SPRING 2015 In This Issue President’s Message As I write this message today, it may not feel like it, but Spring is just around the corner and with that brings our many outdoor programs up and running soon. President's Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Currently we are working on offering programs of interest to our residents and will continue to post everything that is available on our website www.erindalearborcreek.org. Here you will find all of our current program offerings and any other news that we feel should be shared. Program Withdrawal & Refund Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . We need your help…with the thawing of the snow, a challenge we face is the amount of debris and garbage that gets blown around all Winter. I challenge everyone, even though it is not your garbage, to please pick up and dispose of this waste where you find it instead of just letting the wind distribute it to someone else's yard. As a community association we are proud of Erindale and Arbor Creek and need your help to keep it safe and clean for all to enjoy. Evening & Weekend Babysitter’s Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Thank you for making Erindale / Arbor Creek your home. I look forward to meeting you all as you sign up and participate in our various programs for all ages. Should you feel a calling to get more involved, we are always looking for volunteers to assist with the various programs and have a few executive roles that currently remain vacant. If you are interested in learning more about any of the roles or have questions about the Erindale Arbor Creek Community association, please contact me anytime. Hang in there, Spring is coming soon. Marc Perrault EACCA President Registration Night 1 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Principal Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–11 Ken Cheveldayoff, MLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Tips for a Smooth Registration • Bring a pen. • Bring your chequebook (remember the deposit cheque for uniforms). • No one is turned away from Soccer. • Purchase the $10.00 community association membership if you’re not already a member. • Be patient, we will do our best to get you registered as quickly as possible. • Quickest way to register is to volunteer for a vacant position. If you volunteer you get to register first (where vacancies exist, they’re listed in the newsletter). • Our volunteer coordinators and directors do a fantastic job of managing the team sports programs in our area. • Your cooperation will help ensure a successful season for all players, coaches and parents. 7pm, March 3, 2015 at the Dr John G. Egnatoff Elementary School. • An annual membership fee of $10.00/household is required to participate in programs. Membership card must be presented at time of registration. A membership may be purchased at the same time as registration. EACCA honours other community association memberships. • Space in many programs is limited and registration is taken on a first-come, first-served basis. • Early registrations are not accepted and late registrations (if accepted) are subject to a late registration fee. • A parent or guardian must be present to sign waivers for children. • The EACCA reserves the right to cancel any program which does not have sufficient enrolment or if an instructor cannot be found prior to registration night. • Classes may be subject to cancellation as the schools have first priority for the use of the school facilities. Attempts to reschedule will be made but are not guaranteed. • Keep your registration form as it is your receipt for children’s programs and sports qualifying for the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit. Duplicate receipts will not be issued. Note: Canada Revenue Agency has indicated that issuing a receipt for any particular program does not guarantee the eligibility of the program for which it is issued. • Certain programs have specific policies regarding registrations, withdrawals and refunds. Please refer to that material in the newsletter and on our website at www.erindalearborcreek.org. Kindersports T-Ball and Soccer for 3 and 4 year olds Please consider volunteering as coaches are always needed. Soccer: Tuesdays from 6pm-6:45pm May 5th to June 23th T-Ball: Thursdays from 6pm-6:45pm May 7th to June 25th Watch SMF website for more details. Players will receive a team T-shirt and water bottle. The cost is $25 per activity per participant Tennis Registration will be at the March EACCA Registration Night. We are pleased to be able to present the