02.15.15 - Walnut Street United Methodist Church

Our purpose is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the
Our mission is to Come, Grow, Go.
Our vision is to become an Acts 2 Community, growing in love, sharing the
gospel with every person in Ross County and beyond.
(Content redacted to protect the privacy of those on the list. For more
information, please contact the church office.)
THE ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God by Mike
and Debbie Manson in loving memory of his father, Bob Manson.
THE RADIO BROADCAST is given to the glory of God by
Camille and Dave Smith.
RADIO SPONSORS: We need sponsors for the radio broadcast for
the coming year: March 15, 22; April 12, 19, 26. The cost is $85.00
weekly. This important ministry is provided to our shut-ins and
those in the community unable to attend worship each week. Call
the church office to sign up.
THE USHERS: 8:15 Julia Pierson, Roger and Jo Anne Chapin,
Suzanne Gilmore; 9:30 Tom White, Bill and Linda Jones; 11:00
Robb Moats, William Martin, Bill Squibb, Dean DiFrango, Kim
Sunday, February 15
9:30 a.m. - CornerStone Café
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School from infants to 5th grade
9:30 a.m. - Adult Sunday School Classes
10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - CornerStone Café
11:00 a.m. - Sunday School from infants to 5th grade
11:00 a.m. - Sunday School for high school and middle school
11:00 a.m. - Adult Sunday School Classes
6:00 p.m. - Youth Fellowship
6:00 p.m. - “Hole In Our Gospel” study led by Ralph and Jane Roach, Upper Rm
6:00 p.m. - Disciple Bible Study, Lounge
Monday, February 16
The church will be closed TODAY for President’s Day.
- NO Snack & Learn this evening
Tuesday, February 17
7:00 a.m. - Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, Bob Evans, Bridge St
5:00 p.m. - Stephen Ministry
6:30 p.m. - Praise Team practice
7:00 p.m. - Faith Foundation Class, study led by Larry McCoy, Lounge
Wednesday, February 18
7:45 a.m. - 20-20-20 Devotional time, with Pastor Lori.
7:45 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.—Our Chapel will be open all day today, Ash
Wednesday, for a time of prayer, devotion, and communion.
This will be your own ‘quiet’ time with the Lord with a few
reading materials provided, and the Elements provided for you
at the altar.
12:00 p.m. - Lenten Lunches begin at Trinity UMC. Lunch will be from 12
12:30. Soups and beverages are provided or you can bring your
own bagged lunch. At 12:30 everyone will go to the sanctuary
where there will be a brief worship service with scripture from
one of our local pastors.
7:00 p.m. - “Luke 4 Lent” Ash Wednesday Service we will meet at Trin
ity UM as Pastor Lori brings us a sermon, Tyler UM will pro
vide a liturgist and First UM will provide special music. We
also have available a devotional made up by the four
churches, from Luke you will use as part of your devotional
materials throughout Lent.
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Snack & Learn, Lincoln Park
7:30 p.m. - Chancel Choir Practice
Thursday, February 19
9:00 a.m. - MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers), Sanctuary and Café
Saturday, February 21
12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - The Sparkle Team Work Day. We’ll begin with a
potluck lunch. Please bring a main dish, side dish, dessert... or
all three! After lunch we then move on to the sanctuary, Main
Street entrances for cleaning. We have a few cleaning supplies,
but if you have your own supplies and tools you prefer to work
with, please bring them too.
February 15, 2015
LORI LOSSIE, Lead Pastor
PAT SWENSON, Secretary
SCOTT SMITH, Pastor Congregational Care/Adult Discipleship
MURIEL WEAVER, Choir Director
DANA WILLS, Organist
AMANDA BALLENTINE, Children’s Discipleship
BRENDA HARPER, Children’s Accompanist
VICKI NICHOLS, Stephen Minister Director
MICHELLE MORGAN, Children’s Choir Director
NOELLE MCCOY, Invitational Communications/
JILL DREWYOR, Praise Team Leader,
& Connections Coordinator
Accompanist, Congregational Gatherings
RANDA ROSSMAN, Technology Coordinator
KELLI GOTHARD, Pre-School Director
TOM WHITE, Internet Technology
MARY CARL, Business Manager
LEE SPURLOCK, Assistant To Head Custodian
KAY O’CONNOR, Assistant Business Manager
DEB LUCAS, Assistant Custodian
Church Address: 16 S. Walnut Street
Church Mailing Address: P.O. Box 509
Church Telephone: 740-775-7222
Web Site: www.WalnutStreetUMC.com
E-Mail: [email protected]
Sermons on-line:
Blended Worship Service
11:00 a.m.
