NEWS FOR THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19th 2015 JUST A REMINDER OF THE INSANITY WE NOW LIVE IN Obama is President of all the Muslims [Read also Obama defends Islam at all cost] This essay was read by Mike Gallagher on his radio talk show a few days ago. It was effective. He had so many email requests about where to find it that he posted it on his Face Book fan page. Mike said that a listener had sent it to him, so he could not vouch for all of the listings included in the essay. President Obama: This is why you didn’t go to France. It was you who told an Islamic dinner – “I am one of you.” It was you who on ABC News referenced – “My Muslim faith.” It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques. It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -”I will stand with the Muslims.” It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – “I am a Muslim.” It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King. It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism. It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay. It was you who purposefully omitted – “endowed by our Creator” – from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence. It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the ‘HOLY’ Quran. It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America. It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center. It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the WH. It was you who ordered both Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested that the mosques you have visited adjust their decor. It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps. It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security. It was you who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” was an outreach to Muslim communities. It was you who as an Illinois Senator were the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide. It was you who were the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the WH, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree. It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists. It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist. It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses. It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults. It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas. It was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp. It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community. It was you who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in your quest to overthrow the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak. It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country. It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan. It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal WH religious events. It was you who was un-characteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, formerly America’s strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians. It was you who appointed s your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett , who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Posted by Ted Belman @ 9:31 am | 1 Comment » America No Longer Exists - It Has Already Been Lost - That Was The Plan All Along February 19, 2015 By Stefan Stanford aka Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline Back in 2008, days prior to the 1st 'selection' of Barack Obama as president of the United States, Obama announced "we are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America" as seen in the 2nd video below. Going on 7 years later, the presidency of Barack Obama is seen as a HUGE success when looked at through the eyes of Obama himself and his supporters, as he clearly has 'transformed' America...many now see by the results that America no longer exists. The 1st video below from Jason A gives us more recent news events that show us the 'end of America' appears to be a forgone conclusion as the widespread and many faceted results of Obama's 'transformation' of America become more fact, our Constitution, liberty, freedom, weath, future and children ARE no longer at risk...they have already been lost. Mr. Obama is embracing our enemies around the world and rejecting our friends; acting against the US Constitution while disobeying America's laws, our mainstream media assist him blindly while Congress refuses to step up and stop his plans. Members of the military who are sworn to uphold and defend the US Constitution have not removed him despite his evisceration of the Constitution while those who think that Obama is failing fail to see that he is succeeding at accomplishing every goal he has set. The 'end of America' was never a 'conspiracy theory', we can see now, it was the plan all along. She said WHAT? Are you KIDDING us? The signs are everywhere....we're clearly not in America any more... Germany stuns markets in rejecting Greek offer for bail-out extension By Mehreen Khan • Greece reported to have accepted €172bn bail-out as "legally binding" • Berlin rebuffs proposals as insufficient • Greek stocks are flat on the day after recovering losses • ECB forced to deny reports it has discussed capital controls 15.50 The International Monetary Fund should not be forgotten in these negotiations between Greece and Europe. Greece is due to pay back €1.5bn to the Fund next month. The IMF has now said it is ready to work with Greece and its partners to thrash out a negotiation. More confusingly however, it has also said Greece has not in fact asked for an extension of its current programme. Hmmm... 15.45 Earlier today we bought you comments from German vice chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel suggesting a split between his SPD party and their larger coalition partners, the CDU over Greece's position. Now, a spokesman for Belgium's finance minister has reaffirmed the tough creditor line. Here's Johan Van Overtveld on why Athens position is still a problem for the eurogroup. The Greek demand for an extension of the programme is the only possible step. This had to be taken. We have received the request, and will study it. But at first reading it appears that the concerns of the Eurogroup have not been addressed. 15.38 Capital Economics are predicting a "a seismic reaction across global markets" to the possibility of a Grexit. They think markets so far have under-estimated the chaos that could come from Greece leaving the bloc, as "the mechanisms in place to prevent contagion are not as robust as many think." Most European equities are trading flat for the day 15.27 15.25 Are Grexit fears actually over done? One gauge of eurozone sentiment seems to suggest so. Consumer confidence data for the bloc for February showed an improvement from -8.5 in January to -6.7 this month. Europeans are being boosted by low fuel prices and rising stock markets. Greece doesn't seem to weighing too highly in their list of concerns (yet). 15.20 Greek stocks have recovered from an earlier precipitous fall and are trading around 1pc higher so far today 15.15 The Slovakian PM Robert Fiko has spoken to the Financial Times. And his comments reflect the tough stance Germany's eurozone allies are taking with Greece. Mr Fiko say the demands of the Greek government are "impossible" and that he should not have to explain to his public why his relatively poor country should have to stump up the cost for Syriza's election promises. His quotes in full: It would be impossible to explain to the public that ‘poor’ Slovakia…should compensate Greece. To explain to people that we have to give money to Greece for their salaries and pensions? Impossible. Impossible. It is not possible that on one hand they [the Greek government] want to cut debt or they want, for instance, to prolong loans. And at the same time they declare that they will give energy free of charge to people. Or give accommodation free of charge to people. It is not possible. 15.10 Deutsche Bank have released this timeline of crucial Greek dates to come: Friday February 20– Emergency Eurogroup at 2pm London time to discuss Greece and end of deadline to apply for program extension Friday February 20 – Merkel – Hollande meeting Tuesday February 24 – €595m of bond interest/principal due Week of February 23 – ELA capacity likely reached, another renewal required Saturday February 28– Current EFSF program expires 6 March – €297m IMF repayment due / €1.2bn t-bill matures 13 March – €334m IMF repayment due / €1.6bn t-bill matures 16 March – €556m IMF repayment due 20 March – €334m IMF repayment due / €111m bond interest/principal due / €1.6bn t-bill matures 14.40 The crucial task now facing the Greek administration is to thrash out a compromise with its fellow member states, particularly those in the northern creditor countries, rather than dealing with the EU, according to Holger Schmieding, at Berenberg. His words: The issue is not to get the nod from Brussels where Commission president Juncker called the Varoufakis letter “a positive sign” and suggested that it could “pave the way for a reasonable compromise”. Instead, the bottleneck for Greece is to convince the finance ministers of Finland, Slovakia, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal and others to keep funding Greece and to present such a proposal to their national parliaments. Greece is running out of time and money. Having already come part of the way, Greece may well move further and accept the current programme as the basis for all further discussions at the Eurogroup meeting Friday. Changing just parts of the request Greece has now submitted may suffice for that. But completing Greece’s inevitable U-turn that fast will be tough for its double-populist coalition, to put it mildly. 14.37 Sounds of an ultimatum now emerging from Athens before tomorrow's crunch meeting 14.36 Paul Mason, channel 4's economics editor, has called the proposal tabled by Greece to the eurozone today as: " a compromise wrought out of exhaustion and the implicit threat from the ECB to pull the plug on Greek banks as early as next Wednesday. "It still left Greece a lot of room for manoeuvre to do its domestic programme, as all departures from the memorandum, which mandates the austerity programme of the old government, would become matters of interpretation." But as many others are noting today, that "room for manoevure" is what is irking Germany who seem to fear the Greeks will use the flexibility to go back on their previous commitments to meet their budget targets. 14.20 The head of Germany's Social Democrat party has warned of making any judgement on Greece's plans "too quickly". Sigmar Gabriel is quoted as saying there are "reasons why we can't say yes to Greek proposals" but that the plans made by Athens "should be financed by the Greeks themselves." This is the first time we've heard from a senior German official other than the finance minister spokesman today. This less staunch position from Mrs Merkel's biggest coalition ally suggests splits might be opening up in the German government over how best to proceed with negotiations. 14.10 The eurozone's finance ministers will meet in Brussels at 3pm tomorrow to try and thrash out a deal for Greece before the end of the month. The FT's Brussel's bureau chief thinks the Germans will turn up and demand some more concessions from Greece's extension submission. 14.00 13.40 A reminder from our Brussels correspondent Bruno Waterfield about just how contentious this dispute over budget targets is for both Germany and Greece's new government. It's a wrangling which goes back to commitments first made in 2012. There’s a key line in the Monday Eurogroup draft agreement that Greece refused to sign up to. Here it is: “The Greek authorities are committed to ensure appropriate primary fiscal surpluses and financing in order to guarantee debt sustainability in line with the targets agreed in the November 2012 eurogroup statement.” Germany seems to be sticking by that 2012 agreement, particularly the target for a 3pc primary budget surplus in 2015 and 4.5pc in 2016. It is not just totemic for Berlin. Writing three days after the 2012 agreement, Yanis Varoufakis, now Greek finance minister, famously described the targets set out in it as “fiscal waterboarding”. He did not mince his words. So, what will come of Greece, given the latest Eurogroup ‘decision’? It is my fear, and belief, that the country is becoming a version of Kosovo – a protectorate in which the euro remains the currency, sovereignty is minimal, the population is ruled over by a glorified kleptocracy with strong links to Berlin and, last but not least, a permanent migratory flow is established that sees the young and the skilled move to northern Europe and beyond. Will Germany climb down? It is hard to see how Mr Varoufakis can. Berlin is demanding he acquiesces to the very targets he described as “fiscal waterboarding”. More eurozone torture. 13.33 Yields on Greek government debt spiked immediately after the news from Germany. They've now fallen back a little, but are still up 1.4pc so far today. 13.24 Despite the German kybosh, the European Commission still thinks there is room for a "reasonable compromise" between Greece and its creditors, according to spokesman Margaritis Schinas (who is Greek incidentally). 13.15 Channel 4's economics editor Paul Mason, says the Greeks feel they have been "set up" after their initial moves towards a compromise 13.12 Notable that there's been radio silence from the rest of the eurozone or the European institutions after Germany's torpedo. 13.10 There are already some German calls for the re-introduction of the drachma in Greece. The eurosceptic Alternative for Germany party (AfD), who defeated Angela Merkel's CDU in regional elections earlier this month, will likely be pleased with developments today. Their rise as a new party is representative of the hardened position among some Germans that indebted countries should be forced to pay back all their liabilities or be thrown out of the union for good. 13.05 13.00 Uncompromising from today's Bild 12.58 Today's statement from Germany came from Martin Jäger, a spokesperson for the German Finance Ministry. According to Mr Jäger, Athens' letter "does not correlate to the criterion agree on Monday's Eurogroup." A more senior German official, in the form of the finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble or even Angela Merkel have yet to say anything about developments. That could well be a source of hope in this stand-off. Before that statement was released, there were reports from Germany's SPD politicians saying they were now ready to negotiate with Athens. Watch this space. 12.50 One of the elements in Greece's proposal that could be irking the Germans is the commitment for Athens to run a budget surplus of 3pc this year, followed by 4.5pc in the following two years. In their submission to Brussels, Sryzia said they would seek "appropriate" fiscal targets. The ambiguity of that wording may suggest to Berlin the Greeks want relaxation of their budgets targets. Yanis Varoufakis has previously demanded around 1.5pc - which would allow the country some more spending wiggle room to fulfil election promises. Germany says "nein". 12.45 12.40 Spot the moment Greece's proposal was kyboshed by Berlin (Athens Stock Market today) 12.32 Germany: how to lose creditor friends and influence not that very many people (sort of) 12.28 Markets are topsy turvy today. The initial optimism has just been blown out of the water. 12.22 12.20 So those early hopes of a compromise between Greece and its creditors has hit a major snag. A German government official is quoted as saying the proposal from Athens means the country is still asking for a form of "bridge financing" without sufficient conditions attached. Game-on. 12.16 Spanner in the works. 