progressive tennis program for the Spring of 2015. This program will be held outdoors weekly starting on Wednesday May 6th until Wednesday June 24th (tennis courts by Centennial Collegiate). Kindersports has limited enrolment so please ensure that you attend the registration night. We are unable to accept any late registrations. Your child must be a minimum of three years old at the beginning of the season and a maximum of four years old at the end of the season. We will not accept registrations for children who will be two years old at the beginning of the season and those turning five during the season. Please consider coaching a team during this short season, we rely on parent coaches to run these programs. No experience is necessary, just your time and energy for one hour per week. Without sufficient coaches, we will be forced to reduce the number of teams and participants. Are you interested in helping out with Kindersports? We need coaches for both T-Ball and Soccer as well as a T-Ball coordinator to help set-up for the season. Volunteer coaches can register their children ahead of the registration night with the Kindersports Coordinator. If you are interested in volunteering, or have questions, please contact Jared at 306-716-5875. Flag Football Flag Football is a fun and interactive sport open to boys and girls in grades one through eight. Registration is now available at www.saskatoonminorfootball. com and will not be offered at the EACCA March registration night. Registration will be open until April 28. Early bird registration runs from January 5 until January 31 and will be at the reduced rate of $65.00. If you would like to coach a team, and you have players who would like to join, then please sign up as a coach and create your team. Once you have created your team, you will receive a code that players can use to join your team. Please provide any notes in your registration that you may feel are important for placing your child on a team. 2¦ The season runs from early May to the end of June, with no games on the May long weekend and a final fun Jamboree at the end of the season. We will run three age groups (depending upon response) of 3-5 years, 6-8 years and 9-12 years. The sessions will run for one hour with the exception of the 3-5 year old group which will run for 45 minutes. All tennis equipment will be available for use during the program, but participants are required to wear appropriate active clothing and runners (no sandals or flip flips) and bring a water bottle. The progressive tennis program uses smaller racquets and low compression balls which makes it easier for the children to control the ball, and is played on a halfcourt or 3/4 court depending on the age group. The cost of this program is $30 per child. For further information on progressive tennis please call Wade MacBain at 306-717-1818. Outdoor Soccer Under 6 (co-ed - children born 2009 and 2010) $65 Under 8 (children born 2007& 2008) $75 Under 10 (children born 2005 & 2006) $85 Plus $50 uniform deposit cheque for U8 and U10 Late registrations (after March 31): U6: $100 U8: $115 U10: $125 U6s play once a week: Mon, Tues or Fri, 6pm or 7pm U8s play once a week: Wed, Thurs or Fri, 6pm or 7pm U10 boys play once a week: Mon, Wed or Fri, 6pm or 7pm U10 girls play once a week: Tues, Thurs or Fri, 6pm or 7pm Children’s Fitness Tax Credit Cost as a Barrier Registration fees paid by a parent for their child to participate in an eligible program of physical activity may be eligible for a non-refundable tax credit on eligible amounts of up to $500. EACCA is sensitive to the needs of families facing financial hardships, and may partially or fully fund participation fees in various activities. Subsidization is only to cover cost of program, and will not include membership to the Community Association. Subsidization is limited to 1 activity per person per session, and is available only to those who reside within our community boundaries. The Department of Finance has indicated that, in order to qualify for the tax credit, a program must be: • for a child under the age of 16; • a minimum of eight weeks duration with a minimum of one session per week; • supervised; • suitable for children; • substantially all of the activities must include a significant amount of physical activity that contributes to cardiorespiratory endurance plus one or more of: muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, or balance; and • should encourage children to strive towards at least 30 minutes of sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity per session for children under 