FEBRUARY 22, 2015 THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT The Covenant Community of Jesus the Good Shepherd 1601 West Mount Harmony Road, Owings, Maryland 20736 Office: (410) 257-3810 * Fax: (410) 257-6334 Email: [email protected] * Website: www.ccjgs.org Sister Parish – Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Diocese of Jeremie, Haiti Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 & 10:45 AM; 5:00 PM Sunday Nursery 7:45 AM-12:15 PM (Please, no children in nursery without an adult) 7:30 AM Monday-Friday (Chapel) Daily Mass: Saturday Morning 8:00 AM (unless otherwise noted in bulletin) Reconciliation/Penance: Sat 3:30-4:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration Every Thursday 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Sign up outside the Chapel) If you have young children your thoughtful use of the Quiet Room during Mass is appreciated Cardinal Hickey Academy Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Griffith * * * * ** JGS Follows following SNOW POLICY** Calvert County schools close early; ALL evening activities CANCELLED! Calvert County schools delayed; morning Mass is at 8 AM. School closed; no morning Mass. Allows time to clear sidewalks/parking lots. Changes in Sunday Mass or Children’s Faith Formation will be recorded and on the website 410-286-0404 · 301-812-0404 · Fax: 410-286-6334 www.cardinalhickeyacademy.org WELCOME! NEW TO OUR PARISH? - Please come to Hospitality in the Centre. We want to know you! New members’ meetings are usually held the second Sunday of the month giving you the opportunity to learn about our vision as a community, its ministries and register as a member. Registration is required of every Catholic in a parish and gives the parish an idea of the number of participating Catholics. It also allows a parish to extend courtesies to members such as letter of sponsorship, recommendations, etc. RCIA – We welcome adults interested in becoming Catholic. [email protected]. Please contact Fr. Mike King at 410-257-3810 x20 or BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS - Usually held the third Sunday of each month following the last morning Mass. Baptisms are held on Sunday after the last morning Mass. Please call the church office to schedule. Parents of the child to be baptized must be registered members of JGS. We welcome you to a New Members Meeting in advance. A Catholic godparent must be a registered and practicing Catholic, confirmed in writing by one’s proper pastor. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY - We rejoice with members who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. We encourage couples to contact our office at least one year in advance; otherwise, dates cannot be guaranteed. Please do not set a date before making Church arrangements first. Dates for weddings can never be arranged before a preliminary meeting. MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the Roman Catholic Parish of the Covenant Community of Jesus the Good Shepherd, have chosen to serve the Lord by evangelizing through the virtues of Hospitality, Spirituality and Stewardship.” Dear Community Members, JGS Staff Pastor Rev. Michael J. King 410-257-3810 x20 [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Katie Evans 410-257-3810 x24 [email protected] Weekend Clergy Rev. Kenneth Boyack, CSP [email protected] Events/Covenant Creek Centre Mrs. Kim Addison 410-474-2258 [email protected] Deacon Chad Martin 410-257-3810 [email protected] Fields, Gym & Pavilion Mrs. Theresa Mills 410-257-3810 x25 [email protected] Deacon Eric Mueller 410-610-3844 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Mrs. Laura Cleary 410-257-3810 x10 [email protected] Adult Faith Formation (AFF) Sister Eileen Clinton, I.H.M. 410-257-3810 x14 [email protected] Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) Mrs. Cynthia Wagenhofer 410-257-3810 x18 [email protected] Secretary/Shepherd’s Cove/ Calendar Coordinator Mrs. Sheryl Fischer 410-257-3810 x15 [email protected] Business Manager Mrs. Pamela Huseman 410-257-3810 x36 [email protected] Mrs. Kim Addison 