of the super work currently being produced by DT students. DT STARS Well done to the following students who have impressed the DT TEAM this term. Well done- keep it up! Humera Ahmad, Roma Bains, Shane Barrett, Elizabet Boyadzhieva, Ampreet Brar, Akshita Dalal, Danielle Deadman, Sylvia Duncan, Ina-Marie Ecogo Anesu Katsholo, Michael Kelly, Harry Mewish and Praise Okoro, PE Year 7 Netball The Year 7 netball team went to Montem Leisure Centre to play against Ditton Park Academy. Due to the cold weather and dark nights, there have been minimal training sessions so it was a good opportunity for the girls to get some game play and work together as a team. New goal shooter Amelia Runiewicz scored both goals in the match, with the assistance of Wasila Ahmed. Captain Lauren Callero and Malaika Khan played in the centre of the court carrying the ball well from the defenders up to the attackers. Jasmine Jenkins, Astrid Okyere and Julita Gralicka made up the defence and played very well but unfortunately the team lost 6-2. This has been a good warm-up game for the upcoming year 7 tournament in March. 29 Year 10 & 11 Power League/Netball The Year 10 and 11 girls were victorious at the senior girl’s Power League this year, after coming a close second to rivals Burnham Grammar last year. After a 1-1 draw with them in the first week, it was down to games won and ultimately, goal difference. TLA had finished all their games, winning 4-0, 4-0 and 8-0 thanks to 12 stunning goals from Erin Simmons. Molly Frewin and Kerry Long also contributed to the score sheet and once TLA’s games were finished, the girls had to watch Burnham Grammar play St Bernard’s Grammar. Anything less than a 7-0 win for Burnham would ensure TLA took the trophy home. St Bernard’s delivered, and beat Burnham 2-1 meaning that this season, the Year 10 and 11 girls football team in undefeated. As 5 of the 6 girls involved are in Year 11 is it fitting that they finish at the top. Players: Molly Frewin, Ellie Forster, Katie Long, Kerry Long, Erin Simmons and Stevie Swann. Year 11 Football It has been a fantastic start to 2015 for the Year 11 team as we remain unbeaten in the Berkshire Cup and the League. We have had 2 fixtures so far in 2015 and they both fell in the Berkshire Cup against Easthampstead Park in Round 1 and Blessed Hugh Farringdon in Round 2. Both have been incredibly tight games with very little between the sides. We came out narrow 1-0 winners against Easthampstead Park despite hitting the woodwork on 3 occasions. Olusola Sola-Ogunniyi got the winning goal in that game. Winning that game meant an away day to the Blessed Hugh Farringdon School in Reading. They were strong opposition who were finalists in this competition for the past 2 years running. Our boys matched them in every area of the park and with the last kick of the game scored and equaliser to take us into extra time and eventually penalties. We won the penalty shoot-out 4-3 and we now move proudly into round 3, the furthest this team has ever got in this competition. It is going to be a tough few months for the squad with strong opponents coming both in the cup and league but with the standard the boys have shown so far this season we should finish the year strongly. Get Active Slough are currently running FREE netball and street dance sessions at The Langley Academy. Currently the netball is well attended with over 20 girls from all year groups who are being coached by a level 2 England netball coach. The girls have developed their skill level and been able to focus on specific game play. If you are interested in the netball please come along on a Thursday 4:30-5:30pm in the Sports Hall. 30 The Street dance sessions have also been a hit with 10 plus students attending each week. They have been learning new warm up techniques and various dances. Toby who teaches the class has been on TV in various dance programmes and is keen to spread his passion for dance to the younger years. Again if you are interested this runs from 5-6pm in the Theatre. Year 10 Basketball v Wexham The Langley Academy started the Basketball season with a terrific team performance against Wexham. The Academy managed to dominate throughout the game with strong performances from Olusola Sola-Ogunniyi and Rupinder Hayer who managed to net a combined 47 points. The Academy managed to finish the game in style winning 81-17. The man of match was awarded to debutant Olusola-Sola Ogunniyi for his outstanding work rate and his success under the basket. The players involved were, Rupinder Hayer, Connor Dobbyn, Manny Harlow, Harry Turner, Kai Wootton-Jones, Jamal Chaudry, Daniel Makarevicius and Olusola-Sola Ogunniyi. Year 9 v Beechwood The Year 9 team started the basketball season with a comfortable win over a powerful Beechwood side. The Academy started the stronger of the 2 teams with Debutant Jay King working well under the basket. The obvious height advantage in the Academy team helped develop a comfortable 12 point cushion leading into the 2nd quarter. Beechwood started to develop some confidence in attack and managed to secure a few baskets. This spurred the Academy boys on who managed to finish the last 2 quarters with a comfortable win 36-16. The man of the match was awarded to Jay King. The players that represented the Academy were: Cavan Gruber, Jay King, Vinnie Eastmond, Jack Deadman, Rohan Gandhan, Lewis Seller, Daniel Makarevicius, Reece Harkin and Milo Quinton all pictured below. 