10, and 60 minutes of sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity for children 10 and over. If you have lost your receipt for a Community Association activity, we can provide a replacement. The fee is $25. For information please contact a member of the EACCA Executive at [email protected]. Program Withdrawal & Refund Policy • All withdrawal requests must be forwarded to the Program Coordinator and not the teacher, coach or team manager. • When seeking a full refund of the program registration fees, withdrawal requests must be received by the Program Coordinator no later than one month from the date of registration or two weeks from the commencement of the program, whichever is later. • Refunds of program registration fees is at the discretion of the Program Coordinator, who may request evidence to substantiate the refund request. • Refunds for late withdrawal requests will only be approved under extraordinary circumstances, and the amount refunded will be based on the proportion of the program remaining. • If a program registration fee refund is approved, a $5 administration fee will apply. • In all cases, the EACCA membership fee is non-refundable. The Saskatoon Branch of The Kidney Foundation EVERY STEP TELLS A STORY of Canada is committed to reducing the burden of kidney disease by funding innovative research, providing education and support, and increasing public awareness of kidney health and organ donation. Saskatoon, April 26, 2015 Register now to end MS mswalks.ca 1-800-268-7582 We need canvassers for our March Drive taking place March 4-22, 2015. National Sponsors Volunteer 2 hours of your time. Call us at (306) 664-8588. ¦3 201-336 5th Avenue North Saskatoon, SK Tel: 306-651-5272 [email protected] www.larcsaskatoon.org Contact the Office for details Office Hours: M/T/F: 9am-5pm W/Th: 9am-8pm Sat:10am-2pm Child-minding is only available Tues 9am-5pm and Wed 12pm-5pm Agency Funder JOHN AVANT POND For more information contact: Community Development Branch, City of Saskatoon Phone 975-3378 or visit our web-site: www.saskatoon.ca and click on “p” for ponds. 4¦ Clip and attach this coupon to your Young Athlete Saskatchewan (YAS) 2015 summer basketball camp registration form and save $20.00 off the regular camp fee. See our 2015 summer basketball camps choices and contact information at www.yas.ca Limit one coupon per youth per registration. MUST BE USED AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. Expires July 31, 2015 ¦5 Dr. Holly Dunlop Dr. Jonida Seferi Dr. Adam Stenerson 6¦ ¦7 Dr. Élisabeth Foucault, Dr. Nadia Lypka, Dr. Ken Lypka, Dr. Jennifer Bachiu, Dr. Vy Pham, Dr. Devan Trischuk & Dr. Robbyn Dupuis OPTOMETRISTS • Eye Examinations • Refractive Surgery Consultations • Eyeglasses • Contact Lenses • New Patients Welcome #1-419 Ludlow Street (Erindale/Willowgrove) 8¦ Tel (306)956-2020 Hours Mon,Tues,Wed,Frid 8:00-5:30 Thursday 8:00-8:00 Saturday 9:00-4:00 www.familyfocuseyecare.ca www.saskatoonzoosociety.ca General Dentistry Dr. Bernard Olson Dr. Carolynn Oleksyn Dr. Tim Pierce Dr. Divya Balakrishnan “ We Welcome New Patients & Emergencies” www.sutherlanddental.ca 955-8011 Young Naturalists’ Programs Making Tracks: January 24th at 1:00 p.m. Chickadee Pishing: February 7th at 1:00 p.m. Great Horned Owl: March 14th at 1:00 p.m. Birdhouse Workshop: April 11th at 1:00 p.m. Zoo Crew PD Day Camps: March 13th: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. March 16th: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. More in May and June On-line registration open! Winter Zoo Camp: February 18th-20th: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. On-line registration open! Animal Antics Pre-school Program: Spring registration opens March 1st, 2015 Summer Zoo Camp: Registration opens March 10th for members and March 11th for non-members Pre-registration is required for most of our programs Complete information available at: www.saskatoonzoosociety.ca ¦9 Principal Points Father Robinson School ANITA ROMANOFF – PRINCIPAL DAN DENIS – VICE-PRINCIPAL The New Year has arrived and to help us stay warm we are busy enjoying many exciting adventures and learning new skills! The next several months will see students involved in skating, curling, outdoor winter sports, basketball play days and tournaments, Indoor Track Meets, School Retreats, Gym Blast, and Gr. 4-8 skiing at Wapiti. In addition, students and the teachers will be involved in classroom activities that will encourage excellence in learning. Since the beginning of the school year students have been involved in a variety of service projects to