410-257-3810 x18 [email protected] Youth Ministry/Confirmation Mrs. Julie Gartrell 301-855-0492 x26 [email protected] Lent is upon us and once again we follow Jesus into the desert for 40 days of fasting and prayer: Our Lenten journey helps teach us much-needed spiritual discipline. It takes real discipline to follow our faith. Fasting – and Lent – help us to be stronger. We hear in today’s Gospel about the temptations that Jesus Himself experienced – certainly, if Jesus experienced such, we can expect the same in in our lives. The Lenten disciplines of fasting, prayer and almsgiving give us plenty of opportunity to experience temptation. We must see temptation as part of our call as Christians and always ask God for the grace to resist temptations. Let us pray. Lord our God, through our observance of these forty days of Lent, you curb our desires and turn our hearts to you. May we learn to resist the temptations this world holds out before us and walk blameless in your sight. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen! Have a grace-filled Lent! Father Mike ______________________ CHA Principal Jennifer Griffith 410-286-0404 Principal @Cardinalhickeyacademy.org Beginning in 2015, we no longer have perpetual Mass intentions. Please remember to come in or call the church office to reserve a Mass. Weekend Mass Intentions February 21-22 Vigil 5PM For God’s Infinite Mercy 8 AM - Mary Oursler at the request of Marguarite Suite 10:45 AM † Carmella Chickanovich at the request of Jeannette and Tom Reinecker 5 PM † Antonietta Ingelido, mother of Cathy Brophy, at the request of the JGS Music Mass Intentions for February 23-28 Monday 2/23 7:30 am † Father Richard Schmidt, SJ at the request of Marilyn Taylor Tuesday 2/24 7:30 am † Paul Hayden, Sr. at the request of John and Ena Pearson Wednesday 2/25 7:30 am † Poor Souls in Purgatory Thursday 2/26 7:30 am † David Harlen at the request of Mary Ann Harlan Friday 2/27 7:30 am † Paul Hayden, Sr. at the request of OJ and Lorriane Boccabella CHA 2/27 9:30 am Special Intention Saturday 2/28 8:00 am Special Intention 2 Serving the Lord with gladness—Ministry Schedule for Feb 28-Mar 1 Mass Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Hospitality J.Pike/L.Perchio/A.McKay Please Volunteer 5PM Vigil Sr. Eileen/Curran Miller(2)/Bright/Hoff/Volunteers 8 AM Hoff/Schrodel Wagenhofer/Phalen/Kozik(2)/Curtis/Dusseau(2)/ Harper/W.Coty/G.Nazzaro Clites 10:45 AM Rock/Eason Brunner/Corcoran/Booker/Macyko/Genelin/ D.Poudrier/Lynskey/Coleman(2) 5 PM L.Renaud/LA Renaud Iascone/Fagan/Dodd(2)/Volunteers Tarry/Thorne/ Kaputa M.Dorsett/Kachurak/ Genelin Hafer Heiston/Heiston/Valesky Please Volunteer BAKING—All parishioners are asked to bring in homemade or store bought baked goods. The Virtue of Hospitality JGS MEMBER REGISTRATION - Truly belonging to a Christian community is signified not only by attendance but also by registration. At Jesus the Good Shepherd, registration ensures your full participation in the sacramental life of the Church. If you are new to our community or have been attending here for some time, please take a moment to attend a “New Members’ Meeting.” It is at this meeting that registration forms are given, and this occurs within a gathering where we share a little bit about JGS and welcome you personally to our community. All members should use offertory envelopes for contributions, available in racks in the vestibule, or automatic electronic fund transfers. THE NEXT NEW MEMBERS MEETING IS MARCH 8 after the 10:45 AM Mass in Shepherd’s Cove. Will last about one hour. We welcome you! ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARTY—SAVE THE DATE: Enjoy an evening of great food, beverages, music and hospitality at the Annual Men's Club St. Patrick's Day Party on Saturday, March 14th 6PM - 11PM. The cost is $25 per person or $50 per couple, which includes a wonderful Irish menu, beverages and dancing. All proceeds benefit the Men's Club Citizenship Award that provides support for our graduating high school seniors. To date, the Men's Club has provided awards to over 40 high school seniors. Help keep the tradition moving forward and attend this very fun event. What's not to like... good food, good drink, great company and all in supporting a great cause for the youth of our community. Tickets will be on sale after mass starting in February, but if you wish to reserve your spot now, contact Don Poudrier at (301) 385-9709/ [email protected] or Pat O'Neill at (301) 452-5644/ [email protected]. WIDOW/WIDOWERS GROUP—Next meeting is March 8 at the home of May Toepfer at 1pm. For questions or more information please contact Mary Ann Booker at 410-286-5540. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST: There will be a meeting of all Eucharistic Ministers on Saturday, March 21, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in Shepherd’s Cove. The purpose is to welcome recently installed members into this ministry, an opportunity for prayer together, a review of procedures and a forum to answer any questions. Please mark your calendars. Please check your email within the next two weeks for more details. Thank you! ALTAR SERVER APPRECIATION NIGHT will be held in conjunction with the St. Patrick's Day Party this year. All youth, 4th grade and up are invited to participate in a Wii Rock Band / Mario Cart video game competition night that includes a short presentation to inform attendees about this important Ministry and honor those kids who are already serving. Timing of the event is designed to give parents the option to head over to the St. Patrick's Day Party (always a fantastic time) in the Centre. The Altar Server Appreciation night will be held in the gym, with pizza and drinks available in the Youth Lounge for the kids. A suggested cover of $5 per child will be used to purchase needed Altar Server supplies. The event will be manned by members of ACT and the Knights of the Columbus. Registration will begin at 6:00PM and the event will be over by 10:30PM. There will be prizes and awards for individuals and teams. RSVP appreciated for approximate headcount, but not required. Contact Chris Lindsey ( [email protected]) for more info. 2015 MINISTRY FAIR! We have so many wonderful ministries going on here at Jesus the Good Shepherd. On March 1, parishioners will have the opportunity to meet the coordinators of the many groups that take place here. After each of the morning Masses on Sunday, March 1st each ministry will have a table with a display explaining the details of the ministry and how you can be a part of it. Mark your calendars now. After Mass, during hospitality, have some coffee and peruse the 2015 Ministry Fair. 3 2015 Lenten Happenings This week—Feb 22-28: Sunday—February 22—Deacon Matt Kiehl presents “The Church of Mercy: Praying with Pope Francis this Lent”. 9:30-10:30 in the Chapel Sunday—February 22—Rite of Election for RCIA at the National Shrine Mon-Tues—Adoration 8am-9pm in the Chapel Wednesday—Adoration 8am-6pm; The Light is On For You (Confessions) 6:30—8pm Thursday—Adoration, 8 am—9 pm in the Chapel Friday—Adoration, 8 am—5:30 pm; Mass at 6pm; Simple Supper 6:30-7:30; Stations of the Cross 7:30pm Next week—Mar 1-7: Mon-Tues—Adoration 8am-9pm in the Chapel Wednesday—Adoration 8am-6pm; The Light is On For You (Confessions) 6:30—8pm Thursday—Adoration, 8 am—9 pm in the Chapel Friday—Adoration, 8 am—5:30 pm; Mass at 6pm; Simple Supper 6:30-7:30; Stations of the Cross 7:30pm Events Occurring throughout Lent: 40 Cans for Lent—donate non-perishable food items to the Ladies of Charity Food Pantry, in North Beach. Items can be dropped off in the Centre Pray for Seminarians—the Vocations Tree in the Centre has cards with the names of seminarians. Parishioners are encouraged to take a card and pray for a seminarian throughout Lent Lenten Small Groups—there are 3 small group opportunities—one on Wed. evening, one on Thurs. evening and one on Sunday evening. Details are in the Lenten booklet—sign-up sheets are in the atrium Pray to End Abortion—40 Days of Life—make a pledge to pray at least one hour to end abortion, more information on this effort is in the Lenten booklet or 40DaysForLife.com The Light is On For You (Confessions) - every Wednesday from 6:30—8pm