31 Year 9 v Wexham The Year 9’s have continued their excellent start to the basketball season with a fine display of skill and power against a very determined Wexham side. The boys have worked very hard over the last week to turn possession into points and it seemed to do the trick. The final score of the game was 70-17.With a personal point’s tally of 20 from man of the match Cavan Gruber who is growing to be a fantastic young basketball player. The players that represented the Academy are: Cavan Gruber, Jay King, Vinnie Eastmond, Jack Deadman, Rohan Gandhan, Lewis Seller, Daniel Makarevicius, Reece Harkin, Milo Quinton and Josh Kirby. Year 7/8 v Beechwood The Year 7 & 8 basketball recorded their first victory against Beechwood with a fine display against a well organised team. Rohan Gandham and Anish Bhabra started very well securing an early lead. The hardworking pair of Glen Danjolli and Ramadan Metalia linked well together to help further the lead. The squad worked very hard for all four quarters and were able to hold onto a very convincing win, the final score was 39-17. The man of match was awarded to Anish Bhabra. The students selected to represent the Academy were: Ramadan Metalia, Mudiwa Muchemwa, Lewis Nicholls, Arslan Ahmad, Beker Ibrahim, Anish Bhabra, Rohan Gandham, Yaya Noor, Toron Maxime, Callum Dennis, Yashkaran Kumar, Titas Daraskevicius and Glen Danjolli. Year 10 Football v Maiden Erlegh This was the first match of the New Year against a strong team from Maiden Erlegh in the Berkshire cup competition. The Academy started the stronger of the two teams with Olusola Sola-Ogunniyi and Bailey West working hard in their new roles in Midfield. The early pressure started to create chances for the Academy, with Harrison Farren looking dangerous against a well organised defence, and it was through Harrisons work rate that enabled the first goal, which was actually an own goal. This allowed the Academy to settle and continue building on an impressive start. The second goal followed shortly after the first with a well-timed pass from midfield into the path of Harrison Farren who managed to create the angle against the keeper and neatly finish making the score 2-0. With the first half dominated by the Academy the team were eager to build on this in the second half, however Maiden Erlegh started the second half with more tenacity and worked hard to secure more possession, this resulted in a well taken goal. The academy then had to spark into life with Michael Ogbebor working exceptionally hard in his new role at left back. The last 20 minutes of the game were a fairly even contest; only by the sheer determination of the Academy were they able apply some late pressure for Harrison Farren to convert leaving the final score 3-1 to the Langley Academy. 32 The following players represented the Academy: Harrison Clack, Manny Harlow, Jamal Chaudry, Connor Dobbyn, Michael Ogbebor, Ruyi Isere, Bailey West, Olusola Sola-Ogunniyi, Billy Baisden, Amaan Khwaja, Harrison Farren and Jojar Aujla. MFL Required ASAP - Portuguese & Polish Tutors We are looking for enthusiastic and dynamic colleagues to work in our MFL Faculty under the guidance of the Head of Faculty to enable our students to access Polish and Portuguese. For more information please email the Head of Faculty at [email protected] The Langley Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All appointments are subject to a DBS check Volunteers for the EAL Department The EAL department is looking for volunteers to work with KS3 and KS4 students. Ideal candidates should have experience working with students who have English as an additional language or an A level qualification in English (or higher). Business Studies Young Enterprise Over the past few months, a group of budding and enterprising 6th Form students have been taking part in the Young Enterprise scheme. The students have worked together to brainstorm business and have successfully started trading under their own company name. This years’ creative team came up with the idea of crafting ‘Cupcake Lampshades.’ The bright idea was sparked during a lunch break where a student happened to be eating a cupcake! The team experimented with different coloured and patterned cupcake cases – this was where the idea of personalised lampshades came into play. 33 The process of production was complicated and tiresome, to say the least. However, the late nights and hard work definitely paid off, with these lampshades becoming a new trend requested by many, from young children to teenagers and even adults. The success of the product means the students are now expanding their product range to personalised scented candles. Recently the Young Enterprise team has taken their products to trade fairs in and around Slough. Many pleased customers were astonished by the creativity and originality of the product. 