12.10 If Greece had conceded some significant ground to the EU, it could now lead the way for its creditors to provide the "flexibility" they have previously offered the country as long as it remained in the programme. This was the main message coming from the head of the eurogroup on Monday, and if the country has blinked, it sounds like even some German officials are now predisposed to offer the country some wiggle room. 12.05 Is this letter a breakthrough or are the Greeks standing their ground and couching it in more conciliatory language? Opinion is split 12.00 A text of Greece's proposal made to Brussels has been released in full HERE. The areas of dispute seem to centre around the wording of the following: The purpose of the requested six-month extension of the Agreement's duration is: (a) To agree the mutually acceptable financial and administrative terms the implementation of which, in collaboration with the institutions, will stabilise Greece's fiscal position, attain appropriate primary fiscal surpluses, guarantee debt stability and assist in the attainment of fiscal targets for 2015 that take into account the present economic situation. (b) To ensure, working closely with our European and international partners, that any new measures be fully funded while refraining from unilateral action that would undermine the fiscal targets, economic recovery and financial stability. According to one interpretation, the commitment to attain a "appropriate" fiscal target means Greece is still demanding a relaxation from a 4.5pc of GDP target to the 1.5pc they need to carry out their election promises. But the latter clause which refers to "refraining from unilateral action that could undermine fiscal targets " suggests the government will in fact abide by the current rules. EU semantics in full play, but neither side will want to look as if they have conceded too much in the negotiations. 11.55 Greek government sources have denied reports they are willing to accept an extension of the bail-out agreement. This has been the main sticking point with the EU and IMF, with the current government refusing to stick by austerity reforms which it feels has led to a humanitarian crisis in the country. 11.40 Hello and welcome to live coverage of today's developments between Greece and its creditors. According to reports, the Greek government has submitted to an extension of its current bail-out programme, and will trigger an emergency meeting of the eurozone's finance ministers tomorrow. Reuters are reporting the Syriza government will accept previously controversial targets imposed by its creditors to run a budget surplus, and will accept monitoring from the 'Institutions' (formerly known as the Tro). Should this be the case, it would mark a siginficant climbdown for tthe new government and raise hopes an agreement will be reached before the expiry date of February 28. Arkadiy Dziuba - Putin in Hungary: Western Anti-Russia Unity Shattered - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal > Putin in Hungary: Western Anti-Russia Unity Shattered > Strategic Culture Foundation Putin in Hungary: Western Anti-Russia Unity Shattered President Putin arrived on a working visit to Hungary on February 17. The importance of this event goes beyond the limits of bilateral relations. It was an outstanding event. Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban is an extraordinary personality standing out among European politicians. Many a time he has spoken against the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the European Union. According to him, it was like shooting oneself in the foot. He has guts to oppose US pressure and call Senator McCain an extremist. The Prime Minister says he believes the Russia’s democracy to be a more attractive political model than the liberal democracies of the West. Foreign Affairs called him the Hungarian Putin. Orban is conservative in his views; he sticks to traditional Christian family values. The Hungarian leader has signed a 12 billion-euro ($16 billion) deal with Russia to expand Hungary's Paks nuclear power plant. Victor Orban is really popular at home – the right partner to make deals with. He is a real, not a theatrical, nationalist and he understands that it is easy to sacrifice the interests of Hungary, a small country, to the interests of leading EU states or European bureaucracy. Orban understands that there are forces that try to impose upon Hungary the role of US-loyal Trojan horse in the European Union taking into consideration the country’s geographic position. He believes such a role is hardly appropriate. In the days of the USSR Orban did not like the fact that the Soviet troops were deployed on the territory of his country. The Prime Minister started his political career from protests against their presence. Victor Orban is a very pragmatic person and sound pragmatism is a good alternative to Europe’s role of vassal of the USA. In recent years a real madness has been reigning in Europe incited by the United States. Pragmatic thinking makes Hungary (as well as the entire Europe) see the advantages of expanding trade and economic cooperation with Russia. The question pops up - why should Europe shy away from doing what serves its interests and pay for the geopolitical ambitions of Washington and its Ukrainian clients instead? Orban understands well the problems faced by Russia at present and the importance of the role his country plays as a Russian partner. Gas supplies to Hungary topped the visit’s agenda. Russia accounts for 75% of the gas consumed by Hungary. Orban did not want the new gas contract to be based on the “take or pay” principle because under such terms Hungary would have to pay even for the gas it has not consumed. Russia took the partner’s interests into consideration. Besides it was agreed to expand the underground gas storage infrastructure to be used by Gasprom. Rosatom is building two units of Paks nuclear power plant. It signed an agreement on personnel training for work at the facility. An agreement was concluded on Hungary’s opening a consulate-general in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. It was also agreed to expand interregional cooperation, healthcare and education. Vladimir Putin told Orban about the implementation of Minsk accords. The parties agreed on the ways of peaceful settlement in Ukraine. The visit coincided with the 70 year anniversary of liberating Budapest from German fascists. 200 thousand Russian servicemen lost lives to free the Hungarian capital. Vladimir Putin laid a wreath at the Unknown Soldier's Tomb by the Millennium Monument. He then took part in the ceremony of reopening a Soviet war memorial at Budapest’s central cemetery. The monument has undergone large-scale restoration. There are never-ending attempts to re-write the WWII history in Europe and diminish the role of the USSR in liberating the continent from fascists. The Hungarian government keeps in order the graves and memorials devoted to Soviet soldiers. The commemoration of historic dates is a good example for everyone who honors the past. What are the prospects for Russia-Hungary relations? To what extent could the progress in the bilateral relationship weaken the burden of sanctions and further the reduction of tensions in Europe in general? The assessments require sound approaches. Hungary opposes the anti-Russian sanctions but voted for their introduction at the EU summit. The EU and NATO membership is a serious limitation of sovereignty, especially in the case of small country. Even such a resolute man as Orban cannot all of a sudden break the pattern of relations shaped during many years. As a pragmatic, would he try to break anything at all? He can rebuff Senator McCain but at the same time he says Hungary remains to be a staunch US ally. He refuses to admit the fact of harboring sympathy towards Russia. Hungary can clearly see the advantage of developing bilateral relations; it can actively campaign for lifting the EU antiRussia sanctions and return to normal cooperation between the European Union and Russia. Hungary is not alone. There are enough dissenters in Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Cyprus and Austria. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has expressed discontent with regard to the anti-Russia sanctions. Inside the countries that initiate or support the sanctions there are business circles that feel no admiration for the idea. The Putin’s visit proved the necessity to further shatter the Western unity in attempts to destroy the ties between Europe and Russia. Britain Says It Sent Warplanes to Intercept Russian Bombers Off Cornwall By ALAN COWELL A Russian bomber photographed from a Royal Air Force plane off the coast of Britain in October 2014. A new episode this week magnified concerns that Russia sought to test NATO. Credit Sac Robyn Stewart/British Ministry of Defence, via European Pressphoto Agency LONDON — The British Royal Air Force scrambled warplanes to intercept two Russian bombers off the coast of Cornwall in southwest England, the Defense Ministry said on Thursday, as a government minister sounded alarms about the Kremlin’s intentions elsewhere in Europe. The episode magnified concerns about the possibility of further moves by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia that could draw in the NATO alliance after advances by pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. Typhoon warplanes took off from an air base in eastern England and escorted the two Russian airplanes in international airspace “until they were out of the U.K. area of interest,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement. The encounter happened on Wednesday. “At no time did the Russian military aircraft cross into U.K. sovereign airspace,” the statement said. During the Cold War, Russian bombers routinely tested Western defenses by flying toward the coast, and there have been reports that the practice has been resumed as tensions have mounted over the conflict in Ukraine. The number of intercepts of Russian military aircraft approaching Western airspace has tripled compared with 2013, British researchers said in November, citing NATO officials. “I suspect what’s happening here is that the Russians are trying to make some sort of a point,” Prime Minister David Cameron said during a visit to eastern England, “and I don’t think we should dignify it with too much of a response.” The Russian flights came as Britain’s defense minister, Michael Fallon, said that Mr. Putin could replicate the tactics used in Ukraine on the Baltic States — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, former Soviet bloc countries that are now members of NATO. “NATO has to be ready for any kind of aggression from Russia, whatever form it takes. NATO is getting ready,” Mr. Fallon said, adding that he was worried about Mr. Putin exerting “pressure on the Baltics, the way he is testing NATO.” “You have tanks and armor rolling across the Ukrainian border and you have an Estonian border guard being captured and not yet still returned,” Mr. Fallon told reporters from The Times of London and The Daily Telegraph traveling with him on a visit to Sierra Leone. Mr. Fallon also recalled an earlier intercept over the English Channel between Britain and France. Mr. Putin “flew two Russian bombers down the English Channel two weeks ago.” “We had to scramble jets very quickly to see them off,” Mr. Fallon continued. “It’s the first time since the height of the Cold War, it’s the first time that’s happened.” “That just shows you, you need to respond, each time he does something like that, you need to be ready to respond,” he said. “When you have jets being flown up the English Channel, when you have submarines in the North Sea, it looks to me like it’s warming up,” he said. Mr. Fallon described Mr. Putin’s strategy as “a very real and present danger.” “He was testing NATO all last year, if you look at the number of flights and the maritime activity,” he continued. Mr. Fallon was also said to have asserted that Mr. Putin “is as great a threat to Europe as Islamic State,” a reference to militants fighting to establish a caliphate in Iraq and Syria. In Moscow, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Russia would seek a way to respond to Mr. Fallon’s “absolutely unacceptable” remarks, which had gone beyond “diplomatic ethics,” Reuters reported. After the earlier flights over the English Channel, the British government summoned the Russian ambassador to demand an explanation. Russian military planes flying near British airspace caused “disruption to civil aviation,” the British Foreign Office said at the time, calling the maneuvers “part of an increasing pattern of out-of-area operations” by Russia. Dismissing Britain’s concerns, the Russian ambassador said the patrols were routine. Top Iranian Nuke Negotiator Ordered to Stop Screaming at Kerry By Adam Kredo February 19, 2015 5:00 am Supreme Leader urges him to lower voice, citing the Quran Javad Zarif / AP Iran’s foreign minister and lead negotiator in nuclear talks with the United States has been ordered by the Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader to stop shouting and yelling at Secretary of State John Kerry during negotiating sessions. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told his country’s state controlled media in a recent interview that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has instructed him to stop yelling at Kerry and other top U.S. officials during the talks. Reports about Zarif’s temper first emerged in the Iranian press last November, when the United States and Iran agreed to extend talks through June of this year. Zarif is said to “frequently shout at Western diplomats” with such force that bodyguards have been forced to enter the negotiation room. During one incident described by Iranian officials to the press, European Union Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, a chief western negotiator, admitted that Zarif had been shouting, and she had gotten used to it. Abbas Araqchi, an Iranian diplomat who is also a member of the negotiating team, is reported to have said in an interview that during past negotiations in Geneva, Zarif “shouted” at Kerry and spoke to him in a manner “unprecedented” in the history of U.S. diplomacy. Zarif appeared to cop to this behavior during a recent interview with the state-controlled Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), according to an independent translation of the report provided to the Washington Free Beacon. Following reports that Zarif shouts at Kerry, Zarif was summoned to a meeting with Khamenei. He referred to this meeting during recent remarks made to a high school class, according to the IRNA. “‘Why you are yelling in negotiations? Smile and speak,’” he recalled the Supreme Leader saying. “‘Do not quarrel on the negotiation table, reason with them,’” Khamenei continued, citing a verse from the Quran that states “Go, both of you, to Pharaoh, for he has indeed transgressed all bounds.