from Feb 25-Apr 1. RCIA—the Rite of Dismissal—at the 10:45 a.m. Masses, catechumens and candidates will be dismissed after the Liturgy of Word. They will spend the remainder of Mass reflecting on the readings with the RCIA team. The Virtue of Spirituality Readings for the Week of February 22, 2015 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 Next Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 ©Liturgical Publications Inc THE SICK: Bob Menoche; Richard Alu; Myriam Kerley; Mike Ingelido; Marilyn Taylor; Bill Prendergast; Gerry Worrell; Danny McConnell; Mary Chin; Marlene Nagle; Terry O’Brien; Mary Pockey; George Bethand, Kathie Scott; Katie Lakie; Jane Ritter; Rosemary Howard; Richard Gaither; Kathleen Brown; Debbie Bean; Marissa Berick; Leonard Joy; Neal Carr; Diana Wolfe; Cleo Flynn; Caroline VanWie; Mary Sita; Diane Sparrow; Eileen Day; Barbara Jackson; Baby Hope; Rusty Beeson; Ron Beeson; Sean Hopson; Patrick Kellaher; Connor Bell; Florence; Dave Suhosky; Jimmy Scanlan; Jason Ratcliff; Marsha Dunn; Irving Sandy; Linda Ryan; and Delores Shaut. We remember those who have died, especially Joan Cagliostro and Maureen Looney. Friends/relatives in need of prayer and for those who have died, contact the church office monthly to include them in our bulletin. We pray for all the members of the United States Military. We pray that all are kept from harm, especially: Steve Looney; Billy Looney; Will Jones; Michael Hardy; Lt. Alex Scott; Nicholas Majers; David Keffer; James Lanson Weeks; 2nd Lt. Robert Patterson; Ensign Nadila Khan Please contact the church office if you would like to add a name to list: 410-257-3810 or [email protected]. FAITH AND FOOD COMMUNITY GATHERING: Are you familiar with our “Faith and Food Gatherings?” They take place in parishioners’ homes who offer hospitality for a home Mass to be celebrated by the pastor, followed by a simple pot-luck afterwards. The host/hostess may invite anyone to their home they wish. We thank Theresa Schrodel for hosting our January event – it was wonderful! We are currently looking for members to host our “Faith and Food Gatherings” for March – June. Please contact Sister Eileen on our staff if you are interested and leave your name and contact information. Directions on what one does as a host/hostess will be emailed to you. 4 CONFIRMATON - Class meets tonight, Sunday, February 22 at the usual locations. Next class meets, Sunday, March 8. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION DURING LENT: Monday through Friday, every week of Lent, there will be Eucharistic Adoration. Calling all parishioners! As Pope Francis recently said at a daily Mass: “Find 10, 15 minutes every day to read the Gospel, to ‘contemplate’ Jesus’ everyday life, ‘talk’ with him and have ‘real hope’, rather than wasting time watching a TV soap opera or listening to neighborhood gossip.” Why not spend more time with the Lord in our beautiful Chapel during Lent? Please sign up for a time slot on the sign-up sheets outside the Chapel. Thank you! Please continue your prayers for our teens as they continue their journey of preparation toward Confirmation on May 3rd. A.C.T. – ALL HIGH SCHOOL TEENS and their friends are invited to join our Sunday evening group. The next meeting is tonight, Sunday, February 22nd, featuring fun, great food and lots of faith sharing. Hope to see you from 6:30-8 PM in the Youth Center; $2 donation accepted for the food. Parents are also welcome. We meet again on Sunday, March 8. CHILDREN'S CHOIR DRUMMING PROCESSIONAL: The Children's Choir is now accepting participants for the Palm Sunday Drumming Processional held on Sunday, March 28 at the 10:45am Mass. All kids in Grades 2-8 are encouraged to sing in this special service! Please contact Mrs. Dawn Nazzaro for rehearsal times and info! [email protected] Cardinal Hickey Academy News YOUNG ADULT LENTEN RETREAT: JGS is hosting a young adult retreat on Saturday, February 28th from 11am-5pm led by Fr. Scott Holmer. The title of the retreat is “Illumination of Conscience: How to Experience the Love of God.” After the retreat, Mass will be celebrated at 5pm