assist and support the needs within our local community of Saskatoon. During the Fall we collected boxes and boxes of canned goods for the nutrition program at St. Frances School, during the Advent Season we collected Food to support the needs of our community, collected winter clothing for children in the core neighbourhoods, adopted a family in need of gifts and food hamper, and donated toys for young children in our city. During the Lenten Season that begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 students will be involved in fundraising for developing third world countries. In addition, we will be involved in a partnership project with the Diocese of Saskatoon and the Friendship Inn. These projects will encourage students and staff to deepen their understanding about the issues of poverty and hungry and to put their learning into action. Father Robinson School is REACHING OUT TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD working toward being informed, contributing and involved global citizens! SENIOR BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The Father Robinson School Annual Basketball Tournament takes place February 25th (Boys) and February 26th (Girls). We are looking forward to a lot of excitement as senior basketball teams from Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools participate in the tournament. Good luck to all of the teams! Please drop by to cheer on our teams and enjoy the “Nutrition Positive” concession menu. FATHER ROBINSON SCHOOL INDOOR TRACK TEAM Four indoor track team is working hard as they train and participate in the many world class track meets taking place at the Saskatoon Field House. Congratulations to our indoor track team members and continued success in the upcoming meets! A huge thank you to the students, coaches and their parents/guardians for their continued support, encouragement and enthusiasm in the stands. WAPITI SKI TRIP FATHER ROBINSON SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION To further support the physical education curriculum Grade 4- 8 students will have the opportunity to participate in ski lessons and down hill skiing/snowboarding at Wapiti Ski Resort. Gr. 4, 5 & 6 students will be skiing on Thursday, March 5, 2015, while Gr. 7 & 8 students will participate in the ski/snowboard trip on Friday, March 6, 2015. We look forward to an exciting day of fun and adventure at Wapiti Ski Resort. Parents/ guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend! 2015-2016 Putting Faith in Education Thinking about Kindergarten for this Fall? It’s time to register at Father Robinson Catholic School! Our school is friendly, safe, welcoming and ready to help each of our students reach their full potential. We are located at 530 Rogers Road in the heart of the Erindale/Arbor Creek neighbourhoods. Bussing is provided for students residing in the Arbor Creek neighbourhood (0.8 km or greater walking distance). Children must be five years of age by January 31, 2016 to start Kindergarten in the 2015-2016 school year. You can register your child now. We nurture faith, encourage excellence in learning and inspire students to reach out and help others – at home and around the world. Please call 659-7200 for more information about our school, how to register or to arrange a school visit. 10¦ HAPPY LITTLE HEARTS PRESCHOOL Happy Little Hearts Preschool is a non-co-operative preschool located at Father Robinson School. Registrations are being accepted for the 20152016 school year. Registrations forms are available at the Father Robinson School main office. For any questions or if you are interested in registering your 3 or 4 year old preschool child for a wonderful learning experience please call 6597207 or email happylittleheartspreschool@hotmail. com with your name and contact information. Principal Points at Dr. John G. Egnatoff School GRADE 6 INTENSIVE FRENCH PROGRAM Father Robinson offers Gr. 6 Intensive French and the Gr. 7 and 8 Post Intensive French Program. Intensive/ Post-Intensive French is a wonderful opportunity open to all students interested in learning the French language. During the first 5 months of the Gr. 6 year, the students are exposed to the language at a higher intensity than what most Core French programs offer. Students in this program get a strong head start in acquiring a second official language. In Gr. 7 and 8 students continue to develop French language speaking, writing and reading skills that begin in the Gr. 6 Intensive French Program. The Intensive French and Post-Intensive French Program promotes active student participation