… But speak to him mildly; perchance he may take warning or fear [Allah].” Zarif added that he begins each day by praying over six verses of the Quran before entering the nuclear discussions. He went on to say that U.S. sanctions no longer have an impact on Tehran. “Doing business and trade with Iran had a huge reputational cost” for foreigners, but now the situation has changed, according to Zarif. “More sanctions on Iran makes U.S. isolated among its own friends.” The State Department declined to comment on reports about the Iranian Foreign Minister’s conversations with the Iranian Supreme Leader. Meanwhile, Khamenei, in a speech this week, said that Iran would impose its own sanctions on the West. “If [there] is to be any sanction imposed, the Iranian nation too can impose sanction [on them] and it will do so,” Khamenei was quoted as saying by the Fars News Agency. “Iran has also made it clear again and again that the U.S. should leave the Middle East and the Muslim world,” said Saeed Ghasseminejad, an Iranian dissident who is an associate fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “Both Zarif and Khamenei see themselves on a holy mission. They may have different assessments of what is the best way to reach their goal, which is to defeat the pharaoh of the time, but they have no doubt who is the pharaoh of the time: The West, the U.S., and Israel.” Iran Says it is Set to Explore With U.S. Ways to Speed up Nuclear Talks Inform White House Admits They Are Hiding Details Of Nuke Deal With Iran From Israel… You have nothing to worry about, Israel, Obama is totally on your side. Via JPost: For months, the United States and its allies have withheld “classified negotiating details” from Israel over its nuclear diplomacy with Iran, the Obama administration acknowledged on Wednesday. Accusing Israeli officials of “selective sharing of information” and “cherry-picking” in its public complaints over the diplomatic effort, US spokesmen said they were continuing “routine and frequent” contact with the Israelis. But “not everything you’re hearing from the Israeli government is an accurate depiction of the talks,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. And for that reason, “classified negotiating details stay behind closed doors.” Those comments from the Obama administration came on the same day the New York Times ran a report alleging Washington had warned its European partners in the P5+1 not to be too open with Israel “because whatever we say may be used in a selective way.” The P5+1 is made up of the US, Russia, China, France, Germany and Britain. The Times report dovetailed with one earlier in the week in the Washington Post, which said US officials were angry about alleged Israeli leaks that, in the negotiations, the US had increased the number of centrifuges it would allow Iran to retain from some 1,500 to more than 6,000. Obama refuses to acknowledge ‘Muslim terrorists’ at summit By Geoff Earle Photo: Reuters WASHINGTON — They’re burning and beheading victims in the name of Islam, but President Obama delivered a major speech Wednesday on combating violent extremism — while refusing to use the words “Muslim terrorists.” “No religion is responsible for terrorism — people are responsible for violence and terrorism,” Obama told a crowd that included Muslim community leaders at the White House. Following months of unrelenting atrocities by ISIS killers who released videos of themselves beheading US journalists and, most recently, 21 Coptic Christians, and burning a man alive, the president kowtowed to the audience by proclaiming that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” “Generations of Muslim immigrants came here and went to work as farmers and merchants and factory workers, helped to lay railroads and build up America,” he said. “The first Islamic center in New York City was founded in the 1890s. America’s first mosque — this was an interesting fact — was in North Dakota.” And just days after Pope Francis condemned ISIS’s barbaric murders of 21 Egyptians “simply for the fact that they were Christians,” Obama insisted al Qaeda and their ilk “are not religious leaders. They’re terrorists.” “And we are not at war with Islam,” the president said. “We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.” In his much-anticipated remarks at a summit on “Countering Violent Extremism,” the president also: Called on the international community to “eradicate this scourge of violent extremism,” repeating the White House terminology that eschews mentioning religion. Declared that “we all know there is no one profile of a violent extremist or terrorist . . . Around the world, and in the United States, inexcusable acts of violence have been committed against people of different faiths, by people of different faiths, which is, of course, betrayal of all of our faiths.” Mourned the “brutal murders” of “three young Muslim Americans” in Chapel Hill, NC, pointing to the religion of the victims even though the crime may have been over a parking dispute. Pointed to “grievances” of young Muslims living in poverty under corrupt governments, saying that when there are no outlets, “resentments fester.” Was protective of Muslims in the US. “Muslim Americans feel they have been unfairly targeted,” he said. “We have to be sure that abuses stop, are not repeated, that we do not stigmatize entire communities.” Obama even acknowledged pundits who have parsed “the words we use to describe and frame this challenge” — a reference to growing criticism about the language deployed by his administration. Obama’s speech included repeated references to Islam and Muslims as he laid out his argument — but he didn’t budge on how he would refer to the self-styled Islamic State. Instead, he simply referred to ISIS and al Qaeda as “groups” and talked about the need to “vanquish these organizations.” The summit itself didn’t have Islam in the name. Although the White House didn’t make the guest list public, attendees at Tuesday’s session with Vice President Joe Biden were mainly from Muslim groups. © Copyright 2015 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved Obama Sides With ISIS: Refuses To Help Allies Attack Terror Group - Defends The "Peaceful Nature Of Islam" February 19, 2015 By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine "I Will Stand With the Muslims Should the Political Winds Shift In An Ugly Direction." - Barack Obama, Page 261 of his book, "The Audacity of Hope." Let me start out by saying there are people, Muslims, that wish to practice their religion in peace and are most likely horrified at the brutality being conducted by the terror group ISIS.... with that said and this is very important, if those same Muslims stay quiet, do not step up and speak out against the beheadings, the massacres, the organ harvesting to fund their terror operations, the attacks against Christians and Jews, the burning people alive..... their very lack of condemnation gives the appearance of condoning those same violent, brutal actions. The same can and is being said about Barack Obama, as evidenced by former Air Force General Tom McInerney, when he stated "Until the president identifies the threat that we are facing as radical Islam, it makes it very difficult to defeat the threat. I just can’t say it any clearer. It’s important that this White House and this president identify the threat for what it is." Rather than identifying the threat for what it is, Barack Obama has once again gone in the opposite direction and defended what he called the "true peaceful nature of Islam" on Wenesday. "The world must continue to lift up the voices of Muslim clerics and scholars who teach the true peaceful nature of Islam,” Obama wrote. Really???????? The images below will be hard to see, but if the US president will not identify the enemy, someone has to. The images are from videos released by ISIS, who are Muslim extremists, radical Muslims, Islamic Extremists, Jihadis..... all terms Barack Obama has refused to utter in describing the enemy the world faces. (ISIS prepares to behead 21 Coptic Christians -- or, as the terrorists label them, "people of the cross" -- on the beach in Libya) All 21 Christians were beheaded and if you only heard Obama's version of events, you will be excused for not knowing they were Christians because just as he refuses to identify the enemy, he also refused to identify the religion of the victims in his original statements and only did so after backlash hit when he didn't. (ISIS burns Jordanian pilot alive) (ISIS beheads James Foley, American journalist) I left out the photo of Mr. Foley's head, severed and laying on his headless body, but the images are out there and they are heartbreaking. This is the evil that Barack Hussein Obama refuses to identify by name. Obama has had countless opportunities to call these monsters what they are, but as of Wednesday in a major speech on violent extremism, Obama still refused to call them Muslim terrorists. If readers find that disturbing, then Obama's refusal to help allies, such as Egypt and Jordan, with their efforts to attack ISIS, should chill you to the bone. After the Jordanian pilot was caged and burned alive, Jordan vowed to be relentless in attacking them, and after ISIS beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians, Egypt stepped up their efforts again ISIS, but according to reports (seen in the video below) Barack Obama refused to provide information on ISIS targets. “President El Sisi asked for American intelligence targeting intelligence before today’s strikes and didn’t get it. King Abdullah of Jordan asked for Intelligence data on targets to respond to the murder of a Jordanian aircraft pilot. The Kurds are begging for arms and ammo from the United States, not one bullet has been delivered by the United States.” Today we see a report by The Daily Beast that the Obama administration is also refusing to back Egypts attacks against ISIS. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest passed on a reporter’s question about an endorsement of Egypt’s growing campaign against ISIS. So did State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki. “We are neither condemning nor condoning” the Egyptian strikes, is all one U.S. official would tell The Daily Beast. In other words, these once-close nations are now fighting separate campaigns against their mutual foe. And that could prove to be very good news for ISIS. The rift between U.S. and the region’s most populous country portends of another division that ISIS could exploit, this time for its expansion into northern Africa and the broader Middle East. Many may be asking right about now, why? Why is Barack Obama helping ISIS, favoring violent extremists over our own allies and Americans.... simply watch the videos below and you will have your answer. Watch them, then decide for yourself what the answer to that question may be. Obama Administration Refuses to Back Egypt's Attacks on ISIS The rift between the Obama administration and Egypt is growing and, with the growing threat of an increasingly aggressive and expanding ISIS, the timing couldn’t be worse. Several times Wednesday, the Obama administration had opportunities to express its support of Egypt’s campaign against ISIS. Yet, again and again, the administration refused to back one of its most important allies in the tumultuous region. As the Daily Beast’s Nancy A. Yousseff argues, the administration’s lack of endorsement of Egypt’s airstrikes is a “jarring” indication of the “growing strain between the United States and Egypt, once one of its closest friends in the Middle East.” This shouldn’t be a complete surprise; Cairo, after all, didn’t tell Washington about its strikes on the ISIS hotbed of Derna, Libya. Still, Wednesday's disconnect was jarring. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest passed on a reporter’s question about an endorsement of Egypt’s growing campaign against ISIS. So did State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki. “We are neither condemning nor condoning” the Egyptian strikes, is all one U.S. official would tell The Daily Beast. The administration’s deliberate distancing of itself from the efforts of Egypt against ISIS underscore that America and Egypt—once crucial partners in the war on extremism—are now fighting a “separate” war against a common enemy. The problem, of course, is that such division is likely to only help the Islamic State’s brutal campaign—particularly in northern Africa. Yousseff reports that U.S. officials privately told The Daily Beast that they “do not have a better idea for confronting the threat” and admitted that “the ongoing strains between the two nations has led to a breakdown of trust.” “The Egyptian military, in particular, is very frustrated with us,” one official said. “It is mutual frustration.” Egypt's air campaign against ISIS in Libya came after the terrorist organization beheaded 21 Coptic Christians on a beach near Tripoli. The Obama administration condemned the mass execution as a "heinous act" that "underscores the urgent need for a political resolution to the conflict in Libya." ISIS Mocks Obama After He Argues That ISIL Is Not Islamic Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, February 19, 2015, 9:31 AM On Wednesday Barack Obama once again got on his high horse and refused to acknowledge the connection between Islamic terrorism and Islam. Even ISIS thought it was bizarre. ISIS mocked him. Obama At His “Violent Extremism” Summit: “We Are Not At War With Islam, We’re At War With Those Who Perverted Islam”… He’s cluelessness is going to get people killed. Via National Journal: President Obama, much to the chagrin of Republicans and others, has avoided rhetorically tying the actions of the Islamic State to radical Islam, or Islamic extremists. In a speech Wednesday at a White House Summit on combating violent extremism, he laid out why. Islamic State fighters “are not religious leaders, they are terrorists,” Obama said. “And we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.” “No religion is responsible for terrorism,” he said. “People are responsible for violence and terrorism.” ZIP | February 18, 2015 5:06 pm President Who Refuses To Say “Islamic Extremism” Says We Can’t Stop Islamic Extremism If “We’re Always Trying To Be Politically Correct”… Jaw-dropping lack of self-awareness. Via Grabien: “I’m thinking of a little girl named Sabrina who last month sent me a Valentine’s day card in the shape of a heart. It was the first Valentine I got. I got it from Sabrina before Malia and Sasha and Michelle gave me one, so she’s 11 years old. She’s in the fifth grade. She’s a young Muslim American and she said in her Valentine, I enjoy being an American and when she grows up she wants to be an engineer or a basketball player, which are good choices. But she wrote I am worried about people hating muslims. If some muslims do bad things, that doesn’t mean all of them do. She asked please tell everyone that we are good people and we’re just like everyone else. Those are the words and the wisdom of a little girl growing up here in America just like my daughters are growing up here in America. We’re just like everybody else. And everybody needs to remember that during the course of this debate. As we move forward with these challenges, we all have responsibilities. We all have hard work ahead of us on this issue. We can’t paper over problems, and we’re not going to solve this if we’re always just trying to be politically correct. But we do have to remember that 11-year-old girl. That’s our hope. That’s our future. That’s how we discredit violent ideologies, by making sure her voice is lifted up. Making sure she’s nurtured. Making sure that she’s supported, and then recognizing there are little girls and boys like that all around the world.” ZIP | February 19, 2015 8:45 am The Extremists That Obama Invited To The ‘Counter-Extremist’ Summit This would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous and foolhardy. Via Breitbart: The White House Countering Violent Extremism Summit is entering its second day, the names of some of the participants are leaking out and raising concerns. This is especially true of the Boston delegation – one among those from three cities that the Obama Administration has labelled a pilot for how religious leaders can