Chandos Street, Winchcombe, GL54 5HX. Clifton Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered. Charity No: 233977 Also serving St Michael’s Shared Anglican-Roman Catholic Church, Bishops Cleeve, GL52 8BA Parish Priest: Rev. Peter Slocombe - Phone: 01242-602412 Mobile: 07973231523 Email: [email protected] Parish Deacon: Rev. Peter Doran Phone 01242 609328 Email: [email protected] FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT [YEAR B] PSALTER WEEK 1 AND PROPER OF THE SEASON Monday 23rd Weekday of Lent NO MASSES Tuesday 24th Weekday of Lent St Michael’s Rosary 9.10am St Michael’s Mass 9.30am St Joseph’s Mass 10.00am Wednesday 25th Weekday of Lent St Joseph’s morning Prayer 9.10am St Joseph’s Mass 9.30am St Michael’s Stations of the Cross 6.00pm CENTENARY YEAR 1915 - 2015 THIS WEEKEND 21st & 22nd February 2015 Saturday Vigil Mass 5.30pm [Pro Populo] St Michael’s, Bishops Cleeve Sunday Masses 9.00 am St Joseph’s, Tewkesbury [John Haley RIP] 11.00 am St Nicholas, Winchcombe Deanery Pastoral Council Meeting 7.30pm Hosted at St Joseph’s All parishes represented The Word - First Sunday of Lent Thursday 26th Weekday of Lent St Michael’s Morning Prayer 9.10am Mass 9.30am [Genesis 9:8-15] The first reading speaks of God’s covenant with Noah after he had saved him from the waters of the flood. Friday 27th Weekday of Lent Family Fast Day [Envelopes available] St Joseph’s Morning Prayer and Stations of the Cross 9.30am St Nicholas Stations of the Cross 9.30am Mass 10.00am Lent Lunch for Charities 12 noon - 1.30pm Guide Hall, Winchcombe Saturday 28th Weekday of Lent St Joseph’s Morning Prayer 9.10am Mass 9.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation 10.00am at St Joseph’s On call at St Nicholas 6.30pm St Michael’s SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT [YEAR B] PSALTER WEEK 2 AND PROPER OF THE SEASON Vigil Mass St Michael’s (Saturday) 5.30pm Sunday 1st St Joseph’s Mass 9.00am St Nicholas’ Mass 11.00am [1 Peter 3: 18-22] In the second reading Paul refers to the flood waters experienced by Noah and explains that the water is a type of the baptism - a pledge to God. [Mark 1: 12-25] Here Jesus is tempted by Satan, and the angels looked after him. Diocesan Prayer Link Thornbury - Christ the King Wotton Under Edge - Holy Cross NOTICES FOR THE COMING WEEK CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY - COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY The cornerstone of CAFOD’S income is the funding they receive from the Catholic community who help transform thousands of lives. As a member of Caritas International Federation, CAFOD plays a vital role in the world’s largest network of relief and development. Please pray during this week for the vital work CAFOD does, and take an envelope today for Family Fast Day on Friday this week. PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES DURING LENT Stations of the Cross Each Friday at 9.30am in St Joseph’s, each Friday at St Nicolas at 9.30am and each Wednesday at Saint Michael’s BC at 6.00pm [done ecumenically]. A Lent course in Winchcombe The 5 weekly prayer sessions begin at Encounter on Monday 23rd February [7.15pm for 7.30pm start] and at the Methodist Church on Thursday 26 February at 2.00pm. Lenten Alms giving - boxes will be placed in St Joseph’s and St Nicholas for collections enabling the Bishop to help charities that approach him. There will be a “Bring and share” coffee morning at St Joseph’s after Exposition each Saturday [excluding 7th March] and the St Joseph’s Parish Quiz. [see item below]. Lenten Lunches - every Friday during Lent at 12noon until 1.30pm in Winchcombe Guide Hall in High Street, organised by Winchcombe Churches together. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CLASS Please could all parents note that the next meeting for our children takes place next Sunday, 1st March at 3pm - 4pm in the Presbytery at Winchcombe. This session is entitled ‘The Eucharist is about celebrating’ 200 CLUB - FEBRUARY WINNERS: 1st Prize £30 - Barbara Murphy, 2nd prize £20 - Peter Doran, 3rd prize £10 - Pat Nolan PARISH PROJECT - JUSTICE AND PEACE CAFOD GROUP Tuesday 3rd March 7.30pm in St Nicholas Meeting Room. This is an opportunity to discuss the previously proposed twinning with the parish in Bo, Sierra Leone. All those involved so far please do support but this meeting is open to ALL parishioners. ST NICHOLAS CENTENARY - PARISH CELEBRATIONS AND FUND RAISING Please see our notice board for latest updates on our planned celebrations - there are some changes!! We now urgently need a small group of volunteers to coordinate the centenary meal e.g. make some of the decisions about the running order etc and sell tickets. We are not asking anyone to set up or serve at table! If you would like to be involved in making the day as successful as possible, please add your name to the list at the back of the church today. With regard to the building works, basic costs for the new altar, and ambo and reordering of the sanctuary have been met. We have received a generous donation towards carpeting - the full cost of which will be about £3,000. We will, however, need to redecorate the sanctuary following the works and are currently awaiting an estimate. A special donation box is now placed at the back of the church for your donations to this final part of the work. Please be generous and let’s finish the job well. PREPARATORY WORK FOR THE SYNOD ON FAMILY LIFE - MAKE YOUR VIEWS KNOWN! For those who took a survey sheet last week - please post your completed form in the blue and yellow box at the back of the church so responses can be forwarded to the Diocesan Coordinator. More (expanded) forms are available this week. If you wish to respond on line, please visit Pope Francis has called together the Rome Synod which our Bishops are attending in October. It is most important that parishioners respond by Pentecost at the latest. PARISH FUND RAISING EVENTS - PLEASE GIVE YOUR SUPPORT Please make a note that on 14th March a Coffee morning will be held in the Guide Hall, Winchcombe, 9.30 - 12 noon. Please consider baking to support this event. On 16th May a Square Dance will be held in at St Michael’s Hall, Bishops Cleeve at 7.00pm. Tickets will be available soon. The Fund Raising Group also request donations for the Easter Raffle and any suitable tombola prizes or bric a brac items are welcome. Please leave anything you have in the box at the back of the church. CHELTENHAM INTERFAITH - MONDAY FEBRUARY 23RD 7.30PM Dr Chris Hewer, Lecturer on Christian-Muslim relations will give a talk on ‘Understanding Islamic Issues in the News’ at the Friends’ Meeting House, Warwick Place (off Portland Street) Cheltenham. Entrance fee £2 for non-members. THE NEWMAN ASSOCIATION - AN EVENING TALK BY REV CANON RICHARD ATKINS In the Lounge of Sacred Hearts Parish Hall, Charlton Kings Tuesday 3rd March, 7.45pm. All welcome. Visitors’ Admission £3.00. CHERNOBYL CHILDREN’S LIFE LINE, TEWKESBURY Organisers are looking for host families for this year’s children aged 10-11 years. Host families would look after 2 children for 2 weeks from 4th-18th July or alternatively 18th Jul-1st August. Further information from Mike Darby on 01242 675915. Next Sunday CAFOD Lent Fast Day Collection - Please take an envelope today
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