34 Sensory Resource Base The Deaf@x training team ran three workshops on 11 February with the SRB students in Years 7 – 9. The main focus of the workshops was Identity. The training team has been giving deaf children, young people and adults support, training and access to new technologies since 1985. It was very interesting to spark the curiosity of the students not just about themselves but about others with a hearing impairment and we were given a glimpse into the lives of people who have opted to embrace sign language as a means of communication. The students explored and shared their own experiences and were challenged to consider their own place in life. We discovered that identity is made up from very many aspects of our lives and these all interact in order to make us who we are. Great fun was had by all and an assortment of art work was created as we explored ideas. We hope to welcome Deaf@x back in the future to undertake workshops from their range of topics. Museum Learning Arbib Carousel Throughout this term the Museum Learning Department have been working with students from Arbib House teaching tour guiding skills and curating. The students have led some excellent tours around the Museum area and have curated a case about the American Civil War. 35 Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl and Goodnight Mr Tom – Year 7 Story Museum project This term, Year 7 has been reading novels. Inspired by The Story Museum in Oxford and their 26 Characters exhibition, they are currently making their classrooms look like a scene from the book they are reading and will be curating cases in our Museum area. The project has been a great success and students have enjoyed working with staff from the Story Museum, getting inspiration from Treasure Island, deciding on objects to go into their cases and creating sound buttons to use in the Atrium. The finished displays will be up for the start of the new term, so keep a look out! Coins, a boomerang and shoes…just a few things that Year 8 has been looking at in their History Lessons Year 8 students have been able to handle real objects from Reading Museum. History lessons have used a variety of loan boxes based around the British Empire. Students got the chance to handle flags, coins and shoes and even got the chance to teach the rest of their class about them. Frankenstein As part of their study on Frankenstein Year 9 English students have visited the Hunterian Museum, Sir John Soane’s Museum and The Old Operating Theatre in London. Each Museum provided an insight into what England was like when Frankenstein was written. The students enjoyed how unusual the Museums were. 36 Not Just a Pretty Face Year 12 AS Art students have worked hard to produce a self-portrait and curate a Museum case full of objects about themselves. These went on show at the private view at the end of January. Students proudly showed off their work to family, friends and staff. The evening was a great success and the students work was very well received. Museum professionals also visited the exhibition and were very impressed at the level of work. River & Rowing Museum Year 10 PE students visited the River & Rowing Museum to learn more about the science behind rowing. They completed a number of experiments including testing the speed of different shapes of boats and spent time looking at different types of boats and sporting material in the galleries. 37 Student Councils Student Leaders – Student Councils There are numerous ways in which the students at the academy can develop and cultivate their skills and attributes via involving themselves in leadership roles within academy life. The below councils outline some of their areas of involvement and success over the first term. Charities Council Charity Christmas Boxes still a huge success. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who brought in items for their House Tutor Groups Christmas Box. Each House Tutor Group was asked to decorate and fill a box with non-perishable food items which would be donated to Slough Food Bank. The boxes were displayed under the Academy’s Christmas tree where they were judged by the Principal. The boxes were amazing and competition was the highest yet and after careful consideration this year’s winners are: 3rd place Globe 5 LSH, 2nd place Year12T4 REL, and 1st place Henley 6 MBL. Members of the Charities Council delivered the boxes during the last week of term. They were gratefully received by the Slough Foodbank who were amazed by the amount of work that students had put into decorating the boxes and received a letter of thanks. 38 Academy Recycles Christmas Cards Well done to everyone who brought in their Christmas Cards and put them in the box in the Atrium to be recycled. We were able to collect a huge amount of cards which were taken to Sainsbury’s to be sent off to the Woodland Trust to be recycled. To put this into sustainability speak: If we all recycled just one card this Christmas this would save 1,570 tonnes of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gases – the same as taking 500 cars off the road for a year. If the average card weighs 20g We recycled 12kg cards = 600 cards This = 9420000 tons of CO2 Greenhouse gasses = 300000 cars That’s excellent!!! So next year remember, don’t throw your cards away, recycle them at the Academy. Ms Brock Museum Council This term has been busy for Museum Council. We welcomed Louise West from Year 10 and Sumaiya Malik from Year 8 who have both joined. Museum Council have