work with law enforcement to counter violent threats. One Boston Muslim leader taking part in the summit, Nicole Mossalam, has been dishonest about her controversial mosque blocking congregants from giving police information during their investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing. Another Muslim leader from Boston invited to the White House summit designed a lawsuit to stop the Boston media from reporting what it knows about the radical nature of the largest Islamic center in New England. In addition, this man, Nabeel Khudairi, persecuted moderate Muslim members of his own mosque after they tried to warn New Englanders about Islamic extremists in their midst. Keep reading… Nickarama | February 18, 2015 4:27 pm Obama Tells “Violent Extremism” Summit U.S. Must Fight Jihadists With “Job Training”… Marie Harf nods in approval. BARACK OBAMA: “If we’re going to prevent people from being susceptible to the false promises of extremism, than the international community has to offer something better. The United States intends to do its part. We will keep promoting development and growth that is broadly shared so more people can provide for their families. We’ll keep leading a global effort against corruption because the culture of the bribe had to be replaced by good governance that doesn’t favor certain groups over others. Countries have to truly invest in the education and skills and job training that our extraordinary young people need. By the way, that’s boys and girls and men and women because countries will not be truly successful if half their populations are denied opportunity.” ZIP | February 18, 2015 7:36 pm WH Propoganda Chief: America Is “Not In A Religious War With Islam” Because ISIS Is Not An Islamic Group… The White House continues to be a facts free zone. Via Charlie Spiering: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked again today why the Obama administration refuses to refer to the fight against ISIS as a struggle against radical Islamic terrorism. “They would love nothing more then for the United States to engage or the West to engage in a religious war with them,” Earnest explained to CNN’s Jim Acosta during the briefing. “But the fact of the matter is, that is not what this is, this is not a religious war, this is not a war on Islam, and those individuals do not represent Islam, the leaders of Islam say as much.” ZIP | February 18, 2015 3:49 pm WH: “Virulent Strain Of Extremist Ideology Has Tried To Insert Itself In The Muslim Community”… And it has only been going on since the 7th-century. Via PJ Media: Responding to criticism that this week’s summit on violent extremism isn’t focused on radical Islam — while most of the participating group are linked to the Muslim community — White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the administration is “very mindful of the fact that a particularly virulent strain of extremist ideology has tried to insert itself in the Muslim community.” “There’s no question about that. That’s true in the United States. That’s true in other places around the world. And that is — will be the subject of extensive discussion at the — at the summit,” Earnest told reporters at today’s briefing. Keep reading… ZIP | February 18, 2015 8:30 pm Jeh Johnson: The Administration Must "Give Voice To The Plight Of Muslims" Notice: We detected you might have an ad blocker running in your browser. If you experience any issues with the video player, try turning off the ad blocker and reloading the page. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY JEH JOHNSON: We in the administration and the government should give voice to the plight of Muslims living in this country and the discrimination that they face. And so I personally have committed to speak out about the situation that very often people in the Muslim community in this country face. The fact that there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and the Islamic faith is one about peace and brotherhood. Comparing Obama's Response To Other Western Leaders Regarding ISIS Massacre Of Christians Over the weekend, as the world watched ISIS brutally murder a massive group of Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Christians, the Obama administration's response showed just how evident Obama's disdain for Christianity is, compared to other Western leaders'. Here is the statement from Obama’s Press Secretary: The United States condemns the despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists. We offer our condolences to the families of the victims and our support to the Egyptian government and people as they grieve for their fellow citizens. ISIL’s barbarity knows no bounds. It is unconstrained by faith, sect, or ethnicity. This wanton killing of innocents is just the most recent of the many vicious acts perpetrated by ISIL-affiliated terrorists against the people of the region, including the murders of dozens of Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai, which only further galvanizes the international community to unite against ISIL. This heinous act once again underscores the urgent need for a political resolution to the conflict in Libya, the continuation of which only benefits terrorist groups, including ISIL. We call on all Libyans to strongly reject this and all acts of terrorism and to unite in the face of this shared and growing threat. We continue to strongly support the efforts of the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General Bernardino Leon to facilitate formation of a national unity government and help foster a political solution in Libya. Not once in his statement did Josh Earnest acknowledge the fact that these Egyptian men were killed because of their Christian beliefs. How can the White House not admit that it’s a religious war, especially when the video released by ISIS was titled “A Message Signed With Blood to the Nation of the Cross?” Compare Obama's response to those of British Prime Minister David Cameron and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Cameron said in his statement: I am appalled by the murder of Christians in Libya, a simply barbaric and inhumane act. My thoughts are with the families of those killed and the UK stands united with the Egyptian people during this period of mourning. Harper said: I am outraged and saddened by the beheadings of Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Christians in Libya by groups linked to ISIL. Coming soon after the savage burning of Royal Jordanian Air Force pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, the threat posed by ISIL could not be clearer. On behalf of all Canadians, I offer my deepest condolences to the families and friends of those killed and to the Coptic community here in Canada, who will feel the loss especially grievously. Canada is proud to stand with its coalition partners in the fight against ISIL. We will continue to stand firmly together against these terrorists who threaten the peace and freedom we hold so dear at home and that we wish for those abroad. Barbaric acts such as this do not shake our resolve but, rather, confirm the rightness of our cause and the vital necessity of our mission against ISIL. We will not be intimidated. Just to add one more, the Pope also came out condemning the murder of Christians. He said: Their only words were: ‘Jesus, help me!’ They were killed simply for the fact that they were Christians. The blood of our Christian brothers and sisters is a testimony which cries out be heard. It makes no difference whether they be Catholics, Orthodox, Copts or Protestants. They are Christians! As Cameron, Harper, and the Pope clearly denounced the barbaric killings of Christians, the Obama administration refused to call ISIS for what they are - terrorists hell-bent on starting a religious war or a religious cleansing with radicalized Islam the last one standing. Obama to Nigerian Christians: Change Laws on Abortion, Homosexuality If You Want Protection from Boko Haram Obama to Nigerian Christians: Change Laws on Abortion, Homosexuality if you want protection from terrorists A Catholic Bishop from Nigeria has leveled an explosive charge against President Barack Obama over his failure to adequately help Nigeria in the African nation’s fight againt the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram that might explain why Obama has let Boko Haram slaughter Nigerian Christians and rape and enslave Christian girls. Kidnapped schoolgirls are seen at an unknown location in this still image taken from an undated video released by Boko Haram Bishop Emmanuel Badejo spoke in Rome to Aleteia, saying of the Obama administration: “The United States actually said it would help Nigeria with Boko Haram only if we modify our laws concerning homosexuality, family planning, and birth control.” A Wall Street Journal article about an interview with Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan published last week described “various issues” supposedly keeping the Obama administration from providing more support to Nigeria in its fight against Boko Haram, but did not mention the morals issues claimed by Bishop Badejo. “The U.S. maintains a drone base in Chad, from which it conducts surveillance flights to monitor Boko Haram. It has provided training and some equipment to the Nigerian military, including $80 million of such support last year alone. Some U.S. legislators have said they want Special Forces troops shipped to Nigeria to help combat Boko Haram. “But various issues have prevented closer cooperation. Training exercises with the army have been canceled over equipment disputes. Allegations that Nigeria’s military is guilty of grave human-rights abuses in battling Boko Haram—charges that Mr. Jonathan asserts are overblown—cloud the relationship. Many U.S. officials doubt that Islamic State would be able to forge a working partnership with a distant insurgency like Boko Haram, although the two groups voice mutual admiration.” President Jonathan did not mention the morals issues in the interview with the Wall St. Journal, but he said his government has been asking without success for the Obama administration to send military advisors and combat troops to Nigeria since early 2014. Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Kirby John Kirby told the Journal the administration has not received any such requests and that “there are no U.S. troops operating in Nigeria.” In August 2014, then U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman(R-TX) made a similar charge to Bishop Badejo’s, saying the Obama administration was withholding aid to Nigeria in the fight against Boko Haram in part over Nigeria’s “social policy.” The charge was denied by a State Department offical at a recent House hearing. Bishop Badejo also questioned the West’s failure to curb financing of Boko Haram, speculating that the group has been allowed to flourish as a means of ‘population control.’ Page 1 of 2“I provided analysis for Vatican Radio not too long ago, and I asked two questions: it really Feb 19,is2015 09:31:49AM MST “I provided analysis for Vatican Radio not too long ago, and I asked two questions: is it really true that there is no one out there who can identify where all the money of Boko Haram is coming from? Is it true that there is nobody in the West who can at least help to block the funding of Boko Haram? Is it true that there is really nothing that Europe and America can do about it? I think there is a complicity also in the West in what is happening. “I take it all back to the agenda of population control. That’s my theory. Anything that can reduce the population. There has been an inordinate alarm about the exploding populations in Africa. And anything that can be done to decrease or limit the growth of the population in Africa is quite welcome. “In fact, recently I was alarmed when I heard Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, say that the United States government was committed to anything that would push the population control agenda. The United States actually said it would help Nigeria with Boko Haram only if we modify our laws concerning homosexuality, family planning, and birth control. It’s very clear that a cultural imperialism exists. In fact, I think that Africa is suffering greatly from a cultural imperialism that threatens to erode our cultural values. “And I think, to say the least, it is criminal. Because if the West boasts of being committed to human freedom, mean it. If there are values that the West cherishes, they must not impose those values on Africa. It is part of human freedom. And at least Africa can stand up and say: “These are the values we cherish and these are the values we want to keep.” If the West cherishes freedom for gays and homosexual unions and abortion and contraception, suppose Africans are not wired that way. For the African, life is sacred. And that the world can watch hundreds of people dying in Nigeria every day and look away: it shows that even what we call Western civilization today is sick. What we say about human dignity and human rights is mere hypocrisy. There is a diminishing sense of the respect for the sanctity of life. And all of this is to be imposed on Africa, at whatever cost: we think that it is immoral and that it is unjust.” Barack Obama’s extreme position on abortion is well known. It was recently acknowledged that he lied about his support for homosexual marriage to get elected president in 2008. Last year President Jonathan signed in to law a bill banning homosexual marriage and relationships that was sharply criticized by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on behalf of the Obama administration. A Reuters article on Western criticism of the law noted that Nigeria not being dependent on Western financial aid gave those governments little leverage to pressure Nigeria. If Bishop Badejo is correct, President Obama has decided the leverage he has is to punish Nigeria by letting Boko Haram slaughter Christians and rape and enslave Christian girls. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled for your setting to be saved. Page 2 of 2 Feb 19, 2015 09:31:49AM MST Marie Harf Uses Joseph Kony as Example of Christian Terrorist …But He’s Funded By Islamic Regime Someone really needs to keep this woman off the talk shows. After suggesting that the US initiate a terrorist jobs program to defeat ISIS, State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf is now arguing that Joseph Kony and his renegade band of 200 followers in Central Africa are a threat to America’s security. “If you look at the Lord’s Resistance Army and Kony, Joseph Kony – I don’t remember people talking about that as much anymore, but that’s a Christian militant group. So there are a lot of different extremists threats we face, and there are different tools we have to go after each one of them.” Seriously, Marie? Kony? Via CNS News: UPDATE: Via Shoebat — A huge problem for Harf is that Kony has been funded by the Muslim Government of Sudan for years and that government is led by none other than Omar al-Bashir, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Incompetent State Dept’s Marie Harf Defends #JobsForISIS Comments Unsuccessfully after Twitter Beatdown Suzanne Hamner 2 hours ago By now, just about everyone in America has heard the ridiculous claims of State Department spokesperson Marie Harf that stopping the Islamic State (ISIS) could be done by providing these cretins with job opportunities and working with Middle Eastern countries on their "governance" and helping to improve their economies. According to, the Twitterverse was not buying her claims and the hashtag #JobsForISIS sprang up almost immediately to mock Harf's suggestions. One tweet suggested ISIS members could replace Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" or become an MSNBC anchor. Another tweeter suggested members of ISIS could become "land mine sweepers" while another thought a good job for these cretins would be "cadaver for US medical schools." It didn't take long for Marie Harf to take to Twitter to defend her statements. Harf tweeted, "Military ldrs [leaders] have long said CT [counter-terrorism] takes more than military action. Adm. Mullen in 08: 'We can't kill our way to victory.'" How would anyone know whether that is true or not since this country has not mounted a sincere effort to win a conflict since World War II? No one has argued that any armed conflict can be won solely by killing the enemy as it takes intelligence operatives to help identify key supply routes, ammunition depots, whereabouts of commanders/leaders, and troop movements in order to effectively cripple the opposing force through disruption of those components. Harf, the "intelligent" State Department spokesperson, has totally missed the point of the ridicule – offering job opportunities to ISIS will not stop their advancement. Neither will helping Middle Eastern countries' economies or governments. Of course, Harf's next stop was Bush. "And let's not forget George W, Bush's comments on CVE: 'We fight against poverty because hope is an answer to terror.'" Harf may not be aware that many did not agree with Bush's take on it either. But, when all else fails, invoke Bush as if all America supported his statements on terror. Continuing the defense of her remarks, she went on to tweet, "Point is that pols across spectrum, military cmdrs, & CT experts all agree strategy needs to address conditions that allow extremism to grow." Well, it seems all the "experts" have missed the mark by a good old fashioned country mile. Of course, what can you expect? There's a man occupying the Oval Office who supposedly was a "constitutional" lawyer. All these military commanders and counter-terrorism experts need to read a bit and they will understand what condition exists that allows ISIS and their propagation of terror. Better yet, all they have to do is listen to the clerics and imams stating the obvious. It's very simple – Islam. However, anyone who has an "expert" position to be able to advise the government is either a Muslim Brotherhood member/operative, CAIR member, ISNA member, follower of Islam, an America hater, or an individual who has his head buried so far where the sun doesn't shine in political correctness they couldn't pour pee out of a boot with instructions written on the heel. Ms. Harf, I don't know where you were educated and really don't care; but, my dog has more sense than you and your supposed experts. This dog comes in from the rain because she knows it's raining. She doesn't stand there continually getting wet and cold thinking it's a water fountain gone awry. You and your "experts" are standing in the rain trying to tell people this is a water fountain gone awry when the people know better. My dog recognizes immediately when something or someone is a threat. The hair on the back of her neck bristles, she growls and barks, and prepares to defend herself, regardless of the size of the threat. She certainly is not inviting them to come eat and drink from her bowls. America should be so lucky to have leaders like that instead of the incompetent twits that are trying to say "ISIS can be stopped by job opportunities." Or, is that something you pulled from Bush because you thought America, in particularly Republicans and conservatives, supported him wholeheartedly? Most Americans know that Obama is not interested in stopping ISIS as he continually announces military strategy over the air waves for all to hear. He is, after all, a Muslim sympathizer being a Muslim himself. In fact, one could say Obama is only about destroying Israel, invading Syria, supporting Iran, and handing America to the highest bidder on a silver platter. He's certainly working as fast as he can on the internal destruction of America. Let's be honest here, Ms. Harf. Obama and his administration, which includes you, are nothing more than traitors, supporters of Islam and against everything upon which this country was founded. So here's a piece of advice that you should take to heart: Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Home Store News US News World News Politics Constitution Privacy Contact Theme Swift by SwiftThemes.Com Copyright © 2015 Freedom Outpost | Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS) powered by WordPress State Dept. Spokeswoman: 'Christian Militant Group' Among 'Extremist Threats We Face' ( - People talk a lot about Islamic extremism and ISIS/ISIL (the guys who behead Christians, among others), but what about Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army? "I don't remember people talking about that as much anymore, but that's a Christian militant group," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday. She was making the point that terrorism "is not just a threat in one place" -- and it's not just Islamic: State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf presents a daily press briefing on Thursday, June 5, 2014. (Screenshot: State Dep’t) "If you look at the Lord's Resistance Army and Kony, Joseph Kony -- I don't remember people talking about that as much anymore, but that's a Christian militant group. So there are a lot of different extremists threats we face, and there are different tools we have to go after each one of them." According to an Associated Press report last November, "Kony's LRA comprises a few hundred fighters who are being hunted down by African Union troops as well as U.S. advisers." Kony is wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity in a "reign of terror" that has spanned more than two decades in Central Africa. In October 2011, President Obama informed Congress that "I have authorized a small number of combat-equipped U.S. forces to deploy to central Africa to provide assistance to regional forces that are working toward the removal of Joseph Kony from the battlefield." Obama noted that Kony's LRA "continues to commit atrocities" across Central Africa "that have a disproportionate impact on regional security." In March 2014, Obama sent military aircraft and additional Special Operations forces to Uganda to assist in the search for Kony, who remains at large to this day. On Wednesday, Harf noted that this week's White House summit on "countering violent extremism" involves "over 60 countries from around the world who are facing a number of different kinds of extremist threats," and are coming together to identify "best practices" in identifying potential terrorists and deterring them. Harf also refused to back off her controversial comment on Monday, that "we cannot win this fight by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war." "Look, in the short term, and I said this on "Hardball" the other night, we are killing them and we will continue killing ISIL terrorists that pose a threat to us...but in the longer term -- and this isn't specific to ISIL -- military commanders, politicians of both parties, counter-terrorism experts all agree that if you're going to prevent terrorist groups from spreading to other places and getting more recruits, you have to look at the root causes that can lead people to extremism. "You have to do all of it, you have to take them on militarily, but you have to look at things like governance, like opportunity, so these groups aren't able to get more people to their cause, absolutely." Rudy Giuliani claims Obama 'doesn't love America' while Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker goes after Mitt Romney By Celeste Katz Thursday, February 19, 2015, 1:52 AM Jeff Bachner for New York Daily News Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani did not mince words Wednesday night, claiming that President Obama doesn't love America. Obama doesn’t love America — and Mitt’s not much better. Those were the not-so-subtle views expressed by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at a Manhattan dinner party Wednesday night. “I do not believe — and I know this is a horrible thing to say — but I do not believe that this president loves America,” Giuliani said of President Obama. Republican Walker, a likely 2016 White House contender, went after his party’s previous candidate. “The big thing I thought Mitt Romney’s campaign missed more than anything was we already knew the narrative that the economy was failing, and that there was a compelling case to get rid of the president,” Walker told the crowd of business leaders, academics, GOP honchos and members of the media at the posh 21 Club. Among those attending were former U.S. Sen. Al D'Amato, Daily News Chairman & Publisher Mortimer B. Zuckerman and the evening's host, grocery store billionaire John Catsimatidis. “What we never heard — or at least didn’t hear very clearly — was why Mitt Romney would be a better alternative,” Walker said. The decision by Romney, the party's 2012 nominee, not to wage a third presidential campaign but encourage the party to choose a 2016 standard-bearer from among the "next generation" of GOP leaders, touched off a scramble for donors, staffers, and voters. With former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush largely seen as the frontrunner, Walker -- whose national fame is largely rooted in his explosive battles with organized labor in Wisconsin -- is courting conservatives as he explores a run of his own. Lefteris Pitarakis/AP Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker got candid about Mitt Romney's failed 2012 presidential bid at a Manhattan dinner party Wednesday. Walker's criticisms of Obama and predicted Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton were redder GOP meat than the filet mignon served at the upscale club. But he repeatedly, and without mincing words, clearly sought Wednesday night to differentiate himself, and the approach he would take to a run at the Oval Office, from Romney's methods. "I think in America, we need to have transformational change," he said. As he explores a run, Walker sees the need for a "fresh" face who will bring "big, bold" ideas to the forum -- and he was unstinting in his criticism of the strategy that led to Romney's 2012 defeat. "One of the big mistakes that I and [Iowa Gov.] Terry Branstad and other Republican governors thought the Romney campaign made was, you've got all these Republican governors talking about how much better things were in our states after the 2010 elections, and then those same states -- in my case, after I spent $37 million on a recall election -- you had the Romney campaign coming in and telling them how awful things were because of Barack Obama's economy. "We said 'No, the better argument in Republican-led states was to say, 'Look how much better it got -- imagine how much better it would be if you put a Republican in charge of the federal government. You could get the same thing happening there,'" Walker said. "They didn't do that." Rudy Giuliani: President Obama doesn’t love America The former New York mayor makes his remarks at a Scott Walker event. NEW YORK — Rudy Giuliani went straight for the jugular Wednesday night during a private group dinner here featuring Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker by openly questioning whether President Barack Obama “loves America.” The former New York mayor, speaking in front of the 2016 Republican presidential contender and about 60 rightleaning business executives and conservative media types, directly challenged Obama’s patriotism, discussing what he called weak foreign policy decisions and questionable public remarks when confronting terrorists. “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani said during the dinner at the 21 Club, a former Prohibition-era speakeasy in midtown Manhattan. “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.” With Walker sitting just a few seats away, Giuliani continued by saying that “with all our flaws we’re the most exceptional country in the world. I’m looking for a presidential candidate who can express that, do that and carry it out.” Obama's 'extremism' language irks both sides “And if it’s you Scott, I’ll endorse you,” he added. “And if it’s somebody else, I’ll support somebody else.” In an interview after the dinner — Walker aides insisted all of the governor’s comments were off the record — Giuliani said he would “eventually” back a Republican presidential candidate. He also elaborated on his criticism of Obama by arguing the president “sees our weaknesses as footnotes to the great things we’ve done.” “What country has left so many young men and women dead abroad to save other countries without taking land? This is not the colonial empire that somehow he has in his hand. I’ve never felt that from him. I felt that from [George] W. [Bush]. I felt that from [Bill] Clinton. I felt that from every American president, including ones I disagreed with, including [Jimmy] Carter. I don’t feel that from President Obama.” Giuliani then recalled his own comments condemning several major episodes from the early 1990s when Jews were targeted in Argentina and the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. That hard-line approach, Giuliani said, stands in contrast to the way Obama touched off a storm earlier this month during the National Prayer Breakfast by citing the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition as Christian examples of the way many religions have perpetrated horrible acts throughout history. Jeb's Foreign Policy, by George “I thought the Crown Heights riots were a pogrom because you’re going out trying to kill Jews,” Giuliani said. “Why is this man incapable of saying that? You’ve got to be able to criticize Islam for the parts of Islam that are wrong. You criticize Christianity for the part of Christianity that is wrong. I’m not sure how wrong the Crusades are. The Crusades were kind of an equal battle between two groups of barbarians. The Muslims and the crusading barbarians. What the hell? What’s wrong with this man that he can’t stand up and say there’s a part of Islam that’s sick?” Obama aides have stood by the president’s remarks from the prayer breakfast. “I think what is unquestionably true is that throughout history we have seen individuals perpetrate terrible acts of violence in the name of religion,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said last week. “And regardless of what religion you are trying to use to justify your terrible act of violence, it’s the responsibility of people with faith, of all faiths, to step forward and say that it’s wrong.” © 2015 POLITICO LLC ISIS Launches Air Strikes On Libyan Airport After Announcing They'll Invade Europe Through Libya With Italy Only A Short Plane Ride Away! February 18, 2015 By Stefan Stanford aka Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline Only a day after announcing that they will invade Europe through Libya, an ISIS-tied faction has taken their campaign of terror to a higher level, launching their first airstrikes against a Libyan airport merely a 45+ minute plane ride from Italy. Passengers were about to depart Libya's Zintan airport when Libya's Islamic state militia launched the attacks. With ISIS now in possession of fighter jets and a promise made to invade Europe, the newly released video report below featuring Barack Obama at a White House summit on how to counter violent extremism is getting an awful lot of attention for its' underlying theme: Acts of terror carried out by muslim groups like ISIS are NOT due to Islam or any religious's simply "social injustice." You can read the entire speech here. ISIS’ plans to conquer Europe via Libya have been revealed in letters seen by an anti-terrorism group. Owing to its perfect location on the continental doorstep, the terrorists plan to ferry fighters from North Africa across the Mediterranean. The plans, analyzed by anti-terrorism British think tank Quilliam, outline a strategy to illegally ferry fighters across the sea from Libya into southern Europe, into ports such as Italy’s southernmost island of Lampedusa, less than 300 miles (483km) away. Libya “has a long coast and looks upon the southern Crusader states, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat,” an Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) propagandist says in the letters seen by Quilliam, according to the Telegraph. ISIS Threatens To Send Half A Million Migrants Into Europe As A “Psychological Weapon”… During Gaddafi’s last interview in 2011 he predicted the Mediterranean would become a “sea of chaos”… Via Daily Mail: ISIS has threatened to flood Europe with half a million migrants from Libya in a ‘psychological’ attack against the West, it was claimed today. Transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy claim to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a ‘psychological weapon’ against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya. Many would be at risk of drowning with rescue services unable to cope. But authorities fear that if numbers on this scale arrived, European cities could witness riots. Separately, the militants hope to cement their control of Libya then cross the Mediterranean disguised as refugees, according to letters seen by Quilliam the anti-terror group, reported by the Telegraph. Italian Minister for the Interior Angelino Alfano said on Monday that Libya was the ‘absolute priority’ and insisted there was ‘not a minute to lose’ for the international community. He said: ‘If the militias of the Caliphate advance faster than the decisions of the international community how can we put out the fire in Libya and stem the migration flows? We are at risk of an exodus without precedent.’ More than 170,000 migrants arrived in Italy by boat last year. Since last Friday almost 4,000 have been rescued. The spread of militancy across Libya was predicted by the country’s deceased leader Muammar Gaddafi, who warned the Mediterranean would become ‘a sea of chaos’. Keep Reading… Mob Beats Syrian Soldiers To Death, ISIS Drags Corpses Through The Streets Of Raqqa… Welcome to the Caliphate. Via Daily Mail: A sickening new video has emerged showing hundreds of savage supporters of the Islamic State kicking Syrian soldiers to to death before dragging their bloodied corpses through the streets. The barbaric footage is believed to have been filmed in the terror group’s de facto capital Raqqa and bears all the hallmarks of ISIS’ professionally produced and edited propaganda films. […] The three prisoners are seen on their knees in the centre of a circle of militants, who link arms to hold back the throng of young men intent on taking part in the particularly savage triple murder. The footage is edited so the cleric’s Arabic ranting reverberates and echoes as it becomes fevered and the crowd of young, T-shirt and baseball cap-wearing supporters push and shove to get closer. Seconds later the crowd is unleashed on the men, surging forward and raining down kicks, punches and beatings with whatever objects are close at hand. So dense is crowd desperate to take part in the brutal killing that those on the periphery are more than a dozen rows back from the victims. ZIP | February 19, 2015 10:15 am Danish Muslims To Offer Prayers For Jihadist Killer Every Friday… Googlish translation from Jyllands-Posten: Monday’s unofficial commemoration of the alleged offender, Omar Abdel Hamid el-Hussein, escalated in a short time. In the future, every Friday will be asked for him, it said. 42-year-old Bilal Gurleyek sat down on his knees and put a note on the ground. He put it in front of the many flowers that passing through the day had laid on the ground in front of the place, the 22-year-old Omar Abdel Hamid el-Hussein Sunday night was shot and killed by police. On the leaflet advertises Bilal Gurleyek that this place in the future must be the meeting place for the country’s Muslims. “I take great distance from his works, and I have a big problem with Islamists. But I have come here today because he was born a Muslim, and he died as a Muslim and as a Muslim I feel it is my duty to come and pray for him, “said Bilal Gurleyek who knew the presumed perpetrator, but now will start a new tradition in Nørrebro’s northwest district of Copenhagen: Every Friday he will invite other Muslims from the neighborhood to come and ask for Omar Abdel Hamid el-Hussein “Muslim soul ‘. Already, Bilal Gurleyek spoken with numerous men from the neighborhood, which will also make Svanevej to a fixed place of prayer every Friday. ZIP | February 19, 2015 9:23 am Danish Muslim Swore Allegiance To ISIS Just Before Terror Attack On Mohammed Cartoonist… If only Obama could have found him a job. Via Daily Mail: The jihadi who murdered two civilians in Denmark swore allegiance to Islamic State just nine minutes before his first attack. Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein declared his devotion to the terror group on his Facebook page and then gunned down a film director at a free speech debate in Copenhagen. The 22-year-old fanatic later killed a volunteer security guard at a synagogue before police shot him dead. Last night it emerged that Danish intelligence service PET was warned that El-Hussein had become radicalised while in prison. A senior member of his former gang, called the Brothas, said El-Hussein had been released two weeks ago. Abo Saddam added: ‘When he went inside he was a member of our gang. He lived his life with us. We would drive around, smoke hashish together, fight rival gangs. This is the Omar that I knew. ‘But when he came out he changed. He stopped keeping in touch with the Brothas. ‘Prison changed him. He became a much harder Muslim with more hardcore beliefs. He wanted to act on those beliefs as well, instead of just talking about them.’ The 24-year-old gangster added: ‘He went into prison a gang member like us and came out wanting to wage holy war.’ ZIP | February 18, 2015 11:16 pm Boko Haram Leader Vows To “Enslave” Obama Supporters… A new video from Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau with English subtitles. (Breitbart) – A man claiming to be the leader of Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau, appears in a new video threatening violence against the Nigerian government should they proceed with presidential elections, and warning that the terrorist group will “enslave” all those “supporters of Francois Hollande and Obama.” The video, which was initially distributed on Twitter and since has been distributed through the SITE Intelligence group, depicts the man claiming to be Shekau before a camera, warning that the Nigerian presidential elections– already postponed due to Boko Haram suicide bombings– will never happen. The elections are scheduled to occur on March 28. ZIP | February 18, 2015 6:22 pm Islamic State’s Sharia Enforcers Attack Woman For “Exposing Her Eyes Too Much”… Dear libs, here’s your “war on women.” Via Breitbart: The Islamic State’s (ISIS/ISIL) established “morality police” reportedly attacked a woman in eastern Syria because her eyes were exposed. Women under the caliphate must dress conservatively, following the protocols issued in various ISIS publications concerning the behavior of women. This includes a full face veil. The majority of women shown in pictures and videos are covered from head to toe in all black. The ISIS morality gangs in Albuhamai, Syria, found a woman wearing a full face veil that they deemed to have left her eyes too exposed. The police also arrested two men who attempted to protect her. In July, the jihadists passed extreme restrictions on women. A full-face veil is required, and the hands and feet must be covered. Females must not wear clothes that “hug the body.” Keep reading… ZIP | February 18, 2015 4:08 pm Islamic State Fighters In Libya Burn Musical Instruments… ISIS saving the Muslim world from the sound of unholy drums forged by the Devil himself! Via Zaid Benjamin: ZIP | February 18, 2015 5:26 pm Pope Francis Holds Meeting With Major Homosexual Group, And Never Condemns Them (THE VATICAN HARLOTS ITSELF YET AGAIN) By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis just had a meeting with a major homosexual group and he never condemned them. In fact, they were brought in by a top Vatican official and also an American bishop. According to the report: A prominent American Catholic gay rights group was given VIP treatment for the first time at an audience with Pope Francis on Wednesday, a move members saw as a sign of change in the Roman Catholic Church. “This is a sign of movement that’s due to the Francis effect,” said Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry, which ministers to homosexual Catholics and promotes gay rights in the 1.2 billion-member Church. Gramick and executive director Francis DeBernardo led a pilgrimage of 50 homosexual Catholics to the audience in St. Peter’s Square. They told Reuters in an interview afterwards that when the group came to Rome on Catholic pilgrimages during the papacies of Francis’s predecessors John Paul and Benedict, “they just ignored us”. This time, a U.S. bishop and a top Vatican official backed their request and they sat in a front section with dignitaries and special Catholic groups. As the pope passed, they sang “All Are Welcome,” a hymn symbolizing their desire for a more inclusive Church. View galleryGramick and Francis DeBernardo pose in front of St. … Sister Jeannine Gramick and Francis DeBernardo of New Ways Ministry, which ministers to homosexual C … A list of participants released by the Vatican listed “a group of lay people accompanied by a sister” but did not mention that they were a gay rights organization. “What this says is that there is movement in our Church, movement to welcome people from the outside closer to the inside,” Gramick said in St. Peter’s Square. There are major homosexual rings in the Vatican, what I like to call “homosexual hornets nests.” I myself have had experience with the homosexual infiltrators in the Catholic Church. While we were doing some work in Texas we were told of a man named Msgr. Michael Yarbrough (also known as Michael Yarborough), of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, and how he is a deviant priest who forcefully kissed a young man named Hector Escalante on the lips, and how he was supporting a pro homosexual group called Call to Action. Here is a photo of Msgr. Michael Yarbrough: Well, we decided that we were going to bait Msgr. Michael Yarbrough. I visited him in a confessional booth where I told him my age and apparently it registered an interest and he asked me if I wanted to come and hang out with him. He fell for the bait. I found it very odd that a priest of his high position, with a very busy schedule, would all of a sudden want to spend time with me. I accepted his offer, and gave him a call, and asked him if we would meet at a book store. He said that he preferred that we meet in his office. I found this quite disturbing because it was in his office where he kissed Hector Escalante. When I did research on Msgr. Michael Yarbrough, I found a 2002 report written in the San Antonio Express which stated: Hector Escalante complained that Monsignor Michael Yarbrough kissed him on the lips and groped him in his office in 1998 when Escalante was 27, on his last day on the job as a St. Matthew’s Parish employee. Yarbrough admitted kissing him but said Escalante misunderstood the gesture, which the priest said was common among men in his family. He denied groping Escalante. Imagine, a man kissing another man on the lips as “common.” I told Msgr. Michael Yarbrough that it would be better that we meet in a book store, to which he agreed. I asked him how much time he had, and he said, as long as I wanted. After doing some more research, I also found out that on top of kissing a young man on the lips, Msgr. Michael Yarbrough is a also a major donor to a pro homosexual group, called Call to Action, and I found his name on a list made by Call to Action designated as “major donors”. I took a snapshot of the list with Msgr. Michael Yarbrough’s name highlighted: So, we had the meeting at the bookstore, and after some conversation, I busted him on his heresies and his scandals, and also paid a visit to his church where I was eventually kicked out by his followers (who probably know nothing on how evil this heretic is). Here is the video: For years we have seen how the Vatican covers up for sexual predators and deviants, heretics and debased theologians. But we have never seen how the agents of the Vatican cover up for such evildoers in their private conversations. Well, is now giving you this exclusive video showing you how the conniving is really done. I confronted Deacon Ron Walker, an official of the Vatican, asking why the Church has done nothing to punish Robert L. Kincl, a priest and canon law judge who was appointed by the Pope himself, who teaches that if two men masturbate each other they do not commit sin, and who himself defended confirmed child molester priest, Fr. Robert Hrdlicka. This is after filed a complaint against Kincl after we caught him teaching us depravity. Deacon Ron Walker and the Bishop of Austin, Joe Vasquez, and Vicar General Daniel Garcia, did nothing to have Robert L. Kincl punished, even after they promised to take care of this evil. realized that they were just patronizing video. Here is the video: Robert L. Kincl, who was appointed by the Pope, had befriended us as a fan of acting as conservative, yet referred to homosexual fondling as permissible in the conversation. Having been shocked at his remarks, I told Kincl: How can you, as a priest, be so liberal toward such a sick evil as two men fondling each other, or as two men having a “relationship” just as long as they are not going with other men. It is evil and it is reprobate. I also told him: It is not tolerable for you, as both a priest and a canon law judge, to be permissive to somebody having a homosexual relationship just as long as they are not being promiscuous with other men. It is deplorable, and in the words of St. Paul, “worthy of death” (Romans 1:32). Kincl defended his position and responded with a rejection of the Old Testament and a twisting of St. Paul’s condemnation of homosexuality in Romans, stating We do not follow the Hebrew Scriptures. We follow Jesus Christ who never mentioned gay relationships. When St. Paul mentioned such a relationship he was referring to the promiscuousness of the Romans using sodomy. decided to investigate Kincl and found that he has a dark past. In 1993, Kincl worked as a Commander in charge of clergy at the U.S. Navy, and while he was in the service he defended another chaplain confirmed to be guilty of child molestation, named Robert Hrdlicka. The investigation revealed that Robert L. Kincl had even written the authorities, not to charge the pedophile who molested the young boys, but urged them to send him back to serve as a chaplain: Catholic chaplain Lt. Robert Hrdlicka pleaded guilty to molesting boys in 1993. Before his sentencing, six other Catholic Navy chaplains and the church’s archbishop for the military services urged authorities to send Lt. Hrdlicka to a church-run treatment center. “It is my fervent hope and prayer that he will be able to return to the active ministry as soon as possible,” wrote then-Cmdr. Robert L. Kincl. Instead, Lt. Hrdlicka went to prison. looked