in a motivating and stimulating environment through a variety of interactive instructional strategies. In a world where there is an increased global communication, travel and employment opportunity, this could be the springboard to enhance future possibilities. For more information or to register for Fall 2015 contact Mrs. Anita Romanoff, (Principal), Mr. Dan Denis, (VicePrincipal) at 659-7200 or Mrs. Lori Santoro, (Consultant of French Language Education) at 659-7082. Registration for 2015/16 Pre-registration is open to current and former families of Erindale Cooperative Preschool. Pick up your pre-registration package outside the preschool classroom on the following dates: Wednesday, March 4th 9:00-9:30am & 1:00-1:30pm Thursday, March 5th 9:00-9:30am & 1:00-1:30pm Friday, March 6th 9:00-9:30am We invite new families to join us for: Open House & General Registration: Thursday, March 19th, 7:00-9:00pm Open House: 7:00-7:30pm Registration: 7:30-9:00pm Erindale Cooperative Preschool Classroom, Dr. John G. Egnatoff School Phone: (306)-683-8361 Email: [email protected] erindalecooperativepreschool.ca ¦11 E A C C A Executive 2015 We are here for you, but please be considerate no phone calls after 9pm. Thank you. Name Executive Position Phone Colette Adult Programs 249-1188 Joelle Adult Programs 242-1469 Curtis & Shanna Basketball 664-7269 Kara Children/Youth Programs 652-2013 Karen Children/Youth Programs 955-5653 Aaron Communications Newsletter 649-2170 Shauna Communications Website 717-0400 Harold Dr. John G. Egnatoff Liaison 683-7190 Claudine & Chris Equipment 280-8066 Mihai Facilities Coordinator 242-3578 Kimberley Football Coordinator 242-9830 Koren Football 230-8487 Angela Football 665-6647 Anita Fr. Robinson Liaison 659-7201 Jared Kindersports 716-5875 Leanne Membership 249-9042 Tim Park Development 477-5635 Marc President 262-4655 Scott President Outgoing 664-9415 Trent Rink Coordinator 249-1748 Jason Rink Coordinator 290-1674 Troy Rink Coordinator 249-1645 Marieke Saskatoon Community 975-2952 Consultant Jennifer Secretary 477-7441 Matt Soccer Coordinator 850-0684 Rochelle Soccer Under 8 242-0772 Jaimee Soccer Under 6 612-0047 Shannon Soccer Under 10 931-2145 Jasleen Softball Coordinator 374-5042 Wade Tennis 717-1818 Shu Treasurer 242-8768 Paul Vice-President 955-6512 April Community Liason Officer Saskatoon Police Services 975-8032 Janet Citizen Patrol-Recruiter 974-1452 Cara Citizen Patrol-Scheduler 652-2314 12¦ EACCA Evening & Weekend Babysitter’s Directory If your son or daughter would like to be included in the directory, please contact [email protected]. Note: The EACCA does not endorse or recommend any of the Sitters listed in this directory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Name Danielle Alita Mackenzie Vanessa Gabrielle Taylor Kyle Tobi Jayda Melissa or Megan Tyson Karlee Jordan Harrison Brooklyn Kaitlyn G. Carter Chanelle Christal Paige & Carter Krista Maggie Alexa and/or Shae-Lynn Erica Tessa Kate Emma M/F F F F F F F M F F F Phone 665-6647 668-1028 373-7988 652-5377 668-2283 242-2533 978-2076 652-4255 382-5121 665-6340 M F M M F F M F F F/M F F F 979-0222 955-0538 652-1979 978-5212 242-7483 978-7903 665-8759 955-2390 683-1933 665-8759 978-5727 668-0187 978-4318 F F F F 292-3830 384-4499 955-7103 955-6512 E A C C A Newsletter Advertising Rates Business Card $47.00 (35/8"w × 2"h) 1/4 page $87.00 (35/8"w × 5"h) 1/2 page $162.00 (35/8"w × 101/2"h or 73/4"w × 5"h) Full page $310.00 (73/4"w × 101/2"h) Ads must be supplied electronically or as “camera ready” artwork. Camera ready means providing us with a black and white ad, at the exact size listed above. If you have an existing ad and it requires a small copy change, there will be a fee charged for this. Design services are available at extra cost. Distribution: The Erindale Arbor Creek Newsletter is published four times per year. It is delivered to all homes in Erindale and Arbor Creek. The newsletter can be found on our web site at www.erindalearborcreek.org and at the following locations: Alice Turner Branch Library, Dr. John G. Egnatoff School, Father Robinson School, Mac’s Convenience Store, Ken Cheveldayoff MLA Office, and Lakeview Civic Centre. Contact: Any question on the above information please contact the Communications Director: [email protected] E A C C A Name Childcare Directory Address Phone No. Age Range Available 122 Hinitt Place 955-2168 Newborn & up FT/PT/B&A School, Licensed Group Childcare Home 607 Bornstein Cres 249-0546 6 mos to 12 yrs 974-1966 Ages 1-12 Adaskin Cove 110 Innes Court Hurley Crescent 652-0879 933-3347 270-8220 12 mos & up Ages 18 mos – 12yrs 6 mths & up FT/PT Note: licensed, subsidies available Open 7.30am–5.30pm FT/PT before & after school lunch hour Before and after school, Kindergarten spots available 7.30 am-5.00 pm FT/PT Buckwold Cove 244-5239 Ages 6 mos & up FT/PT/Casual/Before and after school, Lunches Herminia Juta 630 Beckett Cres 249-3021 Jennifer Jacobs Janzen's Family Dayhome Kelly Cole Kathy Littlechilds Little Angels Daycare Sheala Little Stars Daycare Angela Moir Lorrie Isbister Lylia Williams #15 402 Berini Dr 651-2218 18 months School Age Ages 5 and up Available FT/PT, Before & After School , Licensed – Subsidy available Before & after school, Lunch hour 376 Birch Crescent 931-4086 2-6 yrs FT 6.30am - 6.30pm, 3 spaces available 110 Kenderdine Rd. 406 Nelson Road 955-8313 380-0724 Budz Crescent 652-0059 Infant and up 6 mths-4 yrs 6 months & up Full Time Spots FT/PT FT/PT, quality care, great rates FT/PT, casual, b/f & after school, lunch Licensed Dayhome 167 Rogers Rd 665-6647 Infant & up FT/PT/Casual/Before & after school, Lunch hour 315 Bentham Cres. 263 Kucey Terrace 514 Hogg Crescent Saskatoon, SK 249-3001 384-9620 Infant and up Infant – School age FT/PT FT/PT *busing to schools 241-9174 Infant and up Full-time or Part-time, Casual, before and after school Marlene Wasyluk (RN Nurse) 526 Kerr Road 651-4166 Ages 1 and up FT/PT before and after school care available, on bus route to school. Medy Collett 303 Bentham Cr. 955-8159 1 year & up FT/PT/Casual, Before & After school, Lunch hour Melanie Myers 286 Greaves Court 249 –9005 Age 1 and up Pamela Pattenden 1231 Kerr Rd 612-0826 12 mths–8 yrs Ages 1 and up full time and part time FT/PT/Casual (summer) 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Mon–Fri 107 Bentham Crescent 668-2683 Infant & up (Willowgrove) 978-4055 All Ages 219 Zary Road 430 Kenderdine Road 3 mths-12yrs Ages 5+ 719 Kerr Road 974-4243 382-2057 955-4931 652-3750 Infant and up Shirley Duran 762 Cowley Road 249-3065 Infants & up Stephanie Grzybowski Kenderdine Road 249-3479 Any Age Tabatha Bodie 403 Kerr Place 384-0805 Ages 6 mos – 12yrs Tanya Peters The Wright Daycare Cathy Turriff Beckett Cres. 979-4967 Ages 1 and up. 503 Wright Terrace 343-7604 18 months+ 934 Kenderdine Rd. 931-4174 Auntie & Uncle’s House Licensed Group Childcare Home, Patty & Darryl Stolmar Bonnie’s Daycare Bonnie Cuthbertson Brenda Villena Daycare Dee’s Daycare Doris Gutzer Doreen Moe Helping Hand Childcare Elaine Blanchette Marita’s Day Carehome Precious Moments Daycare Rugrats Childcare Brandi Samina Zia Sarah’s Dayhome Shannon Sherry Kozoriz Wendy’s Childcare [email protected] Full availability Open 5:30am to 9pm [email protected] FT/PT/Casual, Before & After school Before & after school Full and 3/4 time F/T and P/T FT /PT /Casual / Licensed – subsidy available, 7 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Casual weekday evenings/Casual weekend evenings Government licensed childcare. Transportation is also available to and from school. FT/PT/Casual/Before & After school, Lunch hour. FT/PT FT/PT positions avail. Teacher – lots of age approp. activities. Small number of children FT/PT Quality care/First Aid – Great rates Lots of park time and crafts Any childcare provider in the Erindale/Arbor Creek area who would like to be listed in the childcare directory (or for changes to a current listing), please contact newsletter@erindalearborcreek@org. Note: The EACCA does not endorse or recommend any of the daycares or day homes listed in this directory. The directory is open to any childcare provider in the Erindale/Arbor Creek area and is provided as a community service for your information only. ¦13 GREETINGS FROM YOUR SASKATOON SILVER SPRINGS MLA – KEN CHEVELDAYOFF “Working on your behalf to make Saskatchewan the best place to live, work and raise a family.” As we begin to celebrate Spring, let me begin by saying how grateful I am for the opportunity to represent such an incredible group of people in Saskatoon Silver Springs. There is no doubt that Saskatchewan people are our greatest strength. When I think of the values that built this province, I think of neighbours helping neighbours, particularly in the time of need. Volunteerism, such as the work done by EACCA is what makes us proud to be from this community. I look forward to the privilege of attending many exciting events throughout the year. Please watch for details of our annual “Picnic in the Park” coming up in June. The picnic at the Forestry Farm is a great opportunity to meet people in our constituency and enjoy great food and fabulous entertainment. Watch your mailbox