stepped into roles as consultants for the British Postal Museum and Archives who are hoping to open two new museums in London in the next year. The Council offered feedback about museum plans and helped the museum team to develop ideas to attract teenagers into the museum. The Council will continue working with the museum and will be evaluating their interpretation panels. Two weeks ago the Council enjoyed an action-packed trip to four London museums in one day! We visited The Guildhall Art Gallery, The Hunterian Museum, The Science Museum and the V&A. The aim of the trip was to look at different styles of museum interpretation and gain ideas about new ways of displaying objects. The trip was a great success and the students enjoyed visiting so many different museums. At The Science Museum they used iPads to test an app for exploring the museum, giving feedback to the people who had created the App. The group enjoyed this and hearing more about the new Information Age gallery from Lauren in the Audience Development team. The group also enjoyed a tour of the Fashion Galleries in the V&A. The Council are hoping to return to the South Kensington Museums in the summer to further their research. 39 Looking forward During Term 4 Museum Council are going to give Ms Barker and Ms Rose feedback on the new Museum Learning webpages on the TLA website to make sure they are appealing to students. They are also going to act as advisors to Slough Museum as they develop a new project for young people. They will also be planning another trip to London to look at more displays at the Science Museum and the V&A Museum. Ms Barker Sports Council This was yet another busy term for sport and PE, with a variety of activities and events occurring. All girls in Year 11 have been visiting Langley Leisure Centre during their PE lessons. They are now working in the gym on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. This has happened due to the demands made by the Year 11 students and has worked extremely well. Also, after a slight delay, the students in the Sports Council will be organising and running the Year 7 dodgeball league in term 4. This will happen Monday lunchtime in the sports hall, so get ready for some serious action. Recently implemented to the PE curriculum, the students in Years 7 & 8 have been very positive about the new assessment model that is being used within PE. Feedback shows that it is student friendly and shows the students what they need to do in order to make progress. And finally, congratulations to Katie Long in Year 11 who will be going to Twickenham on Saturday 14 February to unveil the rugby shirt that was designed by our students. She will also have the honour of being a mascot at the England v Italy 6 Nations game. Good luck and enjoy. Mr Elliott House and Academy Council The Academy Council has been very busy over Term 2, who continues to contribute great ideas. The Academy Council meets every Thursday to discuss the important aspects within the Academy, which have been discussed in House Council meetings (every three weeks with HOH). This term, the Academy Council have been focusing on key issues within the curriculum, what strategies engage students with the most impact on progress and how to develop wider thinking skills for enhanced learning. The students involved in both council groups have been working incredibly hard to ensure they represent the views and thoughts of ALL the students within the academy, which they feel is, represented in the changes to students lives. Mr O’Neill 40 Slough Youth Parliament All students within the Academy have been involved in the Slough Youth Parliament Election process which has been running from October 2014. This is a borough wide intervention with the intention for the youth of Slough to become more actively involved in the decision making and future direction of the local community. EVERY student had an opportunity to stand and then each House voted to have one representative from their selected House. The nominated six students then prepared a six week campaign with their cabinet, in the hope of achieving the most votes and being one of the two selected final candidates who will represent TLA on the Slough Youth Parliament. Candidates spoke in the whole academy assembly, various House assemblies, drove a poster campaign and led workshops. The final vote was taken by all students in the academy on Friday 30 January, with the results announced in a public ceremony on Thursday 5 February and we would like to say well done to ALL six candidates. The final TWO students elected were Leah Lewis and Ramsha Syeda (pictured below), so a massive congratulations to both and good luck with your new role within the community. Leah Lewis – Grace House Ramsha Syeda – Globe House 41 Joe Critcher - Arbib Junead Khan - Gaia Harleen Sandhu - Darwin Liliana Carri - Henley Mr O’Neill 42 Parent Workshops Supporting your child through KS3 Over the course of the next half term we will be running a series of workshops for parents/carers to help as they support their child through this important stage of their education. You are free to attend one or all of them and we encourage you to bring along as learning together is part of our drive in raising standards. your son/daughter