to fulfill your Sunday obligation. Please spread the word. Learn more at facebook.com/301Catholic. Please RSVP to Julie Gartrell at [email protected] or 301-855-0492. VISIT OF POPE FRANCIS TO WASHINGTON: For the occasion of coming to Philadelphia for the 8th World of Families in Philadelphia, Pope Francis is also coming to Washington! As of this writing, final details are not known at this time. As soon as the Archdiocese of Washington informs us, we will share this information with you. In the meantime, please do not follow as “gospel” what you may read in the secular press. SHAMROCK SHUFFLE—Sat, Mar 7, Dunkirk Park, 5K Walk/ Run—Sign up through Calvert County Parks and Rec, call 410-257-2554 to sign up, more details at cardinalhickeyacademy.org SPAGHETTI DINNER—Sat, Mar 7, St. Anthony of Padua in North Beach, 2 seatings 3-5pm and 6:30-8pm, $10/adult; $5/children—tickets may be purchased in advance at the school office SAVE THE DATE—CHA Golf Tournament, Friday, May 15, 9am Twin Shields Golf Course The Virtue of Stewardship CHRISTMAS IN APRIL – The Christmas in April workday is scheduled for the last Saturday in April (April 25). The homeowner of our selected house in Owings is an elderly woman and her wheelchair bound son. Our goal is to weatherproof the house by repairing/replacing the windows, repairing the roof, painting the exterior trim of this very modest rambler and sprucing up the yard as needed. Christmas in April, Calvert County, a United Way agency, is an all volunteer organization that repairs and renovates the homes of low-income homeowners in Calvert county, particularly those of the elderly, disabled, and families with children. All help, 14 years and older, skilled and unskilled are welcomed. For further information contact Randy Kozik at [email protected] 301-5202537 or Glenn Phelps at [email protected] 410-286-2849. A BIG THANK YOU TO THOSE BEAUTIFUL HEARTS WHO VOLUNTEERED TO HELP WITH SAFE NIGHTS the first week in February. Over 60 volunteers from All Saints Episcopal and JGS came together to provide a warm bed and three meals to 20 homeless people from Calvert County. Please God bless them in a special way: Mercine Marshall; Rachel Baker; Benita Gale; Beverly Remaley; Danielle and Ricki Carr; Mary Ann Penn; Lynn Robinson; Lynn Kuhn; Patty and Ned Shields; Fran and Jack Shea; Cathy Martinoli; Catherine Krivitsky; Allison Smith; Barbara and Bob Brunner; Kathleen and Alex Cirillo; George McConnell; Marilyn Balogh; Jo Kaputa; Sue Frank; Rose Crunkleton with son Chris; Barbara and John Hoff; Tina Floyd and Sandy Walter; and Mary Golway. WHERE DO MY “CHANGE FOR HAITI” DONATIONS GO? Jesus the Good Shepherd and Cardinal Hickey academy donations go directly to our sister parish in Haiti, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church & School, Diocese of Jeremie. 2014 Donations went towards: medicines for parish pharmacy, expenses for annual parish celebration of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel [July]; maintenance and repairs; and miscellaneous parish sacramental supplies. ELECTRONIC GIVING: JGS has an electronic offertory giving program called Faith Direct. Please enroll by visiting the JGS website: ccjgs.org - click on the Resources tab and then click on eGiving. Thank you for your kindness in responding to this new and modern way of Catholic offertory giving. 5 The Virtue of Stewardship cont’d... RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, March 1, 2015 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: Because of weather, work on our cemetery has temporarily slowed. The next small phase will be the construction entrance. In the meantime, the plans for the Columbarium will be reviewed by the Finance/ Stewardship Committee this week for final approval to the Archdiocese. 