Saint Therese Parish 120 Monroe Avenue • Cresskill, N.J. 07626 201-567-2528 Website: Facebook: SERVED BY THE CARMELITES: Fr. Samuel Citero, O. Carm., Pastor Fr. Patrick McMahon, O. Carm., Parochial Vicar Fr. Joseph McGowan, O. Carm., In Residence Deacon Anthony Porcaro, T. O. Carm. MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Evening at 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 AM Weekdays: 8:30 AM Holy Days: 7:00 PM Vigil; 8:30 AM, 12:00 Noon BAPTISMS: Please contact the parish office shortly after your child is born for the necessary information concerning our schedule of baptisms and instructional sessions. MARRIAGES: Please contact the parish office one year in advance. CONFIRMATION & YOUTH/YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: 201-567-2528 PARISH STAFF: Ms. Gina Marie Loiacono, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Lois Pagnozzi, Director of Religious Education Mr. Adrian Soltys, Director of Music & Liturgy Mrs. Therese A. Higgins, Principal Mrs. Eileen Walsh, Assistant to the Principal Ms. Sharon Rabbitt, Business Manager RITE OF PENANCE: Saturday at 4:00-4:30 p.m. Appointments for Confession at other times can be made by calling the parish office. R.C.I.A. : Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Process of Catholic Formation. Please call the parish office for information. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9 AM to 5 PM (Closed for lunch 12 to 1 PM) ACADEMY OF ST. THERESE PARISH OFFICE: REL. ED. OFFICE: 201-568-4296 201-567-2528 201-567-4781 February 22, 2015 Page Two those among us who are sick and in need of our prayers: SAT. 5PM Bill Joyce, req. Connie Donnelly 5PM Anthony Poggi, req. his wife, Irene & Family SUN. 7:30 9:30 9:30 11:30 11:30 For the People of the Parish Robert and Rita Ripke, req. their daughter, Denise Ripke Nancy McPartland, req. Ed and Mary Ann Naso Carmela Citero, req. Richard & Joan Hebert Audrey Hecken, req. Joan & Paul Berberick MON. 8:30 8:30 Edo Barzelatto, req. the Lamastra Family Gary Mioli, req. the Milionis Family TUE. Jane McCormick, req. the Lang Family Mary Paoloni, req. Rita & Bushra Mina 8:30 8:30 WED. 8:30 8:30 Gerard Winters, req. the Griffenkranz Family Ginny McCarthy, req. Louise Karach THU. 8:30 Mr. William Joyce, req. Women’s Bible Sharing Carmela Citero, req. Women’s Bible Sharing FRI. 8:30 8:30 Enrique Perez, req. Gino & Carmen Pagnozzi Gary Mioli, req. the Tracy Family SAT. 5PM Stephanie Severino, req. Barbara & Martin Vitale 5PM Vincent Cesaretti, req. his children, Camille Berardi, Jean and Ed Willcox SUN. 8:30 7:30 9:30 9:30 11:30 11:30 For the People of the Parish Maus & Passano Families, req. the Passano Family Marianne Strohmeyer, req. Mary Clancy Barbara Bianco, req. the Schmetter Family Nancy McPartland, req. the Oates Family SARKIS ARSLANIAN VIRGINIA BARBAGALLO JOHN BATESCO GEORGE BRAESKE CALVIN BROKAW EDWARD BROPHY ED BURKE DEIDRE BYRNE CHARLES CASTLE CATHERINE COLLINS FRANK D’ANDREA VIVIAN D’ERASMO DOLORES DE SANTI EILEEN DONOVAN JAMES DE STENO LILLIAN ELLIOTT COSTINTINO FAUSTINI JOAN FLEMING DOROTHY FORBES JOHN FOSTER KYLE GERAN PAT GERAN OLE JOHANSON BABY KAYLA BUNNY KEELER ANDREW KOVACH BILL LEE CAROL LONG CHRIS LORA ANN MARSIGLIANO TIMMY MC DONNELL STEPHANIE MC NAMARA MICHAEL MICHELLE PRELO RUTH NICASTRO MARIE POCHINI BOB PRINCE JESSIE RACYN RINA ROMANELLI RALPH ROTUNDA WENDY RUGGIERO BEVERLY SCHWAB ELAINE SEMAN CECILE SICARI ERIKA SPADACCINI DONNA SPINA KATHLEEN TENNANT GLORIA & RONALD THOMAS NORMAN TRASS ISABEL VITELLARO FLORENCE WILKIN DOT WILLIAMS JOHN WOERNER NANCY WYMER For our loved ones who have died, especially Kenneth Laude and Larry Hammond, that they may be at peace with God. Minister Schedule for Feb. 28/Mar. 1 Eucharistic Ministers: 5:00 PM: Nancy Bandini, Glenn Bickford, Regina Bickford Ann Dempsey, Brittany Gibb, Ronnie Hartmann 7:30 AM.........Mary Clark, Peter DeVries Anne Diggins, Joe Donnelly 9:30 AM: Andy Naso, Ed Naso, Mary Ann Naso Carolee Parisi, Kathleen Passano, Stephanie Petriello 11:30 AM: Eric VanSteenburg, Kathy Bradler, Barry Dineen Eileen Donovan, Maureen Duffy, Jean Early THE SACRAMENTAL WINE and BREAD offered at the Masses this week were donated in Loving Memory of George La Cognata, requested by his wife, Angelina. THE SANCTUARY LAMP is lit at all the Masses this week in Loving Memory of Vincent Cesaretti, requested by his children, Camille Berardi, Jean and Ed Willcox. This week’s collection: 5:00 PM..................Maryanne Sullivan, Lenore Liebeskind 7:30 AM..................Nicholas Tauro 9:30 AM..................Academy Students 11:30 AM................Norm Nilsen, Joan Hebert *********************************************************** Servers: 5:00 PM..................Daniel Cetera, Zachary Cetera 9:30 