“Where All Is Peace”
Traditional Worship Service
Praising the Master Contemporary Service
9:30 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
Gathering at the Cornerstone Café 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Opening Music and Announcements
“Where All Is Peace”
Rev. Scott Smith, Associate Pastor
“Canticle of Love”
hymnal pg 647
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
No. 140
“A Rock of Faith”
AgapeˊBells & Dana Wills, with Greg Smith, trumpet
No. 95
Colossians 3:1-7 (pew Bible1834)
Walnut Street Praise Team
Colossians 3:1-7 (pew Bible pg 1834)
The Message: Pastor Scott
“The Healing of two Hearts”
Walnut Street Music Praise Team
Jill Drewyor (keyboard), Dave Adams (drums), John Henricks (percussion),
Danny Hines, Debbie Rossman, Austin Drewyor, Todd Davis, Brian Towler,
(guitars), Cheryl Henricks, Dara Beinert, Jennifer Cutright, Melissa Towler,
Greg Adkins, Phil Niswender (sound), Randa Rossman, Anna Smith
“The Healing of two Hearts”
Visitors - Welcome! Here’s some info for you!
“There’s Within My Heart a Melody”
No. 380
Sign-in-Card is for members/visitors/guests: Please fill out the sign-in card in
your worship folder and drop it into the basket when it comes around. Sign-up for
studies/ministries on the back of the sign-in card.
Sunday Morning Kids/Youth: Nursery care is provided during the 9:30 and
11:00 services. Children’s programming is offered at 9:30 and 11:00 for kids
through 4th grade. Youth small groups grades 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9-12th are offered
at 11:00 on Sunday mornings.
“Praise To The Lord”
*Indicates the congregation should stand or remain standing.
Rev. Scott Smith, Associate Pastor
Chancel Choir
“Canticle of Love”
hymnal pg 647
Bill Huebner, Liturgist
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
No. 140
“A Rock of Faith”
AgapeˊBells & Dana Wills, with Greg Smith, trumpet
No. 95
Pastor Scott
“A Wonderful Time Up There”
Chancel Choir
Colossians 3:1-17 (pew Bible pg 1834)
Pastor Scott
“The Healing of two Hearts”
“There’s Within My Heart A Melody” vrs 1-4
No. 380
Sunday Morning Worship: Please come again and bring a friend!
8:15: Traditional worship with hymns
9:30: Contemporary worship with praise band
11:00: Blended worship with choir, organ and other musical selections
“There’s Within My Heart a Melody” vs 5
If you’re hurting: One of our pastors or our trained Stephen Ministers can talk
with you. Check the box on the sign-in card.
“Praise To The Lord”
No. 380
Teddy Bears: If you know of someone perhaps in the hospital or a small someone who would appreciate a teddy bear, please feel free to take one from the sanctuary. That is our gift to you!
*Indicates the congregation should stand or remain standing.
Card Description
Detailed descriptions of corresponding sign-in card
“New Beginnings” Membership Class — If you would like to become
a member of Walnut Street Church OR would like to understand the
meaning and purpose of becoming a member of the church, please attend
the membership class which will be held Sunday, March 15, 4:00 to
7:00PM. Members will be joining Sunday, March 22.
“The Hole in Our Gospel” Small Group Study — This small group
study meets Sundays at 6 pm in the Lounge. Led by Dave Smith, the
group will meet through Feb. 28.
Is our faith just about going to church, studying the Bible and avoiding the most serious sins—or does God expect more? Have we embraced
the whole gospel or a gospel with a hole in it?
Ten years ago, Rich Stearns came face-to-face with that question as
he sat in a mud hut in Rakai, Uganda, listening to the heartbreaking story
of an orphaned child. Stearns’ journey there took much more than a long
flight to Africa. It took answering God’s call on his life, a call that tore
him out of his corner office at one of America’s most prestigious corporations—to walk with the poorest of the poor in our world.
The Hole in Our Gospel is the compelling true story of a corporate
CEO who set aside worldly success for something far more significant,
and discovered the full power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to change his
own life. He uses his journey to demonstrate how the gospel, the whole
gospel, was always meant to be a world changing social revolution — a
revolution that begins with us. Stearns currently heads up
“WorldVision”, a world-wide movement to aid those in poverty.
Faith Foundation Small Group Study — The group, led by Larry
McCoy, meets Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Lounge through Feb. 17.This
study is based on the book “Christianity Explored” by Rev. Rico Tice. It
is designed to make you familiar with who Jesus was and why He is of
absolute importance to every person who has ever lived. It focuses on the
Book of Mark, which provides an accurate account of Jesus' life. The
book is a supplement to the “Christianity Explored” DVD course. In the
remaining weeks, the group will examine the death of Jesus, the meaning
of grace, and the resurrection of Jesus.