up Kincl’s My Life page, to find out that after all these years Kincl is still friends with Hrdlicka the pedophile, since he is on his friends list, of which I took snapshots: Just as we have Muslims, like Bergdahl, who have infiltrated the military, we have people like Kincl who have infiltrated both the military and the Catholic Church, with their depravity. Kincl is now serving as a priest in Our Lady’s Maronite Catholic Church alongside Msgr. Don Sawyer. When I confronted Sawyer on Kincl, Sawyer vehemently defended Kincl. Robert L. Kincl, depraved priest who defended a child molesting priest Don Sawyer, Msgr. at Our Lady’s Maronite Catholic Church where Kincl serves decided to contact the Diocese of Austin to file a complaint, and spoke with the Very Reverend Daniel E. Garcia as the Vicar General for the Diocese of Austin, and Chancellor and Secretariat Director for Administration, Deacon Ron Walker, who were under Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of the Diocese of Austin. We asked them how could someone who supports homosexuality and defended a pedophile still be serving as a priest and not be excommunicated, to which Deacon Ron Walker, rolling his eyes, said that the Church’s main objective would be to reconcile him with God, and not excommunicate him. It seems that the Diocese of Austin could care less if one of its priests supports homosexuality and defended a pedophile. Bishop Joe S. Vásquez Vicar General Danny Garcia of the Diocese of Austin Why is this man serving as a priest when the Catholic Church, in its teachings, forbids homosexuality? It is not surprising to see how far reaching homosexuality has gone in the Vatican. What other deviancies will enter the Vatican in the next decade remains to be seen. Whatever happened to normal sin? In the good old days, steeling a chicken perhaps constituted such sin, but these days, its sleeping with it. Christianity is not about sycophancy, its about war against evil and the devil. We must arm ourselves to fight in this war. © Copyright 2015 Walid Shoebat. All Rights Reserved. Ann Coulter - February 18, 2015 - GOP DOUBLE-CROSSING TRAITORS Now that a federal judge has held Obama's illegal executive amnesty unconstitutional, perhaps U.S. senators will remember that they swore to uphold the Constitution, too. Back when they needed our votes before the last election, Republicans were hairy-chested warriors, vowing to block Obama's unconstitutional "executive amnesty" -- if only voters gave them a Senate majority. The resulting Republican landslide suggested some opposition to amnesty. Heading into the election, college professor Dave Brat took out the sitting House majority leader and amnesty supporter Eric Cantor in a primary, despite being outspent 40-1. It was the greatest upset in history since the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" at the Lake Placid Olympics: Never before has a House majority leader been defeated in a primary. And Brat did it by an astonishing 55.5 percent to 45.5 percent. Again, the voters seemed to be expressing disquiet with amnesty. After that, even amnesty-supporting Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., was denouncing Obama's executive amnesty. "If the president were to do that," he said, "and we have a Republican majority in the United States Senate, why, we have a number of options that we don't now have to remind him to read Article I of the Constitution." Poll after poll showed Americans ranking illegal immigration as the No. 1 most important problem facing the nation. We haven't changed our minds. Last week, an Associated Press-Gfk poll showed that Obama's single most unpopular policy is his position on illegal immigration. In other words, Obamacare is more popular than amnesty. That's like losing a popularity contest to Ted Bundy. Since at least 2006, voters have insistently told pollsters they don't want amnesty. Seemingly bulletproof Republican congressmen have lost their seats over amnesty. President Bush lost the entire House of Representatives over amnesty. What else do we have to do to convince you we don't want amnesty, Republicans? Make it a host on "The View"? Before the election, then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell complained that Obama's decision to delay his executive amnesty until after the election was a ploy to prevent Americans from "hold(ing) his party accountable in the November elections." But voters went ahead and held Obama accountable! Now McConnell is Senate majority leader -- and he claims his hands are tied. McConnell's spokesman at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Brad Dayspring, predicted that Obama's amnesty threat would drive voters to "elect a new Senate (that) will stand up to the president." Check! Mission accomplished! Done and done! Officially off our bucket list. OK, guys, your turn. When do you start standing up to the president? Hello? Hell-oooo? To gin up votes, "Republican insiders" told the Washington Examiner last fall that "the results of the midterm elections" would determine how "aggressive" the GOP would be in fighting Obama's amnesty. Voters gave you a blow-out victory, Republicans. You cleaned their clocks. (Have you seen Harry Reid lately?) Where's that promised aggression on amnesty? Republicans and George Will tell us they can't stand up to Obama's executive amnesty because the media are unfair. Oh, well, in that case ... never mind. This is news to them? They didn't know the media were unfair when they were promising to block Obama's illegal amnesty before the elections? The media have blamed the GOP for every failure of Republicans and Democrats to reach an agreement since the Hoover administration. This isn't a surprise development. Why don't Republicans attack the media? People hate the media! Their power is eroding -- and it would erode a lot faster if Congress would challenge them. Instead of submitting to the media's blackmail, my suggestion is, take their gun away. Tell voters what the media won't: that Obama's "amnesty" will give illegal aliens Social Security cards and three years of back-payments through the Earned Income Tax Credit, even though they never paid taxes in the first place. Could we get a poll on that: Should the government issue work permits to illegal aliens and give them each $25,000 in U.S. taxpayer money? I promise you, Obama would lose that vote by at least 80-20. Even people vaguely supportive of not hounding illegal aliens out of the country didn't sign up to open the U.S. Treasury to them. Tell voters that the media are refusing to report that, for the past two weeks, Senate Democrats have been filibustering a bill that would defund Obama's illegal amnesty. Whether or not the Democrats continue to filibuster the bill containing the amnesty defund, the government won't shut down -- contrary to hysterical claims by the media and George Will. The government is funded. Only the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be "defunded." Which means, wait ... I'm counting on my fingers ... yes, that's right: NOTHING. Nearly all DHS employees are "essential" personnel required to stay on the job even if the department is defunded -the Secret Service, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Customs and Border Protection and the Coast Guard. Approximately 200,000 of DHS's 230,000 employees will keep working. By "government shutdown," the media mean: "some secretaries will not go to work." Why don't Republicans spend all their airtime attacking the media for lying about what Obama's amnesty does and what the Democrats are doing? It's hard to avoid concluding that Republicans aren't trying to make the right arguments. In fact, it kind of looks like they're intentionally throwing the fight on amnesty. If a Republican majority in both houses of Congress can't stop Obama from issuing illegal immigrants Social Security cards and years of back welfare payments, there is no reason to vote Republican ever again. COPYRIGHT 2015 ANN COULTER Ann Coulter: Obama’s Executive Amnesty Would Give Every Illegal Immigrant $25,000 By Brian Carey Facebook Ann Coulter appeared with Sean Hannity last night and took a few moments to slam the politicians who are supporting the President’s attempt at executive amnesty for illegal immigrants. “Americans keep telling pollsters they don’t want amnesty,” Coulter said. “They voted out Eric Cantor, as I wrote in my column this week.” She went on to say that, when Republicans were running for office last year, they campaigned by saying that they would block the President’s executive amnesty. She also took issue with Fox News, the network on which she was appearing, for not mentioning that Senate Democrats have been filibustering the legislative attempt to stop amnesty. Coulter criticized the narrative, promoted by some Republicans, that if the current bill blocking funding for amnesty passes the Senate, then the President will veto it and there will be another government shutdown. “It won’t shut down the government,” she said. “The government is fully funded. A few secretaries won’t go to work at the Department of Homeland Security. Ninety percent of the employees there are essential personnel. They can’t be let go.” Coulter also said that Republicans aren’t doing a very good job at explaining the ramifications of amnesty. “I don’t think most Americans understand that what Obama’s amnesty does is give them Social Security cards, give them work permits, and give every illegal alien $25,000 from the U.S. Treasury,” she said. Ted Cruz: White House ‘Counterfeiting Immigration Documents’ February 18, 2015 11:57 AM Sen. Ted Cruz speaks to guests at the Iowa Freedom Summit on Jan. 24, 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa. (credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images) WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, believes that the Obama administration is “counterfeiting immigration documents” under the president’s immigration plan. Speaking to Fox News following a federal judge’s decision to temporarily halt President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration, the potential Republican presidential contender said the commander in chief is ignoring federal law. “One of the things it points out is the president has claimed, rather absurdly, that the basis of his authority is ‘prosecutorial discretion.’ That he’s simply choosing not to prosecute 4.5 million people here illegally,” Cruz told Fox News. “But what the district court concluded, quite rightly, is they’re doing far more than that. The administration is printing work authorizations. It is affirmatively acting in contravention of federal law. Basically, what its doing is counterfeiting immigration documents, because the work authorizations its printing are directly contrary to the text of federal law. It is dangerous when the president ignores federal law.” U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen’s decision late Monday puts on hold Obama’s orders that could spare from deportation as many as 5 million people who are in the U.S. illegally. In a memorandum accompanying his order, Hanen said the lawsuit should go forward and that the states would “suffer irreparable harm in this case” without a preliminary injunction. “The genie would be impossible to put back into the bottle,” he wrote, adding that he agreed that legalizing the presence of millions of people is a “virtually irreversible” action. Talking to reporters in the Oval Office, Obama said he disagreed with the ruling by Hanen that the administration had exceeded its authority. But he said that, for now, he must abide by it. “We’re not going to disregard this federal court ruling,” Obama said, but he added that administration officials would continue to prepare to roll out the program. “I think the law is on our side and history is on our side,” he said. Cruz called it a “major victory for the rule of law.” “It’s interesting, (Obama) said the law is on his side. There’s at least one person who calls himself a legal scholar who disagrees, and his name is Barack Obama,” Cruz said. “Twenty-two times President Obama has admitted he doesn’t have the authority to issue unilateral amnesty. Twenty-two times he says the constitution doesn’t allow it. He said, ‘This is not a monarchy.’ That’s his quote. And then after the last election, he said never mind and issued it anyway.” Obama’s directives would make more than 4 million immigrants in the United States illegally eligible for three-year deportation stays and work permits. Mostly those are people who have been in the country for more than five years and have children who are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. Applications for the first phase were to begin Wednesday, when as many as 300,000 immigrants brought illegally to the country as children could begin applying for an expansion of Obama’s 2012 program aimed at the younger immigrants known as Dreamers. Hanen’s ruling late Monday night, in a case brought by 26 states led by Texas, said that Obama and his Homeland Security Department lacked the authority to take the actions they did. “No statute gives the DHS the discretion it is trying to exercise here,” wrote Hanen, and he issued a stay blocking the actions from taking effect. His order was not a big surprise from a Republican-appointed judge who has showed a hard line on border issues. The Obama administration could seek a stay of his order in addition to appealing to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that the Justice Department was deciding its next move. He said, “I’ve always expected that this is a matter that will ultimately be decided by a higher court — if not the Supreme Court then a federal court of appeals.” (TM and © Copyright 2015 CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2015 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.) Chicago Moonbats Demand That Mayor Emanuel And Police Chief McCarthy ‘Repent’ For Police Violence They will still vote for Rahm in the next election. Via Chicago Sun Times Faith leaders, community activists and alleged victims of police harassment held a prayer vigil outside the mayor’s office on Ash Wednesday, demanding that Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy “repent” for police violence. Organized by the Community Renewal Society, the protesters carried signs with black and white photos of Emanuel and McCarthy against a red background, with the caption, “Repent. Show us that black lives matter.” They railed about the $80 million tab last year and the $500 million paid by Chicago taxpayers over the last ten years to settle cases stemming from alleged police misconduct. They beefed about an Independent Police Review Authority that investigates excessive force complaints, but penalized just two percent of officers held responsible, and about the fact that black Chicagoans are shot by police at ten times the rate of whites. They also complained about a pilot program to equip police officers in the Shakespeare District with body cameras that “lacks public oversight of any kind.” The protesters demanded an end to “stop-and-frisk policies that disproportionately target communities of color” and an overhaul of the already-revamped and independent agency that replaced the Police Department’s old Office of Professional Standards.[…] “Mayor Emanuel is refusing to address the issue of police brutality and the misuse of authority in black and brown communities…. In Chicago, African-Americans were subject to an estimated 69 percent of the stops. But we are only 33 percent of the city’s population…From 2009 to 2011, 92 percent of the subjects Tasered were African-American and Hispanics. They were ten times more likely to be shot.” Dapandico | February 18, 2015 9:08 pm Kelsey Harkness Kelsey Harkness / @kelseyjharkness / February 18, 2015 / 49 comments Former Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran filed today a federal lawsuit against the city of Atlanta and its Mayor Kasim Reed alleging they terminated his employment because of his belief in traditional marriage. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division, states Cochran’s was fired “solely” because: …[Cochran] holds religious beliefs concerning same-sex marriage and homosexual conduct that are contrary to the mayor’s and the city’s views on these subjects, and because he expressed those beliefs in the non-work-related, religious book he self-published. Cochran had been a firefighter since 1981 and was appointed Atlanta’s fire chief in 2008. In 2009, President Obama appointed him as U.S. Fire Administrator for the United States Fire Administration in Washington, D.C. In 2010, he returned to serve as Atlanta’s fire chief. Photo: Alliance Defending Freedom Cochran is a devout Christian and active in his community as a member of Elizabeth Baptist Church, where he serves as a deacon and teacher. On Jan. 6, 2015, after writing and self-publishing a book which briefly mentions homosexuality as one among many sexual sins from a Christian perspective, the city of Atlanta and Mayor Reed suspended Cochran without pay, subjected him to “sensitivity training” and ultimately fired him. After learning of the book, Reed wrote on his Facebook page: Although a city investigation found that Cochran has not discriminated against anyone throughout his career as fire chief of Atlanta, the city still fired him, citing the need for tolerance of diverse views. “I respect each individual’s right to have their own thoughts, beliefs and opinions, but when you’re a city employee and those thoughts, beliefs and opinions are different from the city’s, you have to check them at the door,” said City Councilman Alex Wan, a leader in the campaign to oust Cochran, to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in November. Alliance Defending Freedom, a non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith, is defending Cochran in his lawsuit against the city and mayor of Atlanta. Kevin Theriot, a senior counsel for the organization, said today in a press release: Every American should be concerned about a government that thinks it can fire you because of what you believe. If it can happen to Chief Cochran, a distinguished firefighter who attained the highest fire service position in the United States, it can happen to anybody. Univ. Of Houston Student Paper Whines: Gay White Men And Their “White Privilege” Ruining LGBTQ Movement… Filed under: When left-wing nuances collide. Via Campus Reform: “L,” “B,” “T,” and “Q” have apparently been left out of the LGBTQ community as privileged, white gay males take center stage in the media. Student journalist Laura Gillespie wrote an article for the University of Houston Daily Cougar’s sex week issue arguing that bisexual and transgender individuals (among others) feel ignored by media depictions of the LGBTQ community. Scholars and LGBTQ experts tend to agree. “There is not equal representation [in the media],” Lorraine Schroeder, director of the University of Houston’s LGBT Resource Center, told Campus Reform. “Gays and lesbians are lumped into one group, bisexuals are almost invisible, and transgenders are more represented than bisexuals, but still less than gays and lesbians.” […] According to Gillespie, “the acceptance begins and ends with white, cisgender (meaning a person who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth) gay men.” Just as other communities focus on white, straight men, Gillespie said, the LGBTQ community focuses on white gay men. This, she continued, quickly reverts the LGBTQ debate back to white privilege. “Those without benefit of white or male privilege still suffer heavily.” Keep reading… ZIP | February 18, 2015 4:45 pm Atlanta Libs Trying To Open Gay-Only School For Kids As Young As Pre-Kindergarten… Gay pre-kindergarten children? Sounds like every child molester’s dream come true. Via Daily Caller: In Atlanta, Ga., a small and dedicated group of organizers is busily creating the city’s first and only private school especially for gay — or lesbian, or bisexual or transgender — kids as young as prekindergarten. The full-time school will be called Pride School Atlanta, local NBC affiliate WXIA reports . Organizers are still trying to raise sufficient funds, but they hope to open the school’s doors in the fall of 2015. Tuition is projected to be $12,000 per year for each student. “I want a place where queer and trans families can bring their kids and not have to worry about being the token lesbian family or the token gay family,” Christian Zsilavetz, a chief founder, said, according to Pink News. Zsilavetz explained that he believes Atlanta needs a school where gay students are segregated from the general student population because too many children are bullied and taunted for their sexual preferences. Keep reading… Washington Grandmother Set to Lose Home & Life’s Savings for Not Selling Flowers to Couple for Gay Wedding Seventy year-old Barronelle Stutzman may lose her home and life’s saving for not selling flowers to couple for their gay wedding. Stutzman did refer the couple to a different shop but that was not enough. The court ruled recently that both the state and the same-sex couple may collect damages and attorneys’ fees not only from her business, but from Stutzman personally. Barronelle Stutzman The Alliance Defending Freedom reported: A state judge ruled Wednesday that Washington floral artist and grandmother Barronelle Stutzman must provide full support for wedding ceremonies that are contrary to her faith – a decision at odds with the views of most Americans according to a newAssociated Press-GfK poll. The court claims that Stutzman’s referral of a long-time customer to another business for floral design and support for a same-sex ceremony violated Washington law. The court also ruled recently that both the state and the same-sex couple, who each filed lawsuits against her, may collect damages and attorneys’ fees not only from her business, but from Stutzman personally. That means the 70-year-old grandmother may not only lose her business, but also her home and savings because she lives her life and operates her business according to her beliefs. “The message of these rulings is unmistakable: the government will bring about your personal and professional ruin if you don’t help celebrate same-sex marriage,” said ADF Senior Counsel Kristen Waggoner, who argued before the court in December. “The two men had no problem getting the flowers they wanted. They received several offers for free flowers, and the marketplace gives them plenty of options. Laws that are supposed to prohibit discrimination might sound good, but the government has begun to use these laws to hurt people – to force them to conform and to silence and punish them if they don’t violate their religious beliefs on marriage.” Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled for your setting to be saved. Page 1 of 1 Feb 19, 2015 09:38:06AM MST Florida High School Reverses Decision To Ban Students From Saying “God Bless America”… Sanity prevails. Via Daily Caller: A Florida high school that made headlines earlier this month for banning students from saying “God Bless America” during the morning announcements has backed down, First Coast News reports. The Nassau County School Board reportedly voted to approve saying “God Bless America” during morning announcements after talking with lawyers. Earlier reports indicated that though the school did not believe there was a constitutional violation, school officials would not allow students to deviate from the script for morning announcements. The battle over free speech and God in schools escalated quickly when heavyweights on the left and right made the school a highly publicized ideological battlefield. Keep reading… ZIP | February 18, 2015 7:54 pm Justice Dept. could sue Ferguson for racial discrimination Washington (CNN)The Justice Department is preparing to bring a lawsuit against the Ferguson, Missouri, police department over a pattern of racially discriminatory tactics used by officers, if the police department does not agree to make changes on its own, sources tell CNN. Attorney General Eric Holder said this week he expects to announce the results of the department's investigation of the shooting death of Michael Brown and a broader probe of the Ferguson Police Department before he leaves office in the coming weeks. Brown's shooting death at the hands of Officer Darren Wilson has thrust Ferguson into the center of a nationwide debate over police tactics and race relations. The Justice Department is expected to announce it won't charge Wilson for the shooting, but it's also expected to outline findings that allege a pattern of discriminatory tactics used by the Ferguson police. If they don't agree to review and revise those tactics, sources say, the Justice Department would sue to force changes in the department. Asked to comment, Ferguson police Chief Thomas Jackson told CNN's Sara Sidner, "I have received nothing new. "Everything they suggested in the past has been reasonable and we have tried to comply." Among the issues expected to be part of the Justice Department's lawsuit are allegations made in a recent lawsuit filed by a group of low-income people who claimed officers in Ferguson and nearby Jennings targeted minorities with minor traffic infractions and then jailed them when they couldn't pay fines. The Justice Department action would ask for court supervision of changes at the Ferguson Police Department to improve how police deal with the minority communities they are supposed to protect. Holder hinted at plans to announce the outcome of the dual investigations during an appearance at the National Press Club on Tuesday. "I think everybody will see when we announce our results that the process that we have engaged in is, as I said back at the time when I went to Ferguson, independent, thorough and based on all the facts," he said. "And I am confident that people will be satisfied with the results that will be announced." © 2015 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A Superbug Nightmare Is Playing Out at an LA Hospital By Gabrielle Canon | Thu Feb. 19, 2015 6:00 AM EST sfam_photo/Shutterstock In today's terrifying health news, the LA Times reports that two medical scopes used at UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center may have been contaminated with the potentially deadly, antibiotic-resistant bacteria CarbapenemResistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE). Two patients have died from complications that may be connected to the bacteria, and authorities believe that 179 more patients have been exposed. Most healthy people aren't at risk of catching a CRE infection, but in hospitals this bacteria can be quite dangerous: CRE kills as many as half of all people in whom the infection has spread to the bloodstream. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are working with the CA Department of Public Health to investigate the situation, which is expected to result in more infections. The problem isn't just in Los Angeles, though. Last month USA Today reported that hospitals around the country struggle with transmissions of bacteria on these scopes—medical devices commonly used to treat digestive-system problems—and there have been several other under-the-radar outbreaks of CRE. This is pretty scary stuff, considering that in the antibiotics arms race against bacteria, we are starting to fall behind. Due in large part to unnecessary medical prescriptions and overuse of antibiotics in our food supply, these superbugs are on the rise. In a study published last year that focused specifically on hospitals in the Southeastern United States, researchers reported that CRE cases had increased fivefold between 2008 and 2012. As Mother Jones' Tom Philpott wrote recently, unless something changes, it will only get worse: in a new report, the UK government has come out with some startling global projections. Currently, the report finds, 700,000 people die annually from pathogens that have developed resistance to antibiotics, a figure the report calls a "low estimate." If present trends continue, antibiotic failure will claim 10 million lives per year by 2050, the report concludes. That's more carnage than what's currently caused by cancer and traffic accidents combined. The CDC has, in recent years, amped up its efforts to contain the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and ha developed a tool-kit to help educate both patients and medical practitioners. The Obama administration has increased funding in 2015 for CDC research into how to better detect these types of infections. It also expanded the National Healthcare Safety Network to track threats of superbugs and areas of antibiotic overuse. But the CDC emphasizes that more must be done: Can you imagine a day when antibiotics don't work anymore? It's concerning to think that the antibiotics that we depend upon for everything from skin and ear infections to life-threatening bloodstream infections could no longer work. Unfortunately, the threat of untreatable infections is very real. Copyright ©2015 Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress. All Rights Reserved. L.A. Times Concedes ‘Serious Diseases’ Come from Mexico, Central America by Tony Lee 18 Feb 2015 194 During last summer’s border crisis, left-wing and mainstream media outlets mocked Americans who were concerned that illegal immigrants may be carrying disease like Tuberculosis. But in a story downplaying the measles threat from Mexico and Central America, the Los Angeles Times concedes that, “beyond measles, however, there are some serious diseases that are brought to the United States from Mexico and Central America.” Tuberculosis is chief among those diseases, according to the Times, which noted that “in 2013, 65% of the tuberculosis cases in the U.S. occurred among foreign-born people”: A majority of those people came from five countries: Mexico (1,233 cases), the Philippines (776 cases), India (495 cases), Vietnam (454 cases) and China (377 cases). Hepatitis A is another disease that has migrated northward. The Times noted that, according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, “six cases of tuberculosis and 145 cases of chicken pox were reported” among illegal immigrant juveniles who would later be released into the United States. In an interview last year with Breitbart News during the border crisis, Dr. Jane Orient, an internal medicine specialist and the Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), warned that diseases like Norovirus and chicken pox can potentially endanger Americans. And she specifically singled out Tuberculosis as a leading threat. “Tuberculosis (TB) is the single most dangerous disease because it is highly contagious and can be easily picked up at the mall, at a school, or on the bus,” Orient told Breitbart News. “Cases coming from south of the U.S. border can be very resistant to medications. They don’t respond to traditional antibiotics, and the few drugs they may respond to are often toxic, with lots of side effects.” Orient said that while legal immigrants have been screened, the illegal immigrant juveniles “have no medical screenings and no vaccine records. They’re likely coming here with a number of infectious diseases that will spread like wildfire.” Big Journalism Copyright © 2015 Breitbart Advertise With Us Copyright © 2015 Breitbart
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