7:00 am – 12:30 pm in the Family Center Gym Just an hour of your time can save 3 lives. We need your help. Schedule your donation appointment today. Call 1-800REDCROSS or visit www.redcrossblood.org. PRAY TO END ABORTION: The 40 Days for Life prayer mission needs your support from Feb 18 to Mar 29, 2015. Make a pledge to pray at least one hour these forty days and visit our website,40DaysForLife.com/CollegePark. Then volunteer to pray outdoors at 5915 Greenbelt Rd, College Park. To help coordinate Buzz Burek at 301-812-1868 or phone Tom Trunk at 240593-6982. THE 8TH WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES: The 8th World Meeting of Families will take place in Philadelphia from Tuesday, September 22 – Sunday, September 27, 2015. The purpose of the meeting is to gather Catholic families from around the world for days of prayer, catechesis and celebration of the gift of family. The meeting is hosted by the Pontifical Council on the Family in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. These Congresses take place every three years --- and this is the first time it has been held in the U.S. If you wish to take your family to this extraordinary event, please contact directly: www.world meeting 2015.org. There you can also find information about registration, a full agenda and list of keynote speakers and workshops as well as hotel accommodations. Early bird registration ends April, 2015. Thank you. Let us pray for all Catholic families and for the success of this Congress. Thank you! Requirements: Must be in good health, weigh no less than 110 lbs., no tattoo within the past year; at least 17 years of age (16 with parents written permission); and have not donated whole blood within the past 56 days. 2015 ANNUAL JUBILARIAN MASS Cardinal Donald Wuerl will celebrate the annual Jubilarian Mass honoring couples married 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 51+ years on Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 2:00pm at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Please call the parish office to register. Names of jubilarians need to be turned in to the parish office by Monday, April 6, 2015. Empty Bowl Supper-Help support ECHO house, shelter for the homeless in Calvert County, by purchasing tickets to the 15th annual Empty Bowl Supper to be served March 21, 4:30-7:00 p.m. Come, select your handmade bowl, enjoy live music by the 503 Band, the silent auction, great food, and great fellowship. Tickets will be on sale in the Centre after Masses: $20 in advance ($25 at the door). For further information contact Trish Gipson, Project ECHO, Inc., 410 535-0044, www.projectecho.net. SHARE—FOOD PICK-UP: Saturday, February 28, 2015 from 9am -10:30am in the Centre. Direct your questions and orders to Ned Waugaman 410-257-0464 or Lynn Robinson, 443-964-8054, [email protected]. Movies and their Ratings: Do you know that movies are rated by our bishops? Go to usccb and to the “media” link. Movies are listed there. Of note is the rating of Fifty Shades of Grey. This movie in particular has generated a lot of publicity. Not only should children be aware of how morally offensive this movie is but even more should adults be aware. According to the Catholic News Service, “the film contains excessive sexual content, including graphic deviant behavior and nonmarital sexual activity . . . a benign view of casual sex and contraception, several uses of rough language and at least one crude term.” The Catholic News Service classification is O – morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R – restricted. Thank you for participating in the annual Cardinal’s Appeal. Your generosity is very much appreciated. SACRIFICIAL GIVING for the weekend of February 15, 2015: Weekly Offertory $ 10,848 * FaithDirect is calculated once a month. MUSIC MINISTRY Are you inspired to participate in new contemporary Mass settings for the church? Come join us and check it out: Tuesdays 7-8:30 PM, Adult Choir Rehearsal for 8 AM Mass Thursdays 7-8:30 PM, Adult Choir Rehearsal for 10:45 AM Mass Sundays 4-5 PM, Youth Choir for 5 PM Mass (Gr. 6-12 & beyond!) Contact Laura Cleary at 410-257-3810 ([email protected]) for Mass Cards/Intentions; Sponsor Certificates (for Sacraments) or to place bulletin announcements. Deadline for bulletin items is Thursday at noon, 10 days before the weekend you want your article to appear. Thank you! 6
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