Nursery Workers — Due to two faithful volunteers relocating, we have
a gap in this wonderful Christian educational program we provide. Currently no one has stepped forward for the second Sunday each month or
the fourth Sunday each month at 9:30AM. There is also a need for substitute volunteers who can be on call at the last minute. Please contact me
[email protected] or call 740-701-2112.
‘Driven’ Youth Group 30-hour Famine — The youth of the church
are extending an invitation to join them Feb. 27, 6:30-8 pm for “hunger
awareness” games and/or Feb. 28, 5:30-7 pm for worship and the breaking of the fast with a potluck supper. Those attending Feb. 28 are encouraged to bring a dish to share. The youth are taking part in World Visions’
30-hour famine.
VBS SAVE THE DATE!! June 15-19, 2015
This is your opportunity to be one of the VBS Planning Team members. Joining the VBS Planning Team makes you part of the team
from inception to completion. We are looking for new faces and
ideas to join our existing Team. E-mail or phone Amanda Ballentine
if you want to be part of this exciting event that happens every year
at our church. Call 649.3957 or e-mail
[email protected]
Children’s Ministry: If your ministry is teaching children, we have
an opening for a rotation teacher for grades 3-5. We have an awesome group of children’s leaders with whom you would be working.
This is actually an every other month commitment. Email [email protected] or call Amanda, 649.3957
Attention All Café Servers, Greeters, Ushers & Connections
Center Staffers! Service Team Training will be held on Sunday,
Feb. 22 from 12:30-2:00 PM. (Service Teams are those volunteers
who serve in the Cornerstone Café, the Connections Center and as
Greeters and Ushers.) We are the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in
action! Our continued service to others has had a great impact here
at Walnut Street Church. But did you know serving others not only
demonstrates the love of Christ, but it helps us grow closer to Christ
and to each other? Join Noelle McCoy, the Connections Ministry
Coordinator, as we prepare our hearts for service in 2015 by equipping and recharging. All members of the hospitality service teams
(Café Servers, Greeters, Ushers & Connections Center Staffers)
are strongly encouraged to attend. Lunch and childcare provided!
RSVP by Sunday, Feb. 15 for food and childcare purposes. Contact Noelle at 614.425.2804 or [email protected]
PS: Due to budgetary constraints, this will be the only Service Team
training for 2015. Please make a special effort to join us and don’t
miss out!
Winter Snack & Learn Program: We will have Snack & Learn
each Monday (4-6:30PM) and Wednesday (6-7:30PM) in February,
with the exception of Monday, Feb. 16, which is President’s
Day. Volunteers are needed and appreciated.
Christ’s Community Kitchen will be serving dinner on February
24. Their ‘wish list’: beef broth for cooking, and cakes for dessert.
SPRING is COMING: Are you interested in becoming a ‘Yard
Bird’ for a summer of fellowship and sprucing up the outside of our
church? Please contact Glenda McCoy at 740-779-3196. We will
have our first (1) organizational meeting the first week of March to
discuss and come up with new workable ideas. Please check the box
on the sign-in card if you are interested.
Walnut Street Children's School will begin registration for the 2015-2016
school year on March 2. Walnut Street UMC members can begin enrolling
that week. Students currently enrolled at WSCS who are not church members can re-enroll beginning March 9. Registration will open to the general
public March 23.
To register your child, please pick up a 2015-2016 registration form and
drop it off at the preschool office or mailbox inside the church office along
with the $50 registration fee. Registration is first come first serve basis.
Registration forms must be completely filled out and the fee must be paid in
order to hold a spot for your child! Tuition forms and rates can be found on
the school website under the documents and forms tab.
If you have questions, please call Kelli Gothard at the Preschool,775-2525.
Okay, I found a person who can use the yarn that someone else is
giving away. However, I forgot who has the yarn! It is someone, not
here, but part of the extended family of someone here. (Pat)
The February/March Red Cross calendar has been posted downstairs. Again, Kroger is donating $2000 toward gift cards. This will
be divided between donors during a drawing at a later time. We will
be having a Red Cross Blood Drive, March 27.
WeeCare Ministry:
WeeCare has signed up to participate in “Community Days at Elder Beerman” Feb 27-28. Booklets are $5.00 each and may be purchased from Kay
Romans (8:15), Marcia Lewis (9:30) and Angie Walls or Mary Martin
(11:00). These booklets allow you to purchase a number of things at Elder
Beerman and their Home Store at a greater discount, worth considerably
more than the $5.00.
Our WeeCare Ministry provides services, counseling (diapers, baby beds,
car seats, etc., etc., etc.) to young high school girls who are pregnant or parenting teens in need, in Ross County. Our ministry has been intent on keeping these young ladies in school so they can/will finish their education. We
do this through a number of fund raisers throughout each year. Selling Elder
Beerman booklets is just one of them.