Each session will last no more than 90 minutes with refreshments at the start followed by a 1 hour tutorial delivered by subject specialist staff. Two of each session will take place on a Wednesday, one during the day 13.45 – 15.15 to accommodate those who are unavailable in the evening and then the same session will be delivered later that evening from 17.45 – 19.15 for those who are unable to attend during the day. Workshop No. Focus Date 1 2 3 4 5 Maths Science Writing Reading ICT Wednesday 25 February 2015 Wednesday 4 March 2015 Wednesday 11 March 2015 Wednesday 18 March 2015 Wednesday 25 March 2015 To book a place on these workshops, please complete the reservation form by clicking on the following link Rowing 3 National medals for indoor rowers On Sunday 8 February, 12 students represented The Langley Academy at the British Rowing Indoor Championships, held at the Olympic Velopark in Stratford, London. The Olympic cycling venue had 3 banks of 30 rowing machines. Students were invited to represent the Academy if they were deemed good enough to finish in the top 30 at the championships. 43 The Langley Academy started the day with Cana Williams (left) as the only girl representing the Academy. She led off the start in the Year 7 girls’ race, an event in which Headington School had more girls competing than we had across all the age groups. At the end of the 2 minutes, Cana set a new personal best, taking the bronze medal. 20 minutes later, the Year 7 boys and the Year 8 boys raced at the same time. In the Year 7 boy’s event, 4 of the 5 boys produced personal bests, with the biggest improvement coming from Beker Ibrahim. Dev Panwar finished 19th overall, Remigiusz Chibner was 17th, Morgan Williams finished 12th only 2 meters behind Beker’s 11th. Sachin Chadda (above), however, improved his best by 4 metres to take the silver medal. This prompted a call for Cana and Sachin to have their pictures taken with Dame Di Ellis (right), who was chairman of British Rowing, to the delight of Paddy Nicoll, husband of our Sponsor and Chair to Trust, who was at the event supporting the Row To Recovery programme for injured military personnel. Meanwhile, the Year 8 boys event was taking place. Kieran Hennessy-Hunt and Donald Simbo both stretched themselves to new personal bests to finish 5th and 7th. Mikolaj Chibner (left) had won silver in the previous Year 8 event. He led his group, but was unaware that he had started too fast and let an opponent on another bank slip past him in the last of the 4 minutes, to miss another silver medal by only 1 metre, instead taking a bronze, as a boy in the third bank of machines dominated the 2nd half of the race. Roy Carlton finished 17thof the 72 entries. At the beginning of the day, Delwyn Rose (right)underwent classification for the adaptive rowing classes and was placed in the LTA (legs, trunk, arms) category, making him eligible for the Olympic events in the future. As there was no junior event offered, the 6th Former was entered into the adult category, where he finished 6th. The event was won by 2013 world champion Oli Hester. Delwyn took 26 seconds off his previous best for 1000m. 44 The only student to finish outside of the top 20 was Adam Banas (below) who had hoped his power over 30 seconds would be enough to take him through the 6 minute race. At the end of the day, the rowers met members of the GB Men’s and women’s squads. Mr Weare - Director of Rowing 45 “Look Allergen” Labelling Within the Restaurant From 13 December 2014, the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation came into force. These European rules will be enforced in the UK by the Food Information Regulations 2014 (FIR). This Legislation brings big changes to the information that food business must give to customers and you will see evidence of this in all food outlets within the UK. Over the past few months our restaurant operators, Accent Catering, have been working to implement this legislation into the catering facilities within the Academy and train the Catering team in their awareness of the requirements of this regulation. On a day to day basis the legislation has little impact on the food service as the Academy have implemented a robust system gathering allergy and food intolerance information about each and every child within the Academy on enrolment. The changes you will see is more information readily available and displayed on menus around the school. Where students help themselves to dishes, a series of “look allergen” cards have been implemented. These alert students where the product contains an allergen and this will help in assisting the students to recognise ingredients more readily not only for allergen purposes but as a general educational tool. Rohan, our Catering Manager, has a database of recipes to refer to on site to ensure all of the allergen information is documented and double checked before the dishes are served to the students and staff on site. More information about the Food Information Regulations can be found here: If you have any concerns regarding the implementation of the legislation and how it affects your child please contact the Academy directly and we can arrange to have your queries answered. 46
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