AM.................Richard Ardizzone, Zeida Ben-Fredj Weekly Collection Our week’s goal is: ********************************************************** Lectors: $15,300.00 Regular $8,775.00 Assessment $ 79.00 Total: $8,854.00 Thank you for your generosity! Travelling Therese week of March 1 The next parishioner to receive the statue of of St. Therese is Ray Keim. First Sunday of Lent Page Three Letter from the Pastor Dear Parishioners, On Ash Wednesday we began our Lenten pilgrimage. The difference between a pilgrimage and a vacation (which we could all use) is that it is going where God wants us to go, not necessarily where we want to go. Characteristic of a pilgrimage is that it is often filled with surprises. Sometimes the surprises are easy to take and sometimes they are not. Jesus in today’s Gospel begins his desert pilgrimage. I am sure he was surprised by the temptations he encountered. Like Jesus we keep our eye on the prize and do all we can to remain faithful to God and never lose sight of who we truly are. We might have expectations of ourselves for this Lenten pilgrimage. Hopefully we can stay open to what God has in store for us and let go of what we have planned for ourselves. In the weeks ahead let us pray for one another. Let us walk with one another and allow God to test us, surprise us, and touch our hearts in such a way as to allow us to become a new creation when at last we celebrate the feast of his resurrection. To Help Make Your Lent Better Good News for those who enjoyed the Father Barron series on Catholicism—Father Barron also has a series Untold Blessings: Three Paths to Holiness. Father Pat will show these in the parish center after the 8:30 AM Mass on Mondays: February 23, March 9, and March 23. Plan on joining us now…. And: For those who missed the original Father Barron Series on Catholicism, we have a parishioner who is willing to host a group in her home on Tuesday Evenings in Lent. Space is limited to 8 participants. If you are interested, please call Father Pat at the Church Office. Taize Prayer will be held on all the Tuesday eve- Fr. Sam nings in Lent at 7:00, with the exception of March 24th--our Communal Penance Service at 7:30pm at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. A priest will be available for confessions during Taize Prayer. From the Pastoral Associate's Desk Stations of the Cross will be celebrated in our With Love, A very big THANK YOU goes out to all who helped to make sandwiches to feed our homeless brothers and sisters. It was a bitter cold night in NYC and I want to thank all the teens and adults, (Ms. Kathy O’Leary and Mr. Barry Dineen) for taking time to serve. We were thrilled to be able to warm the hearts and bellies of so many. A special shout-out to our St. Therese Girl Scouts who wrote such wonderful, heartfelt messages on the lunch bags. Together all of us worked as the hands and feet of Jesus that night! Our first Parish Mardi Gras party was a great success! Thank you to all who came out and brought so many delicious goodies for all to share. It was a great night of fellowship and a wonderful way to start our Lenten season. Please mark your calendars and “Save the Date” for the following special events: April 2nd Lenten Lock-In for all High School and College Teens! April 18th Our Parish Wide “Service/Outreach” Day, followed by an appreciation BBQ. July 19-24 Summer Mission Trip (Work Camp) for High School teens & Adult Chaperones. Blessings for a wonderful Lenten season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving which I pray will help all of us to journey more deeply into the heart of the paschal mystery of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection! Gina Marie church on all the Friday evenings of Lent at 7:00; however on Good Friday it will be at 3:00pm. The Living Stations of the Cross will be held on Friday, March 27th at 7:00pm in the Church. Communal Penance Service The combined parish communities of St. Therese and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel will celebrate our Lenten communal penance service on Tuesday, March 24th at 7:30pm at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Tenafly. Music Ministry St. Therese’s Music Ministry is always accepting new members! Please consider joining either of our two ensembles and praise God through the beautiful medium of music. We have a lot of fun! The Adult Choir (age 18+) meets on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm and provides music for the 11:30 am liturgy on Sunday. The Folk Group (7th-12th graders) meets on Thursdays from 8:00-9:30 pm and provides music for the 9:30 am liturgy on Sunday. See Adrian at the organ/piano for more information or just to say “hi”!
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