We thank you for the generous support we have always had from our
‘church family’. Although we obviously need money to run our WeeCare
Ministry, we also covet your prayers for these young people in need and
their families.
For the month of February, Greg Adkins would like to collect new
and very gently used men’s gloves for the inpatient units at the Veterans Medical Center. Many of these people do not have gloves for
when they have to move from place to place including outside. There
are also women patients at the VA for whom we could collect. However, it seems that there isn’t as much need for women’s gloves as
there are for men’s gloves. Thank you for this support. Greg
Symphony of Prayer
Youth to Participate in 30-Hour Famine
Our youth group, Driven, will be participating this year in World Vision’s 30-Hour Famine on Feb. 27-28. While our students will be
asking for donations, it is our hope that through a weekly section in
our worship folder we can help raise the awareness of world hunger.
We would also like a take a moment to invite you to join us during
our famine to get a glimpse of what it is that we are doing. Please feel
free to join us on the evening of Feb. 27 from 6:30-8:00 pm to participate in some of our “hunger awareness games” and/or join us on
Feb. 28 as we close our event with worship and breaking the fast
from 5:30-7:00 pm by bringing a potluck dish to share. If you plan to
attend one of these times please let us know by indicating on the sign
-in card or e-mailing Matt Ballentine at [email protected] We hope you can join us.
Here’s Why our Youth are Participating in the Famine:
 In 2012, more than 18,000 children younger than five died every
day around the world—most of them from preventable causes.
It’s estimated that nearly 8,000 of those deaths were tied either
directly or indirectly to hunger. That’s one hunger-related child
death about every 10 seconds.
The good news? The number is dropping. In 2011, the daily total
of child deaths was almost 19,000. In 1990 it was over 32,000,
and in 1960 it was over 54,000. So we’re making good progress,
but we still have a way to go.
Worldwide, 842 million people—about 1 in 8—are hungry. That’s
more than two and a half times the population of the United States.
Why is this number so high? Because many poor families depend entirely on what they can grow, so they’re never more than one disaster
away from hunger.
Ash Wednesday Worship Service … Don’t forget!!
Lent begins Ash Wednesday which is February 18. We will have a
joint worship service with the four (4) United Methodist Churches in
Chillicothe at 7:00 p.m. February 18 at Trinity United UM Church
with Pastor Lori preaching. This will be a wonderful kick off for the
Luke 4 Lent. Follow the small insert in your worship folder to see
what happens next!!
Sunday evening, March 1st, 6:30 p.m.
We are planning an amazing event! Our Shawnee Valley District,
which includes over 100 United Methodist Churches spanning 9 counties, will hold a prayer event on Sunday, March 1, 6:30 p.m. In each
of the 9 counties in our district, a prayer event will happen simultaneously. We are the Ross County church to hold this prayer event. This
is exciting! Folks from United Methodist Churches from all around
Ross County will gather at Walnut Street Church on this day and time
to be in prayer, and at the same time, 8 other churches will also invite
folks from their county to come and be in prayer.
Here are some words of invitation from our District Superintendent,
Brent Watson:
“I write to encourage us to take seriously God’s call upon our
lives to pray earnestly. It is my desire to see this district- pastors, laity, district staff, churches, ministries and communitiesbathed in fervent prayer and for us to join together as we intercede for the world all around us. I want us to seek after
God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength and yearn to
see his kingdom come. If that is to occur, then we need to
hold one another up in prayer and ask God to move in wonderful ways throughout this district and beyond.
I am inviting you to a significant prayer time in the life of the
Shawnee Valley District. On March 1st at 6:30 p.m., we will
gather at 9 locations throughout our 9 counties and become “A
Symphony of Prayer” as we lift our voices to God. We will hear
God’s Word spoken and be challenged to make prayer the
foundation of all we do. We will offer to God our praise, our
repentance, our petitions and our surrender to his will. We will
prayer walk throughout the host church as we learn to pray for
God’s direction in ministry and there will be time at the end of
the service for individuals to be anointed and prayed for. I am
asking you to give up your usual Sunday evening routines or
your local church’s Sunday evening service in order to join together as the Body of Christ in the particular county where you
live. I can’t think of a better witness for our counties than to
hear of us joining together to pray!
I want us to be reminded that all our best laid plans, strategies,
techniques or prescriptions fall flat on their face without first
seeking after God and becoming united with him. If we will
wait on the Lord then we will hear from heaven and will be
made one in heart, mind and vision. It is my hope and prayer
that we will be filled with a sense of anticipation as we commit
ourselves to praying together. I pray you will join with us on
March 1st in the location in your county!”
In Christ’s love, Brent Watson
From Pastor Lori: Walnut Street Church, please plan if you can to be
at Walnut Street Church at 6:30 p.m., Sunday evening, March
1st! Let’s pray!