for details. I look forward to hosting you and your family at the picnic. Our work to keep Saskatchewan strong continues. Our government has a balanced budget, lower provincial taxes and a growing population. Growth has given us the ability to invest in schools, which is evident in our community as we anxiously await the opening of the joint-use Willowgrove and Holy Family School. We are looking forward as well to the construction of another joint-use school in Evergreen. Our government continues to invest in health care, hospitals and highways. Since 2007, Saskatchewan has welcomed 400 doctors, 2600 more nurses and 750 more people working in a growing number of long-term care facilities. We will work hard to make improvements that directly impact you and your family members. Together, we’ve accomplished so much. Today, Saskatchewan is home to a strong economy and a growing labour market that will have an estimated 95,000 job opportunities by year 2017! For the first time in a generation, many of our young people are staying in Saskatchewan to further their education and begin their careers. Our government, under the capable leadership of Premier Brad Wall is doing our part to encourage that: • Under the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship, every high school graduate who attends a post-secondary institution in Saskatchewan can now receive $500 per year to a maximum of $2,000. • Since 2007, over 50,000 post-secondary graduates have taken advantage of the Graduate Retention Program; tuition rebates of up to $20,000 for graduates who remain in Saskatchewan. • SaskCareers.ca, Saskatchewan’s new career development website, is a great new tool to help students learn about the growing number of opportunities in our province. It is designed to connect them with employers for in-demand career and to help educate, train and develop a highly-skilled workforce, which is a key goal of the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth. The integrated site will meet the career planning needs of all Saskatchewan residents from kindergarten to retirement, with an initial focus on youth. An integral piece within the site is an innovative career planning took that allows students to investigate career and post-secondary opportunities, set career goals, develop an educational plan and track their progress. Each student can customize their plan, both in high school and beyond to best fit their specific career interests and future goals. I am proud to be part of the tradition of family, friends and community spirit that is so evident in our growing and vibrant community. We will embrace challenges and with your input, will continue to build on the solid foundation provided by our Plan for Growth. It is an honour and a privilege to serve you. In closing, I express my sincere thanks to each of you for your continued support and all you do to make our constituency a better place. Best wishes to you and your families for a happy, healthy and fun filled spring and summer! Enjoy the many activities our community offers. Sincerely, Ken Cheveldayoff, MLA Saskatoon Silver Springs 1106A Central Ave, Saskatoon, SK S7N 2H1 Phone: 306-651-7100 Fax: 306-651-6008 Email: [email protected] 14¦ MARIA MONTESSORI SCHOOL A QUALIFIED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL Age 2 to Grade 8 Contemporary Montessori Education Beautiful classrooms Low student/teacher ratio Ongoing registration Extended care programs available To learn more Phone 306-955-3852 email [email protected] visit www.montessorisaskatoon.ca 3035 Preston Avenue South Saskatoon, SK S7T 1C2 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR MORE from FREE Everyday Banking Ask us about our No Fee Account Deposit cheques from your smartphone TCU Financial Group is a proud supporter of EACCA Using Deposit Anywhere™ through our Mobile App [email protected] tcufinancialgroup.com Deposit and Cash Services Open Late and Six days a Week Regina (306) 546-7800 2615 E Quance Street 4500 Rochdale Boulevard Saskatoon (306) 651-6500 2311 Arlington Avenue 307 Ludlow Street 3130 Preston Avenue S DEPOSIT ANYWHERE is a trademark of Central1 Credit Union. TCU Financial Group is a licensed user. Extended Account Manager Hours Monday - Friday - 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday - 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. NOW OPEN! Stonebridge Branch 3130 Preston Ave Saskatoon ¦15 EXPERIENCE MATTERS! Whether Buying, Selling or Building...Call Us. SASKATOON Joanne Cross 221-3560 Jody Cross 230-2666
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